What to do if a person is sad. Feeling sad? How to help yourself

Of course, there are no recipes that work for every person. But try some of the tips below. As soon as you feel some inspiration at the mention of an idea, implement it without a doubt! After all, overcoming sadness is very important. A constant sad state leads to depression, apathy, which in the future can even cause various health problems.

The best thing to do now is not to delve into yourself, but to active recreation. There are probably plans in your head that you have always pushed aside due to time problems, or maybe you thought it wasn’t too serious to do. Perhaps you have long dreamed of skydiving? Or go on a river kayaking trip? Visit the Magellan Islands? Choose what you like and what suits your wallet. A goal set and accomplished always brings pleasure and satisfaction.

But it happens that financial capabilities really do not allow you to undertake any of the adventures that you would be happy to undertake. It gets even sadder. Is there a way out? Certainly! There is an excellent "antidepressant" that works for every person due to physiological reasons. This is... sport!

Start exercising actively. If you don't have time or money for Gym, then home workouts or jogging will be an excellent solution. It is very important not to feel sorry for yourself and not to be lazy. A workout performed to the limit of your capabilities not only leads to quick results, but also promotes the production of joy hormones: endorphin, serotonin and dopamine. An ever-improving appearance.

If you're just tired

IN modern society, where people often try to take on many responsibilities, they sometimes feel sad simply from fatigue. There are not enough positive emotions, there are only tasks and projects all around. If you feel that you need a vacation, then take it immediately. You don't have to go on vacation, but a couple of quiet days when no one bothers you won't hurt.

First of all, get a good night's sleep. Usually, when a person wakes up on his own, and not from an alarm clock, then in the morning he has good mood. Then go meet up with old friends. People, in their worries, sometimes forget about how much strength and joy a simple meeting with a friend, going to the cinema with your company or a good party gives.

By the way, the party excellent remedy rest and relax. No need to lean on alcoholic drinks and snacks, but what you should do is dance, chat with friends and remember to smile at people.

Well, to cheer yourself up right now, without delay, treat yourself to some little thing. Eat some chocolate if you're not on a diet. Brew delicious aromatic tea or good strong coffee. Order the book you've been wanting for a long time from the online store. Buy airline tickets for your vacation on a sale that suddenly pops up. Look out the window: what beautiful clouds!

It can arise almost out of the blue. From raindrops pattering on the roof, from a steel-gray sky, or from various kinds information. Sadness is a special emotional state of a person, which has been sung more than once by poets, writers and artists.

What is sadness?

Sadness refers to a negative emotion that occurs when one feels dissatisfaction in various aspects of life. That is, when a person has problems at work or has a quarrel with one of his relatives, it is likely that he will feel sad. It is worth noting that sadness in a clinically advanced case can turn into depression, although dictionaries say the following: “Sadness is a state similar to melancholy or languid despondency. We can also say that this is a phase in which accumulated negative emotions - irritation, minor grievances - cannot find a way out."

Often sadness becomes the basis of lyrical or works of art. Sadness is human life, and, like every phenomenon, it can perform positive and negative functions.

Why is sadness needed?

It is not always possible to understand what exactly caused sadness. Sometimes it happens that in the evening a person great mood, and in the morning he wakes up with a feeling of sadness. Overnight nothing changed in his life, nothing unexpected, unexpected or destructive happened. But he woke up sad...

Being in a state of sadness is unnatural for a person. Someone might argue, saying: “I’m always sad” or “I like sadness.” But sadness is a kind of signal that the subconscious sends, prompting action. For people who are not inclined to succumb to negative emotions, it is something alien, unusual and hostile. Accordingly, you want to get rid of this feeling, so you have to get up from the couch, make decisions, answer calls and change your life. As practice shows, active, result-oriented actions are the best cure for sadness.

When talking about sadness, many people associate it with different concepts such as resentment, melancholy, grief, despondency. These terms are vague enough that it is difficult to define their boundaries, but it is important to understand that in some cases they have nothing to do with sadness. Here are some of the most common terms that are often used instead:

  • Yearning. The feeling is stronger and deeper, often expressed more intensely than sadness. It arises from very unpleasant experiences. Most often they are associated with breaking up with someone.
  • Dejection. If sadness or longing can force a person to do something, then despondency does not have such motivational power. When despondency is characterized by decreased performance and bad mood over a long period of time.
  • Sorrow. The extreme stage of sadness. We can say that grief is an emotion that also affects the physical state (headaches, insomnia, heart problems). Occurs after loss loved one, physical or mental capabilities.

Positive traits

Melancholy - these states are often perceived negatively by others. But, as in all aspects of our existence, something positive can be found in them:

  • Order. Mild sadness is useful, as a person begins to think about his life and tries to find the source of this emotional state. Along the way, he reconsiders his values, principles and behavior. This helps bring order to your thoughts.
  • Motivator. As already mentioned, such a state is unnatural for a person, so sadness can be an excellent motivational tool on the path to what you want.
  • Sympathy. A person who stays for a long time bad mood, mostly focused only on himself. But the one who not so long ago felt light prick sadness, understands that there are people who may be even worse. Sadness gives rise to sympathy, and sympathy gives rise to “Humanity.”
  • Relief. Sometimes sadness leads to tears, and that has its merits too. Tears help you calm down and find peace of mind.

How to overcome sadness?

A. Rosenbauman had these words: “Sadness always comes suddenly. Go for a walk, because there is no one to share them with.” Of course, sometimes sadness is considered a manifestation of certain human qualities. It helps you improve yourself and understand yourself better. But when a state of bad mood drags on for months without a hint of enlightenment, this is already a diagnosis. Therefore, you need to be able to take the best from sadness, and then get rid of it without any twinges of conscience:

  • Sweet. Glucose and chocolate charge the body with energy, and this always improves your mood.
  • More life. Another dreary morning? Have breakfast at a nearby cafe or go to a place you’ve always wanted to visit. New impressions will make you forget about your bad mood.
  • Less urgency - more joy. When you are in a bad mood, it is better to postpone all important and urgent matters. If possible, turn off your work phone and do what brings you joy: blow bubbles, ride a bike, watch comedies.
  • Exploit. Sadness doesn't always need to be banished. Sometimes it can be used in creativity. Try writing a poem, an essay, or playing a melody.

What are others saying?

You can often hear many statements about sadness that tell better than any definition what its essence, benefits and dangers are:

  • Your sadness is proof that your soul has not yet hardened.
  • Strong people are sad, weak people become depressed.
  • Sadness and longing are like children - if you take good care of them, they will grow up quickly.
  • A cup of tea and a pillow are the things that will share any melancholy.
  • There is a lot of sadness in the world, but no one forces you to look it in the eye.
  • Sadness cannot be treated with wine, otherwise it will turn into despondency.

We can also say that sadness is a temporary, weak and shallow phenomenon. The experience is less unpleasant for a person, so in this state you can create many truly amazing things. The feeling of slight sadness always comes suddenly. And I really want to hide from the whole world and just relax in silence. Yes, sadness is negative emotion, but with many positive qualities.

Sadness. Sometimes it comes at a time when we least expect it. It descends like thick fog and envelops us in cold. It is this negative emotion that is most difficult to manage. It can be difficult to pull yourself together, regain control of the situation and good mood, is not it?

When we are sad, it feels like someone came into the room and turned off the light. It seems to us that those around us do not understand us, and everyone life goes on not this way.

What to do? The main thing is not to let sadness and longing get the better of you.

All you need is a little practice.

1. Go for a walk

You feel sad and feel like you have no strength for anything. You are thinking of staying at home and finding peace in solitude. Do not do this under any circumstances! Instead, put on your favorite sneakers, comfortable pants for exercise, grab your apartment keys... And for a walk!

Walking briskly the sadness will gradually dissipate, and problems that just recently seemed like an unbearable burden will seem completely solvable. At the same time, internal tension will dissipate.

When our body feels active, the heart beats rhythmically, the muscles work, the brain begins to secrete endorphins- hormones of happiness well known to all of us. Because of this, we begin to look at the world, assessing differently what is happening to us.

A fresh outlook on life will help you cope with problems and drive away melancholy.

2. On a sunny day, it is much easier to return to a good mood

The sun will warm your skin, and soon you will feel happy and calm. However, you should not spend more than 15 minutes in the sun. This time will be enough for your body to receive a good portion vitamin D.

Remember: on days when you feel sad, you shouldn’t hide in dark corners of the house or seek comfort under the covers.

Typically, people who suffer depression, try to avoid sunlight. Never do this! Light and warmth will fill your body with vitality and return you to a good mood.

3. Forget about business for a couple of hours

We know that sometimes this is not easy to do. You may ask, what to do with work, responsibilities, promises, without which relationships with other people are impossible? You can't act irresponsibly. On the one hand, this is true. We live in a society, so it is impossible to abstract ourselves from all the obligations that it imposes on us.

On the other side, when we're sad, we lose motivation and any desire to active life. When we are sad, it is unlikely that we will be able to do our work well.

How to solve this problem? Stop and give yourself a couple of free hours. You will see that nothing will happen during this time. Let this time be just for you. Enjoy it, your freedom, attention to yourself and your needs, without any pressure from the outside... During this time you can be yourself.

4. Write down your thoughts

Do you keep a diary? If you've never tried this, now might be the right time. By putting your thoughts on paper, you organize them. Soon you will notice that the chaos of ideas and thoughts that kept you from relaxing is gone.

When we write, we structure our ideas and get to know ourselves better. Keeping a diary is a kind of sincere intimate dialogue with yourself.

You don't have to have writing talent to do this. Don't think about the form, just write about what excites you: memories, worries, irony, even... Emotions will be reflected in words, and along with this, internal tension will go away.

5. Cry if you need to.

Crying is a completely natural reaction that should not be ashamed. Tears help relieve tension from accumulated emotions. Sometimes we just need to cry. Sadness must find a way out, otherwise you will not be able to restore your inner balance and get rid of emotional stress.

Sometimes it can be so sad that one walk is not enough to feel the joy of life again. A heart-to-heart conversation with a close friend doesn’t always help. It is at this moment that they will come to your aid. tears.

Don't be afraid, it's quite natural reaction which will benefit the body. Soon you will feel much calmer.

It's time to get to know yourself better. Who do you see in the mirror? Is it you? No, you won’t recognize that attractive and charming person in the mirror image. Sadness takes away a lot of vitality. We are sure that you do not like to see yourself in this state.

Ask yourself what can you do to feel better? What will help drive away your melancholy?

7. Find someone who can listen

Not every person is able to listen well to others. There is probably someone in your family or circle of friends who always turns the conversation on themselves and talks about their affairs, without ever asking how your day was. But now you need support like no one else. Turn to those close to you who know how to sincerely listen and look into your eyes with genuine complicity.

It is a valuable gift to have the opportunity to truly be heard. After such spiritual communication you will feel calmer, negative thoughts will begin to fade into the background, love for life and good mood will return. Don't hesitate, if you feel you need support, seek it.

8. Treat yourself

Little joys and surprises will help dispel the fog of sadness and melancholy. If you focus all your attention only on difficulties and problems, they will grow even more in your eyes, so it’s better relax.

How long have you been to the cinema? Or maybe it's time to discover something new? Sign up for a dance class or yoga class? Do you know your city well? Maybe there is an interesting exhibition open now? When in last time have you been to the city park?

It's not always fun for a person. The high spirits became too much for many a rare occurrence. But melancholy or apathy, low mood has become almost the norm.

However, nothing is normal here, so if you are sad all the time, you need to do something about it, and soon. It is no secret that depression may well develop into depression, which, by the way, takes a very long time and is difficult to treat; sometimes it even comes to using medications prescribed by a doctor. It turns out that it is better to overcome sadness than to later be treated for depression. Moreover, many consider it a “thrown away” time. And, as you know, it does not return.

What to do when you're sad?

Before deciding what to do if you are sad, you need to understand the reasons for such poor psychological well-being. When it is clear that the reason for a sad and sad mood must be fought, that is, it is completely unjustified, not serious or not objective, the best solution is to be distracted. Ideally, it would be nice to go somewhere on vacation. If this is not possible, take a mini-excursion to another city for the weekend.

A change of environment and new experiences will help push sad thoughts out of your mind.

Alternatively, find yourself a new hobby, hobby, or, ultimately, start reading a book. That is, find something that fascinates you. Those who have very little imagination can simply make themselves a list of things that they have been meaning to do for a long time, but have been putting off, and do them, firmly telling themselves that the time has come.

The second way to overcome sadness is to overload yourself with activities or work. Dale Carnegie was absolutely right when he said, “Keep busy. This is the cheapest medicine in the world. And the most effective." If you don’t have time to ask yourself why you’re so sad, then you’ll get through this difficult period a little easier than those who allow themselves the luxury of “drowning in tears” or engaging in self-torture.

How to turn sadness to your advantage

However, slight sadness has its advantages. You can discover creative veins in yourself that have previously been dormant. Many of the best works of art, be it music, poetry or songs, as well as sculptures and paintings, were created by people in moments of spiritual despair.

The main thing is that in this way you give vent to your emotions, and do not plunge into the abyss of irrevocable melancholy.

Sadness is an emotion that all people experience at one time or another. It is dangerous because it can turn into depression. You can’t allow yourself to feel sad all the time; you need to try to overcome this state by distracting yourself or letting your emotions spill out.

Of course, be sad! This is the most logical and correct. Once such an opportunity has presented itself, it would be a sin and blasphemy not to take advantage of it.

Being sad is just as important as being happy, loving, singing, etc. But the problem is modern man is that, for the most part, he does not know how to be sad, does not know how and why. Accordingly, a person does not receive any pleasure from sadness, does not understand his condition, as a result of which, as a rule, he suffers and panics, causing harm to himself and others; also in itself produces a very sad spectacle, obsessively evoking pity. In general, the image of the situation is, roughly speaking, negative. It's a pity that it is so.

Sadness... Sadness is beautiful. This is a completely natural state human soul. Moreover, the state is absolutely not similar to joy - it is different. But sadness also has its own depth, shades, its own beautiful moments, which one should be able to distinguish, realize, feel.

The very first thing that we, people, should understand for ourselves is that in no case should we be afraid of this state - the state of sadness. Fear pushes the body into stress readiness and makes it tense. It is fear, not sadness. In itself, the lowered and calm state of true sadness perfectly helps to remember, for example, the past, various moments of personal history, and, by the way, most often, bright moments. Such silent contemplation has a beneficial effect on the mind, soul and body, calming biological processes and reducing energy costs. The state of sadness is a kind of winter of the human body - a very beautiful, slightly sleepy period. Just like any time of year, winter has its own charm, beauty, and philosophy. It was in this state that many literary and artistic masterpieces were created and are being created. Such a peaceful state is simply excellent for accomplishing beautiful and great things. For, for example, unlike joy, it is long and solid. Joy is characterized by bright flashing moments, impulses and waves - it is for more dynamic creativity, short-term communication, manifestation. Sadness, by its nature, easily allows you to create a large and complete, complete thing. The state of sadness can easily be prolonged if necessary...

Perhaps the last property of sadness is its persistence and is a deterrent for most people. The state of sadness is very easy to achieve and prolong. Often, a person, without controlling himself, plunges into this state again and again, prolonging it excessively. And, like any excessive action brought to the point of automatism, sadness acquires vaguely expressed narcotic properties. Remembering that the state of sadness itself is very natural for people, we can understand why it can linger for so long and even begin to bother and torment.

In principle, we don’t need anything to fight sadness - because we don’t need to fight anything. The most important thing for us is to be aware of and be able to control our state and mood.

Sadness is one of the energies of this world, just like joy. Of course, there are more such energies than the two mentioned above, and we cannot even clearly distinguish all of them. Another thing is important - not to allow the total predominance of any one of them. Why not use the diversity given to us from above? It's diversity. In the full spectrum, the edges will appear most clearly and sparkle. With the help of moods it is so easy to make your life complete!

Therefore, sometimes going beyond the limits of joy, be sad and be happy, but do not forget to leave the limits of sadness in order to rejoice. And then they will appear excellent prospects hope that harmony and balance, as well as good mood, will not leave you!

At the Sinton training center there is a whole series of trainings, combined into one, which helps you understand yourself, find joy and harmony in life. We are pleased to invite you to these trainings.
