Eminem's daughter now. Just like her father: what Eminem’s grown-up daughter looks like

Eminem's daughter opened an Instagram account: she looks like a sex bomb, but lives like “the girl next door”

If Eminem's daughter, 21-year-old Haley Jade Scott, wanted to become famous, all doors would probably open for her. A spectacular appearance is a potential guarantor of modeling contracts, and his father’s connections in show business are the key to successful development musical career. Another possible option is to launch your own reality show. The daughter of one of the most popular rappers in the world grew up as a “girl next door” - why not? new story about Cinderella?

However, Hayley is in no hurry to use any “options” for her own promotion. Long years the girl had a single Twitter account, which she kept closed, avoiding associations with her father. Only today the media managed to find out about the existence of her Instagram page (@hailiescott1), on which she, although quite rarely, aptly posts new photos.

Hayley doesn't tend to "post" stories from her life without a break. Here's the little that we managed to find out thanks to Instagram: Haley has a beloved dog, a handsome boyfriend and the status of a student at Michigan State University, where she entered with honors after graduating from school.

Recall that Haley Scott is Eminem's only biological child. Haley's mother is Kimberly Scott, with whom Eminem had a long and complicated affair. The story of Eminem and Kimberly Scott began in 1989, when they were still teenagers. 16-year-old Kimberly and her sister left home and began to live with Eminem and his mother. The couple's relationship lasted more than 10 years before the lovers got married in 1999. True, a few years later the couple filed for divorce. By that time, Eminem had become a father three times: Haley was born in 1995, and later he adopted Kim’s daughter from another man, Whitney, and the daughter of Kimberly’s sister, Alaina Scott.

Hayley Jade Mathers, the one and only my own daughter rapper Eminem can be called a real Christmas gift, because she was born on December 25, 1995, when Catholics and Protestants celebrate Christmas.

Not much is known about Hayley's childhood; after all, in the 90s, stars could still have privacy. However, we know that at the time of her birth, her parents, Kim Scott and Marshall Mathers (the future Eminem), were in very difficult circumstances and lived in a dangerous area.

With cousin

During this period, Eminem began to seriously pursue his musical career.

Relationships in the family were tense, Eminem and Kim broke up and got back together more than once, and even officially got married twice (they got divorced the same number of times).

Parents' wedding in 1999

Subsequently, for the sake of the children, they decided to support friendly relations. Despite the fact that Hayley is their only daughter and generally the only native child Eminem, the girl has two more sisters, an older and a younger one, and a younger brother.

Fun fact: Eminem is often rude and uses obscene language in his songs, but in his house no one was allowed to swear, and Haley grew up to be a very well-mannered girl. And in general, despite the image of a “bad guy,” the rapper turned out to be an excellent father, attentive and caring.

With grandma and dad

With mom

Most often, the children of stars in the United States study in private schools or at home. However, Haley studied at a regular public school in Michigan. Everyone, of course, knew who her parents were, although she used and still uses everywhere maiden name to her mother - Scott, but nevertheless, she managed to lead the life of an ordinary child.

Hayley (left) with her friend

Hayley was an excellent student in school and graduated among the top. She received an award for excellent academic performance. At the same time, the girl showed herself as an activist and athlete: she was a member of the school student council and played volleyball.

Hayley at school

In this video of Haley Scott at graduation:

After school, Hayley chose which field to pursue further education in - her priorities were psychology and entrepreneurship. But psychology still won, which is what she studied at the University of Michigan, where she graduated in 2018 and also with excellent grades.

In the University

Now Hayley and her beloved dog Lottie live in a small house not far from her mother.

She says she's not ready to start her career yet and isn't sure she wants to become famous. She is not going to study music following the example of her father; she is more attracted to social networks, and she wants to become someone influential in this area.

Her relationship with her parents is excellent. She is often called " daddy's daughter", and she says that with her famous father she is very close. Eminem himself has dedicated songs to her throughout his entire career—he has more than a dozen tracks mentioning her—and calls her his inspiration. She also constantly communicates with her mother and often visits her house, where Kim lives with her children.

With a family

Hayley considers her parents to be the most influential people in her life and credits their support for getting her everything she has.

Personal life

Everyone learned that Hayley apparently has a boyfriend from Instagram, where three days after her 21st birthday she posted a photo with a handsome guy.

His name was not mentioned. But the ubiquitous journalists discovered that young man name is Evan McClintock and he studied economics at the University of Michigan. The couple has been dating for more than two years.

Eminem approves of this relationship, and Evan is a fan of his work.

Hayley herself is not very active on social networks and does not flaunt her life. But fake accounts have been created more than once in her name. One day, a Twitter user began writing insults against Taylor Swift on her behalf. At that time, Eminem had to intervene to protect his daughter and make an official statement that this account had nothing to do with the real Haley.

On the eve of her birthday on December 25, 22-year-old Haley Jade Scott posted a candid photo on social media.

Hayley doesn't update her photos as often as her followers would like, so the reaction to new photo, where the girl’s bare breasts are slightly visible, was quite violent.

“Happy birthday to me in advance,” the rapper’s daughter wrote.

Haley Jade Scott doesn't often post photos on in social networks, but every picture of her causes a storm of emotions among her subscribers.

At the moment, more than two seven hundred thousand people are following the life of the blond heiress of Eminem, despite the fact that in her Instagram account Only about 20 photos have been posted.

Looking at Jade, it’s hard to say that she is the daughter of a mega-star of world show business. Scott does not try to advertise that her father is a cult performer who blew up all the charts in the world. For many years, the girl had a single Twitter account, which she kept closed, avoiding associations with her father.

Haley graduated with honors from Chippewa Valley High School in Clinton, Michigan. At her home school, Scott was recognized as a beauty queen.

According to eyewitnesses, the proud father could not contain his joyful emotions. Entering the hall, he shouted loudly: “This is my girl!” As you know, Eminem and his daughter have always been very close, and in 2002 he dedicated the song Hailie’s Song to her.

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Kimberly Ann Scott was Eminem's wife twice and the only woman, with whom he had a long and very complicated relationship.

She lived with her mother, Caitlin Slack, and her stepfather, who abused alcohol and was prone to violence. Kim’s childhood in the family cannot be called prosperous, which left its mark on her future life.

Kim herself said the following in an interview:

“I don't know who my biological father was. But I had to endure sexual harassment from my stepfather.”

Eminem met Kim when he was 15 years old at a party during which he performed LL Cool J's "I'm Bad." This attracted her attention and from that moment their relationship began.

In 1987, 13-year-old Kim and her sister ran away from home and began living with Marshall and his mother.

Debbie Mathers, Eminem's mother, recalls:

“Marshall came home from school with a tall, sullen blonde. He introduced her as Kim Scott and said she needed somewhere to stay. I was glad to help. Kim said she was 15 and I believed her. To tell the truth, she was so sweet and sad that she looked much older.”

Eminem (18 years old) and Kim (14 years old)

Eminem's mother, Debbie, did not speak well of their relationship and did not approve of it. And by and large, this was the reason that the couple had to move to another area.

Birth of a daughter

Their daughter Hayley was born on December 25, 1995. The pregnancy came as a surprise to everyone, but after that Eminem began to work actively; he did not want his daughter to grow up in poverty.

“Hayley is life's greatest gift. I love her very much". - this is what Eminem says about his daughter.

While there was no shortage of love between Kim and Eminem, their relationship was filled with arguments. Here's what one of the rapper's friends said in 1999:

“One day we went to their house and Kim threw all his clothes on the front lawn and Eminem said something to the effect that he was leaving and not coming back. But the next day he returned. They had true love, but they were constantly fighting.”

Their first separation occurred during this period; in 1996, Eminem returned to live with his mother, and Kimberly and her child rented a separate apartment. After some time, the couple reunited.

Wedding and divorce

In 1999, Kimberly officially married Eminem.

The family did not last long and after several years of marriage they divorced. One of the reasons was the song “97 Bonnie & Clyde,” where Eminem “kills” his wife and then, together with his daughter, gets rid of the corpse.

“He (Marshall) destroyed me mentally with this song, I wanted to commit suicide. It was terrible: watching the crowd echo the words of the song, laugh, applaud. After the concert, I came home and decided to kill myself.”

2000 in court after a suicide attempt

After the divorce, Kimberly and Eminem obtained joint custody of their daughter.

Kim periodically had problems with the law, for example, in 2001, an arrest warrant was issued when she began taking drugs after her divorce from Eminem. She was accused of using cocaine, but was not convicted.

2001 in court

In 2002, Kimberly dated Eric Hatter, with whom she gave birth to a daughter, Whitney. There is practically no information about their relationship. Eminem would later adopt Whitney.

Troubles with the law continued, and in 2003, Kim was charged with possession of cocaine, taken into custody, had her driver's license suspended, and was sentenced to 30 days in prison.

2003 trial

After Kim was released from prison, she and Eminem made peace.

Around this time, they obtained custody of Kimberly's sister's daughter, who could not win drug addiction. As a result, Kim and Eminem were raising three children together.

In 2006 they remarried.

Kimberly explained that they decided to get married in honor of their 15th anniversary of their relationship. The wedding took place on the day of their first date. Kim herself wanted to hold an unofficial ceremony, because... I didn't want the kids to go through their divorce again.

However, a little more than a month later they finally broke up. After that, they began to build friendly relations for the sake of the children.

For a long time nothing was heard about Kim, until in 2015, while intoxicated, she ended up in prison. car accident. This situation was actively covered in the press, including because it became known that Kim was attempting to commit suicide in this way. Nothing is known about the reasons for this action.

From the court hearing

The dark streak in Kimberly's life continued with the death of her sister from a heroin overdose.

Despite her difficult childhood and all the hardships that Kimberly went through, she remained a wonderful mother, and her grown daughters are proof of this.

With daughter Hayley

Florists never cease to amaze with their work. Combining seemingly ordinary flowers such as roses, asters, irises, chrysanthemums, with modern elements decor, floral art professionals create masterpieces that you want to capture on paper and in your memory. It is no coincidence that a bouquet of flowers from Megaflowers is a win-win to anyone joyful event. Unfortunately, the composition, even made from fresh flowers, is not durable. But if you follow simple recommendations, you can extend the life of the bouquet.

Important: when buying a bouquet, pay attention to the condition of the flowers. The heads of the roses should be elastic, the stems should be free of spots, the leaves should be shiny and not drooping. The period of their attractiveness depends on the initial freshness of flowers.

Water preparation

The water for the bouquet should be settled, without bleach. To improve water quality, purchase from a flower shop special remedy. If flower delivery is ordered through the Megaflowers company, then this product will be offered to you free of charge along with the bouquet. To prevent pathogenic bacteria from developing in water, add Activated carbon. In practice, to improve the properties of water, soda is also used in the amount of less than a teaspoon per liter of water. Do not allow the water in the vase to become cloudy, change it often and spray the flowers.

Preparing flowers

Before immersing flowers in water, their stems should be trimmed. This is done with a sharp knife at an angle. In some cases, when the stems become lignified, they can be flattened and split. This will make it easier for water to flow into the flower and nutrients. The thorns of the rose, as well as the lower leaves of the flowers that end up in the water, should be removed. Getting them wet will speed up the process of rotting and withering of flowers.

Where to put the bouquet?

A bouquet of flowers should not be placed next to fruits: they emit gas that accelerates the withering of the bouquet. The condition of the bouquet is also affected by the temperature of the room. Flowers are best preserved at a temperature of 18-20 degrees. At the same time, they do not like drafts and hot air from heating devices.

Compatibility of flowers in a bouquet

If you yourself act as a florist, then when assembling a bouquet, consider their compatibility. So, roses are not “friendly” with tulips, but they tolerate the proximity of lilies normally. Hyacinths and daffodils should not be added to bouquets with other flowers: they have a depressing effect on them.

If all these conditions are met, your bouquet will delight you with its beauty and freshness for a long time.

The eighth season of the Bachelor project has started, which fans of this TV show have been eagerly awaiting. The Bachelor is an analogue of the American The Bachelor, which appeared back in 2002. In Ukraine, the reality dating show was released in 2011, and has been filmed every year since then. new project. Next up is season 8, which has already managed to intrigue viewers. Who are the main characters? Let's introduce all the participants of Bachelor 8 on Instagram.














Anusi is born


The Bachelor is an original television show that gives one man and 25 women unique opportunity find true love in the most exciting and adventurous way. Don't miss the next episode of the TV show's passions and follow the lives of the Bachelor 8 heroes on Instagram.

If you're looking for something easy to make but delicious for your lunch or dinner, then this traditional Mexican vegetable soup with meatballs is perfect and brings a little Mexican flavor to your dinner table.

In Albondigas, the meatballs are prepared with ground beef, but you can make them with pork or a mixture of beef and pork. Chicken is also quite suitable. Rice and spices are added to the minced meat. The meatballs are soft and flavorful and just melt in your mouth!

Plus, this soup is filled with fresh vegetables like celery, zucchini, carrots, onions, and potatoes. And best of all, this soup is actually quite easy to make.

Ingredients for Mexican soup

To prepare the meatballs:

  • 450 g minced beef or pork;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 80-100 g of semi-cooked rice;
  • 1 tsp dried oregano;
  • 1 tsp. ground cumin;
  • 1 tsp. chopped fresh parsley;
  • 1 egg;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • ¼ teaspoon pepper.

To prepare the soup:

  • 1 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 stalks of celery;
  • 2 pcs. potatoes;
  • 1 l. chicken broth;
  • 1-1.5 l. water;
  • 400 g tomatoes in their own juice;
  • ½ teaspoon oregano;
  • ¼ teaspoon ground cumin;
  • 1 medium zucchini (250 g);
  • A couple of drops of lemon juice;
  • Spices to taste;
  • Fresh parsley and cilantro for garnish.

Albondigas Soup Instructions

Step 1. Cooking meatballs. Combine all meatball ingredients in a large bowl. With wet hands, form small meatballs approximately the size of Walnut. Makes about 35 meatballs, depending on how big you make them. Place the meatballs in the refrigerator.

Step 2. It's time to prepare our vegetables for the soup. Peel the onion and finely chop it into cubes. Peel 2 cloves of garlic, after which you need to chop it using a garlic press or grater. Peel the carrots and cut into thin strips. Next, you need to wash and cut the celery and zucchini into small pieces, also peel and cut the potatoes into medium-sized cubes.

Step 3. Preparing the soup. Heat in a medium saucepan olive oil over medium heat. Add chopped onion and cook until softened, about 2-3 minutes. Then add chopped garlic, carrots, celery and potatoes. Cook for about 5 minutes, or until the vegetables begin to soften. Don't forget to stir frequently.

Step 4. Pour broth, water and a can of tomatoes into the pan with vegetables. Add cumin and oregano, stir. It is necessary to bring to a boil high fire, then reduce heat to medium or low level, cover and cook for 5 minutes.

Step 5. Take the meatballs out of the refrigerator and throw them into the boiling soup. Stir and cover with a lid, cook over medium heat for another 10 minutes. Then add the zucchini and cook for about 5 minutes more or until the zucchini is tender.

Step 6. Add lemon juice and season with pepper and salt to taste. Serve with chopped cilantro or parsley.

That's it, our soup is ready! Bon appetit, or as they say in Mexico, Buen provecho!

Of course, manicure is not the first thing people pay attention to when communicating with you, but believe me, it is one of those elements that create your image and opinion about your style. In order to keep up with the latest trends and not become an accomplice to anti-trends, let’s get acquainted with the manicure trends in 2018.

Nail shape

Trend 👌 Almond, oval and soft square are the most popular nail shapes for this season. And also trendy short and middle length nails.

Antitrend 😒 Very long nails are a thing of the past. There is an alternative for lovers of long nails, but it has its own nuances. Nails should not be of super critical length, they should not be sharp and square in shape.

Manicure color

Trend 👌 All shades of nude, purple, red, khaki, burgundy, black, transparent and pastel manicure are all a trend.

Antitrends 😒 Neon colors and colored jackets have become simply unacceptable this season.

Manicure design 2018

Trends 👌 Plain coating, marble with glitter, geometry, large crystals and 3D cat's eye. This is exactly what the most fashionable and trendy manicure design will be.

Antitrends 😒 Piercing, stepping, glitter, confetti, sculpting and nail art on nails are an absolute anti-trend.

Trend 1– purple, lavender, pink. The main color of 2018 in the fashion industry according to Pantone is ultraviolet, so, of course, there will be a lot of it. This is a very bright trend and a rather difficult color to combine; you need to be careful with it.

And also a fresh new trend of this season - pastel lavender, a beautiful and feminine color, which is already presented in many mass markets and shops. And if this shade suits you, then you are simply fabulously lucky. And for those for whom soft pastel colors are not very suitable, you can take a closer look at the clothes hot pink color, while in the spring-summer 2018 season, pink will be fashionable in all its forms, from pastel to bright fuchsia.

Trend 2– cage, flowers, pop art. As for the fashionable print of 2018, you will be surprised, because the cage is still at the peak of popularity, regardless of color, shape, size. The check will be everywhere on trench coats, coats, bags, trousers, hats, in general, everywhere. And again, a print from past seasons, which quite often appeared on the catwalk in designer collections for spring-summer 2018, is a floral print. The only thing that has changed is the size of the flowers - they have become even larger.

From the latest prints - pop art. For some designers it was comics, for others it was works of art, in any case it was something new and interesting.

Trend 3– fringe. Long fringe is a trend that designers all unanimously support in their collections at shows.

Trend 4– plastic. Clothing made of plastic is the most unexpected trend that has been used even in the collections of the most famous designers such as Chanel and Valentino.

Trend 5– trench coats. Unusual trench coats are a very interesting trend, as this time the designers played with unusual cuts, inserts, belts, and patterns.

Trend 6– denim. Stylists and designers suggest concentrating on dark denim and denim. The most fashionable way to wear denim is still a total look.

Trend 7– sport. Sportswear is now at the peak of its popularity: sports jackets, suits, oversized items - it’s all in fashion.

Trend 8– logo. Logomania is the main one fashion trend and a sign of the style of the 2000s – this season received a second life. Giant brand logos appear on clothing and accessories.

Trend 9– minimalism and masculinity. Pantsuits This season they are again relevant, and minimalism is still in trend.

These were the most important trends of the spring-summer 2018 season that you should know about. Choose the trends that suit you, then you will be the most stylish and fashionable.

We often discuss fashion trends, offered famous designers, and the variations of clothing that we introduce into our wardrobe. But very often we leave behind all this those trends and those wonderful pieces that designers offer us from the category of something extreme, new, exclusive. Of course, this is sometimes very shocking, but it’s still worth remembering them and looking at the strange variations of clothes that fashion designers offered us, but for some reason we don’t yet accept them and don’t want to introduce them into our wardrobe.

Jeans with garters
