Emmanuel Macron. Brigitte Macron: the woman behind the French President

Emmanuel Macron, the current President of France, attracted attention not only for his proposed political and economic programs, but also for his personal life, namely his marriage to Brigitte Trognier (currently Macron).

Brigitte Macron in her youth

Brigitte Tronier was born in 1953 in Amiens, which is located in northern France. She was the youngest of six children. This probably suggests a story about how difficult it was to exist in large family, O difficult times and becoming a princess. But the Troniers were far from poor: the business associated with the production of chocolate provided status and high income.

Brigitte didn't go to family business, and chose a job teaching French and Latin at a local school.

Brigitte - school teacher

She also did theater productions.

At the age of 21, she married Andre Louis Ozier, a local banker, and the couple later had three children. There were no signs of change; it seemed that life was settled and did not require any adjustments.

Emmanuel Macron

In 1993, Brigitte met fifteen-year-old Emmanuel Macron, her student in a theater group; their age difference was 24 years.

Brigitte Tronier and Emmanuel Macron at the beginning of their relationship

At that time he was quiet and not particularly sociable, he was interested in poetry and philology, which became the subject of their conversations at first. The young man fell in love with the teacher and declared that he would marry her anyway:

“No matter what you do, no matter how you dodge me, I will marry you.”

Macron during his studies

Brigitte (center)

Macron kept his promise, being already a serious adult, and not a teenager, whose statements were perceived as a manifestation of youthful maximalism.

The parents of the future president opposed the connection adult woman with their young son. They sent Emmanuel to study in Paris at the prestigious gymnasium named after Henry IV. For some reason, according to many, distance is a panacea for unnecessary, inconvenient love.

Brigitte in 2001

And how good it is that the majority is often wrong! In 2006, Brigitte divorced her husband and moved to Paris, where Macron was waiting for her.

They corresponded throughout the years of their stay in different cities. How can you not believe in the power of love after this?!

This video tells the love story of Brigitte and Emmanuel Macron:

“Abnormal, but real,” is how the French president described his couple when he gave his wedding speech.

Their wedding took place at the town hall on Le Touquet beach, where they now have their own villa, which Brigitte inherited.


Emmanuel's first appearance with his wife Brigitte June 2, 2015

French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife

Despite the age difference, the couple manages to maintain harmony: Brigitte takes care of herself like any young girl, appears at receptions with her husband in outfits from the first designers and supports him in all his endeavors.

Brigitte Macron's style

As Emmanuel himself emphasizes, his current position is entirely the merit of his wife.

She not only pushed him to fight for the presidency, but also became his faithful assistant in all matters.

At the elections

Presidential Inauguration

With the US President and his wife Melania Trump

To Abu Dhabi

In India

With the French national football team

Macron had to give up her teaching career, but she found another use for her linguistic skills: she began writing texts for her husband’s speeches. Emmanuel, in turn, helps his wife play the role of grandmother: he happily babysits her grandchildren, treating them as his own.

“I love Brigitte. She is a brilliant woman and has a charming figure" -

Karl Lagerfeld’s words reflect the general opinion about Brigitte Macron - she is perceived as a style icon and they note that age acts as a highlight of this image.

However, she notes that being a bearer of her status is not so easy and is somewhat embarrassed, saying that, unlike her husband, she was not chosen as the First Lady of France. Being the wife of a famous politician is not only the need to conform, it is also increased popularity, which, according to Brigitte, becomes a test.

This is understandable: no matter where you are, you must always be prepared for attention from the media; there is almost no time left for the personal and inviolable.

"I told myself: I'm going to miss my life if I don't do this."

Brigitte’s determination cannot be denied; after all, making drastic changes and stepping into the unknown is something not everyone can do. Now the first lady of France receives countless letters in which people admire her and her husband and call them a source of inspiration. On this moment she is doing research social problems and analyzes how successfully government programs are being implemented.

Brigitte names a newborn panda at the zoo

The road to the Elysee Palace was not paved with roses, but strong love and the determination of the spouses did their job and helped them win the hearts of the French people.

Macron family

It seems that today there is not a single couple in the world that attracts as much attention as Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron. They fascinate not only with their beauty. The history of the relationship between the new French president and his wife does not allow opponents to calm down and delights supporters. Real feelings never leave room for indifference.

Emmanuel Macron

Emmanuel was born in the north of France. The parents of the future president devoted their entire lives to medicine. As Emmanuel himself later admits, his upbringing was mostly done by his grandmother, who was the director of the college. Thanks to her, Macron imbibed a love of knowledge and a desire to constantly learn something new. His parents supported and encouraged his son's hobbies; he studied at the most prestigious school in Amier - La Providence College.

He was the best student in the class, he was never afraid to express his opinion, he was the first acting, and in music. He always strived for development, which is perhaps why he spent more time with teachers than with classmates. Later this will play a fateful role in his life.

Brigitte Tronier (Ozier married)

Bridget was born in 1953, in the family of a fairly famous chocolatier in the city and the owner of a chain of confectionery shops. In addition to the youngest Bridget, there were five more children in the family.

Having received Teacher Education, she taught in Paris and Strasbourg, and in 1974 she married André Louis Ozier. She had three children in this marriage. Brigitte taught French and Latin at La Providence, and at the same time ran a theater studio, which helped her add some variety to her measured family life.

“All life is theater...”

It was in the theater studio that Emmanuel Macron met his first love, who became the meaning of life for him. Collaboration with Bridget in the production of the school play became the starting point from which it all began. When choosing the next play to work on, the studio director lamented that there were too few roles for their large team. Emmanuel offered to write the script ourselves, she began to boil painstaking work.

Bridget and Emmanuel, who recently turned 15, began to spend a lot of time together. They communicated and flowed with ideas, argued about ways to implement them, getting closer and closer to each other. At that time, no one even thought about love. They were just interested in being together. How many teenagers fall in love with their teachers? And not everyone then develops a relationship. However, Emmanuel was very serious.

Love and separation

Bridget was somewhat confused. She understood that she was experiencing something more than simple affection for her student and was afraid of these feelings. She drove away any thoughts about him. What can we talk about if her own daughter is studying in the same class with Emmanuel?

The young man, realizing that he was immensely attracted to this amazing woman, on his 17th birthday very calmly and confidently told Bridget that he would marry her. The boy's parents, having learned about his feelings, insisted that he leave. Their reasoning was simple and understandable. If the object of his love is not in front of his eyes, then teenage emotions will very quickly fade away and be forgotten. Emmanuel went to continue his education in Paris. But he knew absolutely for sure: he wouldn’t just give up his love.

Paris and love

He completed his studies at the best Parisian Lyceum Henry IV. But even big study load did not leave any chance that he would forget about his feelings. On the contrary, they intensified every day. The young man became increasingly convinced that no one could replace Bridget. The charismatic handsome man was popular with girls, but he called his Bridget every evening. They talked for hours, sharing their impressions of the day, news and emotions. The bond between the two lovers grew stronger.

Two years away from his beloved only strengthened the young man in his determination. Arriving in his native Amiens, he told his parents that they would have to accept his choice, because his feelings were stronger than his and stronger than any prohibitions.

On Emmanuel's 18th birthday, Bridget divorced her husband and the lovers were finally reunited. They had to endure rumors and sidelong glances from the inhabitants of a small town. But how could these minor troubles compare with the endless feeling of mutual happiness?

Birth of a family

They were passionate about each other and about building relationships with their families. As a result, Emmanuel's parents and Bridget's children were able to fully understand and fully accept this extraordinary couple. Only one thing upset the man: his beloved categorically refused to officially marry him. However, Macron was gradually able to convince Brigitte how important this was. Their love has the right to exist only because it exists. On October 20, 2007, Emmanuel and Bridget became husband and wife.

The conquering power of love

Whether it was a coincidence or not, it was from the moment the marriage was registered that a rapid career Macron. And his beloved Bibi was always nearby.

When Emmanuel became France's finance minister, the Macron family faced another test. They accepted the right decision: tell yourself about your family, rather than force journalists to collect rumors. They began to give interviews in which they honestly and quite openly told their romantic story.

Happy people had nothing to hide. The man spoke proudly about his wife, and she spoke about him with love. They have no children together, but the man considers his wife’s two daughters and son to be his own and enjoys taking care of his grandchildren. During the election campaign of his wife for the presidency, Bridget selected his image and directed it public performance. Therefore, victory in the elections is their common one.

They walked hand in hand the way from student years Emmanuel before his election as President of France. She helped him in everything, supported and inspired him, his incomparable beloved Bibi.

Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron celebrate their victory in the presidential election on stage at the Louvre.

The youngest president of France was persistent in achieving his goal. But the classic of the French novel never managed to conquer his beloved.

Gonzalo Fuentes/Reuters

The wives of French leaders often found themselves at the center of scandals, hitting the front pages of newspapers due to excessive spending, adultery, betrayal or even murder. And none of them had such a decisive influence on their spouse’s career as happened with Brigitte Tronier. 24 years older than her husband, she became his guide and adviser when Emmanuel Macron was only 15 years old, and now plays important role in his campaign, providing advice on speeches and agenda-setting.

Brigitte Trogneux, wife of former French Economy Minister Emmanuel Macron, leaves the Church of Saint-Sulpice after the funeral of French businessman Henri Herman (one of Macron's influential supporters - ed.) Martin Bureau / AFP

"Emmanuel Macron could not have made this journey alone," said Marc Ferracci, a campaign manager who attended the couple's 2007 wedding as a witness. "Her support is crucial to him."

With only two weeks left before the first round of elections in France, numerous polls show Macron as the favorite. It is possible that he will advance to the second round together with Marine Le Pen (National Front) and even defeat her by a large margin.

“If I am elected - I apologize, if we are elected! - she will be with me, she will have her own role and place,” Macron, 39, said about his 63-year-old wife Brigitte, speaking on March 8 in Paris. “I I owe her a lot: she helped me become who I am."

Portraits of many first ladies of France ended up in history books: Marie Antoinette's squandering contributed to the fall of the monarchy in late XVIII c., and Empress Josephine could not give Napoleon an heir, which is why he divorced her. In 1914, the wife of Prime Minister Joseph Caillot, Henrietta, killed the editor of the newspaper Le Figaro because he was threatening political career her husband.

French Economy Minister Emmanuel Macron and Brigitte Trognier on their way to the Elysee Palace, where a dinner party is being held to mark the visit of the King and Queen of Spain (June 2015) Eric Fererberg / AFP

If Macron and his wife become the new inhabitants of the Elysee Palace, Bridget can be included in the list of the most remarkable first ladies.

In the 1980s and 90s, when Socialist President François Mitterrand led double life secretly meeting with his mother illegitimate daughter Mazarin, his wife Danielle, arranged her own love life.

Bernadette Chirac told the biographer that she silently endured the numerous infidelities of her husband Jacques, while Nicolas Sarkozy's wife, Cecilia, left him for her lover 6 months after the inauguration. In 2014 common-law wife François Hollande, Valerie Trierweiler, has published a bitter memoir about the president, whose relationship with actress Julie Gayet became public knowledge.

The challenge for Macron and his wife, if they do become residents of the Elysee Palace in May, will be to prevent their personal history from becoming a distraction (their age difference is the same as Donald and Melania Trump, only in this case the wife is older). The new French president will take office against the backdrop of world events such as Brexit and the election of Trump, while France's own economy is recovering falteringly and unemployment remains at 10%.

Eleanor Beardsley/NPR

Bridget, former teacher French literature and Latin, was born into the Trogneux family, which owned a chocolate factory in Amiens, in northern France. In 1992, she taught theater at a private Jesuit school: it was then that Bridget met 15-year-old Macron. He took part in her productions, and gradually the relationship between the two developed into closer ones - to the point that Bridget divorced her husband and father of her three children.

Macron is second from the right in the top row

Bridget - center

Despite the fact that they have been married for 10 years, this union still causes bewilderment in society - and the attention will only intensify if the couple one day finds themselves in the spotlight of the Elysee Palace.

Realizing that they are violating the foundations of bourgeois-conservative France, the independent candidate and his partner are trying to prevent any attacks against them. "They're an unusual couple, and this just strengthens their relationship," Ferracci says.

To get ahead of their ill-wishers, they opened the doors to their lives and even began to appear on the covers of glossy magazines like the large-circulation Paris Match, where the couple is depicted in swimsuits while relaxing by the sea. April issue British Vogue dedicated a note to Madame Macron: “persistent tan, bleached hair, expensive designer bag and stilettos.”

Macron has twice debunked rumors that he is allegedly homosexual. He even spontaneously raised this topic at one of the rallies, joking that he would need a hologram to lead a double life. He is also not afraid to directly discuss issues related to the marriage of a teacher and a student.

"We have unusual family“You can’t deny it,” he says. Bridget stands nearby in her signature outfit - Jean jacket and tight black trousers. “But this doesn’t make our family less loving.”

The couple recently made a new friend who can help them save face in the press. Michelle Marchand (nicknamed Mimi), the head of one of the most influential photo agencies in France, Bestimage, declared herself a supporter of Macron.

“They are real and normal, that’s all I can say,” Marchant said in an interview.

Christophe Petit Pisson/Pool

People who have worked with Macron say Brigitte is one of the few people he trusts. Alexis Kohler, who headed Macron's cabinet when he was economics minister, recalls her influence. "She attended business meetings with him. This is a woman who is involved in her husband's life."

Bridget is largely responsible for her husband's campaign. IN documentary film France3 shows Macron preparing to give an important speech when his wife rushes out to give him instructions. "You should lower your voice on the word 'to,'" she says, "and raise it to make your point." When Macron was asked about his wife's presence at one of the meetings, he replied: "Her opinion is important to me." She, in turn, calls herself the “head of the fan club” of Macron.

Stephane Allaman/Bestimage

Speaking about this relationship, Bridget quotes Montaigne: “We polish our mind on the mind of another,” she said in 2015 on Canal Plus. Friends claim that the couple is united by a love of intellectual duels and literature.

Like President Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, who made his wife Anne-Eimone in the 1970s key figure in his presidential career, Macron promised that if elected he would achieve for his wife official status, "but without salary." Bridget supports this plan.

“For 20 years I was involved in everything he did,” she told reporters in Strasbourg. “It always surprises you that wives are next to their husbands. It’s time these views change. This is where we belong.”

Pascal Rossignol/AFP

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Name: Brigitte Macron

Date of Birth: 13.04.1953

Age: 65 years old

Place of Birth: Amiens city, France

Height: 1.65 m

Activity: teacher, first lady of France

Family status: Married

Brigitte Macron, wife of the French President, was born on April 13, 1953 in the northern part of France, in the small town of Amiens. The father was Jean Tronier, who worked as a pastry chef in his own factory, which made cookies and macarons. At the same time, Bridget became the sixth child in the family.

As a result, the girl grew up in a wealthy family and could enjoy the financial stability of her parents and their love. Currently, the family confectionery factory's income is about 4 million euros per year. Looking through the photo of the wife of French President Macron, you can understand how flawless she looks even at her age.

Brief biography of Brigitte Macron

Bridget grew up very attentive, focused and purposeful, thanks to which she was able to achieve great success in life. In addition, the girl successfully studied at school, and subsequently managed to obtain a pedagogical education. Bridget later began working as a teacher. French and Latin alphabet. In addition, the activities of a pedagogical circle were organized.

Brigitte Macron in her youth

Brigitte Marie-Claude was very beautiful, which is why she won the hearts of many men. A photo of Bridget in her youth allows you to understand how naturally beautiful the Frenchwoman is and how she strives for elegance, real beauty.

It should be noted that initially, at the age of 21, the girl became the wife of banker Andre Louis Ozier and lived happily in her first marriage.

Bridget gave birth to three children to her first husband: one son and two daughters. You can guess that even thoughts about how life would actually change could not appear.

Dating and relationship between Bridget and Emmanuel

The future spouses met when Emmanuel was a teenager. At the age of 15, Emmanuel met his future wife for the first time. Bridget was a teacher at the school at that time. The first meeting took place during the preparation of a theatrical play that was to be presented at the school.

After meeting, active joint studies began, because Emmanuel attended additional lessons every evening for two years and accompanied his teacher home. It should be noted that Bridget’s husband was actually jealous of his wife for Emmanuel and did not understand such a relationship.

Emmanuel and Brigitte met in their youth

The story of the romantic relationship began a couple of years after they met, but it took a long time before the reunion of two close people and their wedding. However, it was at the age of 17 that Emmanuel understood and accepted his deep romantic feelings. However, Bridget had her own family at the time, so she could not imagine what her life would be like in the future.

Besides, no one could understand romantic relationship between a teacher and her student, who were separated by age and social status. However, Macron firmly decided to become the husband of his beloved woman. In addition, now a photo of the wife of French President Emmanuel Macron confirms that the previous decision turned out to be correct.

The couple love each other very much

Initially, Emmanuel was forbidden to communicate with Bridget. It was for this reason that the young man was sent to study in the capital of France, Paris. It was assumed that Emmanuel would be able to complete his studies at the elite gymnasium named after Henry IV. Despite the forced distance and lack of opportunity for full communication, the future spouses maintained good friendly relations.

In addition, Bridget subsequently divorced her husband. Later she managed to get close to Emmanuel. However, the wedding took place only 13 years after the start of active communication.

Emmanuel Macron with his wife

The wedding ceremony was held at the town hall in the resort of Le Touquet, where the Macron family's luxurious villa is located. The wedding day was one of the happiest for Emmanuel. Despite the absence of common children, the couple still live happily with each other. In addition, Macron, the President of France, noted that the decision to have no common children is a conscious one.

Bridget always supported Emmanuel, thanks to which the lovers were able to create a full-fledged happy family. From the very first steps in big politics Emmanuel Macron, President of France, could count on the guaranteed support of his most beloved woman.

Brigitte Macron's hairstyles

Features of Brigitte Macron's style

The wife of the French President turned 65 on April 13, 2018. Photos of Bridget in her youth and current photographs confirm: the woman knows the basics of beauty and style, thanks to which she always looks 100%. The carefully thought-out image and image of a French woman makes it clear how important it is to carefully monitor style and maintain youth through a healthy lifestyle.

The wife of the French President was recognized as a style icon

  1. Brigitte Macron strives to dress in a special way. Her wardrobe includes two-piece suits, which can consist of short skirts, cropped classic dresses, fitted trousers and elegant double-breasted jackets. In fact, such outfits emphasize the solidity and slimness of the figure. Any images are based on the classics, which are successfully diluted with elements of other stylistic trends.
  2. Bridget prefers an elegant bob haircut average length hair. At the same time, the Frenchwoman remains faithful to golden blonde, because this particular shade suits her perfectly.
  3. Bridget refuses to correct her appearance with plastic surgery. Despite the significant age difference with the spouse, the main task is the desire to demonstrate natural beauty. In addition, the first lady of France does everything to maintain her slim figure, so with a height of 165 centimeters, she weighs 50 kilograms. At the same time, Bridget practically does not play sports and does not diet, but the rules healthy image still respects life.

It is unlikely that the person of the new French President Emmanuel Macron would be so popular if he did not have a wife who is almost a quarter of a century older than him. And this woman is not just the wife of a world-class politician - she is also Macron’s former teacher. It would seem that, fantastic story with a happy ending, which is worthy of film adaptation (and will probably be filmed in the coming years) cannot happen in reality. But the truth is the truth, and this pretty 65-year-old lady really legal spouse The almost 41-year-old president has been president for a full 10 years now. Many are perplexed and wonder why Macron needs an old wife when there are so many people around young beauties, which you can only beckon with your finger. And he holds the hand of his dearest half Brigitte more and more tightly, kisses and hugs her more and more tightly at the first opportunity, leading the audience into more and more bewilderment.

What Brigitte, Macron's wife, was like in her youth (photo)

Brigitte was the youngest of six children in a family of wealthy confectioners Trognier. She got higher education, worked in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, taught in humanitarian institutions. But in the end she returned to her hometown Amiens, where she entered the service at the fateful school. At that time, Brigitte was “deeply” married lady with three children. Her husband was a famous and successful banker, but the opportunity to sit at home and do housework did not inspire the future first lady, and she had no intention of leaving teaching.

In the photo - Brigitte Macron in her youth in a swimsuit

Brigitte and Emmanuel Macron in their youth

Macron as a student

The 39-year-old teacher met the then very young 15-year-old Macron at an Amiens school. The young man immediately fell in love with his teacher. She also thought he was very cute. But she did not take this manifestation of feelings seriously, considering it a youthful whim. However, Emmanuel was firm and persistent to such an extent that Brigitte almost gave up. But reason still prevailed over feelings. Macron's relatives urgently sent the young man to Paris to study, which led to a temporary lull. Emmanuel reappeared in Mrs. Tronier's life a few years later and now decided not to leave his beloved anywhere else. Brigitte was already divorced at that time and was finally able to reciprocate the faithful young man. The couple got married in 2007.

What Brigitte Macron looks like now: the best photos of the president’s wife

Emmanuel calls his wife a muse, advisor, mentor, and the main person in his life. Indeed, it is unknown whether he would have reached such heights if Brigitte had not stood behind him. After all, it was she who wrote his speeches for speeches, selected his clothes, and thought through all the nuances of political campaigns. In this case, the age difference only plays into the hands, because it is easier for a more experienced person to predict the reaction of voters to a particular statement or action.

Brigitte Macron made the ideal first lady - stylish, elegant, pretty, self-confident. French fashion magazines have dubbed Ms Macron a “style icon”. And not without reason. What is it worth a slim body! Few people and more at a young age can boast of such legs, let alone 65-year-old women familiar to our eyes. They usually wear something long, baggy, dull, as if declaring that Life is going towards sunset. But if you look at the way Brigitte dresses, it seems that she still has everything ahead of her.

Just look at the recent photo from behind of the first ladies of France and the USA, which literally blew up the network, dividing users into two camps. Some admired the sexy shape of Melania Trump's buttocks, the way her white pencil skirt fits on her, and at the same time did not forget to criticize Brigitte Marcon for her unsexy rear view.

In the photo - the figure of Brigitte Macron in a swimsuit now

Others saw in the wife of the French president the ideal first lady, who does not need to emphasize her curves and shapes in order to be popular. She is good and happy with herself the way she is. And her husband loves her dearly, no matter what. What can Melania say about this? A well-pumped butt is not a guarantee of family happiness.

Brigitte Macron before and after plastic surgery - photo

Internet users are asking the question: “Did Brigitte Macron have plastic surgery?” The first lady looks quite harmonious and fresh for her age. According to experts in plastic surgery, Madame Macron did not abuse plastic surgery, she only slightly changed the shape of her nose. Otherwise, her face was only subjected to filler injections. But no one would have condemned the first lady if she decided to go under the surgeon’s knife for a more thorough rejuvenation. Of course, if we're talking about about moderate intervention, without turning into Donatella Versace. But, apparently, she does not need such radical measures - she is quite pleased with herself.

If you compare the photo of Macron’s wife in a swimsuit now and before, it is difficult to find many differences - the woman is in great shape. She's posing nearby happy husband, tenderly hugging his missus around the waist, which serves as ironclad proof that you can be loved at any age.

Legendary outfits of Macron's wife: best photos

Surely, subsequently, all the outfits of the first lady of France will receive a place in some fashion museum, because Brigitte has excellent taste. She knows exactly how to look right at this or that reception, how to dress moderately modestly and appropriately. She has long been a fan of the Louis Vuitton brand, preferring it to all other big brands. And this consistency only plays into her hands - from image to image, Madame Macron looks better and better in Louis Vuitton suits and dresses.

Macron's wife has her own Instagram account, where she periodically posts photos from receptions, vacations and other events. It is naive to hope that all the published images of the First Lady of France will appeal to all Internet users without exception. But most people still praise the stylish Brigitte, admiring her taste, resistance to human gossip, and ability to always look dignified and at her best.

These are the women who inspire ordinary people faith in love to which all ages are submissive. How else can you explain Emmanuel’s shining eyes when he looks at his Brigitte?
