Chain mail armor in minecraft. Mail cuirass

Mancraft is a multifaceted game, so you can not only create in it, but you can also, and sometimes even need to, fight. Well, you can’t go into battle naked, so in this post I’ll tell you about all types of armor, and also how to create it.

At all armor in minecraft divided into 4 types:

  • Cuirass
  • Leggings
  • Boots

And they are again divided according to the type of material they are made from. In general, armor in Minecraft reduces damage received, but does not absorb it completely.

Leather armor in MikeCraft

The lightest and cheapest, but quite decent at initial stage games. First about strength leather armor :

  • The helmet will break after 55 points of damage
  • The cuirass will break after 80 points of damage
  • Leggings will break after 75 points of damage
  • Boots will break after 65 points of damage

You can see crafting recipes on the left. It is logical that leather armor requires leather. Lots of leather. To obtain a certain type of armor, you need to arrange the item in a special way.

Iron armor in MineCraft.

In order to do iron armor you need to find iron ingots and arrange them in a certain order, as in the picture on the left. And the characteristics of iron armor:

  • The iron helmet will break after 165 points of damage
  • The iron cuirass will break after 240 points of damage
  • Iron Leggings will break after 225 points of damage
  • Iron boots will break after 195 points of damage

Gold armor in Minecraft.

Golden armor It is created by analogy with leather, only instead of pieces of leather you need to craft it from gold bars. Without characteristics you can’t go anywhere:

  • The golden helmet will break after 77 points of damage
  • The golden cuirass will break after 112 points of damage
  • Golden Leggings will break after 105 points of damage
  • Golden boots will break after 91 points of damage

Diamond armor in MineCraft.

This is perhaps the strongest armor that can be made without special effort searching for ingredients. The crafting recipe is again in the picture. According to tradition, characteristics diamond armor:

  • Diamond helmet will break after 363 points of damage
  • Diamond cuirass will break after 528 points of damage
  • Diamond Leggings will break after 495 points of damage
  • Diamond boots will break after 429 points of damage

As you can see, this best armor in Minecraft.

Fire armor in Minecraft.

Here it will be more difficult, since craft chain mail armor possible only after hacking the inventory. This armor has a transparent texture. Fire armor has the same characteristics as iron armor, and the only difference is in the image.

Descriptions of the following 2 types of armor are available in the industrial craft mod.

Nano armor in Minecraft

This armor is required for crafting Quantum Armor (described below). For crafting nano armor required:

  • Energy Crystal
  • Carbon fiber sheet
  • Glass

I won't describe it too much creation of nano-armor, just look at the recipe in the picture below.

And now I want to talk about a very rare armor - quantum.

Quantum armor in MineCraft.

Quantum armor unique in its properties, or rather abilities. She can satisfy hunger, absorb all damage, remove poison and much more. But to create it you must first have nano-armor.

So, on the left are the recipes for all parts of quantum armor. Now I'll explain what each element does.

Quantum helmet

It allows you to avoid suffocating under water, removes poison from the body, and also prevents you from dying of hunger. In addition to nano-armor, it is necessary to add multicrystal, iridium, improved electrical circuitry, strengthened glass

Quantum Chest

The Quantum Chestplate can absorb all damage, although a full set of Quantum Armor is required. To craft, you need to add iridium, a super-strong alloy and a multicrystal.

Quantum Leggings

Quantifier greaves are capable of increasing movement speed by 300-400%, not only in water, but also under water. To nano-leggings you need to add multicrystal, iridium, machine block and.

Quantum Boots

They can increase the player's jump by 10 times, and also absorb damage from falling from a height of 20 blocks. For the recipe, in addition to nano-boots, you will need iridium, a multicrystal and rubber boots.

Good afternoon, guests and users of our portal. The portal editor is with you and today I will tell you how to make chain mail in minecraft.

How to make chain mail in minecraft

Unfortunately, it is impossible to make chain mail in the game without using commands and creative mode, because this armor is made from fire. Yes, yes, you heard right, we will need fire. It can only be taken by a team. Now there are a bunch of mods that add new items to the game that allow you to make chain mail in the future. This armor is very effective in the game.

This was the first method of obtaining this type of armor. It is impossible, as I already said, to get fire (in the form of blocks). The second method will be more dangerous, but easier. If you want to get armor in survival mode, then you will need to run around the world, because we will be looking for zombies and skeletons in chain mail. As far as you know, if you kill a mob wearing armor, you will most likely get it.

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We welcome you, our defenseless ones. And why are you wandering around Minecraft, exposing your tender little bodies, provoking various square scoundrels to do something bad to you? How lovely, after all, that you have us. We promise that after studying this article and implementing our recommendations, you will have your own personal “body armor.” And with him, one hundred percent, you will be much more comfortable. We don’t promise a Kevlar vest (and more), but consider yourself wearing protective clothing with a historical flavor.

What are we talking about? The point is that, fearing for your lives, one not so bad day the Minecraft helmsmen added the ability to produce armor to the game. It can be made from leather, gold, iron, diamonds and chain mail. We will not explore the first four materials in this guide, but chain mail is our hero for today. So, all attention to her, dear.

How to get chain mail

Chain mail, or chainmail armor, is an original armor that is characterized by an interesting translucent “checker” texture of gray color. If you notice another player in Minecraft, all so fashionable, in checkers, do not rush to whistle. It would be quite stupid to do this, since this is not a taxi driver. This is a crafter who, unlike you (for now), is concerned about the problem of personal safety. Or maybe it’s even a zombie or even a skeleton. So, it is likely that you will have to “make your legs”. How can you become like the characters who are whistled at? Well, we mean it in a good way.

There are three ways to get chain mail in Minecraft.

Firstly, so important subject can be purchased from a blacksmith. A village craftsman in Minecraft will give you armor in exchange for emeralds.

Secondly, in Minecraft put on protective clothing you can, after taking it away from a skeleton or some zombie that gets in your way. If, of course, he has the appropriate equipment. True, this problem cannot be solved without blood. If you are a peacemaker, the first and third points will help you, since a living monster will not give you anything.

And thirdly Finally, you can make chain mail yourself. The ingredients for its crafting are fire blocks. The screenshot shows how much fire is required to craft specific pieces of chain mail armor. One problem is that you can’t make fire in Minecraft using legal methods. The cheat code /give player 51 24 will allow you to “fan the fire.” Well, third-party mods also help make these hot blocks.

Not just a vest

You probably have a reasonable question in your head, what these “specific parts” are. Isn't chain mail one whole thing? Yes, indeed, you cannot put on armor at once in Minecraft. In order to “armor” yourself from the heels to the top, you need to make four items: a helmet, a cuirass, as well as leggings and boots. In the figure they are arranged from top to bottom in list order.

Chain mail, like other armor in the Minecraft game, does not have an infinite reserve of durability. When attacked by enemies, she gradually loses her protective properties. Look at the amount of damage each type of chain mail armor is designed for:

  • Helmet. The “hat” in Minecraft is designed for 165 units of damage.
  • Cuirass. This is just a bulletproof vest, in the literal sense. It is enough for 240 units.
  • Leggings. 225 units of damage - this is exactly how much “pants” are designed for in Minecraft until they wear out.
  • Boots. The mahjong players decided to give them a gift of 195 strength units.

We will be complete scoundrels if we do not warn you that chain mail in Minecraft is not a panacea for all ills. Yes, it reduces losses from damage received from explosions, arrows, lava, fire, cacti. It will also help in fights with enemies. But don't expect it to protect you from falling, drowning, burning, suffocation, or direct lightning strikes. Sometimes, as we have already said, it is wiser to “make your feet”. And always, that’s for sure, whether in Minecraft or in life, you need to draw conclusions so that in an inappropriate situation you don’t rely on what you shouldn’t rely on.

It's dangerous to walk at night. Often, even a trusty sword cannot save you from entire hordes of zombies, skeletons, creepers and spiders. Using this guide, any player will learn how to make armor in Minecraft and be able to defend themselves. There are as many as five types of armor, which are crafted from different materials.

Crafting recipes

Crafting patterns are simple. It is possible to enchant armor at the enchantment table, which will give new properties: swim calmly in lava, breathe underwater for a long time, not be afraid to jump from cliffs, ignore skeleton arrows.


It is the simplest, but should not be underestimated. It is crafted from leather obtained from ordinary cows. It can be repainted in absolutely any color using dyes.

It comes second in terms of strength. Gold is much more difficult to find than iron. Armor made of gold does not have high strength and is created to show off and decorate the house with the help of special stands. Crafted from ingots of smelted gold ore.

Indicates that the player is an admin. It can be done exclusively in creativity. This type of armor is inferior in strength to iron. The chainmail has a transparent checkered texture.

The best option for any travel and adventure. Iron is easy to obtain, and armor will protect the player for long time. Crafted from iron ingots of smelted iron ore.

Diamond armor is the most expensive and reliable. It sets the player apart from others and provides excellent protection. The service life of this armor is very long. Crafted from diamonds.

We welcome you, our defenseless ones. And why are you wandering around Minecraft, exposing your tender little bodies, provoking various square scoundrels to do something bad to you? How lovely, after all, that you have us. We promise that after studying this article and implementing our recommendations, you will have your own personal “body armor.” And with him, one hundred percent, you will be much more comfortable. We don’t promise a Kevlar vest (and more), but consider yourself wearing protective clothing with a historical flavor.

What are we talking about? The point is that, fearing for your lives, one not so bad day the Minecraft helmsmen added the ability to produce armor to the game. It can be made from leather, gold, iron, diamonds and chain mail. We will not explore the first four materials in this guide, but chain mail is our hero for today. So, all attention to her, dear.

How to get chain mail

Chain mail, or chainmail armor, is an original armor that is characterized by an interesting translucent “checker” texture of gray color. If you notice another player in Minecraft, all so fashionable, in checkers, do not rush to whistle. It would be quite stupid to do this, since this is not a taxi driver. This is a crafter who, unlike you (for now), is concerned about the problem of personal safety. Or maybe it’s even a zombie or even a skeleton. So, it is likely that you will have to “make your legs”. How can you become like the characters who are whistled at? Well, we mean it in a good way.

There are three ways to get chain mail in Minecraft.

Firstly, such an important item can be purchased from a blacksmith. A village craftsman in Minecraft will give you armor in exchange for emeralds.

Secondly, in Minecraft you can put on protective clothing by first taking it away from a skeleton or some zombie that gets in your way. If, of course, he has the appropriate equipment. True, this problem cannot be solved without blood. If you are a peacemaker, the first and third points will help you, since a living monster will not give you anything.

And thirdly Finally, you can make chain mail yourself. The ingredients for its crafting are fire blocks. The screenshot shows how much fire is required to craft specific pieces of chain mail armor. One problem is that you can’t make fire in Minecraft using legal methods. The cheat code /give player 51 24 will allow you to “fan the fire.” Well, third-party mods also help make these hot blocks.

Not just a vest

You probably have a reasonable question in your head, what these “specific parts” are. Isn't chain mail one whole thing? Yes, indeed, you cannot put on armor at once in Minecraft. In order to “armor” yourself from the heels to the top, you need to make four items: a helmet, a cuirass, as well as leggings and boots. In the figure they are arranged from top to bottom in list order.

Chain mail, like other armor in the Minecraft game, does not have an infinite reserve of durability. When attacked by enemies, it gradually loses its protective properties. Look at the amount of damage each type of chain mail armor is designed for:

  • Helmet. The “hat” in Minecraft is designed for 165 units of damage.
  • Cuirass. This is just a bulletproof vest, in the literal sense. It is enough for 240 units.
  • Leggings. 225 units of damage - this is exactly how much “pants” are designed for in Minecraft until they wear out.
  • Boots. The mahjong players decided to give them a gift of 195 strength units.

We will be complete scoundrels if we do not warn you that chain mail in Minecraft is not a panacea for all ills. Yes, it reduces losses from damage received from explosions, arrows, lava, fire, cacti. It will also help in fights with enemies. But don't expect it to protect you from falling, drowning, burning, suffocation, or direct lightning strikes. Sometimes, as we have already said, it is wiser to “make your feet”. And always, that’s for sure, whether in Minecraft or in life, you need to draw conclusions so that in an inappropriate situation you don’t rely on what you shouldn’t rely on.
