Cream after depilation of intimate areas. Men's depilatory cream for intimate areas

Depilation is a procedure for removing the visible part of the hair without affecting its roots. If it is necessary to remove unwanted vegetation in the intimate area, most women choose a cream for depilation of intimate areas. Such a simple but effective way to eliminate hair has the following advantages:

  • relative ease of use;
  • affordable price;
  • fast action;
  • lack of pain;
  • slight likelihood of irritation.

The use of depilatory cream also has negative consequences:

  • possible allergic reactions;
  • problematic elimination of dark and thick hair;
  • insufficient duration of the effect from the use of the drug;
  • unpleasant odor of the active components of the product.

The peculiarity of the product is based on the chemical action of its components that affect the structure of hair keratin. After some time after application of the product, the hair curls up and can be easily removed with the spatula attached to the product.

The use of a cream in the bikini area is not able to completely solve the problem of removing unwanted vegetation (since the upper part of the hair is removed), however, after its application, the hair becomes lighter and softer.

Is it possible to remove hair with a cream in intimate places

Many women are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to use the cream for depilation in the intimate area, since the skin of this area is particularly sensitive and tender.

The method of removing unwanted vegetation through the use of a cream is safe as long as the instructions for use of the product are followed.

To avoid burns and redness, it is not recommended to keep the product on the skin for more than the time specified in the instructions.

Despite the fact that it is impossible to guarantee the complete safety of the use of depilatory products, there are no studies proving the fact of the negative effect of depilation of the intimate zone with a cream on women's health. Therefore, there is no strong argument against removing unwanted vegetation in the bikini area using this method.

Cream selection rule

When choosing a tool for removing unwanted vegetation in the intimate area, a woman must be guided by some criteria:

  • purpose of the product (preference should be given to a specialized product recommended for use in the bikini area);
  • aesthetic preferences (pleasant smell, product design and packaging);
  • correspondence of the depilatory cream for intimate areas to the skin type (it is recommended to use a product based on herbal ingredients that soothe and moisturize irritated skin);
  • natural ingredients of the product that do not cause allergic reactions;
  • date of production of the product, its expiration date.

When choosing a cream for intimate depilation, customers need to remember about the individual characteristics of the body and the possibility of unwanted side effects from using the product.

Popular creams for depilation in the intimate area

Consider the advantages and disadvantages of popular creams for depilation of the intimate area.

Failure to follow the instructions for using the product in intimate areas can provoke allergic reactions.

How to carry out the procedure correctly: step by step instructions

To answer the question of whether it is possible to remove hair in intimate places with a cream, it is recommended to conduct a kind of test to identify allergic reactions. You should try to apply the product on a small area of ​​the body and then rinse off the rest. It is recommended to start the depilation procedure if there is no irritation or redness on the body after 2 hours after using the product.

Hair removal instructions should be presented in the following steps.

  1. Cleanse the skin with soap or body gel, wipe it dry.
  2. Squeeze a small amount of food onto the paddle provided with the food.
  3. Carefully and evenly treat intimate areas with a thin layer of the product (the recommended thickness of the cream layer varies from 1 to 3 mm). When applying the product, it is necessary to minimize the risk of negative reactions, and avoid contact with the product on the mucous areas.
  4. Wait for the time recommended by the instructions.
  5. Remove the cream with a spatula (in order to facilitate depilation, it is recommended to remove the cream against the direction of hair growth).
  6. Shower after the procedure to remove any residue from the treated area.
  7. If it is necessary to use the product in the shower, apply the cream before washing, and then remove its residues.
  8. Treat the depilation area with a skin care product after hair removal.

Skin care after hair removal cream

Depilation of the intimate area requires careful care of the sensitive skin of the area. Therefore, after the procedure, the woman is advised to use the sedative that comes with the depilatory cream for the intimate area.

In order to prevent hair ingrowth into the skin, you must:

  • treat the depilation area daily with moisturizing and soothing products;
  • weekly, at least 2 times, treat the skin with a scrub.

If you have ingrown hairs, you should see a doctor.


  1. The presence of neoplasms on the skin of intimate areas.
  2. Individual intolerance to the product (it is recommended to purchase a product with natural ingredients).
  3. Upcoming visit to the solarium or sunbathing (hair removal is carried out 2 days before the planned procedures).
  4. The presence of cancer.
  5. The occurrence of allergic reactions when the product is tested on a small area of ​​the body.
  6. The presence of inflammation or damage to intimate areas.

Can I use a cream for depilation of intimate areas during pregnancy?

Since pregnancy is an important period for expectant mothers, women are advised to take a responsible approach to the issue of getting rid of unwanted vegetation in the bikini area. There is a need to choose a natural, safe and effective product for depilation of intimate places while waiting for a child.

The chemical composition of the cream does not pose a danger to a pregnant woman, since it does not penetrate deeply into the skin, and the depilation procedure itself does not cause painful sensations to the expectant mother.

The use of the drug by pregnant women requires compliance with the following conditions:

  • carrying out the procedure in a ventilated area (the condition must be met not only for pregnant women suffering from toxicosis);
  • preliminary test to identify allergic reactions (even if the woman used the product before pregnancy);
  • thorough skin care, moisturizing after depilation.

A pregnant woman should be prepared for the need for frequent repetition of the hair removal procedure, because they grow rapidly due to fluctuations in hormonal levels.

Subject to strict adherence to the instructions for use and the use of a quality product, depilatory cream is a gentle way to eliminate unwanted vegetation in the bikini area during pregnancy.

Depilation refers to the removal of hair from the surface of the skin, and its most famous methods are shaving and using a special cream that softens and removes hairs. Depilation does not affect the hair follicle and does not destroy it, unlike epilation - hair removal along with the bulb. Depilation of the intimate zone is simple, painless and quick - the procedure usually does not take more than 5 minutes.


Depilation of the intimate area is not to the liking of every girl or woman - some are afraid of pain and irritation, others are quite satisfied with their vegetation. Like any procedure, depilation has positive and not very specific features:

  • Allows you to get rid of hair quickly and painlessly;
  • Eliminates unpleasant odors. Regrown hair (no matter where) is able to retain on its "body" droplets of sweat and sebum - sebum, and the latter tend to smell unpleasant, plus bacteria are spreading in the hairs. Especially this problem - pregnant women and simply those who have hormonal changes suffer from excessive sweating;
  • Smooth skin in the intimate area charges with confidence more abruptly expensive lingerie, experts say;
  • Women's depilation allows you not to remove hair cleanly, but to remove the length or get rid of only the protruding hairs from under the panties;
  • Depilation of a deep bikini means the removal of hairs completely and is especially common among young girls.

Speaking about the positive aspects of depilation, one cannot fail to note its negative ones:

  • May cause skin irritation;
  • May lead to ingrown hairs;
  • Requires fixed costs - buying a razor, cassettes or blades for it, cream and other accessories, including skin care products;
  • Does not have a long-lasting effect.

What is the name of?

The groin area of ​​women is called "bikini", and speaking of this intimate area, one cannot but say that bikini depilation is deep and classic. Depilation "classic" bikini implies the removal of only those hairs that go beyond the panties, that is, all unnecessary, they usually look untidy and can be disgusting. "Deep" bikini - hair removal from the entire groin area, including the labia and intergluteal region, but as an exception, you can leave a small strip of short pubic hair.

Types and methods

There are two ways to depilate, that is, to remove hair from the surface of the skin - using a razor or cream.


The easiest and most painless way to get rid of hair in the intimate area, but not the most modern and long-lasting - the hair begins to grow back in a day, and the intimate area looks like a hedgehog.

Now there are dozens and even hundreds of models of razors from simple disposable to modern ones with a floating head and an additional property to soothe the skin (due to the release of the gel from the machine).

The razor does a good job of full hair removal, that is, a "deep bikini" thanks to the thin blades and small razor head, but there is a chance to cut the skin.


Depilatory cream literally "dissolves" the hair on the surface, but its contact is undesirable on the mucous membrane of the skin (and it is in the intimate area). This method is also painless, but not all creams cope with coarse and long hairs on the body; an additional razor is often required to achieve the ideal effect.

Depilatory cream Velvet It qualitatively removes hairs and slows down their further growth; the brand's line includes products for various parts of the body, including the intimate area and sensitive skin in general. Depilation with a mini-bikini complex allows you to get rid of vegetation for a period of 3 to 6 months, and even at home. The manufacturer says that his product does not remove hair, and only stops its growth, therefore, the cream and oil should be used in the complex only after any epilation procedure - using a home epilator or going to sugaring procedures or waxing. The opinion of consumers about this product is divided - some praise it for its "smooth" result, others do not see anything special in the composition of the product and its work.

By the way, about the composition of the "mini-bikini": a complex of saturated fats, organic acids, iodine in high concentration and rambutan seed oil.


Depilation is the easiest and most inexpensive way to remove hairs in the bikini area, and there are not many tools available for its implementation.


It is practically painless and does not affect the deep processes in the skin (unlike epilation, when the hairs are removed along with the bulb). It is advisable to shave with a special gel, cream or foam so that the razor blade glides better over the surface of the skin, captures even small hairs, moreover, the additional product will protect against cuts and dry skin.

Shaving disrupts the structure of the hair, as does removing it with an epilator, sugar or wax. It can change the direction of hair growth, lead to irritation and other consequences from depilation or epilation, and in order to avoid unpleasant moments, it is necessary to carry out the procedure according to simple recommendations:

  • Use a razor in the shower or after taking a bath on a damp, slightly steamed body - so the hairs will be easier to grasp and remove;
  • Use a special cream, not soap (the latter dries the skin very much and does not provide a sliding surface for the razor blades);
  • Remove hair according to hair growth, if the skin is sensitive or thin or against - it is more effective;
  • Additionally, pluck hairs with tweezers, if in some area they are rare - frequent shaving can cause the growth of new thick and dark hair.

Using the cream

A known method for removing hair from the intimate area. This product is simple to use: it is enough to apply it to the skin along the hair growth with a spatula and leave for a certain time, then remove it against the growth with the same spatula. Modern manufacturers of cosmetics for depilation offer creams "for all occasions" - for sensitive skin, for the bikini area, legs and armpits, for normal dermis and others.

Which one to choose - stop your attention on creams for the intimate area or sensitive areas of the body, since their composition is usually simplified and "on hand" to the consumer.

Cream Velvet- one of the most famous and affordable hair removal products, including those from the intimate area. A cream is suitable for removing hairs from the bikini area. Velvet for sensitive skin with olive oil and chamomile, special " Velvet intim»For working with the intimate area with chamomile in the composition. It is inferior to hot wax in a cartridge in terms of the duration of the effect, but it surpasses the notorious razor - the hairs grow thinner.

Ingrown hairs can appear from any type of depilation, and a special cream or lotion, for example, “ Depileve folisan". The liquid form of the product is convenient for use on the bikini area. In a lotion against ingrown hairs " Depileve folisan»Contains acetylsalicylic acid (dries the skin, relieves inflammation, redness), glycerin (excellently moisturizes, nourishes the epidermis, soothes and stimulates cell renewal, effectively heals damaged or dry skin).

Folk recipes

Our great-grandmothers thought about getting rid of hair, from whom simple methods or recipes have come down to us.

Hydrogen peroxide or peroxide

« Old-timers»It is recommended to wipe your hair 2-3 times a day and say that the vegetation will soon acquire a lighter, imperceptible shade. This recipe is not a 100% way to get rid of body hair, but it is often used to bleach hair and especially on the face.

Potassium permanganate

Or potassium permanganate. Excellent fights against unwanted vegetation - so the "experienced" say. The essence of its use is to dilute a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate and daily wipe it with areas of the body with vegetation, in our case, in the intimate area. The highly concentrated composition of potassium permanganate is dangerous - it is easy for them to get burns, and especially when in contact with the mucous membrane (it is also available in the intimate area).

In addition, the manganese solution gives a noticeable coloring effect on the skin from light yellow to brown.


A mixture of ammonia, classic alcohol and iodine effectively fights hair. The recipe is quite simple: you need to mix 70 gr. alcohol, 10 gr. "Ammonia", 10 gr. castor oil and 3 gr. iodine. The resulting solution should be wiped off the skin twice a day.


The abrasive surface of the pumice stone can get rid of hairs - the daily use of a "grater" for the feet literally eliminates hair from the surface of the body, they say on the forums. It is worth noting that this method is traumatic, and especially for the intimate area - the skin there is delicate. The essence of the method is to rub the skin 1-2 times a day until slightly reddened and wait for natural hair loss.

Popular methods of dealing with unwanted vegetation in the bikini area are rather dubious: it is not known how long hair will begin to fall out from daily rubbing with a pumice stone or compresses of iodine and alcohol. It is likely that getting burned or severely irritated will be faster than getting rid of the hairs.

What is the best thing to do in the bikini area?

Razor or cream - depending on how you are used to doing it. Daily shaving with a razor is not very good for our skin - it gets irritated, dry out and simply injured from frequent contact with the blade, the same can be said about depilatory cream - you simply cannot use it every day. Irritation is the most common consequence of daily depilation procedures, and especially in the bikini area, it can be expressed by mild redness, rash, itching and even soreness on the skin.

If we talk about sensitive skin, it is necessary to test both shaving and several depilatory creams in order to determine “yours”. With the growth of coarse, coarse and dark hair, you can try several brands of depilatory creams, suddenly there is a product with maximum efficiency among them - it will effectively remove hairs in the bikini area, will not cause irritation on the skin and they will not grow like leaps and bounds ... For those with fine blonde hair, you can try to find your perfect cream, or keep using your razor, especially if the new hair is growing slowly.

How to do it at home?

Correct preparation. The optimal time for the procedure - at 15-16 o'clock - experts define this time as the period of least susceptibility to unpleasant sensations. In general, depilation is known for its painlessness, which means that it can be carried out at home "on demand" if no pain or discomfort has been observed before.

Scrub before hair removal- in the shower or after taking a bath. The abrasive particles will remove the keratinized "dead" layer of cells, raise the hairs at the roots and provide the razor blade with high-quality glide, and the cream - better absorption on the skin and destruction of the "body" of the hair.

Depilate in the shower(if it's a razor) or after if using a cream. The warm water will slightly steam your skin and give the shaving cassette a better glide. By the way, epilation is also worth doing after a shower in order to cleanse the skin and prevent particles of sebum, sweat and bacteria from penetrating into open pores, and it is not recommended to wet the skin after the procedure for another 2-3 hours (ideally, up to 12 hours).

If we talk about a razor, prepare a fresh, sharp blade or assess the condition of the previous one - how clean it is, whether it glides well on the skin and whether it cuts hairs, not tears them.

Depilation with cream requires no less preparation:

  • Take a shower - the area to be depilated should be clean. A scrub will not hurt;
  • Dry your skin and hairs completely with a towel and natural air - the cream will not evenly fall on wet skin;
  • Prepare a tube of cream, a spatula for applying and removing hair, a towel or thick napkin;
  • Additionally, you can wipe the skin with an antiseptic - lotion, tonic, if there are no contraindications on this topic in the manufacturer's recommendation.

How is the process going?

Razor depilation is best done in the shower - warm water will soften the skin a little and open up the pores. Pre-apply a little shaving cream or shaving foam on clean, damp skin and distribute it well over the intimate area, the composition will allow the razor blades to glide over the surface easily and catch all hairs, even the shortest ones.

The hair removal process starts with the pubis - walk the razor through the hair growth, from top to bottom. Next, switch to the labia and gluteal region - shaving in these areas is necessary in different directions to remove vegetation effectively. Return to the pubis and evaluate its smoothness - if it is not enough, you can walk along it with a razor against hair growth, consolidate the result.

Hair depilation with cream is slightly different:

  • On dry skin, apply a little depilatory cream with a spatula - you should not distribute it with your hands;
  • Start the distribution of the product from the pubis and move down to the labia;
  • It is important to distribute the cream evenly - there should be no gaps, otherwise the hairs will remain in their place;
  • To effectively apply the deep bikini depilatory cream, take a sitting position, bend your knees and spread them as far as possible to the sides - it will become easier to get to hard-to-reach areas;

  • After the cream is applied to the entire area of ​​the "deep" bikini and is evenly distributed over it, you must wait a certain amount of time (usually from 10 to 30 minutes);
  • It is necessary to remove the cream with the same spatula against hair growth, that is, from the bottom up;
  • It is advisable to start removing hairs from the gluteal region and move upward - to the pubis;
  • You can walk over the same area two or three times to effectively remove hairs.

Skin care after

Proper care after depilation is just as important as preparation. Let's talk about its stages for any type of depilation - with a razor or cream:

  • Rinse hairs and residues of shaving cream or gel from the surface of the skin and pat dry with a towel. Do not rub your skin as this can cause irritation;
  • Wipe the skin with an antibacterial solution - tonic or face lotion with aloe vera, chamomile, thermal water or any other alcohol-free composition (you can use a decoction of herbs);
  • Dry the epidermis and apply some moisturizing body cream or use a regular baby cream, oil.
  • After depilation, it is especially important to use the scrub 2-3 times a week to prevent ingrown hairs;
  • Quality care can include the use of special creams or gels to prevent new hair growth.

Timely moisturizing of the skin in the bikini area is very important: it will make the skin healthy, smooth, and reduce the risk of skin irritation and injury (razor cuts).

To summarize: before depilation, use a cream to clean the surface with a disinfectant solution: it will remove bacteria from the epidermis and prevent irritation. Immediately after the procedure, walk with a cotton pad dipped in a solution of peroxide, for example, on irritated skin, do not forget to apply a moisturizer or oil every time after the procedure - this will soothe the skin and relieve dryness in addition.


Irritation is a normal skin reaction, but it can be different and can cause a range of inconveniences and consequences. The most unpleasant thing is the itching that accompanies the girl for the rest of the day and even at night. If the skin itches, it is necessary to treat it with lotion with aloe vera or tea tree extract, a decoction of medicinal herbs or alcohol tincture (no more than 70% alcohol in the composition).

Severe irritation after depilation is expressed by redness and the formation of a network of pimples and simultaneous itching, which literally interfere with the course of ordinary life. It is necessary to treat the "wound" no more than once every half an hour with light dabbing movements; rubbing the irritated area is not recommended. Baby powder will relieve strong and prolonged irritation - pour a little powder on the surface of the skin and leave.

If irritation has appeared from the use of the cream, then the next time you should definitely not use it.

Inflamed acne as an unpleasant consequence of depilation will have to be treated. They appear due to ingrown hairs under the skin, and they must be properly removed: treat the pimple with an antiseptic and keep a cotton swab and solution with you, try to press on the "ripe" focus, the pimple should burst, and the hair should come to the surface.

Does it hurt?

The question is purely individual. Depilation with a razor and cream is the most painless methods of dealing with unwanted vegetation, "hot" methods, including an epilator, will definitely add discomfort.

The fashion for a smooth body without extra hair reached men in the 21st century: now, more and more often, representatives of the stronger sex resort to vegetation removal procedures, including in intimate areas, and now this is no longer surprising. However, not all methods of hair removal are suitable for men, since their hair is much thicker than women: the most gentle method is depilation with a cream, which is especially good for the sensitive bikini area. How does a man's cream differ from a woman's and how to use it correctly, read on.

Benefits of hair removal cream

For the intimate area, men are not recommended to use wax or sugar paste, as this is too rough an effect. Of course, you can try, but only by trusting a professional master, otherwise you risk being left without ... getting a serious injury. Besides, it will be very painful anyway. men's hair in the intimate zone "sits" deeper, it is stronger, denser, and not as easy to epilate as women's. If you nevertheless decide on such a procedure, then use a cream for pain relief. With him, in any case, the epilation procedure will be less painful.

The razor is also not suitable for everyone. Irritations, itching, and even hair grow back the next day. Plus, you can cut yourself.

The depilatory cream does not have all these disadvantages:

  • It is convenient to use it;
  • There is no risk of injury;
  • The epilation procedure takes 5-10 minutes and is absolutely painless;
  • Hair will then grow back not as quickly as after a razor, although faster than after;
  • Not a big price for the cream.

Review of men's depilatory creams

Photo: Review of men's creams for depilation of the intimate area.

The industry has long produced a special male depilatory cream, which differs from women in a higher concentration of active and soothing substances. However, women's depilatory products may also work, it all depends on individual characteristics.

Here are some well-known creams that can be used by men for intimate areas:

  • Cliven Young is a depilatory cream for men that gently removes unwanted vegetation while moisturizing and soothing the skin. Doesn't cause irritation.
  • Collistar Men - it can be used even on sensitive skin.
  • Veet cream-gel for men, which can be applied directly in the shower.

In addition to those listed, men can try any other depilatory creams from, Eveline, etc. The most important thing is that the product is right for you. If one causes irritation or does not take hair, try the other, because, unfortunately, no universal remedy has been invented yet.

How does a male cream work?

When applied to the skin, the active substances begin to act immediately. They penetrate into each hair and destroy it from the inside, as if dissolving it. As a result, it weakens, and then very easily removed from the skin with a spatula or spatula. The effect of the cream occurs at the level of the basement membrane in the epidermis. In the case of shaving, the hair is simply cut with a blade from the surface of the epithelium.

Photo: the depth of the effect of the depilatory cream on the hair.

The agent also acts on the inner part of the hair, which is located under the skin. Thanks to this, the effect of such epilation will last longer than after removing vegetation with a razor (on average about a week). With regular use of the depilatory cream, the hairs will gradually begin to grow more slowly, become weaker and less noticeable, so the epilation procedure will need to be repeated less often and less often.

Instructions for use

Photo: Washing and cutting hair in the shower, make sure your clipper is designed for use in water.

Instructions for using depilatory cream in the intimate area are very simple. But before you get down to business, be sure to do the test. To do this, apply a small amount of the product to the skin (preferably at the crook of the elbow), wait 60 minutes or more and check for irritation. If everything is in order and there is no redness, burning or itching, then you can start depilation.

  1. Cleanse your skin. It is advisable to take a shower, this will help the cream to cope with its task faster. Then wipe dry, wipe the skin with a disinfectant, for example chlorhexidine.
  2. Apply the cream with the included spatula to the depilation area. The layer of the product should cover the hair completely. To save money, you can first shave your pubis with an electric razor or trimmer.
  3. Wait for the time indicated in the instructions, usually 5-10 minutes. Do not overexpose the drug on the skin, otherwise you may get a chemical burn.
  4. Remove the rest of the product with the hair with the same spatula (against hair growth).
  5. Rinse skin thoroughly with water and apply your favorite aftershave gel.

As you can see, there is nothing wrong with this procedure, just follow the instructions and watch the reaction of your body. If suddenly during the epilation process you feel a strong burning sensation, pain or other discomfort, immediately remove the product from the skin and rinse it with plenty of water. If irritation persists, seek medical attention. Still, the composition of such depilatory creams includes quite aggressive components, because just imagine, they corrode the hairs. For the same reason, you should not use such products, especially for intimate places, more often than once every two weeks.

Video: just an interesting vidos for men)

From this article you will learn:

  • which one is better to choose a depilatory cream,
  • cream for depilation of intimate areas: male, female,
  • comparison of creams Veet, Velvet, Evelin, Batiste, Lova Lova.

There are two simplest and most painless methods of removing unwanted hair at home - shaving and depilatory cream. Both of these depilation methods are very similar - they remove hair from the body without affecting the hair follicles deep in the skin. The first method cuts the hairs with a razor blade, and the second removes the hairs with harsh chemicals that dissolve the hair shaft.

Shaving is the most famous and widespread method of depilation, despite all its disadvantages (short duration of the effect, fatigue of procedures, etc.). You can buy depilatory cream in any supermarket, but not all women know about them and use them. Why is this happening - we will figure it out below.

How depilatory cream works -
All depilatory creams contain alkalis that dissolve the keratin protein that makes up the hair. After applying the cream to the area of ​​the skin that is covered with hair, the cream is absorbed and destroys the hair, turning it into a jelly-like substance. This process takes from 3 to 10 minutes (depending on the brand of the product).

Depilatory cream: reviews for and against

Those who use depilatory cream - reviews claim that this method is not suitable for everyone, and has both positive and negative sides. Among the benefits of such hair removal, the most commonly cited are:

  • Lack of any pain or discomfort
    during the procedure, you should not feel any discomfort or burning sensation. If such symptoms occur, then this is a signal that this cream is not very suitable for you in view of the development of an allergic reaction, or because of the high sensitivity of the skin.
  • Ease of use
    hair dissolves in minutes. The only thing that is required is to first generously lubricate the area where unwanted hair grows with a depilatory cream, then wait as long as indicated on the box (usually from 3 to 6 minutes). After that, you need to scrape off the cream and hair with a special spatula or rinse them off in the shower.
  • Low cost
    as we said above, you can buy depilatory cream in any supermarket and the cost of one package of cream is quite small (we will give an analysis of creams of different brands and their cost below).

Using depilatory cream: before and after photos

Disadvantages of depilatory creams -

  • Short-term effect
    unlike other home methods of hair removal, for example, shugaring or waxing (the effect after which lasts for several weeks) - after depilation with creams, the hair grows back in 3-5 days. But this is still longer than after shaving, when the hair grows back in 1-2 days.
  • Difficulty in removing dark hair
    depilation with creams for owners of black or very dark hair leads to the fact that in the area of ​​the pores of the skin, from which the hairs used to stick out, darkened areas of the skin remain. This is due to the fact that the hair roots remaining in the depth of the skin are visible. And there is no remedy for this, only epilation, in which the hair is removed along with the root.
  • Bad cream smell
    Most depilatory creams have a very unpleasant odor, which is due to the presence of chemicals in them that corrode the hair. Although lately, manufacturers have been trying to clog the chemical smell with a variety of fragrances and perfumes. For example, Veet depilatory cream and Corduroy depilatory cream have a rather pleasant and delicate smell, which is very rare.
  • Depilatory cream cannot be used
    the vast majority of creams cannot be used on sensitive areas such as around the eyebrows or bikini line (site). Carefully read the instructions, which should detail the areas of the skin on which this cream can be applied.

    In no case should you use a depilatory cream if you are highly allergic, because the composition of such creams is very aggressive. In this case, in no case should the cream be applied to the skin for longer than the time indicated by the manufacturer in the instructions, otherwise you will definitely get a skin burn (read about the complications of use at the end of the article).

How to use face depilatory cream -

The skin on the face is very sensitive and delicate, so use the cream for depilatory face with great care. Immediately, we note that depilatory creams can be used only on certain areas of the face, which include: the surface above the upper lip, sideburns and chin. The use of depilatory cream on the skin around the eyes or eyebrows is strictly prohibited !!!

Facial depilatory cream for women: how to use it correctly ...
1. Read the instructions carefully and make sure that the manufacturer permits the use of this cream for depilating the face and sensitive areas.
2. Do a mock test on a small area of ​​skin that is not on your face. Apply a small amount of cream and leave for the time recommended in the instructions. Then wipe off the cream and see if the hair is gone. Do not keep the depilatory cream on the skin for more than 10 minutes, otherwise you may get a chemical burn.
3. Rinse off the cream and wait 10-15 minutes to find out if there are any side effects in the form of itching, redness, skin irritation. If any symptom appears on the treated area - under no circumstances use this cream on your face! If there is no reaction, then you can use it to depilate your face.
4. Before applying the cream on your face - wash your face with hot water or apply a hot towel to expand pores and facilitate hair removal.
5. Apply the cream to the area to be treated with a thick enough layer to help dissolve the hair.
6. Hold the cream for as long as indicated in the instructions.
7. Take an unwanted piece of cloth or cloth, dampen it with warm water and gently wipe off the cream from your face (keep in mind that the cloth may fade, this is normal). This completes the procedure and you can enjoy clean, smooth skin.

Depilatory cream for intimate areas: reviews

Whether or not to use a cream for depilation of intimate areas - the reviews on this issue are the most controversial. The fact is that the genitals have the most sensitive skin, which makes waxing, or very, very painful. Therefore, depilation with creams can be an excellent alternative to shaving and all of the above methods.

Immediately, we note that there is absolutely no difference whether you use a cream for depilation of intimate areas for men or women - the technology of the process is identical and no different. Men's depilatory cream will not contain fragrances that mask the chemical smell of the cream itself.

Depilatory cream for intimate areas: important points

  • Use in the classic bikini area
    due to the chemical composition of the cream, many manufacturers avoid specifying in the instructions whether this cream can be used for intimate areas. Since the skin there is very sensitive and delicate, there is a risk of chemical burns. However, you can use a cream for depilation in the classic bikini area, observing all precautions.
  • Deep bikini use
    avoid even the slightest contact of the cream on the mucous tissues of the genitals, as well as the skin around the anus, otherwise a chemical burn is guaranteed. Therefore, a cream for depilation in the deep bikini area cannot be used.
  • Be sure to strictly keep track of how much cream is on your skin. It is generally forbidden to keep the cream for more than 10 minutes, and it is advisable to focus on the time indicated by the manufacturer in the instructions.

How to use the cream for depilation of intimate areas correctly -

  • The skin must be healthy
    in principle, there should be no irritation, acne, cuts or rashes at the treatment site in the intimate areas. Remember that the cream should never get on the mucous membranes of the genitals.
  • Trim your hair before the procedure
    firstly, it will save you money, because then you will need less cream. Secondly, when the hairs are short, it will be easier for you to track the effect of the cream: whether it dissolves the hairs completely, or simply tears along the length.
  • Use old underwear
    in order to understand in which areas you need to remove hair using a depilatory cream in the bikini area, it is easier to put on underwear that will cover those areas of the body where the cream does not need to be applied. The linen will provide additional protection against the penetration of the cream on the most sensitive areas and mucous membranes. Keep in mind that if the cream gets on the laundry, the latter will discolor. Therefore, use unnecessary old laundry.
  • At the end of the procedure, remove all cream without residue
    thoroughly wipe off the cream after the procedure with a damp towel, and then rinse the skin. Be aware that the cream can discolor the fabric, so use unnecessary towels and cloths to wipe the cream off your skin.

Depilatory cream: reviews, which is better

Next, we will take a look at the best depilatory creams in Russia (in order of their popularity and fame). But at the beginning of our rating, we present in the table the most popular depilatory creams in Europe and the USA. These creams are not commercially available in Russia, but they can be ordered online.

Top brands
Europe and the USA

Our rating 9.8 / 10 8.4 / 10 7.8 / 10
Speed the fastestquicklyquickly
Ingredients excellentOkayOkay
Safety safe
in use
in use
in use
98,4% 80,6% 71,3%
Success chance 94% 91% 83%

Depilatory cream - reviews, which is the best of those that are sold in Russia ...

1. Depilatory cream Veet: reviews

For comparison, we took a specially developed cream for depilatory in the shower "Veet Suprem'Essence" with a velvet rose scent and essential oils. Veet is the leader in the removal of unwanted hair in the Russian market and has a huge range of products suitable for all skin types. In our opinion, this very Vit cream for depilation in the shower is the best of all other Veet creams.

Depilatory cream Veet - reviews are mostly positive. Judging by the reviews, it is recognized as almost the fastest way to depilate legs, armpits, in the bikini area (this is due to the high concentration of active ingredients in the cream). A big plus - this cream really smells like roses, not chemistry.

How to Treat Depilatory Cream Burns -

The specific steps are below, and as for drug therapy, you should immediately start taking either an antihistamine (such as suprastin) or something from the category of NSAIDs (for example, ibuprofen). This will reduce swelling, pain, and inflammation.

  • Step 1
    flush the burn with cool (not cold) water for 5-10 minutes. It can wash away dirt and bacteria, and can also help cool the skin. Do not use soap or other detergents. it can irritate the skin.
  • Step 2
    use a thin layer of antibiotic ointment to prevent skin infections. It is optimal to use ointments containing "silver sulfadiazine", which is excellent for the treatment of minor burns. Use the ointment as directed.
  • Step 3
    always cover the burn area with gauze to protect the skin from bacterial inflammation. Change the dressings periodically, after pretreating the skin with an antiseptic and applying a layer of antibacterial ointment to it.

- a painful burning question of the majority of the fairer sex.

The epilation procedure consists precisely in the fact that during it all the "superfluous" is torn out by the root, that is, with the bulb.

With depilation, the process occurs only superficially, that is, the hair follicle remains and continues an active life. At the same time, the upper part of the hair (on the skin) is removed with a razor, cream, and a special device. Both cosmetic services are applied to any part of the body, including those concerning “problem areas”.

Epilation of intimate areas with cream

A distinctive feature and the main difference when choosing a method for hair removal is the painfulness of epilation. While there are no particularly unpleasant sensations during depilation, except, perhaps, allergic reactions and burns from low-quality epilation creams. At the same time, the choice of zones, that is, the part of the body where you need to remove hair, practically does not change the intensity of the pain. However, the majority of girls, reading the reviews, consider the procedure of hair removal of intimate areas as the most sensitive place on a woman's body to be the most "convict".

Depilatory cream: composition features

What is great about any cream for removing "unnecessary vegetation" is that it helps to take action without any unpleasant sensations.

However, you should know that any cream, including for depilation of intimate areas, contains not entirely "safe" substances. But it is these components that "do all the dirty work":

A painless and quick way to depilate the bikini area
  • thioglycollate is the most common component that "eats away" the hair itself. Thanks to him, the hair acquires a jelly-like state, and it is easy to remove them with a spatula. Smells very bad, but works well. If overexposed on the skin, it can cause an allergic reaction and irritation. The most dangerous are barium / strontium sulfides (they sometimes hide under the mask of thioglycollates) - they can lead to severe burns, but they will remove everything cleanly;
  • Sodium / Calcium hydroxide - have an alkaline effect that destroys hair. Slower in action, does not always destroy thick hair. More and more manufacturers use this particular reagent - it gently treats the skin. Redness and allergies are practically non-existent with proper use;
  • emollients are special substances that compensate for the aggressive effect of the main reagent on the skin. Sometimes the amount of “corrosive” ingredients is exceeded, so the cream is weak. But no burns, etc., are definitely not scary. But removing hair from the desired area the first time will definitely not work;

Result after epilation in the bikini area
  • thinners and additional ingredients (fragrances, natural oils, herbal and plant extracts) - by and large are intended to create a homogeneous creamy mass. Essential oils of plants (if indeed they are) have minimal sense and produce only a cosmetic effect (for example, chamomile oil soothes the skin, relieving irritation). Although the combination of several components in the cream and long-term use of a line of all products (care cream) from one manufacturer can really slow down hair growth. However, one should not hope for a miracle.

Reviews of any cream can be different: some people like the action, and some have a strong allergy. Therefore, it is imperative to read the composition and before experimenting in the area of ​​intimate areas, be sure to do a trial test.

Common creams for depilation of intimate areas

The market offers a very varied assortment. The specific choice depends on several nuances:

  • brand (manufacturer's firm);
  • cost;
  • effectiveness (most often they check reviews on the network);
  • personal taste (flavors, beautiful packaging, promotions in the supermarket).

Regarding the depilators themselves for delicate areas, the following list can be presented:

  • Veet creams are well-known, quite effective, but have recently increased in price. There are both simple products and for depilation in the shower, various types of skin, with natural oils and extracts;
  • Velvet depilatory cream is cheaper than the previous one. The assortment is also very varied. For intimate and sensitive areas, there are separate products (for example, with chamomile), flavors for every taste;
  • ("Red Line") - a budget option for every taste and color. The bikini depilator is more delicate (cucumber and yoghurt) both in smell and in action;

Veet Depilatory Cream
  • - they are good enough, but it is difficult to buy them, except perhaps in large stores or order on the Web;
  • funds from Caramel are one of the most bought, are found everywhere, and are affordable. Reviews of the action are ambiguous, although there are a lot of positive ones;
  • Eveline products are “big combinators”. The widest line of products for all-in-one lovers.

The action and composition (main reagent) in these products is approximately the same.
