The best fortune telling for Ivan bathed at home and not only. Fortune telling for the future groom

It was believed that on the night of Kupala various miracles could happen and wishes could come true. Ancestors celebrated the holiday of Ivan Kupala on the day summer solstice, on the night of July 6-7. This holiday is usually celebrated with rituals associated with water, fire and herbs. Girls used this night to make a wish or tell fortunes for their betrothed.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala for a betrothed for love: various rituals were performed on this day

The holiday itself got its name from the Christian prophet John the Baptist, whose Christmas is also celebrated on July 7. Also on Ivan Kupala, our ancestors celebrated the summer solstice. At the festival, various rituals related to water, fire and herbs were performed.

Since ancient times, people believed that it was on the day of the summer solstice that the nature around it acquired a mystical character. It was believed that on the night of Kupala various miracles could happen and wishes could come true. In addition, night festivities kept people awake until the morning. After all, it was believed that Kupala in the dark evil spirits start hunting people.

So, the day before the holiday, the girls collected herbs and flowers to weave themselves a wreath. Moreover, the wreath was not just a decoration, it symbolized the cycle of the forces of nature and was a talisman against evil spirits and the evil eye.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala for love betrothed: traditional fortune telling

One of the main rituals on Ivan Kupala was fortune-telling for the betrothed. The girls wove wreaths and also lowered them into the water.

The girls also went out into the street and asked the name of the first man they met. This is how they simply found out what the future groom’s name would be.

The girls also wrote notes with male names and put it under your pillow. And in the morning they took any note at random and read the written name of the future betrothed.

Traditionally, a large fire was lit in the evening. It was believed that if the flame does not touch a person while jumping over a fire, then this is a good sign. The girls predicted this to themselves fast wedding, and guys are successful in business and love.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala for love betrothed: girls' fortune telling on Kupala night

The girl had to weave a wreath and lower it into the water with candles lit on it.

If the wreath drowns, love has passed. The wreath landed on the shore - there will be no wedding this year. Whoever's wreath floats the longest will be the happiest, and whoever's candle burns the longest will have a long life.

If a girl cast a spell on her betrothed, then a wreath stuck to the shore means that her life lives there. future husband. And if he drowned, there will be no wedding or the husband will turn out to be unfaithful. If the wreath unravels, you shouldn’t wait for matchmakers this year. Floated off into the distance - a good sign.

The girls also used wax to tell fortunes:

You need to break the candle and put it in a spoon, melt the wax on the fire, and then quickly pour it into a glass with cold water. They use the resulting figurine to tell fortunes by candlelight. For example, if the wax is in the shape of a ring, a wedding is coming soon. If the image looks like a coin, it means money, and if it looks like a flower, it means new love, stripes - for a quick trip, wax in the shape of a wave - your innermost desire will soon come true.

Flower fortune telling:

On the eve of Ivan Kupala, the girls sat in a circle, having previously collected different flowers. One of the girls chooses a flower one by one, saying: “Who will get this flower?”, the other girl, sitting with her back to the flowers, calls the name of someone present. Based on which flower someone gets, they judge how the guy she wished for treats her.

Hawthorn - there is hope for love.
Cornflower - they will fall in love with you.
Bindweed - he will never love you.
Carnation (white) - sadness.
Carnation (yellow) - neglect.
Carnation (red) - passionate love.
Dahlia - gratitude.
Jasmine is a meaningless flirtation.
The bell - don't trust it, it will deceive you.
Buttercup - everything will become clearer on the date.
Daisy - shy love.
Mint - you are loved very much.
Forget-me-not is afraid of losing you.
Marigolds - you will break up.
Peony - shame for his action.
Rose (white) - loves deeply, but doesn’t show it.
Rose (red) - misses you.
Chamomile - he doubts his love.

Herbal fortune telling:

Having collected for Ivan Kupala different colors and herbs, the girl should come home and hide them under her pillow, and then lie down to sleep on it. In the morning you need to check how much different types We managed to collect plants: if there were twelve, it means she will get married soon.

Fortune telling on a birch tree:

On the holiday of Ivan Kupala, the girl had to pick seven small birch branches, mix and pull out one. If the branch is even and smooth, then life will be long and calm. And if you come across a branch with unevenness, fate will not be easy.

Fortune telling with chamomile:

In a wide bowl you need to take water and put two chamomiles without stems in there. If the flowers float in different directions, the lovers will separate, and if they float side by side, the couple will always be together.

Fortune telling by circles on the water:

You need to take water into a large bowl or basin, and then make a wish and throw a pebble into the water. Then you need to count the number of laps on the water: even - the wish will come true, odd - the wish will not come true.

Fortune telling on a maple leaf:

You need to go to the maple tree and pick up the fallen leaf. Then you need to count how many sharp edges it has. An even number means that the plan will come true, but an odd number means it’s unlikely.

Fortune telling on coffee beans:

It will require 16 coffee beans. Closing your eyes, you need to ask yourself a question of interest, and then carefully throw the grains on the table. Then you need to open your eyes and count how many grains fell with the hollow facing up.

0 – the fortune telling did not work out and it is better not to repeat it on this day.
1 – luck is on your side.
2 – all difficulties will go away by themselves.
3 – possible betrayal of a person you considered a friend.
4 – try not to wishful thinking.
5 – the business started will lead to success.
6 – it’s time to take active action.
7 – no need to worry, everything will work out sooner or later.
8 – the solution will come by itself, you just need to calm down and get distracted.
9 – listen to the advice of your inner voice.
10 – recommendations from close people will be very practical.
11 – try, the risk is justified.
12 – don’t talk too much.
13 – don’t get nervous over trifles.
14 – learn to always rely only on yourself.
15 – a little more and fortune will definitely turn its face towards you.
16 – everything will be just great.

Magic surrounds us everywhere - so they say knowledgeable people. Only we, wrapped in vanity, cut off from nature, do not know and do not notice this. But there are days that definitely need to be used to increase your energy level, and therefore your health and quality of life. Rituals and fortune telling on Ivan Kupala will replace many months of communication with nature. After all, it’s an extraordinary day! Interested? Let's figure it out.

What day are we talking about?

Previously, such a question had never even occurred to people. After all, they were constantly in contact with plants, water, air, and earth. Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala was one of the most reverent and anticipated rituals. Now there are those who have never heard of this tradition. The Kupala holiday falls on the seventh of July. This is the day when nature reaches its annual peak. The fields and forests just ring and shine with juices. A great time, which, as they say, would be a sin not to take advantage of. If you think that fortune telling has no connection with nature, then you are mistaken. The correctness of the forecasts obtained directly depends on the forces that we managed to get as our assistants. Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala is effective because there is no need to break through any special walls; nature exudes incredible magic. You just need to take it, that is, be able to connect. But that’s not all the advantages of this have a great day. Harmony helps you receive the most accurate recommendations and advice. You see, this is something like instructions for further proper development. Follow them and rush at full speed towards happiness!..

What methods of fortune telling are in harmony with the energy of the day?

Surely many people associate fortune telling in their imagination with coffee, runes, cards, and so on. Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala is carried out in any of the listed and unspecified ways. Something completely different is important. A person should feel a connection with nature on this day. And what magical tools he will need for this is a personal matter. Therefore, it is proposed to start the process itself with a walk or hike outside the city. There, soak in the splendor of the moment. Yes, watch the plants and animals. They will tell you a lot, without any rites or rituals. Such is this magical day - Ivan Kupala. I have fortune telling and omens during this period special power. It is advisable to listen to folk heritage and incorporate it into your life. But let's talk about signs a little further. Let's start with various methods of fortune telling. If divination is not one of your facets professional activity, then put the Tarot and runes aside, do not make coffee. It’s better to tell fortunes on herbs and leaves, listen to what the birds in the forest or, at worst, outside the window tell you. Look closely at the sky and clouds. Take a dip in the water and ask her a secret question. Try to connect internally with Mother Nature. Who else, do you think, is obliged to protect, defend, nurture us - foolish children? The earth, undeservedly considered a piece of rock, but which is actually alive and spiritual.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala for love

A very interesting way to find out about the prospects of relationships was used in some villages. The method is easy, but they say it is very true. Nobody complained about him, unless you consider magical influence herbs on personality. This means that the ritual may well not only predict, but also determine the further development of events. But, this is your will, check it if you want, but if you don’t want it, choose a different method of fortune-telling that is closer to the soul. It is also suggested to go to the pond in the evening. Pick two blades of grass or stems there that you like. Write on them the names of those whose relationships you need to know about. Come home, attach them to the ceiling or wall side by side. You want the blades of grass to hang freely. After a while they will wither and dry out. Then look at the result:

  • intertwined with each other - long and mutual love;
  • turned away - people would scatter in different directions;
  • and remained hanging evenly - the marriage will be fragile;
  • bent in one direction - passion will turn into a big disaster for the one whose blade of grass reaches out to the other. The feeling will be in vain, unrequited.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala for love is a sure thing. It contains not just a prediction, but a connection with destinies. On this magical day, their secrets become closer and are revealed. That’s why we were so looking forward to this holiday earlier. The divination showed correctly, for life!

How to attract your betrothed?

What girl (of any age) does not dream of her prince in a white Mercedes? Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala for your betrothed allows you not only to identify him, but also to attract him. Here it should be said right away that girls cast spells in different ways. If there is a guy in mind, then some rituals are carried out, if for now there are only dreams in the head, then another. Let's start with the first savvy beauties. They should have picked any two flowers. As a rule, they took chamomile. Tear off their stems and gently float them through the water. Watch how they float. If you cuddle and do not separate, then the mysterious guy is indeed your betrothed. And when you’ve sailed in different directions, you shouldn’t dream about it. Another one will appear. It’s a different matter for girls who have no one in mind. They need to study the following fortune telling on Ivan Kupala for their betrothed. After morning procedures, collect your hair from the comb. Roll into a ball and keep under your pillow until sunset. And in the evening, take them outside the outskirts (to the street). Throw at a crossroads. So say: “Weave paths through the flowering land. Bring your betrothed to me, so that he is powerful, kind, handsome, and looks like a priest! Amen!" Now go home. If you meet a cat, the fate has not yet been determined. If you have a dog, then your betrothed is already nearby. If the bird sings or screams, get ready for the wedding.

How and for what to bewitch at home?

It's not just love that interests people these days. Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala at home is also carried out for other purposes. For example, do you want to know what age is measured for you? Light a candle in the evening. Watch how it starts to burn. If it completely melts and does not go out, then your health will not let you down. Surprise all your loved ones with longevity. When black streaks flow down the candle, you will get sick in old age. You will cause a lot of trouble for your relatives. A accidentally blown out candle speaks of the short life of the one who casts a spell. Caution must be exercised. After all, this person’s life could end accidentally. However, there is no need to fall into pessimism either. After all, any result can be changed by your thoughts and actions. Here is an interesting and original fortune telling on Ivan Kupala at home for wealth. It also not only predicts, but also attracts well-being. It's two in one.

How to attract money?

The ritual is very old. It is believed that dew on this day has healing properties. You were supposed to get up before light and go and roll on the meadow grass in your shirt. Once you get wet from head to toe, do not wipe yourself off. Dry in the wind. Don't wash your shirt. She will take care of her health. Many people know about this ritual. But the addition to it is not so widely known. While diving in the dew, collect dawn herbs. You need to pick a whole bouquet. Take them home. Lay out and dry. If they rot or become covered with mold, expect problems with income. The year will be unlucky. When the grass dries without any damage, crush it into powder and add it to your wallet. He will become like a magnet, attracting money to the family. Those who are unlucky with this ritual are advised to pay attention to the signs. Maybe they will bring other, more pleasant news. It is impossible that on the day of Ivan Kupala, fortune telling and omens would only talk about the negative. After all, every person has good things. You just need to identify it.


People pass on from mouth to mouth many true signs relating to various spheres of life. We will highlight only those that talk about well-being in order to try to reassure those who are unlucky with herbs. Remember who you met first when you went outside that day? If it's a man, then good. Something pleasant and stable will come into life. Besides, good sign is rain before noon. He not only predicts good harvest forest fruits, but also well-being to those who fell under its streams. So, feel free to run outside when the water begins to rumble and flow. Will you cash flow and without herbal powder.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala on cards

Leave this method for last. You can use cards to cast spells at any time. Why give up the magic of nature and lock yourself in a dusty room? But, if you want, then take out just one card. You can tell your whole life from it. If it turns out to be bright, then you are the darling of fate. Dark indicates the presence of unprocessed karma. This is how you should judge by suit:

  • worms - great love;
  • diamonds - a lot of money;
  • clubs - a successful career;
  • peaks - grief and tears.

Don't be discouraged if the result is not what you dreamed of. Pull out another card. The correct result is determined by three pictures. Whichever suit is greater is what rules your life.

Conclusion with additional information

It is difficult to cover all the ways of divination on this magical day. But there is one who was rightfully loved and appreciated in many villages. This is a fortune telling for Ivan Kupala for a dream. It's simple. You need to ask the question when you get into bed. But to get the correct answer, the pillow should not be simple, but stuffed with fresh grass, collected that day in the forest or field. That's the secret. And at night you will see what fate has prepared for you for the coming months, or even for your whole life. Don't miss this magical time! Good luck!

Ivan Kupala is one of the oldest Ukrainian holidays, which preserves memories of magical power nature. It was on the night of July 6 to 7 that Ukrainian women once, and even today, get together and tell fortunes about their “betrotheds.”

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala has long been considered the most truthful and fateful. According to legends, on the night of Ivan Kupala, trees move from place to place and talk to each other, and herbs acquire miraculous powers.

That is why, according to tradition, no one should sleep on Kupala night. After sunset the riotous and fun party with girls' fortune telling.

We invite you to find out 5 interesting ways fortune telling, which may give hints about your future.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

With the help of various fortune telling, you can find out the name of your betrothed. The most common way is to go out and ask the first man you meet his name. This is what your betrothed will be called.

Another popular fortune telling involves the use of a knife. To do this, you first need to draw a circle on a piece of paper and write all the letters of the alphabet in a circle. Then you need to place the knife in the center and twist it. Whichever letter the tip of the knife points to, the name of the betrothed will begin with it.

You can also write notes with men's names on pieces of paper and roll them into tubes that need to be placed under the pillow. After this you should go to bed. When you wake up in the morning, you need to pull out one of the notes. The name written in it will be the name of the betrothed.

Fortune telling by fire

Jumping over the fire at Ivan Kupala

Usually on the festive night of Ivan Kupala, young people make a big fire and jump over it. There is a belief that if the flame does not touch the person who jumped, auspicious sign, who predicts the girls will soon and happy marriage, and for the guys - good luck in business and love.

Fortune telling by wreath

Fortune telling by wreath

Also in the evening, at sunset, girls weave wreaths from forest and wildflowers. After which they, having made a wish, lower them into a lake or river. And if the wreath floated far, then the wish will certainly come true, but if after a short time the wreath landed on the shore not far from the place where it was lowered into the water, they will have to wait until next year to try your luck again.

Fortune telling by circles on the water

For such an unusual fortune telling on Ivan Kupala, in order to better know your fate with your betrothed, water is poured into a wide and deep bowl. When sunset comes, the girls must whisper their wish to the water, and then throw a small pebble there. If the number of circles on the water is paired, then the wish will come true, if it is odd, the wish will not come true.

Fortune telling by colors

It’s not for nothing that on the holiday of Ivan Kupala, lovers look for a fern flower, which blooms only on Kupala night. That is why with such an unusual fortune-telling about the betrothed, like with flowers, girls pay the most attention. On the evening before the holiday, the girls sit in a circle, having previously collected a variety of flowers together. One of the girls selects flowers one by one, saying: “Who will get this flower?”, and the other girl, who sits with her back to the flowers, calls the name of someone present.

Girls collect flowers and tell fortunes on them

After that, which flower will go to whom?, judge the attitude of the intended guy towards themselves:

Hawthorn - there is hope for love.

Cornflower - they will fall in love with you.

Bindweed - he will never love you.

Carnation (white) – sadness.

Carnation (yellow) – neglect.

Carnation (red) – passionate love.

Dahlia - gratitude.

Jasmine is only “courtship”, which does not predict serious intentions.

Bell - don’t trust him, he’ll deceive you.

Buttercup - everything will become clearer on the date.

Daisy – shy love.

Mint - you are loved very much.

Forget-me-not is afraid of losing you.

Marigolds - you will break up.

Peony - shame for his action.

Rose (white) – loves very much, but does not show it.

Rose (red) – misses you.

Chamomile - he doubts his love.

On July 7, Ivan Kupala is celebrated - a wonderful holiday of the triumph of life, hot summer, joy and love. It is simply filled with magic. This Day of Power is suitable for almost anyone magical rituals, and especially in order to look into the future, find out your fate and your betrothed.

Fortune telling on a fern on the night of Ivan Kupala

The main plant of the Ivan Kupala holiday is the fern. He is considered a conductor between the world of subtle matters and the earthly world, so those who want to know their fate have long turned to him. Kupala fortune-telling with a fern will help you decide which of the candidates for your hand and heart is ideal for you. It’s better to do this fortune telling big company, and not alone. At Kupala midnight, everyone needs to go together to the place where the fern grows and pick its branches. Tearing off a branch, they say:

“I pluck the Kupala plant, I want to know the future.”

Mark your personal branch with thread, ribbon, or something else so as not to get confused. Go to the nearest body of water, lower the branch into the water, and press it to the bottom with your hand. Everyone else does the same, each with their own branch. Then, while cutting, pull your hand back and watch how the branch floats up. Whose branches, emerging, will meet, those young people will have a chance to start a relationship.

Fortune telling on a fern

Another very similar method of fortune telling is designed for a more personal prediction. The branches are also somehow marked, but I designate with them the names of the gentlemen between whom there is a choice. The girl lowers all the branches to the bottom and, withdrawing her hand, waits to see which one will emerge first. The guy chosen for the first branch that pops up will become the betrothed.

Kupala fortune telling with a ring

Many rituals during Ivan Kupala are based on magic with the element of water, which helps to obtain information. To conduct ancient water divination, a girl must take from her mother wedding ring In addition, you need a glass with a flat bottom and without any patterns. The sacrament is performed at midnight, the glass is filled with water, and the ring is carefully lowered to the bottom. Lighted candles are placed to the right and left of the glass. Looking at the ring, they say:

The image of the betrothed, appear,
Appear in the ring mirror!”

In the middle of the ring lowered into the water, the image of the betrothed will appear.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala in circles on the water

For the next fortune telling, fill a wide vessel (for example, fill a basin with water in a pond. Whisper your wish over it and throw a small pebble. Count the circles on the water. An even number means the wish will come true, an odd number will not come true.

Fortune telling at the stake

An equally important symbol of the Ivan Kupala holiday is another element - fire. Its active power can also help to discover the secrets of the future. The next fortune telling is directly related to the traditional Kupala action - jumping over a fire in the mountains, holding the hand of the guy with whom you are going to connect your life.

By the way, the girl herself, who wanted to find out whether this romantic relationship promised her a happy marriage, could not always follow the signs during the jump. That's why her friends helped her.

Fortune telling at the stake

Before holding hands with her lover, the girl must say to herself the words:

“Let the sign indicate whether you are my husband
Or just a friend!”

If the hands of the young people separate during the jump and no small sparks fly out of the fire after the couple, there will be no wedding. If the hands do not separate and sparks fly from the fire, it means an imminent wedding. If the hands did not separate, but there were no sparks, most likely the wedding will be scheduled, but for some reason will not take place. If the hands are separated, but many sparks fly after the lovers, the couple will probably live happily together, but the wedding itself will not happen soon or will not happen at all.

Fortune telling with wreaths

Previously, girls wove themselves wreaths from flowers and herbs (as a sign of their beauty and charm), and boys - from oak leaves (as a sign of their strength).

The wreath was floated on the water, set adrift, and fate was determined by how exactly it floated. Sometimes a candle was attached to the wreath and lit. If the wreath drowns, it is not a good sign, foreshadowing deception on the part of a loved one. If the wreath unravels or becomes motionless on the water, there is little chance of a wedding in the coming year. When the wreath floats forward, with the flow, the wedding will take place, and family life will be prosperous. The direction in which the wreath floats could indicate in which direction the future husband lives.

Young guys loved to catch wreaths, proving with this action that they were able to conquer a girl. Having caught the wreath of a girl who was sweet, it was as if they were symbolically catching this girl herself. In the village, where all the potential grooms took part in the Kupala celebration, it was important to see who exactly caught your wreath.

In the old days, all these fortune-telling had a ritual form and while lowering the wreaths into the water, the girls sang ritual songs. Here is an example of suitable words:

“Whoever catches the wreath,
that girl will take it,
Who will get the wreath?
he will be mine..."

Fortune telling with wreaths

But not only the betrothed could be indicated by the Kupala wreath - it predicted whether a wish would come true. To do this, before weaving a wreath, they made a wish. Before putting the wreath on the water, they said:

“Kupala wreath, you predict fate.
Indicate whether my plans will come true.”

If, once in the water, the wreath floats far, far away with the current, the wish will come true. If after some short time you see that he has moored to the shore, alas, it will not come true.

Fire wheel

Symbol summer holiday Ivan Kupala there was a large fiery wheel that rolled down the mountain as a sign of decrease solar heat, shortening the day. But not only the decline in the strength of the clear sun was signified by the wheel - it rolled into the water and symbolized the unity of fire and water, the union of two principles, two elements and the origin of life.

The wheel determined what the year would be. If the wheel was on fire the entire time it rolled down the hill, -good year with a bountiful harvest; if the fire on the wheel decreased or died out, the year will be unstable.

For happiness and good luck

On the eve of Ivan Kupala, July 6, read a conspiracy that will bring you happiness and attract good luck.

Go knee-deep into a river, sea or lake and splashing yourself with water, say the magic words:

“The first tree is Ilyin,
The second tree is vitriol,
The third is feigned.
Submissive to the Lord God.
So that Happiness submits to me,
God's servant (name).
Under the pretend tree,
Submissive to the Lord God,
The gray fern grows.
Under that gray
Great happiness lives on.
It grows, it grows.
To my white body
Falls down.
Who knows Ivanov's conspiracy?
Nine times on Midsummer he reads,
To the way it is water,
Happiness and luck stick.
I close my words.
I'm wrapping up my affairs.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen."

May all your predictions be joyful! May all the signs of fate promise happiness!

Suggested reading.

One of the holidays when girls can tell their fortunes is Ivan Kupala. The night before the holiday, from July 6 to 7, is considered magical, and in its ritual content it surpasses the day of Ivan Kupala itself.

It has long been considered obligatory for the holiday to swim before sunset. Ivan Kupala is also associated with choosing a betrothed and conducting a marriage ceremony.

We have tried to collect for you the most accessible methods of fortune telling on Ivan Kupala - tell your fortune, your betrothed’s, and find out what life will give you in the near future. Use at least one of the fortune-telling options and find out whether the magical Kupala night really is.

Fortune telling with cherry pits

For this fortune telling, you need to draw a circle with a diameter of approximately 9 centimeters. Take 9 cherry pits in your hand, say your wish in your mind and throw all the pits up:

  • if they fall in a circle, the wish will come true;
  • if 1, 2 or 3 bones fall near the circle, the wish will come true, but there will be obstacles in its fulfillment;
  • If more than 4 stones fall outside the circle, the wish will not come true.

Interesting: The Eastern and Western Slavs had a ban on eating cherries until this day.

Fortune telling by circles on the water

In the evening, July 7, fill a bowl with water, say your wish in your mind and throw a small pebble into the water. Then quickly count the circles on the water. If their number is even, the wish will come true, if it is odd, it will not come true.

Interesting: Swimming has always been a mandatory custom on this holiday. It was believed that from this day on, all evil spirits came out of the rivers, so you can swim without fear. Moreover, water on Midsummer's Day is endowed with magical and healing properties.

Fortune telling by ring in water

Conduct fortune telling at midnight from July 6 to July 7. Light a candle. Take a transparent glass with a flat bottom and pour into it clean water and put an ordinary ring that you wear every day into the glass. Then look, right in the middle of the ring, the image of your betrothed will appear there.

Fortune telling for the future groom

Method 1: At midnight, go out into the street and ask the first man you meet, his name. Whatever his name is, that’s what your future husband will be called.

Method 2: Write the names of the guys you like on seven small pieces of paper. Place these seven notes under your pillow. In the morning, after waking up, put your hand in and take out one piece of paper. That guy whose name you took out is in love with you. Pay attention to this.

Classic fortune telling at the Kupala bonfire

A big fire is lit, boys and girls jump over it. If the flame of the fire does not touch the girl, this is a good sign, a successful marriage, if it does not touch the guy, good luck in business and love.

Fortune telling by candles

Break a regular candle into pieces and melt the wax. After the wax melts, immediately pour it into a container of water. See what shapes the frozen wax takes in water.

Ring or candle - for a wedding; wallet, money, chest - to wealth; heart shape - love; flag - visit of a guest; star shape - good luck; flowers - new fan; the human figure is a friend; wave - wish fulfillment; straight stripes - travel.

Popular Kupala fortune-telling with a wreath

A girl who wants to find out about her betrothed weaves a wreath of herbs and flowers. Then he floats the wreath on the water:

  • the wreath quickly floats away from the shore - promises happy life And good husband;
  • the wreath immediately sinks - the guy will stop loving you, you won’t get married this year;
  • the wreath floats further than the wreaths of your friends - you will be the happiest.

Unconventional fortune telling with chamomile

Take two chamomile flowers (imagine that one is you, the other is your lover) and carefully place them on the water:

  • daisies float together - you will be happy together;
  • the flowers will disperse - the couple will soon break up.

Fortune telling by dreams

At sunset, collect seven different flowers and put them under your pillow. On the night of Ivan Kupala you will have a prophetic dream.
