Useful tables in English.

The manual contains the most necessary rules of English grammar in diagrams and tables. This is a kind of cheat sheet for those who want to quickly remember or clarify previously acquired knowledge.
A clear organization of material and a non-boring layout make the book attractive and useful for anyone interested in the English language.
The author's unique methodology allows you to master the material quickly and effectively.
The manual is intended for the widest range of readers.

The pronoun I (“I”) is always capitalized.

The pronoun you (“you, you, you”) is translated into Russian as “you” (“You”) or “you”, depending on the context. It is also used to refer to strangers. The whole phrase does not have a connotation of familiarity or disdain; There is no special polite form of address in English.

The pronoun it refers to objects, animals. All inanimate objects, concepts, as well as some living beings are replaced by the pronoun it. In Russian it corresponds to pronouns of all three genders and is translated depending on the gender of the noun it replaces.

Personal pronouns have subjective and object forms. The objective form is understood as a form of pronouns that corresponds in Russian to pronouns in indirect cases without prepositions and with prepositions. In objective form, personal pronouns act as direct and indirect objects.

From the author
About transcription
Irregular Verbs
Modal verbs
Conditional mood
Verbs with postpositions and idioms
Order of words in a sentence
List of Swadesh
About paronyms
Modal words
Introductory words
Differences between British and American English
The most common spelling differences between British and American
variants of English
Political correctness.

Download the e-book for free in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Fast English, All grammar in tables and diagrams, Matveev S.A., 2014 -, fast and free download.

  • I will help you learn English, Self-instruction manual, Matveev S.A., 2016 - The purpose of the manual is to help everyone who wants to learn English on their own. The author’s effective methodology allows you to quickly master the structure English sentencesBooks on English
  • The newest self-instruction manual for the English language, Matveev S.A., 2015 - The newest self-instruction manual for the English language was written by the popular author S.A. Matveev, whose books are in demand among readers. This guide allows you to master English... Books on English
  • English aphorisms, Matveev S.A., 2012 - This book contains the most successful and interesting from a linguistic point of view English aphorisms, which have absorbed experience, knowledge, wit and surprisingly ... Books on English
  • A new English course for those who value their time, Matveev S.A., 2014 - If you spend a lot of time on the road, this book is just for you. The author's unique method of learning English is... Books on English

The following textbooks and books:

  • Fast English, Communicating in English without problems, Matveev S.A., 2015 - This manual presents a revolutionary method of teaching English, thanks to which you can easily master grammar and pronunciation and be able to ... Books on English
  • Fast English, The best tutorial for beginners and repeat beginners, Matveev S.A., 2015 - The famous author of original methods for learning languages, Sergey Matveev, offers an effective guide that will help you a short time learn to express your thoughts... Books on English
  • Fast English, For those who have no time, but urgently need it, Matveev S.A., 2014 - The English language manual is intended for those who need to get real results with a minimum of effort. Unique author's methodology and... Books on English
  • Fast English, For those who don’t need to know, but simply explain themselves, Matveev S.A., 2015 - A new book popular series by S. A. Matveev Quick English is a practical reference book for those who want to say the right words in ... Books on English

Previous articles:

  • English in 30 days, Matveev S.A., 2015 - English in 30 days is a unique tutorial designed for those who do not know English, but want to master it. ... Books on English
  • English for any age, Matveev S.A., 2015 - The book by the popular author Sergei Matveev includes the following sections: About English pronunciation (the basic rules of English pronunciation are given here, and also presented ... Books on English
  • It's easy to speak English, Kaul M.R., Khidekel S.S., 2015 - It's easy to speak English! This is a fun guide that will help you learn to communicate easily in English in any situation. The book contains more than 100... Books on English
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Today in our article we would like to talk about a topic such as English grammar briefly. The fact is that this section of language learning itself is quite extensive. And as you and I know, a large amount of information is best remembered when it is presented in the form of an English grammar in diagrams and tables. That is why we have carefully selected all the most relevant information and systematized it. Thus, all English grammar in the tables will be able to clearly remind you of the previously learned rules and it will not take much of your time. It's also worth noting that you can download the table data to your computer. And due to the fact that we present English grammar briefly, they will not take up much space. Let's get started.

Verb to be

When people mention English grammar, they automatically think of 12 tenses. We will focus on them in our article below. English grammar in tables and diagrams is simply inseparable from the rules for using the verb to be in various variants. This is where you should start.

English grammar in tables and the verb to be

As you can see for yourself, the English grammar in the tables is very easy to understand. Due to this form of presentation, we were able to consider an entire section teaching aid in English, in just a couple of minutes. That's why we strongly advise you to study English grammar in tables and diagrams. At the very least, as an option to remind the main recommendations, this is a great way. And we move on to the next section.

English tenses and grammar

We have already mentioned the need to study the 12 tenses. The most optimal for this section is English grammar in tables and diagrams. The whole point is that when we're talking about Many people begin to get confused about the times and forget some points. That is why visualization and visual comparison of English grammar in tables is needed here. After all, you will agree that it is very convenient, with the help of one diagram, to immediately remember all the basics of such a large section as times. So let's get started.

So, as you can see for yourself, this option of repeating the studied material is extremely successful. In fact, the entire English grammar can be represented in tables. This would greatly facilitate the process of learning this language. But we will return to this issue in future articles. And now we wish you successful learning of grammar and “Good luck”!

It is one of the most difficult issues in teaching. Anyone learning English naturally tries to master its grammar, relying on knowledge of the grammar of their language. And often difficulties are caused by those grammatical structures that have no analogues in the Russian language. For example, it is difficult for a Russian-speaking student to understand why there are more than a dozen different tenses in the English language, although in Russian we get by just fine with three.

It is in such cases that English grammar comes to the rescue in tables where you can clearly see common features and differences between different grammatical forms. Teachers note that English grammar in tables and diagrams is much easier to remember and subsequently turns out to be easier to use in practice.

So, let's make a table of the nine main tenses of the English language. Before going directly to the table, you need to know a few basic rules that apply to any tense in the English language.

  • In any tense of the English language there is auxiliary in addition to main verb (predicate).
  • In a negative sentence of any tense, the particle not is added to auxiliary verb and placed in front main verb - predicate.
  • In any question of any tense in the English language it is necessary to use auxiliary, which is placed before the subject.

There are three main groups of English tenses:

  1. Simple (or Indefinite) - simple,
  2. Continuous (or Progressive) - long,
  3. Perfect - completed.
Each of these groups has its own
Present - Present,
Past - Past and
Future - Future.

Thus, in our table we get nine tenses of the English language - three tenses in three groups. Let's first consider the three tenses of the group Simple, then Continuous and, finally, Perfect. As you study the tables, pay attention to the common features of each group of tenses, as well as the form of the main verb in the tenses of each group.

English grammar in tables







How is it formed

1 formverb . (I, you, we, they)

1 formverb.+ s(es) (he, she, it)

2 form of verb.

will + 1 form of verb.

Auxiliary verb


do es



Affirmative form

They walk in the parkevery day. They walk in the park every day.

He walk s in the parkevery day. He walks in the park every day.

They walk ed in the park yesterday. They walked in the park yesterday.

They will walk in the park tomorrow. They will walk in the park tomorrow.

Negative form

They do not walk in the parkevery day

He do es not walk _ in the parkevery day.

They did not walk_ in the park yesterday.

They will not walk in the park tomorrow.

General question

Do they walk in the parkevery day?

Do es he walk _ in the parkevery day?

Did they walk_ in the park yesterday?

Will they walk in the park tomorrow?

Special question

Where do they walk every day?

Where do es he walk _ every day?

Where did they walk _ yesterday?

Where will they walk tomorrow?


Denotes actions that occur regularly, usually and are not tied to the moment of speech. Hint words - every (day, year, week), usually, always, often, etc.

Denotes an action that happened sometime in the past and the time for its commission has already passed. Hint words - yesterday, last (week, year, month…), ago etc.

Denotes an action that will occur in the uncertain or distant future. Hint words - tomorrow, next (year, month…) etc.




How is it formed

am, is, are +verb . ing

was, were +

will + be + verb ing

Auxiliary verb

am, is, are

was, were


Affirmative form

They are walk ing in the park now. They are walking in the park now.

They were walk ing in the park when he saw them yesterday. They were walking in the park when he saw them yesterday.

They will be walk ing in the park at this time tomorrow. They will be walking in the park at this time tomorrow.

Negative form

They are not walk ing in the park now.

They were not walk ing in the park when he saw them yesterday.

They will not be walk ing in the park at this time tomorrow.

General question

Are they walk ing in the park now?

Were they walk ing in the park when he saw them yesterday?

Will they be walk ing in the park at this time tomorrow?

Special question

Where are they walk ing now?

Where were they walk ing when he saw them yesterday?

Where will they be walk ing at this time tomorrow?


Denotes actions that occur at the moment of speech. Hint words - now, at the moment, Look! Listen! etc.

Denotes an action that occurred at a certain point in the past. Or an action against the background of which another action occurred, which Necessarily must be expressed Past Simple.

Denotes an action that will occur at a certain moment or period in the future. Hint words - can be combinations words-designations future tense and specific moment - at this time tomorrow, at six o'clock next Friday etc.



How is it formed

have + 3 formverb . (I, you, we, they)

ha s + 3 formverb . (he, she, it)

had + 3rd form of verb.

will + have + 3rd form of verb.

Auxiliary verb


ha s



Affirmative form

They have already walk ed in the park. They have already walked in the park.

He ha s already walk ed in the park. He has already taken a walk in the park.

They had already walk ed in the park before he came. They had already walked in the park before he arrived.

They will have already walk ed in the park by 2 p.m. tomorrow. They will already be walking in the park before two o'clock tomorrow.

Negative form

They have not walk ed in the park yet.

He ha s not walk ed in the park yet.

They had not walk ed in the park yet before he came.

They will not have walk ed in the park by 2 p.m. tomorrow.

General question

Have they walk ed in the park yet?

Ha s he walk ed in the park yet?

Had they walk ed in the park before he came?

Will they have walk ed in the park by 2 p.m. tomorrow?

Special question

Where have they walk ed ?

Where ha s he walk ed ?

Where had they walk ed before he came?

Where will they have walk ed by 2 p.m. tomorrow?


Indicates an action that has completed and is connected to the present through the result. The place and time of the action is not important. Hint words - ever, never, just, already, yet; since

Denotes an action that was completed before some point or other action in the past. Hint words - before, by (the time) etc

Indicates an action that will be completed at some time in the future or before some other action in the future.

Thus, from these tables it can be understood that each group has common feature both in meaning and in the form of the times included in it.

  • The times of the Simple group are uncertain actions, not associated with any moment.
  • The times of the group Continuous are long lasting , process. In form, all tenses in this group use the verb be in the present, past or future, and the ending -ing on the main verb.
  • Time group Perfect- This completed actions, implying a result. All tenses in this group use the verb have in the present, past or future, and the third form of the semantic verb.

Also note that the auxiliary verb will- common to all groups in the form of the future tense.

Present Perfect Continuous, Past Perfect Continuous, Future in the Past Continuous

Long times are not something easy, however, you can delve into their structure if you understand how they are formed and what functionality they perform.

We present to your attention a detailed table that thoroughly reveals the essence of these complex grammatical phenomena. This is a kind of “reminder for dummies”, which helps out when you urgently need to remember a given grammatical rule.




Present Perfect Continuous

Past Perfect Continuous

Future in the Past

How is it formed

to form have, has + been a verb is added with " ing" at the end

modal verb had + been in combination with the verb " ing" at the end

form would + be with a verb with " ing" at the end

Auxiliary verb

to be in Present Perfect( have, has + been)

to be in Past Perfect( had + been)

would + be

Affirmative form

Eva has been stand ing on this place for 2 days. The translation of the sentence is: Eve stood here for two days.

Peter had been waiting for this airship for 2 days when it was announced about delay. Translation: Peter had been expecting this airship for 2 days when it was announced that it would be delayed.

She said they would be working the whole night. It translates as follows: She said they would work all night.

Negative form

Eva has not been standing on this place for 2 days.

Peter had not been waiting for this airship…

She said they would not be working the whole night.

General question

Has Eva been standing on this place 2 days?

Had he been waiting for this airship for 2 days, when it was announced about delay?

Did she say they would be working the whole night?

Special question

Where has Eva been standing 2 days?

How long had he been waiting for this airship, when it was announced about delay?

What did she say, they really would be working the whole night?


Used to indicate a process. Indicates an action whose beginning dates back to the past. It continued in the past as well. The end of the process occurred either immediately before the conversation or at the time of the conversation.

The presence of such a tense in a sentence indicates that the action indicated by the Past Perfect Continuous began and continued in the past. Its ending could also have taken place before some event in the past, or it could not have taken place before some moment in the past.

Used when talking about some ongoing action in the future. Reception is discussed in the past. Helping words in this case are all day, from..till, during. A peculiarity of sentences with Future in the Past is their structure: in the first part the past simple tense is used, and in the second part the continuous future is used.

Tables of English tenses help you easily understand the logic of constructing various grammatical structures of the English language and are a good help in doing exercises.

You can apply the acquired knowledge in practice and continue your education on our website. Here you will find all the basic rules, practice applying them in unique exercises, get real pleasure from professionally voiced texts of various levels and will be able to choose learning material that is suitable for you.

English grammar exercises

After you have studied the English grammar tables, try doing exercises to consolidate your knowledge.

Complete the sentence with the missing word

Fill in the blanks with suitable words

Put the words in the correct order

    Summer go every we usuallyevery camping usually ... summer go every we usuallyevery camping usually ... summer go every we usuallyevery camping usually ... summer go every we usuallyevery camping usually ... summer go every we usuallyevery camping usually ... summer go every we usuallyevery camping usually.

    Uncle to year Spain last went my ... uncle to year Spain last went my ... uncle to year Spain last went my ... uncle to year Spain last went my ... uncle to year Spain last went my ... uncle to year Spain last went my ... uncle to year Spain last went my .


Hello my beloved readers.

Today we have a very important topic. Unlike foreigners, who will never be able to understand the meaning of the phrase “no, probably”, for us (even the most novice dummies!) to understand them 12 - I ask you to note, - sometimes it’s worth nothing. It's true?

And if you have ever had problems with them, then today we will solve them with you. Topic of the day: tenses in English. We will understand when, where, what is used, as well as time indicators.

Please note that for each time I attached color scheme with formulas and examples for clarity, after which you can follow the link to fix the time using exercises and online tests . Also, all the names of times (highlighted in red) are clickable - to go to separate page with more detailed rule, explanations and examples. Let's start in order.

Times are real

I was cooking when the phone rank.

The second most popular time for many schoolchildren (the first, of course, Present Simple), - This . And the reason for this is simple: it is used if an event occurred BEFORE another event in the past (See for more details about this time).


When she called I had already packed my suitcase.
I was ready to go when he called and told me that he had forgotten the keys.

No less amazing time denotes an event that began at some specific point in the past, and ended before some point in the past - or is still continuing in the past.

I had been doing this report for 3 hours when I found it in the Internet.

Future times

Commands what will happen in the future. Here are the cases in which it can be used:

  • Simple future event;
    I will call you tomorrow.
  • Regular actions;
    I will come here every year.
  • Description of the sequence;
    I will come home, my mother will give us some food and we will hit the road.

Describes events at a specific future moment.

At 5 p.m. we will be conducting a meeting session. I expect you to be there.

C, everything is similar to its counterparts in other tenses: an action is described that starts in the future and ends then.

I will have spent a lot of time for preparation before taking part in this competition.

Many English language learners believe that they need to immediately master all tenses in order to put a long-awaited check mark on a long list of planned English tasks. But I’ll tell you as an experienced teacher - first you need to master 3-5 running times. When you know them by heart and know how to use them, then you can move on. Otherwise, you will get stuck at this stage and quit English without tasting all its charm!

By the way, I recommend that many of my friends (who want to remember or just learn the basics of English grammar) take online course from LinguaLeo « Grammar for Beginners» . You definitely won't be bored there. In addition, the information is as practical as possible. In addition to the 5 tenses that are proposed to be mastered in this course, everyone will find others there. basic grammar concepts, which will simply be impossible to forget after a bunch of interesting practical tasks.

How easy is it to remember all these times? A table with examples will help you with this. Everything you need in one place. Convenient, isn't it?

I hope, my dears, that now you will have much fewer questions about verb tenses. But if you still have unresolved questions, do not hesitate to write them under the article. I will be happy to answer them.

If you want to be the first to receive a selection where the best exercises on this topic will be collected - then subscribe to delicious my blog newsletter.

And for today I say goodbye.
Until we meet again, my dears.

In contact with

This manual contains basic grammatical and lexical material for the initial stage of learning English, as well as some grammar materials for the advanced stage of learning.
The manual is recommended for English teachers as reference signals for studying and consolidating educational material and for schoolchildren as a reference for learning English, aimed at developing visual memory.

Question words.
When? When?
What? What? Which?
Where? Where? Where?
Who? Who?
Whom? whom? to whom?
Whose? whose?
Which which? (if selected)
How? How?
How many? How many? (with countables)
How much? How many? (with uncountables).

Transcription signs
Stressed vowel reading table
Rules for reading the vowel "a".
Rules for reading the vowel “o”
Rules for reading the vowel "e".
Rules for reading the vowel “u”
Rules for reading the vowel “i”.
Rules for reading the vowel “y”
Rules for reading letter combinations
Plural of nouns
Words are exceptions in education plural nouns
Forms of the verb to be
Shortened and negative forms of the verb to be
Interrogative sentences with the verb to be
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Personal and possessive pronouns
Demonstrative pronouns
Reflexive pronouns
Pronouns some/any and their derivatives
Cardinal numbers (1-12)
Cardinal numbers (13-19)
Cardinal numbers (round)
Days of the week
Seasons and months
Question words
Prepositions of place
Prepositions of movement (l)
Prepositions of movement (ll)
Prepositions of time
Time watch
Possessive nouns
Verb to have (got)
Countable and uncountable nouns
There construction is, there are
Words (many, much, a lot of)
Table of modal verbs
Modal verb can
Degrees of comparison of adjectives
Degrees of comparison of adverbs and their formation
Word order of affirmative and interrogative sentences
Table of irregular verbs (b-e)
Table of irregular verbs (f-l)
Table of irregular verbs (i-s)
Table of irregular verbs (s-w)
Abbreviations table
Present Simple (affirmative and negative sentences) Present Simple ( interrogative sentences)
Present Progressive (affirmative and negative sentences) Present Progressive (interrogative sentences)
Future Simple (affirmative and negative sentences) Future Simple (interrogative sentences)
Past Simple (affirmative and negative sentences) Past Simple (interrogative sentences)
Present Perfect (affirmative and negative sentences) Present Perfect (interrogative sentences)
Past Progressive (affirmative and negative sentences) Past Progressive (interrogative sentences)
Time system English verb
Word-forming suffixes. Formation of verbs
Word-forming suffixes. Formation of nouns
Word-forming suffixes. Formation of adjectives
Coordination of times in indirect speech
Body parts
Hallowe'en holiday
Holiday Christmas
Holiday St. Valentine's Day.

Download the e-book for free in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book English Grammar in tables, Levitskaya E.G., Vasilenko M.V., 1995 -, fast and free download.

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