Sea rooster fish. Betta fish (Siamese betta)



The gurnard is an exotic fish with a memorable color, usually brick red, but other shades are also found. The gurnard belongs to the order Perciformes and lives in the Black Sea. When you first meet this fish, you may experience a shock, because despite its ugliness and size, sometimes reaching up to 90 cm and a weight of 5 kg, the fish attracts and fascinates the eye at the same time.

The fish got its name not by chance, because if you look at the fish you can find many coincidences. Firstly, it's color. The second is weight. Third is the taste, sea rooster meat tastes very similar to steamed chicken. Fourth, the gurnard has large, pectoral fins that resemble wings, from which 6 legs extend. These are not full-fledged legs, but long rays growing from fins and modified into finger-like appendages. They help the fish move quickly along the bottom, and also serve as external taste organs and help in finding food in the mud. The fifth coincidence that occurs is that many species of gurnard can fly. The fish, jumping forcefully out of the water, flies as much as 20 meters for three seconds above the surface of the water, spreading its fins in the form of wings, after which it plunges noisily back into the water. Flight speed can reach 40 km/h. And the sixth coincidence is that the guinea rooster is capable of making clearly audible sounds. If the fish is not deep, relative to the surface of the water, you can hear clearly distinguishable characteristic grunts and grunts.

This is interesting!

In Crimea there is a place called Tarkhankut. Scuba divers come there to dive and admire the bizarre reliefs of rocky shores underwater, as well as the unusual beauty of underwater inhabitants. Many people dream of seeing the gurnard that lives there.
The gurnard is often found at a depth of 25-30 meters. Scuba divers are lucky - this is the safest depth for diving and therefore they admire the strange fish to their hearts' content, especially how the fish hunts. The gurnard most often hunts red mullet, which lives in large quantities in the Black Sea. When the red mullet loses caution, the gurnard pushes off the bottom with its feet and catches its prey in one leap. If you're lucky, the gurnard can be seen on the surface, especially after a big storm at sunset, when small fish accumulate on the surface.

Guinea rooster in cooking

Sea rooster meat contains virtually no bones. The fish meat is white in color, dense in consistency, and tastes much like mackerel. The guinea pig is widely known thanks to French cuisine, because... This is an essential ingredient in the famous Marseille Bouillabaisse soup.
Sea rooster is prepared in a variety of ways.

Steamed sea rooster meat is added to salads, combined with fresh cucumbers, greens, eggs, juicy, leaf lettuce and a dressing based on olive oil and lemon juice. Sea rooster fried in batter or breadcrumbs is served as a warm appetizer on bamboo skewers. They offer a citrus sweet and sour sauce for the fish. Sea rooster carpaccio with parsley sauce served as cold snack.

Guinea rooster is baked in parchment with apples or spinach and served as a hot dish, fried with onions and mushrooms. Sea rooster meat goes well with cheese to taste. For this reason, fish fillets are baked under a cheese crust or cooked in pots with big amount cheese. Cheese soup with pieces of grilled sea rooster fillet is also delicious.

In France, in addition to the legendary Bouillabaisse, local residents favorite dish sea ​​rooster medallions, steamed and served with caramelized onions, a slice of lemon and white pepper, as well as fish slices cooked in orange sauce.

In Italy, sea rooster fillet is baked with potatoes and natural ham, with tomatoes and mozzarella, fried in olive oil and serve with parmesan flakes, prepare pasta with fillet pieces.

In Turkey, the sea rooster is baked whole, first rubbed with salt, garlic, pepper and vegetable oil. The fish is served whole, garnished with grilled slices of vegetables. They prefer to cook sea rooster fillet in crushed nuts. The fillet is breaded in nut crumbs and fried until golden brown. Serve fillet with fresh vegetable salad.

In Bulgaria, they prefer to stew sea rooster in pots with a lot of vegetables, after boiling a rich broth from the head and bones.
Sea rooster is a rare and very expensive fish. It is extremely difficult to purchase it on the open market; at best, these will be private traders who have permission to sell this type of fish.

Despite the fact that the gurnard lives off the coast of Crimea, it is not cooked on the peninsula, because fishing is prohibited; the fish is listed in the Red Book of Ukraine.

If you have purchased a sea rooster, try preparing delicious dishes from it using our recipes. They are not complicated at all, but very tasty and aromatic.
Our first recipe is stuffed sea rooster. In order to prepare it, you will need gurnard 300 grams, a head of garlic, 200 grams of mayonnaise, 50-100 grams of sunflower oil, salt and pepper.
Cut the fish, pepper, salt, make several shallow cuts with a knife across the back, put half a clove (or a whole one) of garlic into the cuts. Prepare a baking sheet: fill it with oil. Dip the fish in flour - only on one side, place the fish on a baking sheet with this side. Pour mayonnaise on top. Place in the oven over medium heat until cooked through - 20-30 minutes.

The second recipe is suitable for those who are watching their weight, because we will be steaming the fish. Take 2 fish, 1 large tomato, 1 lemon, 4 tbsp. l. olive oil, basil, freshly ground black pepper, salt.
Scald the tomatoes with boiling water and remove the skin, remove the seeds and cut into cubes. Peel the lemon and cut into cubes. Mix with tomatoes, oil, season with salt and pepper. Rinse the fish and pat dry with a paper towel. Place in a steamer bowl, add salt and pepper and steam. Transfer the sea rooster to plates, pour over the sauce and serve. Bon appetit!

Length: up to 70 cm; weight: up to 7 kg; Harvesting season: by-catch, February-May, August-October.

Distributed in the seas of subtropical and temperate zones, in the Black, Baltic, Far Eastern seas and occasionally in the Barents Sea.

General information
Sea cocks (trigles, Triglidae), family sea ​​fish order of scorpionfishes. The body is fusiform, covered with scales or plates. Length up to 90 cm; 1-3 lower rays of the ventral fin have the shape of finger-like processes and serve for crawling along the bottom, and are also organs of touch and taste. The deep-sea double-nosed shellfish, or malarmata (Peristedion), has a whole body covered with bony plates. Some species of trigles can perform short gliding flights. Pelagic caviar. They feed on invertebrates and small fish.

Nutritional value
The meat of this fish has exceptionally high taste and is a good raw material for the production of canned food. Also high in selenium, calcium and magnesium.

Culinary use
They have commercial significance; the meat is very tasty.


Stewed gurnard
Sea rooster (can be perch or pollock) - 4 pcs., flour, carrots - 3 pcs., tomatoes - 2 pcs., onions - 4 pcs., parsley, khmeli-suneli seasoning, salt, sunflower oil, mayonnaise.
Dip the fish in flour, add salt, place in a frying pan, and fry in sunflower oil until half cooked. Sprinkle chopped onions on top. Pour some boiled water into the pan and simmer for 3 minutes. Then add grated carrots, onions, chopped tomatoes, a few teaspoons of khmeli-suneli, add water, add salt and simmer until tender. Pour mayonnaise over the top of the dish and let stand for a few minutes to soak, sprinkle with herbs. Fish can be served with pasta.
Bon appetit!

Stuffed fish "Oberemok"
Sea rooster - 300 g, head of garlic, 200 g mayonnaise, 50-100 g sunflower oil, salt, pepper.
Cut the fish, pepper, salt, make several shallow cuts with a knife across the back, put half a clove (or a whole one) of garlic into the cuts. Prepare a baking sheet: fill it with oil. Dip the fish in flour - only on one side, place the fish on a baking tray with this side. Pour mayonnaise on top. Place in the oven over medium heat until cooked through - 20-30 minutes.
Bon appetit!

Sea rooster with tomatoes, lemon sauce and basil
2 sea roosters, 1 large tomato, 1 lemon, 4 tbsp. l. olive oil, basil, freshly ground black pepper, salt.
Scald the tomatoes with boiling water and remove the skin, remove the seeds and cut into cubes. Peel the lemon and cut into cubes. Mix with tomatoes, oil, season with salt and pepper.
Rinse the fish and pat dry with a paper towel. Cook in a double boiler. Next, the fish should be crushed and poured with sauce. Serve with basil.
Bon appetit!

"Coconut" guinea pig
1 kg sea rooster, 4 onions, garlic, 2 sprigs of lemon grass, 2 tomatoes, olive oil, cane sugar, lime, lemon, 20 g coconut milk, curry, coriander, rice, salt and pepper.
Cut the fish into cubes. Fry in olive oil. Mix chopped onion and garlic, add lemon and lime zest and juice, coconut milk, tomatoes, cane sugar. Add fish, lemon grass, salt and pepper, and curry. Bring to readiness. Before serving, sprinkle with coriander and garnish with Thai rice.

The gurnard is a predatory fish belonging to the order of scorpionfish. Its second name is trigla. She can be considered both ugly and beautiful and, without a doubt, exotic. Its pectoral fins are large and resemble wings. From them extend down three unconnected finger-like “feathers”, the so-called

"legs". The head is large, flattened at the sides. A huge mouth with a split upper lip hanging over the lower lip is located across the head. A huge forehead is not at all typical for fish. Her eyes are large, mobile, and there are sharp spikes above them that perform a protective function.

The gurnard has a spindle-shaped body. Along it, spines stretch in two lines, between which is located the dorsal fin, consisting of a high, spiny front part and a low back part, reaching the tail. The forked tail is well developed.

In color there is a predominance of brick-red colors, and brown closer to the tail. The ventral region is silvery white or light pink. When folded, the gill fins extend to the tail; on the outside they are the same color as the belly. When expanded, the upper surface in lilac tones turns into purple. There is a blue border along the edge of the fins. Like this unusual appearance has a sea cock. The photo demonstrates all its originality.

Its “legs” are indispensable when hunting sedentary organisms. The predator also hunts small fish, as a rule, at a depth of about 20 m. While waiting for prey, the gurnard lies on the bottom or climbs into the algae. Red mullets burrowing in the sand and shrimps - best food for him. Seeing the prey, he rushes at it with lightning speed, pushing off from the bottom with his “legs”. When moving quickly, the fins fold up and do not get in the way. Having filled its belly, the exotic fish rests in the seaweed.

The gurnard not only swims, but also flies. Wanting to chase small fish, he jumps out of the water, spreads his “wings” and flies over the surface of the sea. Having overcome 15-18 meters, he falls into the water with splashes. Flight speed reaches 40 km/h.

Surprisingly, the sea cock is capable of making sounds similar to snoring, grunting, purring or grumbling. This gives away his location. It makes sounds throughout the year, and not just during spawning. For this ability it is also called the sea cuckoo.

Male gurnards become sexually mature by the age of three, females by the age of four. They spawn in the summer at a depth of 15-20 m. Females spawn several times (up to 4) per season. There can be up to 14 thousand eggs, they ripen for a week, then the fry hatch. Incredibly, cubs aged 2-3 weeks - exact copies parents. Young animals lead a bottom-dwelling lifestyle.

The sea rooster can grow up to 75 cm and reach 5.5 kg. But as a rule, specimens up to 35 cm long and weighing up to 1 kg are caught.

Fish usually live in schools at depths of 5 to 60 m. Preference is given to areas of the sea with a sandy bottom and aquatic vegetation. When it gets cold, they go to depths of up to 100 m.

The French and Turks consider guinea pig meat to be tender, similar in taste to steamed chicken. Perhaps this is where its name came from, and not at all from its appearance and “voice”.

Sea cock or trigla is a valuable fish with dense white meat. It got its name from its bright color and unusual shape fins. Some species even know how to fly: fish jump out of the water and stay in the air for 3-4 seconds.

Fried sea rooster can be served with potatoes and herbs.

  • Number of servings: 6
  • Preparation time: 10 minutes
  • Cooking time: 15 minutes

Guinea rooster recipe in a frying pan

Sea roosters are the name given to a whole family of ray-finned fish, consisting of 105 species. In Russia, only yellow and gray trigla are found. The meat of this unusual fish It has a delicate taste and contains virtually no bones. The head of the trigla is covered with sharp spines and plates, so you need to clean it very carefully.


  1. Cut the fillet into large pieces.
  2. Rub the pieces with salt, dip them in beaten egg and roll in breadcrumbs. If desired, add dried herbs or spices to the breading.
  3. Fry the fillet in vegetable oil for 5-7 minutes on each side.

Serve the treat with boiled potatoes or rice.

Method for cooking sea rooster in the oven

Try cooking tasty dish for a festive lunch or dinner.


  • trigla fillet – 700 g;
  • cream – 200 ml;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • hard cheese – 2 pcs.;
  • lemon – 0.5 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil– 60 g;
  • dry dill – 10 g;
  • ground paprika – 7 g;
  • salt and ground pepper - to taste.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Cut the onion into half rings and fry it until golden brown.
  2. Mix cream with herbs and spices.
  3. Cut the fillet into pieces 3-5 cm wide, salt them and place on a greased baking sheet.
  4. Water the workpieces lemon juice and put onions on them. Pour cream over the fish.
  5. Cook the dish at 180°C for 30 minutes. Sprinkle the treat with cheese and return it to the oven for another 15 minutes.

Serve the fish with steamed vegetables and fried potatoes.

Sea rooster with vegetables

Stewed fish goes well with rice, vegetables and mashed potatoes.


  • fish fillet – 800 g;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • sunflower oil – 90 g;
  • tomato paste – 60 g;
  • cloves – 5 pcs.;
  • peppercorns – 5 pcs.;
  • Bay leaf- 1 PC.;
  • salt and pepper - to taste.

Cooking steps:

  1. Cut the fillet into large cubes and the onion into half rings. Grate the carrots.
  2. Mix the prepared products and place them in a greased frying pan. Cook the dish covered for 10 minutes.
  3. Add salt, spices and tomato paste. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer the fish over low heat for another 15 minutes.

The treat can be served hot or chilled.

In Europe, trigla is considered a delicacy, so dishes from it are prepared on special occasions or on holidays.

How much does gurnard fish cost (average price per 1 kg)?

Moscow and Moscow region.

Sea rooster fish is considered one of the most attractive and original fish, which live in the waters of the Black Sea. Thus, the body of this fish is distinguished by a brick-red hue of color, while the gill fins of the sea rooster are so huge that they resemble wings.

The coloring of these fins simply defies description: shimmering with a bluish-lead tint, along their edges there is a blue border on which you can see red threads or glasses. The combination of such bright colors in the colors of the gurnard fish simply amazes with its harmony and beauty.

The gurnard is characterized by a huge head, which is distinguished by a prominent, flat forehead and a huge upper lip, hanging over the bottom. There is a spike above each eye of the sea cock fish. The gill fins, which have three rays, are devoid of membranes and somewhat resemble legs. By the way, when moving along the surface of the ground, the gurnard fish actually uses them for sharp pushes from the bottom when hunting.

This species is classified as predatory fish, while the gurnard prefers to stay mainly in the bottom water layers. The favorite habitats of this fish are sandy clearings at a depth of up to thirty meters. The basis of the diet of the gurnard fish is the sultana, which also lives in the bottom layers.

Relatively taste qualities Sea rooster fish can be said to be a truly excellent gastronomic product, the taste of which in simple words It's quite difficult to explain. For example, many connoisseurs of this fish compare the taste of sea rooster with the characteristic taste of sturgeon. The tender and quite fatty meat of this fish, like that of sturgeon, is practically devoid of bones, not counting the ridge.

Some chefs advise baking or boiling (poaching) gurnard fish, but it is better not to fry it. The fact is that the snow-white, dense meat of this fish, which does not fall apart during heat treatment, when fried turns out to be somewhat dry and therefore requires the addition of sauces. Best in fried fish For sea rooster, white fish sauce is suitable, instead of which you can also use mayonnaise, or add a little sour cream to the pan in the last couple of minutes of frying the fish.

The culinary benefits of sea cock fish have been known since ancient times. The chowder made from sea rooster fish is especially tasty; in particular, without it it is impossible to imagine the famous Marseille bouillabaisse soup, in which this particular fish plays the first violin.

Calorie content of sea rooster fish 161 kcal

Energy value of gurnard fish (ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bju).
