How old are Uspensky and his wife Elena? The ex-wife of Eduard Uspensky Eleanor Filina: I did not cheat, but did not endure his tyranny

Today we will tell you who Eleanor Filina is. Her biography will be discussed in detail below. Our heroine was born on April 28, 1962 in Moscow. She received her education at regular school No. 796. She graduated in 1979. After graduating from school, she entered the Moscow City Pedagogical University, where she studied at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Educational Psychology. Graduated from university in 1986.


Eleonora Filina begins to actively build a television and radio career, in which she is very successful. In 1991, he began working at the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, where he served until 1993. The period from 1993 to 1999 falls out of active life careerists, but later she takes her toll with interest. In 1999, NTV joined the work. Serves there for 4 years until the expiration of the contract. He ends his work on this TV channel in 2003. Afterwards he immediately enters into a contract with the TV6 channel. She does not stay there for long and, after working for only one year, she again changes her place of service.

TV and radio

The new place of activity that Eleonora Filina finds herself in is the TVS channel. Here the service life is as short as on previous work. And therefore, after being there from 2004 to 2005, he quits. The next place is Channel Five. Here Eleanor Filina has been staying for a long time. She worked on Channel Five from 2005 to 2011. All this time, from 1992 to 2011 inclusive, she has been working as a presenter, author and editor-in-chief at Radio Russia. Observing the career of Eleonora Nikolaevna, one can notice very strong creative progress and career, but all this before 2011. Further, her career is called into question for personal reasons.


Eleanor Filina initiates a divorce from her eminent, rich and very influential husband, with whom she has been married for 6 years. Then a very high-profile divorce process began. Both sides accused each other of all mortal sins and could not resolve the issue peacefully. Eleanor Filina’s main complaint was that her husband abused her son from a previous marriage. He called it “raising like a man.”

The next reason, which in her own words served as a certain trigger, was that her husband, known and loved by many, Uspensky, raised his hand against her.

After which the great writer did not remain in debt. He reproached his wife for infidelity and self-interest. He assured that he would leave her without material benefits, and confirmed this with a lawsuit to receive 7.5 million rubles from his ex-wife for a prosperous life during marriage. Therefore on this moment Eleonora Filina, known to the public as a music editor, producer and, most importantly, as the host of the television program “Ships Came into Our Harbor,” she temporarily retired from active public life. At this stage, she is Television, engaged in concert activities.

“For ten years I lived as if on a powder keg. I couldn’t shake the feeling that my beloved Edik had disappeared, and next to me was his clone,” admits Eleonora Filina, wife of the writer Eduard Uspensky, co-host of the program “Ships Came into Our Harbor.”

- “Lera, hello!” - the husband’s voice sounds cheerful. “Hello, Eduard Nikolaevich...” - “I installed a new lock in the apartment on Kutuzovsky. You won't appear there again now. Bye then!" I stand in a daze. How can he do this?! What should we do if my son and I are now banned from entering our Moscow apartment? Well, how much can you mock? There is an external school nearby where Vlad studies. This means that now we will have to navigate through traffic jams there from Peredelkino, where, with the highest permission of Eduard Nikolayevich, we are allowed to be. Well, knowing his character, this was to be expected.

Yes, I myself finally decided to leave him, realizing that our marriage was a mistake. But you can break up in a civilized way, and not like this, conveying through friends: “Tell her that she can live in a house in Peredelkino, but don’t bother with the rest.” And this despite the fact that everything I earned was invested in our shared life, in an apartment, in a house in Troitsk, where there is now 1200 sq. m. My husband lives alone. Uspensky does not want a divorce. And the conditions for coexistence he puts forward are unacceptable to me: “Your youngest son should not come into my sight. Although he can live there in another wing of the house.” Poor Vlad - he was not yet sixteen - for long years spent next to one of the most popular children's writers of our time, I already had to endure a lot of humiliation.

We met Cheburashka’s “father” Eduard Uspensky exactly 20 years ago. At that time, he was very passionate about the “Ships Came into Our Harbor” program, which he himself invented. But the editor of Gavan unexpectedly quit. Uspensky began looking for a new editor through his friends. I was recommended to him, a 29-year-old enthusiast. At that time, I worked at Good Morning as a secretary, an administrator, and a novice interviewer.

Soon, working at Gavan brought me very close to the author. At that time, we were both not free, so I had no intention of flirting with him.

Meanwhile, my first marriage was falling apart at the seams. Only a child, ten-year-old Denis, was holding it. Edward asked about my family life, and I did not hide my problems. We must give him credit: he listened to my confessions very carefully and gave advice. I went to him with an open heart... Wise, kind, witty - every day I was fascinated by him more and more. Uspensky behaved cautiously towards me and did not allow any liberties. But he cared a lot: “You supported me in difficult times, you do an excellent job, and valuable employees you need to be encouraged, so I will give my fee for the program to you. I already have money.” I started to refuse, but then I agreed: there was a catastrophic lack of funds, and I worked like an ox. I confess that this gentlemanly act touched me.

Edward often drove me home. He encouraged me to take a driver’s course. My husband and I graduated from them, but when we bought a car, no one let me drive it. Having learned about this, Uspensky said that a friend had brought an old Toyota from Finland for his son-in-law. But the guy didn’t like the car. “Take it,” he suggested. “Yes, I don’t have that kind of money.” - “I’ll pay, and you’ll pay me back when you can.” And you’ll help me out a lot, otherwise it’s awkward in front of a friend.” I repaid the debt in tiny amounts and for a very long time.

Uspensky surrounded me with incredible care. But because big difference At my age, I didn’t immediately understand that it was he who was caring for me like that!

D oh, I’m not a soft person, so what?

I decided to divorce my first husband when we already had two children. The youngest son, Vladik, turned five, and Denis - 19 years old.

My friend organized Marriage Agency. And she suggested to me: “Let’s marry you to a Frenchman?” I agreed: look for a groom! Once I let it slip to Eduard. He exclaimed: “What about me?” I answer: “You have a family, children. But the role of a mistress is not for me.” Suddenly he says: “Ler, I love you. But I, an uncouth teenager from the yard (I still feel like one), never even dreamed of getting a wife as extraordinary in every sense as you! I was even afraid to tell you about it. But since things turned out this way... Let’s live together.” I agreed. I was no longer afraid of our age difference with Uspensky. I was 39, he was 65. Evil tongues accused me of self-interest. Nothing like this! God knows that if Edward had not had a penny to his name at that time, I would still have married him. Because she loved with all her heart, and also really wanted her son, six-year-old Vladik, to have a friend, an example of a real man.

In general, after our explanation, Edik decided to divorce his wife. We discussed for a long time how to correctly and sensitively present information to their ten-year-old daughters. It’s a shame that Eduard and Elena didn’t manage to part ways on good terms. The wife forbade Uspensky to communicate with the children. In response, Ed acted, in my opinion, very harshly. Angry, he began sending her threatening letters, promising to sue the children and review the deed of gift for the house. He practically stopped supporting his daughters.
I would have taken this into account, but I was sure that he would always be noble towards me. After all, he truly loves me, he talks about it every day. I admit, I was very surprised that Uspensky, having opened up on the other side, turned out to be so merciless and categorical towards the mother of his children. When I told him about this one day, he laughed: “Yes, I’m not a soft person, so what? But under Soviet rule, dozens of dishonest officials suffered at my hands. And I declared war on Elena Borisovna, because only in this way can I bargain for the right to see my daughters.”

Ours with him living together started with surprises. Before that, I had no idea that Eduard Nikolaevich could be angry and irritated already in the morning. She didn’t reproach, but explained to herself: he was probably dreaming about his daughters, he was suffering. For ten years I knew another Uspensky and believed that soon everything would fall into place, but for now I should be nearby. Meanwhile, my own son entered first grade and lived with his grandmother. He also needed my attention. I felt terribly guilty before both of them. If I didn’t visit Vlad for a long time, my son would call and cry. As soon as I left for Vladik, Eduard exploded: “The child is fine, but I’m thrown into the trash heap!” When Vlad graduated from first grade, I decided it was time to introduce my two favorite men.

We arrived at Vladik’s, I introduced him: “This is Eduard Nikolaevich, he will live with us.” The son nods and is silent. Their relationship did not work out right away. I wouldn’t even say it that way - from the very beginning Eduard Nikolaevich hated my youngest son. Vladka grew up as an affectionate child, every now and then he would run up to him, talk to him, and hug him. And Edward pulled away, even hiding his hands behind his back so as not to touch the child.

Edward raised the boy, as it seemed to him, like a man. For example, he forbade me to visit my son after lights out. And before that, Vladyusha and I had a tradition - every evening we went to bed together and discussed the past day. “You are developing an Oedipus complex in the guy! Turn off the light and leave." But Vladka was afraid to sleep in the dark; the house was still unfamiliar, especially since his room was located on the second floor, and ours was on the third. Several times he came to us, but came across Eduard’s cry: “Hurry to your place!” Recently my son confessed to me: “How scared I was to sleep alone! I was afraid of the dark, so I went and lay down in a ball under your door, next to you I felt calmer.” He went to bed in the morning, when he was freezing...

In an interesting way, Ed taught Vlad to do household chores. He shouted in a commanding voice: “Quickly go wash the dishes! Otherwise I’ll hang it up!” This is how my son became acquainted with swearing... Yes, the child should help, clean up, but why humiliate him?! When I intervened, an irritated voice rushed out: “You are acting like a stupid chicken! I feed him - and he must work too. And there’s no point in messing around with him - he’s not a girl.”

One day we flew with him on vacation, and the child and his grandmother went to the dacha. Over the course of two weeks, Vlad and I missed each other terribly, and after calling him, I promised that as soon as I arrived in Moscow, I would immediately visit him. Anticipating a negative reaction from her husband, she conducted reconnaissance in force: “Ed, we will return, and the next day I will go to Vlad.” - "Yes, sure". We arrive, in the evening I remind you about the planned trip, and again I hear: “Okay.” And early in the morning, as soon as I got into the car, a sleepy Eduard Nikolaevich appeared: “Where are you going? You have a husband, first of all you must feed him, and not fly at your son’s first request. You spoil it, you become a rag.”

How sad I felt! I started crying... Ed was enraged by my tears: “What kind of sobbing?! If you leave now, you don’t have to come back home.”

I, a psychologist by training, understood where his aggressiveness grew from. From the age of ten, Uspensky was raised by his stepfather, who beat him mercilessly. And out of three sons, the mother chose Edik as the unloved and persecuted. So he grew up so hard-hearted, indifferent to the pain of others. I explained all this to little Vladik, and he even felt sorry for Eduard Nikolaevich.

For ten years I lived as if on a powder keg. She took sedative pills by the handful and ended up in the hospital with a nervous breakdown. Every year my feelings for my husband diminished. I told him more than once: “Ed, wake up, stop! None normal woman will not endlessly tolerate such rude treatment of her child.” But he, an incredibly confident man, did not attach any importance to my words.

The old Lera is no more

I have long lived with the feeling that my beloved Edik disappeared ten years ago, and I live with his clone. I left Eduard Nikolaevich several times. Now he is threatening to kick me out of the program.

The last time we saw each other was recently, at the recording of the next episode of “Gavan.” We are professionals, so we communicated on camera, as always, at ease.

Now Uspensky threatens me just as he once did ex-wife. Flaunts connections and opportunities. Some acquaintances who are already aware of the upcoming divorce tell me: “What are you doing, Ler? Don't mess around. You know what kind of fighter he is.” But how can I not get involved when Eduard wants to take literally everything from me: my home, my job? I recently warned him that if he doesn’t stop bullying me, I will go to the media. I thought that caring for the image of a cheerful children's writer would stop his lawlessness. In response, he laughed: “Who will believe you?!” Just try to blather, I’ll smear you.” Our conflict has been going on for six months now. My son and I moved out of our house near Troitsk. In the 11th grade (!) Vlad had to go to an external school, so I asked Uspensky to give us the opportunity to live in Moscow three days a week. And then he cuts in new locks. Threats are still being sent through my friends. Intimidates that if I “behave badly”, it will only get worse for me.

It’s a pity, because there were good and bright things in our relationship too. But now I somehow don’t remember this.

Now I want only one thing - peace. I'm not happy with the fight, but I have to defend myself. The old Lera is no more, just as my crazy love for a talented but very cruel man is no more...

Alla ZANIMONETS, Telenedelya LLC, Moscow (especially for ZN), Photo by Andrey ERSHTREM, from the personal archive of Eleonora Filina

The author of the heroes of “Prostokvashino” Eduard Uspensky continues to fight cancer. The 80-year-old writer is currently undergoing chemotherapy in Germany. Next to him is his wife Elena Uspenskaya, with whom the author of Cheburashka broke up and then reunited again.

“He’s been fighting with someone all his life”

In 2003, Uspensky divorced his second wife Elena with a scandal (they raised two children together adopted daughters). And he went to television journalist Eleonora Filina, with whom he hosted the musical program “To Our Harbor...”. The couple got married in 2005, and separated in 2011 – also with mutual reproaches and division of property through the courts. Two years ago, Uspensky was reunited with his ex-wife Elena, and the couple began living together again. The other day, in a television interview, the writer said: Eleonora Filina left him when he got cancer - she left him alone in difficult times. But his fourth (aka second) wife Elena faithfully looks after him. A plot worthy of “Santa Barbara”... Or is it not quite like that?

“KP” got through to the writer’s wife.

“We are now in Germany, undergoing treatment,” said Elena Borisovna.

– How does Eduard Nikolaevich feel?

- Fine. We are fighting. Yes, we are together again. You can forgive betrayal. You can’t leave a person in trouble, it’s wrong. Sorry, it’s expensive for me to talk from abroad and there’s nothing more to add.

Earlier in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, Elena admitted:

“We lived with Uspensky for 20 years. He's great. But it’s always difficult with the greats. He's been fighting with someone all his life. If it drains other people, it seems to fuel him. We divorced on December 4, 2003. Even before the divorce, I filed for alimony: I had nothing to live on. He agreed to pay $500 a month. And after four months he stopped paying..."

“Marriage was a mistake”

What does Eleonora Filina, who abandoned the patient, think about Uspensky’s words?

“I have no complaints about Uspensky, everything has passed,” she told Komsomolskaya Pravda.

– Do you feel guilty before Elena Uspenskaya? After all, her husband left her for you...

– We are on normal terms with Lena. I'm glad they're back together.

– But it seems you wanted to return to Uspensky?

- No. For some reason they serve it in such a way that Lena and I are now fighting for it. Rave! Our marriage was a mistake. I was accused of allegedly abandoning Uspensky when he was diagnosed with cancer. It is not true. When we were still married, Uspensky was diagnosed with stomach cancer, and I cured him. I was going to leave, but after learning the diagnosis, I stayed. I went with him to Germany for treatment. And in rehabilitation center I laid it out in the Moscow region. And then we went for examination to the same Germany and made sure that everything went well with him. That is, we sorted out that cancer. And only then I left him, I could no longer endure his tyranny. After that, he felt good for five years, worked, wrote books. A year ago he was struck down by his second prostate cancer. And suddenly now they are trying to present it as if I abandoned Uspensky in trouble, sick!

But that's not true. I didn't even know he was sick. For the last seven years, Uspensky and I have been living our own lives.

“My son was sleeping at the bedroom door”

- They say, Tatyana, own daughter from his first marriage, does not visit his sick father?

– They have a complicated relationship. I treated all of Uspensky’s children the same way as my own (Filina has two sons from her first marriage. - Ed.). I believe that a child is a child at any age, he needs to be loved and supported. But Eduard Nikolaevich has a different position.

– Did you manage to bring Uspensky and his daughter closer together?

- Certainly! They communicated. How much effort it took is another question. We built a huge house - I hoped that everyone would live there: my children, his children, grandchildren. But Eduard Nikolaevich is a different person.

– Did he raise your children and treat them like family?

- No. He tried to push them away. From that series: it would be better if they weren’t in our lives.

– They say that Ouspensky forbade you to enter your son’s room after you put him to bed. And the boy was afraid of the dark, crawled to your bedroom and slept there by the door. Then he froze and returned to his place...

- It happened like that. I learned this from my son later... Eduard Nikolaevich found fault with his son, but I no longer want to remember it. The child who endured everything and was unhappy will soon be 23 years old. He's doing well now.

– Eduard Nikolaevich accused you of treason. Allegedly, you even brought a 19-year-old boy into the house, and the guy turned out to be your lover!

- About a boy - it’s just funny! He is actually the son of a friend of Uspensky, who asked the guy to temporarily live with us. He became friends with my son... This is such a vision of Uspensky that I left not from him, but supposedly to someone. In fact, I could no longer be near Eduard Nikolaevich, because aggression came from him, because he had such an attitude towards my child and towards all members of my family.

- So there was no betrayal?

- Of course not. After my divorce from Uspensky, I have been living alone for seven years, with my son. It’s just that Eduard Nikolaevich was sure that I would not leave for two reasons - because of wealth and because we have a common TV program. I endured it because there was blackmail: they say, I will close the program... As soon as I left, he immediately expelled me from the program.

– Ouspensky, there are rumors, always tried to keep his wives at home?

- Yes. I had several offers to work separately from him. He didn't let me in. And then he said, they say, I didn’t work anywhere, I was sitting on his neck.

“If I were next to him now, I would say: there is no need to fight or sue anyone,” says Eleonora Filina. – He has good income, he can sell one or two apartments and take care of his health. Why get involved in scandals? Why spend the rest of your life on this? But Eduard Nikolaevich likes to sort things out. He once told me through friends that I extended his life and strengthened him with our divorce.

There is a lot of good in it. If you step back from his character, he has wonderful books, how many children and their parents he gave joy to. And what he is like in everyday life... these are different faces of the same person.

– Have you found your personal happiness?

– If you want to know if I have novels, no, I don’t care. I'm not going to get married. It seems to me that at my 56 years old I can calmly not think about it. I have a love affair with creativity. If a person like the former (Uspensky - Ed.) had been nearby, he would have said: “Where? Sit!"

Eduard Uspensky studied together at the Moscow Aviation Institute with his first wife Rimma. They married in 1963 and lived together for 18 years. The couple have a daughter, Tatyana (she graduated from the Forestry Institute with a degree in site planning and design) and two grandchildren: Eduard and Ekaterina.

The writer’s second wife, Elena, after construction college, worked on television in production workshops. There she met Uspensky. The couple lived together for 23 years, raising two adopted daughters - Irina and Svetlana. The girls graduated from veterinary college. The couple divorced in 2003.

The writer’s third wife is Eleanor Filina, a TV presenter and singer. She lived with him in marriage from 2005 to 2011.

The 75-year-old writer explained for the first time the reason for his divorce from Eleanor Filina

The 75-year-old writer explained for the first time the reason for his divorce from Eleanor Filina

The scandal in the family of Eduard USPENSKY has not subsided for two years now. Former wife and partner in the popular TV show “Ships Came into Our Harbor...” Eleonora FILINA, even after the divorce, continues to throw mud at the famous writer. They say that Uspensky is a tyrant and a drunkard, he humiliated her and her young son. The reason for all these furious attacks is extremely banal - the lady does not lose hope of suing her ex-husband for a country house and an apartment in the center of Moscow. Eduard Nikolaevich was silent all this time and finally told his version of events only for Express Gazeta.

The love story of the 75-year-old author of Cheburashka Eduard Uspensky with a 51 year old Eleonora Filina It also started with a scandal. In 2003, because of an affair with a young colleague, Uspensky divorced his wife Elena, with whom he raised twin daughters.

Trying to get it over with quickly old life, the writer bought an apartment in the center of Moscow on Kutuzovsky Prospekt and moved there with Eleanor. However, in 2011, after he was diagnosed with cancer, he unexpectedly filed for divorce, and Filina began to talk about the horrors of their life together.

Uspensky was silent then. But the writer Maria Arbatova I learned the details from Uspensky’s close friend, the writer Gregory Oster and wrote a whole detective story on her blog.

“Edik is covering Filina’s entire family with a thick layer of money,” the writer said. - She is supervising the construction of a huge estate in Troitsk. Filina's son is entering adolescence, and he and his stepfather begin to clash. Filina is completing the construction of the estate, pushing a jacuzzi into Uspensky’s office against his will. Uspensky has a heart attack in the pool, a swimmer nearby saves him.

Uspensky is diagnosed with cancer. Filina goes with him to Germany, where, according to her, he raises his hand against her. Edik, who healthy looking half the size of this woman, raising her hand after cancer surgery!

Filina abandons the writer in Germany, returns to Moscow, where, together with her lover, she mortgages the house bought by Uspensky in Peredelkino. A young lover is trying to buy a gold mine in Tynda with this money. They throw them away with the mine, the money flies into space.

The indignant Uspensky closes the program “To Our Harbor...” and stops giving Filina money. Eleanor rushes to all channels, all magazines, saying that Uspensky is a tyrant.

In the hands of young scammers

Referring to illness, Eduard Nikolaevich refused in any way to refute the offensive words of his ex-wife, or to remember the past at all. However, having learned about the property litigation started by the ex-wife, who lays claim to a luxurious apartment on Kutuzovsky Prospekt and a house of 1,200 square meters. m in Troitsk near Moscow, Uspensky still could not stand it and responded to the insults:

IN Lately I am constantly approached by television and the press with questions about my divorce from Eleonora Filina, with whom we lived together for a long time.

I want to explain that my ex-wife fell into the hands of young scammers led by her “friend” - a twenty-three-year-old David Chedia.

She sold the Nissan Tiana we bought, her valuables and my antique books and got into multi-million dollar debts. Most likely, under their influence, she took out a huge loan from a bank, mortgaging the four-story house we built in Peredelkino, which cost about a million dollars. Apparently, she was unable to repay the loan. Because of this, Vyatka Bank employees evicted Eleonora Filina onto the street. She currently lives in her mother's four-room apartment, which I also helped purchase.

I am truly sorry that she ended up in such a situation. It’s hard for me to comment on this, so I don’t want to discuss this situation with anyone.

Elena returned to the writer after learning that he had cancer.

“Papa” of Cheburashka and Kota Matroskin is beside himself with anger. The children's writer considers the new cartoon about Prostokvashino simply a mockery of its characters. Eduard Uspensky will go to court to defend their honor. But where can a person who is being torn apart by cancer pain find the strength to fight?..

He looks nothing like his former self. A small, wrinkled, bald man in wheelchair. Very weak and quiet. For eight years now, Eduard Uspensky has been seriously ill; he has stomach cancer. There was a period when the cancer seemed to be receding, but then a relapse began.

I am now undergoing my fourth course of chemotherapy, the most important one. Doctors say that cancer cells go away quite quickly. Let’s hope this is the last course of therapy and it will help me,” says the 80-year-old writer.

Unbearable pain exhausts him to the point of impotence. But Eduard Nikolaevich is clearly not going to die anytime soon. So many things still need to be done. So I decided to fight with the creators of the cartoon. Scenario new series, he says, is no good, the plot is weak. For Uspensky, who invented Uncle Fyodor, Sharik and Matroskin, this is like a stab in the heart. So now, when his illness gives him at least a moment’s respite, he prepares documents for the court.


Eduard Uspensky now lives in his estate near Moscow - a beautiful pond, a huge house of 1200 square meters, a large area for walking in a stroller. Next to him is his wife Lena. Calm, friendly, smiling. She is the second and fourth wife at the same time. Ouspensky married the same woman twice. 15 years after the divorce, she and Elena registered a relationship again...

Uspensky does not like to remember his previous, third marriage.

They lived with TV presenter Eleonora Filina, whom the writer calls “a big bastard,” for 10 years. And they divorced in 2011 a huge scandal. He then accused her of callousness, commercialism and betrayal, and she accused him of tyranny, rudeness and assault.

Their relationship began as a working relationship; together, Uspensky and Filina created, first on radio and then on television, the program “Ships Came into Our Harbor.” After 10 years, friendship grew into love story. Eleanor divorced her husband, Edward left his wife, who at that time was raising their common twin girls...

Elena, not forgiving the betrayal, forbade Eduard Nikolaevich to see his daughters, Eleanor recalled. “Then he declared war on her and practically stopped giving money for the children. Uspensky for me
He explained this with good intentions: only in this way, by cutting off his ex-wife’s oxygen, would he be more likely to get her permission to see his children.


According to Eleanor, their family life consisted of continuous quarrels. It was as if the writer had taken off his mask. Lively and witty in public, at home he turned out to be a tyrant and despot with an unbearable, hysterical character.

Allegedly he took it out on his wife and tormented her with nagging little son from his first marriage. Everyone lived like on a volcano. And when the pregnancy happened, Eleanor did not dare to give birth.

“I had an abortion and never regretted it,” she says. “It was impossible to condemn another child to this hell.”

For many years, the only thing that stopped her from getting a divorce was the love that still simmered. But soon she was gone too. And it was at this moment that Uspensky was given a terrible diagnosis. Eleanor found a clinic, took her husband to Germany for surgery, and lived in his room for a month. Then rehabilitation, treatment again...

The doctors got him back on his feet. But the disease, as Filina says, sharpened all the features of her husband. He became angry and irritable. And he moved from insults to assault.

However, Uspensky himself tells a different version of the divorce: they say that his wife, when he got sick, didn’t give a damn about him, and immediately took a lover. 30 years younger!

My ex-husband“A writer and storyteller,” Eleanor waves it off. - Edward simply could not come to terms with the fact that I did not leave for someone, but simply from him. I thought that I wouldn’t leave because of my wealth. Wrong.

They divided their property for three years: houses, apartments, cars. Uspensky filed a lawsuit against Eleanor - Filina was not surprised:

He vengeful man. Also in Soviet times I kept writing complaints about everyone to different authorities. And now he is endlessly suing everyone. He draws strength from scandals.


Recently, Elena returned to Eduard Uspensky, who was confined to a wheelchair. The same previous wife whom, after the divorce, he and the twins evicted from his apartment to live in an old country house near Ruza. Although the girls have severe kidney pathology, and they needed the capital’s doctors like air...

But Elena ex-spouse Now I’m no longer offended - well, it was and was, what now - the daughters have already grown up. Having learned that Uspensky had cancer, she moved in with him and became his best nurse. And again a legal wife. Elena explains her concern simply: “You can’t leave a person in trouble.”

Elena helps her husband in everything, fearing that further litigation will undermine the remnants of his health. But he is adamant in his desire to punish those who try to make money from the tales he has invented. He promises that he will definitely win the trial. And he will no longer shake hands with Okhlobystin and Sukachev for voicing Pechkin and Sharik...

Photo by G. Usoev.
