Umar Dzhabrailov businessman husband. Pretty Umar Dzhabrailov and brutal Elizaveta Peskova: the Peskov family is sponsored by the killer’s brother

The name of the Chechen businessman and politician Umar Dzhabrailov is widely known in Russia and Chechnya. Statesman, a businessman and philanthropist, is accustomed to being the center of attention. Art connoisseur and female beauty– a constant hero of tabloid publications and a regular at social events. Umar Alievich founded and leads the Association of Entrepreneurs for the Development of Business Patriotism “Avanti”.

Childhood and youth

Dzhabrailov was born and raised in Grozny. He was raised in an intelligent family, where his father, Alvi Dzhabrailov, who had previously been deported to Kazakhstan, returned to his homeland and settled in the capital of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Alvi is a former secretary of the Komsomol district committee, worked in oil industry. IN free time wrote poetry. Umar's mother, Rumi Sarakaeva, raised the children and supported home.

In 1973, Umar Dzhabrailov received a matriculation certificate in Grozny and went to the Russian capital, where he became a student at the fur technical school. In the late 1970s, Dzhabrailov served in missile forces in Ukrainian Korosten. During his service, he joined the ranks of the CPSU, where he remained until the end of the 1980s.

After demobilization, the Chechen went to enroll at MGIMO, but missed the mark. Umar remained in preparatory courses and in next year became a student at a prestigious university. He chose the Faculty of Economics, from which he graduated in 1985, receiving a diploma with honors. For two years, the young specialist worked as a laboratory assistant at the institute department.

Business and art

In the early 1990s, after a year of working as an art inspector at the Moscow cooperative gallery, Umar Dzhabrailov founded and headed trading company Danako, which supplied refined oil products to enterprises. In the mid-1990s, the Chechen businessman met his American colleague Paul Tatum, who founded the joint venture Intourist-RedAmer Hotel and Business Center. Dzhabrailov filled the position general director SP.

Two years later, a scandal broke out between the Chechen and the American: Tatum accused his business partner of organizing the assassination attempt. That same year, in November, a US citizen and his guards were shot in an underground passage. Umar Dzhabrailov was banned from entering the United States, but they could not prove his involvement in the murder.

In 1997, the businessman headed the Plaza group of companies and became an adviser to the acting general director of the Radisson-Slavyanskaya hotel complex. The Plaza Group provides real estate management services. The Millennium company, part of the Plaza, is involved in show business. Thanks to the Millennium, the capital has night club"VI:RUS". One of Plaza's subsidiaries owns 20% of billboards and other advertising surfaces in Moscow.

IN banking sector Umar Dzhabrailov entered in the early 2000s, receiving membership on the board of directors " Russian capital" In the spring of 2001, the businessman headed the board of directors of the First OVK bank. In 2004, Umar Dzhabrailov retired from business and took the place of senator from the Chechen Republic.

In the fall of 2009, Umar Alievich left his senatorial post and became an adviser to Sergei Prikhodko, assistant to the head of Russian state. Dzhabrailov is a member of United Russia and honorary member Russian Academy of Arts. The latter is thanks to patronage. Umar Alievich is a famous collector. He is called the most consistent collector of contemporary Russian art.

Umar Dzhabrailov initiated the preservation of monuments considered the heritage of the USSR, and proposed transporting them from neighboring Ukraine, where decommunization was announced, to the Russian Federation. Dzhabrailov knows and supports friendly relations with famous artists and designers from Russia and Italy.

Personal life

The millionaire does not hide the fact that he loves women. It seems that they are not indifferent to him, because Umar Dzhabrailov more than once or twice surprised the public by appearing in the company of elite beauties with a big name. The appearance of the Chechen oligarch cannot be called stellar: Umar Dzhabrailov short, thin, with an aquiline profile, gray hair. This is partly why the appearance of another beauty next to a businessman is always an event in the world of show business.

And since Dzhabrailov is always in sight and does not miss celebrity parties, he is thoroughly listed on the front pages of glossy tabloids and yellow publications. Joint photos with Umar appear on Instagram pages Russian stars show business.

Umar Dzhabrailov was seen in the company of and. A glamorous super-fashion model and a fast-talking erudite appeared next to him. Going out in public with an ex-participant in the fourth season of “Star Factory”, previously seen in romantic relationships with the rapper, also made some noise.

Dzhabrailov encountered Alexa on the show “Star in a Cube” and between an experienced womanizer and a young beauty with plump lips a romance broke out. The couple did not separate for six months and delighted the paparazzi with their appearances at social events. The age difference - Umar Dzhabrailov turned 50, Alexa celebrated her 20th birthday - did not bother the lovers. But a few months later, the oligarch went out alone, and the “manufacturer” disappeared from view until 2009, when the qualifying round for performers from Russia to Eurovision was announced.

But the heartthrob Dzhabrailov has two women whom he will never leave - these are the daughters Danata and Alvina, born in Umar’s second marriage. The girls and their mother live in a luxurious house in Monte Carlo. Umar Dzhabrailov is twice divorced, but, according to Wikipedia, he has a wife, a Russian artist. The businessman does not mention her name.

Dzhabrailov is rich and smart, speaks German, English and Italian, understands four more - Spanish, French, Hungarian and Czech. He has a brother, Hussein, who participated in the presidential elections in Chechnya in 2003, but withdrew his candidacy. Khusein Dzhabrailov is the special representative of the Chechen leader in Moscow.

Umar Dzhabrailov now

At the end of the summer of 2017, the businessman attracted attention to his person by going out with new passion, but an unpleasant incident. The scandal occurred in the capital's elite Four Seasons hotel, which is located in the center of Moscow on Okhotny Ryad Street. Umar Dzhabrailov chose the hotel because of its advantageous location, although the prices here are sky-high (from 100 thousand rubles to half a million per day).

Dzhabrailov from an award weapon (Yarygin pistol) in a hotel room: the Chechen shot at the ceiling. The holes were discovered by police who arrived on call. Dzhabrailov was alone in the room on the 6th floor; he released the guards before the incident. Rumor has it that during an inspection of the businessman’s room they found an unknown white powder, pills and bottles of alcohol. Dzhabrailov was charged under Article 213 of the Criminal Code (hooliganism) and released on his own recognizance.

Leaving the police station, former member The Federation Council from Chechnya gave an explanation for what happened. He said that he checked award weapon and shot due to an oversight, not knowing how to use a pistol. Umar Dzhabrailov called the upward shots an unfortunate accident.

Detractors talk about the state of drug intoxication in which the millionaire allegedly was at the time of the shooting, but there is no evidence of this, and Dzhabrailov’s press secretary calls rumors about drugs a “canard” started by the media.

Condition assessment

At the end of 1999, Umar Dzhabrailov announced his intention to run for the post of Russian president. The information about the candidate’s income released by the Central Election Commission stated that over the previous two years the entrepreneur received an income of 8 million 658 thousand rubles. The businessman owns an apartment in the capital (479.5 square meters) and a BMW car.

Umar Dzhabrailov is a co-founder of 20 commercial structures. A Chechen entrepreneur, together with an Italian couturier, owns the Just Cavalli restaurant, an architectural monument.

Former senator and representative of Russia in PACE Umar Dzhabrailov, who was detained yesterday for shooting in a hotel room, spent less than a day in the Kitay-Gorod police station. After interrogation, the suspect of hooliganism (Part 1 of Article 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, provides for punishment of up to five years in prison) was released on his own recognizance. During these 24 hours, Dzhabrailov’s own version of what happened became clearer, known origin ill-fated pistol, I remembered other murky stories in which the Vainakh businessman and legislator was involved. The ill-wishers he made a lot of in last years meanwhile, they are making full use of what happened to discredit both the senator himself and his patrons from Ramzan Kadyrov to Dmitry Peskov.

News agencies report the inadequate condition in which the ex-senator was at the time of his arrest. According to TASS, the policeman found Dzhabrailov in a state of either drug or alcohol intoxication. The detainee has already undergone the appropriate examination, but the result will become known only in a few days. A source in the Ministry of Internal Affairs said that the 59-year-old guest entering the elevator with a pistol drawn was seen by security guards, who immediately called the police. When law enforcement officers quickly arrived and knocked on the former senator’s room, Dzhabrailov himself opened the door with Yarygin’s pistol in his hand, and he declared: “I won’t give up without a fight.” Law enforcement officers saw a bullet hole in the ceiling of the room and detained Dzhabrailov.

RIA Novosti reports about white powder from the businessman’s license plate, which was also sent for examination. A source at the Four Seasons hotel said that Dzhabrailov has been living in the room where the shooting took place for two years and even keeps a cat there. This is quite in keeping with all his luxurious social life, which migrated from the nineties to the zeros.

The fate of the senator

In 2004, Dzhabrailov sold his business and became a senator, but practically did not change his lifestyle. He gladly showed journalists his mansion; under the leadership of Aidan Salakhova, he collected contemporary art: for example, he was the first in Russia to buy works by Anish Kapoor. Now Dzhabrailov is a philanthropist, chairman of the board of trustees of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art, honorary academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, vice-president of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia for strategic and special projects. Several years ago, he donated more than 150 works from his personal collection to the Moscow Museum of Modern Art, and there was even a special exhibition “The Gift” there. Let us remember that this is also the name of a charitable foundation close to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

The heyday of Dzhabrailov’s business and social life occurred in the second half of the nineties. Then it was accompanied by numerous media revelations and denials by representatives of the ex-senator. The entrepreneur's name was mentioned in connection with the case of the so-called “Chechen advice notes”: the use of false payment documents on stolen forms was a common type of fraud. But Dzhabrailov himself denied his involvement in this case. As Dozhd reports, the ex-senator had a small oil business, and by the end of the 90s he took on real estate in Moscow.

Before joining the Federation Council, Dzhabrailov headed Gruppa Plaza LLC, which managed the Rossiya Hotel, Smolensky Passage, Moscow Business Plaza business center, etc. From 2009 to 2013, he was an adviser to Presidential Assistant Sergei Prikhodko.

Award pistol

The version of what happened, voiced by Umar Dzhabrailov himself, boils down to the fact that the weapon malfunctioned. “The shot happened accidentally. Umar has an old Yarygin award pistol, which, when the bolt is pulled, can fire itself. This is exactly what happened tonight: Dzhabrailov pulled the shutter and a shot rang out,” said Rakhman Yansukov, head of the Avanti Association of Entrepreneurs for the Development of Business Patriotism and former assistant to the senator. On specialized weapons forums one can indeed find complaints about the design of this weapon, but it is doubtful that the senator from Chechnya does not know how to use a pistol at all.

In 2000, as the media reported, Umar’s brother, first deputy general director of the Rossiya Hotel, Khusein Dzhabrailov, came to the attention of the police. It was reported that in one of the hotel rooms, GUBOP employees found an entire arsenal: sniper rifle with a silencer and two magazines, an AKS-74U assault rifle, four TT pistols, two PMs, a homemade submachine gun, a device for firing small-caliber cartridges, 17 magazines for machine guns and pistols, two optical sights and more than 300 rounds of various calibers. Valentin Stepanov, Khussein Dzhabrailov’s senior assistant, called the weapon “his” and put forward the version that he found a bag with a weapon at the door of the room and, thinking that the owner had forgotten it, brought it inside. This version looked unconvincing, but the rest of the work on the “Chechen trace” led nowhere.

American businessman Paul Tatum accused a Russian of threatening to kill in 1996. He believed that Dzhabrailov wanted to remove him from the founders of the Intourist-RedAmer Hotel and Business Center enterprise (Dzhabrailov was deputy director in this company). After some time, the businessman was shot not far from the Kievsky railway station. It was not possible to prove Dzhabrailov’s involvement in the crime. To this day, the entrepreneur is prohibited from entering the United States.

It is known that Umar Dzhabrailov was awarded the “Rook” pistol by government decree in 2005, and the permitting documents for it were signed by Rashid Nurgaliev himself. Ramzan Kadyrov presented the weapon to his fellow countryman in a solemn ceremony, but it was not possible to establish for what particular merits the senator received the award. According to media reports, “Yarygin” has been seized by investigators as evidence. And after the investigation is completed, his representative may well petition the court for additional punishment of the accused in the form of deprivation of his award weapon. In this case, the pistol will be sent to the special storage facility of the Ministry of Internal Affairs award fund.

Investigators recovered from the scene of the incident spent cartridges, bullets and solid cartridges remaining in the magazine. All of them were sent for examination, which will establish whether Mr. Dzhabrailov used ammunition included in the set of award weapons or others. When using other ammunition, the owner award pistol may be held liable for illegal circulation of ammunition (Article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

In relation to the hotel hooligan, organizational conclusions were also drawn along party lines. The Moscow branch of United Russia told Vedomosti that Dzhabrailov's membership in the party was suspended during the investigation. Presumably, Umar was not very upset by this news. He loses much more from the departure of Elizaveta Peskova from the Avanti association he founded, where she served as an adviser to the head of the organization. Peskova’s representative claims that this happened on August 20, and the news about the departure of the daughter of the presidential press secretary “coincided” with the shooting of Dzhabrailov, allegedly by accident.

As previously reported by the media, Umar Dzhabrailov paid for Elizaveta Peskova’s voyage to Crimea in order to draw attention to the problems of his friend Rakhmutdin Dadaev, who owns the South Sevastopol ship repair plant.

The millionaire was reloading his award pistol and accidentally fired. Three times in a row

Original of this material
© "RBK Newspaper", 08/31/2017, Number front, Photo: RIA Novosti

Margarita Alyokhina, Vyacheslav Kozlov, Yulia Sapronova

Police on Wednesday evening released the ex-presidential candidate on his own recognizance. Umara Dzhabrailova. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a businessman started shooting at the Four Seasons Hotel. Holes in the ceiling and white powder were found in his room.

Nameless shooter

Employees of the Moscow Ministry of Internal Affairs on the evening of Wednesday, August 30, announced the release on his own recognizance of a man who had fired at a hotel room in the center of Moscow the day before. “At 18:15 [he] was given a preventive measure in the form of a written undertaking not to leave the place,” says the official statement from the press service of the central administration, received by RBC.​

The detained man turned out to be businessman and ex-senator from Chechnya Umar Dzhabrailov, two RBC sources close to law enforcement agencies said. Throughout Wednesday, police did not release the man's name. The fact that it was Dzhabrailov who was detained for shooting at the hotel was confirmed to RBC by members of the Public Monitoring Commission for Moscow Denis Nabiullin and the party’s press service “ United Russia”, which announced that it would suspend the businessman’s membership after reports of his detention. In accordance with the party's charter, this happens automatically if a criminal case is initiated against its member, United Russia explained.

Representatives of the businessman on Wednesday claimed that they knew nothing about what happened. After Dzhabrailov’s arrest, press secretary Grigory Gorchakov was only aware that he was in Moscow; his assistant Rakhman Yansukov also stated that he could neither confirm nor deny this information. After Dzhabrailov’s release, his representatives did not answer RBC’s calls, and the entrepreneur’s own phones were blocked.

Award pistol and white powder

Unofficial information about the arrest appeared on social networks around 10:30. Within an hour after this, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs published an official statement; it did not name the shooter. “On the evening of August 29, the police received a report that a guest was violating the rules of residence at a hotel located in the central part of the city. Police officers who arrived at the scene detained a man who fired upwards from his award-winning pistol. There were no injuries as a result of the incident,” the message said. In connection with the shooting, a criminal case was opened for hooliganism (Article 213 of the Criminal Code), the police clarified.

It was Dzhabrailov who carried out the shooting; it happened at the Four Seasons Hotel on Okhotny Ryad, two RBC sources clarified. On Tuesday evening, hotel security guards saw a guest in an elevator with a gun in his hand. They called the police patrol using the panic button. The Kitay-Gorod police department received a signal about this at 10:30 pm on Tuesday. When police arrived at the scene of the call, hotel security showed them surveillance video that showed a man with a gun standing in the elevator.

[Mash, 08/30/2017, 11:58: Tonight, millionaire and former Russian presidential candidate Umar Dzhabrailov carried out a shooting at the Four Seasons Hotel. A businessman ordered dinner to his room, but instead of a waiter, the cleaning lady brought him the food. Umar was offended by this and, taking out a pistol, he began firing at the ceiling, demanding to call his superiors. The civilian chief soon arrived, handcuffed Umar and sent him to the police department, where he is still sitting. - Insert]

Police and security officers went up to the sixth floor, where an armed guest exited the elevator. The door to room 633 was opened by a man holding a gun pointed at the floor. When the police demanded to put the weapon on the floor, he said: “I won’t give up without a fight.” After repeated requests, Dzhabrailov put the gun on the floor, the police entered the room and handcuffed him. The squad found gunshot holes in the ceiling of the room. [...]

["Kommersant", 08/31/2017, "Man with an award pistol": Explaining the origin of the weapon, the detainee provided the police with permission to store and carry combat pistol Yarygin, which he was awarded by order of the then head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Rashid Nurgaliev. The businessman explained the shots into the ceiling as his unfortunate mistake. According to his version, while relaxing in his room, he decided to test the pistol, which he had never used for several years, and since he had no experience in handling weapons at all, he fired several random shots upwards.
From the scene of the incident, investigators seized spent cartridges, bullets and solid cartridges remaining in Yarygin’s store. All of them were sent for examination, which will establish whether Mr. Dzhabrailov used ammunition included in the set of award weapons or others. Please note that standard cartridges are issued to the recipient along with the pistol and their quantity, brand and serial numbers are entered in a special invoice, which the owner must keep along with the permit. When using other ammunition, the owner of the award pistol may be held liable for illegal circulation of ammunition (Article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). However, sources close to the businessman’s entourage claim that he had a full set of standard ammunition.
The detainee has already undergone an examination to establish whether Mr. Dzhabrailov was under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the time of the shooting (according to the police, he did not look quite adequate, and in addition, a suspicious white powder was found in his room). True, the results of the research will be known in a few days.
One way or another, the police investigation qualified the incident at the hotel under Art. 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - “Hooliganism” committed in public place. People around the businessman believe that this version of the investigation does not correspond to the circumstances of the incident. The shots, in their opinion, were fired accidentally, and moreover, not in a “public place.” A hotel room, according to civil law, is the temporary place of residence of the citizen who rented it. Thus, Mr. Dzhabrailov will most likely get off with administrative punishment. But he will have to return the weapon to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. For now, Yarygin has been seized by investigators as evidence. And after the investigation is completed, his representative may well petition the court for additional punishment of the accused in the form of deprivation of his award weapon. In this case, the pistol will be sent to the special storage facility of the Ministry of Internal Affairs award fund. - Insert]

[MK.Ru, 08/30/2017, “Umar Dzhabrailov as Sherlock Holmes: details of the shooting in a fashionable hotel”: The businessman was placed in a temporary detention center. Soon, due to his complaints of insomnia and toothache An ambulance arrived in the neighborhood, but the doctors found no reason for hospitalization.
One of the doctors says:
- At 4.15 we were there. Dzhabrailov sat alone in his cell and greeted us warmly. He smelled faintly of alcohol. The patient complained of pain in his teeth. He literally complained that he had recently installed expensive implants, but his teeth still ache. That's why he can't sleep.
We gave an anesthetic injection and offered an antiallergic drug. They also advised me to complain about poor quality dental care. We stayed in the temporary detention center for about 15 minutes. When parting, Dzhabrailov shook hands and warmly thanked for the medical assistance. […]
A version emerged that Dzhabrailov was reloading the pistol and accidentally fired. Three times in a row. - Insert]

[MK.Ru, 08/30/2017, “Police fear an attack by fellow countrymen of the detained Umar Dzhabrailov”: Meanwhile, Dzhabrailov’s fellow countrymen appear near the department, their number is growing. One of them, with a long beard, said that he sympathized with the businessman and came to support him. - Insert]

On Wednesday afternoon, Dzhabrailov was taken from the police department to investigative measures at the Four Seasons, Denis Nabiullin, a member of the Public Monitoring Commission, told RBC, who arrived at the Kitay-Gorod police station to check whether the businessman’s rights were being violated during his arrest. The hotel did not comment on the situation: “The safety of hotel guests and employees is always our top priority. All further inquiries can be directed to the Moscow police,” concluded Four Seasons. A guest named Umar Dzhabrailov, according to hotel representatives, did not check in with them.

So far, a criminal case against Dzhabrailov has been initiated only under the article “Hooliganism” (Article 213 of the Criminal Code), the maximum punishment for which is seven years in prison, but such a term faces a criminal who not only used weapons, but also resisted government officials. If substances seized during an inspection of a hotel room turn out to be narcotic, then the businessman may be charged with a crime under Art. 228 of the Criminal Code, which establishes punishment for the storage, sale, acquisition, manufacture and transportation of drugs. Depending on the severity of the act, which in the case of storage is determined by the mass of the substance found, the punishment can be up to 15 years in prison.

“Hooliganism belongs to the category of crimes of medium gravity. The man is a Muscovite, he is registered here: there is no reason to believe that he will disappear. Quite often such a preventive measure is chosen; there is nothing unusual about it. Usually in such cases they are not taken into custody. If the weapon were illegal, the question would have been different,” lawyer Andrei Knyazev commented to RBC on the preventive measure against Dzhabrailov.

Party member, senator and presidential candidate

Umar Dzhabrailov ​in 2004–2009 was a senator from Chechnya, as well as deputy chairman of the Federation Council Committee on international affairs and a member of the Russian delegation to Parliamentary Assembly Council of Europe (PACE). From 2009 to 2013, he was an adviser to Russian Presidential Assistant Sergei Prikhodko for international affairs, and in 2015 he headed the Avanti association of entrepreneurs for the development of business patriotism.

In 2000, Dzhabrailov took part in the Russian presidential elections from the initiative group “Power of Reason”. Then the Moscow City Prosecutor's Office opened a criminal case on the facts of forgery of signature sheets in support of Dzhabrailov by initiative groups. According to the voting results, he took last, 11th place, gaining 0.08% of the votes.

Dzhabrailov graduated Faculty of Economics MGIMO and in the late 1980s began his career as a businessman. In 1988, he began working at the Moscow cooperative gallery as an art inspector. In the 1990s, Dzhabrailov created the Danako company, which operated a network of gas stations in the Moscow region and in the capital, as well as "Plaza" group, which included, in particular, shopping centers"Smolensky Passage" and "Okhotny Ryad". In addition, he owned the Moscow Radisson Slavyanskaya Hotel.

In 1996, an American businessman Paul Tatum accused Dzhabrailov of threatening to kill him in order to remove him from the founders of the joint venture Intourist-RedAmer Hotel and Business Center (Dzhabrailov was the deputy general director of this company). In November of the same year, Tatum was shot in an underground passage near the Kievsky railway station, but Dzhabrailov’s involvement in the incident could not be established.

According to SPARK-Interfax, Umar Dzhabrailov is now a co-owner of nine companies. Among other things, he owns a controlling stake in the investment and construction company Avanti StroyGroup, which is engaged in the construction of residential buildings in Reutov and Moscow, in particular the ZILART residential complex on the territory of the former ZIL. At the end of 2015, the company declared a net profit of 39.1 million rubles. Dzhabrailov himself said in an interview in 2016 that he owns two construction companies. The second is MS Region, which has existed since 2009 and has received contracts in the Gulf countries, the former Yugoslav republics and Russia. These companies are part of the Sila Group holding.

On August 9, the Dozhd TV channel reported that the trip of Dmitry Peskov’s daughter to a shipbuilding plant in Crimea to resolve a business dispute was organized by the Avanti association. Elizaveta Peskova was a member of the association until recently and left it a few days ago, a representative of the association told the TV channel.

Dzhabrailov is an honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts. He is known as a philanthropist and collector and is on the board of trustees of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art (MMMA). In the announcement of the exhibition of selected works from Dzhabrailov’s collection, “ New element"(held at MMSI in 2014), the ex-senator is called “one of the few serious and consistent collectors of contemporary art in Russia.”

Website ® is a registered trademark. St. No. 319929. 18+.

Name: Umar Dzhabrailov Place of birth: Grozny (Russia) Date of birth: June 28, 1958

Childhood and youth

Umar Alievich Dzhabrailov was born on June 28, 1958 in Grozny. His father Alvi Dzhabrailov is a former secretary of the district committee of the Komsomol, an oil industry worker, and his mother, Rumi Sarakaeva, took care of children and housekeeping.

Study and military service

In 1973, Dzhabrailov graduated from school in Grozny and moved to Moscow, where he entered the Fur and Fur College.

He served in the missile forces in Korosten (Ukraine). In 1979 he joined the ranks of the CPSU, where he remained until 1989.

After demobilization from the army, Dzhabrailov was going to enter MGIMO, but he did not have enough points in the exams. Already next year, having passed training courses, Umar became a student at the Faculty of Economics of this university.

In 1985, Dzhabrailov graduated from MGIMO with honors and remained in his native “alma mater” to work as a laboratory assistant. Two years later, he got a job as an art inspector at the Moscow gallery.

Business and banking

In 1992, Dzhabrailov founded the Danako trading company, which supplied petroleum products. In 1994, together with American businessman Paul Tatum, he created the joint venture Intourist-RedAmer Hotel and Business Center.

Two years later, a scandal occurred between the founders of the company. Then, in 1996, the American even accused his business partner of organizing an assassination attempt on him.

In November of the same year, Tatum and his guards were shot in an underground passage in Moscow. Dzhabrailov was banned from entering the United States, but they could not prove his involvement in the murder.

In 1997, the Russian became an adviser to the acting general director of the Radisson-Slavyanskaya hotel complex. From 2001 to 2004 he was president of the Plaza group of companies.

In the early 2000s, Dzhabrailov also joined the board of directors of Russian Capital and headed the board of directors of the First OVK bank.


Dzhabrailov participated in the 2000 presidential elections in Russia. He took last, 11th place, gaining 80 thousand votes (0.08%).

Umar Dzhabrailov in the late 1990s

In 2004, Dzhabrailov became a senator from the Chechen Republic. In 2009, the Federation Council terminated his powers ahead of schedule.

The politician, at his personal request, left this activity to become an adviser to the assistant to the President of Russia Sergei Prikhodko, and remained in office until 2013.

Dzhabrailov - member of the United Russia party, candidate of political sciences, defended his dissertation at the Russian Academy civil service.

Personal life

Umar Alievich for a long time was a frequent hero of gossip columns, the media more than once saw him in the company of famous representatives Russian show business, in particular, with TV presenters Ksenia Sobchak and Tina Kandelaki. Dzhabrailov was also credited with an affair with British supermodel Naomi Campbell. However, none of these relationships have been officially confirmed.

Yuri Bashment, Umar Dzhabrailov, Ksenia Sobchak

For a year and a half, Dzhabrailov dated a graduate of the Star Factory TV show, singer Alexa. At the time of this relationship, the businessman was 50 years old, and his chosen one was 20.

According to some sources, Dzhabrailov was twice married and twice divorced. From his second marriage he has two daughters - Danata and Alvina. According to other information, the businessman is now married to a Russian artist, whose name is not mentioned. It is not known exactly whether this is a second or third marriage.

Umar Dzhabrailov with children


According to media reports, Dzhabrailov is dollar millionaire. Among other things, the businessman owns an apartment in Moscow and numerous works of art. He is a co-owner of several large companies.

Dzhabrailov is engaged in philanthropy and participates in charity, and heads the Avanti Association of Entrepreneurs for the Development of Business Patriotism.


According to information from open sources, Dzhabrailov speaks fluent German, English and Italian. IN different time At social events he communicated with many world celebrities, including Hollywood actors Mickey Rourke, Dolph Lundgren, Robert DeNiro, Adrien Brody, Sylvester Stallone and Brad Pitt.

Dzhabrailov is interested in contemporary art, and in 2016 he announced on Instagram that a Moscow publishing house had published “two masterpieces” - his books “Absurd” (with the subtitle “I want to be with you so much!”) and “Avant-garde” (Absurd Remix) .


On August 29, 2017, Dzhabrailov was detained for shooting in the center of Moscow - at the Four Seasons Hotel, where he had been a frequent guest in recent years.

Umar Dzhabrailov at the Four Seasons Hotel

The businessman fired several times into the ceiling with an award weapon in his room on the sixth floor. He was alone in the room at the time, and no one was injured as a result of the incident.

According to media reports, during an inspection of the room, police found an unknown white powder, pills and bottles of alcohol. Later it became known that the test for drug intoxication gave a positive result.

Dzhabrailov was charged under Art. 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (hooliganism) and was released on his own recognizance. He later said that he was checking the award weapon and fired accidentally.


On October 27, 2017, Dzhabrailov was found guilty of administrative offense- for drug use, he was fined 4,000 rubles.

On November 22, the Tverskoy Court of Moscow sentenced Dzhabrailov to a fine of 500 thousand rubles on charges of hooliganism. The court took into account the fact that the businessman admitted his guilt and repented of his actions.

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Biography, life story of Umar Alievich Dzhabrailov

Dzhabrailov Umar Alievich - Russian businessman Chechen origin, statesman and public figure.

early years

Umar Dzhabrailov was born in the city of Grozny on June 28, 1958. In his youth he moved to Moscow. In 1973-1977 he studied at the Fur Technical School of Rospotrebsoyuz. From 1977 to 1979 he served in the missile forces strategic purpose in Korosten (Zhytomyr region). After the army, for a year he was a student at the preparatory faculty of the Moscow state institute international relations USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in 1980 he became a student of this educational institution. In 1985 he graduated from the university with honors.

Labor activity

Within two years after protection thesis Umar worked within the walls of his native MGIMO as a laboratory assistant. Then he spent a year as an art inspector at the Moscow cooperative gallery.

From 1989 to 1994, Dzhabrailov served as General Director of Danako LLP. In 1994-2001, he was first deputy general director of the Russian-American joint venture Intourist-RadAmer. In 1996, he was also Deputy General Director and Marketing Director of Manezhnaya Square OJSC. In 1997, he became an advisor to the general director of the Radisson Slavyanskaya complex.

In 2000, Umar Alievich ran for president Russian Federation. According to the voting results, he took 11th place.

In 2001, Dzhabrailov became chairman of the board of directors of the First Mutual Credit Society bank. From 2001 to 2004, he served as president of Plaza Group LLC.

From 2004 to 2009, Umar Alievich was a member of the Federation Council Federal Assembly Russian Federation from the Chechen Republic, member of the committee on economic policy, Entrepreneurship and Property, Member of the International Affairs Committee and Deputy Chairman of the Committee. He was awarded a certificate of honor from the Federation Council.

In 2009-2013, Dzhabrailov worked as an adviser to Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation Sergei Prikhodko.


Umar Dzhabrailov is a member of the United Russia party, a member of the Russian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. In addition, he is the organizer of the youth movement “Strength”, trustee social movement“Russian Islamic Heritage”, Chairman of the Russian-Qatari Business Council, founder and head of the Association of Entrepreneurs for the Development of Business Patriotism “Avanti”.

At one time, Dzhabrailov was a graduate student at the Russian Academy of Public Administration. He successfully defended his dissertation and became a candidate of political science. Later he was accepted as a member of Russian Academy natural sciences.

Problems with law

On the night of August 29-30, 2017, Umar Dzhabrailov was at the Four Seasons Hotel in Moscow. At one point, the silence was broken by a terrible noise - Umar took out a pistol and fired several shots in his room. Frightened hotel staff immediately called the police. Law enforcement officers who arrived at the scene detained Dzhabrailov and searched his room. Empty cartridges and weapons were found in the room, for which Umar had all the documents. Also, according to press reports, white powder was found in the room. He was sent for examination.

A criminal case was initiated against Umar Alievich under the article “Hooliganism”. The businessman spent only a few hours under arrest, after which he was released on his own recognizance.

According to the media, Umar grabbed the gun at the moment when food was delivered to his room. It was not the waiter who brought the plates, but the cleaning lady. This fact outraged Dzhabrailov so much that he shot several times at the floor and ceiling. Later, Umar himself told the public that he shot completely by accident due to his inability to handle a weapon.

Personal life

Umar Dzhabrailov was married twice. The second wife is an artist. The entrepreneur has two daughters – Donata and Alvina.

At different times, Umar met with such famous beauties as the socialite
