Umar Dzhabrailov novels. Did you know that Alexa broke up with Timati because of this rich old man?

A man detained yesterday for shooting in a hotel room spent less than a day in the Kitay-Gorod police station. former senator and Russia's representative in PACE. After interrogation, the suspect of hooliganism (Part 1 of Article 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, provides for punishment of up to five years in prison) was released on his own recognizance. During these 24 hours, Dzhabrailov’s own version of what happened became clearer, known origin ill-fated pistol, I remembered other murky stories in which the Vainakh businessman and legislator was involved. The ill-wishers he made a lot of in last years meanwhile, they are making full use of what happened to discredit both the senator himself and his patrons from Ramzan Kadyrov to Dmitry Peskov.

News agencies report the inadequate condition in which the ex-senator was at the time of his arrest. According to TASS, police found Umar Dzhabrailov in a state of either drug or alcohol intoxication. Umar Dzhabrailov has already passed the relevant examination, but the result will become known only in a few days. A source in the Ministry of Internal Affairs said that the 59-year-old guest entering the elevator with a pistol drawn was seen by security guards, who immediately called the police. When law enforcement officers quickly arrived and knocked on the former senator’s room, Dzhabrailov himself opened the door with Yarygin’s pistol in his hand, and he declared: “I won’t give up without a fight.” Law enforcement officers saw a bullet hole in the ceiling of the room and detained Dzhabrailov.

RIA Novosti reports about white powder from the businessman’s license plate, which was also sent for examination. A source at the Four Seasons, owned by Andrei and Yuri Khotin, said that Umar Dzhabrailov has been living in the room where the shooting took place for two years and even keeps a cat there. This is quite in keeping with all his luxurious social life, which migrated from the nineties to the zeros.

The fate of Senator Umar Dzhabrailov

In 2004, Dzhabrailov sold his business and became a senator, but practically did not change his lifestyle. He gladly showed journalists his mansion; under the leadership of Aidan Salakhova, he collected contemporary art: for example, he was the first in Russia to buy works by Anish Kapoor. Now Umar Dzhabrailov is a philanthropist, chairman of the board of trustees of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art, honorary academician Russian Academy arts, vice-president of the “Creative Union of Artists of Russia” for strategic and special projects. Several years ago, he donated more than 150 works from his personal collection to the Moscow Museum of Modern Art, and there was even a special exhibition “The Gift” there. Let us remember that this is also the name of a charitable foundation close to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

The heyday of Dzhabrailov’s business and social life occurred in the second half of the nineties. Then it was accompanied by numerous media revelations and denials by representatives of the ex-senator. The entrepreneur's name was mentioned in connection with the case of the so-called “Chechen advice notes”: the use of false payment documents on stolen forms was a common type of fraud. But Umar Dzhabrailov himself denied his involvement in this case. As Dozhd reports, the ex-senator had a small oil business, and by the end of the 90s he took on real estate in Moscow.

Before joining the Federation Council, Umar Dzhabrailov headed Gruppa Plaza LLC, which managed the Rossiya Hotel, Smolensky Passage, Moscow Business Plaza business center, etc. From 2009 to 2013, he was an adviser to Presidential Assistant Sergei Prikhodko .

Umar Dzhabrailov “This is an award pistol”

The version of what happened, voiced by Umar Dzhabrailov himself, boils down to the fact that the weapon malfunctioned. “The shot happened accidentally. Umar has an old Yarygin award pistol, which, when the bolt is pulled, can fire itself. This is exactly what happened tonight: Dzhabrailov pulled the shutter and a shot rang out,” said the head of the Association of Entrepreneurs for the Development of Business Patriotism “Avanti” and a former assistant to the senator. On specialized weapons forums one can indeed find complaints about the design of this weapon, but it is doubtful that the senator from Chechnya does not know how to use a pistol at all.

In 2000, as the media reported, Umar’s brother, the first deputy general director of the Rossiya Hotel, came to the attention of the police. It was reported that in one of the hotel rooms, GUBOP employees found an entire arsenal: a sniper rifle with a silencer and two magazines, an AKS-74U assault rifle, four TT pistols, two PM guns, a homemade submachine gun, a device for firing small-caliber cartridges, 17 magazines for machine guns and pistols, two optical sight and more than 300 rounds of various calibers. The senior assistant of Khussein Dzhabrailov called the weapon “his” and put forward the version that he found the bag with the weapon at the door of the room and, thinking that the owner had forgotten it, brought it inside. This version looked unconvincing, but the rest of the work on the “Chechen trace” led nowhere.

American businessman Paul Tatum accused a Russian of threatening to kill in 1996. He believed that Umar Dzhabrailov wanted to remove him from the founders of the Intourist-RedAmer Hotel and Business Center enterprise (Dzhabrailov was deputy director in this company). After some time, the businessman was shot not far from the Kievsky railway station. It was not possible to prove Dzhabrailov’s involvement in the crime. To this day, the entrepreneur is prohibited from entering the United States.

It is known that Umar Dzhabrailov was awarded the “Grach” pistol by government decree in 2005, and signed the permitting documents for it himself. The weapon was presented to a fellow countryman in a solemn ceremony, but for what particular merits the senator received the award could not be established. According to media reports, “Yarygin” has been seized by investigators as evidence. And after the investigation is completed, his representative may well apply to the court with a petition for additional punishment of the accused in the form of deprivation of his award weapons. In this case, the pistol will be sent to the special storage facility of the Ministry of Internal Affairs award fund.

Investigators recovered from the scene of the incident spent cartridges, bullets and solid cartridges remaining in the magazine. All of them were sent for examination, which will establish whether Umar Dzhabrailov used ammunition included in the set of award weapons or others. When using other ammunition, the owner of the award pistol may be held liable for illegal circulation of ammunition (Article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

In relation to the hotel hooligan, organizational conclusions were also drawn along party lines. In the Moscow branch " United Russia" Vedomosti was informed that Dzhabrailov's membership in the party was suspended during the investigation. Presumably, Umar was not very upset by this news. He loses much more from the departure of Elizaveta Peskova from the Avanti association he founded, where she served as an adviser to the head of the organization. Peskova’s representative claims that this happened on August 20, and the news about the departure of the daughter of the presidential press secretary “coincided” with the shooting of Dzhabrailov, allegedly by accident.

As previously reported by the media, Umar Dzhabrailov paid for Elizaveta Peskova’s voyage to Crimea in order to draw attention to the problems of his friend Rakhmutdin Dadaev, who owns the South Sevastopol ship repair plant.

Umar Dzhabrailov is a businessman who ran for the Russian presidential elections (2000), senator from Chechnya (2004-2009), founder and leader of the Avanti association of entrepreneurs for the development of business patriotism.

On the night of August 30, 2017, Umar Dzhabrailov was detained in Moscow after shooting from an award pistol at the Four Seasons Hotel (Moscow Hotel). He allegedly opened fire at the ceiling of the hotel room from his Yarygin award pistol due to the fact that the food ordered to the room was delivered by the hotel cleaning lady, and not by the waiter. The businessman was placed in a temporary detention center. In connection with the shooting, a criminal case has been opened under the article “Hooliganism”.

"There was a misunderstanding, which I regret, yes. But it was preceded by some measures on the part of the hotel staff. I had a nervous breakdown, I did not cause any harm, I just walked around a little. I regret what happened. I apologize to those to whom I caused inconvenience... But as a man I did the right thing,” Dzhabrailov said.

On August 30, the Kitai-Gorod Department of Internal Affairs, “fearing an attack by the detainee’s fellow countrymen,” introduced the “Fortress” plan in the area and allowed only residents registered in Kitai-Gorod to pass through.

At the end of October, the magistrate of the Tverskoy district of Moscow fined Dzhabrailov four thousand rubles. In November, the court sentenced Dzhabrailov to a fine of 500 thousand rubles.


In 1973 - 1977 he studied at the fur technical school in Moscow.

From 1977 to 1979 he underwent urgent military service V missile forces strategic purpose in Korosten, Zhytomyr region. In the army he joined the CPSU, which he was a member of until 1989.

After the army he entered the Moscow state institute international relations(MGIMO) USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but did not get a point. Graduated training courses at MGIMO.

Graduated in 1985 Faculty of Economics MGIMO majoring in International economic relations". I received a free assignment, but for about a year I could not get a job due to lack of registration in Moscow.

In 1986 - 1988 he worked as a laboratory assistant at MGIMO, and then art inspector at the Moscow cooperative gallery.

Entrepreneurial activity

From 1989 to 1992 he was a representative of a number of Western companies in Moscow.

In December 1992, he founded his own company, Danako (supplying petroleum products to state-owned enterprises). At that time, Danako had 4 operating and 6 gas stations under construction.

In 1994, he met American entrepreneur Paul Tatum, the founder of the joint venture Intourist-RedAmer Hotel and Business Center, and helped him win the case of eviction from the Slavyanskaya Hotel, which was rented by the Intourist-RedAmer joint venture.

In 1994 - 1997 he was first deputy general director, and about. General Director of the joint venture "Intourist-RedAmer Hotel and Business Center". Dzhabrailov was recommended for this position by the Moscow government (in particular, the department of external relations).

In 1996, Paul Tatum accused Umar Dzhabrailov of intending to organize an attempt on his life because of his desire to remove the American entrepreneur from among the founders of the joint venture. In November 1996, Tatum was killed. Umar Dzhabrailov's involvement in the death of the American was not proven, but he was banned from entering the United States..

The International Arbitration Court in Stockholm upheld the claim prepared by Dzhabrailov to terminate the contract with Americom to manage the Radisson-Slavyanskaya joint venture.

Since December 1996, Dzhabrailov has been Deputy General Director, Director of Marketing and Leasing of Manezhnaya Square OJSC.

In October 1997, the Moscow government granted Dzhabrailov's request to relieve him of his acting position. General Director of the Radisson-Slavyanskaya complex. Dzhabrailov became an acting adviser. general director of this complex.

In 1997, he headed the Kremlin Plaza group, and was also a member of the board of directors of the bank. Russian capital".

In the early 2000s, Dzhabrailov was on the board of directors of the Russian Capital bank, and in April 2001 he was elected chairman of the board of directors of the First OVK bank after acquiring its large stake.

Participation in presidential elections

In December 1999, Umar Dzhabrailov announced his intention to run for president of Russia. In January 2000, he was nominated by the initiative group "Power of Reason" as a candidate for the presidency of Russia. On February 21, 2000, he was registered by the Central Election Commission as a candidate for the post of President of Russia.

In February 2000, the Moscow City Prosecutor's Office opened a criminal case into allegations of forgery of signature sheets in support of Dzhabrailov by initiative groups.

In the elections held on March 26, 2000, Umar Dzhabrailov took the last, eleventh place, receiving 0.08% of the vote.

Commenting on his participation in the elections, Dzhabrailov subsequently noted: “I was able to fulfill my duty to the Almighty and the state when I helped the great power of Russia prove to the whole world that we do not have genocide of the Chechen people. What kind of genocide can we talk about if a representative of this nation is nominated as a candidate for the presidency of the Russian Federation? Even though I didn’t win the elections in 1999, I can say without false modesty that I was lucky then to become the person who, through my actions, and in those years it really was a brave deed, raised the spirit of the Chechen people."

Dzhabrailov in politics

On January 5, 2004, Dzhabrailov was appointed representative of Chechnya in the Federation Council, after which he left the post of president of the Plaza group, which by this time had lost its main assets. In the upper house of parliament, Dzhabrailov became deputy chairman of the Federation Council Committee on international affairs.

In this post, in November 2006, Umar Dzhabrailov was the first official to suggest that Alu Alkhanov resign from the post of president of the republic. Alkhanov voluntarily resigned in February 2007 and Ramzan Kadyrov was elected in his place.

In July 2007, Dzhabrailov's powers in the Federation Council were extended, but in October 2009 he was prematurely at will, resigned as senator.

In March 2005, with the support of Dzhabrailov, it was created social movement"Russian Islamic Heritage". Elected chairman of the movement younger brother Umara Dzhabrailova - Khusein Dzhabrailov. Umar Dzhabrailov himself, together with the President of Tatarstan Shaimiev, headed the board of trustees of the movement. The movement existed until 2013.

From 2009 to 2013, Umar Dzhabrailov was an advisor to Russian Presidential Assistant Sergei Prikhodko for international affairs.

In the summer of 2014, Umar Dzhabrailov established the Avanti public association of entrepreneurs for the development of business patriotism.

Since 2014, Dzhabrailov has been deputy chairman of the Russian-Arab Business Council. President of the Russian-Qatari Business Council.

Umar Dzhabrailov is a member of United Russia. After a criminal case was initiated against him in August 2017, his party membership was suspended.


Umar Dzhabrailov is twice divorced.

Has two daughters from his second marriage, who live in Monaco.

Awards and titles

Since 2011, Umar Dzhabrailov has been the chairman of the board of trustees of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art.

Honorary Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts. Full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

Candidate of Political Sciences. The topic of the dissertation is "Trends in the development of an effective state as an actor in modern international relations: based on materials foreign policy Russian Federation" .

Speaks English, German, Italian languages; understands French, Spanish, Czech, Hungarian.


  1. Former senator from Chechnya Umar Dzhabrailova was detained in Moscow // Meduza, 08/30/2017.
  2. Police fear an attack by fellow countrymen of the detained Umar Dzhabrailov // Moskovsky Komsomolets, 08/30/2017.
  3. Umar Dzhabrailov, who carried out the shooting at the hotel, was released on his own recognizance // Meduza, 08/30/2017.
  4. Dzhabrailov was fined 4 thousand rubles for shooting in a hotel // Rain, 10.26.2017.
  5. Umar Dzhabrailov was fined 500 thousand rubles for shooting at a hotel in the center of Moscow // Medusa, November 22, 2017.
  6. Umar Alievich Dzhabrailov // Avanti. A public platform for the development of business patriotism in Russia.
  7. Right there.
  8. Right there.
  9. Umar Alievich Dzhabrailov // Avanti. A public platform for the development of business patriotism in Russia.
  10. Right there.
  11. Umar Dzhabrailov: “My task is to serve the Chechen people and all of Russia with dignity” // Continent of Siberia Online, 06/05/2009.
  12. What is Umar Dzhabrailov famous for? // Kommersant, 08/30/2017.
  13. “United Russia” will suspend the membership of Umar Dzhabrailov // RBC, 08/30/2017.
  14. Website of the Russian-Qatari Business Council.
  15. What is Umar Dzhabrailov famous for? // Kommersant, 08/30/2017.

Elizaveta Peskova’s Crimean voyage was paid for by the authoritative Chechen Umar Dzhabrailov. The Telegram channel “Cell Case,” dedicated to the families of officials, businessmen, security officials and leaders of organized crime, reports on the Caucasian sponsors of the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation.

Daughter's trip Dmitry Peskov to a shipyard to settle a business dispute caused a scandal. Elizaveta Peskova stated that “it is necessary to develop strategies for PR of legal proceedings”, not quite understanding the meaning of the last legal term. Peskova arrived in Sevastopol wearing a dress from the Firdaws fashion house, created by her wife Ramzan Kadyrov Medney in 2009. Now the director of Firdaws is Kadyrov’s daughter Aishat.

Peskova’s visit was paid for by the Association of Business Patriotism with Italian name Avanti (Forward). In the footage from Peskova’s interview at the South Sevastopol shipyard, next to her is the new boss - the president of the Avanti Association of Business Patriotism, Rakhman Yansukov. Since July, Peskova has been his advisor on youth affairs and curator of the project competition for young entrepreneurs.

Elizaveta Peskova against the backdrop of Umar Dzhabrailov’s brand

Previously Yansukov was known as public figure- for example, it was he who sent a proposal to the State Duma a year ago - to prohibit the children of officials from studying abroad. Peskova has repeatedly criticized such ideas on her Instagram:

“It seems to me that those who believe that patriots should study only in their own country are either not very familiar with history, or the personality of Peter the Great is not authoritative for them. It was this king who realized the importance of education abroad for the development of the state.”

Now Yansukov and Peskova are colleagues in development, and he is ready to put up with the French education of the new adviser.

35-year-old Yansukov is a former assistant to a Chechen businessman Umara Dzhabrailova, and now - the president of that very Association of Business Patriotism "Avanti". Before Peskova appeared there, few people knew about the association.

It was registered two years ago. Umar Dzhabrailov is one of its founders and, as they say in Avanti itself, its leader.

Dzhabrailov is considered close to the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov; Dzhabrailov, along with other Chechen businessmen, transferred money to the Kadyrov Foundation. Dzhabrailov's career flourished in the late 1990s and early 2000s - having met Yuri Luzhkov and his deputy Vladimir Resin, Dzhabrailov went into real estate.

In the mid-2000s Dzhabrailov was a senator from Chechnya, and then went into the shadows for several years: he wrote books and collected art. This could be due to the fact that in December 2002 brother The senator died in an attempt on the life of vice-mayor Joseph Ordzhonikidze - Salavat Dzhabrailov was a killer. Cousin Umar Dzhabrailov was detained in this criminal case in Poland in 2008.

In recent years, Dzhabrailov seems to have decided to return to big development. In a rare interview quoted by Dozhd, Elizaveta Peskova’s employer says about his new construction business: “I want to be a big player. If until now I have not advertised my construction companies, then now we are thinking about an advertising campaign.”

Dzhabrailov has two main construction assets. This is the MS Region company, which broke away from a large Yugoslav holding. She works, for example, as a contractor for the construction of the Zilart quarter. And the second is Avanti StroyGroup.

Avanti is a whole family of companies that is engaged in construction, engineering and supply of building materials, Yansukov owns shares in most of them.

The association even provides support to a sister construction company.

Does Peskova herself know about the construction business associated with the Avanti Association and about its ideological inspirer Couldn't find out. Her assistant said: “Elizabeth does not answer any questions related to Avanti.”

  Wealthy men
Nobody's man
Coco Chanel also said that if a man wants to give a woman a gift, he will marry her. True, in order to give such a gift, a man must be at least unmarried. And at the most - rich, handsome, smart (list necessary qualities we can continue ad infinitum). You will laugh, but it turns out that among influential and wealthy men there are many who are unmarried.

Three things can make a man happy - work, car and woman. The best of them is the dog.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Portrait of the future husband in the interior
Among the influential and wealthy men there were so many unmarried men that it is quite possible to create a collective portrait of them. Of course, the result will be " average temperature in the hospital,” but, according to analysts, the study of any serious issue should be conducted precisely from the general to the specific.
What is he like, the average unmarried wealthy man in Russia? First and most importantly: the annual income of the country's best grooms is off the charts at $5 million. Close friends generally characterize their financial situation as “a sea of ​​money.”
Potential husbands are no longer boys, but not yet old men. Complex calculations showed that the average age of the future husband is 32.7 years. Many of them became “grooms” recently, such as divorced Alexander Lyubimov, Valentin Yumashev and twice divorced Umar Dzhabrailov. However, there are also convinced bachelors. So, when making a choice, prepare yourself for the fact that their character is already quite spoiled.
Another subtle point: basically all the men surveyed have girlfriends, albeit temporary ones. But this shouldn't be confusing. Attention to women is always a plus for a man.
Typically, marriage advertisements also mention height. So, with the height of potential husbands, everything is also in order - on average 175 cm. True, there are also “giants”, for example Mikhail Prokhorov, whose height is 2 m 3 cm. Umar Dzhabrailov and Alexander Faifman turned out to be below average height.
Further research showed that there were no flagrant deviations from the norm. None of them suffer from baldness. Only gray hair is found at the temples.
The physique of the average future husband is more dense than thin. However, they themselves are quite happy with this and, as a rule, are not going to change anything in their appearance.
It’s much worse that they are not going to change their own habits, which sometimes can only be called harmful. Potential husbands smoke a lot (except, of course, for athletes). Some, like Umar Dzhabrailov, prefer expensive cigars. Others, like Alexander Akopov, smoke everything. By the way, he even dreams of inventing a machine so that you can smoke in your sleep.
Unfortunately, the average groom turned out to be quite a drinker. Some, however, prefer to call this harmful addiction the innocent word “collecting.” Azat Kurmanaev, for example, says that he “collects” whiskey.
It's no secret that all these men are workaholics. We’re not sure if this can also be considered a disadvantage, but many of those surveyed specifically asked to emphasize that work comes first for them. Girls, as they say, come later. Even in restaurants, they are there solely for business purposes, and not just to “just sit.” Alexey Frenkel, for example, schedules all business meetings only in restaurants.
Besides money, work and women (in that order), these men love cars. At the same time, they prefer brands that are reputable and sometimes simply luxurious. Yevgeny Kafelnikov, for example, drives his own Ferrari F355 Spider. Oleg Deripaska has two 600 Mercedes, one of which is armored. Mikhail Prokhorov prefers a state-owned Mercedes 600, as does Valentin Yumashev. Kakha Bendukidze drives a Cheeroky jeep. Konstantin Ernst is driven to work by a Volvo 960 company car white, owned by LogoVAZ. Alexander Akopov used to have a SAAB, but the driver crashed it. Now he drives a company BMW.
The future wife will practically not have to take care of her husband’s wardrobe again: potential husbands are dressed very decently, moreover, they understand this. For example, Umar Dzhabrailov fell out of love with Ferret and for several years now has been ordering all his things, including shoes, from special ateliers in Switzerland and Italy.
There are also small whims (completely harmless and therefore forgivable). For example, the soul of Alexei Frenkel, by his own admission, constantly requires a cup of tea with honey in the outlet, and the soul of Umar Dzhabrailov - good cognac.
Sometimes they are prone to unpredictable actions. Alexey Frenkel's friends were simply amazed when he unexpectedly invited them all to Amsterdam to celebrate his birthday there. And Valentin Yumashev, divorcing his wife, easily left her a luxurious country house in Arkhangelskoye. And now he lives at the state dacha on Rublyovka. By the way, about housing issue. It has not tormented our heroes for a long time, since they solved it. Konstantin Ernst and Alexander Akopov have apartments on Leninsky, Alexander Fayfman on the old Arbat.
The average groom also has some average talents. He also sings. Alexander Akopov simply loves this business. True, rarely and in good company. And Kakha Bendukidze dances superbly - everyone appreciated this at Davos.

Where to find them and how to please them
We warn you right away - it is not easy. Especially the first one. For example, the athletes will have to go to America, where they are all this moment live. But this is also useless: acquaintance at the place of work is immediately ruled out - potential husbands are not available there.
But there are plenty of other possibilities left.
The most romantic way to meet someone on vacation is at warm sea or on the snowy slope of the Alps. Umar Dzhabrailov prefers to relax in Nice or Monte Carlo. Kakha Bendukidze - in rest homes near Moscow. Alexey Frenkel can easily be found in Miami or at the same holiday home near Moscow (by the way, Valentin Yumashev also visits Sosny).
In Moscow, they periodically appear on the tennis courts in Luzhniki, look into the Monolit club, breathe fresh air in the Luzhki boarding houses near Moscow (ONEXIMbank holiday home), in Zavidovo and Nakhabino. Among the restaurants they prefer are expensive and luxurious ones - “Sirena”, “Tsarskaya Okhota”, “Club T”.
But it’s practically impossible to get to know Alexander Akopov. He does not like leisure, happens very rarely in restaurants. Where he usually spends his time free time- at home on the couch - you are unlikely to get to know him. All that remains is to look for him only in the corridors of RTR.
It's easier to please them than to find them. You just need to get ahead of the numerous competitors dreaming of the same thing. If you succeed, everything else is simple: the requests of our heroes are quite common and understandable. For example, the very tall Mikhail Prokhorov loves equally tall women. Umar Dzhabrailov idolizes Sharon Stone. Kakha Bendukidze does not hide the fact that his chosen one must first of all be smart.
True, one thing needs to be remembered here: what a man says almost never coincides with what actually exists.


April 28, 2010, 13:00

Umar Alievich was born on June 28, 1958 in Grozny. His father in his youth was the secretary of the district committee of the Komsomol, however, thanks to the tortuous history of all Chechens in the Soviet Union, he did not advance far in party work. Umar was a smart guy, studied well, was fond of mathematics and easily completed his eighth year. Then his family made a seemingly strange decision - Umar went to Moscow, where he entered in 1973. at the Fur College. As funny as it may seem, it was easier for Umar to get a secondary technical education in Moscow than in Checheno-Ingushetia. Firstly, there was less competition, and secondly, at that time Chechens were almost unknown in Moscow and therefore they were treated more indifferently. At the same time, anyone even more or less familiar with the then personnel policy understands perfectly well that such a trip to Moscow could not be made without the sanction of the right person. To become a full-fledged national cadre, it was necessary to serve in the army. Dzhabrailov ended up in 1977. V elite troops Strategic Missile Forces and served quite quietly until 1979. in Zhitomir. Both education and love for Umar helped him get into these troops. exact sciences. In the army he joined the CPSU. Then it was the easiest way to merge with the leadership and direction. Dzhabrailov served brilliantly. And here the fate of our hero takes a sharp zigzag. Umar Dzhabrailov enters MGIMO University of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs to study the most prestigious specialty “International Economic Relations”. Umar Dzhabrailov earned his first big money in a trivial way. He earned them from “Chechen advice notes.” For those who have forgotten, let me remind you that in the early 90s, the Soviet banking system started to malfunction. Non-cash money began to travel from one bank to another for weeks and even months. And this is within Moscow, and transferring money from one city to another has generally become a chore. And then, in order for the economy not to die completely, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation decided that money can be credited to the accounts of companies by the recipient bank upon presentation of a bank order - an advice note, drawn up and signed in accordance with necessary requirements sending bank. In Chechnya, they didn’t think twice and stole some of these advice forms, and forged the signatures and seals. And thus, for several months, taking advantage of the confusion, they received purely specific money on non-existent orders. This scam was called “Chechen advice notes.” It must be said that even then it was said that the advice notes were in fact not Chechen at all, but Moscow. Since the state banks from which cash was withdrawn were precisely Moscow ones. However, this business, so to speak, was quickly brought under the control of the Chechens, in particular, Umar Dzhabrailov. Nevertheless, Umar Alievich had a lot of money. And he wanted to make them even more. Former patron Philip Bobkov, who is actively developing the vein of Vladimir Gusinsky and is now tied up in too close a relationship with one of senior officials Israeli military intelligence“Haman” Yakov Nimrodi (who couldn’t stand any Chechens) got off with smiles and meaningless hints. He had no time for Umar. And then Umar Dzhabrailov came to the only Moscow Chechen who was not barred from entering the top of the Moscow Government. Makhmud Esambaev has been a legend of Soviet art since the 60s of the last century. Makhmud Esambaev acted as a born PR man. He was talented not only in dancing. Understanding full well that his life was short and he would have very little to guide his young student through the life, Esambaev ordered Umar to be public. Every single day he must prove to everyone around him that he strives for the light, participates in all social events, in charity, patronizes the arts, and cares for pretty women. And in general, a helipad and a dandy. Only such an image could help the then inexperienced Dzhabrailov become part of the Moscow crowd. However, Esambaev was an artist, and therefore instilled in his student an overly theatrical style. Hence Dzhabrailov’s love for short jackets and skinny trousers. What looks already comical on a man over 40. Dzhabrailov was the official lover of the daughter of the former mayor of St. Petersburg, or, to be more precise, just one of them, Ksenia Sobchak.
Of course, the ladies' man immediately showered her with a bunch of jewelry: all sorts of necklaces and necklaces made of black pearls and God knows what else. When a beginner socialite Ksyusha was robbed, and the theft cost either 200 or 600 thousand dollars in jewelry alone. But such reprimands do not bother the daughter of the current senator from Tuva Lyudmila Narusova; in addition to Dzhabrailov, there is also the failed publisher of the Russian “Penthouse” Alexander Shusterovich and St. Petersburg oil tanker Vladimir Leibman. Well, I laugh at everything about this, but what is it like for Dzhabrailov himself? A man who is not only not poor, but also oriental? But in the East, the attitude towards women is still not so relaxed. Truly he became a slave to his mask. But somewhere far away, in the same Monaco, live two beloved daughters: Alvina and Donata, and it is there that not the most happy father to celebrate your birthday or some simpler holiday in their company. I deliberately do not write about ex-wife the current bachelor, this is a topic for a separate story. In the meantime, Umar walks around Moscow as an eligible bachelor for all sorts of semi-secular things.
