Ecology lesson mushroom fairy tale senior group. Summary of a lesson on the surrounding world in the senior group on the topic: “Mushrooms

Summary of GCD in middle group on the topic: “Oh, mushrooms, mushrooms”

Komova Lyubov Nikolaevna, MBDOU teacher"Kindergarten No. 90", Cherepovets.
Description of material: I bring to your attention a summary of the direct educational activities on the topic: “Oh, mushrooms, mushrooms.” This material will be useful to teachers of children in the 5th year of life at preschool educational institutions.

Target: Introduction to mushrooms.
Educational: Expand children's knowledge about mushrooms (name, place of growth, structure); teach them to distinguish between edible and inedible mushrooms.
Educational: Develop children's active vocabulary (names of mushrooms)
Educational: Bring up careful attitude to nature, friendliness.
Materials and equipment:
Basket with mushrooms covered with a handkerchief
Audio recording “Sounds of the forest”
Beanies edible mushrooms by number of children
Squirrel (be-ba-bo)
Mushroom dummies (ceps, boletus, boletus, chanterelles, fly agaric, toadstool)
Educational areas:
Cognitive development
Social and communicative development
Preliminary work:
1. Reading “Mushrooms” by V. Kataev, “Under the Mushroom” by V. Suteev
2. Looking at the album with illustrations “Mushrooms”
The teacher brings a basket covered with a handkerchief into the group. Attracts children's attention.

Educator: Children, look what I have in my hands! Want to know what's there?
Children: Yes!
Educator: In summer it grows in the forest,
It doesn't go into the basket itself.
He needs to bow down
Cut off the leg, don’t be lazy,
Then he will take off his hat,
It makes delicious food.
What's growing under the hat?
Doesn't go into the basket itself?
Children: Mushroom.
The teacher removes the handkerchief and shows the children mushrooms.
Educator: Children, where do you think these mushrooms come from?
Children:(children's assumptions)
Educator: Where do mushrooms grow?
Children: In the forest.
Educator: I propose to go into the forest and find out who sent us such a gift.
The children agree.
The teacher plays the audio recording “Sounds of the Forest”
We are going to the forest today. Children walk in circles
That forest is full of miracles!
It rained in the forest yesterday - Shake the brushes
This is very good. Clap your hands
We will look for mushrooms Place palm to forehead
And collect it in a basket. Crouching and picking mushrooms
Here sit the boletus Pointing to the right
On the stump - honey mushrooms. Pointing to the left
Well, and you, fly agaric, They shake their fingers.
Decorate the autumn forest.
Good forest, old forest. Children walk in circles
Full of fabulous wonders!
We're going for a walk now
And we invite you with us!
Educator: Here we are in the forest. Look how many mushrooms there are around. Let's take a closer look.
Children sit on a rug (in a clearing).
Slide No. 1 White mushroom

Educator: At the hill on the path
The mushroom stands on a thick stalk.
A little damp from the rain
The porcini mushroom is large and important.
Educator: This mushroom is called a porcini mushroom. It has a stem and a cap. ( Shows) What color is the mushroom cap?
Children: The hat is brown.
Educator: What color is the mushroom stem?
Children: The leg is white.
Educator: U porcini mushroom the leg is very thick and strong. If you cut this mushroom, then in the middle it will be white. Hence the name of this mushroom. The white mushroom is considered the king of mushrooms (the main one in the forest). Because he is the most big mushroom in the forest and valuable (tasty). Mushroom pickers love it very much. Who are mushroom pickers?
Children: People who pick mushrooms.
Slide No. 2 Boletus

Educator: How good are they?
Tough guys in red hats!
I'll get them early in the morning
I'll collect it under the aspen tree.
This mushroom is called boletus. It grows under aspen, which is why it is called boletus.
Educator: What does the boletus have?
Children: Leg and cap.
Educator: What color is the hat?
Children: The hat is red.
Educator: And the leg?
Children: The leg is white with black.
Slide No. 3 Boletus

Educator: Before us is another mushroom.
Educator: This is a boletus. Why do you think it is called that?
Children: Grows under a birch tree.
Educator: Under the birch tree ahead -
Boletus, look,
On a tall slender leg...
The leg is a little speckled!
How is it different from boletus?
Children: With a hat. The boletus has a brown cap.
Slide No. 4 Chanterelles

Educator: Here are the beautiful foxes.
Very friendly sisters.
It is not easy for them to hide.
It can be seen very far away.
Educator: Who can tell why these mushrooms are called that?
Children: They are red, like foxes.
Educator: Children, what mushrooms did we find in the clearing?
Children: Chanterelles, boletus, boletus, porcini mushroom.
Educator: All these mushrooms can be eaten, you can cook different dishes from them (fry, dry, boil mushroom soup). Therefore, all of them can be called edible.
The outdoor game “Mushroom Picker and Mushrooms” is being played
According to the counting, a mushroom picker is selected, the rest of the children are mushrooms (they put a cap with a picture of a mushroom on their head)
Educator: Here is a forest clearing,
There are edible mushrooms here.
I invite everyone to the game,
We play, you drive!
Mushrooms grow in a clearing, at the teacher’s signal “The mushroom picker is coming,” the children run away and the mushroom picker catches. The game is played several times.
After the game, the children sit down.

A squirrel appears.
Squirrel: Hello children!
Children: Hello, squirrel!
Squirrel: What are you doing in the forest?
Children: We want to know who sent us a basket of mushrooms as a gift.
Squirrel:It's me. In summer there are a lot of mushrooms in the forest. But you need to be careful, in addition to edible mushrooms, inedible ones also grow in the forest.
Educator: Squirrel, let's introduce the children to inedible mushrooms.
Slide No. 5 Fly agaric

Educator: This mushroom grows in the forest
Don't put it in your mouth!
He's not sweet at all
Specks on the hat
Red like a tomato
Inedible fly agaric!
Look what a fly agaric looks like.
Children: White leg, red cap with white dots.
Educator: It is beautiful and bright, but very dangerous because it is poisonous. Under no circumstances should you touch it with your hands or even kick it.
Slide No. 5 Pale grebe

Educator: Here is another mushroom that is poisonous to humans.
Pale-faced grebes
They roam the clearing in a flock.
I won't play with them.
I'll go around and forget about it.
Why should you avoid these mushrooms?
Children: They are poisonous, inedible, and should not be touched.
Educator: Never eat
Unfamiliar berries...
And mushrooms are toadstools
No need to put it in your mouth:
Your head will spin
My stomach hurts
And from poisoning
The doctor won't save you.
Educator: What mushrooms did we meet?
Children: Edible and inedible.
Didactic game"Collect mushrooms"
Models of familiar mushrooms are laid out in the clearing; children collect only edible ones.
Squirrel: Look how many mushrooms are in the clearing! Children, help me collect edible mushrooms.
Educator: Finding mushrooms is not difficult.
You need to take them carefully.
You need to know them well
So as not to collect toadstools.
After the children have collected mushrooms, the teacher asks each one what mushroom he found.
Educator: What can we call all the mushrooms that we collected?
Children: Edible mushrooms.
Educator: What mushrooms are left in the clearing?
Children: Inedible, poisonous.
Educator: Let's name them.
Children: Fly agaric, pale grebe.
Educator: We played enough with mushrooms,
And now it's time for us to visit mom.
The children thank the squirrel and return to the group.

Summary of a speech therapy lesson in the senior group on the topic “Forest. Mushrooms"

(First year of study)

Correctional educational goals:

Consolidating ideas about the forest and plants growing in the forest. Clarification, expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic “Mushrooms” (forest, mushroom, leg, cap, boletus, boletus, boletus, chanterelle, fly agaric, honey fungus, russula, collect, prepare, hide, hang, poisonous, edible, fragrant, soft, smooth). Improving the grammatical structure of speech, learning to compose descriptive stories; form nouns with diminutive suffixes; practice selecting antonym words; consolidate the use of prepositions; consolidate vocabulary on the topic.

Corrective and developmental goals:

Development of visual attention and perception, speech hearing and phonemic perception, memory, articulatory, fine and gross motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.

Correctional and educational goals:

Formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility. Fostering love and respect for nature.

Equipment: Typesetting canvas, pictures with images autumn signs, basket with planar images of mushrooms, planar images of baskets, pictures with images of mushrooms, notebooks, colored pencils.

I. Organizing time

1 . The speech therapist hands out one picture of autumn to the children.

- The one who names the autumn sign will sit down.

II. Main part. 2. Reading a poem:


The train is rushing at full speed.

The locomotive puffs, -

“I’m in a hurry,” it buzzes:

3. Didactic game “Mushroom picking”

Children “come” to the forest.

What time of year is it now?

- What month?

- What day is today?

- What's the weather like?

– There are so many mushrooms in the forest, let’s collect them.

Children collect mushrooms (take turns removing mushrooms from the carpet)

4. A speech therapist’s story about mushrooms.

Mushrooms grow in the forest: in clearings, on the edges, under trees, in the grass and even on stumps. Mushrooms have a cap and a stalk. Mushrooms are edible and inedible (poisonous). What does "edible" mean?

WHITE MUSHROOM - the cap is brown, round, the stem is thick.

I’m used to standing in a remote forest

I'm on a thick, strong leg.

Try to find me.

BEREOZOVIC - grows mainly under birch trees, the cap is round, the stem is thin, tall, the cap is dark brown.

The boletus is good.

It looks like a fallen leaf.

ASPEN - with a red hat, a high leg.

In a red hat, like a gnome,

I chose a house under the aspen tree.

CHANTERELLES - yellow color, with a low stem, concave cap.

The chanterelles scattered

Yellow flock

It's like they were chasing

For a sunny bunny.

Mushrooms - light brown mushrooms on thin stalks with a “collar”, grow in “families”.

Honey mushrooms with a bouquet

They are standing on a stump.

There will be a place for them

In your box.

Russulas - caps can be red, yellow, green and other colors, legs are white, mushrooms are fragile.

In fashionable, cute hats,

Bright festive outfit...

They call us Russulas,

But they don't eat it raw.

Fly agaric is the most common poisonous mushroom. The leg is long, there is a white collar. The hat is red, round, with white speckles.

Near the forest on the edge, decorating the dark forest,

A poisonous fly agaric, as colorful as parsley, grew up.

Red hat with polka dots,

Collar with a thin leg.

This mushroom is beautiful to look at

But dangerous, poisonous.

Pale toadstool is a deadly poisonous mushroom. The leg is long, at the root there is a sac from which the mushroom grows, the collar and cap are round, uneven, and pale in color.

I'm not used to being liked

Whoever eats me will get poisoned.

5. Physical education session “For mushrooms”

All the little animals at the edge are walking in a circle, holding hands.

They are looking for milk mushrooms and trumpet mushrooms.

The squirrels were jumping, jumping in a squat position,

The saffron milk caps were plucked. “Mushrooms” are picked.

The fox ran, They ran and collected “mushrooms”.

I collected chanterelles.

Bunnies galloped, galloped, picked “mushrooms”

They were looking for honey mushrooms.

The bear passed by, They waddled,

The fly agaric crushed. stomp with the right foot.

6. Exercise “What kind of mushroom?”

– What is the name of this mushroom?

– Where does it grow?

- Under what tree?

- Shall we cut it from where?

- Let's put it where?

7. Ball game “Big - small”

Grow in the forest big mushrooms and small ones.

Big fly agaric - little fly agaric

porcini mushroom - white fungus russula - russula

boletus - boletus toadstool - toadstool

boletus - boletus

8. Game “How many mushrooms did you collect?”

- There are a lot of things in the forest...

– We collected a lot of...? (Boletus, honey mushrooms, russula, etc.)

– Didn’t you put it in the basket...?

9. Finger gymnastics “Mushrooms”

One two three four five! They “walk” their fingers on the table.

We're going to look for mushrooms.

This finger went into the forest, They bend one finger at a time,

This finger found the mushroom, starting with the little finger.

I began to clean this finger,

This finger began to fry,

This finger ate everything

That's why I got fat.

10. Exercise “Fourth wheel”

The speech therapist puts three pictures depicting mushrooms and one picture depicting a berry on a typesetting canvas. Offers to tell the children what is unnecessary and why.

11. Work in notebooks (coloring mushrooms)

12. “Say the word”

Near the forest on the edge, Along the forest paths

Decorating the dark forest, There are many white legs.

He grew up as colorful as parsley, wearing colorful hats,

Poisonous... Visible from a distance.

Collect, don't hesitate,

Look, guys: This is...

Here are chanterelles, there are honey mushrooms.


Introduce children to mushrooms: butter mushrooms, honey mushrooms.
Teach children to distinguish between edible and poisonous mushrooms.
Dictionary: oiler, honey mushroom, porcini mushroom, gray mushroom, box.
Introduce children to fairy tales, proverbs and riddles about mushrooms.
Develop children's thinking and fine motor skills.
To instill in children a caring, non-consumer attitude towards nature. Introduce the rules of conduct in nature when picking mushrooms.


Pictures and photographs of mushrooms, silhouette images of edible and poisonous mushrooms.

Progress of the lesson:

Riddle about the mushroom

Who stands on a strong leg
In the brown leaves by the path?
It looks like an umbrella
Only a hundred times less.
If there's a thunderstorm on the horizon,
He is very happy.
If it's raining and warm,
He considers himself lucky!

Did you guess the riddle? (Children's answers). This is a mushroom. What words of the riddle gave you the answer? (Children's answers). Everyone goes mushroom picking - young and old. We have a lot of different things in Crimea different mushrooms. Today we will get to know them.

Unfortunately, not all mushroom years in Crimea. But because our climate is special: lack of moisture, drought, rare rains in the fall. Why don’t mushrooms like the Crimean climate? (Children's answers). It’s not without reason that the proverbs say: “If it rains, there will be mushrooms,” “If it starts to rain a little, prepare a strong box.” And at what time of year are there the most mushrooms? (Children's answers). And there is a proverb about this: “Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is red with mushrooms.”

It turns out that trees and mushrooms have been friends for a long time. Try to determine for yourself under which tree boletus mushrooms grow? What about boletuses? What about oak trees? What about the beech books? (Children's answers).

So what kind of mushrooms can be found in our forests? And here they are.
These are boletus. (Show pictures). The guys are so friendly that whole families climb out of the ground. Butterflies are pine babies. This means what kind of trees do they like to grow under? (Children's answers). Under the pines. But why are these mushrooms called boletus? Yes, because their cap is shiny and sticky, as if greased with oil. Look, in this picture, both a blade of grass and a needle are stuck to the butterfly caps. Very tasty boletus mushrooms.

And this is honey mushrooms. (Show pictures). From the picture you can immediately guess where honey mushrooms like to grow. Where? (Children's answers). That's right, on the stumps. The word "honeycomb" comes from the word "stump". You can collect a whole basket of honey mushrooms from one stump.

And these mushrooms have several names. (Show pictures). In books they are called gray rows. And people simply call them little mice or little gray ones. Why do you think? (Children's answers).

Well, this mushroom is considered the boss among all mushrooms. (Show pictures). It has several names: porcini mushroom, boletus mushroom, bear cub. This mushroom is very tasty, which is why it is considered the boss of mushrooms. Moreover, not only people appreciated its taste. Which forest dweller wouldn't mind eating mushrooms? (Children's answers). In addition to birds and animals, there are also insects that are big fans of mushrooms: slugs and mushroom flies. These flies lay their testicles in the stem of the mushroom, the testicles will turn into larvae, and they will begin to eat the flesh of the mushroom and get to the cap. Then the mushroom will become rotten and useless to anyone.

Now get up and go out onto the mat - we are going to the bear in the forest for mushrooms and berries. Outdoor game"By the bear in the forest." A catch is selected - a “bear”, which squats on one side of the playing area. The rest of the children stand in a line at the opposite end of the playground and, in response to the words “I take mushrooms and berries from the bear in the forest,” they walk towards the “bear,” bending over, as if picking mushrooms and berries. When they end last words“and the bear sits and growls at us,” the catch-“bear” gets up with a growl and catches the running children.

Mushroom picking is called " quiet hunt" Why do you think? (Children's answers). We are not masters in the forest, but guests. And since you’ve already come to visit, respect the owners of the forest: the plant and animal forest people. How to behave correctly in the forest? (Children's answers). Don't make noise, don't litter, don't trample, don't pick mushrooms by the roots. For regular hunting they go with guns, and for mushroom hunting - with knives. Why, do you know? (Children's answers). Mushrooms should not be picked, but cut. And for what? (Children's answers). In order not to pull out the mycelium - the roots of the mushrooms. Without mycelium there can be no new mushrooms.

How many of you went to the forest to pick mushrooms? (Children's answers). Remember that “not every mushroom is put in a box”, but why? Are there poisonous mushrooms? Why are they poisonous? (Children's answers). They contain poison that can cause poisoning. You should only collect mushrooms that are well known to you. And about those who put poisonous mushrooms in the box, they say: “Walking in the forest means seeing death right on your nose.” Most dangerous mushroom in the Crimean forests - pale grebe. Look at it and remember it well. (Show pictures). Remind me, are there poisonous snakes in Crimea? What is the name of this poisonous snake? (Children's answers). So here it is, poison steppe viper very weak compared to the strongest poison of the toadstool.

And here is a riddle about another poisonous mushroom:

Riddle about the fly agaric

This mushroom looks like a ladybug
Yes, the spots are not the same.

Of course it's a fly agaric. Isn't that right, handsome? Scarlet caftan, white specks. “The fly agaric is red, but dangerous for health.” But don’t rush to knock down fly agarics with your feet and trample them. You saw how, after the rains, the adult workers of our garden dug up and destroyed poisonous mushrooms on our territory. Why did they do this? What precautions were taken? (Children's answers). But this is in the city, in a kindergarten, where the owners are children and adults. And in the forest, fly agaric is a necessary mushroom. It is poisonous to humans, but suitable for forest dwellers. Deer greedily search for fly agarics and eat them. Snails and slugs gnaw holes in the caps of fly agarics. Squirrels even dry them for the winter. IN medicinal purposes. People, by the way, have also already learned to use fly agarics as a cure for some serious diseases.

Didactic game "Body"

And now the game "Body". We have used this word many times today. How do you understand it? (Children's answers). This is what the box looks like. (Show).
Your task: go to the woods and fill the box. Be careful! Do not touch poisonous mushrooms! Bring only one edible mushroom from the forest and name it. Children go to the carpet and collect silhouettes of mushrooms (boletus, honey mushrooms, white, gray). Then they put it in a box and call it. After all the mushrooms are in the box, those remaining on the carpet are examined. The children explain why they didn’t take these mushrooms and what they are called.

It would take a long time to list all the mushrooms. Our forests are rich, and they willingly share their riches with us. Behave modestly and politely in the forest, then it will reward you and will remain for others.

Now we will prepare mushroom cookies. We made the dough in advance, all that remains is to cut out the cookies from the dough using mushroom molds, place them on a greased baking sheet and put them in the oven.

While the cookies are baking, listen to T. Nikolaev’s fairy tale “The Wonderful Umbrella” about the adventures of a bun.

Fairy tale "Wonderful Umbrella"

Grandmother gave Kolobok an umbrella. Wonderful umbrella. On top – white with multi-colored polka dots. The inside is green and white daisy.

Kolobok went into the forest. Of course, with an umbrella. Suddenly someone you know meets will have something to brag about. Kolobok also took a basket of grandma’s pies. Fragrant, rosy, apple. Who goes on a long walk empty-handed?

Kolobok is walking, twirling his umbrella above him. And the birds around are singing and singing. “They probably sing about the umbrella and admire it,” thinks Kolobok. The hare ran past, so quickly! “Apparently from surprise,” thinks Kolobok. “If only I could meet the Wolf, or even the Fox...”

Kolobok is daydreaming and does not hear that the wind has risen and rustled the leaves. And he doesn’t see that a cloud has appeared in the sky. Another, third... And now there is no blue sky, no clear sun. It got dark. And - the rain drummed on the leaves, on the grass, on the flowers. And Kolobok has an umbrella! The grass is wet - the bun is dry. The birds and animals hid, but Kolobok didn’t care about the rain.
Wonderful umbrella! But summer rain is short. And now the birds were singing again, the sun was shining. A cheerful rainbow stretched over the path. Kolobok laughed and - bang-bang! - himself in one direction, the basket in the other, and the umbrella generally rolled to no one knows where. Kolobok jumped up angry: who tripped him up?! He looks, and right on the path there is a stone - not a stone, a stump - not a stump, but something round and brown. Here's your time! Nothing like this has ever happened here. “I’ll find a basket and an umbrella. I’ll figure it out,” thought Kolobok. And he began to search. How he parted the grass, how he crawled under the bushes! And neither one nor the other. What to do? Kolobok sat down on a stump stone. Thought about it. And suddenly he felt as if someone was lifting him. I tried to get up - there was no ground under my feet. Oh, new trouble! And then someone else nearby grunts and sighs.

Who's sighing here?

I, porcini mushroom Boletus, Spike boletus. It’s hard for me to lift you, so I sigh. Well, never mind, we are mushrooms. people are strong!

Kolobok is familiar with the Boletus Mushroom. I collected it with Grandma. Then I dried it. Boletus soup! But why the spikelet?

Early me. Summer. Together with the wheat ear I ripen, and therefore the ear of wheat. And it grew quickly because there was good rain. And that’s all the mushrooms need.

The spiky boletus was still saying something, but Kolobok no longer heard him - he saw the umbrella. Golden, with fringe around the edge. But what is it? There's another umbrella nearby, More. Crimson, yellow, purple, even red with white peas!

Kolobok rolled to the ground and towards the umbrellas. I forgot which one it was. “I’ll take a red one with a white pea,” he thinks.

I'm not an umbrella. I am the fly agaric mushroom. And this is my neighbor - Pale Toadstool. Don't touch us. We are poisonous!

And we are not umbrellas! - the others shouted. – We are sisters – colorful Russulas. And we - summer openki! And I am Champignon. You can safely put us all in the basket for the roast.

But Kolobok has neither a basket nor an umbrella. Kolobok was saddened. Suddenly he hears a thin voice from somewhere:

And I'm an umbrella. A colorful umbrella. Edible.

Kolobok ran up to the umbrella: light brown, in terry, like in rags. And his was new. Kolobok waved his hand and sat down on the grass. Grieve. On green grass into a white daisy. He raised his head. What is this?! Yes, it was his umbrella hanging on a branch! Kolobok was delighted. I wish I could find another basket! And you don’t even need to look for it. She stands nearby in a neighboring clearing. On a saucer. White saucer...on a leg! Kolobok looked: the whole clearing was covered in saucers - white, pink, gold, red. Saucers on legs. But now you can’t fool him. Tricky mushrooms pretended to be saucers. Kolobok took the basket from the white saucer and heard:
- Right. I’m not a saucer, but a mushroom – a real milk mushroom. Take us to the salting. We are the most delicious!
- No, us! - shouted the red saucer mushrooms. - For us, Ryzhikov, at least salt us, at least fry us.
- And what are they arguing about? – the little pink saucers laughed. - There is nothing tastier than us, Volnushki.
Then a round red cap appeared from under a bush: “Don’t listen to them, gather only us, the Boletuses!”
Kolobok listened and listened and decided to take everyone one by one, otherwise the basket wouldn’t be enough. And he began to collect stump mushrooms, umbrella mushrooms, and saucer mushrooms. And grandma’s umbrella immediately turned into a search stick, which can easily be used to push apart the thick grass. And then the umbrella became a carrying stick, which was convenient for carrying a full basket over one’s shoulder.
That's how wonderful grandma's umbrella turned out to be! After all, if Grandmother had not given it to him, if Kolobok had not gone to show off this umbrella, no story would have happened. Like this.


1. Do mushrooms only grow in autumn? When else?
2. Why did the boletus mushroom grow so quickly?
3. Why is the white mushroom called boletus spica?
4. What other edible mushrooms did Kolobok encounter in the forest?
5. What poisonous mushrooms did Kolobok come across?
6. How are mushrooms used as food?
7. Why can’t you pick mushrooms by the roots?
8. Why can’t you destroy poisonous mushrooms in the forest?

After the lesson, you can perform modeling, appliqué, and manual labor on the theme “Mushrooms.” View stands about edible and poisonous mushrooms of the Crimea. Hold a competition of riddles about mushrooms.

Riddles about mushrooms

Maybe you won't believe me
But I saw mushrooms on a pine tree.
Do mushrooms grow on trees?
Something completely unclear here...
Butterflies and honey mushrooms are put on the branches...
Who dries them for the winter, guys?

Worth a cake
On one leg.
Who won't pass
Everyone gives a bow.

All Antoshka -
A hat and a leg.
It will rain -
He will grow up.

He was hidden deep
One-two-three - and he went out,
And he stands in plain sight.
White, I will find you.

I don’t argue - not white,
I, brothers, am simpler.
I usually grow
In a birch grove.

Who has one leg
And even without a shoe?
(At the mushroom)

I'm growing up in a red cap
Among the aspen roots.
You will see me a mile away -
What's my name?

Drilled the earth
I left the spine
He came into the world himself,
He covered himself with a hat.

There are no more friendly mushrooms than these -
Adults and children know -
They grow on stumps in the forest,
Like freckles on your nose.

He stood in the forest
Nobody took him
In a fashionable red hat,
No good.

Marycheva Anna Dmitrievna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 156"
Locality: Ivanovo city
Name of material: Lesson notes
Subject: Summary of GCD in senior group on the topic "Mushrooms"
Publication date: 07.12.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Summary of GCD in the senior group on the topic "Mushrooms".

Target: create conditions for the development and consolidation of children’s ideas about mushrooms,

features appearance, places of growth.



Give an idea of ​​the mycelium; teach to distinguish between edible and poisonous mushrooms;

expand and intensify lexicon on this topic.


Foster respect for the environment.

Activities: gaming, motor, communicative, visual.

Forms of implementation of children's activities: games with speech accompaniment,

guessing riddles, listening to the sounds of nature, answering questions during a conversation.

Equipment and facilities: toy - crow; pictures with mushrooms, picture-scheme of a mushroom,

autumn leaves made of colored cardboard with riddles, audio recording “Autumn Forest”,

record player

Vocabulary work:

mycelium, mushroom pickers

Methodical techniques: creating a game situation, conversation, guessing riddles,

finger play, didactic game, surprise moment.

Preliminary work: reading poetry, solving riddles

about mushrooms, conversation about gifts

forests, about the signs of autumn, looking at illustrations.

Progress of classes:

1. Organizational moment (children sitting at tables)

Educator: Guys, today a guest flew into our group (shows a crow). You

Did you recognize her?

Children: Yes, it's Crow!

Educator: A hedgehog sent Smart Crow from the forest, he gave you guys this

letter on a piece of paper. From which tree did this leaf fall? Learned?

Children: Yes, from a maple tree, it's a maple leaf!

Educator: Well done, right! The Crow says that the Hedgehog is collecting supplies on him

winter. But he is worried that the winter will be long and snowy, and the collected supplies will

may not be enough. Therefore, he asks you guys to help him.

Let's see what is written on the piece of paper. The hedgehog asked us a riddle. When we

Let's guess, then we'll find out what he likes to collect most in the forest? (riddle on maple

Who sits on a strong leg

In the brown leaves by the path

A hat made of grass stood up -

No head under the hat? (Mushroom).

Educator: That's right, well done! Crow says he doesn't know anything about

mushrooms. Let's, guys, tell her about mushrooms and help the Hedgehog collect supplies for

Part 2 (main)

Educator: Mushrooms are unusual plants, they have no branches, no leaves, no flowers

(a diagram of a mushroom is hung on the board). What do mushrooms have? (children answer that they have

stem and cap). That's right, the leg, the cap, and there is also a part that you and I don't

we see with our eyes, and it is located underground - these are the roots-strings, which are called

mycelium. Through roots and threads, mushrooms receive water and nutrients from the ground.

People who go into the forest to pick mushrooms are called mushroom pickers . Real mushroom pickers

protect the forest and never pull mushrooms out of the ground by the roots, as this can cause damage

mycelium, then small mushrooms will not grow in this place. The mushroom needs to be carefully

cut with a knife.

Tell me please, where do mushrooms grow? (children's answers)

Yes, indeed, mushrooms grow in the forest, in clearings, on the edges, under trees, in the grass,

and even on old stumps.

What types of mushrooms are there? (children’s answers, edible and inedible, poisonous)

What mushrooms are called edible? ?( those that can be eaten: boiled, fried,

- What mushrooms are called inedible ?( poisonous, those that cannot be eaten)

Let's guys show the crow mushrooms, tell us about them and name them edible and

inedible mushrooms. To do this, you and I need to solve riddles.


Riddle 1.

Strong, dense, very stately,

In a brown and smart hat.

This is the pride of all forests

The real king of mushrooms (ceps)

(the image of porcini mushrooms is posted on a magnetic board)

The porcini mushroom or boletus grows in pine and spruce forest, his hat is fleshy,

elastic, brown. The leg is thick and white.

Riddle 2.

An old man under a birch tree,

it has a brown cap on it,

and a jacket with a speckled pattern, and

boots with clay (boletus)

(the image is posted on a magnetic board)

Riddle 3.

I'm growing up in a red cap

among the aspen roots

You'll see me a mile away

My name is...(boletus) (the image is posted on a magnetic board)

The boletus and boletus have a long stem and a brown or reddish cap.

colors. (like fallen autumn leaves, in which mushrooms hide)

3.Dynamic pause (physical education minute)

And now guys, get up, come to me, hold hands, and we’ll walk along

along a winding path into the forest and see what other mushrooms we come across. (sounds

audio recording "Autumn Forest"):

We are going to the autumn forest,

And the forest is full of miracles

It rained in the forest yesterday (shaking our brushes)

This is very good (clap your hands)

We will look for mushrooms (put our palm to our forehead)

and collect in the basket (we squat and collect mushrooms)

Here are the boletus sitting (we point to the right with our hand)

Honey mushrooms on the stump (point to the left with your hand)

Well, what about you, fly agaric, (they shake a finger)

Decorate the autumn forest! (afterwards the children return to their places)

Here you and I came across both honey mushrooms and boletus mushrooms in the forest. Let's go back to our seats and

Let's see what other mushrooms grow in the forest.

Riddle 4.

In the soft grass at the edge

red ears everywhere

Golden sisters

They are called (chanterelles) (the image is posted on a magnetic board)

Riddle 5.

There are no more friendly mushrooms

Adults and children know

They grow on stumps in the forest,

Like freckles on the nose (honey mushrooms) (the image is posted on a magnetic board)

Honey mushrooms are growing large families on the stumps

Riddle 6.

Near the forest on the edge,

Decorating the dark forest,

He grew up as colorful as parsley,


Red hat with polka dots,

Collar with a thin leg,

This mushroom is beautiful to look at

But dangerous, poisonous.

Educator: When the fly agaric gets old, the edges of its cap will bend upward, and it

turn into a saucer. It will rain, and there will be water left in the saucer, not simple...

poisonous. A fly drinks this water and dies. That's why they call it fly agaric.

What other poisonous mushroom do you know? (children’s answers, toadstool)

Among forests, fields, swamps

Poisonous mushroom growing

In a pale hat, with a thin leg

You can’t put it in a basket

Dangerous mushroom, decoy mushroom

This is the Pale Grebe.

(this mushroom has a thin stem and a pale gray cap, its smell is unpleasant)

Educator: Well done guys, you know all the mushrooms. Now come on, those mushrooms that

edible ones will be marked with green circles, and those that are inedible will be marked with red circles

circles, since the red color is a danger signal, so that you can immediately see where we are

danger awaits you (children take turns going to the board and attaching

corresponding circles to the images of mushrooms).

Now you guys and our guest know which mushrooms are edible and which are poisonous. AND

We can help Hedgehog collect supplies for the winter. To do this, I invite you to the table, we are in

we will collect a “Basket of mushrooms for a hedgehog” (children come to the table)

But first, let’s tell Smart Crow about the rules for picking mushrooms:

1. Learn to distinguish poisonous mushrooms from edible ones. If you notice a poisonous mushroom, do not

pick it, don't cut it with a knife. don't hit it with a stick. Better stay away. By the way,

Some poisonous mushrooms, dangerous to human health, cure diseases of animals and

2. Collect only those mushrooms that are familiar to you. Never cut

unfamiliar mushrooms

3. Do not put wormy or old mushrooms in the basket (they form toxic substances,

You can get poisoned by these mushrooms.

4. Never pick mushrooms in city squares, parks, or near roads (mushrooms are like sponges

include all harmful substances that accumulate in the soil, are contained in

5. In order to next year mushrooms have grown in this place again, mushrooms are not needed

tear and carefully cut with a knife.

Let's show Smart Crow how we can play with our fingers

(finger gymnastics)

Top-top five steps (children use their index and middle fingers to “walk” along the table)

There are five mushrooms in the little container (showing outstretched fingers)

fly agaric red mushroom is dangerous And the second fox is the red sister

The third mushroom is the pink ear volnushka.

And the fourth mushroom is a morel.

The fifth mushroom is white, eat it boldly. (for each name of the mushroom they bend in turn

fingers on both hands, starting with the thumbs)

Performing a collective application on the theme “Mushrooms” using the cutting technique.

Educator: So our basket of mushrooms for the hedgehog is ready. Let's ask guys

Smart crow, give him this basket. The Crow says that the Hedgehog will be very happy,

and Crow says thank you to you and me that now she knows a lot about mushrooms.


You guys are great, you completed all the tasks. Did you like it

class? What did we learn about today? (children's answers)

Lesson No.2

Topic: “Mushroom Tale.”

Program tasks .

Educational: expand children's knowledge about edible and inedible mushrooms; introduce another name for porcini mushroom - boletus; form ideas about the rules for collecting mushrooms; Explain the importance of mushrooms inedible to humans for the forest community.

Developmental: develop observation skills and coherent speech; the ability to solve riddles, find images of the necessary answers; distinguish, name and describe edible and inedible mushrooms

INeducational: to cultivate love and respect for the forest and its gifts.

Equipment: toy - Kolobok, visual and didactic picture “Forest”, flat basket with slots, stencils of mushrooms: boletus, boletus, boletus, butterdish, honey mushroom, russula, fly agaric and toadstool; pictures of mushrooms.

Preliminary work: conversation about mushrooms; reading the poem “Mushrooms” by E. Trutneva, ecological fairy tale E. V. Shikova “Mushroom”; examination of the thematic album “Mushrooms”.

1. The teacher asks a riddle:

Troshka stands on one leg,

They are looking for him, but he is silent. (Mushroom).

Guys, have you ever picked mushrooms in the forest? What edible mushrooms do you know?

Today our friend Kolobok came to our lesson and brought new story, which happened to him in the forest, but unusual, but mushroom.

Hshadow of a fairy tale T. Nikolaeva “Wonderful umbrella”

“Granny gave Kolobok an umbrella. Wonderful umbrella. On top – white with multi-colored polka dots. The inside is green and white daisy. Kolobok went into the forest. Suddenly someone you know meets will have something to brag about. Kolobok also took a basket of grandma’s pies. Fragrant, rosy. Who goes on a long walk empty-handed? Kolobok is walking, twirling his umbrella above him. And the birds around are singing and singing.

They probably sing about the umbrella and admire it, thinks Kolobok. The hare ran past, so quickly!

Apparently from surprise, Kolobok thinks, if only he could meet the Wolf, or even the Fox...

Kolobok was daydreaming and didn’t notice how dark it had become. And the rain drummed on the leaves, on the grass, on the flowers. And Kolobok has an umbrella! The grass is wet, but Kolobok is dry. But the rain quickly stopped, and now the birds were singing again and the sun was shining. A cheerful rainbow stretched over the path. Kolobok stared and fuck-bang! - himself in one direction, the basket in the other, and the umbrella generally rolled to no one knows where. Kolobok jumped up angry: who tripped him up? He looks, and right on the path lies a stone - not a stone, a stump - not a stump, but something round and brown. Here's your time! Nothing like this has ever happened here.

“I’ll find a basket and an umbrella, then I’ll figure it out,” thought Kolobok. And he began to search, but found nothing. What to do?

Kolobok sat down on a stump stone and thought. And suddenly he felt as if someone was lifting him up. I tried to get up - there was no ground under my feet. And then someone else nearby grunts and sighs.

Who's sighing here?

It's me, mushroom Borovik. It’s hard for me to lift you, so I sigh. Well, never mind, we are mushrooms, a strong people!

Kolobok is familiar with the Boletus Mushroom. I collected it with my grandmother. Then I dried it. And boletus soup is so delicious!

“I grew up quickly,” says Borovik, “this is because there was good rain. And that’s all the mushrooms need.

Borovik was still saying something, but Kolobok was no longer listening to him - he saw the umbrella. Golden, with fringe around the edge. But what is it? There are also umbrellas nearby. Crimson, yellow, even red with white peas! Kolobok rolled down to the ground and towards the umbrellas. I forgot which one it was.

“I’ll take a red one with a white polka dot,” he thinks.

I'm not an umbrella. I am a mushroom - Fly agaric. And this is my neighbor - Death cap. Don't touch us, we're poisonous!

And we are not umbrellas! - the others shouted, - we are sisters, colorful Russula.

And we - Openki! And I - Oiler! Feel free to put us in the basket for the roast!

But Kolobok has neither a basket nor an umbrella. Kolobok became sad, waved his hand and sat down on the grass to grieve. He raised his head - what is this? The sky above him is white daisy. Yes, it was his umbrella hanging on a branch! Kolobok was delighted. I wish I could find another basket! And you don’t even need to look for it. She is standing nearby in a neighboring clearing. Kolobok looked around: the whole clearing was covered in red saucers on legs. But now you can’t fool him. The cunning mushrooms pretended to be saucers. Kolobok took the basket and heard:

Right. We are not saucers, but mushrooms - Chanterelles, just as cunning, we love to hide under leaves. We are the most delicious!

No, us! - mushrooms on gray legs with a brown cap shouted from under a birch tree, - us - boletus Nothing tastes better! At least salt, at least fry!

Here a round red cap appeared from under the aspen trees:

Don't listen to them, gather only us - Podosinovikov!

Kolobok listened and listened and decided to take everyone one by one, otherwise the basket wouldn’t be enough. And he began to collect stump mushrooms, umbrella mushrooms, and saucer mushrooms. And grandma’s umbrella immediately turned into a search stick, which can easily be used to push apart the thick grass. And then the umbrella became a carrying stick, on which it was convenient to carry a full basket. That's how wonderful grandma's umbrella turned out to be! After all, if his grandmother had not given it as a gift, and Kolobok had not gone to show off, no story would have happened. Like this!"


What did Grandma give to Kolobok? Why did Kolobok go into the forest? ( Take a walk and show yournnewumbrella)

Who did Kolobok sit on instead of a stump?

Describe the Boletus mushroom. Why is it called that?

What umbrella-shaped mushrooms did Kolobok then see?

Describe Amanita and Pale grebe. Why are they called that?

What edible mushrooms did Kolobok come across? Describe Russula, Oyanka, Oil cans. Why are they called that?

What edible mushrooms did Kolobok meet in the neighboring clearing? Describe Chanterelles, Boletus, Boletus. Why are they called that?

How did the story about Kolobok end?

Fjust a minute.

Kindergarten walks into the forest

It's full of miracles:

Here is an aspen tree shaking its branches in the wind,

The brown bear greets the children cheerfully.

And there on the right side, right next to the path

A porcini mushroom stands silent on a thick stalk.

There is a swamp on the way, we need to go through it.

Frogs are jumping on the forest edge.

The kids took a walk in kindergarten it's time to go.

2. Educator: - Guys, now you and I will also collect mushrooms in this large and beautiful basket. Who knows how to pick mushrooms correctly? ( Answers).

Rule one: Mushrooms should not be pulled out of the ground - this harms the mycelium, and then the mushrooms will no longer grow in this place. They must be cut very carefully with a knife. If the mushroom turns out to be wormy, you need to break it into several parts and scatter it in different directions. Its spore seeds will germinate and there will be more mushrooms.

Mushrooms have another “enemy” - cars, buses and other vehicles, which emit harmful gases into the air and can “infect” the mushrooms with them.

PWTO rulesRoh: You cannot pick mushrooms near roads.

Rule three: Unfamiliar and inedible mushrooms should not be collected! But there is no need to knock them down or trample them either - they will be useful to animals and birds.

Well, you and I know all the rules, now you can safely go into the forest to pick mushrooms.

3. Didactic game “Putfungus in the box."

The image of mushrooms is in the painting “Forest”. The teacher reads the riddle. The one who correctly guesses which mushroom is which we're talking about, names him and finds him in the picture, he inserts edible mushrooms into the slots of the basket, and leaves inedible ones in the forest. The one who guesses the most mushrooms wins.

The teacher ends the lesson with a poem by S. Pogorelovsky

The sun hides in the fog

The dense forest, goodbye!

You protected us from the heat,

Gave me water to drink,

Gave me health and fresh strength

And he treated me to a treat.

You will grow to the joy of people!

We will be friends with you.

Good forest, mighty forest,

Full of fairy tales and miracles!
