Evgeny Goman biography. Alexey Goman: photo, biography, creativity and interesting facts

Alexey Vladimirovich Goman – Russian singer, songwriter, talented poet, composer and actor. This famous artist became the winner of the first edition of the music TV show, which took place on the Rossiya channel in 2013, “People’s Artist”. It was from this time that popularity began young singer. Millions of television viewers watched his success.

Now Alexey Goman's songs are very popular not only in Russia, but also in neighboring countries. Fans literally freeze when they hear the artist’s voice. Alexey Goman has a pleasant timbre, you want to listen to his songs. Admirers of his work are looking forward to the singer’s new works.

Biography and creative path Alexey Goman is interesting and full of vivid facts.

Height, weight, age. How old is Alexey Goman

Alexey Goman is a fairly young artist, but has already managed to win the recognition of the people. Many fans want to know literally everything about their idol, including his physical parameters, for example, what is his height, weight, age. How old is Alexey Goman today can be calculated by knowing the singer’s date of birth. Thus, Alexey Goman is now 34 years old.

The artist's height is 183 centimeters. He weighs about 77 kilograms.

The singer has a model appearance, for which he thanks his parents. He also plays sports to maintain his figure. “Alexey Goman – photos in his youth and now” is a fairly popular request on the Internet.

According to his zodiac sign, Alexey Goman belongs to the creative and romantic Virgo. By eastern calendar generous and cheerful artist Boar

Biography and personal life of Alexey Goman

The biography and personal life of Alexey Goman began in Murmansk. The future artist was born on September 12, 1983 in musical family. But the main work of his parents had nothing to do with music. Thus, his father, Vladimir Goman, was a jack of all trades. He worked as a mechanic and electrician. And my mother worked in a military unit, but it is known that in her youth she graduated from music school. Alexey Goman is not the only child in the family; he has an older brother, Evgeny Goman. After the death of his parents, it was he who took upon himself the upbringing of his younger brother. Their father died when Alexey was 15 years old, and 2 years later, their mother also died.

Alexey Goman has shown since childhood musical abilities. He loved to sing and easily learned to play the guitar. At the local cultural palace he became a member of a trio. The group took prizes in competitions.

After the 9th grade, he received the education of an electrician. Later he received a diploma from Murmansk Pedagogical University.

A turning point in the life of Alexey Goman was his participation in the television project of the Rossiya channel “People’s Artist” in 2013, where the young singer won.

Now the artist is quite popular not only in Russia, but also in neighboring countries. He works a lot - often tours and performs at concerts. On this moment the singer has released 3 albums, which are popular among music listeners. Alexey Goman also deservedly received several awards - “Song of the Year”, “Golden Gramophone” and others.

Personal life young artist is not particularly diverse. Alexey Goman was married once. They had a daughter in 2012, but the couple divorced in 2014.

Family and children of Alexey Goman

Alexey Goman experienced several tragedies in his youth. So, at the age of 15, his father died. Two years later, the mother also died. She suffered from cancer. Then his older brother began raising the young artist. By the way, it was he who gave the name to Alexey Goman.

After participating in the music TV show "People's Artist", Alexey lived in civil marriage with Maria Zaitseva. This is how the family was formed. And the children of Alexey Goman eleven years later life together came into being. The singer was very happy.

Now Alexey Goman is not married, but takes an active part in raising his daughter.

Daughter of Alexey Goman - Alexandrina

The daughter of Alexey Goman is Alexandrina, the only child of the young artist. The girl was born on December 28, 2012 and became a real New Year's gift for parents. Alexey Goman and Maria Zaitseva had been married for 6 years by that time. Therefore, the girl was a long-awaited child in the family of Alexei Goman. At the request of the wife, the baby was registered under the name Alexandrina.

At home, Alexandrina is called Sandra. She shows good vocal abilities. The family loves to relax together, despite the fact that Alexey Goman and Maria Zaitseva broke up. Photos with my daughter often appear in in social networks with Alexandrina's parents.

Alexey Goman takes an active part in raising his daughter. Yes, and with Maria Zaitseva he still has friendly relations.

Ex-wife of Alexey Goman - Maria Zaitseva

Alexey Goman’s ex-wife, Maria Zaitseva, also participated in the “People’s Artist” project, where, in fact, the young people met. A few months later, the couple began to live together.

These were ideal relationship, but it came to the wedding only after 6 years of marriage, the couple officially formalized their relationship. The wedding took place in 2009 quite modestly; they decided to wait until after the wedding for a magnificent celebration.

In 2012, Alexey Goman and Maria Zaitseva had a daughter, Alexandrina. After some time, discord began in their family. And in 2014, the couple officially divorced.

However, Alexey Goman and Maria Zaitseva still maintain friendly relations. It is known that together they purchased a small restaurant in the capital, which is popular.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexey Goman

Alexey Goman – young modern man, so he is an active user of social networks.

Alexey Goman's Instagram and Wikipedia are very popular. Here you can find the biography and creative life artist. Alexey Goman's Instagram is filled with photographs. Here the singer often communicates with his fans. Wikipedia Alexey Goman provides detailed information about the life and work of the young artist. Here you can familiarize yourself with his discography and creative plans.

Alexey Goman also has his own VKontakte account. He has a lot of subscribers here. Article found on alabanza.ru

According to present day


Alexey Vladimirovich Goman(born September 12, Murmansk, USSR) - popular Russian singer, songwriter, poet, composer, actor. Winner of the People's Artist competition on the Rossiya TV channel.


Childhood and adolescence

He was born into a musical family, but his parents’ main job was not related to music. My father worked as an electrician, my mother worked in one of the military units Murmansk.

Parents died early. His father died of a severe pulmonary disease (asthma) when Alexei was barely 15, and his mother died of infectious disease lungs after a few more years. Alexey and his older brother Evgeniy were left orphans.

Alexey's musical abilities manifested themselves in childhood, when his brother and mother taught him to play the guitar. A little later, Alexey came to the palace of culture, where Gennady Metelev invited him to join the trio. In this trio, where he performed with a boy and a girl, his first success came. The group took prizes at various music competitions, the lineup was also willingly invited to sing in the evenings at popular restaurants in the city.

After finishing 9th grade, Alexey entered the school to study as an electrician for repairing electrical equipment of urban transport (trolleybuses).” Being already famous in hometown, the young singer worked in trolleybus depot No. 2. After this, Goman entered the Murmansk Pedagogical University for the first year, in the direction of “socio-cultural activities”.

The beginning of a musical career

At the institute, Alexey Goman took part in the production of NotreDame de Paris, in which he played the role of the poet Gringoire. Its authors were Nina Kurganova, head of the French Consulate in St. Petersburg, and Evgeny Goman, who by that time was a famous stage director and host of a radio show on “Europe+” in Murmansk.

Soon the curator of the institute group suggested that he change the “small, but a good city Murmansk" at the Faculty of Cultural Studies of the St. Petersburg University of Culture and Arts. Here Alexey completed his studies ( directing department), managing to tour the country and record albums.

The singer learned about the qualifying round for the People's Artist project while on vacation in Sochi. Alexey went to Moscow, where the singer won with the song “Russian Guy”.

"Slavic Marketplace"

In 2006, Alexey Goman performed at the Slavic Bazaar song festival, and as a participant. Previously, he performed at the competition, but only as a guest. The Grand Prix, however, went to another participant from Russia, but Alexey Goman took an equally honorable third place.

In the project “Dancing with the Stars-2”

In the same year, the singer took part in the “Dancing with the Stars” project. He performed in tandem with the world champion in Latin American dancing, nineteen-year-old Lyudmila Chegrinets. In just three months, practically not knowing how to dance, Alexey mastered the art of dancing. He learned to dance both classical and Latin American dances. Thanks to their diligence, Alexey and Lyudmila reached the semi-finals and achieved third place.

glacial period

In 2014, Alexey Goman took part in the show “Ice Age” on Channel One, paired with Yana Khokhlova. The couple performed very interestingly, but did not reach the final. Goman was credited with an affair with his skating partner, but the artist himself denies this fact.

Alexey himself says this about participation in the project: “This is the most difficult project in which I have had the opportunity to participate. I had never skated before, well, I only stood three times, but that doesn’t count. To be honest, I never understood the point of wearing one uncomfortable shoes and cut through the ice. However, when Ilya Averbukh called me to “Ice Age,” after watching several programs, I realized that I was interested. While you are young and have the strength, you want to try yourself everywhere. Moreover, I had previously participated in the project “Dancing with the Stars” and hoped that that past experience would help me on the ice.”


Alexey Goman graduated from the German Sidakov theater school. He has been acting in various performances for several years now.

Now the singer is working with a musical group with which he began collaborating back in 2009. At the same time, Goman does not forget to perform songs mainly of his own composition. In 2010, Alexey was awarded the orders “Young Talent of Russia - Charoite Star” and “Service to Art”, 1st degree (“ Golden Star"). At the moment, the singer’s discography includes three albums: “Russian Guy”, “Ray of the Golden Sun” and “May”. Working on his 4th solo album.

Personal life

At the People's Artist project, Alexey met Maria Zaitseva, a member of the Assorted group. Alexey and Maria got married in 2009, although they had been dating for 6 years before that. In 2012, the couple had a daughter, who was named Alexandrina.


  • The singer enjoys video games, photography and the Internet. In addition, he cannot imagine life without writing songs and filming videos.
  • Alexey's favorite book is “The Master and Margarita”.
  • According to the singer, what was striking was that Lucifer turned out to be not evil.
  • In addition, he is interested in philosophical and Christian literature.
  • As for dishes, Alexey prefers potatoes in any version and sushi with lakedra.
  • In clothing, Goman prefers classic and mixed styles.
  • As a child, the singer dreamed of seeing what would happen after the end of his life.
  • He describes himself as a modest, stubborn and persistent, diligent and creative, and, of course, a charming guy. According to him, he has a lot of creative energy that simply has nowhere to be applied.


  1. Started up
  2. I lost you
  3. Eyelids blue
  4. Ticket to the moon
  5. I'll steal (duet with M. Zaitseva)
  6. A one-way ticket
  7. For that guy
  8. Love given by heaven
  9. This could be love
  10. light cloud
  11. May (video clip)


  1. 2010 Joker (TV series) ... Stas
  2. 2007-2008 Love is not show business (TV series)
  3. 2006-2010 Thank God you came! (TV series) ...guest

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  • - official website of Alexey Goman

An excerpt characterizing Goman, Alexey Vladimirovich

In the summer of 1809, Pierre returned to St. Petersburg. According to the correspondence of our Masons with foreign ones, it was known that Bezukhy managed to gain the trust of many abroad dignitaries, penetrated many secrets, was elevated to highest degree and brings with him a lot for the common good of the masonry business in Russia. The St. Petersburg Masons all came to him, fawning on him, and it seemed to everyone that he was hiding something and preparing something.
A solemn meeting of the 2nd degree lodge was scheduled, in which Pierre promised to convey what he had to convey to the St. Petersburg brothers from the highest leaders of the order. The meeting was full. After the usual rituals, Pierre stood up and began his speech.
“Dear brothers,” he began, blushing and stammering, and holding the written speech in his hand. - It is not enough to observe our sacraments in the silence of the lodge - we need to act... act. We are in a state of sleep, and we need to act. – Pierre took his notebook and began to read.
“To spread pure truth and bring about the triumph of virtue,” he read, we must cleanse people from prejudices, spread rules in accordance with the spirit of the times, take upon ourselves the education of youth, and unite in unbreakable ties with the smartest people, boldly and together prudently overcome superstition, unbelief and stupidity, to form from those devoted to us people bound together by unity of purpose and having power and strength.
“To achieve this goal, one must give virtue an advantage over vice, one must try to ensure that an honest person receives an eternal reward for his virtues in this world. But in these great intentions there are many obstacles that hinder us - the current political institutions. What to do in this state of affairs? Should we favor revolutions, overthrow everything, drive out force by force?... No, we are very far from that. Any violent reform is reprehensible, because it will not correct the evil in the least as long as people remain as they are, and because wisdom has no need for violence.
“The entire plan of the order must be based on the formation of strong, virtuous people and bound by the unity of conviction, a conviction consisting in everywhere and with all their might to persecute vice and stupidity and to patronize talents and virtue: to extract worthy people from the dust, joining them to our brotherhood. Then only our order will have the power to insensitively tie the hands of the patrons of disorder and control them so that they do not notice it. In a word, it is necessary to establish a universal ruling form of government that would extend over the whole world without destroying civil bonds, and under which all other governments could continue in their usual order and do everything except that which prevents great goal of our order, that is, to ensure the triumph of virtue over vice. Christianity itself presupposed this goal. It taught people to be wise and kind, and for their own benefit to follow the example and instructions of the best and wisest people.
“Then, when everything was immersed in darkness, preaching alone was, of course, enough: the news of the truth gave it special power, but now we need much stronger means. Now it is necessary for a person, controlled by his feelings, to find sensual delights in virtue. Passions cannot be eradicated; we must only try to direct them to a noble goal, and therefore it is necessary that everyone can satisfy their passions within the limits of virtue, and that our order provides the means for this.
“As soon as we have a certain number of worthy people in each state, each of them will again form two others, and they will all be closely united with each other - then everything will be possible for the order, which has already managed to secretly do a lot for the good of mankind.”
This speech produced not only strong impression, but also excitement in the box. The majority of the brothers, who saw in this speech the dangerous plans of Illuminism, accepted his speech with a coldness that surprised Pierre. The Grand Master began to object to Pierre. Pierre began to develop his thoughts with greater and greater fervor. There has not been such a stormy meeting for a long time. Parties formed: some accused Pierre, condemning him as an Illuminati; others supported him. Pierre was struck for the first time at this meeting by the infinite variety of human minds, which makes it so that no truth is presented in the same way to two people. Even those of the members who seemed to be on his side understood him in their own way, with restrictions, changes that he could not agree to, since Pierre’s main need was precisely to convey his thought to another exactly as he himself understood her.
At the end of the meeting, the great master, with hostility and irony, made a remark to Bezukhoy about his ardor and that it was not only the love of virtue, but also the passion for struggle that guided him in the dispute. Pierre did not answer him and briefly asked whether his proposal would be accepted. He was told that no, and Pierre, without waiting for the usual formalities, left the box and went home.

The melancholy that he was so afraid of came over Pierre again. For three days after delivering his speech in the box, he lay at home on the sofa, not receiving anyone and not going anywhere.
At this time, he received a letter from his wife, who begged him for a date, wrote about her sadness for him and about her desire to devote her whole life to him.
At the end of the letter, she informed him that one of these days she would come to St. Petersburg from abroad.
Following the letter, one of the Masonic brothers, less respected by him, burst into Pierre's solitude and, bringing the conversation to Pierre's marital relations, in the form of fraternal advice, expressed to him the idea that his severity towards his wife was unfair, and that Pierre was deviating from the first rules of a Freemason , not forgiving the repentant.
At the same time, his mother-in-law, the wife of Prince Vasily, sent for him, begging him to visit her for at least a few minutes to negotiate a very important matter. Pierre saw that there was a conspiracy against him, that they wanted to unite him with his wife, and this was not even unpleasant to him in the state in which he was. He didn’t care: Pierre didn’t consider anything in life to be a matter of great importance, and under the influence of the melancholy that now took possession of him, he did not value either his freedom or his persistence in punishing his wife.
“No one is right, no one is to blame, therefore she is not to blame,” he thought. - If Pierre did not immediately express consent to unite with his wife, it was only because in the state of melancholy in which he was, he was not able to do anything. If his wife had come to him, he would not have sent her away now. Compared to what occupied Pierre, wasn’t it all the same whether he lived or not lived with his wife?
Without answering anything to either his wife or his mother-in-law, Pierre got ready for the road late one evening and left for Moscow to see Joseph Alekseevich. This is what Pierre wrote in his diary.
“Moscow, November 17th.
I just arrived from my benefactor, and I hasten to write down everything that I experienced. Joseph Alekseevich lives poorly and has been suffering from a painful bladder disease for three years. No one ever heard a groan or a word of murmur from him. From morning until late at night, with the exception of the hours during which he eats the simplest food, he works on science. He received me graciously and seated me on the bed on which he was lying; I made him a sign of the knights of the East and Jerusalem, he answered me in the same way, and with a gentle smile asked me about what I had learned and acquired in the Prussian and Scottish lodges. I told him everything as best I could, conveying the reasons that I proposed in our St. Petersburg box and informed him about the bad reception given to me and about the break that had occurred between me and the brothers. Joseph Alekseevich, having paused and thought for a while, expressed his view of all this to me, which instantly illuminated for me everything that had happened and the entire future path ahead of me. He surprised me by asking if I remembered what the threefold purpose of the order was: 1) to preserve and learn the sacrament; 2) in purifying and correcting oneself in order to perceive it and 3) in correcting the human race through the desire for such purification. What is the most important and first goal of these three? Of course, your own correction and cleansing. This is the only goal we can always strive for, regardless of all circumstances. But at the same time, this goal requires the most work from us, and therefore, misled by pride, we, missing this goal, either take on the sacrament, which we are unworthy to receive due to our uncleanness, or we take on the correction of the human race, when we ourselves are an example of abomination and depravity. Illuminism is not a pure doctrine precisely because it has become carried away social activities and full of pride. On this basis, Joseph Alekseevich condemned my speech and all my activities. I agreed with him in the depths of my soul. On the occasion of our conversation about my family matters, he told me: - Main Responsibility the true Mason, as I have told you, consists in perfecting himself. But often we think that by removing all the difficulties of our life from ourselves, we will more quickly achieve this goal; on the contrary, my lord, he told me, only in the midst of secular unrest can we achieve three main goals: 1) self-knowledge, for a person can know himself only through comparison, 2) improvement, which is achieved only through struggle, and 3) to achieve the main virtue - love of death. Only the vicissitudes of life can show us its futility and can contribute to our innate love of death or rebirth to a new life. These words are all the more remarkable because Joseph Alekseevich, despite his severe physical suffering, is never burdened by life, but loves death, to which he, despite all the purity and height of his inner man, doesn’t feel ready enough yet. Then the benefactor explained to me the full meaning of the great square of the universe and pointed out that the triple and seventh numbers are the basis of everything. He advised me not to distance myself from communication with the St. Petersburg brothers and, occupying only 2nd degree positions in the lodge, try, distracting the brothers from the hobbies of pride, to turn them to the true path of self-knowledge and improvement. In addition, for himself, he personally advised me, first of all, to take care of myself, and for this purpose he gave me a notebook, the same one in which I write and will henceforth write down all my actions.”

Singer Alexey Goman, in the recent past a participant in the Ice Age show on Channel One, is now writing a new album and developing acting career. He is no longer the simple guy that viewers are used to seeing him, but a real man with clear goals and a loving father to his daughter Alexandrina.

Photo: Olga Tuponogova-Volkova

Alexey Goman has been known since the days of the “People’s Artist” project, which ended in 2003. Then the song “Russian Guy” brought him victory. On the show he met his future wife- Maria Zaitseva, who now sings in the group N.A.O.M.I. and participates in the third season of “The Voice.”

IN " Ice Age“Alexey’s partner was the famous figure skater, European champion, master of sports Yana Khokhlova. Despite the fact that Alexey had not even skated before the project, their pair was able to beat many strong opponents. In November, Yana and Alexei dropped out of the show. But fans of Alexey Goman’s vocal talent have reason to rejoice: he is working on a new album. In addition, the artist can now be seen in the theater. It is quite possible that his screen debut is also not far off.

Lyosha, what do you think you and Yana were missing to continue participating in “Ice Age”?

Time for training, probably. At that time, I was already the only male artist who had not skated before “Period”. I myself got up on them somewhere in mid-July. Two months of preparation - and the project began. And in the last show we had to compete with Tatyana Totmyanina and Artur Smolyaninov - can you imagine what kind of couple they are? Therefore, Yana and I didn’t really count on winning. Unless they hoped that Tatyana Tarasova would say: “We leave everyone.” (Smiles.) Of course, I wanted to be among the top ten couples who will no longer be nominated. We were the last to drop out, and after us the nominations were completely cancelled. It's a bit of a shame. But I am grateful to the project: I learned a lot, met interesting people and touched the world of sports.

Now skating rinks are opening all over Moscow. Will it be possible to meet you there?

But of course! You need to apply the acquired skill somewhere. It's really cool that in shows like Ice Age you have to constantly train. Otherwise, as a very lazy person, I would try to avoid stress. (Smiles.)

You are lazy?!

What a great one! This has bothered me all my life. While still at school, I heard teachers tell my parents: “Your boy is smart, good, artistic. But so lazy!” It simply didn't exist for me homework, never did it and, of course, received very bad grades. But somehow I got out of it, and the final grades were “pictured” for me as good. He always found an approach to teachers, knew how to make them laugh and where to pause. They loved me because I always participated in amateur performances and defended the honor of the kindergarten and school.

That is, do you have some internal tool, charm.

Yes, I feel people, and I like to use it - in in a good way. There is nothing special to be proud of here, just a fact. In fact, performance is much more important than the ability to achieve something in this way. I have been given a lot, but I am lazy. And I always have an internal struggle - to pull myself together or relax. On shows like Ice Age or Dancing with the Stars, I literally forced myself to work. The jury members most often put me in last place, while the audience, on the contrary, put me in first place. I had to prove that I was not a camel. (Smiles.)

You often participate in television projects. Is it interesting or necessary?

If an artist does not appear on screen, he is quickly forgotten. Not on TV - not anywhere. And then, it’s great when there is an opportunity to gain some new skill. This will also come in handy at work. So they offered me to dance - but I had never danced in my life. I wanted to try it, went to the show, and enjoyed it. Skates too - let me, I think I'll try it. It’s nice to watch yourself from the outside afterwards. But there is also back side: After the broadcasts, people call me and offer to participate in programs of a different kind and want me to discuss someone’s sex life. I’m certainly not ready for this demagoguery. (Smiles.)

What's going on in your musical life?

I'm currently working on the album that I promised my fans a year ago. I want to do everything right, very well. I treat my songs very carefully, I constantly redo things. They know me as a simple Russian guy who sings patriotic songs. I really love Russia, this is my home, my country, but music is a completely different story, and my album will be in a different style. I have already found an arranger and am looking for musicians. I am always open to cooperation with talented people. After “People’s Artist” I worked under a contract for eight years. He was such an honest, efficient worker, did not interfere in the affairs of the producer, never tried to make the necessary contacts, did not have a list of people whom he could call “if anything happened.” Therefore, when the contract ended, we essentially had to start all over again.

I read on your website that you play in the theater.

I studied at German Sidakov's theater school. I really want to get into both movies and TV series. I recently had the opportunity to play main role in the play, but had to refuse due to participation in “Ice Age”. Now I'm playing a small role in another production. I'm not ready to give up the stage anymore. Even when I was little, I understood that I had only two paths in life: music and theater. In general, the scene. I have always been drawn, so to speak, to showing off. It’s great when you can get emotions that you wouldn’t want to experience in life, play a person in difficult conditions, and at the same time know that you will now go home and have dinner in peace.

Is it true that your mother did not want you and your brother to become artists?

Yes. She herself graduated from music school and college, then had to enter the conservatory. Throughout my childhood I worked out while my friends were out. But the career was not successful. Our father told her: either you stay in Murmansk and raise children, or you leave to study. I would never do that to my woman. Is it possible to put someone before a choice? In general, my mother stayed to raise us and took up completely uncreative work - disposing of torpedoes from submarines. And after that, something broke in her. Moreover, at that time in Murmansk the most likely future for a musician was to sing in restaurants. Of course, my parents didn't want to. But my brother and I came to this anyway. I sang in restaurants, then in a choir. In general, I made music my profession: I came to St. Petersburg, entered the Institute of Culture and Arts, received a deferment from the army and almost immediately after that I got into the show “People's Artist”.

And you never served in the army?

After college, I came to the military registration and enlistment office with the thought: “That’s it, I’m going to join the army.” Now they serve for a year, new form and all that, but then the army was generally tough. Many of my friends left, and I saw how they came back. That's why I didn't want to join the army. But I didn’t have to look for options: it turned out to be unsuitable. I got asthma from my dad.

Wow! How did you feel in St. Petersburg, where such humid climate?

It was difficult there, everything flew into my lungs... Now I can’t say that I’m suffering. Just in case I'm a fireman, I carry an inhaler with me, but last time I used it about five years ago. Moscow is a normal, warm city. But my father had health problems, because of this he became irritated, and over time his character began to deteriorate. In general, you know, this is not a very pleasant story... (Thinks.) He used to be such a funny, humorous guy. But when you constantly lack oxygen, it is difficult to enjoy life. Then alcohol began to appear. My father passed away too early. And practically in my hands. I had to figure this out for another ten years, because everything that happens to us is deposited inside and it is unclear at what moment it might manifest itself. There are no people for whom the death of loved ones somehow passes without a trace. I love my father very much. Mom loved him very much. Probably every woman in her life bets either on a man, or on herself, or on children. My mother did not rely on herself, she always lived for someone. When my father died, my brother and I were already quite independent. People around us always envied our parents because we were good kids, we didn’t cause problems, everyone loved us. These guys are cute and attract attention. And my mother wasn’t worried about us at all. Five years later, our grandmother died, and a few months later our mother also left. It felt like she had given up. We tried to pull her out, saying: “Well, live for us, come on.” But nothing came of it. It was not an easy period. I am grateful to my parents because there was a lot of love in our family. My brother and I grew up in love. This allows us to love life and the people around us. And now I know how to raise my one-year-old daughter. A trusting relationship with your parents, when they do not instruct you, but give you the choice to live the way you want, but at the same time, they will definitely lend a helping hand, protect you, lull you to sleep, this is very important.

I’m listening to you, and it seems to me that you are missing this rear right now...

Certainly. Family, support - this is necessary. Maybe that's why I lived with my wife for so many years. We were twenty years old when we started our relationship. Eleven years together, officially married for three years. Our wedding was funny: we came in jeans and jackets, listened to the speech at the registry office - and that’s all. We weren’t chasing marriage, we just really wanted a child, but it didn’t work out for us for a long time. And it happened when our relationship changed a lot. And literally a few months after Sandra was born, we broke up. A year has already passed.

How did this happen?

There is such a vulgar statistic: when a child appears, many families break up. We really didn’t want this to happen to us; on the contrary, we were expecting some kind of uplift from this event. In principle, of course, it’s not about the child; it all started much earlier. No, we had no quarrels or scandals, we always built relationships on trust, talked, and did not violate each other’s freedom. I was not a womanizer, I did not chase every skirt. Masha is a wonderful housewife, she cooks very tasty and even opened her own restaurant. You can’t imagine how I’ve been eating all this year after breaking up! I looked at her and saw how beautiful she was. There were no complaints. But there was no chemistry, no feeling of magic. Love is gone. We analyzed everything and realized: Masha no longer has the feeling that she can’t live without me, and I don’t have the feeling of some kind of core in the relationship that would be worth holding on to. And when we explained ourselves, it became easier for both of us.

How do you build your communication now?

We are friends, we have a good relationship. Now we even collaborate, I often turn to her for advice on work - she also sings. And I write lyrics for her songs. Masha gave me a lot to make me feel like a worthy person. Now I want to be alone, although I don’t have enough pokes in the back to force me to do something. I’m only thirty-one years old, but I’ve already been married and had a child. For a man, this is not age at all. You could say I'm just now becoming a man. That's why I like the single life. I know for sure that in the next five years I will serious relationship Not needed. Because of this, I now have problems in my personal life: I tell girls everything straight out, but there is no romance or passion in such truth.

What is a “serious relationship”? Are they being pulled down the aisle right away?

No, you know, when you meet a person and you realize that there are some prospects with him. But now there will be no prospects for me, I already have a family. Maybe I’ll return to the topic of remarriage if I fall in love. It’s hard for me to imagine this yet. I want to focus on myself and my work. I want to grab everything at once. And now, more than ever, I see many ways for my realization.

How do you communicate with your daughter? Are you taking her over for the weekend?

I can’t bring her to my bachelor pad. We did this: we bought my wife an apartment next to her parents, and I come as soon as possible. If it weren't for Sandra's grandparents, Masha and I wouldn't have been able to cope. Oh, they'll kill me when they read it! They don’t like being called that; they prefer “Lelya” and “Danya”. ( Smiling.) I am very grateful to them for understanding our decision with Masha and this did not in any way affect our good relations with them. They became parents for me too.

Aren't you afraid that you might miss something in raising your daughter?

This is an offensive moment. But if Masha and I had not separated, everything would have been exactly the same, only I would have spent the night at home and seen the child when he was already sleeping. And so - I’m coming. Everything that is done is for the better. And if in some difficult moments I used to think about why Masha and I spent so much time on each other and what it was all about, now I look at our daughter and understand: in order for her to appear. It will be necessary to explain to her, when she grows up, why her parents are such idiots that they did not save the family. She will understand everything, the girl is smart. Although Masha and I no longer have love as a man and a woman, we are very good as dad and mom. We love her and she feels it.

There are new faces in our community!

Alexey Goman
09/12/1983, Murmansk

Don't give up on music.
Alexey Goman, a simple guy from Murmansk, admits that he never thought about a career as a singer, and did not even imagine that he would win the People's Artist competition.
Alexey’s vocal abilities manifested themselves already in childhood, and the first person to notice this was his mother.
“Mom, on principle, did not want to send us to music school, because she believed that at one time she was re-studying music instead of playing with her peers. Our parents wanted us to spend more time on fresh air, and didn’t learn scales in classrooms,” says Alexey. But the genes still took their toll. Despite the fact that the singer as a child dreamed of being a hero, for example, an astronaut or a Russian ninja, excellent with a sword. My mother and older brother taught me my first chords on the guitar. And then he came to the local palace of culture, where he met Gennady Petrovich Metelev, who invited the talented guy to join the trio (two boys and a girl). The trio enjoyed success in Murmansk, won prizes at various competitions and even brought commercial benefits - the musicians were often invited to sing in restaurants. By the way, at that time Alexey’s repertoire included fashionable songs from the group “Prime Minister”, whose producers - Evgeny Fridlyand and Kim Breitburg - a few years later would become producers of the People’s Artist project and sign a long-term contract for cooperation with Alexey. And Kim Breitburg will give Alexey “ business card" - the song "Russian Guy", for which the country voted. But that will come later, but for now, the magnificent Alexey Goman, a diploma student of Professional Lyceum No. 14, the future... “electrician for repairing electrical equipment of urban transport (trolleybuses),” shines on the stage in Murmansk!

Alexey's family was the most ordinary. My father worked as a mechanic and an electrician, and my mother, despite studying at the conservatory, still later dismantled torpedoes for scrap in a military unit. Alexey loved his parents very much, and believes that a good man became thanks to them. The People's Artist lost both his father and mother early. And for him this is perhaps the most sad story. His father died of asthma when Lesha was 15 years old. And my mother – three years later – from pneumonia. After the death of his parents, he remained with his older brother.

Singing electrician
“I entered the Trade Lyceum, or more simply put, vocational school, after finishing 9 classes high school 48. I went there with a friend because I couldn’t stand it school curriculum in algebra, geometry, chemistry and geography. Teachers said that I was smart but lazy. They were right - homework was simply “killing” me and I copied it from friends during breaks!” - Alexey admits.
Trolleybus depot No. 2, where Alexey Goman repaired trolleybuses, prompted the future star to think that the depot was just a stage before something bigger. Soon the guy takes up his textbooks and enters the first year of the Murmansk Pedagogical University in the department of “socio-cultural activities”. The Pedagogical University is not only a prestigious university in Murmansk, but something more - a cultural center of the city, a place where the most interesting creative events take place: plays, concerts are staged, competitions and KVNs are held... A real phenomenon that was born in the bowels of the institute and has gained fame throughout Murmansk and beyond, became the musical "Notre Dame de Paris". He was born thanks to a teacher French Nina Ivanovna Kurganova, head of the French consulate in St. Petersburg and Evgeny Goman, Alexey’s older brother, who by the time he graduated from university became famous for his performances in the student theater and was the host of a popular weekend show on the Europe Plus radio station in Murmansk.

Star Trek
Evgeniy invited talented and proven people to play in his production, among whom were his two brothers – his cousin Artem Bolshov, the leader of the Murmansk group “Ozon” (the part of Febus), and his native Alexey Goman. Having performed one of the main roles - the poet Gringoire, Alexey Goman became a real idol of the youth of the region, went on tour, won competitions and felt the first gentle rays of fame and success. And the television version of the play was included in the golden fund of the region's television.
“I believe in my destiny and the people who meet on my way!” - says Alexey. Obviously, a simple northern boy has a rare opportunity - to attract positive people who believe in Alexei’s star no less than he does. Surely one of these people was the curator of the institute group, Alexei Goman, who told him: “Murmansk is a good city, but small. You are very talented. You shouldn't sit in small town waiting for something new. Big cities and opportunities await you!” It was he who suggested that Alexey transfer to the Faculty of Cultural Studies of the St. Petersburg University of Culture and Arts. Krupskaya, where Alexey studies to this day, combining study, touring and recording new songs.

"Russian guy"
One day, while vacationing in Sochi, Alexey saw information about the qualifying rounds for the People's Artist, and the future winner, without hesitation, changed his ticket to Murmansk and, interrupting his vacation, flew to Moscow. At the same time, Lyosha saw a prophetic dream in which Larisa Dolina was running after him, and he asked to take himself into some project. Seeing the singer on the jury, he realized it was fate.
Alexey Goman experienced the most intense feeling in his life when he entered the final ten of the “People’s Artist”. And Alexey’s victory in the competition simply surprised him, although this surprise did not diminish his joy and euphoria. A six-month appearance on the central television channel, press attention and rotation of songs performed by Lesha on the radio did not cause star fever. Having starred in his first video for the song “Russian Guy” (music by Kim Breitburg, lyrics by Sergei Sashin), the “folk” had to shoot from military weapons. The Kalashnikov, like the special forces uniform, suited the singer’s shoulder and height.
Remaining a homely person, Lesha, however, does not suffer from numerous tours. His favorite pastime remains writing funny, amateur songs for a narrow circle of people and solitude with his favorite laptop, bought with the first big money he received for winning a competition.
Mr. GoMan misses his home, his family and his cat Gumba. He doesn’t consider himself a star – it’s too early. Alexey Goman is a simple Russian guy who does his job well. He is in demand and can no longer imagine his life without the stage.
Currently, Alexey Goman has already released two solo albums, “Russian Guy” and “Ray of the Golden Sun.” Alexey doesn’t forget the “People’s Artist” project either. In the next season, the duet of Goman and Muscovite Marina Devyatova was recognized by the jury as the best. On the personal front, Alexey too full order. The relationship with Masha Zaitseva from the group "A" Sortie" has been going on for three years. Frequent joint tours allow the lovers to practically not part. Even Goman's new image (long streaked hair) is a godsend for his beloved girl.

Participation in the “Slavic Bazaar”
In July 2006, Alexey Goman took part in the international festival"Slavic Bazaar" as a participant in the competition! Before this event, he had already performed in Vitebsk, but always as a guest. Now Alexey decided to test his strength in the Slavic Bazaar song competition, in which, besides him, very strong performers from the most different countries world - from of Eastern Europe, South America and Ukraine. In addition to Alexey Goman, our country was represented by singer Oksana Bogoslovskaya. The jury distributed their votes not in favor of Alexey - it was Bogoslovskaya who received the grand prix, another singer from Moldova, Natalia Gordienko, became second, and Alexey Goman took an honorable third place! “Narodnik” was not upset - the main thing for him was not the victory, but participation in this wonderful holiday. So, let’s especially note this achievement - perhaps it will become a new milestone in the career of “People’s Artist” Alexey Goman! Moreover, he himself is full of plans and ideas - probably in the near future, we will witness the birth of an entire rock band. Goman plans to perform the song with which he appeared on stage in Vitebsk - “One Way Ticket” - in a new, rock sound.

He makes videos and photographs, is an active Internet user, composes songs with Masha Zaitseva, and with his brother Evgeniy Goman - music for the next musical.
Directing for Lyosha Goman is a separate world, an opportunity to create beautiful things:
“I have two goals in life: first, I want to create something and second, to teach something. And people can only be taught through pleasure: through cinema, theater, holidays. So, it seems to me that the director has this magical knowledge, thanks to which he can create other worlds. I have great respect for Tim Burton - in his films he creates completely different realities. As a child, I really loved playing with toy soldiers, inventing things for plastic men real stories, interesting fates... Now I want to do it on another level. So directing for me is a recipe for how to create beautiful worlds.”
Alexey prefers sports skiing, winter camping and travel. Loves Norway, Latvia, Paris, Tunisia. Favorite book – “The Master and Margarita”. I was amazed that Lucifer is not evil. The Artist himself believes that evil can be loved. Reads a lot of books on philosophy and history of Christianity. And Lyosha’s childhood dream was rather strange: he wanted to see what would happen after life (“I know that it won’t come true in this life”).

Alexey Goman biography, photo - find out everything!

Biography of Alexey Goman

The childhood years of Alexey Goman

The future star was born into an ordinary but musical family. In their youth, Alexei’s parents performed in the “Losers” ensemble. The main work of the parents in no way concerned the world of music. My father worked as an electrician, and my mother worked in one of the military units of Murmansk.

Unfortunately, the singer’s parents did not live to see the heyday of their son’s career. His father died of a severe pulmonary disease (asthma) when Alexei was barely 15, and his mother died of an infectious lung disease three years later. Alexey and his brother Evgeniy were left orphans.

The singer's youth

The musical abilities of the future star manifested themselves in childhood, when his brother and mother taught him to play the guitar. A little later, Alexey came to the palace of culture, where Gennady Metelev invited him to join the trio. It was in this trio, where he performed with a boy and a girl, that his first success came. The group won prizes in various music competitions; the group was also willingly invited to sing in the evenings in popular restaurants in the city.

After finishing 9th grade, Alexey entered the school to study as a mechanic-electrician for repairing electrical equipment of urban transport (trolleybuses). Already famous in his hometown, the young singer worked in trolleybus depot No. 2. But soon the guy decided that he deserved more and entered to the Murmansk Pedagogical University for the first year, in the direction of “socio-cultural activities”.

It was here that Alexey Goman took part in the production of NotreDame de Paris, which became famous not only within the city, but throughout the country. Its authors were Nina Kurganova, head of the French Consulate in St. Petersburg, and Evgeny Goman, who by that time was a famous stage director and host of a radio show on “Europe+” in Murmansk.

The beginning of Alexey Goman's musical career

Having performed one of the leading roles in the musical of the poet Gringoire, Alexey instantly became the idol of youth throughout the region. After this, tours, victories in competitions, and, of course, the first rays of fame and success became common in his life.

Soon, the curator of the institute group suggested that he change the “small but good city of Murmansk” to the Faculty of Cultural Studies of the St. Petersburg University of Culture and Arts. Here Alexey completed his studies (director's department), managing to tour the country and record albums.

Alexey Goman's finest hour show at "People's Artist"

The singer learned about the qualifying round for the People's Artist project while on vacation in Sochi. Without hesitation for a moment, Alexey went to Moscow. The interrupted vacation was worth it: with the song “Russian Guy” the singer won an unconditional victory.

People's Artist (2003) final - Alexey Goman

"Slavic Marketplace"

In 2006, Alexey Goman performed at the Slavic Bazaar song festival, and as a participant. Previously, he performed at the competition, but only as a guest. The Grand Prix, however, went to another participant from Russia, but Alexey Goman took an equally honorable third place

Alexey Goman in the project “Dancing with the Stars - 2”

In the same year, the singer took part in the “Dancing with the Stars” project. He performed in tandem with the world champion in Latin American dancing, nineteen-year-old Lyudmila Chegrinets.

In just three months, practically not knowing how to dance, Alexey mastered the art of dancing. He learned to dance both classical and Latin American dances. Thanks to their diligence, Alexey and Lyudmila reached the semi-finals and achieved third place.

Dancing with the Stars. Alexey Goman. 2006

Now the singer is working with a musical group with which he began collaborating back in 2009. At the same time, Goman does not forget to perform songs mainly of his own composition. In 2010, Alexey was awarded the orders “Young Talent of Russia - Charoite Star” and “Service to Art”, 1st degree (Gold Star).

At the moment, the singer’s discography includes three albums: “Russian Guy”, “Ray of the Golden Sun” and “May”.

Personal life of Alexey Goman

Alexey Goman is happy father and husband. His chosen one was Maria Zaitseva, a member of the Assorted group. Alexey and Maria got married in 2009, although they had been dating for 6 years before that. In 2012, the couple welcomed their first child, a daughter, who was named Alexandrina.

The singer enjoys games, photography and the Internet. In addition, he cannot imagine life without writing songs and filming films.

Alexey's favorite book is “The Master and Margarita”. According to the singer, what was striking was that Lucifer turned out to be not evil. In addition, he is interested in philosophical and Christian literature.

As for dishes, Alexey prefers potatoes in any version and sushi with lakedra;

In clothing, Goman prefers classic and mixed styles.

As a child, the singer dreamed of seeing what would happen after the end of his life. He describes himself as a modest, stubborn and persistent, diligent and creative, and, of course, a charming guy. According to him, he has a lot of creative energy that simply has nowhere to be applied.
