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There is an opinion that wisdom comes with age and life experience, which is not entirely true.

This is a special perception of reality and attitude that is acquired with a change in worldview and the development of personal qualities.

Every representative of the fair sex thinks about how to become a wise woman. Because the this quality leads to successful relationships, happy family.

Wise qualities

Mind and wisdom should not be confused, since this is absolutely different concepts. An educated woman may not be distinguished by her life knowledge. While a truly wise woman, who shows understanding in communication, may not have a higher education diploma.

What distinguishes a wise woman?

  • Constancy. Stability is the key to strong relationships and peace of mind. And in order not to flutter like a moth from one man to another, a wise woman will choose “her own.” The lot of stupid ladies is to jump out of marriage as quickly as possible in order to remake a man for themselves. Male nature is akin to hard granite, which is unyielding, and female nature is malleable, like plasticine, in order to be able to adapt to the only chosen one.
  • Understanding. Best friend A man should have a wife with whom he can have a heart-to-heart talk and talk about his own experiences. A close relationship develops when a couple discusses ideas, desires, and shares important thoughts.
  • Patience. A wise woman will not allow herself to start shouting, resorting to the “carrot and stick” method. She knows how to gently hint to a man about wrong behavior, and rewards him after doing the right thing. A calm and pleasant atmosphere in the house is conducive to gifts and the desire to return home after work. To a cozy nest where he waits loving woman and a hearty dinner.
  • Respect. Before becoming a wise woman for your husband, you first need to understand the course of a man's actions, respecting his decision and giving his own space for personal interests. It could be fishing, modeling or football, but for a man his hobbies are just as important as his family.
  • Lack of criticism. Comments and statements will achieve nothing except another quarrel. Even if your spouse has committed a crime or made a mistake, it is much wiser to pause and sincerely express your feelings. This way the man will better hear your wishes.
  • The ability to forgive. There are no ideal people, and a wise woman is no exception, so she is condescending towards her husband’s mistakes, gently hinting at her emotions, without “sticking” to them for a long time.

A pleasant and balanced woman is considered a gift from heaven, and anyone can become one if they begin the hard work of controlling their own emotions and manifestations of character. This in no way means that you have to suppress your feelings, but it is important that you learn to express them in ways that are safe for you and your relationship.

What behavior is wrong?

It is important to know not only useful qualities and the correct manner of behavior, but also those traits that will prevent you from becoming wiser.

  1. Pride. Integrity will become a significant obstacle in a relationship, making a woman stupid in the eyes of her chosen one. You must overcome your own pride in order to short term notice how loyalty and acquired wisdom direct life in a positive direction.
  2. Nitpicking. Before looking for the speck in someone else's eye, you can try to look at the log in your own. All people are flawed, but if you rub your partner’s nose in his shortcomings, there is a risk of turning into a grumbling vixen.
  3. Irritation. Negative feelings arise when women's expectations do not match reality. And if the spouse at the beginning of the relationship was endowed with non-existent qualities, it is not his fault. A wise woman accepts her husband with all his shortcomings, understanding that irritability is the main sign of poor upbringing. And it will never be appropriate anywhere.

By nature, all women are the creators of their lives and happiness, since the mood of the family and weather in the house. And the main tools for everyone who wants to become wise women should be sincerity and love.

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Life together is a long-term construction of a durable building, where every day becomes another brick. And whatever the house turns out to be, that’s what you’ll have to live in. A wise woman has access to this understanding, so she invests herself in the creative process every day.

A wise man marries to have children, and from the most beautiful women; he will not avoid love affairs either - for only a wise man knows who is worth loving.


Wisdom is the most exact of sciences.


A wonderful thing is communication with a sage.

He is a true sage who knows how to say a lot briefly and clearly.

George Byron

Grief is the teacher of the wise.

Biant Priensky

Take wisdom from youth to old age, for there is no more reliable asset.

Sebastian Brant

Buddha Shakyamuni

A wise person does not reject or accept any teachings; he trusts only himself and does not succumb to their influence.

Canal builders release water, archers subjugate an arrow, carpenters subjugate wood, wise men humble themselves.

Francis Bacon

I knew one wise man who, when he saw excessive slowness, liked to say: “Let’s wait so that we can finish sooner.”

Varro of Reatina; Varro's authority as a scientist and original writer was already undeniable during his lifetime" href="/avtory/mark-varron">Mark Varron

He who is wise will be smart in happiness, and cheerful and firm in misfortune.


Wisdom is stronger than fate.


We make too little use of the wisdom of old people.

Heraclitus of Ephesus

Thinking is a great virtue, and wisdom lies in speaking what is true and listening to nature and acting in accordance with it.

Nikolay Gogol

Through suffering and grief it is destined for us to obtain grains of wisdom that cannot be acquired in books.

Maksim Gorky

The madness of the brave is the wisdom of life!

Gregory the Theologian

Decisions come to the wise at night.

John of Damascus

There are no strangers among the wise.

Wisdom and the powerful prevail.

The wise man knows how to act even where he has no experience; A fool also makes mistakes in what he has learned.

If a wise man finds himself in misfortune, he submits even to insignificant things until he achieves what he wants.

None of the wise will dare to do the following three things: approach kings, drink poison for testing, and entrust a secret to a woman.

Daniil Sharpener

Instruct a wise man, and he will become even wiser.

Dante Alighieri

The wisest person is the one who is most annoyed by the loss of time.

Democritus of Abdera

For me, the word of wisdom is more valuable than gold.

Daniel Defoe

The most high degree human wisdom is the ability to adapt to circumstances and remain calm despite external threats.

Benjamin Johnson

A wise man will not become like them out of enmity towards the guilty.

George Sand

Wise is the one who follows the century along with society; and whoever seeks to go back is a madman.

Henrik Ibsen

The real sign by which you can recognize a true sage is patience.

Immanuel Kant

A wise man can change his mind; fool - never.

Kozma Prutkov

A fool guesses; On the contrary, a sage goes through life like a vegetable garden, knowing in advance that here and there a turnip will be pulled out for him, and here and there a radish.


A wise man does not do to others what he does not want done to him.

Not talking to a person who is worthy of talking means losing a person. And talking to a person who is not worthy of conversation means losing words. The wise man loses neither people nor words.

Lao Tzu

He who is content with himself is a rich man.

He who knows people is prudent. He who knows himself is enlightened.

Everything came from being and non-being; from the impossible and the possible - execution; from long and short - form. The high subjugates the low; Higher voices together with lower ones produce harmony, the previous subjugates the subsequent.

Francois VI de La Rochefoucauld

Wisdom is to the soul what health is to the body.

It is much easier to show wisdom in the affairs of others than in your own.

Jan Lechitsky

An anthology of stupid thoughts is already wisdom.

Friedrich Nietzsche

The danger of the wise is that he is most susceptible to the temptation of falling in love with the foolish.

All of you served the people and popular superstition, you illustrious sages! - and not the truth!


Only one deity can possess comprehensive wisdom, and man can only strive for it.


So who, Diotima, I asked, strives for wisdom, since neither the wise nor the ignorant engage in philosophy?
“It’s clear to a child,” she answered, “that those who are engaged in it are those who are in the middle between the wise and the ignorant, and Eros belongs to them.” After all, wisdom is one of the most beautiful goods in the world, and Eros is the love of beauty, therefore Eros cannot help but be a philosopher, that is, a lover of wisdom, and the philosopher occupies an intermediate position between the sage and the ignorant.

Lucius Seneca

Even if the wise man does not need anyone but himself, he still wants to have a friend, at least for the sake of active friendship, so that such a great virtue does not remain idle.


Human wisdom is worth little or nothing.

To be below oneself is ignorance, and to be above oneself is nothing but wisdom.


Knowledge is better than choice gold; because wisdom is better than pearls, and nothing desired can compare with it.

Lev Tolstoy

Wisdom in all life's affairs, it seems to me, consists not in knowing what to do, but in knowing what to do first and what after.

Time is the wisest thing, for it reveals everything.

William Shakespeare

Poor wisdom is often the slave of rich stupidity.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Judge for yourself. This is the hardest thing. It is much more difficult to judge yourself than others. If you can judge yourself correctly, then you are truly wise.

Epicurus of Samos

A wise man chooses a friend who is cheerful and accommodating.

Of all the things that wisdom gives you for the happiness of your whole life, the most important is the possession of friendship.

A sage will not take part in government affairs unless someone forces him to do so.

Belief in immortality was born from the thirst of insatiable people, recklessly using the time that nature had given them. The wise will find this time sufficient to go around the entire circle of achievable pleasures, and when the time of death comes, the sated one will move away from the table, making room for other guests. One is enough for the wise human life, and a fool will not know what to do with eternity.


Wise is not the one who knows a lot, but the one whose knowledge is useful.

Decimus Juvenal

Wisdom will not say what is contrary to nature.

The wise man observes moderation in worthy deeds.

In most difficult situations, people understand that they need to be wise. At the same time, wisdom is often confused with other concepts that are similar to it, but slightly different in essence. And if we are wise, we will be able to easily distinguish all kinds of fakes. Let's consider the most popular points of view.

Wisdom is the combination of life experience and deep intelligence

This definition can be most accurately characterized by an example with dangerous situation. A stupid person, having found himself in difficult conditions, is unlikely to get out of them. A smart person will always find a way out. But a wise person will never fall into it. Adherents of this point of view believe that this quality means the ability to solve various problems, relying on personal or other people’s experience, sometimes without even resorting to direct ones. Therefore, to the question: “wisdom?” They often answer that it comes with age.

What does science say?

Last year, Canadian psychologists decided to find out how this quality is influenced by a person’s cultural environment. In particular, scientists conducted a test with Japanese and American volunteers. The test results allowed us to better understand what wisdom is, whether it comes with age or is innate. Volunteers aged 25 to 75 were asked to read newspaper articles about conflicts between different groups of people, and then recorded their opinions on the reasons that led to such situations and forecasts for future developments. Unexpectedly, it turned out that the wisdom of Americans increases over the years, while among the Japanese there was no dependence of wisdom on age. It turns out that in the Land of Sakura, a love of interpersonal harmony is instilled from childhood. That's why the Japanese are better at dealing with problematic situations and wiser than their American peers. Thus, it turns out that wisdom, due to the influence of the cultural environment, can manifest itself in a person regardless of his age.

What is wisdom from a Christian point of view?

The interpretation of this concept in the Bible differs markedly from generally accepted views. It is known that this book contains many reliable historical facts. Who among us has not heard about King Solomon and how he resolved the dispute between two women about a baby? I guess that's it. serves as a kind of standard for all of us. The Bible contains three books that are traditionally considered to have been written by him: Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes, and the Book of Proverbs. If the first of them mostly concerns love, then the last two are the best way to help understand what wisdom is. In particular, in chapter 14, verse 8 of the Book of Proverbs it is said that the wisdom of the prudent is knowledge of his way, and the foolishness of the foolish is error. Notice that it doesn't say anything about age. If you read the Book of Proverbs, you can come to the following conclusion: wisdom is a prudent and skillful approach to living in full accordance with God's plan, which begins with the fear of God and is always expressed in human behavior. In other words, the Bible, answering the question “what is wisdom,” tells us that it is intelligence multiplied by humility.

How to acquire wisdom

In order to develop this quality in yourself, it is not at all necessary to wait until life experience accumulates over time. It is enough to read books that have long become “eternal”. In addition to the Bible, you can read and reflect on aphorisms every day, which contain all the wisdom of the East and West, practice meditation and perform exercises described in popular publications on this topic. There are many ways, and everyone chooses what they like best.

Wisdom is to always want and reject the same thing.

Wisdom is the ability to choose the least stupidity.
B. Wojnar

Wisdom, like turtle soup, is not accessible to everyone.
Kozma Prutkov

Wisdom: Think pessimistically, act optimistically.
G. Hesse

Wisdom is not only in solving a problem correctly, but also in solving it in a timely manner.
V. Zubkov

Worldly wisdom requires secrecy: whoever plays openly risks losing.
B. Gracian

The greatest wisdom is not to always be wise.
M. Opitz

Poor wisdom is often the slave of rich stupidity.
N. Chamfort

Proverbs contradict each other. This is what folk wisdom consists of.
E. Lec

In youth and beauty, wisdom is very rare.

All our wisdom consists of slavish prejudices, all our customs are nothing more than subordination, constraint, coercion.
J. J. Rousseau

Of all the things that wisdom gives you for the happiness of your whole life, the most important is the possession of friendship.

It is much easier to show wisdom in the affairs of others than in your own.
F. La Rochefoucauld

Most wisdom is where no one looks for it - in everyday life.
V. Schwöbel

The great misconception about the wisdom of old people. Old people are not wise. They are just careful.
E. Hemingway

In much wisdom there is much sorrow; and whoever increases knowledge increases sorrow.

The source of our wisdom is our experience. The source of our experience is our stupidity.
S. Khitri

He who has achieved wisdom should not be interested in sciences or books, so as not to be distracted by extraneous things and opinions.

The highest degree of human wisdom is the ability to adapt to circumstances and remain calm despite external threats.
D. Defoe

A certain spiritual limitation helps other people to follow the path of wisdom.
J. Labruyère

If you want to lead a wise life, spit on all kinds of wisdom - including this one.
L. Peter

A wise man is one who does today what fools will do in three days.
Abdullah ibn Mubarak

A wise man always takes the side of those who attack him; he is more interested than them in discovering his weaknesses.
R. Emerson

There are few wise people, but they have spoken and written so many stupid things that fools are envious.
V. Zubkov

Almost everyone wise saying corresponds to the opposite in meaning - and at the same time no less wise.
D. Santayana

An owl is a wise bird, but a chicken still lays eggs every morning.
M. Shargan

To judge wisely, you need to imagine how an unwise person sees things.
T. Eliot

No matter how wise you are, if you are cold, you will shiver.

If you want to act wisely, ask your wife's opinion, listen to it and do the opposite.
Harun al-Rashid

The art of being wise is knowing what not to pay attention to.
W. James

It is easier to be wise for others than for yourself.
F. La Rochefoucauld

Only those are wise who know that they know nothing.
T. Carlyle

Wisely they write only about what they do not understand.
V. Klyuchevsky

The sage is a natural leader who, despite the ability to win, always remains in the shadows.
A. Meneghetti

We will immediately say goodbye to worries
And we will drown in pleasure,
When wise men are with idiots
They will agree on a single judgment.
I. Guberman

The equanimity of the sages is just the ability to hide their feelings in the depths of their hearts.
F. La Rochefoucauld

There are more foolish people than wise men, and even a wise man has more foolishness than wisdom.
J. Chamfort

Wisdom is a special feeling, a gift, the ability to read the ready-to-use knowledge and experience of previous generations. This personality quality can be described as the ability to accept a higher and holistic structure of life, through the experience of previous generations. Be able to hear your inner voice and make decisions without your own logic and analysis, based on experience and intuition of ready-made answers and experience recorded in the subconscious previous generations.

Manifestation and properties of Wisdom

Each of you has probably already encountered the manifestation of Wisdom. The soft forms that YOU felt, it looks like this: “I feel something, what will happen...”, “I feel with my butt that...” etc

True Wisdom does not presuppose the presence of knowledge about an event, but immediately presupposes the correctness of actions and responses.
Wisdom knows how to act correctly in the most difficult situations. It is a rare human gift to be able to draw conclusions without logic or evidence.
When analyzing an event, a person connects and hears only his mind and intuition, while the answer contains the exact sequence of actions and responses that need to be performed automatically.

Wisdom is very often confused with another concept - experience.

Experience, like the knowledge of others and the state of a person that he receives or has received, is very different from Wisdom. This is current operational knowledge and experience. This is the quality of a person who carefully listens to the point of view of another person, weighs the received informative knowledge on the scales of truth and authority, analyzes it, compares it with his worldview and, having convinced himself of its correctness, seeks to use it in his own or someone else’s practice.

The main difference between experience and wisdom is the location of memory. In one case, the memory of wisdom is located in the protein cells of the DNA of sperm, in another case in the operational neuron cells of the brain. The difference is in the storage duration. Neuronal cells in the brain transmit experience and knowledge throughout your life while you are alive. Protein cells DNA memory or wisdom conveys the same experience, only through the hereditary functions of sperm and eggs. The point is to convey very deep warnings, life situations for the next generation. Approximately like the rules for driving a car written in the blood of victims, like the rules of combat in the art of war, etc.

In the understanding of atheist scientists, this is an information record in our DNA structure. This conclusion was given by biologists by studying the DNA structure and special proteins that serve as a kind of hard drive to transfer information and experience to the next generation through sperm and eggs. In critical situations, the brain reads information from these protein structures and looks for a solution or way out. difficult situation building on the experience of the previous generation. It must be taken into account that such information may not exist, since such situations did not happen in the past.

This is completely new research by Russian scientist K.V. Anokhin

In more advanced (perhaps more narrow-minded!) versions of the origin of Wisdom, this is the information field of the Universe in which everyone is bad or good situations, have long been recorded and have free access for reading. True, the freedom to read informational Wisdom from the information field is not given to everyone.

Of course, no one is exempt from life lessons, just like from physical education lessons. Wisdom also accepts the challenges of life, sees in them new opportunities to improve experience for further personal growth, and for a new entry into the public domain for generations.

A person can memorize all the encyclopedias in the world, but still not gain wisdom. Information and knowledge only reach the mind and stop at the status of theory.

Only the application of new knowledge will give the experience of Wisdom. Knowledge that has reached the mind is questioned, analyzed, compared with existing knowledge and life experience, and only then is it encouraged and recorded in the information field.
For a more correct understanding, this is Wikipedia with real moderation!

Version of Wisdom on Esoteric Concepts:

The Opposite Pole of Wisdom

The opposite pole of Wisdom is Stupidity. These are two poles. These are two qualities on the same coordinate scale. The more strength Wisdom gains, the weaker Folly becomes.

Who are Wise People or Sages?

A sage is a person with the rare Gift of hearing the experience of generations and his own life experience. A sage is a person who has no Stupidity. A sage sees nothing wrong with life's lessons and overcoming difficulties. The position of the Sage is to respect the advice of others, to stand in relationships with life in the position of a humble Student.
A sage constantly comprehends the World and sees trends in the development of events, and can guide people along the right path with the right words.
Human wisdom is the ability to accept the only correct solution in a short time.
A wise person, convinced of the truth and correctness of the knowledge and experience gained, makes it part of his experience, that is, puts it into practice. Here we're talking about about any experience, positive or negative. Wisdom understands that there are no drafts in life. Everything in this life is written right the first time. Simply put in modern scientific language:

A sage is a person who can easily read the memory of the genetic level, hardwired into the deep memory of our DNA and inherited from our previous generations as experience and warnings.

New technological advances in science and warnings of caution or an emergency action plan are called experience, knowledge, ability.

Distinctive Features of Wisdom

True wisdom does not tolerate Excess, Boasting and Boasting. Modesty, inherent in Wisdom, is always held in high esteem by people. There are not very many wise people. Wisdom is infinitely Good and Selfless. You can't get rich with wisdom. This is not a process of acquiring material things, but of liberation. The experience of Wisdom comes in Hard times, people then become wiser when they are deprived of something.

Wisdom understands that there is no need to bend the World to suit you, change and control others to please your ideas of how to live correctly. There is no need to attribute to others what you want to see in them, there is no need to burden them with your false expectations. Distinctive feature Wisdom is the spiritual and internal wealth of Man, and not external.

What is the difference between a Smart and Resourceful person and a Wise one?

An intelligent, resourceful person will be able to “get out” of a difficult situation, using in his decisions only the experience that he has gained only in his Life.

Wisdom usually does not get into such situations, calculating the consequences of its actions in advance. Wisdom is the ability to make the only correct decision based on numerous experiences recorded in the Subconscious. The principle of physical transfer of such experience and information, to today, none of the scientists can explain. Esotericism explains this as a manifestation of God’s will - “the Angels saved”, “God did not give”, “God saved” and other explanations.

According to esotericism, Wisdom is a connection with God manifested in the realities of life. In order for such a connection to be strong, you need to have pure consciousness, spirituality and personal integrity.

“Live forever, learn forever” is the life motto of Wisdom, catchphrase which you have heard many times. So this is the phrase of Wisdom.

Confucius said: “A wise man is ashamed of his shortcomings, but is not ashamed to correct them.”

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