Can Gemini and Virgo be together? How will the relationship between Virgo and Gemini develop?

Romantic relationships are a wonderful part of life. Sometimes difficulties arise in communicating with the opposite sex. Knowing your partner’s zodiac sign will help you solve or warn them. The compatibility of Virgo and Gemini in love relationships is quite low, but partners can still find common ground and build strong marriage.

Personality characteristics

Information gleaned from the characteristics of a person’s zodiac sign can provide insight into his characteristics and preferences. The acquired knowledge helps build the right line relationships and predict possible conflicts.

Description of Virgo

Virgos are fair, inclined to analyze the situation, and pay attention to detail. They have the following qualities:

  • prudence;
  • striving for ideal;
  • love of good manners;
  • suspiciousness;
  • cleanliness.

Virgos have a hard time finding mutual language with new friends. People who meet certain parameters become friends with the owners of this sign. By entering Virgo’s inner circle, you can see a new personality that is not revealed to everyone. People under the sign of Virgo love their loved ones and are always ready to help.

In their work, owners of the Earth element strive for perfection. They can study economics and analytics or devote themselves to creativity. They love material wealth, but in the first place they put professionalism and high-quality performance of duties.

Love with Virgos is difficult. They do not believe in true romance and shun marriage. It is difficult to earn the trust of pragmatic individuals. But for loved ones, owners of a controversial sign are capable of anything.

Gemini character

Geminis are temperamental and love movement and change. Their features:

  • sociability;
  • activity;
  • observation;
  • ability to quickly draw conclusions;
  • fall in love quickly.

Geminis love jokes and noisy companies. It is easy to find a common language with them and create friendship. Owners of this sign will always come to the aid of loved ones.

They prefer professions that require communication with people and analytical abilities. They choose a career as journalists, managers, teachers or critics.

Geminis are very amorous and prefer close relationships. It is difficult for them to express their feelings, but representatives of this sign really value their partners.

They quickly change preferences, but having found a soul mate, they are able to forget about other relationships.

Compatibility in friendship and work

The compatibility of Virgo and Gemini in friendship is not the best; they rarely create a strong connection. The horoscope states that they can cooperate fruitfully in business, qualitatively developing a direction or inventing new areas of activity. Strong friendships between signs rarely develop and are often based on necessity.

Gemini woman and Virgo man

For Virgos and Geminis, compatibility in love is low, relationships are difficult to develop. In the first moments of communication, sympathy arises, but the further development of the union in many cases causes conflicts. A heart-to-heart conversation will help improve your relationship.


Compatible and favorable. Zodiacs are capable of creating strong union, in case of curbing the temperament of each partner. Main problems of signs:

  • Gemini's frivolity;
  • excessive seriousness Virgo.

Decide controversial situations You can do this by talking and trying to look at the world through your partner’s eyes. So, Virgo will be able to get the opportunity to be capricious, which will touch her beloved. Gemini will learn prudence, which will help them achieve the desired wealth.

Another problem in the relationship between a Gemini woman and a Virgo man is the guy’s jealousy because of his chosen one who loves to flirt.


The marital union of different signs rarely develops successfully. The differences in character only intensify over time, which provokes new scandals and misunderstandings. Reasons for conflicts between a Gemini woman and a Virgo man:

  1. Inability to identify a leader.
  2. Disputes over money - a man will try to save capital, and a woman will provoke new expenses.
  3. Parenting.

The solution to many problems will be the transfer of leadership in the family to a man, which will be difficult for restless Gemini.


The first ones will be bright and rich. Over time, the girl gets bored with the guy’s shyness and an additional reason for quarrels arises.

Virgo woman and Gemini man

Couple with absolutely opposite characters can build a strong marriage. The main point to achieve the goal is the ability to listen and understand each other.


Virgo's compatibility is quite low; it is difficult for them to achieve mutual understanding. Stormy romantic relationship often turn into conflicts due to differences in characters. Changing your own priorities will help bring back the former spark:

  • Geminis need to listen to their partner, curb their impulsiveness and stop flirting with their friends;
  • It is important for Virgos to understand their lover, accept his character and stop criticizing his every move.

The desire to be together can outweigh any problems, then the couple becomes happy.


A wedding between such different personalities rarely happens. Main point It is the fourth anniversary of the couple's love relationship. Upon achieving it, people learn to find mutual understanding and it becomes clear that partners really value each other.

Difficulties to be resolved in married life for compatibility between Virgo girl and Gemini man:

  1. Periodic infidelities of a man, after which he always returns home.
  2. The struggle for leadership, which is better given to a representative of the stronger sex.
  3. Virgo's acquisition of the understanding that her partner is happy at home.

It’s easy to wean your loved one from visiting others - just moderate criticism and create a cozy atmosphere in your home.


It is difficult to achieve harmony in bed for a couple where Virgo and Gemini come together. The man has to do the main work - he must open up his beloved and allow her to relax. Only if successful sex life will sparkle with new colors.


A couple of Virgo and Gemini, whose compatibility is low, passes difficult path to achieve mutual understanding. In many cases, people separate peacefully, realizing the impossibility of such a union. But there are strong married couples who successfully solved all the problems, rediscovered each other and were able to overcome conflicts. Such friendship or love deserves respect, but astrologers say that it is

The relationship between Virgo and Gemini is the most changeable and unpredictable of all possible combinations among the zodiac signs. Virgo is used to making decisions thoughtfully, having previously assessed all the pros and cons. A Gemini is a person who rarely gets into the essence of the matter and touches everything only superficially. The same manner of behavior is used in relationships, which puts their further development into question. Let's find out what chances these two have for a happy future and what is the compatibility of Virgo and Gemini.

General description of the participants in the relationship

Gemini is a person with an uncontrollable imagination who finds it difficult to sit still. It happens that they lie down to rest, and a moment later they can be seen cleaning the apartment or repairing the water supply. Virgo is not like that. It is important for people born under this sign to feel harmony and calm; life should flow smoothly without sudden outbursts and changes.

Gemini is delighted with the Virgo's character, they like their desire for stability, so they are not averse to having such a friend or companion. Concerning love compatibility, an alliance can only be successful if the desire comes from both participants. It is worth saying that Virgos are also not against meeting Geminis; they may even fall in love at first sight.

Negative moments in relationships

In the Virgo Gemini tandem, sooner or later a split may occur. The reason for this is that the virgin is accustomed to striving for perfection and demands the same perfectionism from the twins. Will someone who finds it difficult to sit still be able to bring at least something to perfection? Of course not, this is not a sign that will diligently do something. Virgo should try not to pour criticism on her partner, thereby maintaining mutual understanding in the pair of Virgo man and Gemini woman.

Virgo is one of the most responsible signs among the representatives of the horoscope. Their whole life is built on a clear schedule and list of responsibilities that they come up with for themselves. For example, the Pisces woman came up with the idea that she needed to vacuum twice a day. If this cannot be done for various reasons, she will feel dissatisfaction and even guilt. The twin, who looks at this from the outside, openly laughs at this, since he considers this character trait to be a manifestation of schizophrenia. Unlike Virgo, Gemini rarely experiences feelings of guilt and shame. It is almost impossible to hear the word “sorry” or “I was wrong” from them. This makes the Virgo and Gemini compatibility horoscope not successful.

What is the compatibility of Gemini and Virgo in love?

One of the techniques that a twin uses is a special seduction tactic; it is they who can hook a girl and make her fall head over heels in love with them, making compatibility in a love relationship possible.

Despite not all of the above information, the compatibility of Virgo and Gemini in love is high. Although you will need to show maximum patience and perseverance in order to maintain the relationship and not let the passion fade away. The virgin will have to try especially hard, since her pedantry can play a cruel joke on her. On the other hand, the Virgo is no stranger to difficulties, so she will take an active part in the struggle for relationships.

Astrologers recommend treating troubles in family life with humor. You will see for yourself that it is much simpler and problems no longer seem so difficult and unsolvable. Partners need to learn to solve problems amicably, without excessive screaming and hysterics. Otherwise, the couple will most likely break up.

The emotional side of relationships

Virgo is a more emotional person compared to Gemini. If they are overcome by any emotions, they are unable to contain them - they laugh heartily or cry as if last time. What is not less important, nervous system the virgin is so shaken that it has a direct impact on general health. Symptoms such as nausea, weakness and even confusion may occur. Gemini must protect the virgins from nervous shocks in order to maintain their health.

Unfortunately, narcissistic Geminis do not always think about other people’s feelings, much less protect them. If something bad happened at work or cats are scratching at your soul, all the information flows out of them. This characteristic cannot be called negative; on the contrary, few people can boast of such openness. Very rarely, Geminis close themselves off and do not let anyone into their hearts.

How to build mutual understanding in a couple

In order for partners to live happily ever after, they must not stop and develop. For example, learn new activities - sign up for a dance class, try yoga, or just go for a walk together. You can conquer any horizons, the following factors contribute to this:

  • Virgo intellectual development
  • Striving for twin development

Geminis know how to cope well with troubles, find compromise and truth in communication and discussions. Virgo most often loses in disputes, as she does not have oratorical abilities. This is a real problem that comes between Virgo and Gemini.

Since the sign of Gemini with amazing skill can convince anyone that he is wrong and even impose part of his opinion, Virgos just need to listen to him more often.

Can Virgo and Gemini be friends?

Virgo and Gemini can be friends, becoming support and support for each other. In the process of communication, they get to know each other and develop. Virgo is a devoted friend; there cannot be a situation where she can leave someone in trouble and not help. Most likely, representatives of this zodiac sign will sacrifice themselves just to come to the rescue.

It is worth saying that even if friendship develops into something more, which is very likely, Virgo and Gemini will maintain friendly relations Always. Despite the fact that their worldview may be different, their habits and attachments may differ, there is a share of commonality, which will become the basis for many years of friendship. It is important to maintain respect for each other and not be closed in your thoughts and experiences.

Positive features of such a union

If these two meet on life path, their marriage or friendship will most likely be successful and happy. They are not used to making scandals; the truth comes through conversation and persuasion. Since Virgo is under the influence of earth, her character is more touchy and sensitive to outside influences.

Thanks to her shyness and secrecy, a virgin will not even think about cheating or even allowing the idea of ​​being lovers. Gemini, unfortunately, cannot boast of this. Their desire for something new takes precedence over the situation, new acquaintances are made with the opposite sex, which often develop into something more. In bed they have complete harmony - they are compatible and suitable for each other, since sex is never monotonous.

Compatibility of signs in the professional sphere

It will be quite difficult for these two zodiac signs to work together. The fact is that the Virgo’s pedantry will irritate the Gemini. Especially if the virgin takes leadership position, and the twins are just a subordinate. Despite the fact that Geminis try to smooth out rough edges and not lead conflicts to an unmanageable state, quarrels are inevitable.

It is important for Virgos to act according to a plan, where every action is spelled out and the result that needs to be achieved is clearly clear. It is difficult for them to work in a team, since this will mean that there may be several opinions, and they will need to listen to others, working as a square. Only Geminis can force Virgos to reach a compromise. It can be difficult for Geminis to distinguish lies from truth; there is a constant degree of doubt in their character. When it comes to choosing a profession, it can be difficult for them to find themselves. It is Virgos who can help in this matter, since partners often work in the same field, doing the same job.

What can stand in the way of a couple's marital happiness?

We will try to describe in detail what problems a Virgo and Gemini couple may encounter in the process of living together.

Problem number 1 – Pettiness of participants

Both Gemini and Virgo pay too much attention to little things. And if any part of the plan goes wrong, both partners panic. If caution can be put aside, then the compatibility of the signs Gemini and Virgo will be high. Since the dominant planet in the union is considered to be Mercury, the moon and Saturn, emotionality and passion in relationships are important for both. Such scrupulousness will get on your nerves. You need to learn to think more broadly and not get hung up on little things.

Problem number 2 – They demand too much

Aries and Gemini are used to looking for something new in each other, thanks to the fact that the ascendant is in Scorpio. But the finding can be both positive and negative. You can discover shortcomings that you previously had no idea about and struggle with them unsuccessfully. Why is this necessary? Before this, you loved your partner for who he was. Now you are faced with new problems that you have found for yourself. You should not destroy the idyll with your own hands, do not try to dig where it is not necessary.

Problem 3 – Excessive worry and worry

Every second pair of Gemini and Virgo faces this problem. Both partners, or just one, may be haunted by a feeling of fear and anxiety, a premonition of something terrible and ominous. Of course, nothing bad can happen, but thoughts sometimes tend to materialize. Gemini and Virgo just need to look at themselves from the outside to see the meaninglessness of their actions. Try to be less nervous and stress yourself out over trifles. Then the released love and sexual energy will remain only for the two of you, and you will be able to use it the way you want. For example, do something together or go to a cafe with your loved one.

What is the compatibility of Gemini man and Virgo woman

A Virgo woman and a Gemini man are a changeable couple, every day is different from the previous one. This is both a positive and a negative point, because of which the relationship will not be easy and cloudless. It is difficult for a girl in this union to open her heart to her partner, since her soul is a darkness in which there is a place only for the closest people. In turn, the virgin often goes too far and sticks her nose into places where the twin would prefer not to let her go.

If you look at her from the outside, the virgin in these relations is sinless, almost a saint, but this is only her appearance. An ocean of passion rages inside her, and the waves can often overwhelm a man. This happens because the Gemini husband does not know how to close himself on the energetic level, which makes him accessible to the Virgo’s magical spell. Compatibility in love will increase significantly if an understanding is reached in the interaction of characters and they can get along.

Both partners worked out more than successfully with humor; it was all due to the influence of the sun. Virgo and Gemini willingly joke with each other and even treat their own shortcomings with humor, and they do it sincerely and without anger. A Virgo girl is used to not showing off her feelings, leaving a small window only for herself. loved one- twins. Positive influence The compatibility of the Gemini and Virgo signs is influenced by the partners’ sociability. They can find a common language not only with each other, but with many people around them, so they are never bored. It is worth saying that the members of the Gemini and Virgo union are quite flexible and can easily adapt to any situation, even if conditions change too quickly.

Compatibility of Virgo man and Gemini woman

In this couple, the relationship is different. Here, under the control of Saturn, life together consists of a series of quarrels and troubles. Unfortunately, tandem participants do not always have the desire and ability to fight them, so the alliance is likely to crumble like a sand castle. More often it happens that relationships are built not on love and sympathy, but on some benefits, most often financial. Therefore, there is no need to talk about the compatibility of Virgo men and Geminis.

Compatibility of Virgo man and Gemini woman

Compatibility of Gemini man and Virgo woman

Compatibility Gemini and Virgo

Virgo in this case can find solace in the arms of another woman who can satisfy him in all respects. Gemini will be furious if this vicious relationship is exposed and the end of the relationship will come immediately.

In conclusion, it is worth saying only one thing: Gemini and Virgo, born in the year of any animal (rooster, snake, rat, rabbit, bull, monkey, boar, dragon, etc.) are an interesting combination of zodiac signs with their own problems and advantages, not You should refuse such an acquaintance, it may be successful.

Sometimes, looking at some couples, you just wonder - what could such people have in common? different people, how can they live together for so many years to the envy of everyone? This question will certainly arise if the couple is Virgo and Gemini. and Gemini - a very incomprehensible phenomenon, because These signs are as different as the earth and the sky. Looking at these two people, when asked whether Virgo and Gemini are compatible, you will definitely answer: “No!”

And really, what could a rational and sensible Virgo and frivolous and even sometimes heartless Gemini have in common? Geminis are always in flight, always in search of new sensations and mirages. They change their plans with amazing ease, without even thinking for a minute that they might offend someone. Alas, for Virgo this behavior is a significant drawback. She is too responsible to understand, much less forgive Gemini for his inconstancy. As for Gemini, he will certainly be irritated by Virgo’s boredom, her desire to organize and systematize everything. Virgo has too much logic for her to understand the impulses of Gemini.

So, Virgo and Gemini - compatibility is impossible? Not certainly in that way.

Geminis are, at their core, sweet and good-natured children who care most about themselves. And as you know, children always need reliable support- exactly what it can become loving Virgo. While Gemini flutters around the world, Virgo patiently waits for them in a cozy nest, to which Gemini will definitely return, provided that Virgo holds back her sharp sting and greets them warmly. It is useless to accuse Geminis of frivolity - feelings of guilt are completely unusual for them. However, in order to maintain their union, Virgo and Gemini will have to learn to conduct a dialogue. They are too different to intuitively understand each other. They will have to explain to each other every action and word, otherwise any little thing due to a difference in views and temperament can lead to a break.

And Gemini suggests that they are both very intelligent zodiac signs. This brings them together and allows them to treat their partner with respect. And respect in this union is very important due to the differences between the signs. Gemini can easily start a quarrel, which they, however, don’t consider to be a quarrel, but this conflict can hurt Virgo very deeply.

Virgo and Gemini: compatibility if Virgo is a woman and Gemini is a man

Perhaps the only thing that can bring these two together is curiosity. Gemini will be flattered by the attention of such an intellectual person as Virgo, he will like her restraint and good manners, and he will definitely want to explore such an unusual specimen of a woman. And Virgo will be surprised by something in him that she has never had: adventures, changes, a life full of emotions. However, when the first the infatuation will pass, Virgo will begin to doubt - can he be trusted? Virgo is a spiritual sign, and Gemini does not like to delve into themselves and others. They will either greatly offend Virgo, or they will learn to compromise - but again, more likely due to indifference than understanding the essence of Virgo.

The Gemini man should understand that everything is always serious with Virgo, you cannot play with her. But he will also definitely notice that despite the fact that Virgo may seem boring and too earthly, only she can calm his tired soul!

Virgo and Gemini: compatibility if Virgo is a man and Gemini is a woman

Husband, everything free time spending time reading a book or computer, and a wife tirelessly running between her friends, shopping centers, exhibitions, etc. - This classic version Virgo man and Gemini woman. And believe me, for a Gemini woman this option is not so bad. Her companion will let her go without any jealousy and provide home comfort while she flies ahead of the rest.

However, in such a union, Gemini will clearly lack emotions, because they are temperamental, and Virgos are rather reserved. The Virgo man will not have enough attention and housekeeping. Gemini women are by no means ideal housewives, and this irritates Virgos.

In general, difficulties cannot be avoided in such an alliance, but on the other hand, they complement each other so well that they can easily get along, especially since neither Virgo nor Gemini are at all prone to betrayal.

Representatives of these zodiac signs can get along with each other, but their relationship will never be cloudless. They are too different people. Let's take a closer look at the models of their relationships.

GEMINI man and VIRGO woman

The woman in this pair is more down-to-earth and practical, and this is logical, Virgo is a sign of the earthly element. The air sign of Gemini is more inclined to live for pleasure, often without worrying about tomorrow. Friendly relationships between them are possible only if they do not begin to zealously remake each other. A Gemini man is able to refrain from caustic comments, he is less picky about people, but a Virgo will definitely voice complaints out loud, even if this threatens their relationship.

♊ + ♍: In love

UNDESIRABLE UNION- More likely, decisive role Mutual curiosity played a role in the beginning of this relationship. Gemini guy for Virgo - amazing person who does not burden himself with routine and walks through life with an easy gait. A girl born under the Virgo constellation is sweet and feminine, and a Gemini guy enjoys the company of such women. Thus, a romantic relationship begins between them, which will suit both of them, but only at first.

As soon as the veil of admiration for each other falls from their eyes, a difficult period will begin. Virgo will begin to remake her lover to suit herself, the freedom-loving Gemini guy will resist, and quite successfully. Virgo will not back down and will stick to her line until the union falls apart. Patience could save this relationship, but neither Gemini nor Virgo have it.

♊ + ♍: Married

UNDESIRABLE UNION- This marriage is a real miracle. The closest circle of this couple is in complete confusion. If they got married, there were serious reasons: either they had a strong mutual love, or the second option is a marriage of convenience.

Spouses have radically different views on everything; only similar things can unite them life situations. The Virgo woman wants to completely possess her husband, to be with him continuously. The Gemini man loves freedom and is not inclined to obey. In everyday life they will not have agreement, the Virgo woman is a real pedant, she can find fault with her husband, for example, because of an unwashed cup, while the twins do not understand at all how this little thing could be noticed. They also manage finances differently. Virgo clearly controls expenses, and this has its advantages - the family will always be well-fed and well dressed. A Gemini man can spend his last money fun party, or spend the money on other pleasures. There will be heated quarrels in the family over this.

IN intimate life They are also different, but at the same time they are happy with each other. The Virgo's sensuality is attractive to Gemini, and she is pleased with his ingenuity in sex.

After the distance between spouses disappears sexual attraction, they are unlikely to have reasons to be together. Usually such marriages do not last long.

♊ + ♍: In friendship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITYBest friends They won’t, but they are quite capable of maintaining friendly relations in a campaign of mutual friends. The Gemini guy is more inclined to socialize; usually it is from him that the initiative to spend leisure time together comes. The Virgo girl will be captivated by his stories and will receive a positive charge from communicating with him, but long-term communication will become tiring for this couple.

VIRGO man and GEMINI woman

If there are no mutual obligations between the partners of this couple, perhaps they will find a common language, but only with a tolerant attitude towards each other. Let us consider in more detail the models of their relationships.

♍ + ♊: In a love relationship

UNDESIRABLE UNION- A Gemini girl will attract a Virgo guy with her brightness and unpredictability, and then with these same qualities she will push him away. At first she will be interested in the guy for his reliability and prudence, but soon she will begin to get bored in his campaign. The Virgo man is a jealous person; he will simply torment his sociable companion with constant suspicions, which, with such an approach on his part, will one day find a basis. The girl will decide that even if she listens to reproaches, she will at least get to the point, and without parting with the jealous person, she will quickly find a replacement for him. It will be a shock for him, but it will be impossible to change anything.

♍ + ♊: Married

UNDESIRABLE UNION— When entering into marriage, a Virgo man is determined to build strong relationships, he will be happy to spend weekends at home and devote himself entirely to his family. Looking at the behavior of his energetic and sociable wife, he will at first think that she simply has not yet gotten used to the role of a wife, but he will soon realize that the Gemini woman simply does not know how to live differently. At this point, it would be logical to accept the spouse’s characteristics as something inevitable, or to dissolve the marriage. But the Virgo man firmly believes that anyone can be remade, and he begins to re-educate his wife. The Gemini woman perceives what is happening as tediousness on his part. At the beginning, she simply brushes off her husband’s attempts to change her lifestyle, but when the virgin’s moralizing becomes completely unbearable, discord begins in the family.

Adding fuel to the fire is the fact that the Virgo man is dissatisfied with the way his Gemini wife manages money. In his opinion, she is a spender and does not think about her family at all. The Gemini woman does not consider herself such, and as a result, there is no one willing to make concessions in this couple.

As a rule, this marriage has one basis - passion. A Virgo man can provide his wife with quality sex, and a Gemini woman surprises him with her unpredictability in bed. After the flame of passion between them fades away, most likely, this marriage will fall apart.

♍ + ♊: In friendship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY— The Virgo guy prefers to communicate with people equal to him in temperament; he himself is calm and reliable. A Gemini girl may briefly attract him as an interesting conversationalist; she is cheerful and easy to be with. Maybe this couple will briefly have the feeling that they understand each other, but with closer communication, the Gemini girl will get bored, and the Virgo guy will begin to suspect her of insincerity. Superficial communication is possible in a campaign of mutual friends, but nothing more.

Video: GEMINI ♊ Zodiac sign

Video: VIRGO ♍ Zodiac sign

This relationship is actually reminiscent of the viscous and passionate Argentine tango, and this dance does not always have a happy plot. Gemini and Virgo categorically do not understand each other - they are from different planets. At the same time, both signs tend to get upset and feel sorry for themselves for hours. Virgo often criticizes careless Gemini, while Gemini considers Virgo an obsessive adviser and beech.

In fact, Virgo has few friends and has a selective attitude towards communication in general - how can one understand Gemini, who is always swirling in a whirlwind of friends? For Gemini and Virgo, compatibility lies in long conversations - they can discuss absolutely any topic for a long time and enthusiastically, and it will not be boring.

The secret of compatibility between Gemini and Virgo.

Even the stars are perplexed: both signs can love selflessly, but at the same time feel rejected. As friends - a wonderful union, but to establish life together It's incredibly difficult for Gemini and Virgo. But the unity of opposites is quite possible, you just have to really want it.

Twins, your love for cheerful chaos can drive the pedantic Virgo to white heat. If you feel like a Virgo is nagging, it's more likely because she's trying her best to make your life perfect. Well, what can you do if you have different ideals?

Virgo, you really like to give advice - but it’s Gemini who doesn’t like to listen to them, they get irritated and begin to be mischievous, rush off into the distance, and you feel offended. Don't be upset - if you let Gemini know that you will always support them, they will remember this and turn to you when they really need it.

It’s difficult for both of you - you don’t move away, but you torment each other with misunderstandings. For Gemini and Virgo, compatibility is quite possible: a drop of tenderness can work wonders - any storm can be extinguished by the phrase: “I understand that it’s difficult for you with me.”

Gemini man and Virgo woman.

A happy love relationship is likely, provided that the Gemini man is not too extravagant, and the Virgo woman clearly understands who she is dealing with. The prospect of a long-term relationship is almost entirely in the hands of the Virgo woman: if she wants something more than a love affair and will “turn a blind eye” to some of the abstraction and superficiality of this man.

In general, she can try to keep Gemini with her sense of humor, curiosity and adaptability to life. She has it all, she just needs to take it out of her chest and try it on! Virgo is practical and businesslike, and for Gemini this is an important argument in favor of starting a family.

Gemini woman and Virgo man.

Compatibility in love in this combination is more problematic if we keep in mind the long term. The Virgo man, although an excellent family man: responsible to his woman and children, attentive, knows how to earn money and control its spending, but he needs emotional stability.

The Gemini woman is not able to give him the opportunity to “lean on his elbows” during periods of nervous overload and bouts of blues. She herself needs such protection! A difficult combination for love and marriage.

Love compatibility horoscope for Gemini and Virgo.

Since the “master” of Gemini, and at the same time Virgo, is Mercury - the planet of the mind and intellectual development, then with all responsibility we can say that compatibility in love for such a couple will be associated more with reason than be based on feelings.

Of course, no one canceled emotions and passions, but this is only at first. Then, when violent passions will subside, calculations will come to the fore on both sides. Well, so what, it would seem: let them count on each other - everything seems to be fair, but not everything is so simple.

Don't forget different nature these signs. Geminis are flighty and no force will restrain their freedom-loving nature unless they themselves want it, but they don’t want it! As a rule, people of this sign are overly mobile, rarely punctual, live in their own rhythm and do not depend on authorities.

For Virgo, who belongs to the sign of the earth element, and who also wants to classify, arrange and fit everything into a scheme, accepting the Gemini lifestyle is like sitting on a keg of gunpowder and waiting for it to explode!

As the love relationship Virgo simply won't want to have anything in common with Gemini in the long term. Non-binding relationships between lovers are one thing, and family planning is quite another.

Sooner or later this love union will begin to leak. The frivolity of Gemini encounters a complete misunderstanding of Virgo, who is accustomed to order in her life. There are practically no common interests: Gemini wants to hang out, but Virgo is annoyed by this lifestyle - she does not like to waste time in idle conversations.

Against such a background, sexual fun also no longer satisfies both. It’s easy for them to come together and, in principle, easy to run away. It won't be here broken hearts and dramatic scenes.
