Patriarch Kirill attended what school. Life and detailed biography of His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill

Patriarch Kirill is a famous Russian religious figure. For some reason, he decided to devote his life to serving the church. He is a patriarch who has become one of the most famous religious people in Russia, who can inspire both admiration and censure. It must be said that Patriarch Kirill was associated with many scandals, some of them genuine, and some not. But where did it all begin? How did Patriarch Kirill become a clergyman, and why did he choose the path of the church? How fair are his church views, and does he fulfill his duties well? We will tell you all this in this article, so that those who want to know more about Patriarch Kirill can do so without any problems.

Height, weight, age. How old is Patriarch Kirill

Patriarch Kirill is not a Hollywood or even pop star, so it is not at all necessary for him to look too young or be too slim. For a church minister, on the contrary, it will be better if he looks respectable and important. Answering questions: height, weight, age. How old is Patriarch Kirill, we can say that his height is 178 centimeters and his weight is 92 kilograms, and today his age has reached 70 years.

Despite the above reasons, the patriarch takes good care of himself and loves swimming, skiing and walking. So, in addition to serving God, he does not forget that he also needs to take care of himself. As they say, “God protects those who are careful.” During his long life, Patriarch Kirill saw a lot, was able to go a long way, on which he encountered both good and bad. Let's look at all this in more detail.

Biography of Patriarch Kirill

The biography of Patriarch Kirill begins on November 20, 1946. Interesting fact is that when he was little, his mother took him to church. Then he mistakenly passed through the Royal Doors. Then the frightened mother dragged him to the priest so that he would forgive him his sin. But he just waved his hand and said: “He will be a bishop.” Whether it was a coincidence or a prediction, little Kirill then really took the first step towards walking the long church path. But this was still very far away, because everything that happened in his life, of course, happened step by step, and as ordered by fate. Kirill's real name, given at birth, is Vladimir. He was still very far from the activities of Patriarch Kirill.

The mother of the future patriarch worked as a teacher, teaching children German. My father was a priest, which may also have played a certain role in his choice of life path. However, the boy’s entire family was directly connected with religion. His grandfather was regularly exiled for his association with the church, his elder brother was the rector of one of the cathedrals in St. Petersburg, and his sister worked as a director in an Orthodox gymnasium.

Before starting his own activities related to the church, Vladimir graduated from eight classes high school. I tried my hand at geology, but after three years I decided to enter the theological seminary; after graduating, I transferred to the theological academy, which was then located in Leningrad.

Young Vladimir received his middle name Kirill when he became a monk. Then his religious path began, which at that time he went through to become a metropolitan.

He repeatedly took part in the development of the Moscow Patriarchate, and everywhere tried to do as much as possible for this. Since the nineties, Kirill has begun to pay more and more attention to public relations and develop this activity. In the first half of the nineties, a program appeared on television screens in which he took part. This program is called “The Word of the Shepherd”, which was dedicated to spiritual issues, and which had a significant rating both among the common population and among politicians.

A year later, Patriarch Kirill begins active work and cooperation with the Russian government. Very often he acted as a full participant in various advisory bodies. He organizes various cultural events, for example, the celebration of Christianity, namely the date of two thousand years. Moreover, according to data obtained through a survey among Russian population in 2012, most people support the patriarch's actions.

In addition, the patriarch began to maintain his own Facebook page. The Patriarch communicated there directly with those who visited his page and asked questions. He often answered the most important and pressing questions that other people might ask. The clergyman has more than five hundred publications to his name, and he is also the author of several books that touch on the topic of spirituality and religion.

In the 2000s, Patriarch Alexy II dies. Metropolitan Kirill is appointed to his position. A year later, he was appointed to the post of Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', since he collected the most votes in the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church. It should be noted that the patriarch did a lot to unite the Russian Orthodox Church abroad. He made constant visits to other countries to meet there with local religious ministers, various representatives of this character. All this significantly strengthens the position of the church in Russia and expands the boundaries of church cooperation between different states.

But, despite the fact that Kirill is unusually devoted to his work, he could repeatedly be heard making statements against radical groups. He argued that such preachers should be feared, since nothing good could be expected from them. They say that most often among the people there are charlatans who teach the wrong things, subject people to confusion, and all this can quickly destroy the foundation of the church.

Personal life of Patriarch Kirill

The personal life of Patriarch Kirill, at least officially, is absent. After all, he is the person who should serve the church, not anyone in particular. Therefore, it is not surprising that Patriarch Kirill is not married and has no family. However, for him, his personal life is the whole country, because he has repeatedly admitted that it is very important for him to bring light and truth to the masses. To what extent this corresponds to the truth, no one can say for sure, but all the same, one must take into account the fact that he, a recognized religious figure, cannot have an official personal life, he has a completely different path, which belongs to the church.

Family of Patriarch Kirill

The family of Patriarch Kirill is his church activity, because he laid down his life to serve God. Therefore, it is not surprising that he is not married and has no children, because the most important thing for him is to do everything in such a way that cooperation between church houses in the Russian Federation and other countries.

He does this very well, because from his youth he successfully went through the “career” of a church leader, step by step, in order to achieve something here. It's hard to say whether he suffers because he doesn't have his own own family, in fact, he does not have time for this, in addition, he is far from alone; many ordinary people and others turn to him for advice.

Patriarch Kirill on a yacht with girls

It must be said that around Patriarch Kirill, as usual with public figures, gossip often circulates and scandals break out. He was often accused of various sins; it is difficult to say which of them may be true and which are fictitious. One could often hear accusations that Patriarch Kirill was having fun on a yacht with girls, that he was spending church income to improve his life. Kirill himself constantly denies or simply ignores such accusations, saying that all these are the machinations of his enemies and opponents of the church. Of course, all people are sinners, but as far as there are reasons to blame Patriarch Kirill, it is difficult to answer with precision, because, be that as it may, he still remains a man who, first of all, serves God.

Jap and Patriarch Kirill are one person

Patriarch Kirill is also associated with completely absurd rumors. For example, on the Internet you can often find such an accusation that Jap and Patriarch Kirill are one person. We are talking about a famous thief who was buried in the 2000s. Many parishioners see the undeniable similarities between these two people. They say that the patriarch has a dark past, and now he has successfully hidden himself in order not to end up in prison. Again, whether this is true or not, most Russian religious people are sure that all this is the machinations of other religious campaigns, the purpose of which is to ruin the reputation of an honest church leader.

Children of Patriarch Kirill

The children of Patriarch Kirill are all his parishioners and people who need his support and advice. So, in any case, he says himself. He has repeatedly said that he is ready to help anyone who turns to him. For this purpose, he even began to use social networks so that he could answer the most important and pressing questions. The patriarch does not have his own legitimate children, perhaps he would even like to have them, but his rank forced him to abandon such simple, family joys as a wife and children. But having chosen for himself the path of a monk, and then a metropolitan and patriarch, he preferred spiritual growth to ordinary earthly values.

Wife of Patriarch Kirill

The wife of Patriarch Kirill is generally a closed topic for him, if only because he once took monastic vows, thereby voluntarily giving up his personal life. And although you can very often hear that Patriarch Kirill “sinned”, that he was repeatedly noticed in the company of long-legged models, in fact, all this has not been proven. Most people believe that all this is fiction, that in fact Patriarch Kirill faithfully serves the church, not wanting to deviate from the intended path. In any case, officially the church leader has neither a wife nor children. For him, the church has become his home, his children are his parishioners, he cannot even think about women.

How much does Patriarch Kirill's watch cost?

At one time, a watch was noticed on the hand of Patriarch Kirill. And you didn’t have to be a jeweler to understand that they were far from cheap. Hence the question immediately arose: how much does Patriarch Kirill’s watch cost? Immediately there were rumors that Kirill was abusing the power he had received, asking where he got such a thing. By the way, the watch was valued at thirty thousand euros, there were rumors that after this, Kirill tried with all his might to disown the fact that he was wearing such a watch, tried to hide it. But the request for the watch of Patriarch Kirill breguet constantly appeared on the Internet, the cost of the watch, apparently this question was of interest not only to his enemies, but also ordinary people who wanted to be convinced of the patriarch’s sinlessness or, conversely, that he really pampered himself expensive things.

Patriarch Kirill “The Word of the Shepherd”

As mentioned above, the religious leader has repeatedly collaborated with the public in order to bring the word of God to the masses. One of such projects is the television program “The Word of the Shepherd.” Patriarch Kirill “The Word of the Shepherd” often flashed on the screens, millions of people looked at him who wanted to find answers to life’s questions. The religious and educational program was precisely aimed at ensuring that anyone who wants to reconsider their life, or simply needs advice, could try to do this together with Patriarch Kirill.

Kirill happily helped those who wanted to help themselves. Of course, there were also evil tongues that the clergyman was doing all this for the sake of PR. It is difficult to say who is right here, and to what extent Patriarch Kirill is who he claims to be, but one way or another, one must show respect for his rank and activities related to the church and religion. There have been and are many rumors about him, some of them reaching the point of absurdity. But, unfortunately, it turns out that public people are always susceptible to having many enemies, often those who crossed their path unintentionally. Therefore, all that remains is to choose the side of the one you think is right.

The enthronement, which took place in the winter of 2009, chose Metropolitan Kirill as the head of the Russian Orthodox Church. The highest body of the church held a vote, as a result of which more than 70% of the votes were cast for the priest, elevating him to the rank of Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'.

Priest's family

The Church path of the Patriarch is in many ways natural, since the grandson and son of a priest chose the fate of a clergyman. The priest, named Vladimir at birth, was born in the fall of 1946, in the city on the Niva - Leningrad. Grandfather of the Patriarch, Vasily Stepanovich, went through seven exiles and more than 40 prison camps, including exile to the Solovetsky Islands, and during the reign of Khrushchev he was ordained a priest.

Vladimir's father, Mikhail Gundyaev, a leading engineer in military Leningrad during the siege, repeating his father's path, was persecuted and went through the Kolyma camps, and in the spring of 1947 became a deacon. Having lived a worthy life as a priest, Mikhail Vasilyevich ended his life path rector of St. Nicholas Church.

The mother of the future patriarch was a school teacher who taught German. In addition to Vladimir, the family raised two more children; the boy was the middle child. All children are related to the Russian Orthodox Church. My brother is an archpriest and rector of the cathedral in the cultural capital of our country, a professor at St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. Younger sister, heads an Orthodox gymnasium.

Chosen path

The life path of the Patriarch developed as follows:

  • In 1961, having completed eight years of schooling, the young man left his parents' home.
  • In 1962 he got a job in a cartographic bureau and worked as a technician on a geological expedition.
  • Three years later, having received the Metropolitan’s blessing, he entered the Leningrad Theological Seminary. In the spring of 1969, having completed his studies with honors at the Theological Academy, he was tonsured a monk and received the monastic name Kirill. A few months after his ordination as hierodeacon becomes a hieromonk.
  • By the beginning of the nineties, he was appointed chairman of the commission of the Holy Synod. Being in the rank of archimandrite, by appointment of the Patriarchate he becomes its representative at the council of churches held in Switzerland. In 1976, he deals with problems of Christian unity and relations between churches. In winter 1984 he becomes archbishop.
  • Kirill becomes metropolitan in 1991. Between the second and third World Russian Council, he criticized the authorities. The Council adopted a number of political, radical decisions, which the Metropolitan, being its co-chairman, did not resist. Having become less oppositional, in 1995 Metropolitan Kirill becomes Deputy Head of the event.
  • After the death of the Moscow Patriarch, at the convened meeting of the Synod, by voting, which was secret, Metropolitan elected to the position of Patriarchal Locum Tenens.


In 2009, by the decision of the highest church assembly, Metropolitan Kirill became Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'. The years of Kirill's reign influenced not only the church world, but also affected the economy of the state, turning it into better side. Thanks to the Patriarch’s frequent trips around the country and the world, the position of the Russian Church in the world became stronger, and trips abroad were able to begin expanding the boundaries of cooperation between countries.

Family and children - church and flock

The church canons of the Orthodox Church do not allow the Patriarch to have a secular family. The flock, in the understanding of the church, is his family. And serving God is the highest manifestation of care and love for your family. The priest considers each of the parishioners to be his child. The Patriarch spends every day of his life caring for his children.

Kirill devotes a large amount of time and energy to charity, meeting with children, caring for orphans, he sets an example for his entire flock, showing through his own actions that caring for others is not just sympathy with words, but also concrete actions.

The Orthodox Patriarch is engaged in both charity and foreign policy activities, boldly voicing his opinions and ideology.

Patriarch Kirill is a rather bright personality in educational activities. Since 1994, the priest has been hosting a series of television programs, “The Word of the Shepherd,” in which he explains in detail to believers the answers to questions that concern his flock. A series of books and articles written by Kirill have been published describing the history of Christianity.

The active civic position of the Patriarch motivates him to be equally stormy social activities. Three hundred thousand people signed Kirill’s appeal calling for a ban on abortion in our country. Instead of carrying out abortions, it was proposed to increase payments for children born so that health and family would be protected by the state.

Patriarch Kirill is undoubtedly a bright and interesting personality; his care and love for his flock cannot go unnoticed. Faith in justice and goodness moves the clergyman forward, being a worthy example for everyone living on earth.

Patriarch of Russia - famous person. He always contributes huge contribution in government affairs. The head of the Orthodox Church in our country is Kirill Gundyaev. It is he who is a prominent participant in many political processes in modern Russia. He owns many charity projects.


Kirill Gundyaev became Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' in 2009, immediately after the death of his predecessor Alexy II. He was born on November 20, 1946 in Leningrad and was named Vladimir by his parents at birth. His childhood passed in difficult post-war years.


According to the official biography, Kirill Gundyaev’s family was deeply religious, even though the church was persecuted at that time. His grandfather Vasily Stepanovich, born in 1879, was an ordinary machinist, but became interested in theological literature. Already in 1922, he was exiled to Solovki following a denunciation from his opponents. They were from the Renovationist movement - a religious movement in opposition to the Orthodox. After the war, he continued to be supported by the Soviets for some time. Vasily opposed them. In the camps, he continued to hold religious services in secret; there is evidence that for this he was punished once - he lived in a punishment cell for a month. He stayed there until 1955.

The biography of Father Kirill Gundyaev is interesting. It was Mikhail Vasilyevich, dreaming with early years serve in the church. After graduating from school, he managed to work in a church, and in 1926 he already studied at the Higher Theological Courses in Leningrad.

He established himself as a diligent student. However, after 2 years the courses were closed, and he ended up in the army. After service, he studied at a technical school and then at an industrial university. Mikhail’s plans were to become a doctor, but due to the fact that he failed in theology courses, he was not admitted to this profession.

In 1934, Kirill Gundyaev’s father was arrested for serving in the church and singing in the choir. This happened a couple of days before the wedding. Mikhail was accused of attempting to assassinate Stalin. His bride, and later wife, Raisa Kuchina, born in 1909, was a German language teacher. She was also religious and participated in church hymns, during which she met Michael. They lived together for 3 years in Kolyma. Then they returned to Leningrad, where Mikhail went to work at a factory. In 1940, their first son, Nikolai, was born.

During the war, Mikhail strengthened the besieged city, and since 1943 he fought at the front. Since 1945, after the victory, the family lived in Leningrad, which was recovering from the blockade. Then Vladimir, the second son, appeared in her. During this period of time, the Soviet government was establishing relations with the church, and Mikhail, at the risk of his entire family, achieved ordination. Since 1947, he became a deacon and served in the Church of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God.

According to some studies, Kirill Gundyaev’s nationality is Mordvin. The thing is that his last name comes from the name Gundyai. According to the official biography of Kirill Gundyaev, he is Russian by nationality.


The childhood biography of Kirill Gundyaev unfolds against the backdrop of deteriorating relations between the state and the church. For serving, his father received an incredible fine of 120,000 rubles. For example, a new Pobeda car in those days cost 15,000, and the wealthiest people could save for it for several years. Some money was collected in the parishes, but by his actions Mikhail brought his entire large family to a state of extreme need, which continued until their death. In addition to 2 sons, by that time the couple had a daughter, Elena, born in 1949.

At that time, the family always depended heavily on the father. Both the children and Gundyaev’s wife lived in dire poverty and were forced to accept food from parishioners who took pity on them.

School years

The grandfather who returned after imprisonment in Solovki greatly influenced the worldview of the younger Gundyaevs. He told his grandchildren that no trials that claimed many lives caused fear in him. Patriarch Kirill Gundyaev himself emphasized in his biography that for him it was “the image of a man who knew what God’s love is.”

Vladimir began going to school as if it were torture. He was an opponent of communism and did not join either the pioneers or the Komsomol. The school director asked him to wear a pioneer tie, but he said that he would wear it to church. Despite the constant discussion at teacher councils, Vladimir studied well. Most of all he was interested in physics and other exact disciplines.


With the end of eight years, Volodya decided not to study further, but to live independently. The future patriarch Kirill Gundyaev was filled with a desire not to burden his family living in extreme need, which was still raising their youngest daughter.

He got a job at the evening faculty, and since 1962 he worked in cartography of the Leningrad complex geological expedition. However, then the biography of Kirill Gundyaev turned towards his father. He went to the theological academy.

The true biography of Patriarch Kirill Gundyaev was that he completed his training there according to an accelerated program, thanks to the requirements of Metropolitan N. Rotov, whose secretary he later became. This happened in 1970.

Interestingly, his brother and sister also became clergy in the future, when he gained influence.

Religious activities

In 1969, Kirill Gundyaev took monastic vows. It was at this moment that Vladimir received the name Kirill, became a hierodeacon, and then a hieromonk. A year later, he was graduated from the academy with honors and received the degree of candidate of theological sciences.

At the same time, he was Rotov’s secretary and a teacher at the same academy from which he was graduated. In 1971 he became an archimandrite, and from October he was rector of Orthodox church in Geneva, Switzerland. From that moment on, he began to rise up the career ladder. It took him only 20 years to go from archimandrite to metropolitan. Metropolitan Kirill Gundyaev became chairman of the commission in the Holy Synod. It was she who solved all the problems facing the Russian Orthodox Church.

Social activity

In the 1990s, the biography of Kirill Gundyaev takes a turn towards active social activities. In 1994, the program “The Word of the Shepherd” was broadcast on television, the main actor which he was. In addition, he developed the social concept of the Russian Orthodox Church. He chaired the Department of External Relations of the Russian Orthodox Church MP. Kirill was an active participant in relations between the state and the church.

In 2000, he achieved the adoption of the “Fundamentals social concept ROC". It was there that the position of Orthodoxy in relation to the state was set out.

The joint work of the Government of the Russian Federation and Kirill Gundyaev began in 1995. He acted as a consultant on many issues. With his input, many decisions related to Chechen war. Kirill Gundyaev organized numerous cultural events in his youth.

So, it was he who organized a holiday in honor of the 2000th anniversary of Christianity on behalf of Russia in several countries. He was an active public figure before his enthronement.

Among other things, Kirill Gundyaev is the author of a number of articles and books. He is actively involved in scientific and educational activities, proclaiming the unity of Christians everywhere. He became one of the honorary members of domestic and foreign theological academies, and became a member of the Commission on State Prizes for Achievements in Literature.


When Alexy II died in 2008, Metropolitan Kirill was elected Patriarch. In 2009, he became one, receiving 75% of the vote. His most active activity was noted in establishing relations with foreign Orthodox churches. He also held many meetings with leaders of other faiths. All this contributed to strengthening the position of the Church and allowed Russian Federation cooperate with big amount countries

Being passionate and dedicated to the cause, he repeatedly noted that radical preachers should be treated with caution. He made similar statements several times. As the Patriarch said, there are more and more false teachers in Russia, and they are plunging parishioners into confusion. Behind their beautiful ideal slogans there are weapons that destroy the Church. The Patriarch was spotted more than once at meetings with Vladimir Putin. His activities greatly helped the president’s policies.


Kirill became a participant in a number of scandals that thundered throughout the country. The first such story in which his name was highlighted was the case of the application of tax breaks on the import of alcohol and tobacco products in the 1990s.

According to Novaya Gazeta, he was personally interested in completing a transaction related to the import of these goods. But many religious leaders made statements that all this was just a provocation of enemies. This campaign was allegedly planned by ill-wishers, wanting to tarnish the name of a religious person.

In addition, it is noted that Kirill Gundyaev was photographed more than once and was convicted of interacting with the KGB. In 2003, V. Putin read a letter from a priest of the Moscow Helsinki Group that the Patriarch was a KGB agent. But this action was considered in society as a provocation directed against him. This action it did not result in any result.

Since 2010, the Patriarch again became a participant in a high-profile scandal. According to the biography of Kirill Gundyaev, the patriarch’s cohabitant and comrade-in-arms found a large layer of dust in his apartment. She called a commission, which determined that the substances ended up in the apartment due to renovations being carried out below. Priest Yuri Shevchenko lived there. But the scandal was that the examination revealed the presence of carcinogenic substances in the dust. As a result, the damage caused to the Patriarch’s property was estimated at 20 million rubles. According to the biography of Kirill Gundyaev, the cohabitant sued this amount from the neighbor below, and the press was interested in its presence with the Patriarch. Everyone began to find out the status of the woman who apparently lived in the same apartment with him. Then, much later, the owner of the apartment said that it was presented by Yu. Luzhkov’s deputy by order of B. Yeltsin, but the Patriarch did not live in it for more than a week, but gave it to his second cousin, who discovered a layer of dust.

The next scandal in the biography of Kirill Gundyaev is about his condition. In 2012, a photograph of him was published on the official website of the Russian Orthodox Church, where Kirill was wearing an expensive Brequet watch. The clock was then removed from this photo, but remained reflected on the table. The press service of the Russian Orthodox Church called this case an absurdity due to an editor's mistake.

The essence of the scandal was that this watch cost 30,000 euros, and the Patriarch himself first stated in the media that the presence of the watch was drawn in Photoshop, and then called it a gift. All this caused heated discussions in society about the role of the Church and about the money of taxpayers and parishioners. Kirill himself in his sermons calls not to strive for a good, prosperous life.

In addition, the foreign press estimated the Patriarch’s fortune at $4 billion. He owns more than one of the most expensive cars, a yacht, an airplane and expensive watches. But Kirill himself fights off media attacks, emphasizing that all funds received by the church are used for their intended purpose. Thus, the Russian Orthodox Church opened Orthodox schools and charitable foundations. According to the Patriarch himself, all accusers only seek to humiliate the Russian Orthodox Church and criticize Orthodoxy in our country.

However, according to opinion polls, Kirill is supported by 99% of the population, but the World Wide Web shows a high degree of dissatisfaction with him against the backdrop of many scandals, which even years later are the subject of people’s indignation.

For the most part, what people care about is that he was not entitled to all the luxuries that he had. After all, according to church laws, which he actively promotes, he has no right to acquire all this. It is curious that the heads of a number of European states, obviously having the opportunity to live luxuriously, live much more simply and modestly than the Russian Patriarch, although they do not have a law prohibiting luxury. This is often noticed in connection with the name Kirill. Who really dedicates themselves entirely to their work?

Personal life

In the biography of Kirill Gundyaev, the family and children were never mentioned. But after that scandal with dusty property, the press learned that Lydia Leonova was registered in his personal apartment, about whom little is known, despite the hype raised in all the media. Journalists managed to find out that she was the daughter of a cook in the Leningrad Regional Committee of the CPSU.

The press caught the priest in cohabitation with a representative of the fair sex, and he himself called her his second cousin. Moreover, the media dubbed him a family man, having found a photograph of him with this woman from 1988. But the Patriarch himself claims that, since he serves God, he has renounced love affairs and devotes himself entirely to service. Therefore, he does not have any cohabitants.


Kirill himself considers his children the parishioners who listen to him as a preacher. According to Christian laws, he cannot have his own biological children. He often helps orphanages where orphans live, like many people who occupy a high position in society. He created several charitable foundations to help disabled people.

Activity details

Since February 1991, by decree of Patriarch Alexy II, Kirill became metropolitan.

In 1993, he was co-chairman, and already in 1995, deputy head of the World Russian People's Council. In 1994, he became honorary president of the World Conference on Religion and Peace. In February 1994 he became a member of the Synodal Theological Commission.

In 1995-2000, Kirill became the head of the Synodal working group on developing the concept of the Russian Orthodox Church on issues of church-state relations and problems of Russian society.

In December 2008, he announced to the media that he was categorically against reforming Orthodoxy in any form.

Then, having met with students at the Sretensky Theological Seminary, he stated that the main task of the church before the revolution was the creation of a believing intelligentsia, which was the dream of Anthony Khrapovitsky (who was banned by the Moscow Patriarchate). But this was not done, which resulted in subsequent troubles for Orthodoxy.

He was the first in modern history, who performed the rite of washing feet in April 2009.

He also stated that Kyiv is Constantinople for the Orthodox and has its own Hagia Sophia, and is also considered a spiritual center and southern capital Orthodoxy.

In 2009, he announced that the main criterion in assessing the work of the Russian Orthodox Church is not how full the churches are, but the spiritual state of society.

This manifested itself in 2005 in the ban on holding a parade of sexual minorities in Moscow. Kirill supported Yuri Luzhkov in this decision. Since 2008, the Patriarch has fiercely condemned homosexuality, but at the same time noted that people with an innate orientation can live as they see fit.

The Patriarch also made his contribution to the cause of the punk group Pussy Riot, which danced in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Largely thanks to him, in August 2012, 3 young girls were sentenced under the article of hooliganism, after which they were imprisoned for 2 years and served their sentences in general regime colonies.

All this also caused a wave of indignation on the World Wide Web both in Russia and abroad. But the Moscow Patriarchate itself stated that the whole point is that there is an entire campaign seeking to discredit the name of Kirill. Even he himself announced in the television program “The Word of the Shepherd” that people “who criticize the church” “demand spiritual healing.”

His first foreign visit as Patriarch was a trip to Istanbul to the Patriarch of Constantinople. As a result, it was stated that relations with foreign colleagues began to warm up.

According to the results of a sociological survey conducted in June 2012 by VTsIOM, 46% of respondents treated the Patriarch with respect, 27% arouse hope, trust - 19%, sympathy - 17% of respondents; causes distrust in 4% of respondents, disappointment in 2%, indifference in 13%, antipathy in 1% of survey participants, 1% condemn it or perceive it with skepticism.

In August 2012, Kirill appeared on social media Facebook networks with the account PatriarhKirill, but back in May of the same year, the deputy head of the press service of the Moscow Patriarchate indicated that the account was not Gundyaev’s personal page, but it would be an official resource of the patriarchate. He noted that there would be no way to contact Kirill directly.

In September 2012, he was invited by the primate of the Polish Orthodox Church to Poland, where the main religion is Catholicism. This meeting pursued more political goals, becoming a serious step towards establishing contact with the Holy See. These events caused a positive reaction in the Vatican.

In June 2013, Kirill visited Greece, meeting with the Pontic Greeks. Then I visited Transnistria.

It is interesting that with the collapse of the USSR, the Commission of the Presidium of the Russian Armed Forces to investigate the causes and circumstances of the State Emergency Committee concluded that the KGB used the church to recruit and send their agents into it. Thus, a number of church leaders were indeed agents of this structure.

Having compared the known foreign trips of agent “Mikhailov” and Kirill, the commission developed the point of view that these persons are identical. It was then that the famous letter was sent to V. Putin stating that the Patriarch was an employee of the KGB.

Kirill’s trip to Ukraine after receiving an invitation from the Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in 2009 was accompanied by mass unrest and protests from a number of church associations.

At his speech at the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, he criticized " influence on Western Christian theology of the ideas of the Enlightenment and the philosophical ideas of liberalism."

In August, the Patriarch made a statement that he would not refuse to spend 6 months in Kyiv and 6 in Moscow, and could become a Ukrainian citizen. But a day later, Archbishop Mitrofan called these words a joke.

In the end, according to newspaper reports, the circle of security officials did not like Kirill’s actions during his visit to Ukraine.

During his visit to Belarus, Kirill addressed the people from the porch of the church and announced that he considered himself the Patriarch of the people who emerged from the Kyiv baptismal font. He thereby emphasized that the Patriarchate will not reduce the boundaries of its activities in accordance with the border that arose after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

These words essentially cast doubt on his recognition of the sovereignty of a number of states. He himself stated that some countries have recognized their sovereignty, but are not able to make decisions in accordance with their own interests. This caused a strong negative reaction in society.


On this moment Patriarch Kirill is active in religious and social activities. He makes a great contribution to politics, establishes relations between the Russian Federation and other states.

Original of this material
© golishev, 03.23.2012, Photo: "Kommersant", via golishev, "Ogonyok"

"An exemplary family man"

How Gundyaev and a temperamental woman living in his apartment sued neighbor for 20 million for dust, Rosbalt already writes (until now there was only a note on Fontanka-Ru):

...Dust appeared in a five-room apartment with an area of ​​144.8 square meters. m, which belong to Vladimir Mikhailovich Gundyaev. This is the secular name of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'. And Lydia Leonova is Kirill’s faithful comrade-in-arms, who has accompanied him through life for many years (according to media reports, Leonova is Gundyaev’s sister). And she is registered in the same apartment as the patriarch on Serafimovich Street.

I have to disappoint the respected Rosbalt: Mr. Gundyaev’s only sister’s name is Elena.

In this family, children grew up who gave their lives to God. The Patriarch's brother is Archpriest Nikolai Gundyaev, professor of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy, rector of the Transfiguration Cathedral in St. Petersburg. Sister - Elena Mikhailovna - director of the Orthodox gymnasium.

This is the real (and I repeat: the only) sister of Mr. Gundyaev - Elena.

And this is what his “false sister” Lidia Mikhailovna Leonova looks like:

Lydia Leonova
information about it is much more difficult to find

...Introduction to Soviet elite, “beautiful life”, constant trips abroad corrected the simultaneously romantic and ascetic ideal to which young Volodya probably aspired when taking monasticism. None of his official biographies will ever include the story of his acquaintance with Lydia Mikhailovna Leonova, the young and pretty daughter of the cook of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the CPSU. For 30 years now, they have had the warmest relations, which, by the way, gave rise to some Western journalists, poorly versed in Orthodox canons, to call Bishop Kirill an “exemplary family man.” They say that now a number of commercial enterprises are registered at Lidia Mikhailovna’s home address in Smolensk, one way or another connected with the business of the metropolitan himself. […] Original of this material
© Radio Liberty, 03/23/2012

Housing response from Patriarch Kirill

Yuri Vasiliev

[…] Vladimir Gundyaev himself did not take part either in the conflict or in attempts to resolve it.

And Patriarch Kirill did not file any lawsuits either, he emphasizes Chief Editor independent network resource Portal-Credo.Ru Alexander Soldatov. - The plaintiff is a certain Mrs. Lydia Leonova, who in Lately the press presents her as the sister of the patriarch. But we do not know for sure to what degree of relationship she is with him. We only know that it is registered in this apartment, and the sole owner of the living space is Vladimir Gundyaev, aka Patriarch Kirill. This data is publicly available, in cadastral records of various kinds: he bought this apartment about 7-8 years ago.

Publicist Vladimir Golyshev in his blog provides links to official biography Patriarch: he has a sister, but her name is Elena, she strives in the spiritual field - she is the director of an Orthodox gymnasium. Sister Lydia is not listed in the available materials.

The name of Lydia Leonova first surfaced in the late 90s - when it turned out that several commercial structures were registered in her name in Smolensk, where the current Patriarch Kirill was the diocesan bishop. These structures, in particular, were involved in the notorious tobacco business - they controlled some kind of tobacco trade there and were involved in various types of investments. There is reason to believe that Lydia Leonova, whom the future patriarch brought with him to Smolensk from Leningrad, is his financial agent of some kind, at least and a fairly close person, since they live in the same apartment. […]

At the same time, I note that Patriarch Kirill’s apartment, where Leonova lives, is located on a floor higher than Shevchenko’s apartment. And the claim is that when Shevchenko was renovating his apartment, the dust flew not down, but up and caused such enormous damage to the patriarch’s property. In fact, in church circles they say that this apartment has simply become too cramped for two people so important people- there are only 144 sq. m., so they decided to make it two-level. Why is it necessary to evict Mr. Shevchenko, who lives exactly under Patriarch Kirill, at any cost? […]

Yuri Shevchenko's priesthood is not as simple as that of other clerics. The fact is that the late Alexy II advised him to become a priest. Mr. Shevchenko graduated from the Tashkent Seminary while living in Moscow, and was ordained in Kyiv as part of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. Therefore, Shevchenko does not seem to be a cleric directly subordinate to Kirill.

- And what will happen to him now?

Since the court ordered Shevchenko to vacate one of the two apartments that he owns in this building, plus pay compensation, it is possible that some kind of enforcement proceedings will soon follow, during which he will be forcibly evicted from there. It should be noted that in his absence and in the absence of his relatives, local authorities and law enforcement agencies already broke into his apartment once, which is a gross violation of the law. But the court did not take this into account. And as a result of this invasion, the fact of repairs was recorded, which was considered in court.


In very specific media, “sensational” materials appeared about the “private apartment of Patriarch Kirill” in the famous “House on the Embankment” on Serafimovicha Street in Moscow. The authors of the “sensation” do not limit themselves to the “housing” issue, but use “the incriminating evidence they found on Patriarch Kirill” as a reason to create among readers the opinion that Patriarch Kirill allegedly does not have the trust of the Church and is about to be “thrown off” that His Holiness rests only on Vladimir Putin, whom the authors and publishers of the article also hate, based on their technology of sowing imaginary divisions, creating their appearance, they contrast Patriarch Kirill with the figure of the “ascetic and non-acquisitive” Metropolitan Clement. [...]

It is significant that the CIA, anti-Russian comprador media, which respond to the question of “how one makes an anti-Semite” with accusations of a “new Holocaust”, in this case very anti-Semiticly relish the question of the Jewish origin of Patriarch Kirill’s adviser Vladimir Iosifovich Resin, an experienced Moscow builder, faithfully serving the Russian Church, helping to implement the project of building two hundred churches in new areas of Moscow as soon as possible. I don’t know if I’ve already taken Resin Holy Baptism(Patriarch Kirill is an experienced missionary, and those around him, as a rule, become zealous Orthodox Christians), but in our home prayers we remember the servant of God Joseph as an assistant in the most important project, thanks to which the word of the Church will come to every Moscow home - the project construction of a total of six hundred churches in new areas of Moscow.

So, who are these “whistleblowers” ​​and what is the “housing issue” they have exaggerated?

An article by “Yuri Vasiliev” was published, this topic is inflated by the website of Radio Liberty (founded and financed by the CIA), and the website of B. Berezovsky “Grani. ru", radio "Echo of Moscow" (known for its Russophobic position). What all these media have in common is that they, as one, supported the “swamp” attack on Russia; it was the “swamp” militants, followers of Lenin and Trotsky, from the “Left Front”, who staged provocations against the construction of 200 churches in new areas of Moscow and precisely “ swamp", Nemtsov, Navalny, "Novaya Gazeta", "Echo of Moscow", TV channel "Dozhd" supported the blasphemous action in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the perpetrators of which did not hide the fact that they were striking into the union of Patriarch Kirill and Vladimir Putin, which was interfering with the implementation of the "orange" » script in Russia.

It is indicative who are presented as “experts” on the “housing issue”. This is A. Soldatov, editor-in-chief of the Credo website. Both Soldatov and his website specialize in slandering Patriarch Kirill personally, the Russian Orthodox Church as such, and promoting schisms and totalitarian sects. […] The first years of its existence, the Credo website was located right in the office of the head of the Effective Policy Foundation, G. Pavlovsky, who, allegedly, was baptized in the so-called. “Suzdal schism” (marginal sectarian group), headed by the “Credo” ideologist “bishop” Grigory Lurie. Actually, this sect consists of Lurie, Soldatov, Pavlovsky and a couple of their fans. Now Pavlovsky is in sharp opposition to V. Putin and this explains a lot. Much is explained by the fact that the regular authors of “Credo” were such characters as the recently deceased Colonel military intelligence USA E. Magerovsky and former lieutenant colonel of the PGU KGB of the USSR, who defected to the US side, living under the “roof” of the American intelligence services K. Preobrazhensky, “specialist” in fabricating slanderous fabrications against the Russian Orthodox Church.

The “head” of the “Suzdal schism” for many years was a certain Sevastyan Zhakov, convicted of child homosexual pedophilia, he “fostered” Soldatova and Co. We will tell you more about the interest of “sexual minorities” in the persecution of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill.

The second “expert” of the mentioned “revelatory article” is V. Golyshev, a figure with a reputation as a grotesque blogger, close to S. Belkovsky (for many years Golyshev headed the Belkovsky APN website). Belkovsky, the owner of the “institute of someone’s national strategies” in Russia, a new permanent author of “Credo”, is known as B. Berezovsky’s representative in Russia, A. Navalny’s “political manager” and, in general, key person"orange scenario" in Russia. That is, a figure who is preparing the desovereignization of Russia and foreign intervention in its internal affairs. Belkovsky constantly publicly calls for the dismemberment of Russia “through the mediation of Barack Obama”), the separation of the Caucasus and, in general, the creation of some new “Russian state and Church.” Current Russian state and the Church, therefore, according to Belkovsky, must be destroyed. Belkovsky, realizing that the union of Patriarch Kirill and Vladimir Putin is a key obstacle in the implementation of the “orange scenario” in Russia, on the pages of “Moskovsky Komsomolets” he shoots at this union, as well as at such counter-revolutionary missionary projects that save the people from “orange” manipulations Patriarch Kirill, as “200 churches in new districts of Moscow” and a mission among young people (including among youth subcultures). Belkovsky’s hatred of these projects is understandable - they interfere with the manipulation of young people, they snatch them from the “predatory clutches of orange anti-Russian propaganda,” because young people, including due to the lack of that very active Orthodox mission that Patriarch Kirill is engaged in, in Ukraine really became victims “ orange" propaganda and "cannon fodder" of the notorious "orange revolution". These are the figures and such publications that are inflating the topic of “Patriarch Kirill’s apartment.”

Another media outlet that exaggerates the “housing issue” is RIA Rosbalt. […]

And what, exactly, is the “theme” of which the Patriarch is accused? The fact that he is a “millionaire” because, having violated his monastic vows, he purchased an apartment overlooking the Cathedral of Christ the Savior with a view of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and, either himself or his proxies, filed a lawsuit and demand compensation for damages from the priest Yuri Shevchenko (former Minister of Health of the Russian Federation), who, having purchased an apartment on the next floor, arranged a renovation there with a wave of dust, alterations of walls, communications, etc., as a result of which the apartment belonging to the Patriarch, into which all this dust, all sorts of harmful chemicals has become impossible to live in. Thus, the court quite rightly recovered from Shevchenko, this wealthy man who has several apartments in the center of Moscow.

So what's really going on? The author of these lines tried to understand the situation. For this purpose, I had to “raise all connections”, ask all conceivable and inconceivable sources, even visit Smolensk region since the activities of the “accused” in the article “Yuri Vasiliev”, Lydia Leonova, are connected with her, who, according to “Vasiliev’s information,” represents the interests of the Patriarch at the trial on the “housing issue.”

We managed to find out the following. Patriarch Kirill has neither the opportunity nor the desire to purchase apartments in the center of Moscow or anywhere else; he lives by the faith and mission of the Church. Apartment on the street Serafimovich really belongs to His Holiness, it was presented to him by the Moscow Government during his time as Metropolitan of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, Head of the DECR MP. The apartment houses the library of Father Patriarch Kirill, numbering more than 3 thousand volumes. Shevchenko really caused enormous damage to the library with his repairs.

There is nothing in this information that compromises or casts a shadow on Patriarch Kirill.

In Smolensk, many asked me to defend the honor and dignity of Lydia Leonova, over whom Yu. Vasiliev,” simply slanders her. Lydia Mikhailovna Leonova, cousin of His Holiness, a sincerely believing Orthodox Christian, living as a “nun in the world”, who gave up her career in St. Petersburg to help establish the Smolensk diocese, when the rector of the Leningrad Theological Schools, Vladyka Kirill, now Patriarch, was sent there into “disgrace” Moscow and all Rus' [...]

The person whom the anti-church media portrays as a “victim of the Patriarch”, in reality, is least of all like an “unfortunate victim.” It's about a priest Yuri Shevchenko, former Minister of Health of the Russian Federation. The fact is that Patriarch Kirill began systematic work on missionary revival and internal cleansing of the Russian Church. Including from persons who have occupied a position of authority due to external interference. The fact is that the special services of “independent Ukraine,” trying to tear the Ukrainian Church away from the Russian Church, tried to support those individuals within the church fence who could be “kept on the hook” and blackmailed the entire Church with them. Patriarch Kirill, as you know, does not tolerate such “deeds”; he will go into any battle for the Church. Apparently, this is connected with the removal from the Zhitomir see of Bishop Gury (Kuzmenko), o gay which the Hierarchy of the Russian Church recognized and rightly took measures. So, rightly, questions arose. Why did priest Yuri Kuzmenko go to Gury to be ordained? If everything is fine, then why did Patriarch Alexy II refuse to ordain him? Why did Yu. Shevchenko go to study at the distant Tashent Seminary, although there are several worthy Theological schools in Moscow - a seminary, an academy, and St. Tikhon's University.

No one accused O. Shevchenko, the Moscow Patriarchate simply decided to check his canonical status. And he suddenly decided to “strike first” and contacted various CIA-swamp, openly anti-Russian media. Or, the “curators” of these anti-Russian media, “specialists in Russian elites” had something to blackmail Fr. Yuri Shevchenko, and with the help of blackmail they forced him to enter into battle with Patriarch Kirill, who is so disturbing them.

As it turned out, there is something to check - Yu. Shevchenko heads an institution that performs abortions.

These are the people they use to fight Patriarch Kirill.

By the way, it is no coincidence that I mentioned the patented leader of the “Suzdal schism” Sevastyan Zhakov, who served time for homosexual pedophilia. The fact is that the Russian “gay community” actively supports the “Swamp Revolution” and is fighting against Patriarch Kirill, the Russian Church, Vladimir Putin and the Go team. Consider the statements of the leader of the “struggle for the rights of sexual minorities” N. Alekseev about the demolition of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, as well as the activities of the correspondent of the anti-Russian, anti-church “Novaya Gazeta” E. Kostyuchenko in support of the blasphemous action in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. N. Aleksev also campaigned in the presidential elections for M. Prokhorov, who promised to expel the Church from the education system. On this topic, the famous Orthodox journalist and blogger Natalya Kuznetsova-Godfrey:

The unemployed Anton Krasovsky, who headed the election headquarters of his comrade-in-arms in orientation and hatred of Orthodoxy, spreads slander and enjoys mocking His Holiness the Patriarch in the form of comments from his working fellow tribesmen who are the same on the criminal article. […]

Thus, the slander campaign against His Holiness Patriarch Kirill is not only an anti-church, but also an anti-Russian, anti-Russian campaign, in which the leaders of the “Swamp Revolution” and the “gay community” - this vanguard of the destruction of our values ​​and family - take an active part. Without Orthodox values, Russia and Russians can be taken with bare hands, and if the institution of the family is destroyed, Russians will simply die out, and the Church in the lava with the active missionary Patriarch Kirill does not allow to destroy what has not yet been destroyed and is trying to revive the people who cannot be saved without churching from alcoholism, abortion, drugs, propaganda of cynicism, anti-patriotism and other weapons of his murder. That’s why Belkovsky is so confused by the terms “Orthodox immission”, “program -200”, etc.

They are also taking revenge on Patriarch Kirill for disrupting the “orange scenario” of opposing the Church to the state. […] Patriarch Kirill, “both holy and skilled,” understands well who is who and what is what, and therefore supported Vladimir Putin, and not the “collective Berezovsky.” […]

ABOUT privacy Head of the Russian Orthodox Church to AiF readers
said his press secretary, Deacon Alexander Volkov.

For 5 years, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church has been Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus'.

Many people know about his extensive social activities and position on this or that issue, but his private life is hidden from prying eyes. For the first time, the head of the patriarch’s press service, Deacon Alexander Volkov, agreed to open the veil of secrecy only for AiF readers.

God's Allotted Time

— Father Alexander, they say that all great people sleep little. What is the patriarch's daily routine?

— Over decades of hard work in the Church, always being under absolute time pressure, the patriarch has developed a strict work schedule. And now we, the people who surround him, find ourselves in the same constant, almost unbearable time pressure. His Holiness values ​​every minute and therefore tries to optimize his time as much as possible, filling all free intervals. In a working residence in Moscow, in Chisty Lane, behind the main building there is a small old garden, where he recent months On the recommendation of doctors, I took a habit of walking. So I never saw him there alone! He always calls one of the patriarchate employees. There is now even a duty jacket hanging at the entrance to this kindergarten for the people he walks with. This whole situation is a projection of a thought that he often repeats to those around him: God has given us a specific period of time to have time to do something to change the spiritual state in society. Time is by no means unlimited, so we must squeeze into each day maximum amount affairs that would benefit the Church and society.

So what time does he get up?

— Around 7 am. Then prayer, breakfast, going to work or to church. He usually arrives at his work residence around 10 o'clock, and the service begins earlier. Then meetings, work with documents until late in the evening. If he leaves home for Peredelkino at 9 pm, he definitely takes a pile of documents with him - he works after dinner. He goes to bed late every day after midnight. Doctors recommend changing the regime, but he thinks there is no possibility. Health-improving activities include the already mentioned walks, as well as not very regular, but quite intense ones physical exercise. For a clergyman, the first place of rest is worship. Orthodox worship in general is physically difficult, and patriarchal services are even more so. It is always solemn, very emotionally intense. But I have been convinced more than once that it is precisely this that gives the patriarch strength. If it turns out that the patriarch is not able to perform divine services during the week, then after a break during the service he is simply transformed, looking several years younger.

And is it open on Sunday? But it’s not possible according to the canons?!

— Of course, Sunday is the Lord's Day. On this day, the patriarch mostly performs divine services. Meetings are never scheduled on Sunday, except in some emergency. But at the same time, he is still forced to work with documents at home.

Gift of the Preacher

Does he really delve into all the papers he signs in detail?

- Yes, he is very attentive to any printed word that comes from him, because he understands the responsibility that lies behind all these texts. After all, each text is, in any case, an appeal to a specific person. There can be no formality in this appeal, and a person should not get the impression that this is a paper prepared by referents, to which the signatory did not personally participate. It must be said that he prepares his main, large public texts and especially sermons himself. He is one of the few people who can speak well beyond a piece of paper. The Patriarch has an exceptional preaching talent. But behind each performance is his personal preliminary work.

Secular people think that the head of the Church This is primarily a business position. so many things to do, arrivals, meetings. Is not it so?

— Prayer is in the first place for any Christian, and in this any clergyman is called to be an example for people, and the Primate of the Church, of course, first of all. After all, this is a guarantee that the Church does not turn into an intercontinental corporation like the religious Gazprom. We must understand: everything that the Church does in the organizational, administrative, and economic areas of life is only so that every person can come to church and, if possible, live in accordance with the Gospel.

Does the patriarch have loved ones, a family, what kind of relationships do they have?

— Yes, the patriarch has relatives in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Saransk. When the patriarch was in Mordovia, he met with completely distant relatives in the house where his grandfather lived. He treats his family very humanely, supports and preserves family relationships, never distances himself.

Friends as victims

What about friends?

“The patriarch, and he himself has spoken about this more than once, cannot have friends in the sense that the head of the Church needs to be at the same, equal distance with those around him, so that there are no attempts at pressure. And in this sense, of course, this is the cross of the patriarch. He sacrificed his personal interests, affections, and communication habits for the good of the Church. There really are no close people around him who could boast of the status of “friend of the patriarch.”

And outside the Church?

- The same. First of all, because in general the relationship of the Primate of the Church with the secular community in general and with some specific people in particular is always a very big responsibility. Although, of course, this does not negate the fact that the patriarch has many good and kind acquaintances with whom he has maintained warm relations for decades. They come to congratulate him on personal dates, holidays, attend divine services, and he is always very happy with them, communicates with pleasure, asks about life, and then warmly says goodbye, after which they most often do not see each other for a long time.

Who is the patriarch's confessor?

— Optina elder Eli, with whom he studied together at the Theological Academy in St. Petersburg. Father Eli is a confessor objectively recognized by the Orthodox Church, a man whose opinion is listened to by thousands of people. People from all over Russia and other countries come to him for fellowship and confession. 5 years ago, after his enthronement, Patriarch Kirill asked him to move from Optina Pustyn to Peredelkino. Since then, Father Eli has lived in the patriarchal residence. There on the territory there is a separate house for a small monastic community. Father Elijah lives there. Since he is very famous, visitors often come to him - ordinary people- for advice. He constantly accepts, is completely accessible, and at the same time he is the confessor of the patriarch. From my point of view, such public presence spiritual father- evidence of certain life priorities. This shows: the spiritual component in life for the patriarch is the main one. Not administrative functions, not some kind of diplomatic relations, although this is necessary. But it’s not his press secretary who lives next to him, but his confessor.

People have an opinion: the patriarch is the spiritual father of President Putin. I understand that this cannot be, but is the patriarch even someone’s confessor?

“These are things that lie in the sphere of his private life, so I can’t say anything here.”

Does he have any hobbies? books, theater?

— He loves classical music - I can list Bach, Beethoven, Rachmaninoff. He usually listens to music when he works and makes some important decisions. He, of course, loves to read, like any intelligent person, but he has very little time to indulge in free reading. Hundreds of pages of documents need to be read every day. It is clear that by the end of the day, you probably just feel a slight dislike for the letters of the alphabet. But among Russian authors he loves Dostoevsky, Chekhov, Leskov. With some degree of regularity, he attends musical performances, the conservatory, and sometimes Moscow theaters. Recently I was at one of the productions of the Gorky Moscow Art Theater to congratulate Tatyana Doronina on her anniversary.

What about cinema?

— He doesn’t go to cinemas publicly, but several times he went to pre-screenings of films directly related to the Church.

Watching TV?

— News programs - often, and it is clear that this is an area directly related to his work. He is obliged, so to speak, to be in the know.

Native Penates

How does the patriarch spend his vacation?

— He doesn’t have vacations, like days off, in the usual worldly sense. 15-20 days of rest are collected, which he usually distributes over months and spends this time in solitude.

Doesn't he go on holiday abroad?

— Travels on official visits. During these five years, I traveled abroad several times for treatment.

What places in Russia are especially close to him?

— He loves his native St. Petersburg, Valaam, as well as Smolensk and Kaliningrad, where he comes about once a year, since he is still the manager of the local diocese, and also visits the spiritual and administrative center of the Russian Orthodox Church in southern Russia.

Primate's cook

What does the patriarch like to eat and who cooks for him?

— He is not at all picky about food, he loves simple food. He also likes to try national cuisine which he does by visiting foreign countries. It is clear that since he performs worship, holds events in the most different places, then the patriarch’s assistants have an attentive attitude towards food. Moreover, various official receptions and protocol dinners with distinguished guests. Therefore, it was decided that the patriarchate should have a permanent cook. He is not a monk, a professional in his field, he prepares food that is correct from the point of view of Orthodox traditions and canons.

Can the patriarch afford to have a drink?

— If you need to support a toast, he usually raises a glass of white wine. Maybe in some situations he would drink something stronger - in Japan he was treated to sake, in Greece, on Mount Athos - to the anise liqueur ouzo. In spirit Orthodox tradition, does not offend in such cases those who show him hospitality.

A taste for antiquity

Patriarch monk. In principle, he should not have his own property. But are there some things that bring him joy?

— The Patriarch, as a person brought up in a St. Petersburg environment, has a very good taste, understands painting and architecture. When visiting certain dioceses, he carefully evaluates new construction and especially the decoration of churches. The tasteless remake offends his artistic sense. But he is very happy when people carefully preserve the authentic and ancient.

What mobile phone does the patriarch have?

- I can’t say for sure - the most ordinary one, definitely not an iPhone. He almost never uses his mobile phone and treats it with some detachment, but with an understanding of the need to use it. He has been given tablets and laptops as gifts several times, but somehow he is not inclined to use them. He likes to write by hand and always has a notepad with him.

But does he know how to work on a computer and access the Internet?

- Of course, he has a computer in his office, and he uses it when necessary. But of course he doesn't answer email and does not fill up your Facebook account. Thank God, competent people are doing this, and he spends his time on objectively more important matters. In this way, by the way, he sets an example for us all.

What kind of car does the patriarch have?

— For five years he used two cars Patriarch Alexy who are already 12 years old. Now His Holiness travels by means of transport provided by a special-purpose garage.

What's the hurry?

And doesn't collect anything? Books?

— I don’t know how much he collects them, but he loves old books, especially theological literature. When he is given rare pre-revolutionary publications by church authors, he accepts them with gratitude. His Holiness appreciates objects that convey the atmosphere of past eras, and encourages us to take care of what has come to us from the past and that carries the meaning of that time, which we can judge, among other things, by some individual things.

This is probably the general tactics of the Russian Orthodox Church do not hurry?

- You're right. Just not a tactic, but the main strategy of the Orthodox Church is to preserve and increase all that good that exists in our world and in every person. Everything that the Church does is done on the basis of centuries-old experience and the understanding that the Church has experienced terrible and tragic moments more than once in its history. But whatever they are external circumstances, The Church was, is and will exist and bring people the truth about Christ. And, probably, this is largely reflected in the human habits of the patriarch. He has a deeply church-going consciousness. From morning to evening, he lives a 100% church life, and in this sense, I really want each of us to have such a life to some noticeable percentage.

Private life of Patriarch Kirill. Footage released to the media for the first time

The footage in which the Primate is presented was not taken for the “record”, and has not previously been published in newspapers and magazines - they are part of the private life of His Holiness. “AiF” turned out to be the only newspaper to which Father Alexander Volkov, the Patriarch’s press secretary, provided them and told under what circumstances they were removed.

Patriarch on Valaam, one of his favorite places in his native land.


His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill (in the world Vladimir Mikhailovich Gundyaev) was born on November 20, 1946 in Leningrad.

Father - Gundyaev Mikhail Vasilyevich, priest, died in 1974. Mother - Gundyaeva Raisa Vladimirovna, a German language teacher at school, in recent years a housewife, died in 1984. The elder brother is Archpriest Nikolai Gundyaev, professor of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy, rector of the Transfiguration Cathedral in St. Petersburg. Grandfather - Priest Vasily Stepanovich Gundyaev, a prisoner of Solovki, who was subjected to imprisonment and exile for church activities and the fight against renovationism in the 20s, 30s and 40s of the twentieth century.

After graduating from the 8th grade of high school, Vladimir Gundyaev joined the Leningrad Complex Geological Expedition of the North-Western Geological Directorate, where he worked from 1962 to 1965 as a cartographic technician, combining work with studying at high school.

After graduating from high school in 1965, he entered the Leningrad Theological Seminary, and then the Leningrad Theological Academy, from which he graduated with honors in 1970.

On April 3, 1969, Metropolitan Nikodim (Rotov) of Leningrad and Novgorod was tonsured a monk with the name Kirill. On April 7 he was ordained a hierodeacon, and on June 1 of the same year - a hieromonk.

Since 1970 - Candidate of Theology at the Leningrad Theological Academy.

From 1970 to 1971 - teacher of dogmatic theology and assistant inspector of Leningrad theological schools; at the same time - personal secretary of Metropolitan Nikodim of Leningrad and Novgorod and class teacher of the 1st class of the seminary.

From 1971 to 1974 - representative of the Moscow Patriarchate at the World Council of Churches in Geneva.

From December 26, 1974 to December 26, 1984 - rector of the Leningrad Theological Academy and Seminary. In 1974-1984. - Associate Professor of the Department of Patrolology of the Leningrad Theological Academy.

On March 14, 1976 he was consecrated Bishop of Vyborg. On September 2, 1977, he was elevated to the rank of archbishop.

Since 1986 - manager of parishes in the Kaliningrad region.

Since 1988 - Archbishop of Smolensk and Kaliningrad.

From November 13, 1989 to 2009 - Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations (since August 2000 - Department for External Church Relations), permanent member of the Holy Synod.

On January 27, 2009, the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church elected Metropolitan Kirill Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'.
