Singer Zara spoke about the life of the little son of the deceased Stella Baranovskaya. What is Maxim Kotin known for, biography, personal life, photos? Why didn’t Stella Baranovskaya communicate with her mother?

September 11, 2017

An episode of the talk show “Let Them Talk” was dedicated to the actress, who died of cancer.

Photo: Instagram

30 year old. This was a great tragedy for friends and family. Stella's friends said that she suffered from terrible pain and could no longer walk.

Let us remind you that the artist has a son, Danya, from Max Kotin, but the father does not pay attention to the boy, so the baby often stayed at home with the actress’s friends. Now Stella’s relatives are trying to decide the baby’s fate so that the boy does not remain in the orphanage. Anfisa Chekhova, Katya Gordon and singer Zara were next to the artist in last days her life and promised to take care of her son.

Today’s episode of “Let Them Talk” brought together Stella’s close friends and family, who spoke about the last days of the artist’s life. Now the fate of her son Dani is being decided. Stella's grandmother will not be able to take custody of the boy due to his age, my own mother the actress had a very tense relationship. The child's biological father refuses to participate in raising his son. It later turned out that Stella’s father, Stanislav Kanteladze, flew to her funeral from the USA and said that he was ready to take his grandson.

“I don’t know about Stella’s mom, but I think no parent wants to harm their child. We communicate with her. We have a grandson, we must raise him. First of all, we must agree among ourselves how we will do this; this is a very difficult issue. Of course, it would be good for the child if he came to America. And he would have been brought up there. But I don’t know how her grandmother will look at this... I would like to take him, but we’ll see how we agree,” Stanislav said to the host of “Let Them Talk” Dmitry Borisov.

On September 4, actress Stella Baranovskaya died of blood cancer. WITH In December 2015, she was battling acute lymphoblastic leukemia. ABOUT she collected money for her treatment and then published it beautiful pictures from the beach. And in the photo, especially at the beginning of the disease, she did not look like other cancer patients - bald and emaciated after chemotherapy. Stella gave up chemotherapy altogether, replacing it with diets, yoga, an infrared sauna and chlorophyll, which is found in algae.

Perhaps it was precisely because Stella in the photo did not give the impression of a cancer patient that groups appeared on social networks calling for the myth of her illness to be debunked. The administrators claimed that the girl’s illness was imaginary, and she spent all the money collected, supposedly for treatment, on fashionable resorts, spas and a beautiful life.

And only when she died did they stop calling her a charlatan. But those who treated her did not traditional ways, truly charlatans.

"Unconventional treatment - suicide"

At the beginning of her illness, the girl underwent 7 chemotherapy sessions, but refused further ones because after the sessions she felt severe pain.

Unfortunately, she decided that she would take an unconventional path,” continues Konstantin Titov. - Ultraviolet radiation, infrared saunas, chlorophylls - this is all, on the contrary, can stimulate tumor growth.

According to the doctor, chlorophyll-based drugs are used in oncology - but for the treatment of tumors of “external localizations” (for example, skin cancer).

What is absolutely certain is that chlorophyll is not used to treat blood cancer, says the oncologist. - Among the alternative methods of treatment, there is not a single effective one. This is all medieval and deception. Stella succumbed to the influence of adventurers.

According to him, exotic methods of treatment are a business industry aimed at confusing the sick person and shaking money out of him.

Oncologist Igor Dolgopolov compared cancer patients who decided to be treated with unconventional methods to suicides.

You can resort to unconventional methods only when all traditional ones have already been exhausted, he said.

Oncologist Lev Ashrafyan called unconventional methods “absolute nonsense.”

"Unconventional methods allowed Stella to live"

The head of the Moscow Center for Biochronotherapy, where cancer patients are offered procedures using chlorophyll, Viktor Borisov is accustomed to defending himself from such attacks.

Stella had a very dangerous cancer. But unconventional methods allowed her to live for some time, more than six months, he said.

He did not treat her himself, but he knows her story well, because he was on the “Live” program in 2016. The main character talk show was Stella.

According to Viktor Borisov, the chlorophyll technique is not a cancer treatment, but an auxiliary technology.

We began to develop our method to support patients during chemotherapy,” he said. - I'm not saying that I'm flying. I say that I help these unfortunate patients. After chemotherapy, they don’t look like people. Their hair falls out, they constantly vomit, they constantly have diarrhea. And with our technique, they tolerate chemotherapy well and recover much faster.

The essence of the method, as before, is that first the patient takes drugs from Spirulina algae, they saturate the cancer cells with chlorophyll. The next stage is laser irradiation, during which oxygen is released in the cancer cells and it destroys them. Normal cells are not affected.

Viktor Borisov added that he himself convinces patients to be treated in traditional ways. At the same time, Viktor Borisov says that chlorophyll helps some patients without chemotherapy. A striking example, according to him, is his former patient, the first official millionaire Artyom Tarasov. He died in July of this year. And just after this, another wave of criticism fell on Borisov and his clinic.

But Tarasov did not die from cancer, says Viktor Borisov. - During the autopsy of the body, no cancer was found. He died from a completely different disease. But in our center he felt better. And he lived after that for seven years.

As they told Life in At the Biochronotherapy Center, one course (it lasts a week) costs about 60 thousand rubles. Center ( entity- “Dr. Borisov’s Rehabilitation Clinics”) does not disclose its financial statements.

On average, cancer patients require three courses.

Now I have about 10 patients,” says Viktor Borisov. - In general, their number depends on how much slop is poured on me. IN Lately there are few patients. Yes, attacks are no longer important to me - I have been retired for 20 years.

Despite these words, Borisov is not going to leave the medical business. Z and a few days before Stella's death, on August 28, he registered new company- it’s called the “Immunocorrection Center”.

Herbs and bugs for cancer

As the oncologist told Konstantin Titov, among the non-traditional methods of treating cancer in Russia, herbal treatment is the most popular. Indeed, there are many herbalists who promise to get rid of metastases. On one of the sites you can even find a collection medicinal herbs"Oncological".

Earlier Life about how people are trying to treat cancer by swallowing live darkling beetles.

“After 10-15 days of taking the beetles, the pain characteristic of cancer disappears, and in diabetics the level of glucose in the blood rapidly decreases,” this is how “beetle pharmacies” advertise their products on the Internet.

In this case, the beetle must enter the patient’s stomach while still alive. Only in this case will it release useful substances.

A virtual retail outlet consultant, introducing himself as Dinar, said:

One of my clients had late stage throat cancer, the doctors said there was about six months left, there was no hope. He was already coughing up blood. He started eating these beetles, he felt much better, began to walk normally, stopped taking blood pressure medications, in general, he was getting better, but the disease took its toll. He learned about these beetles late. If I had done it earlier, I think I would have been cured. A friend’s uncle also had throat cancer, the doctors said he had two years left, he started eating these beetles and was cured. He's been alive for 10 years now. I came to the hospital, the doctors were shocked: how could this be?! And like this!

Perhaps Stella would have believed that beetles could help her. Now her friends' main concern is to help her five-year-old son. His father has not communicated with Danya for a long time. Stella asked not to give Danya to her grandmother. After Stella's death, he was left alone.

Stella wanted Danil’s father to take custody of his son after her death, but he refused to raise his son and pay child support. While Stella was struggling with cancer, her loved ones did not support her, so she asked not to give the child to relatives.

Since early 2016, Stella has been battling lymphoblastic leukemia. She learned about the diagnosis by accident. On New Year's Eve she was taken to hospital With high temperature and malaise. And there they already made a terrible diagnosis, which came as a complete surprise - cancer.

"Me often asked about Danechka, the son of Stella Baranovskaya. Today I met with him and his grandmother Larisa to wish them a Happy New Year. The grandmother talked a lot about her grandson and, of course, about Stella. I see that Danechka is growing up very well: she goes to kindergarten, takes classes in a theater studio, karate, swimming and draws very well. He tries not to upset grandma and helps her with everything.”

“My dears, appreciate every moment allotted to us by fate... Do not waste time on grievances and squabbles, learn to forgive and appreciate each other. Life can sometimes be surprisingly unfair and fleeting. Take care of each other!" – the star addressed her followers.

Let us recall that in the last days of Stella Baranovskaya’s life, her son Danya was first with Katya Gordon, and then with the singer Zara. After the woman’s death, Stella’s father, who lives in the USA, expressed a desire to take Danya with him. But the main contender for the boy’s custody was Baranovskaya’s mother, Lidia Petrovna. Gordon and Chekhova intervened in the case of custody of the son of Stella Baranovskaya

Anfisa reminded everyone how dear her friendship with Stella was to her, and how much she misses her: “I still remember every day we spent together! I still share my thoughts with you... just not out loud anymore! It’s still difficult to come to terms with the injustice of your departure... For me, you’re still alive, Baby! I hear your voice in my head, I keep you in my heart.”

Actress Stella Baranovskaya died in early September after long struggle With cancer. The young woman left behind a six-year-old son, Danya. And most important issue, which arose after Baranovskaya’s untimely departure, was to determine with whom and where the orphaned boy would live. By the fortieth day after the death of the young woman, it became known who was now raising Dani. As Stella Baranovskaya’s friend Anfisa Chekhova reported on her Instagram page, this is the boy’s grandmother.

Subscribers praised and supported Zara in good endeavors: “God grant that everything comes back to you a hundredfold,” “Zara, you’re smart! May God give you even more goodness!” “Your Zara is so huge and kind heart that it would be enough to envelop the entire Universe in love!” – fans wrote.

“”I am often asked about Danechka, the son of Stella Baranovskaya. Today I met with him and his grandmother Larisa to wish them a Happy New Year. The grandmother talked a lot about her grandson and, of course, about Stella” (the author’s spelling and punctuation are preserved hereinafter. - Ed.), the singer signed the photo.

Stella is survived by her six-year-old son, Daniel. The fate of this child worried many. Stella called the child’s father Maxim Kotin, the son of Irina Winter, interior designer and art director of the Mosfilm Gallery, and Igor Kotin, head of the media department of the representative office of the Swiss company Glencore.

Who will Stella Baranovskaya's son stay with? Detailed data.

Although the mother was against it, the child still remained with his grandmother, and this best option for a boy who is already for a long time lived with friends and acquaintances of Stella. We wish Dana to grow up to be a strong and healthy boy, and most importantly, happy!

“For me, he is the last straw of life, I have to help him, because my daughter is inadequate... I know about Dani’s father that when he was 10 months old, his father did not give up on him. He may have wanted to, but his parents were against it... When she became pregnant, he said: “I’ll give you money, have an abortion.” But she didn’t do it,” shared Lidia Petrovna.

In her post, Anfisa Chekhova wrote that Danya now lives with her grandmother. She also tells where Stella Baranovskaya is buried. Anfisa writes that she misses her friend very much, and still shares her thoughts with her.

Today Zara published a photo on social networks with the son of Stella Baranovskaya, who died from a serious illness. Daniel's fate worries a large number of Internet users. Thanks to the releases of the “Live Broadcast” program, television viewers were aware of Stella’s difficult family circumstances, as well as the scandal associated with her illness. After Baranovskaya’s death, the boy lived in Zara’s house, but then Baranovskaya’s mother took him under guardianship.

Where is Stella Baranovskaya's son now? Latest information as of 02/06/2018

“Danya lives with Stella’s mother. Goes to kindergarten. Access to Stella's Instagram was lost because she gave the phone to her mother and did not find the password to her Instagram. Who wants to remember our girl, she is buried at the Mashkinskoye cemetery. Go left along the fence and you’ll come across her grave,” said Anfisa Chekhova.

In turn, Katya Gordon spoke about how she tried to get the child Stella Baranovskaya recognized by his biological father Maxim Kotin, son socialite Irina Winter - Dani's grandmother.

In memory of the actress, on the 40th day, which was October 14, Stella’s friend Anfisa Chekhova published a post on her social network where she remembered the girl with the warmest words and told subscribers who is now raising her son.

During the period of remission, she took photographs that she posted on her Instagram page. It was these cheerful photos that confused some subscribers. Distrustful people created separate groups in in social networks, in which they tried to reveal the “deception”.

The last months have become the most difficult for the actress, her condition worsened every day, and the issue of guardianship of her son remained in limbo. The last straw for the girl was that biological father Dani refused to take a paternity test.

The terrible news about the diagnosis found Baranovskaya in America with her fiancé. According to Larisa Pokhilchuk, a nurse at the hospital in Minnesota where Baranovskaya went, the chosen one turned away from the girl after learning that she had cancer.

Son of Stella Baranovskaya photo. Exclusive.

October 14 marked 40 days since the passing of actress and model Stella Baranovskaya, who more than a year struggled with cancer. After the funeral of the young woman, her friends could not decide what to do next with the actress’s six-year-old son, Danya. Ekaterina Gordon planned to hold the boy’s father, Maxim Kotin, accountable through the court, however, even if he managed to collect alimony from him, his father and his mother refused to recognize their son as their own and raise him. Baranovskaya’s father, Stanislav Kanteladze, flew from the USA to his daughter’s funeral; he suggested ex-wife and the baby’s grandmother to take the child with her, but it seems that she did not give up her own grandson. And judging by Anfisa Chekhova’s latest post, the child ended up living with his grandmother.

She also recalled that October 14th is forty days from the death of Stella Baranovskaya. The actress dedicated a touching video to the memory of her friend, accompanying it with her sad thoughts about the young woman’s early departure.

Shortly before her death, Stella, concerned about the future fate of her son, turned to Katya Gordon’s law office with a request to draw up a will and establish paternity a child whose birth certificate contains a dash in the “father” line.

In early September, it became known that actress Stella Baranovskaya died after a long battle with cancer. Stella is survived by her six-year-old son Danya. After her death remained open question about who and where the baby will live.

Son of Stella Baranovskaya video. Detailed information.

January 15, 2018

Last fall, actress Stella Baranovskaya passed away, having fought a fierce battle with cancer for several years. She left behind a little son, Danya, who, after his mother’s death, lives with his grandmother.

Photo: Instagram

30-year-old actress Stella Baranovskaya passed away on September 4 last year after a long struggle. This was a great tragedy for her friends and family. Stella's friends said that she suffered from terrible pain and could no longer walk. The artist has a son, Danya, from Max Kotin, but the father does not pay attention to the boy, so the baby often stayed at home with the actress’s friends. Now the boy lives with his grandmother.

Stella’s close friends still keep in touch with the child and try to visit him and Baranovskaya’s mother. Singer Zara told fans who were worried about the fate of the boy how he lives now. Danya already knows that his mother is in heaven.

“I am often asked about Danechka, the son of Stella Baranovskaya. Today I met with him and his grandmother Larisa to wish them a Happy New Year. The grandmother talked a lot about her grandson and, of course, about Stella. I see that Danechka is growing up very well: she goes to kindergarten, takes classes in a theater studio, karate, swimming and draws very well. He tries not to upset his grandmother and helps her in everything. I am sure that Stella would definitely be proud of her son. Danechka has so much energy, he is open to everything new and very inquisitive. He often asks about his mother. Now he knows for sure that his mother is in heaven, and she will definitely return, but now she has a lot of work. After all, it is the angels who work the hardest so that we, people, can live happier and calmer,” Zara shared.

Stella Baranovskaya, who announced her recovery from cancer, died from cancer. The cause of death was blood cancer - acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Blood cancer still killed the young actress Stella Baranovskaya, who became last years a fairly well-known media person.

30-year-old actress Stella Baranovskaya is not very well known to the general public as a performer of bright roles. Although she starred a lot in television series and films, she did so in small episodes and was often not even mentioned in the credits. For example, she played a girl with a foreign car in the 2006 tragicomedy “Grandson of an Astronaut,” directed by Andrei Panin.

Many did not believe that Stella was really sick. One of the ill-wishers was Madina Tatraeva, who accused the actress of not being sick and spending the money collected for treatment on the purchase of personal belongings and real estate. Baranovskaya also has a son from Max Kotin, but according to Katya, the boy’s father does not pay attention to him.

It is known that shortly before her death, Stella contacted Katya Gordon’s law office and asked to draw up a will and also to establish paternity of a child whose birth certificate had a dash in the “father” column.

Katya tried to contact Daniel’s supposed biological father, Maxim Kotin, but he ignored her message. It is noteworthy that Maxim’s father, Igor Kotin, was previously the head of the media department of the Swiss company Glencore. Currently, he is listed as the founder of NFR Energo LLC, and his mother, Irina Wintour, is the art director of the Mosfilm Gallery.

After the birth of the boy, Stella came to Maxim’s family to show them the baby, but the child’s grandfather asked the guards “to remove this bastard from the house and not let him in anymore,” after which Baranovskaya no longer turned to them for help. However, upon learning about the disease, she decided to officially establish paternity. Recently, the child lived in the family of the singer Zara, and now his great-grandmother has taken him in with her.

Stella Baranovskaya: biography

Stella Baranovskaya was born on July 27, 1987. She graduated from her studies in acting, but her talent was not destined to fully develop: the actress learned about a dangerous diagnosis in 2015 - doctors diagnosed her with acute leukemia.

IN short period, when the disease briefly subsided, Stella managed to star in the film “The Grandson of an Astronaut,” where she played a girl with a foreign car. The film was released in 2016. Baranovskaya also played episodic roles in some TV series and films.
