Plan to celebrate the new year. How to meet the New Year in an original way

Tired of the annual family gatherings over a plate of Olivier? Here for you!

December 31st is coming soon, but you don’t know how to celebrate the New Year? Tired of the annual feast and want something unusual? Are you looking for ideas to make the holiday sparkle with new colors? Fine! Let's break stereotypes together. For those who are ready for adventure, we offer 5 topical New Year trends that may well become family traditions.

Winter fun. After the chimes, do not sit in front of the TV, but go out into the street. There you will find not only fireworks, but also for real winter Games... Build snowmen, build fortresses, play snowballs. By the way, the last lesson can be easily turned into a real battle. Call your neighbors and go to the neighboring yard: the snowballs will judge who the real masters of the street are. But in the end, may friendship still prevail!

Winter fitness. While some put Olivier on plates, others follow the figure and go in for sports. No, we do not suggest running headlong to the gym and working out the last hours of the subscription. Look at your favorite city from a different angle: in new year's eve go ice skating, skiing or snowboarding. And don't forget the costume! After all, not every time you see Baba Yaga or Jack-Sparrow, dashingly rushing along the ski slopes or twisting "sheepskin coat" on the ice.

“On New Year's holidays, I try to be at home, because in other months it is difficult to find me in Moscow: my schedule is determined by competitions and training camps. Therefore, the time spent with the family is the most valuable. If plans for the New Year change, then I would prefer to go to some northern country: I love snow and ice very much. I can say that winter views sports in new year holidays will cheer up and decorate the holiday no worse than swimming in the sea or surfing. Once, on January 1, my friends and I decided to go skiing: I still have a lot of vivid impressions, so I highly recommend ",- Russian figure skater, bronze medalist of the 2011 World Championship, silver medalist of the 2012 European Championship, two-time silver medalist of the Russian championships, Herbalife Team Athlete Artur Gachinsky shares his experience.

Winter records. Strive to conquer new heights. And this is in the truest sense of the word. Ask for a team to the climbers and boldly move only up. Let everyone know that you can not only close projects in record time and send brilliant reports a minute before the deadline, but also tame nature. The seat of the king of the hill is still vacant.

Winter's Tale. If you want to arrange yourself a truly fabulous New Year, then go out of town. There is more snow and the air is cleaner. In addition, real trees grow there. There is no need to cut trees, it is better to go with a company to visit fluffy beauties and celebrate a holiday in the bosom of nature. As in childhood, near the Christmas tree you can dance in circles and draw snow angels on the snowdrifts.

Winter travel. If you are already fed up with exotic things, and monkeys with bananas have become the same symbols of the new year as a Christmas tree under a fur coat, then change direction. The first option is a trip north. There you are guaranteed to learn how to dress beautifully for a walk at -50 and whether it is worth waking up on a Polar night. The second option is to move the popular routes aside and choose an unknown location on the map. Did you see a village lost somewhere in Europe? - Look for the nearest airport and buy tickets. Perhaps in a few years it will be you who will become a travel trendsetter and open your own travel agency for non-standard destinations.

And most importantly: don't forget to make a wish. It will definitely come true, because the New Year is a time of miracles!

We are grateful to Herbalife for their help in preparing the material.

To celebrate the New Year in a fun way, it is not necessary to radically change everything and rearrange everything "upside down". Sometimes it is enough to add only a drop of variety to the usual traditions, for example, instead of a Christmas tree, decorate a large indoor plant... We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most extravagant ways to celebrate the New Year in a fun and unusual way.


Host a masquerade ball at your home or in a rented space. For this purpose, even the most common ice cream cafe of the Soviet era is suitable. Decorate the room before the holiday with a masquerade theme. It can be anything from a traditional Venetian night to a zombie theme or an anime party. Now for the fun part - make party invitations and print lots of copies. Before the holiday, walk around the places where people of your interests gather (clubs, bars, skate areas, libraries in the end ...) and hand out invitations to all the strangers you meet there.

Of course, you shouldn't forget about your friends either. Such unusual way celebrating the New Year will not only give you a lot of positive emotions from funny costumes, but also give you the opportunity to make new friends on this magical night! Travel abroad Arrange yourself an unforgettable winter holidays in a warm country! On New Year's Eve, travel companies always offer a lot of tempting options for trips to exotic countries... Moreover, if you go to Turkey, Egypt or one of the many popular resorts, you can safely count on friendly company the same extravagant compatriots like you.

If you want to stay on this wonderful night alone with your soul mate, you can go to less “occupied” places by tourists, for example, to Africa or Mexico.

If you are afraid that you will not be able to feel the right mood in a too warm climate, take a trip to the “holy of holies” of the New Year's spirit - Lapland. It's fun to celebrate the New Year next door to Santa's house, admiring northern lights? You will never forget such a holiday!


Do you remember how cheerfully the heroes of the cartoon "Prostokvashino" greeted the holiday? Follow the example of resourceful Uncle Fyodor and go out of town! If you don't have a cottage, rent it in advance. Decorate a Christmas tree growing near your home, make a hot fire, cook kebabs or cook mulled wine. A change of scenery will work in the best possible way, and you will remember this unusual New Year in nature.

Good to know: on New Year's holidays, as you know, many drink too much, so on the first of January they suffer from a severe hangover. In nature, this will not happen, or the consequences will not be felt so hard. Fresh air has a beneficial effect on the body and quickly removes alcoholic toxins. But in any case, it will not be superfluous to have activated charcoal and headache tablets with you.

No matter how you think of having a cool and fun New Year, it should be surrounded by the people closest to you. Basically, everything depends on your own imagination, so do not be shy, because such a holiday happens only once a year, and you need to do everything possible to remember it for a lifetime!

New Year has long ceased to be family holiday, with a plate of Olivier, jellied meat and sprats. Every year everything more people strive to celebrate this holiday not at home or at a party, but abroad.

Firstly, and it is unusual and fun, but how New Year If you meet him, then you will see him. And secondly, the New Year holidays include a large number of days off, the so-called "New Year's holidays", as a result of which people have the opportunity to give themselves a small additional leave... Many (yes, there are many - almost all) travel agencies offer a large variety of New Year's tours for any wallet, so everyone has the opportunity to celebrate the New Year somewhere abroad.

photo by Elena Galich

One of the very popular New Year's tourist destinations is New Year in warm and tropical countries(Egypt, Thailand, Tunisia, Greece, etc.). This a budget option rest on the "all inclusive" system and will suit those who want to celebrate the new year abroad with minimal expenses. Take a break from the hustle and bustle of life in the metropolis, bask in the gentle sun, swim in a warm pool, inhale the aromas of tropical flowers ... And New Year's banquets in hotels amaze the imagination with their splendor and rich program!

Another popular type of New Year tourism is New year in European countries : Czech Republic (Prague is one of the most popular cities for celebrating the New Year), Austria (Vienna - world famous Christmas markets), Germany, Italy, etc. This type of recreation involves walking, excursions, visiting European Christmas markets with a variety of New Year's decor and souvenirs, with hot mulled wine and sweet cake. The celebration of the coming year abroad in this format takes place in a small cafe, and after the chimes and the first glasses of champagne, people massively take to the streets and squares, where noisy festivities begin with concerts, lights and fireworks, making tourists believe in a fairy tale.

For those who love leisure, the most suitable option for holding new year holidays abroad is trip to ski resorts : to Poland, Bulgaria, Austria, Switzerland. In this case, the choice of a resort directly depends on the size of the wallet and the ability to ski (there are ski resorts with slopes for beginners, as well as resorts for families ski holiday). The equipment you need can be bought in advance or rented (which is often cheaper than buying everything you need "in the middle of the season"). The celebration of the coming year is usually held at a recreation center with a bright New Year's program, and the next morning you can again do what you love - skiing.

You have already decided where and how you will be to celebrate the New Year? Not yet? We will be happy to help you with this. Let's let's hit the banality with creativity and surprise everyone the most unusual celebration in the world! New Year in the country? This is too small for us. In a restaurant or a nightclub - even more so! Trip to warm countries, a palm tree instead of a Christmas tree - well ... that's all right. But cactus is better! So, with the clink of glasses, let's get started! Even if you don't follow our advice, you will at least smile!

Slippery New Year: meet at the skating rink!
On New Year's Eve, you can take champagne with you and go with friends or the whole family to the rink! A huge elegant Christmas tree, music, cheerful faces, wind in your hair - oh, how wonderful it is! Frozen - you can always go home and have plenty of pre-prepared salads cracked. We are looking for large skating rinks in Ufa.

Wet New Year: we meet in the sauna or in the bath!
Great way meet New Year in the company of friends and family! It could be urban sauna or good, spacious bath in the country. Santa Claus caps in the steam room will look simply gorgeous! I do not know if there are New Year's swimwear, but it is quite possible to find bath towels with festive symbols. Beer, salads, Christmas tree - oh, beauty! And that there must be a small pool: overeat - swam, and like water off a duck's back! All wet establishments in the city.

Wild New Year: we meet in the forest under the Christmas tree!
A more extreme version of the dacha New Year, perfect for for a group of friends. We go deeper into the forest, look for a picturesque meadow and a lonely Christmas tree, dress it up, set a camp table, make a fire and celebrate! The forest can be near your summer cottage or even a forest park in the city. Shish kebab, campfire smoke, snow-covered trees- what could be more beautiful! In addition, at such a forest party, you can do anything: screaming, yelling, thrashing trees. A great way to throw off the whole the negative accumulated over the year. Everything is allowed, because you are in the forest today New Year! Just remember to dress warmly.

Thematic New Year: we meet according to the script, in costumes!
Great idea of ​​non-trivial family celebration. You can play one act play, but you can turn the whole holiday into fun masquerade according to a pre-written script. Then, in addition to costumes, the script will have to decorate the house as well. Alternatively: you can arrange gnome New Year, New Year of funny bears or bunnies. Or you can set a more serious task: get acquainted with the traditions of celebrating the New Year of a certain country, reconstruct the triumph of the ancient Greeks or Celts, and also revive old Russian traditions. Imagine and dare!

New Year under the skies: welcome in a hot air balloon!
Don't believe me? It is quite possible to implement it even in our city! True, this option is not designed for a large company, but for a couple in love or bosom friends- the very thing. Although, you can rent a couple of balls. Imagine what a magnificent sight: multi-colored Balloons in the sky of New Year's Eve ?! Impressions and memories - for a lifetime! If you like the idea - we are contacting here.

Underground New Year: meet in the cave!
Super extreme option for tourist friends. The company must have a professional speleologist, and the chosen cave familiar. In the most spacious hall, we decorate the Christmas tree, set the camp table. One minus - you can't shout loudly... Don't forget to spare batteries for your headlamps, too! Dark New Year is not on our list. Feel like a caveman and welcome to cavers club !

New Year of Travelers: we meet on the train!
Another option for extreme friends. Although, perhaps, someone was on the train by chance. And this is no reason to be sad! On the contrary, very original way celebrate the holiday. Also, the prices for tickets on New Year's Eve are several times cheaper! You can take a bunch of spruce paws on the road, dress them up with rain. Champagne, chicken in foil, tangerines - here's a New Year's feast for you! And the winter views running outside the window will more than replace the TV! A holiday on the way- sounds very symbolic!

New Year from a bird's eye view: we meet on the roof of the house!
Option for a couple in love. Find a roof in advance that has open access. Set up an impromptu table there, although you can do without it altogether. Do lovers need a lot? A bottle of champagne, a couple of tangerines and hot kiss for a snack! You can take with you warm blanket and wrap yourself in it together. And if the roof opens view of the central square with a sparkling Christmas tree, then this will generally be the most romantic new year in the world!

Historical New Year: we meet in a medieval castle!
Option for the experienced, wealthy couple. If you decide to celebrate New Year abroad, then do not stint on such a trip. Some travel agencies offer to spend new year party in European medieval castles, with the corresponding entourage in the form knights, ancient dishes etc. Feel like guests at the royal feast! For the thrill-seekers, Count Dracula's castle has a party too!

Philosophical New Year: we meet in splendid isolation!
If for New Year you were left alone(so it happened or you chose this option deliberately) then organize a real a holiday for yourself (Wow) ! Remember what you love the most and buy yourself the most stunning goodies, the most expensive champagne! Put on the most chic outfit! Finally watch the new year "Blue light" from start to finish, not snatches between toasts. Maybe some wise thoughts will come to your mind, on you revelation will descend on this magical night ... And if you get bored - go outside, on New Year's Eve, all brothers and sisters to each other!

Crazy New Year: congratulations to everyone in the costumes of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden!
Another option for a single person or a couple of funny friends. If no one invited you, if you are left at home alone and you are bored, then spit on conventions and go to visit without an invitation. Moreover, to everyone! Dress up as Santa Clausa win-win... If there's Snow Maiden- better! Knocking on the door, congratulations to the people. Giving gifts is encouraged: let it be mere trifles! There will be no trace of the feeling of loneliness and abandonment! Hey God, you will be surprised how much everyone loves you!

Just in case, we remind you that the coming year is the year of Blue (Green) Wood Sheep (Goats). Therefore, when planning a celebration, also consider the preferences of this cute animal: We don’t eat mutton, don’t wear red. Be closer to nature: chew on the weed, put on everything blue-green and decorate yourself with wooden beads. But do not hit your face in Olivier, drinking too much - you risk bleating! See other details here.
