What does the name Alice mean? Are you planning to name your child Alice? Its meaning for a girl will be good

Full name:

Similar names: Alice, Alison, Alis, Alix, Alisi, Alicia, Ailis, Elish, Eli

Church name: -

Meaning: noble

The meaning of the name Alice - interpretation

The name Alice first appeared in France in the middle of the 12th century, and became widespread in England at the turn of the 19th century. Many girls were called Alice royal families. There is a version that this name is Latin and literally means “wings.” If we interpret its meaning in the English manner, Alice is translated as “a person of noble birth.” This name is not included in the Orthodox calendar. Today, many girls who grew up reading Lewis Carroll's book "Alice in Wonderland" call their daughters this way.

Name Alice in other languages

Astrology of the name Alice

Favorable day: Saturday

Years later

Despite her calm character, little Alice’s strong-willed inclinations become noticeable in early childhood. If she is surrounded by friends who are not mentally stable enough, the quiet-looking girl can easily suppress them.

But this feature does not prevent her from always remaining true friend and a comrade, ready to help in difficult times. In friendship, Alice does not pay attention to gender - her soul is open to both boys and girls.

Many adults associate the baby with the heroine of a famous fairy tale, so she is invariably everyone’s favorite. A child with this name is spoiled by attention.

Alice is an example of femininity and charm. In her youth, a seductive coquette awakens within her, fraught with a mystery that crowds of fans strive to unravel. At first glance, it is difficult to understand what is on the mind of a pretty girl.

She thinks synthetically, paying attention to details. When problems arise, he does not strive to delve into their essence, considering any life obstacle in his path very superficially. Moral principles young Alice's feelings are unstable and can change if it benefits her. The girl tries to live to the fullest and does not miss available opportunities.

Despite the large number of fans, owners of this name get married late. It is important for them to first experience the delights of life in all its manifestations and only then plunge into the routine of family household duties.

Adult Alice is often contradictory in her judgments, but despite this, her opinion is usually fair. If she decides something, then she will not change the chosen tactics of action, and in case of failure, she will not regret what she did.

A woman with this name prefers to stay in the shadows and not stand out from other representatives of the fair sex. But such a desire does not prevent her from remaining a person with a pronounced individuality.

Alice loves comfort and is considered a thrifty, clean, pragmatic and principled person. She is not inclined to envy other people's successes and can be sentimental. In behavior adult woman You can often notice the features of the naive girl from Lewis Carroll's fairy tale.

Alice's character

WITH early years Alice is an active, optimistic child. This positive trait remains her constant companion until her old age. Alice's kindness and responsiveness deserve admiration.

She belongs to the category of those rare people who are always ready to help. Thanks to this property, Alice easily manages to turn enemies into friends. The owner of this name loves communication and knows how to carry on a conversation without causing irritation in the interlocutor. She quickly forgets the harm done to her and is able to forgive the offender.

Alya, as her family and close friends sometimes affectionately call her, combines many positive qualities, but there is also a fly in the ointment.

TO negative traits The character of this woman can be attributed to her dreaminess. She loves, like the heroine of Lewis Carroll's famous fairy tale, to be mentally transported to another reality. In her youth, a girl lives with dreams, which she makes no effort to realize.

Alice does not have enough persistence to make her plans come true. The owner of the name can remain in the illusory world of her fantasies throughout her life. The sensitive nature of this young lady is the reason for her touchiness.

Alice's fate

Alice's fate is going well thanks to her hard work and desire to always finish the job she starts. People around her admire and sympathize with a woman with this name, so she is not subject to negative influence from the outside. Alice is an executive officer and good friend, deservedly respected.

Confidence in her abilities and an objective view of many things allow her to successfully overcome many obstacles on the path of life. The owner of a fairy-tale name always tries to hide her inner experiences; in the company of strangers, her behavior is characterized by restraint.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

If Alice is passionate about building a career, her personal life immediately fades into the background. This woman approaches her choice of profession responsibly and gives preference to creative work. Good specialists named Alisa can be found among journalists, fashion designers, philologists, and architects.

These women do not like to work under subordination; they have tense relationships with their superiors. Alice herself, in the role of boss, is a stern, principled, demanding person. She is lucky in solving financial issues. She does not like to waste money, so she usually does not experience serious financial problems. If desired, Alice can easily succeed in running any business.

Marriage and family

Alice is in no hurry to tie the knot. This is due to her love for freedom and independence, which are difficult to part with. The passion for intrigue and love adventures is often the cause of disappointment. Numerous unsuccessful novels often discourage these women from wanting to get married as soon as possible.

Alice has inflated demands on her life partner. The person who will be next to her must have the best masculine qualities. When choosing a spouse, she does not pursue material gain. In priority - sincere feelings, mutual assistance in difficult times.

Alice usually gets married in adulthood - she will not risk erasing her youth with a sudden marriage. There are always a lot of guests in her house. If the owner of this name lives with her mother-in-law, women do not have disagreements on domestic issues.

Sex and love

Bearers of a beautiful, romantic name are passionate and temperamental people. They prefer variety in intimate relationships and strive to meet new feelings that give vivid emotions. Many Alices are prone to cheating - a stable and measured family life seems boring to them.

When choosing a sexual partner, Alya places strict demands on his external characteristics. Only attractive, charismatic men can end up in her bed. Women with this name are amorous, love to attract the attention of the opposite sex, but do not rush into a new relationship without looking back.

Aleksey, Vladimir, Oleg, Andrey or Arthur are suitable as a life partner and partner for intimate relationships for Alice. Her man should not be given a reason for jealousy - this greatly hurts the romantic nature and can cause a break in the relationship.


Since childhood, Alice has not had any serious health problems. She is growing up as an active child with excellent immunity. With age, good health must be maintained, but Alya often forgets about this.

She may limit her night's sleep, eat poorly, and not maintain an optimal work and rest schedule, which gradually leads to problems that have a negative impact on the general condition of the body. In adulthood, Alice’s genitals are susceptible to diseases; her vegetative system requires increased attention. nervous system. Subject to compliance proper diet and rest regime, women with this name are able to live to a ripe old age.

Interests and hobbies

Alice is interested in art. It can be seen at an art exhibition, in a new production in the theater. For her, the cost of a ticket does not matter if she wants to attend a concert of her favorite artist or musical group.

It’s hard to imagine the leisure time of a romantic woman living in a dream world without a good book. Alice prefers to alternate periods of solitude with active pastime in the company of friends. The passion of her life with youth Traveling remains until old age.

Alice's patron planet: Pluto.

Favorable colors for the owner of the name Alice: yellow-brown, steel, dark brown, symbolizing the connection of feelings with reason, which speaks of the subtlety of the mental structure, but at the same time the ability to manage one’s emotions.

Alice's favorite color: green.

Alice's talisman stones: jade, chrysoprase.

History of the name Alice

The name Alice is of ancient Germanic origin and translates as “baby”. It is no coincidence that heroines with the name Alice appear quite often in children's fairy tales. Alice is famous - the heroine of fairy tales ("Alice in Wonderland" and in "Alice Through the Looking Glass", written by the English mathematician Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (Lewis Carroll). In another children's fairy tale, "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio", written by the Russian writer Alexei Tolstoy based on the Italian tales of Pinocchio, for sly fox The one who constantly deceived everyone was named Alice.

Meaning of the name Alice

It has been noted that a woman named Alice is persistent and stubborn, principled and fair. She never regrets what she has done and goes through life without looking back. He is very responsible and reliable person, always remembering his promises. Due to her direct nature, Alice does not like quarrels and quickly moves towards reconciliation. She is not offended, has no vindictiveness, and strives not to create problems or complicate life for herself and the people around her. All these traits are combined with romanticism and dreaminess. She sees herself as if in a different form - tender, sublime, light.

Alice- a very deep person who cannot stand superficial relationships. She loves material wealth and has a sober outlook on life. She is characterized by healthy pragmatism. She is often lonely, so she always highly values ​​friendships and love ties if she acquires them. Alice is well brought up.

Alice is reluctant to take her word for it, preferring to verify everything herself. She is talented and loves to sing. She marries for love and becomes a faithful and devoted wife, shouldering family concerns and often her husband’s problems. He will always find in her a reliable and intelligent adviser. Alice is an excellent storyteller, which attracts people to her; she is happy to help her loved ones and does it very tactfully. She's a good friend.

In general, Alice is a positive person, purposeful and very emotional. She is musical and impressive. She can easily be wounded by words and thrown off balance. If a conflict arises with Alice, then you can resolve it simply by having a heart-to-heart talk and asking for forgiveness; Alice does not hold any grudges.

Alice will not allow anyone to push her around. At work and in the family, she is a source of calm and confidence; people feel comfortable around her. She can work as a singer medical worker, musician.

The personification of the name Alice in the natural world is the elm, which gives its followers peace of mind and self-confidence, the crocus, the gentle spring Flower, the first to emerge from under the snow, and the cat, which is known to walk on its own.

According to numerology, the name Alice corresponds to the number 8, implying the merging of two worlds - the spiritual and the material.

Famous Alices

On June 6, 1872, Princess Alix-Victoria-Elena-Louise-Beatrice of Hesse-Darmstadt was born in the city of Darmstadt. She was named Alyx (Alice) in honor of her mother, Princess Alice of England, daughter of Queen Victoria of England. The German name Alike sounded very similar to Alice. “They just mutilated my name, they pronounce it to Alix,” her mother complained about the English. After early death mother, from the age of six, Alyx lived and was raised in England by her grandmother, Queen Victoria, and became her beloved granddaughter, nicknamed “sun”. The first time she visited Russia was when her sister married Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich. It was then that she first saw the heir to the throne, Nicholas, who fell in love with her. In April 1894, she became engaged to the heir to the throne, Tsarevich Nicholas. She arrived in Russia in October 1894 shortly before the death of Emperor Alexander III, was baptized into the Orthodox faith and became Grand Duchess a week after Alexander III's funeral. This was one of the few marriages of crowned persons, concluded for love, and not for state reasons. Her whole life in Russia is a love story for her husband Nicholas II and their children. The Empress always enjoyed the unlimited trust and deep affection of her husband. She shared all the joys and hardships of his reign and his martyrdom in the basement of the Ipatiev House.

Among women with the name Alisa, gifted actresses are often found, such as Alisa Freundlich and Alisa Koonen. Alisa Freindlich, daughter famous actor Bruno Freundlich, after graduating from the Leningrad Theater Institute, she worked in Leningrad theaters - named after. Vera Komissarzhevskaya, named after. Lensovet, and since 1983 at the Bolshoi Drama Theater. And yet, her film roles brought her nationwide love. She starred in the films " Family happiness", "Melodies of the Verian Quarter", "The Princess and the Pea". Critics emphasized her lyrical and comedic talent, grace, femininity, and subtle humor. One of the most notable was the role of the director of a statistical institution, Lyudmila Kalugina, in Eldar Ryazanov’s film “ Love affair at work" Alisa Freundlich was endowed with many qualities that are so characteristic of women named Alisa. For example, she was characterized by depth of feelings - a typical trait of those with the name Alice.

Alisa Koonen, a wonderful Russian actress, the wife of director Alexander Tairov, after graduating from the Moscow Art Theater school, where she studied with Stanislavsky, played in his troupe. Since 1914, Koonen became the leading actress of the Alexander Tairov Chamber Theater. The creative collaboration of Koonen and Tairov determined the ideological and artistic direction of the Chamber Theater. Tairov was distinguished by a penchant for exquisitely beautiful stage forms, for the glorification of pure, powerful passions. Over the course of 35 years of work, Alisa Koonen has played many roles at the Chamber Theater: from Phaedra in Racine's tragedy to Giroflé - Girofle in Lecoq's operetta of the same name. She gained fame primarily as a tragic actress. Her skill was characterized by intelligence, the finest melodic development of speech, rare plastic expressiveness, and the perfection of the culture of stage movement.

Alicia Alonso is a Cuban ballerina who performed leading roles in the classical ballets “Swan Lake”, “Giselle”, “Sleeping Beauty”, etc.

Alisa Mon is a Russian pop singer.

Since ancient times, a person’s name could tell a lot about its owner, character traits, tastes and preferences. Many, listening to the meaning of their name, wise folk observations and astrological information, decided what to name their unborn child, wanting to receive good profession, be healthy and live in abundance. The choice of female names is very large, so it’s worth choosing a few and studying them in detail. Let's talk about the fairer sex with mysterious name Alice.

Origin and meaning of the name

The name Alice has several variations. According to the first, it originates from - Aalis, which is abbreviated as Adelais in Old French. Maybe, Adelais appeared as a result of reduction from Adelaide, which was worn by representatives of the Germanic peoples. So, the mystery of the name Alice and its meaning can be interpreted in this way: the word Adelaide consists of two, meaning “noble” and “class”.

Another possible origin is that Alice probably happened from English Alice, which came to England along with the Norman tribes, where it sounded like Alice. Its meaning was similar - "noble origin, class." There is another version according to which it could come from Elizabeth (Elizabeth). So, as a result of fast and reduced pronunciation, Elisha, and then Alice, could appear.

Its popularity came in the 12th century. in France and England, and then the fashion for it resumed in the 19th century, when many representatives of royal families who were known throughout Europe were given the name.

In Russian, the name Alisa is consonant with it full form. The meaning of the name is very interesting. So, an outwardly modest and shy girl can actually have intellectual power and fortitude. She will make every effort to complete the work she has begun. This inspires respect and admiration. She is rational, confident in what she is doing and realistically assesses the situation. A girl will be able to open up and become active and sociable only with a few.

The name Alice means for a child that its owner will leader among his friends. Thanks to her inner strength, she will be able to suppress and manipulate for her own benefit peers whose psyches are not yet so strong. But having chosen a friend, she will not betray him. Alice can have both boys and girls as friends, she will find mutual language with everyone. But as she grows up, she will feel more comfortable being in a male group. The little girl loves order very much and will always keep track of it, arranging toys on the shelves. In terms of health, the child may have a tendency to allergic reactions, in the form of skin redness and rashes.

Woman rational and prudent, she tries to extract her own benefit from everything, pays attention to small details. However, she can be lazy and not delve into the essence of the matter, especially if she does not see any obvious benefit. Choosing a profession will not be easy for Alice, because she is attracted to everything that involves risk, just like the field of art. She can skillfully trick people, as she knows how to hide her emotions and experiences, remaining restrained in appearance.

Briefly, we can say about the meaning of the name Alice that the girl wants to take everything from life to the maximum and enjoy it.

Family life does not interest her for a long time; she tries to realize herself in her career, so she gets married in adulthood. As a wife she will pragmatic, economic and economical. Her partner may be an interesting person with a difficult character; others will be of little interest to her. This relationship will be complete difficult situations, which will captivate and keep her on her toes. Family will be important to her, but not at the expense of her own independence.

A career will be successful in philology, architecture, and fine arts. In a team, she will not strive to the fore; she will be more comfortable immersing herself in her work, without unnecessary attention to her person.

According to the church calendar The name Alice does not exist. At baptism, Alexandra, who is close to him, is selected for the girl, as well as Adelaide. Their meaning is not entirely identical.

What the name Alice means in Greek is “truth.”

Forms of first name and patronymic

The name Alice may have such diminutive forms, like Alya, Liska, Lisa, Aliska, Aily, Ali, Lily, Lisette Allisia, Alessa, Lola, Lissy,.

At baptism, for a girl with the name Alice, they select something similar in meaning and sound - Alexandra.

According to the rules of the Russian language, this word is declined as follows:


The name Alice is not Orthodox name, it has Catholic roots and meaning. Thus, Catholics in their religious writings mentioned Blessed Alice le Clerc and Saint Adelaide (Alice), who served as the abbess of the monastery in Willich.

Angel's day, name day

Alice cannot celebrate her name day, since this name is not included in the list of Orthodox and Catholic calendars. Great importance has what they will be called during the baptismal rite and what patrons they will find, whose name day they will be able to celebrate in the future.

Name in different languages

The name Alice can be attributed to several nationalities, depending on which variant of its origin is considered as the original one. So, it can be called both English and German. Translation into other most popular languages ​​of the world:

  • in Ukrainian - Alisa, briefly Alisonka, Alisochka, Aliska, Ala, Alya
  • in Polish - Alicja (Alicia), diminutive Ala, Alka, Alunia
  • in Greek - Αλίκη (Aliki)
  • in Spanish - Alicia (Alicia), as well as Alicita (Alicita), Licha (Licha), Lili (Lily), Chichi (Chichi)
  • in Italian - Alice (Alice), affectionately Ali, Aly (Ali), Cice (Chiche)
  • in German - Alice (Alice), Alix (Alix)
  • in French - Alice, Alix, Alizè, Adélaïde (Adelaide), Alison (Alison), Licette (Lisette)
  • in Chinese - 阿丽萨 (Ali-sa)
  • in Japanese - アリス (Arisa)

The character and fate of people with this name in history

Many European monarchs in the 19th century were named after Alice. For example, born Alice Maud Mary or Alice of Hesse, Duchess, who was the daughter of Queen Victoria of England and her husband Prince Albert. And then her daughter Alice of Hesse-Darmstadt, who later converted to Orthodoxy and became the Russian Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, wife of Nicholas II.

Lewis Carroll made him popular throughout the world, creating a fabulous and unforgettable character wandering around magical world "Alice in Wonderland" and "Alice Through the Looking Glass". Unique image girls with unimaginable imagination and interest in life and the world around them also characterize it well.

The famous writer Kir Bulychev also chose this name, telling in his series “The Adventures of Alice” about a space girl, whose popularity was so high that the work was later filmed, and the number of girls named after the main character became much larger.

A famous theater and film actress who received her first recognition back in Soviet times, and now lives and works in Russia. She has many awards and recognitions, among which the most outstanding are: People's Artist USSR, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, several theater awards “Golden Mask”, “Nika”, etc. Playing leading roles in the theater, her participation in the filming of such films as “Straw Hat”, “Office Romance”, “ D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers", "Stalker", "Cruel Romance".

Women named this way certainly stood out among others for their leadership qualities, sharp minds and rational thinking. They are creative, inventive and can find a way out of a non-standard situation. Their personalities always attract the attention and interest of both men and women with whom they can find a common language.

Important! Alice was also the name given to the virtual assistant developed and released through the efforts of Yandex. Distinctive characteristic The assistant is the ability to give not pre-prepared remarks, but almost effortlessly maintain communication in a pleasant female voice, helping to find the information the user needs on the vast expanses of the Internet.

The main character traits of people with this name

About Alice we can say that she:

  • Principled. Will fight and stand up for what he thinks is right
  • Disgusting and clean. This applies to both the household and relationships with people.
  • Good performer. Likes to do work efficiently and to the end.
  • An excellent hostess and wife.
  • Be strict with yourself and others
  • Pragmatic and rational.
  • Prefers male company to female company.

The disadvantages include:

  • Straightforwardness and integrity.
  • Likes to benefit for himself.

Did you know? She will have a good family life if her partner’s name is Alexey, Oleg, Andrey or Vladimir, Stepan, Fedor and Philip.

Name Astrology

Patronizes representatives of the fairer sex named in this way, planet Saturn And zodiac sign Capricorn. The cat is recognized as a totem, giving strength and energy to animals. The color yellow corresponds to the name. Astrologers say that the tree that can replenish a person’s strength is the elm and the crocus plant. As a talisman, you can choose stones such as alexandrite and lapis lazuli.

Did you know? Alice is most suitable and will reveal to the maximum all facets of the character of girls born under the sign of Aries, Gemini, Scorpio or Sagittarius.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name

A- symbolizes character traits such as determination and activity, leadership qualities. A name starting with this letter gives people great inner strength and the desire to achieve perfection of both the physical body and soul.

L- a creative person who can appreciate beauty. They prefer to think logically. They require increased attention to themselves, and can be a little narcissistic and capricious. They know how to find a common language with people and have a hard time withstanding separation from loved ones.

AND- they like to bring beauty and shine, devoting a lot of time to their appearance. Women with a vulnerable soul, romantic and kind, good housewives. They achieve success by working and communicating with people, have prudent and rational thinking, and can achieve success in science.

WITH- suggests that people with this letter in their name strive for well-being, relying on their common sense, and have the qualities of a leader. Very demanding of their partner. They can be overly emotional.


The number of the name is 8. This is a symbol mysterious people. They are active, purposeful, strong individuals who are ready to pursue their dreams, no matter what. People of this number easily find a common language with others, can openly show their feelings, and are quite straightforward. Outwardly they may seem a little closed and unemotional, although this is not really the case.

The name Alice has a noble origin and meaning, more common in modern Europe and in English speaking countries. Its popularity is not very high, but its use is all the more valuable. By naming a girl Alice, parents may want her to be strong, strong-willed and purposeful personality, achieve success and achieve your cherished dream.

Having decided to give their daughter the name Alice, the parents want to see her strong personality achieving high life goals, a creative person with developed sense beautiful, good wife and caring mother.

Forms of the name Alice

Common name options: Alice, Alison, Alis, Alix, Alisi, Alicia, Ailis, Elish, Eli.
Short form of the name Alice: Aliska, Alya, Ala, Aili, Ali, Alka, Lily, Lisette, Alesa, Alessa, Allisia, Alis, Lissie.

The name Alice in different languages

Name Alice in English- Alice (Ellis).

Alice, shortened name in English- Ally, Allie, Alli (Ellie), Ali (Eli).

Name Alice in Chinese- 猩红 (Xing-hong – noble image).

The name Alice in Japanese- アリサ(Arisa).

The name Alice in Latin– Alicia (Alicia).

Name Alice in Arabic– أليس (Ali – highly respected).

Name Alice in French– Alice (Alice).

Origin of the name Alice

The name Alice has several versions of its origin. According to the first version, the name Alice comes from Aalis, a short form of Adelais, which, in turn, is short form. The name Adelaide means "noble" (from the Germanic roots "adal" - "noble" and "heid" - "class"). The name Alice, brought to England by the Normans, changed its sound somewhat and became the name Alice in the English way. In English, the name Alice means “of noble birth,” “of the noble class.” The name Alisa most likely came into Russian from the English version of Alice.

Character Alice

The first thing you notice is that the name Alice is quite spicy. Perhaps even too much. This property of the Russian sound of a name was noticed a long time ago and it is not for nothing that the image of the sly fox Alice appeared in fairy tales. However, this absolutely does not mean that Alice will certainly grow up to be cunning and sneaky, not at all, because this is only a predisposition, a certain direction, and, as we know, any direction has two directly opposite ends. Rather, the opposite outcome is even more likely, because in in this case the hint is too noticeable, and according to the law that action is equal to reaction, Alice can grow up to be a painfully honest and principled person.

Be that as it may, however, another manifestation of the energy of the name is a penchant for wit, which makes Alice a cheerful and sociable person, and at the same time helps to protect herself from anyone’s attacks. At the same time, Alice’s pride is usually quite developed; it is possible that ambitious dreams of a career will somewhat distract her from her personal life, and then it will be quite difficult for her to get married. In addition, most bearers of this name are characterized by daydreaming and a penchant for fantasies, which is largely due to the image of Alice, who came straight from Lewis Carroll’s fairy tale to Wonderland. Of course, this fairy tale is familiar to many from childhood, but not everyone, like Alice, had a good reason to identify themselves with the main character. However, it is unlikely that this dreaminess is capable of completely tearing her away from real life, since a sense of humor always helps Alice return from heaven to earth.

Undoubtedly, she is attracted to everything unusual, everyday affairs and worries usually do not arouse enthusiasm in Alice, so you probably shouldn’t expect her to immerse herself in household chores, but if she is lucky with an interesting job, then she will follow her she may well forget about everything else. Although she will try to maintain the economy, as, albeit not the main, but still part of her life, at the proper level.

Sexuality: women with this type of character feel a strong attraction and strive to live life to the fullest. Their sexuality is all together: delicacy, pleasure, spiritual sex, happiness and unhappiness.

Field of work: these women always carry out their plans. The most important thing for them is to choose a profession. They choose a job where they need to give orders, even if it involves risk. If they become interested in art, they will definitely become sculptors or painters. In any case, they manage to deceive others.

Sociability: they are incomparable housewives, excellent cooks and know how to entertain guests, skillfully and intelligently use advantageous acquaintances to their advantage. They treat their family with great love, but are still independent by nature.

Additionally: These individuals have too strong a character for a woman. Such women contain secret strength and power.

Name day and patron saints of Alice

The name Alice is not mentioned in the Orthodox calendar. Among the Catholic saints mentioned are Blessed Alice le Clerc, Saint Adelaide (Alice) - abbess of the monastery in Willich (960-1015) - and Saint Alice of Schaerbeek (now Belgium). At baptism, Alice receives the name Alexandra. The dates indicated are the days of remembrance of the above-mentioned Catholic saints. Alice's name day, to a greater extent, corresponds to Adelaide's name day.

Great and famous Alices

  • Alice (Lewis Carroll's heroine from the fairy tales "Alice in Wonderland" and "Alice Through the Looking Glass")
  • Alisa Selezneva ( main character Kir Bulychev’s cycle “The Adventures of Alice” and its film adaptations)
  • Alisa Freindlikh ((born 1934) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, singer, People's Artist of the USSR (1981), laureate four State bonuses Russian Federation(1976, 1996, 2001, 2008). Since 1983, Freundlich has been one of the leading actresses of the Bolshoi Drama Theater named after G.A. Tovstonogov. Films with the participation of Alisa Freindlich are included in the “golden fund” of Russian cinema. Best known for the films: "Straw Hat" (1974), "Agony" (1974), "Office Romance" (1977), "D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers" (1978), "Stalker" (1979), "Cruel Romance" "(1984) and "A Room and a Half, or a Sentimental Journey to the Homeland" (2009). Alisa Freindlikh is the winner of two national theater awards “Golden Mask” (2001, 2006) and two awards of the Russian Academy of Cinematographic Arts “Nika” (1994, 2005).
  • Alicia Alonso ((born 1920) Cuban ballerina and choreographer, creator of the National Ballet of Cuba)
  • Alicia Bogo (Spanish film actress)
  • Alice of Hesse-Darmstadt, Alexandra Feodorovna (Feodorovna), Alisa Feodorovna ((1872 - 1918) née - Princess Victoria Alice Elena Louise Beatrice of Hesse-Darmstadt; Russian Empress, wife of Nicholas II (from 1894). Fourth daughter of the Grand Duke of Hesse and the Rhine Ludwig IV and Duchess Alice, daughter of Queen Victoria of England.)
  • Alisa Koonen ((1889 - 1974) Russian Soviet actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1935), wife of A.Ya. Tairov.)
  • Alice Camplin ((born 1974) Australian athlete in moguls and freestyle, Olympic champion. The first in the history of winter Olympic Games Australian woman who won the gold medal.)
  • Alice Hoffman (American writer)
  • Alice Fay ((1915 - 1998) American film actress and singer)
  • Ali MacGraw ((born 1938) American film actress)
  • Alice Eastwood ((1859 - 1953) Canadian-American botanist)
  • Alison Eastwood ((born 1972) American film actress)
  • Alisa Grebenshchikova ((born 1978) Russian theater and film actress, daughter of Boris Grebenshchikov)
  • Alla (Alice) Poret ((1902 - 1984) Russian artist, student of K.S. Petrov-Vodkin and P.N. Filonov. Painter, graphic artist, book artist.)
  • Alice Pleasence Liddell (prototype of the character Alice from the books “Alice in Wonderland” and “Alice Through the Looking Glass”)
  • Alisa Apreleva (Russian-American singer, multi-instrumentalist, composer, producer. Apreleva experiments with many genres: from minimalism, jazz and classical to avant-pop, authentic folklore, musical theater and film music.)
  • Alisa Bogart ((born 1971) birth name - Alisa Bogacheva; Russian theater and film actress)
  • Alice Brady ((1892 - 1939) American actress, who began her career in silent films, and later continued in sound films)
  • Alice Sebold ((born 1963) American writer, author of the bestseller “The Lovely Bones”)
  • Alice Cullen (heroine of the Twilight series of novels by Stephenie Meyer)
  • Alicia (Elisha) Silverstone ((born 1976) American fashion model and film actress)
  • Alix Dudel ((born 1956) German pop singer and actress)
  • Alice Donat (French pop singer and composer)
  • Alice Dreossi ((1882 - 1967) Italian artist)
  • Alice Romagnoli ((born 1984) Italian basketball player)
  • Alice Braga ((born 1983) Brazilian film actress, fashion model)
  • Alicja (Alitsya, Alicia) Rosolska ((born 1985) Polish tennis player)
  • Saint Alice ((1225 - 1250) saint Roman Catholic Church, revered as the patroness of the blind and paralyzed)
  • Princess Alice of Bourbon-Parma ((1849 - 1935) youngest daughter of Charles III, Duke of Parma and Princess Louise Maria Teresa of France, eldest daughter Charles Ferdinand, Duke of Berry and Princess Caroline Ferdinanda Louise of Bourbon-Sicily. Alice was thus the great-granddaughter of King Charles X of France.)
  • Alice of Antioch, also Galis or Adelicia ((c.1110 - before 1161) wife of Bohemond II, Prince of Antioch. Alice's parents were Baldwin II of Jerusalem and Morphia of Melitene.)
  • Alice (Adele) of Champagne and Jerusalem ((1195/1196 - 1246) wife of King Hugo I of Cyprus, in 1243-1246 she was regent of Jerusalem under the young Conrad IV. She was the daughter of Isabella of Jerusalem and Henry II of Champagne, king of Jerusalem.)
  • Alice (Alice-Maude-Mary), Grand Duchess of Hesse and Rhine ((1843 – 1878) Princess of Great Britain, daughter of Queen Victoria of Great Britain and Prince Consort Albert; mother-in-law of Nicholas II (mother of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna))
  • Princess Alice, Countess of Athlone ((1883 – 1981) birth name - Alice Mary Victoria Augusta Pauline; member of the British royal family. She was the longest-living (at that time) member of the royal family and the last grandchild of Queen Victoria. Alice became godmother to Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands.)
  • Princess Alice of Battenberg, also known by the English version of her surname - Alice Mountbatten ((1885 - 1969) after marriage - Princess of Greece and Denmark, mother of Prince Philip and mother-in-law of Queen Elizabeth II of England. She remained in Athens during the Second World War, gave shelter to Jewish families, for which her name is engraved on the Righteous Among the Nations wall at Yad Vashem. After the war, she founded the Orthodox sisterhood of Martha and Mary.)
  • Alisa Yoffe ((born 1987) Russian artist)
  • Alice Guy-Blaché or Alice Guy ((1873 - 1968) - French director)
  • Alisa Khazanova ((born 1974) married - Bauman; former ballet dancer, choreographer, Russian theater and film actress. Daughter of Gennady Khazanov.)
  • Alice Robert, also Alice Roberts and Alice Roberts ((1906 – 1985) Belgian film actress)
  • Alice Ozy ((1820 - 1893) real name - Julie-Justine Piillois; French actress and courtesan)
  • Alisa Mon ((born 1964) real name - Svetlana Bezukh; Soviet and Russian pop singer)
  • Alisa Kolosova ((born 1987) Russian opera singer, mezzo-soprano. Soloist of the opera company of the Vienna State Opera (Wiener Staatsoper).)
  • Alisa Agafonova ((born 1991) is a figure skater who performs in ice dancing and represents Turkey in the international arena paired with Alper Ucar. With him she is the silver medalist of the 2011 Winter Universiade. Previously, representing Ukraine in pair with Dmitry Dun, she won the junior national championship and twice qualified for the final of the junior Grand Prix series.)
  • Alisa Drey ((born 1978) Finnish singles figure skater, currently a coach)
  • Alisa Krylova ((born 1982) Russian model, businesswoman, author of an automobile column in the Rublyovka Magazine, winner of the Mrs.Globe 2011, Mrs. Russia 2010 competitions. The face of the fashionable French house Hayari Couture Paris and the Russian fur company "Evromech".)
  • Alice Ehlers ((1887 - 1981) German harpsichordist)
  • Alisa Kleybanova ((born 1989) Russian tennis player. Winner of 7 WTA tournaments (2 of them in singles), semi-finalist of 1 Grand Slam tournament in doubles (US Open-2009), winner of 2 junior Grand Slam tournaments in doubles. Former 3rd racket of the world in the junior rankings.)
  • Alisa Valitskaya ((born 1936) Russian art critic, cultural scientist, doctor philosophical sciences, professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education)
  • Alisa Tolkacheva ((born 1967) mayor of Tula from March 31, 2010 to March 2, 2011. The first female mayor in the history of the city)
  • Alicia Marie Sacramone ((born 1987) American gymnast, silver medalist at the 2008 Summer Olympics, multiple world champion in artistic gymnastics. After the 2008 Olympics, she decided to end her sports career, but in 2010 she decided to return to gymnastics.)
  • Alicia Witt ((born 1975) American actress and singer)
  • Alicia Rhett, originally Elisha Rhett ((born 1915) American artist and actress, known for her only film role as India Wilkes in the film Gone with the Wind (1939))
  • Alicia Keys, also Alicia Keys, Alicia Keys, Alicia Keys, Alicia Keys (Keys) ((born 1981) real name - Alicia J. Augello-Cook; pianist, poet and composer, performing in the styles of rhythm and blues, soul and neo-soul, winner of fourteen Grammy awards)
  • Alicia Coppola ((born 1968) American actress, starring mainly in television series)
  • Alicia de Larrocha, Larrocha y de la Calle ((1923 - 2009) Spanish pianist. She studied music from the age of three with Frank Marshall, gave her first concert at the age of six as part of the large-scale Iberoamerican Exhibition of 1929 in Seville; her first The recording (two short pieces by Fryderyk Chopin) was made when the pianist was 9 years old. Since 1947, de Larrocha has toured widely, making her first tour of the United States with the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra in 1954. Initially, the pianist preferred the Mozart repertoire, however, later Because of her desire to promote Spanish and Latin American music, her name has become associated primarily with the works of authors such as Antonio Soler, Isaac Albéniz and her teacher's teacher (as well as her mother and aunt) Enrique Granados. Of the four Grammy Awards received by Alicia de Larrocha, two were awarded for the performance of solo works by Albéniz (1974, 1988), one to Granados (1991) and only one more (1975) for the piano concertos of Ravel and Gabriel Fauré. Alicia de Larrocha's other awards include the Albéniz Medal (2004) and the Prince of Asturias Award (1994).)
  • Alicia Vikander ((born 1988) Swedish film actress)
  • Dame Alicia Markova ((1910 - 2004) British dancer, member of Diaghilev's Russian Ballet, first British ballerina awarded the title Prima Ballerina Assoluta)
  • Alice Maud Krige ((born 1954) South African actress, Laurence Olivier and Saturn Award winner, best known for portraying historical characters on screen important women past centuries)
  • Alice Pike Barney ((1857 – 1931) née Alice Pike; American artist)
  • Alice Chalifoux ((1908 - 2008) American harpist. In 1931-1974, Chalifoux was the first harpist of the Cleveland Orchestra - the first and for a long time the only woman as part of this team. She recorded the solo harp part in a recording of Claude Debussy's play "Dance Sacred and Dance Profane", performed by an orchestra led by Pierre Boulez - this album was awarded a Grammy Award (1996). In addition to the Salcedo Summer School, Chalifoux taught at the Cleveland Institute of Music and the Oberlin Conservatory for many decades until 2000.)
  • Elis Esayas Sipilä ((1876 - 1958) Finnish gymnast, bronze medalist at the 1908 Summer Olympics)
  • Alice Parkison (Australian actress. She made her film debut in 2007 with a role in the TV series “All Saints.” Her first role in a big-budget movie was “X-Men: Origins. Wolverine.”)
  • Alice Ann Munro ((born 1931) birth name Alice Ann Laidlaw; Canadian short story writer, winner of the Booker Prize, three-time winner of the Canadian Governor General's Award for Fiction, and several times nominated for the Nobel Prize)
  • Alisson Paradis ((born 1983) French actress. Younger sister of Vanessa Paradis and niece of Didier Payne.)
  • Alison Renee Michalka, better known as Ali Michalka ((born 1989) American actress, singer, guitarist and lyricist)
  • Alison Reed ((born 1958) American dancer and actress)
  • Alison Moye ((born 1961) full name - Genevieve Alison Jane Moye; British vocalist who performed in the 1980s with Vince Clarke in the synthpop group Yazoo)
  • Alyson Leigh Hannigan ((born 1974) American actress, best known for her roles as Willow Rosenberg in the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Lily Aldrin in How I Met Your Mother and Michelle Flaherty in the film American Pie)
  • Alison Uttley ((1884 - 1976) nee Alice Jane Taylor; English writer, author of many books for children, including a series of fairy tales about Sam the Pig, some of which were retold by Irina Rumyantseva and Inga Ballod, and published under the title "About Little Piglet Plump (1975))
  • Alison Elizabeth Margaret Goldfrapp (born 1966) is a British singer and songwriter, best known as the lead singer of the British electronic music group Goldfrapp.
  • Alison Krauss ((born 1971) is an American violinist and country singer, who in the 1990s gave a second wind to the most conservative direction of this music - the bluegrass style. She has been recording since the age of 14. Her participation in soundtracks for numerous films brought her great popularity, Among which stand out are “Oh, Brother, Where Art Thou?” (Grammy Award for Best Album of the Year) and “Cold Mountain.” In October 2007, she released a joint album with Robert Plant (2nd place in the USA). As of 2009, she has 26 Grammy Awards to her name, more than any other woman in history, including awards in such prestigious categories as Album of the Year and Record of the Year (2009).
  • Alison Nicole Mosshart (born 1978) is an American singer, model and songwriter, best known as the vocalist of the indie rock band The Kills, as well as the side project " The Dead Weather")
  • Elisha Ann Cuthbert ((born 1982) Canadian actress. Known as the former co-host of the Canadian television series for children “Popular Mechanics for Children”, as well as for the films “Mean Girl”, “Kidnapping”, “The Girl Next Door”, “Home” wax figures", "Soul of Silence" and the role of Kim Bauer in the television series "24". He currently plays one of the main roles in the sitcom Happy Ending.)

Alice is a talented, inventive and noble girl. Such a name, given from birth, can tell a lot about its owner and influence his fate in its own way.

Any parent treats their child with trepidation and wishes for him happiness, success, health and material wealth. Therefore, when giving your daughter a name, you need to understand well how this will affect her life path.

The exact origin of the name Alice is unknown, but there are several variations. The first of them is based on the Old French name Aalis, which was formed from the German name Adelaide.

Then, the name Alice was transferred by the Normans to England, where it was given an English sound - Alice. And already from the English version this name passed into the Russian language. But it was most popular in England and France in the 19th century.

The second option is associated with a greatly modified diminutive form the name Elizabeth, which in the Jewish path took on the form Elisha.

The third hypothesis is related to Latin word alis, translated as “wings”. In theory, the parents tried to give this name to their daughter so that she would achieve a lot in her life.

Another option is Tatar origin, where the translation of the name is quite simple and banal - “beautiful”.

The name Alice became world famous and popular after the publication of Lewis Carroll’s book “Alice in Wonderland.” And in Russia, the success of the name came at the end of the 90s of the last century.


When talking about what the name Alice means, we first have to rely on the variability of its origin. If we take into account the ancient Germanic roots, then Alice means “nobility” or “noble class”, which is associated with the choice of this name for girls with high social status.

The situation is similar with the English version, where the name means “noble” or “noble birth.” In the case of the Hebrew roots of the name, its meaning changes to “God is salvation.”


The meaning of the name Alice, the character and fate of the girl so named are closely intertwined. As a child, the child will be obedient and economical, with special love to maintain order and help his parents with this.

The girl is distinguished by extreme curiosity and a desire to discover something new in her life, so she will need Special attention and assistance in solving pressing issues for Alice. A game of hide and seek can be especially interesting for a girl, in which she will surprise parents and other children with her ingenuity in choosing hiding places.

The baby will react negatively to excessive attention from others, so public speaking at matinees in the garden or school can become a problem. If you try to force her to such an event, a conflict may develop that will remain a bitter aftertaste in Alice’s soul.

But at the same time, the girl will be erudite, with good diction and able to easily carry on any conversation. She has a developed imagination and is somewhat heightened daydreaming.

Alice's health will be good, she is growing mobile and has a strong immune system. But a child may be allergic to some specific foods, so you need to be careful and careful when choosing your baby’s diet.

But as she ages, she will need to pay attention to maintaining her health. This will mainly be due to Alice’s tendency to disrupt her sleep patterns, eat poorly and not maintain a balance between work and rest. Problems with the reproductive system and autonomic nervous system are especially common in adult Alice.

Already an adult, Alice will become an excellent housewife who knows how to properly manage a budget, shows culinary talents and creates a real atmosphere of comfort in the house. The girl has a well-developed taste and an innate balanced sense of proportion.

It is also important what time of year the girl is born:

  • Winter Alice will grow up bright and sensitive. A temperamental girl will in most cases be guided by emotions, and not by the voice of reason. She relies in life only on her own principles and is not interested in public opinion.
  • Alice born in spring will become soft, tender and vulnerable. She will readily respond to the requests of others, which is why she herself may often suffer. Many may perceive a girl’s kindness and responsiveness as a sign of weakness or indecisiveness.
  • Summer Alice will have a bright personality and temperament. The girl will develop a cheerful and good-natured character with a subtle sense of humor, which will appeal to everyone around her. She will easily achieve her goals, regardless of whether they relate to her personal life or career.
  • Girl born in autumn , will be kind and positive. Her distinctive features– generosity and responsiveness, especially towards close friends. At the same time, she will not demand a response to her kindness and help, which especially endears her to people.

All adult Alices are easygoing and optimistic, but this is often accompanied by a lack of persistence. This causes them difficulty in climbing career ladder, but the ability to present yourself correctly and the help of a large number of friends smooths out this minus.

Often in choosing future profession girls with this name choose the following options:

  • philologist;
  • musician;
  • art critic;
  • artist;
  • singer;
  • journalist;
  • fashion designer

These are the professions that can become the most successful for Alice. But sometimes girls reach heights in the careers of actresses, pianists, poetesses and even public figures any direction.


From an early age, the girl Alice will be an active and optimistic little girl. This character trait will remain with her throughout her life. The girl's kindness and optimism will earn the admiration of others.

She will always be willing to help others, which will allow her to easily turn her enemies into friends. Alice will be sociable, talented at supporting any conversations and able to conduct a dialogue in such a way as not to get bored or offend her interlocutor.

Alice's excessive daydreaming, in turn, will become a big problem for her, since avoiding reality and dreams, the fulfillment of which no effort will be made, can play a bad joke on her. Especially it concerns romantic relationships, where a girl can wait for years for the prince of her fantasies and miss out on real happiness.

Because of her emotionality, Alice's problem may be that she is easily angered or hurt by her words and actions. Of course, she will quickly cool down and forgive the offender, but for her emotional state this will be a difficult moment.

Name day

In accordance with Orthodox calendar Alice doesn’t have name days at all, since there were no saints with that name. But according to the Catholic calendar, Alice's angel day is celebrated five times a year:

  • December 16;
  • December 19th;
  • January 9;
  • January 22;
  • June 15.

Name color

For a girl whose name is Alice, there are several shades that have a positive impact on her life:

  • yellow;
  • violet;
  • orange.

Name flower

Crocus, alpine rose, barberry.

Church name, calendar

For many parents, the question arises as to what name Alice, born in the Orthodox faith, will be baptized under, since there is no such name in the calendar. Instead, analogues from the church calendar are selected for baptism:

  • Alexandra.
  • Elizabeth.

Translation of name in different languages

The name Alice can be translated into many languages ​​of the world, the most popular of which are:

  • English – Alice.
  • Greek – Αλίκη.
  • Ukrainian – Alisa.
  • Belarusian – Alisa.
  • Latin – Alicia.
  • German – Alice.
  • Polish – Alicja.

Full name, shortened and affectionate

Alice is a full name that can be abbreviated or translated into a diminutive form.

The abbreviated name has the following options - Alya, Ali, Asya, Alka, Fox.

Diminutive derivatives of the name Alice sound like Alisochka, Alisonka, Little Fox, Aliska.

Which middle name is euphonious?

When choosing a name for a girl - Alice - you need to take into account that it is harmonious with the middle name. Alice will sound most harmonious with the following middle names:

  • Alexandrovna;
  • Konstantinovna;
  • Andreevna;
  • Anatolievna;
  • Vladimirovna;
  • Sergeevna;
  • Vladimirovna.

Name compatibility

The name gives the child certain character traits that influence his life path. Therefore, some people are considered soul mates, and some are considered incompatible opposites. The girl Alice can find her happiness with boys whose names are:

  • Vladimir;
  • Oleg;
  • Anatoly;
  • Renat;
  • Ruslan;
  • Stepan;
  • Fedor;
  • Seen;
  • Arthur;

She is completely incompatible with guys named:

  • Boris;
  • Ruslan;
  • Maksim;
  • Denis;
  • Konstantin.

How it leans

The female name Alice is easily declined according to cases:

  • Nominative – Alice.
  • Genitive - Alice.
  • Dative - Alice.
  • Accusative - Alice.
  • Creative - Alice.
  • Prepositional - Alice.

Famous personalities with this name

There are celebrities named Alice and there are quite a lot of them. Among the most famous are:

  • Alisa Tolkacheva, born in 1967 and became the mayor of Tula in 2010. She was the first female mayor in the history of this city.
  • Alisa Valitskaya, born in 1936. She became an art critic, cultural specialist, received the title of Doctor of Philosophy and worked as a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education.
  • Alisa Krylova, born in 1982. She became a model and businesswoman, and runs a car column in the Rublyovka Magazine. In 2010 she became Miss Russia, in 2011 Miss World. He is the face of the French fashion house Hayari Couture Paris and the Russian fur company Euromech.

The name Alice is an excellent option for a future positive and successful girl. She will have an easy-going character, thanks to which she will be able to quickly surround herself with friends and attract the right people.

Useful video about the meaning of the name Alice

