Summer Solstice Day - ceremonies and rituals. Rituals and rituals for the Summer Solstice

Solstice Days – beautiful days for carrying out any rituals aimed at realizing intentions. It is for implementation, since usually these days fall on the waning Moon, which means the time is unfavorable for the birth of something.

The following rituals work well these days:

  • to realize the intention
  • to strengthen love and relationships
  • for youth and beauty
  • to improve health

Also, on the days of the Solstice, it is useful to charge amulets, talismans, etc. with solar energy. All rituals associated with nature are also active: practices with the elements, herbal decoctions, rituals with a fire. Especially powerful force these days have herbs that love the sun: wormwood, lavender, sage, cornflower, chamomile, calendula.

To protect your home and fill it with the energy of the Sun, you can use a simple ritual - light a candle (preferably a candle with wormwood, since wormwood has a powerful cleansing property - even mosquitoes are afraid of it) and walk around the whole house, and look into the darkest corners where it stagnates. energy. If the candle suddenly starts to crack, don’t be alarmed, it’s burning out negative energy. At the same time, mentally ask Mother Wormwood to cleanse your home of evil spirits, black energy, laziness, envy and the evil eye. And ask Father Fire to fill your home with the life-giving energy of the Sun, so that every corner of the house glows with joy and fun, so that just as the Sun in the sky pleases us, your home pleases you, and of course, so that your home is a full cup and charges you and your loved ones energy of joy and creation. Despite its simplicity, this is a very useful and important ritual. It is advisable to repeat it for several days. Thanks to this ritual, your home will turn into a real source of energy and strength.

It’s good to charge these days and items that you often use, making them a real amulet. These can be jewelry, favorably charged, “trees of happiness” made from natural stones and even jade eggs or eggs made of turquoise, rose quartz, lapis lazuli, jasper, citrine, malachite and obsidian (these are the most “sunny stones”). Ideal for charging mirrors and powder - after all, they will give us charged energy every day for a year. In general, any objects that are made of stone or metal can be charged with energy. But at the same time, it should not be an object that you use too often (for example, keys), otherwise all the energy of the ritual will “look” very quickly.

Mirrors, powder, jade mask, comb, jewelry can be charged for youth and beauty. To do this you need to post it on White list paper on the Sun, a rechargeable object, ask the Sun to give you energy, youth and beauty and read the plot:

How many leaves are there in the forest, how many flowers are there in the field,

There is so much happiness in my eyes.

How the sun turns golden with clear light,

So you too (name of the object) are blessed with beauty and youth!

Bring me happiness and love, give me beauty and feminine charms!

Then leave the charging item in the sun for 1-1.5 hours. After this, when using it, you can remember the ritual and imagine how the radiant energy of the Sun is absorbed into your skin, hair, eyes and they begin to glow.

It is especially worth talking about charging the testicles for intimate gymnastics - this is a particularly important topic. It is no coincidence that stone testicles are used for intimate gymnastics - after all, each stone has its own energy. Also, the stone is charged with any other energy - after all, a stone is a crystal, and a crystal is created to accumulate energy and information in itself. You need to charge the testicles especially carefully - without allowing any negative thoughts and feelings. For charging solar energy, eggs made of obsidian, malachite, bull's eye, citrine, jasper, turquoise, lapis lazuli, rose quartz, and of course jade are most suitable.

So, take the testicles in your hands, stand in a sunny place where no one will disturb you. Take a breath, squeeze your vaginal muscles and imagine how the energy of the Sun descends on you and gathers in your uterus, how it saturates you with youth, life, beauty, feel a slight excitement and this excitement. Imagine how this energy of excitement moves from the uterus along the spine into your hands and flows into the stone testicles. And they themselves begin to sanctify (in the imagination, of course) sexuality and life. The first part of the ritual is completed; the testicles are filled with information and emotions. Now they need to be filled with energy itself. To do this, also leave everything for 1-1.5 hours in the sun on a white sheet of paper.

At the same time, pronounce the spell:

O great, life-giving, miraculous Sun!

How you give life to everything on Earth, how you warm us with warmth,

Warm up with warmth and bestow your life-giving power on the magic eggs -

To the testicles of life and feminine charms!

Fill your testicles with the power of life - feminine power!

Women's charms, feminine love and women's happiness!

Let it be so! Amen!

This ritual is very powerful, as it activates the most feminine- create and give life. What you will spend this energy on in the future is your choice. Perhaps for having children, perhaps for developing a business, perhaps for strengthening a relationship with a man...

And, of course, you shouldn’t forget about your wealth and wealth these days. Solar energy can perfectly charge your wallet or bank card. To do this, you also need to place your wallet or bank card (the card must be with the magnetic side down, otherwise the Sun will ruin it) on the Sun.

As soon as I leave, I cross myself and go into an open field.

In an open field there is a white-flammable stone Aladyr

And rivers flock to that stone, from the North and from the South

From the West, and from the East!

So you and your money flow into my wallet from all corners of the world:

From the North, yes from the South, from the West, yes from the East

Stormy rivers and quiet streams

And there is no limit, no end to these rivers and cash flows

And the lock for my money is the white-flammable Aladyr stone!

Let it be so! Amen!

And the most important thing is that all these rituals are extremely powerful in themselves, and on the days of the Solstice their power doubles. So, the most important thing is to use this time for your benefit.

Anastasia Fomina

Copyright © Open School “Seven Peaks of Excellence”

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Day summer solstice considered one of the most magical. Therefore, the usual rituals performed on June 21 can seriously change your life. The simplest and most popular rituals are in this material

On this day, any mortal can be a little magician, just by making a wish. The Sun itself, which at this time has a powerful force, will help with this.

The night before the summer solstice is a magical time when all 4 elements come together - Fire, Water, Earth and Air.

Among our ancestors, the celebration of the summer solstice was accompanied by the lighting of ritual bonfires, as well as the weaving of wreaths. And the tradition of jumping over fire has survived to this day.

To make a ritual wreath, you need to go to the field and collect wild flowers. On the summer solstice you need to wear a circle on your head. This is a symbol of the sun, which will give great power to the ritual. When making your wreath, think about your health, finances and relationships. When the wreath is ready, thoughts are formulated, you need to consolidate everything with a fire ritual - light a yellow candle and think again about what you want in the coming year.

In order to get married faster, on the evening of June 21, a girl, being alone, must collect 12 different herbs or flowers and put them under the pillow, saying: “The aromas of the meadow, the aromas of the field, take me to a sleepy expanse. I'll go to bed as a girl and wake up as a wife. Truly.” After this you need to go to bed. In the morning, wrap the collected bouquet in paper and throw it into the fire.

It is worth noting that flowers of calendula, lavender, rosemary, sunflower, fern, verbena, oak, rowan and others have properties that attract love on this day.

To change your life, you need to stay near a spring or well all night, drinking a glass of water from it every hour with the words: “As the water runs and changes, so will my life change.” The ritual is recommended to be performed from sunset to sunrise.

To make a wish on the day of the solstice, early in the morning go to the window and, looking at the sun, say the words: “Father sun, red sun, help me in my work, fulfill my dream, illuminate with a bright light, warm with a ray.” Then you need to make a wish in your own words. They say that it should be fulfilled within a year.

On the day of the summer solstice, a traditional talisman is made - the witch's ladder.

To make it you will need a long yellow or gold ribbon, 9 small beads of any color.

The pattern for making a talisman is simple: knot-bead-knot, a free piece of ribbon, knot-bead-knot, and so on.

After each bead strung, you need to make wishes - different ones or repeat the same thing.

When all 9 beads are put on the ribbon, you need to tie 2 more knots - at the beginning and end of the resulting ladder.

The witch's ladder is hung above the entrance to the home and is removed only exactly a year later and thrown into the fire.

It was previously reported that the summer solstice this year will occur on June 21 at 13.07 Kyiv time.

Pancakes for your loved one

On the solstice (June 21), as well as on Maslenitsa, it is customary to bake pancakes, symbolizing the sun. The pancakes begin to speak and sprinkle with holy water. For example, if you treat your loved one with a pancake baked on the day of the solstice with the words: "Eat the golden pancake", and then add to yourself: "You will be mine forever", then this will help to bind the chosen one to himself so that he will certainly soon propose to the girl for marriage.

But since the solstice falls during the period of Peter's fast, when it is forbidden to eat dairy products, the pancake should be lean, but you can replace it with another product or dish that resembles the sun (for example, orange, scrambled eggs, etc.).

Ritual to get married

Here's another ritual love magic, which can be completed on this day. To get married faster, on the evening of June 21, a girl alone must collect 12 different herbs or flowers and put them under her pillow with the words:“The aromas of the meadow, the aromas of the field, take me to a sleepy expanse. I’ll go to bed as a girl, wake up as a wife. Truly.”
After this you need to go to bed. The next morning, wrap the collected bouquet in paper and burn it in the fire.

There is another interesting ritual for changes in life.
To radically change your life, you need to spend the whole night (from June 21 to 22) at a spring or well (you can also near a stream), drinking a glass of water from it every hour with the words: “As water flows and changes, so will my life change.” It is recommended to perform the ritual from sunset to sunrise.

Solstice Day is also good for making a wish.

Early in the morning, go to the window and, looking at the sun, say:“Father sun, red sun, help me in my work, fulfill my dream, illuminate me with a bright light, warm me with a ray.” After that, make a wish in your own words. They say that it should be fulfilled within a year.

Wiccan ritual for wish fulfillment
The Witch's Ladder is a traditional talisman, the best time to create it is the Summer Solstice.

In order to make this amulet, you will need a long yellow or gold ribbon, nine small beads - you can use any colors, all beads can be the same color.

The scheme by which the Witch's Ladder is made is extremely simple. Knot-bead-knot, “loose” piece of ribbon, knot-bead-knot, and so on.

By stringing each bead, you can make wishes - different ones or repeat the same thing.

When all nine beads are strung on the ribbon, two more knots should be tied: at the beginning and end of the resulting “ladder”.

The Witch's Ladder should be hung above the entrance to the home and removed only exactly one year later: on the day of the new Solstice, when it is traditionally burned in a bonfire lit in honor of Lita.

Amulet for the summer solstice (June 21)
On June 21, on the day of the summer solstice, you can turn an ordinary thing that you use every day into a talisman that will serve you faithfully for a whole year. He will protect from failures, illnesses, dangerous situations, bad people not only you, but also your family or those who are close to you and often come to visit. Life will become brighter, relationships between household members will be harmonious, and work will be fruitful.

To do this, you need to gather your whole family, and maybe even your closest friends, in one large room. Everyone needs to be given a job, and it should be general work- for example, making pelmeni, filling pastry tubes with cream, etc. You can turn on music to help create an atmosphere of harmony and comfort. Under no circumstances should anyone argue, swear, or speak in a raised voice.

All this should happen about an hour before noon. On the table or any other high place place a large bowl filled with water from a well or spring, or blessed. Let everyone place their household item in the water, which is most often found with the owner - a comb, keychain, key, ring, bracelet (naturally, the item must not be afraid of water).

The bowl should be surrounded with candles according to the number of household members, they should be lit at the start of work, when the work is finished (dumplings are cooked, straws are baked), everyone sets the table together, waits until 12 noon (you need to time it so that everything is done by this time). Then everyone takes their dying candle in their hands and everyone walks around the house from east to west 3 times - it is advisable that no one’s candle goes out during the walk. One person also carries a bowl of water (his candle is carried by the one who follows him), from time to time he lowers his hand there and sprinkles it, and then baptizes the space in front of him, while whispering the spell: “Everything living, everything living, warmed by the warmth of love, may all that exist be in peace and harmony, in good health and happiness, in warmth, in goodness, in itself!”

After this, everyone returns to the set table and has dinner, but be sure to leave some food to give to the dog or cat.

At the end of lunch, everyone removes the received amulets from a bowl of water.

The result will not take long to arrive. Your apartment is now well protected from evil forces, and if you consciously do not attract dark energies into your life (wish someone harm, curse, offend, gossip, do and plot bad things, swear), the whole coming year until the next 21 June will be a happy month for you and your family.

The amulet that each person received should continue to be used daily and frequently.

Traditionally, solstice days have been considered holidays of family, relationships and love. In addition, on this day the Sun moves into the sign of Cancer, which is ruled by the Moon, which means that the connection with the astral world intensifies. Everything connected with the world of the mysterious and magical acquires special power.

These days it is favorable and effective:

Work with stones and crystals, as well as stone products

Collect herbs, prepare herbal teas and drinks

Communicate with the subtle astral world - with mermaids, elves, gnomes, with the spirits of forests and fields

Work with honey and wax, as they carry solar energy

Guessing, developing intuitive abilities

Here are a few simple rituals for the Solstice.

Ritual of charging a crystal in the Sun. This is a very powerful ritual that allows you to charge the crystal, thus creating an energetic solar battery that will nourish you and your intentions in winter months, when we are so short of solar energy. Take it, or hold it in your hands for a while, get to know it. Place the crystal on the Sun and ask the Sun to give its strength and power to this crystal:

O great life-giving Yarilo!

O all-warming Sun!

Give me and this crystal your power, your strength, your life!

May the crystal retain your power and essence!

Let it be so! Amen!

Leave the crystal for 1-1.15 hours in the Sun, then remove the crystal. Now it stores the energy of the Sun - you just have to hold it in your hands for 2-3 minutes and you will immediately feel a noticeable surge of energy. This can be used before important meetings or public speaking, during periods especially difficult situations or for treatment. Once you apply the crystal to a sore spot, the diseased organ will receive the necessary charge of energy and the disease will recede.

Ritual for wealth. For the ritual you will need a small coin. Place a coin in a container of water, drop it into the water essential oil, or expose it to the Sun. Ask the Sun to consecrate the water and the coin, to charge the coin with its strength and power. Leave the coin to charge in the Sun for 1-1.5 hours. The combination of the Sun and water will give enormous power coins, while the Sun and water will give different qualities to the coin. After you have removed the coin from the water, again add a drop of essential oil to it, which will seal the ritual, and put it in your wallet. The aroma of the essential oil will remind you of the ritual and create pleasant emotions, attracting energy to your wallet. And a charged coin will fill your wallet with strength and power.

Relationship ritual. This strong ritual, which strengthens and at the same time purifies relationships. For this ritual you will need. Place a crystal in front of you, imagine bright and emotional situations where you are together with your soulmate, where you hug and kiss each other. Place this image in a crystal and expose the crystal to the sun. Imagine how solar energy enters the crystal, strengthening the image, and the image begins to glow from the inside with sunlight.

Ask the Sun for energy and strength, and the crystal for strength and protection. If there was any negativity in the relationship, then rock crystal will easily dissolve it, and the stone will make the relationship stronger. Leave the crystal in the Sun for a while, and then place it in a prominent place in your home, where it will radiate the energy of the Sun and work to strengthen relationships.

Ekaterina Nikiforova

Copyright © Open School “Seven Peaks of Excellence”

Bathed the God of manifestation of Love, the God of spiritual and bodily purification, the guardian of couples in love, the power of fertilization, the embodiment of achieving the goal.

On the holiday of Kupala, the greatest flowering of Nature is observed. On this day, Mother Earth has the most magical power, which gives to everyone, and fire and water are the greatest life-giving healing effect. Kupala dew is considered healing and life-giving, and herbs collected at Kupala have extreme magical powers. This holiday unites people with the Divine world of Nature.

On the holiday of God Kupala, the Heavenly Gates open and all prayers easily and freely fly to Iriy to the Native Gods. This best time in order to start new important things and conceive bold dreams.

The holiday begins in the evening, on the eve of Kupala. The basis of the holiday around which the events take place is the Kupala fire. Jumping over fire means spiritual and physical cleansing, burning of all troubles, diseases, etc. If a guy and a girl jump through the fire three times, this means that they are announcing their engagement to everyone, so there is no need to jump with just anyone.

Girls who want to get married weave wreaths “for luck, for destiny” and put them on the water so that the Goddess Dana conveys their message to the Gods. A guy who wants to marry a girl catches her wreath in the water.

According to custom, people spend the whole night around the festive and sacrificial fires in order to meet the newborn Sun-Kupala in the morning and say glory and prayers to Him. They also say that on the holiday of God Kupala the Sun itself seems to bathe.

How to spend the Kupala holidays with the greatest benefit and in accordance with the Tradition of our Ancestors.

The time of the Kupala holidays is considered one of the most energetically powerful not only of the summer, but of the entire year. These days are filled to the brim with energy, and where you direct it and how you use it depends on you.

The most important thing is to determine what you need to devote your time and attention to. Best Use Kupala power is the co-tuning of one’s internal elements with the elements of Nature.

Nature is everything that is under God Rod. Living in one rhythm with Nature means living according to the Primordial Laws of the Universe, and living according to the Laws of the Universe means being healthy, happy and in abundance, Love and balance. Without maintaining the harmony of all vibrations of the Life Force in his body and consciousness, a person begins to get sick, suffer, be sad, and there is discord in his affairs.

Kupala holidays, when carried out correctly, allow one to improve the quality of vibrations of the energies of all human bodies and shells, to become healthy and happy. If for some reason you were unable to spend all the previous Krugolet (Kologod) holidays in accordance with the Traditions of our Ancestors, then during the Kupala holidays you can make up for lost opportunities, improve your health and gain strength for the entire upcoming Krugolet (Kologod).

You need to start from June 21-23 - these are the shortest nights of the year. These days and nights are full of the Power of Life. Therefore, I recommend:

You can start the day of the summer solstice with a set of yoga exercises - Surya on the mach (bow) to Ar (Earth), which is called “Salutation of the Sun” (In Sanskrit - Surya maskar).

On the Internet you will find many descriptions of this practice and educational videos. This is a great start to any day, not just the summer solstice. It’s just that on the days of the solstice you will be filled with powerful strength from the Sun.

2. Solstice Day is also good for the birth of a dream.

Early in the morning, looking at the Sun, say: “Dazhdbog-Father, Red Sun, bless me in my work, bless my dream, illuminate me with a bright light, warm me with a ray.” Then say your dream out loud.

Before this, it is advisable to get rid of old “troubles”. You can say to yourself something like “I gratefully let go of (name the problem), I learned my lesson and now I am cleansing myself for new, happy changes in my life.” Then you can be specific about your dreams and what changes you invite into your life.

3. June 21 – 22 are very important for self-improvement.

On the day of the summer solstice, the Solar Power intensifies and the potential for meditation and spiritual practices increases sharply. You need to spend this time in Nature: go out of town - into the forest, into the mountains, to the country house, or at least go to the park. If possible, these days should be spent in solitude, silence and prayer practice.

Ask Nature your innermost questions, and then just sit and listen, observe everything that happens inside and around you. What does Nature talk to you about, what does it tell you?

Go to a tree and hug it, stroke the grass and feel what it feels like, inhale the aroma of flowers, listen to what the birds are singing about, take a closer look at what the clouds look like, what are the foliage whispering about on the trees? Do whatever you want to fully communicate with Nature.

4. You need to recharge yourself with the Power of Nature on June 21 – 24 and make useful supplies for the whole year.

These days are very powerful. It is on these days that healers collect medicinal plants for their drugs, because These days they are most charged with powerful solar energy.

Powerful healing power sunny herbs and other plants collected at this time have: wormwood, burdock, St. John's wort, mistletoe, dill, parsley, green onions, thyme, honeysuckle, hyssop, nettle, meadowsweet. Some of them, for example, nettle, rowan, burdock, dill, are used to protect the house from evil.

On the day of the summer solstice, you can collect protective herbs. In order to prepare protective herbs, you need to ask permission and blessing from Mother Earth. Say out loud: “Mother Earth, bless me with the herbs, and the herbs are my mother!”

Protective herbs are herbs that have the ability to protect against evil invisible to our eyes:


Verbena is very closely associated with the summer solstice and has almost the same protective power as St. John's wort. She has great abilities to cleanse the surrounding space from evil and does not allow it to enter your home.

You need to collect verbena on the morning of the summer solstice, always with your left hand. By the way, the oldest way to win over the good spirits of your home is to hang verbena in the corners of your house or apartment.

St. John's wort .

St. John's wort is a summer solstice plant, a plant of the Sun. His bright yellow flowers symbolize the Sun. St. John's wort protects against evil spirits and binds their power.

But it must be collected during the summer solstice, when it gains its greatest strength. Even the plant itself, if hung in the corners of the house, will serve you as excellent protection from all evil spirits.

Nettle .

Her protective properties have long been used in witchcraft. For example, to alleviate or even completely remove the curse, you can fill a small bag with nettle leaves and always carry it with you.

If you want to get rid of evil forces and direct their anger towards themselves, then scatter crushed nettles around your home. If you are afraid that you or someone else is in danger, a proven method will help in this case - throw nettles into the fire. And if you are tormented by inexplicable fears, then carry nettle with you along with yarrow.

mistletoe .

Particularly useful is the mistletoe that grows on the Illuminated trees: oaks, birches, ash trees.

Ruta .

Rue is a very strong protective plant. It protects against poison and disease. Rue grows mainly in Mediterranean countries. In Italy, special silver amulets are made in the shape of rue, which are worn to protect against the evil eye.

If you sew (always with red thread) a sprig of rue along with pieces of bread, a pinch of salt and a few anise seeds into an amulet, you will get a classic protective amulet of the Italian Witch. At the same time, you can say the following spell: “Rue herb, let this amulet protect my family from harm.”

For spiritual purposes - energy protection it is usually collected around the summer solstice. At this time they traditionally make protective amulets from various herbs for home and pets.

Ivan da Marya.

An important role in the Kupala ritual is played by such a flower as Ivan da Marya. It is collected on the night before Kupala Day, laid out in the field at dawn so that the morning magic dew sprinkles the flowers, giving them healing properties. miraculous powers. If on this night you pick the flower of Ivan da Marya and put it in the corners of the hut, the thief will not approach the house: brother and sister (yellow and purple flowers plants) will talk to each other, and the thief will think that the owner and mistress are talking.

People use herbs to tell fortunes on Kupala. The girls collect twelve herbs (thistle and fern are a must) and put them under the pillow, saying: “Mummer, come to my garden for a walk!”

Another option for fortune telling: the herbs are picked at midnight without looking, placed under the pillow at night, and in the morning they are checked to see if there are twelve different ones. If yes, then this promises imminent marriage. They place a triputnik (plantain) under the head, saying: “Triputnik-fellow traveler, you live along the road, you see young and old, say my betrothed!”

Days for preparing magic brooms.

June 21, the day before the Summer Solstice, is considered the most powerful and filled with Solar Power. After lunch, Slavic girls and women go to the forest and prepare young birch brooms with songs. A broom collected on this day is magical. Not only does it give you special powers when you steam it in a bathhouse, but you can use it to treat a calving cow - and both the calf and the owners will have enough milk.

Or you can try and make an absolutely wonderful broom - a protective bouquet. Collect together a twig from alder and bird cherry, from birch, willow, from linden and currants, rowan, and oak. Such brooms will cleanse your subtle bodies from negativity, various bad entities, in particular from larvae, which in the city are very easy to catch just by driving on public transport or eating in public place, especially where people smoke.

If you can’t spend the summer solstice in Nature, visit the city park in the evening at sunset or in the morning at sunrise. Find a beautiful oak or birch tree. Talk to the tree, ask for its participation in your destiny as a talisman, pick a few leaves - this will be your talisman for a year. Dry leaves can be placed in a bag (made of fabric) and placed in a pillow.

Nowadays, more and more Slavic communities are appearing, in which there are knowledgeable people who know what rituals need to be performed in order to properly celebrate the holiday. If you know such people, then it is better to join them. But if this is not possible, then you can arrange a holiday for yourself. And here's how to do it.

Celebrating the Feast of God Kupala.

On July 7 (according to the modern calendar, June 24 according to the old one) go out or go out into Nature, preferably in a clean place, ideally if there is a river nearby in this place. During this period, water is filled with miraculous power, capable of healing, protecting, attracting, giving health, beauty and peace.

It is necessary to take with you gifts and requirements for the Gods and Ancestors (grain, pancakes, honey, nuts, seeds), as well as treats for friends during a joint festive meal, which you will share with them after all the rituals have been completed.

Women need to wear a long skirt in order to maximally tune in with Mother Earth and be filled with feminine power. If you have ritual clothing, then you need to wear it. Next, do the following:

1. During the day, all the girls weave wreaths - amulets.

Girls let their hair down and put on long skirts or sundresses and go collecting herbs for a wreath. When planning to pick this or that herb, twig or flower, you need to mentally ask the plant for permission - whether it can be picked - and then thank it.

When you have collected enough herbs, sit down and weave a wreath. Think positively at this time - dream, wish health and goodness to your family. The finished wreath is secured with a red ribbon. In the evening you can put it on your head when you dance around the fire. And then hang it on the wall above the marital bed - the amulet will protect your family from misfortunes.

Wreaths drive away sadness, anxiety, evil thoughts, unpleasant memories that poison the soul, i.e. enlighten the mind, thoughts and clear the memory.

2. In the evening, make a fire.

To do this you need to make two fires. One will be sacrificial, the second will be festive. At the beginning of the ritual, it is necessary to light the sacrificial fire, all participants stand around the fire and say "Praise of Native Gods and Ancestors."

“Great Family-Progenitor! All Svarga, the Most Pure Parent! Hear those who call upon Thee! Glorious and Trislaven be you! You are the eternal source of life of our Gods and Clans, and therefore we sing Your Great Glory, and day and night we glorify You, now and ever, from Circle to Circle! So be it, so be it, so be it! A-o-u-m!”

Sventovit, our bright Bose! We glorify and glorify You wholeheartedly! You enlighten our souls and You send down illumination into our hearts, for You are a good God, and to all our Clans! We magnify You universally and call upon You in our Clans, may our souls be with You now and ever and from Circle to Circle, and at all times while the Yarila-Sun shines on us. A-o-u-m!”

Svarog the Progenitor, guardian of all Svarga the Most Pure! Glorious and Trislaven be you! We glorify You universally, we call upon Your image! You are always with us! We sing the glory of those - hurray! Now and ever, from Circle to Circle! So be it, so be it, so be it! A-o-u-m!”

Perun! Hear those who call upon Thee! Glorious and Trislaven be you! You grant the blessings of the Light World to the entire Light Race! Show your beautiful face to your descendants! You instruct us in deeds for the good, You grant glory and courage to the people of the world. He turned us away from the lesson of dissipation, gave our Clans a multitude of people, now and ever and from Circle to Circle! So be it, so be it, so be it! A-o-u-m!”

Bright Dazhdbozhe! Glorious and Trislaven be you! We praise Thee, the giver of all blessings, happiness and prosperity! And we say great glory to You for your help in all our good deeds, and for your help in our military deeds, and against dark enemies and all unrighteous evil! May he abide Great Power Yours with all our Clans now and ever and from Circle to Circle! So be it, so be it, so be it! A-o-u-m!”

Oh You Lada Mother! Mother Sva Most Pure! Be glorious and Trislavna! You give us Love and Happiness! Send your grace upon us! We honor and glorify Thee, now and ever, from Circle to Circle, and at all times, as long as Yarila the Sun shines on us. A-o-u-m!”

Empress Makosh-Mother! Heavenly Mother - Theotokos! Be glorious and Trislavna! You weave for us a well-ordered life, a communal life, a great glorious one! We glorify Thee, Mother-Mentor, virtuous and diligent now and ever and from Circle to Circle! So be it, so be it, so be it! A-o-u-m!”

Jiva Mother! Shower keeper! You are the patroness of all our families! Be glorious and Trislavna! We call on You, We glorify You, we call You the giver of bright souls! You give comfort to everyone, and to our ancient families - reproduction! May You always be in our hearts now and ever and from Circle to Circle! So be it, so be it, so be it! A-o-u-m!”

Three-light Rozhana-Mother! Be glorious and Trislavna! You grant multiplication to our Family, illuminate the wombs of our wives and brides with Your Blessed Power, now and ever, and from Circle to Circle, and at all times, as long as Yarila the Sun shines on us. A-o-u-m!”

Oh You, Mother Tsaraswati - our Royal Heavenly Light! Be glorious and Trislavna! We glorify Thee! We magnify you! We call on you! Let's honor Thee! May You always be in our souls now and ever and from Circle to Circle! So be it, so be it, so be it! A-o-u-m!”

Hymn of Praise to God Kupala:

Kupala, our Bose! Glorious and Trislaven be forever! We glorify you all the time, we call you to our lands! You grant all purification, for God's glory! You will grant to our people a bountiful harvest in the suffering fields, and full bins in our mansions. And we sing glory to You now and ever and from Circle to Circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

Hymn to God Kupala:

On the Holy Day of God Kupala
From great to small
Get ready, cleanse yourself,
In the holy river in the holy fire
Get ready, get clean
Glory to God our Perun,
Hail Bird Gamayun,
And all our Ancestors,
Lada is our Mother;
Glory to the Wise God-Svarog,
Yes, Asgard is the Holy Palace.

And Heavenly Vyriy,

Holy is the current Irius.

Father Fire, Mother Water,
They always cleanse us

From the unclean - by Pure Power.
In the holy speech, in the holy fire,
From the unclean - I cleanse with force.
Dawn Perunov Color,
And grant us many years.
Cleanse Kupala us
In Holy Water,
In the Holy Land
In the Holy Fire.
Glory to God Kupala!
(3 times).

Then it is necessary to pronounce a doxology to offer gifts and demands to the Gods and Ancestors, so that the sacrificial food will be accepted by Them.

Raise Glory: “Oh, the Most High Progenitor, manifested in the images of: Ancestor Rod, Sventovit, Svarog, Perun and Dazhdbog, Lada, Mokosh, Jiva, Rozhana and Tsarasvati, glory to You! Glorious and triglorious be you! Bless my (our) feelings, thoughts, words and deeds - for Your glory and for my (us) JOY! Accept my (our) gifts and demands - for Your glory! Now and forever! From circle to circle! So be it! You are like that! Wake it up! A-o-u-m Ra-Om-Ha Namaha! A-o-u-m Tat Sat!

Place the gifts in the fire. Stand by this fire and feel the blessing of your Gods and Ancestors. You may intuitively want to say some more praise or chant the mantra “Om” or other mantras.

Then the second fire is lit - a festive one. They light it from a sacrificial fire. In order for the fire to become enraged, it is necessary to spin a round dance, alternating the direction of movement of salting and kolovrat, calling on God Semargl, singing the Hymn to Fire, glorifying our Gods and Ancestors and the entire Slavic Family!

Hymn to Fire:

The Sword of Perun shines for us.
Cleanses our souls,
Tsar Fire is our joy.
Flare up the Tsar Fire,
Kolovrat and Posolon.

Burn, burn clearly
So that it doesn't go out.
Rise to Heaven
Illuminate, You, everything around.
Burn, burn clearly
So that it doesn't go out.

Cleanse, You, Spirit and Soul,
Light up the seas and land,
Warm our Mansions,
Tsar Fire is our joy.
Burn clearly the Tsar Fire,
Kolovrat and Posolon.

Burn, burn clearly
So that it doesn't go out.
Rise to Heaven
Illuminate, You, everything around.
Burn, burn clearly
So that it doesn't go out.

Since the time of the Wise Ancestors
We feed you with a dry branch,
So that our glory shines,
Tsar Fire is our joy.
Burn clearly the Tsar Fire,
Kolovrat and Posolon.

Burn, burn clearly
So that it doesn't go out.
Rise to Heaven
Illuminate everything around you.
Burn, burn clearly
So that it doesn't go out.

The blue of Heaven is so starry, lunar,
The Sword of Perun shines for us.
Cleanses our souls,
Tsar Fire is our joy.
Burn clearly the Tsar Fire,
Kolovrat and Posolon.

Burn, burn clearly
So that it doesn't go out.
Rise to Heaven
Illuminate everything around you.
Burn, burn clearly
So that it doesn't go out.

By spinning the round dance, we spin the energies of Nature. Negative heavy energy moves to the center of the circle, where the fire is located. All troubles, adversities, illnesses and failures are burned in the fire, thereby people receive purification.

After the fire becomes lower, you can start jumping over the Festive bonfire (make sure that no one gets into the head of jumping over the Sacrificial bonfire - this would be a desecration of the Deity) .

Before jumping, you must say: “Glory to our Gods and Ancestors, Glory to God Kupala!”

Fire has the ability to cleanse the human aura. Therefore, those who jump over a fire burn out all the accumulated negativity in themselves. Young couples jump over a fire, holding hands. If they open their hands, they will not be able to be together and will separate; if they keep their hands together, they will live together happily ever after.

After all the rituals of games and fun, have a joint festive meal. Be sure to say the doxology to illuminate the food:

“Oh, the Most High Progenitor, manifested in the images of: Ancestor Rod, Sventovit, Svarog, Perun and Dazhdbog, Lada, Mokosh, Jiva, Rozhana and Tsarasvati, glory to You! Glorious and triglorious be you! Bless our table and illuminate our food - for Your glory and for our joy and health! Now and forever, from circle to circle! So be it! You are like that! Wake it up! A-o-u-m Ra-Om-Ha Namaha! A-o-um Tat Sat!

3. Early in the morning - at 4-5 am - wash with dew.

To maintain youth and beauty for a long time, it is useful to wash your face with dew before sunrise and even swim in it, rolling on the grass. You can collect dew and sprinkle your house - this will protect its residents from troubles, and the house from fires.

Try to celebrate this day according to all the rules, believe in your strength and tune in with the Forces of Nature. Feel the natural forces flowing through you, bathing you in spiritual energy.

Remember that holding holidays in accordance with the tradition of our Ancestors is one of the ways to gain the protection and support of the Progenitor Family and your family line. A person who supports the Ancestral Traditions not only gains Their protection and support, but is also endowed with the special Power of the Ancestral Tradition, awakening his Ancestral Memory.

Happy holiday to everyone!

Glory to Kupala!

Aum Tat Sat.
