Fennec fox is a dwarf fox. Fennec fox or desert fox

Fennec foxes are small foxes that live in deserts that have big ears and attractive appearance. These foxes, like all others, are predators, although their habits are considered softer. The name "fennec" with Arabic That's how it's translated - "fox".

Habitat of foxes with big ears and their description

The habitat of these cute eared foxes is desert areas. North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. In Algeria, the fenech is its national symbol and is even depicted on one of the national coins.

fennec fox does not reach large sizes . At the withers it is only eighteen to twenty-two centimeters. The weight of these babies reaches up to one and a half kilograms on average. If you compare the animal’s ears with its head, they may turn out to be gigantic in relation to it. They can be up to fifteen centimeters in length.

Foxes living in the desert are perfectly adapted to similar climatic conditions:

  • they have fur on the soles of their paws so that the hot sand does not burn them;
  • Their coat color is reddish-fawn, which allows them to camouflage in desert areas;
  • long ears allow you to perfectly hear any rustle of even a small insect.

The latter, it must be said, can be eaten by fennec. Although these foxes can feed on roots and fruits of plants, carrion, and eggs.

Ears, in addition to hearing, also help improve thermoregulation, because the animal lives in a very hot desert climate.

How does an animal cope with desert climate?

As mentioned above, the fennec fox, thanks to its large ears, can easily carry hot climate deserts. The thing is that the skin on the ears of foxes is quite thin and blood vessels are visible through it, thanks to which excess heat is removed from the body.

Even internal structure foxes allows them to live in the desert. Fennec fox can eat dry food and get by for a long time without water. Therefore, the kidneys of this species of fox work differently than those of other representatives of this family. Thus, this allows you to save large quantity moisture in the animal's body. The fennec fox does not have sweat glands.

IN daytime Foxes come out infrequently, preferring to stay in holes. If they find themselves on the surface, they prefer to stay in the shade of bushes or thickets of grass. More time they hide from the scorching sun and emerge from their burrows as dusk approaches. At the same time they prefer to hunt.

It should be noted that this is a fairly smart animal and it is very interesting to watch them from the outside. For example, if a fennec fish has obtained an egg and the hard shell is difficult to crack, then it will roll the egg towards a stone. And what games they play among themselves!

Fennec fox breeding

The mating season for foxes begins in January. After the end of the mating season, the female is waiting for offspring. The wait lasts approximately 1.5-2 months, and cute little animals appear around March-April. That is, the duration of gestation for a fennec fox is about fifty days.

When born, the tiny foxes weigh only fifty grams. The female does not leave the cubs alone until they begin to open their eyes. During this time the male is not allowed near them, however, he continues to feed and obtain food for the entire family.

At five weeks of age, little foxes begin to gradually emerge from the hole and explore the territory. When they are three months old, they are ready to travel quite long distances. It should be noted that these animals are practically not afraid of anyone. They very fast and can easily escape from any danger.

IN Lately The domestication of wild animals became very popular. Due to their cute and rather cute appearance, it has become popular to keep fennec foxes as exotic pets at home. But like everyone else wild animals, The pet fennec tree is not that easy to care for. There are a number of reasons for this:

  1. The eared fox is an animal that prefers night look life, therefore, due to this, it can cause a lot of trouble to the owner;
  2. The fennec animal can be very naughty, so it simply needs training.
  3. It is difficult for them to get used to the tray and have a rather unpleasant and specific smell that will not please the owner much.
  4. In order to keep such an exotic pet at home, you will need a large cage or even a separate room, the floor of which must be covered with sand to bring it closer to its original habitat. This way the pet can dig a hole for itself.

In addition to all this, care should be taken to so that the room is warm enough, and perhaps it is worth making heated floors. Since the animal is accustomed to very hot climates, it is susceptible colds which can cause the death of a pet. Sudden fluctuations in temperatures, as well as their value should not be allowed to be too low.

Not even every veterinarian can help this exotic pet, because the fennec fox is a non-standard patient. In addition, it is better not to get a fox if you have other pets or small children, because it is not known how a wild animal might react to such a neighborhood at home.

The fennec fox is the smallest member of the canine family. Habitat in wildlife- deserts of North Africa. The fennec fox has large ears, almost the same as the big-eared fox, weighing about 1.5 kg. How long can a fox live? Currently, in captivity, life expectancy is on average 9-12 years, but they can live up to 15-18 years with proper diet and care. These exotic pets require much more attention and care than ferrets, but less than large foxes.

The fennec fox is the smallest member of the canine family.

How to get a fennec cat? First, you need to check the legal side of the issue, since in some countries it is prohibited to keep foxes at home, and it does not matter who it is: a big-eared fox, an ordinary one, or as small as a fennec fox. You should purchase an animal from a licensed breeder and obtain a passport. Don't forget about the vet. He will give vaccinations, examine and treat your pet.

Foxes are not omnivores. Some people think otherwise, but this is a harmful myth. The raccoon is an omnivore, and the fennec fox is a predator! Moreover, it is one of the rare carnivores of the Sahara. It has a weak dentofacial apparatus, similar to that of the bat-eared fox. This is due to an insectivorous diet. Of course, in the wild where an animal lives, it consumes a certain amount of plants. But for the most part, this is done because plants contain the water they need.

Thus, the home diet should include: celery, boiled sweet potatoes, various tubers and plant roots. Food of plant origin should not exceed 10% of the total diet.

The basis of the diet for the fennec cat is 90% rabbit and insects and 10% vegetables and other products. You can give other types of meat, sometimes eggs and fish, sometimes berries and fruits. Wild fennecfish, living in the desert, eat insects, lizards and rodents, but "Russian" rodents contain too much retinol. Its increased amount causes damage to the liver and kidneys. The good news is that foxes, unlike cats, can synthesize beta-carotene into retinol, so there is no need to worry about a possible deficiency.

Rabbit is ideal as a staple food compared to other types of meat. There are many cases where sick and old foxes recovered and began to feel better after switching to this diet.

Avoid foods that even your dog would not eat without harm to their health: grapes, raisins, chocolate. This affects the kidneys, and foxes are prone to kidney problems.

Fennec in our house (video)

Conditions for keeping a fennec fox

Fennec foxes should only be kept indoors. In warm climates, they can be placed in enclosures where they cannot escape. Pets must be protected from birds of prey. If a fox is kept outdoors, then its home should not allow snow and rain, as well as direct sunlight.

Close any openings where the animal could crawl through or fall through. Please note that foxes are very good at digging tunnels. They like to climb high, so multi-level cages are ideal.

You can put a box of sand in which the animal can play and dig holes. Fenech loves to run, so it is important to make the cage spacious and install a large wheel. Desert inhabitants love warmth, but it should not be too hot. Animals raised in captivity often adapt less well to their environment than their wild counterparts. European climate humid for them, unlike desert conditions, so the humidity makes thermoregulation difficult.

Gallery: fennec fox (25 photos)

Walking with caution

Many people want to take their pets for a walk. They may be scared in another environment, so the animal should only be taken outside with a harness. Get used to walking in a harness gradually, first in a closed yard where there are no strangers. Gradually increase the time until you understand that the animal is not stressed and is accustomed not only to the place where it lives, but also for walks. To prevent escaping from home, you need to make sure your pet is in a safe place when leaving. Insect screens on the windows are not an obstacle for the fox.

An animal may not show interest in it for several months or even years, but at one point it can jump onto the window, tear the mesh and run away. A small fennec fox can jump 120 cm even at risk, this is higher than a bat-eared fox can jump, so dog fences may be low. The levels in a cage or enclosure should not be located far from each other, as there are cases where fox cubs were injured during unsuccessful jumps. In this case, their front legs or spine break.

Fox behavior and socialization

Foxes are often compared to ferrets, but they are much more active. The little fennec fox can hardly be called clean. You need to be prepared that she will not take the litter box seriously and may leave excrement while playing or even while sleeping. If the fennec has sand to play with, then you will have to clean it up there too. Despite this, you should maintain cleanliness in the animal’s enclosure so that there are no skin problems or a dangerous infection develops.

Like other foxes, they can bite a person if he tries to take something away, but they do not do it as strongly. You should not disturb the animal while eating or playing, or frighten it in a cage or enclosure. If you need to take something away, you should offer your pet something that can distract his attention. From all this the conclusion follows: the fennec as a pet is quite capricious.

Fennec foxes should only be kept indoors

If the owner is away for some time during the first year (for example, on vacation), this may result in a loss of contact with the animal. Most love affection, but you need to distinguish between whining and a desire to be petted and a desire to be left alone to eat or sleep. Some of these animals love to meet new people, but most are very shy.

If your pet needs to be accustomed to other family members, it is better to do this from the very beginning. But there is no guarantee that the animal will love everyone. You can spend a lot of time, but the animal will still remain aggressive towards some people.

Funny fennec fox (video)

Helpful information

An animal from a good nursery in the USA costs approximately 2 to 3 thousand dollars. In other countries, the price may be higher due to transportation and purchasing the necessary documents. The high cost is due to the difficulties in breeding and growing.

The following points need to be remembered:

  1. If you are interested in the smallest fox that you can keep at home, then you should not confuse the two species: there is a fennec fox, and there is a big-eared fox.
  2. Make sure keeping a pet fennec fox is legal where you live.
  3. Be prepared that the animal may be unclean.
  4. Make a cage and cover any holes through which the animal can escape.
  5. Get a pet in own home, but not in an apartment or housing shared with someone who does not accept the phoenix as a pet.
  6. Ask the breeder about vaccines and find a good veterinarian.

Expect lots of energy, demandingness, talkativeness, loudness, independence, and potential chaos. domestic fox Fenech - for energetic and patient people.

Attention, TODAY only!

The little fennec fox is really a fox, but very unique, with large ears, almost like those of a hare. This unusual appearance and its small size attract the attention of lovers of exotic animals to the fox. Recently, this big-eared fox has gained popularity as a pet, which is kept in apartments like a cat or dog.

The little fennec fox is really a fox, but very unique, with large ears, almost like those of a hare.

Main characteristics of the species

  • the height of this animal at the withers reaches about 20 cm;
  • chanterelle length – no more than 40 cm;
  • the tail, of course, is fox, and therefore relatively long - about 30 cm;
  • the animal weighs no more than 1.5 kg;
  • Ears with such small sizes reach 15 cm in length.

Thus, the body of the fox itself is smaller than that of a cat. However, if you take into account the ears and tail, the cat will still seem smaller.

The systematic position of this animal differs from all other foxes. Fenech, like a dog, belongs to the canine family, but has nothing to do with the fox family. Especially for it, zoologists have identified a separate genus - Fennecus, to which only one species belongs - Vulpes zerda.

Fenech, like a dog, belongs to the canine family, but has nothing to do with the fox family

Lifestyle and character

The big-eared fox attracts and surprises everyone with the size of its ears. During strong winds the ears act like a sail and the poor animal has to make great efforts not to fly away along with the desert plants.

The fennec fox lives in the deserts of North Africa. It got its name thanks to the Arabic word fanak, which is translated as fox.

The small fennec fox hunts alone, mainly at night. She is a predator like all foxes. She only chooses her prey according to size. Its diet includes small lizards, insects, worms, mice, eggs of birds and reptiles, and the birds themselves. Life in the desert does not indulge in an abundance of food, so the bat-eared fox feeds on carrion, fruits and roots. All canines do not disdain such food. She tolerates thirst well, often being content with the water contained in her food.

The little fennec fox is really a fox, but very unique, with large ears, almost like those of a hare. This unusual appearance and small size attract the attention of lovers of exotic animals to the fox. Recently, this big-eared fox has gained popularity as a pet, which is kept in apartments like a cat or dog.

The little fennec fox is really a fox, but very unique, with large ears, almost like those of a hare.

Main characteristics of the species

  • the height of this animal at the withers reaches about 20 cm;
  • chanterelle length – no more than 40 cm;
  • the tail, of course, is fox, and therefore relatively long - about 30 cm;
  • the animal weighs no more than 1.5 kg;
  • Ears with such small sizes reach 15 cm in length.

Thus, the body of the fox itself is smaller than that of a cat. However, if you take into account the ears and tail, the cat will still seem smaller.

The systematic position of this animal differs from all other foxes. Fenech, like a dog, belongs to the canine family, but has nothing to do with the fox family. Especially for it, zoologists have identified a separate genus - Fennecus, to which only one species belongs - Vulpes zerda.

Fenech, like a dog, belongs to the canine family, but has nothing to do with the fox family

Lifestyle and character

The big-eared fox attracts and surprises everyone with the size of its ears. During strong winds, the ears act like a sail and the poor animal has to make great efforts not to fly away along with the desert plants.

The fennec fox lives in the deserts of North Africa. It got its name thanks to the Arabic word fanak, which is translated as fox.

The small fennec fox hunts alone, mainly at night. She is a predator like all foxes. She only chooses her prey according to size. Its diet includes small lizards, insects, worms, mice, eggs of birds and reptiles, and the birds themselves. Life in the desert does not indulge in an abundance of food, so the bat-eared fox feeds on carrion, fruits and roots. All canines do not disdain such food. She tolerates thirst well, often being content with the water contained in her food.

In the sandy deserts of northern Africa lives the miniature fennec fox (lat. Fennecus zerda). The weight of the animal is quite small - about 1.5 kg, and the animal is not very tall either. But what attracts attention to this fox are her ears. Occupying almost a third of the size of the animal’s entire body, they perfectly capture even the smallest rustles. It is thanks to its ears that the fenech hunts very successfully in the dark.

Fenech - description, appearance

The fennec fox has a very modest size; this fox is the smallest representative of its family. The length of its body does not exceed 35 cm, and males are usually even smaller - up to 30 cm, the tail of the animal is approximately the same size - 25-30 cm. Height at the withers is 18-22 cm - this is less than that of an ordinary domestic cat. The ears of the desert fennec fox look disproportionate to the body and are 15 cm long.

The muzzle is pointed, which is typical for all foxes, but shorter. The fennec cat's eyes are large and expressive and stand out well on the head. Ears have big size not only to capture sounds, but also to cool the animal’s body during hot times of the day. This happens due to small blood vessels, which are very close to the surface inside ears. Despite the fact that the fennec is a predator, its teeth are small. Small fangs are especially unusual.

The animals' paws are adapted to desert conditions. The foot is heavily pubescent, and this helps the desert fennec fox move without problems during the day on hot sand. In general, this wool small predator soft and thick. The color helps to camouflage: the animals are light red or fawn on top, the color of sand, and the belly fur is colored White color. There is a tuft of black hair at the tip of the tail. The fennec fox, whose fur has not yet changed to that of an adult, is almost completely white.

In nature, animals live not so short - about 15 years. But in captivity, this period can be extended for another 3-4 years due to comfortable conditions and an abundance of food.

The fennec fox's desert forest habitat is not that large compared to other foxes that live on almost all continents. The largest populations of these animals are found in the Sahara Desert - from Morocco to Niger and Chad.

Unlike most fox species, fennec foxes are accustomed to living in small groups, although they still hunt alone. In desert areas they are looking for areas with dense thickets grass or shrubs to build a hole there, hidden from prying eyes. In the absence of such a site, they also settle in open areas, making long and intricate underground passages.

In case of sudden danger, desert fennec foxes can hide in someone else's suitable hole. There are enough similar shelters in their habitat, so prey for more large predators Fennecs become extremely rare.

IN natural conditions these foxes easily find food for themselves. And this is not accidental, since, despite the order to which they belong - predators - fennecs do not disdain other food. In addition to small rodents, chicks, lizards and some insects, desert fennec foxes feed on berries and plants that can be obtained in arid regions.

Fennec cat lifestyle

Fennecs are predominantly nocturnal, only emerging from their burrows during the day when absolutely necessary. Little foxes are very sociable creatures and easily live alongside their own kind. There are usually about 10 individuals in a “family”: an adult couple, their offspring and several fox cubs from the previous litter. They actively communicate with each other not only using body language, but also make numerous sounds - barking, howling, grumbling, etc.

The fennec fox obtains its food from sand or earth. Fortunately, their paws are adapted for this - although small, they have developed muscles. Since these foxes are nocturnal animals, their vision is adapted to seeing in the dark.

Living in arid regions has forced fenechs to get used to this - they can do without water at all for a long time, extracting moisture from meat, fruits and leaves.

Fennec as a pet

Nowadays, having exotic animals at home is very fashionable. However, the domestic fennec fox is not the case when problems with keeping the animal at home will not arise. Future owners should remember that these foxes are nocturnal, so sleeping with a fennec fox next to them will be problematic. In addition, foxes themselves have a pungent odor, and if they are not trained to use a litter box (which is quite difficult), then there will always be an unpleasant odor in the house. To prevent the fennec fox from causing a lot of trouble, you need to train it like a dog. But foxes are wild animals, and it takes a very long time to learn even the simplest commands.

The habit of the desert fennec fox to dig holes for itself brings many difficulties to its maintenance. You will have to purchase a large cage for the animal or even allocate an entire room. Cover the floor with a thick layer of sand to make the animal feel more comfortable.

The temperature in the apartment should be close to the air temperature in the desert, that is, higher than usual. There should be no drafts, and desert fennec foxes are sensitive to even a slight drop. At home, they often die precisely because of a common cold.
