Why your nose itches: signs and meanings that differ from various factors. Why your nose itches - the meaning of the sign

Everyone sometimes has the desire to scratch their nose, most often it is a reaction to a minor irritant. But in some cases, the itching can be so long-lasting and severe that it creates discomfort in everyday life.

Itchy skin in itself is not dangerous. This is common and most cases go away on their own within a week or two at most. The American Academy of Dermatology views itching as a general irritation and urge to scratch the skin. Inexpensive over-the-counter ointments can be used to relieve the skin of this problem.

If it is caused by a rash, it will also be accompanied by small raised pimples or bumps. The rash can also cause swelling and inflammation. The skin may feel warm and there may be other symptoms depending on the underlying cause of the rash. The rash can be painful, especially in children, and professional medical diagnosis is necessary to determine the cause.

People with weak immune system or using immune-suppressing drugs (such as chemotherapy and diabetes medications) should tell their doctors immediately to avoid complications.

Associated symptoms

Symptoms can vary and depend on the underlying cause of the itching. Those caused by external substances (eg, contact dermatitis) will be different from those caused by a general medical condition or virus and fungal infection (eg, chickenpox, shingles, and Lyme disease).

Basic possible symptoms symptoms that may accompany an itchy nose include the following:

  • Small bumps on the nose, cheeks, forehead and around the ear that itch
  • Fever, especially for children
  • The skin may feel tight and itchy
  • Dry, flaky and cracked face
  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ear
  • Facial swelling
  • Small itchy blisters
  • Swelling of the nose.

You need to apply for medical care if any of these symptoms persist for more than a week and are accompanied by an itchy rash.

Myths and superstitions

In medicine, an itchy nose is due to some sort of irritation, such as dermatitis, or a medical condition, such as diabetes, and itching can also indicate an infection, perhaps due to a nose piercing or wound.

But besides the above medical reasons, there are various superstitions and myths about itching in different parts bodies. They differ geographically and therefore their interpretation varies from country to country.

A common myth that explains the desire to scratch one's nose is that one is about to kiss a fool. Sometimes they say that this is a sign of a fight, while some people even interpret it as a sign of a possible curse. We very often say that the nose itches before drinking alcohol, as if anticipating a feast.

In the southern region of the United States, a common myth is that when your nose itches, you should expect guests. If it itches left-hand side nose, then the guest will most likely be a man, if the right one is a woman.

In the northern part of the United States they disagree with this interpretation, they believe that an itchy tip of the nose is a possible signal of receiving a letter (it is not clear whether the email is part of a superstition).

Other common superstitions and myths:

  • The nose itches for a quarrel
  • To the fight
  • Someone is thinking about you
  • To make a profit.

The list above is just a few of the existing myths and superstitions about itching of this part of the body.



Allergies are a common cause of itchy skin. The most common type of allergy is gluten allergy. The main form of this condition is dermatitis herpetiformis, a serious skin rash associated with celiac disease (a bowel disease that causes intolerance to certain proteins). Symptoms include severe itching that can occur on any part of the body.

The only treatment for this condition is diet. No medications are required. Beer, barley and any foods containing gluten should be avoided.


Nose piercings can cause a skin reaction to nickel. Using unsterilized and contaminated instruments can also transmit infections, such as the virus that causes AIDS. An open wound may come into contact with bacteria or fungi, resulting in nasal swelling and itching due to infection. Find out more about the infection.

Itching after eating

A possible explanation for why your nose itches after eating is that you are allergic to the food you ate. This is most relevant among people with celiac disease (gluten intolerance). Symptoms may be severe and painful.


  • Facial swelling
  • Small raised bumps on the skin
  • Sneezing, itchy nose
  • Swelling of the tongue, lips and eyes
  • Heavy breathing and tightness in the chest.

To reduce these symptoms, you can take antihistamines by mouth, such as:

  • sodium cromoglycate - helps well with mild food allergies, with virtually no side effects, but most often comes in the form of eye drops or nasal spray, and for food allergies it must be taken orally;
  • Cetirizine is a widely used drug for various forms new generation allergies
  • Levocetirizine is a more expensive, but also faster-acting drug with fewer side effects compared to cetirizine;
  • other antihistamines, in particular the latest (third generation).

Sometimes they may be prescribed along with epinephrine. These drugs are available without a prescription.

Itching caused by worms


This is an operation aimed at changing the shape of the nose (size or angle). It is also used to correct many other nasal defects. After this procedure, itching may occur.

It is necessary to contact a dermatologist so that he can prescribe best drug which will not interfere with treatment.

Dry facial skin

Dry flaky skin

May be caused by use large quantity makeup products and skin moisturizers. Soap and body lotion can also trigger this problem. It may also be exacerbated by conditions and diseases such as diabetes, psoriasis and malnutrition.


Neuropathy is peripheral nerve dysfunction that causes numbness. The condition may also cause a tingling and tingling sensation. Muscle weakness is also a common symptom.

Other reasons

Other possible reasons which can lead to this problem:

  • Diabetes
  • Psoriasis
  • Rosacea
  • Contact dermatitis
  • Eczema (atopic dermatitis).

Itching in the nose and throat

A common cause of this is contact with allergens - substances to which the body reacts and may cause the following symptoms: itching, sneezing and skin rashes. When the body comes into contact with an allergen, it releases histamine - organic compound, which protects against allergens.

The histamine produced is the cause of allergic rhinitis, more commonly known to many as hay fever. The most noticeable symptoms of this are runny nose, sneezing, itchy nose and eyes. Other symptoms include watery eyes, congestion, sores and a sore throat.

Common allergens include grass, pollen, dust, mites, cockroaches, cigarette smoke and perfume. Hay fever is common and harmless, but sometimes there are severe symptoms that can be difficult to manage. You should seek medical help if you begin to notice the following symptoms:

  • Regular headaches that require long-term treatment
  • General excessive fatigue of the body
  • The skin is very itchy and flaky
  • Sore or sore throat
  • Constant cough
  • Runny nose.

The following can be used to treat allergies:

  • Antihistamines are used to cause the body to stop secreting histamine. If you are already prescribed medication, you should consult your doctor before starting a new medication.
  • Decongestants can be used to relieve congestion. At high blood pressure Before using such drugs, you should consult a doctor.
  • You can also use eye drops and nasal spray. They can help with itching and other allergy-related symptoms.
  • For severe cases allergic reaction your doctor may prescribe immunotherapy. It can be used independently or together with others medicines to relieve symptoms. An example is sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT).
  • You should also reduce exposure to the allergen (eg, keep bedding clean, vacuum to remove dust and mites).

Itchy nose at night

Itching of the nose, like other parts of the body, can occur at any time of the day or night. But it often happens that it gets worse at night. This can be problematic as the condition greatly affects normal sleep patterns. The exact cause of this phenomenon is unknown. If you are exposed to allergens that cause itching, treatment for the condition will likely take a long time.

Chronic night itching may be a clear sign medical complication for which you should seek medical attention from a dermatologist, especially when swelling, inflammation, rashes and small bumps occur. A common cause of nighttime itching is associated with psoriasis and eczema, also called atopic dermatitis.

You can try using anti-itch creams or gels to soothe your skin so you can sleep. When itching is accompanied by congestion, you can try rubbing the onion and breathing in it. You can also try drinking warm water or peppermint tea.

Itching and sneezing

Having an itchy nose and sneezing is a clear sign of hay fever. This is an allergic reaction caused by pollen and dust, which leads to inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose. This can cause some visible symptoms such as a runny nose and watery eyes.

There is no cure for this condition. However, people can find relief from symptoms over a period of time through various medicines. The best solution is to avoid all allergens that cause hay fever. Antihistamine creams and corticosteroids may also help reduce inflammation and swelling.


Treatment depends on the underlying cause of the itching. Before starting treatment, you need to make sure that the condition is diagnosed and the cause is established.

People with a weak immune system, especially those with HIV/AIDS, diabetes, or taking chemotherapy drugs, should not take any medications without a doctor's prescription.

  • To reduce the level of histamine that causes allergic reactions, your doctor may prescribe an antihistamine in pill or injection form.
  • Topical corticosteroid ointments can be taken for mild cases of inflammation, swelling and itching, as well as lumps and lumps.
  • Sometimes your doctor may prescribe an antidepressant by injection or oral medication.
  • For those who are resistant to corticosteroids, calcineurin inhibitors are an alternative.

Home Remedies

  • Chop fresh onions and inhale their vapors to unblock congestion. It is also beneficial to eat food seasoned with pepper.
  • Peppermint tea can be very helpful for nasal congestion and severe headaches.
  • Aloe vera gel is an excellent moisturizer and antibacterial for the skin. It can be used to relieve itching caused by contact dermatitis and eczema.

Scratching any part of the body is not a mysterious process at all from a medical point of view. Perhaps there is an irritating object, an allergy, a chronic disease, or the itchy organ just needs to rest. However, our ancestors firmly believed that scratching portends important events. In this article we will tell you about superstitions associated with itching of the eyes, eyebrows, and bridge of the nose.

Itchy eyes

Right eye itches to tears, grief, long-awaited meeting, for a date with your loved one. Left- to luck, money, unexpected news. According to popular wisdom, if your eyes suddenly itch, you cannot avoid grief, quarrels and other troubles. Moreover, it is almost impossible to prevent them.

Right eyelid itches? Prepare for a quarrel (the consolation may be that you will be the winner in it). Itching in the left eyelid- also to quarrel and loss. To change the situation in in this case just scratching your eyelid is enough.

Eyebrows itchy

Even in ancient times it was noticed that scratching left eyebrow indicates gossip around a person, dissatisfaction with his actions on the part of other people. Itching in right eyebrow, on the contrary, indicates that in this moment time, someone praises you, and also predicts a new pleasant acquaintance or a meeting with a person you already know and likes.

Why do both eyebrows itch?? You can rejoice: in the coming days you will receive a cash replenishment.

The bridge of the nose itches

Why does the bridge of the nose itch?? According to the superstition, a person whose nose suddenly itches feels the approach of death. The dead person could be anyone: a relative, an acquaintance.

Surely many folk superstitions seem a little funny to you. However, think about how firmly ancient beliefs and signs have entered the consciousness of almost each of us and become part of the mentality. Remember, after all, you have repeatedly, feeling a slight scratching of one or another organ, automatically thought: what is this for?

What signs do you know?

We told you the most famous and effective signs associated with scratching the eyes, eyebrows, and bridge of the nose. What signs do you know?

For centuries, people have noticed the connection between certain states of the body and subsequent events that occurred in life. This is how many signs associated with body parts arose. Even today, new superstitions appear or old signs acquire new interpretations.

There are several superstitions about the nose. If a wart appears on the left side of the nose, this portends receiving bad news, and good news on the right.

When not a wart, but a pimple appears on the organ of smell, then someone has fallen in love with a person. The interpretation of such signs does not cause problems. It is more difficult to interpret the sign about why your nose itches. It has several meanings, both positive and negative.

The sign about why your nose itches can be interpreted in different ways. The interpretation largely depends on which part of the nose itches.

The superstition about why the tip of the nose itches has two interpretations. The first says that this condition appears before drinking alcohol. On this day there will be an invitation to a feast for a joyful event, for example, the birth of a child. If the tip of the nose is very itchy, this may also portend profit.

When it itches right wing nose, you can expect good news. Opposite meaning has a sign about when it itches left wing nose It foretells receiving bad news.

If the left wing itches, then superstition can also be interpreted as an omen of worsening matters. For left-handers, the sign about itching of the wings of the nose is interpreted the other way around. If the wing itches on the left - good news, if the right wing itches - the news will be bad.

When the wings of the nose itch at the same time, this can predict the simultaneous receipt of good and bad news. If a person scratched the wing of his nose and then sneezed, then the omen will definitely come true.

The superstition about why the bridge of the nose itches has negative interpretation. This condition portends death close relative. If the bridge of your nose itches, this can also predict illness in one of your relatives.

The sign about why the right nostril itches has two interpretations - for celebration and fun. Right nostril always itches only for some kind of pleasure.

When the left nostril itches, it portends financial difficulties. Itching on the left side also portends failure and demotion.

If both nostrils itch, this portends the birth of a child. If you scratch your left nostril, a boy will be born in due time, and a girl will be born with your right nostril. Another interpretation of superstition, itchy nostrils portend permanent shift joyful and sad events. In African countries, it was assumed that itchy nostrils in girls foreshadowed major troubles.

There is a merchant interpretation about itching of the nostrils. In the old days, people doing business said that when the nostril on the left itches, it can mean profit, on the right - ruin, loss of goods, large losses.

Itchy skin near the nostrils or under the nose portends conflicts both in your personal life and at work. A person who has such a condition will have to fight to defend his interests.

An itchy nose has another negative interpretation. When the whole nose itches, it promises a fight. To prevent such an event from developing, it is necessary for someone to lightly tap the person on the nose. This will mean that a fight has happened.

If the nose is itchy not on the outside, but on the inside, then love awaits the person. It is possible that a new acquaintance will happen or an old feeling will be revived.

When interpreting superstition, it is important to remember your last thoughts. It is possible that the cause of the itchy nose is them. For example, if a person thought that it would be nice to meet friends today and have a drink or two, then the body could succumb to such persuasion and react to them by scratching its nose.

Scratching your nose by day of the week

Interpretation of signs by day of the week:

  • On Monday itching portends difficulties in business. Usually their appearance is not limited to one day. A difficult week is the minimum that portends an itchy nose on Monday.
  • On Tuesday This state occurs before a visit from friends. If the tip of the nose itches, then gatherings will involve drinking alcoholic beverages.
  • On Wednesday your nose itches when you receive gifts.
  • On Thursday an itchy nose promises success on the personal front. This state occurs before a love acquaintance or before a date, both planned and not.
  • On Friday the nose begins to itch before a feast with drinking alcoholic beverages.
  • On Saturday an itchy nose portends spending. Planned purchases will require more expenses than the person expected.
  • On Sunday the nose begins to itch before a quarrel. It portends discord with loved ones. On this day, you need to control your statements so as not to provoke a quarrel.

Scratching your nose by time of day

The interpretation of signs about scratching one's nose can also be carried out according to the time of day:

  • If your nose itches in the morning, this foreshadows the visit of guests, meeting with whom a person would prefer to avoid.
  • Itchy nose time day, this means that a person is waiting for a feast with drinking alcoholic beverages.
  • In the evening Itchy nose occurs before winning the lottery.
  • At night such a state promises profit.

Other signs about the nose

Signs about the nose are not limited to just itching. There are many other superstitions associated with this organ of smell.

If your nose starts bleeding, you need to sprinkle it on the highest denomination banknote that is in the house. After this, several pieces of such money will arrive at once.

The sign about why the nose is burning is interpreted as a quick feast with the use of alcoholic beverages. There is another interpretation of the superstition about why the flaming of this olfactory organ occurs. Burning nostrils and the tip of the nose portend a fight.

There are signs not about the nose itself, but about the handkerchief. For example, you cannot accept it as a gift. This promises misfortune and tears. If you suddenly find someone else’s handkerchief in the house, you should burn it to avoid any trouble.

When a person suddenly loses his handkerchief, it saves him from a problem that has bothered him pretty much. The bride should not give a scarf to her groom. This dooms the couple to separation, and the girl to eternal loneliness.

An itchy nose has not only an esoteric, but also a medical basis. This condition may occur due to an allergic reaction of the body to an irritant. If the itching doesn't go away for a long time, then you need to seek help from a doctor.

The bridge of the nose is a very sensitive area of ​​the face. Often this part of the body can bother you for no reason. Such anxiety can manifest itself due to irritation, allergies, acne. But why does the bridge of the nose itch if there are no pimples, wounds or redness on the skin? Our article will be devoted to this issue.

Negative meaning of a sign

Our ancestors revered every sign and treated it with special care. What did such a sign foretell in the old days, let's find out:

  1. Itching in this area portends a person bad event- He has to attend a funeral. Perhaps it will be the funeral of loved ones or someone you know - neighbors, distant acquaintance, etc.
  2. Another negative meaning signs when the bridge of the nose itches - such a person most likely has a lot of problems, a sign that he is constantly thinking about how to solve them. This is a kind of protest of the body and a signal to a person that he needs to throw out of his head all thoughts that destroy the brain and peace of mind.
  3. If the bridge of your nose itches, it means someone is gossiping and gossiping behind your back and trying to annoy you in every possible way. Try to identify such a person. From now on, try to stay away from such a person.

This is the negative interpretation folk sign ends. Subsequent interpretations of superstition will depend on where the bridge of the nose itches, on what days of the week and time of day. Let's look at each meaning in detail.

Itching site

The location of the itching is important when deciphering such a sign:

  1. The bridge of the nose itches closer to the wings of the nose - this is good news for a person. This means that soon there will be a new addition to the family. Perhaps the birth of a child, grandchildren, or the wedding of children. This option cannot be ruled out - you will baptize someone’s children.
  2. The bridge of the nose in the area of ​​the right wing itches - expect pleasant events. In this case, anything can happen - a meeting with an old friend, a fun and stormy party, good news, a meeting with distant relatives etc.
  3. The bridge of the nose in the area of ​​the left wing itches - pleasant surprises await you, or rather, acquaintance. What such an acquaintance promises you is not determined by the omen. Because a lot during the meeting will depend on you. You can meet a new work colleague, your lover, or just find a new friend. How you present yourself when you first meet will influence your future interactions with these people. Therefore, try to put yourself in order and, as they say, not fall in the face.
  4. Modern predictors believe that the tip of the nose can also be classified as the bridge of the nose. Therefore, if this area of ​​your nose is itchy, expect a stormy feast with alcoholic beverages.
  5. Another interpretation of the sign when the tip of the nose itches - expect pleasant gestures of attention from the opposite sex. It is possible that someone will seriously start courting you. Another option is possible, when the tip of your nose itches - you will become interested in a representative of the opposite sex. Interest may develop into serious relationship, and even marriage.
  6. The entire bridge of the nose itches - it means a person is worried about something important issue and cannot find an answer to his solution. You need to concentrate your thoughts as much as possible in the right direction, calm down, and then everything will certainly work out.

Days of the week

On Monday, itching this part of the body can be a shame. Perhaps over the weekend you did something for which you are now ashamed and uncomfortable.

On Tuesday, itching in this part of the face warns a person that his superiors are remembering him. It is also possible that colleagues are discussing it at work. The discussion is purely work-related.

On Wednesday, such a sign promises a person that something may happen towards the end of the week that you will think about with great annoyance and bitterness.

On Thursday, the bridge of the nose itches - a sign of meeting old acquaintances and discussing mutual friends with them.

Friday is a sign of a good time in the evening. Perhaps there will be a noisy and cheerful party with close friends, after which the most pleasant impressions and memories will remain.

Why does your nose itch?

Why and why does your nose itch?

In the evening, the bridge of your nose itches - problems that you cannot solve simply do not give you peace. You just need to let go of the situation, and the next day, with a fresh head, set about eliminating them.

At night the bridge of your nose itches - someone remembers you, and from a good perspective. Perhaps these are friends, relatives or a loved one.


Of course, signs need to be taken into account, because they have existed for more than one century. But don't forget about external factors. The bridge of the nose may itch due to a runny nose, irritation of the nasal mucosa, or allergies. In this case, you need to seek help from a doctor.

There are several signs that explain why your nose itches. Some are inclined to the idea that soon they will have to “look into a glass”, others that they will have to fight. But these are not all the superstitions associated with this phenomenon.

Itchy nose - why?

Itching in different parts of the body is considered an important warning sign of failure, happiness, gaining valuable experience, news. This phenomenon was considered comprehensively by our ancestors, but if your nose itches, it always indicates serious news. How they will be can be judged which part of the nose is bothering you.

If only the tip is itchy

The sign does not carry negativity; only good events are expected in the near future.

There is an additional explanation for the days of the week, which will help you get more detailed interpretation. Happened in:

  • Monday- receiving a gift;
  • Tuesday- friendly feast;
  • Wednesday- meeting with old friends;
  • Thursday - happy event in the family, childbirth, pregnancy, obtaining a title, position;
  • Friday- receive financial rewards;
  • Saturday- profit, promotion;
  • Sunday- invitation to a celebration.

Itchy left nostril

  • Fate sends a sign - be careful, troubles and financial difficulties are possible.
  • indicates the birth of a boy.
  • Sometimes it warns of an upcoming christening or wedding (a ceremony that will be held in a church).

Right nostril itches

Happiness, luck, pleasure awaits you in the near future. Get ready to receive gifts from friends and strangers. Perhaps someone will just give you flowers on the street. According to pregnancy signs, it may portend the birth of a girl. Itching in both nostrils indicates imminent conception.

The bridge of the nose and sides of the nose

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Possible illness, receiving bad news, indicates troubles and hardships. To neutralize negativity, you need to cross the bridge of your nose three times and then scratch it.

If the left or right wing is disturbed, this means troubles that can affect any area of ​​life. To protect yourself from problems, try not to make important decisions, in discussions, be as restrained and balanced as possible.

Itching all over or around the nose

Be on your guard, all endeavors will be doomed to failure. Therefore, it is better to devote time to completing some projects, but not starting new ones.

It is believed that in response to any request a person will receive a refusal. According to another interpretation, itchy skin can warn of romance or passionate love. The union will not necessarily be new; old feelings may flare up.

If your nose is all itchy, a quarrel or a fight awaits; it is better not to argue with your superiors at this time, as you will receive a serious reprimand. You can neutralize such negativity by lightly clicking on the tip.

Itchy nose - signs by day

There are interpretations of the belief based on the day of the week on which the itch occurred. They are relevant regardless of whether the whole nose itches or just part of it. What does it mean if your nose itches:

  • Monday- troubles, difficulties in communicating with other people. Conflicts cannot be avoided.
  • Tuesday- old friends will visit you. Wait for the guests.
  • Wednesday- receiving gifts.
  • Thursday- perhaps a romantic rendezvous with someone you know well.
  • Friday- a celebration where you will have to drink a lot.
  • Saturday- they warn you that you will spend a large amount in the near future.
  • Sunday- troubles, showdowns, quarrels.

The sign is more likely to come true if, after your nose itched, you also sneezed. To get this prediction you can use deciphering sneezers.

If itching begins:

  • in the morning- guests will come in the evening;
  • during the day- tomorrow you will receive a cash reward;
  • In the evening- financial well-being;
  • at night- in 7 days expect news, most likely bad.

You can use any decryption or all of them together. If the predictions are slightly different from each other, each the event will happen in your life very soon.

Decoding for men and women

There are also. It turns out that itching can be interpreted differently if it appears in representatives of different sexes.

A woman will itch:

  • right nostril- success with the opposite sex, the appearance of a boyfriend;
  • left nostril- a not very pleasant man will apply for your hand and heart, but you will have to maintain a relationship with him;
  • nose inside- to trouble. There may even be a fight in which you will have to take part. Tap lightly on the itched area and avoid negativity.

For a man:

  • right nostril- Receiving a profit;
  • left nostril- infatuation with a woman who will manipulate you;
  • nose wings- fight. A man should also hit the itchy surface to prevent trouble.

Signs will help predict what will happen in the near future; do not ignore the clues of fate, they can warn of really important events.
