How to choose an amulet for yourself. How to choose the perfect talisman for yourself

How to choose the right talisman? First, you need to determine what effect you want to achieve with it, and then decide which one will help you achieve this goal.

Some of the most popular are astrological talismans. Among them there are talismans for good luck, for love, for money, for health, for protection, and so on. To choose the right talisman, there are two main ways.

How to choose a talisman based on the properties of the planets

To do this, you need to know the properties of the planets:

Talismans according to zodiac signs

You can choose a talisman based on your zodiac sign. Each sign has its own talismans, which carry positive energies and protect the owner from negative influences. To increase your potential, attract luck, love and prosperity, use talismans that match your type of zodiac energy. More information about talismans by zodiac sign:

How to choose a talisman based on your natal chart

To choose according to your horoscope, you need to take into account natal chart (astrological chart birth horoscope). Basically, when choosing, take into account the planets that are strong in your horoscope, their natural effect will give strength to the talisman, or those planets that are a weak link in your natal chart to strengthen their effect. Avoid planets that have serious flaws in the horoscope, because you can only increase their negative influence. In some cases, there is even a physical reaction to such talismans. For example, their owner becomes allergic to it.

If you are familiar with astrology, you can check your natal chart as follows. The talisman will have a great effect if the planet is in its own sign or sign of exaltation. For example, if in your horoscope Jupiter is in Pisces (this is his sign), then the Jupiter talisman is an excellent choice for you. The talismans of the planet that are debilitated, detrimental, combusted or retrograde in your horoscope are your “ yellow flags" Use them with caution.

Sometimes it happens that a talisman works in relation to its intended purpose, but its owner gets problems in other areas. If you decide to choose such a talisman, it is advisable to test it for a limited period of time. For example, if your Saturn is in Aries, its fall sign, you should use the Saturn talisman with caution. Other astrological indicators, such as the location of the planet in the house, its aspects, are also important and must be taken into account when choosing.

We have already written about what is an amulet, what is its fundamental difference from talismans And amulets what types of amulets are there and how to make them yourself And.

In this article we will talk about how to choose the right amulet if you decide to purchase an individual amulet from a real magician and, at the same time, we will tell you a little about how to determine whether the magician in front of you is a real one.

In the most general sense amulet is an energetically or magically charged object that protects a person from misfortunes, problems and illnesses, while having the ability to bring good luck to its owner. A real “working” amulet should be tuned only to its owner and not interact with any extraneous energy.

What is an amulet from the point of view of psychics?

People with astral vision or, as people say, clairvoyants, see a real “charged” amulet as energy clot or, as a good energy being, located inside an object and emitting divine radiance. The light of this radiance envelops its owner, creates a protective shell for him that does not allow diseases and negative magical effects to break through, and also directs the person to a better path in life.

First and mainfunction amulet - This protection. But, at the same time, the amulet is fundamentally different from amulets, which is also aimed at protecting a person from misfortunes.


The difference between an amulet and a talisman lies in the fact that the amulet is capable of accumulating energy, strength and a magical program several times. A amulet- just once. An individually created amulet is an accumulator of your personal and magical program embedded in it, which in total provides not only protection, but also brings you enormous benefits over time. good luck in life.

Therefore, the amulet, according to the general opinion, is capable of not only protecting a person from troubles and other troubles. The amulet, gradually accumulating your energy and tuning into you personally, will guide you in the right and better direction, will attract useful opportunities and the people you need to you. The amulet will set the tone for your actions and mood so that you do not make rash acts or rash mistakes. In a word, the amulet is your comrade-in-arms, protector and helper! Of course, if it is real and purely individual.

IN modern society attitude towards amulets, talismans and other occult subjects is quite skeptical. Such things are treated as simple superstition, not believing that a real and individually made amulet can not only protect its owner, but also make him successful and rich!

So why is there no trust in such magical “tools”?

All because in modern world marketing and the market for products of various types, such things are perceived as a scam.

Typical example:

A person goes to a specialized souvenir shop and sees a lot of pendants in the form of mysterious symbols, figurines of Gods and others. mysterious objects. The store seller begins to tell him what this or that amulet means and what it will bring into the life of the person who buys it. A man buys an amulet he likes. (By the way, the price for such products is not high). He wears an amulet and interacts with it, but no miracle happens and nothing in his life changes. This is because such products are justpacifiers , put on a mass production conveyor. No matter how mysterious the symbol or figurine may look, without magical charging and the work of a specialist in magic, the amulet will not make any fundamental changes in your life!

Material for the amulet

Yes, you can do it yourself choose a material, object or thing for the amulet and give it to the magician for “coding”. But, based on the experience accumulated by hundreds of generations and tested by magicians of all times, the material for the amulet must also be special. Products that are best suited for an amuletwith natural stones (gems, precious minerals) , or b precious metals and their alloys . It is good if this or that object is framed in metal, especially if it is a stone. Fits well for framessilver And cupronickel Gold It's better not to use it.Gold in itself has powerful energy, and there is a possibility that it will drown out the work of the amulet and its magical program. And silver and its alloys will only enhance and emphasize its effect. Amulet options - With earrings, rings, rings, pendants, bracelets etc. But under no circumstances use plastic. This synthetic substance is in principle incapable of accumulating and retaining energy, especially magical energy.


When choosing a stone, you can rely not only on astrological indications and stone matches your zodiac sign, but also on your intuition. Choose the stone to which your soul lies most, and upon contact with which you feel calm and even some warmth spreading throughout your body. As the sages say,intuition - this is a conversation between a person and God. And sometimes our metaphysical sensations are much more valuable and truthful than physical ones. It is best to purchase a stone or amulet either in specialized magic salons, or at stone exhibitions, or from the magician himself, who will “charge” it for you.

In the end, let's say a few words abouthow to choose a real magician , which will truly make your amulet individual and magical.

Unfortunately, there are only a few real, and most importantly, honest and conscientious magicians in our country. We have already written an article abouthow to distinguish the site of a real magician from Internet scammers and charlatans. Let's add to this that if you contact a magician in person or communicate with him on the Internet, first of all pay attention to your Feel ! When communicating with a kind and strong magician, just as when choosing a stone, you should have a feeling of warmth in your soul, confidence that this person will help you, and most importantly, will not harm you. Remember one thing - your feelings during and after communication with the magician should be pleasant! If you are tired after a conversation, if you feel some kind of negative energy or, God forbid, the feeling that you are being vampirized, try to quickly end the conversation and not intersect with him again. A real magician or witch who undertakes to help you is, as a rule, polite and does not indulge in trifles and self-praise. A magician who is ready to help you and charge the amulet you will immediately feel it in your heart. Guide your choice magical help to the responses of your soul and you definitely won’t go wrong!

At all times, people have been interested in questions related to the safety of talismans, their correct choice and whether everyone can use them. Also, everyone was interested in what effect an incorrectly chosen talisman had on a person’s future fate and health.

Usually, some articles published in the media pointed only to the positive aspects of influence, but they tried not to mention the “dark side of the coin” at all. First of all, you need to understand how to make the right choice talisman, to avoid negative consequences errors.

At the very beginning, we note that almost every talisman can contain a certain threat. And it will be almost unimportant whether your choice fell on a cute plush cat or a ring with a precious stone. After all, each of the above items has its own impact and, accordingly, can cause harm.

Most psychics and astrologers advise choosing a talisman in full accordance with your zodiac sign, which can subsequently solve all problematic issues that arise.

Choosing a talisman according to zodiac signs

Literally each zodiac sign correspond to certain precious stones And metals, various Images And flowers. For greater clarity, it is worth considering as an example the correct choice of a talisman for people born under the zodiac sign “Leo”.

The information contained in will let us know that the gemstone of this sign is ruby, precious metal gold will become, the planet will become the Sun, and zodiac color constellations Leo will become Red color. Having reviewed the information received, it becomes clear that the most the best talismans For people born under the sign of Leo, all gold jewelry will contain inserts made of a stone such as ruby. A red talisman with the image of the sun will also be an excellent choice. Similarly, any zodiac sign can be analyzed.

Incorrectly selected components of a talisman can, at best, cause a feeling of discomfort and insecurity. In the worst case scenario, an incorrectly chosen gemstone can cause health problems for its owner and destroy certain areas of his life.

But do not think that an incorrectly chosen talisman can necessarily only have a negative impact. If he doesn’t suit you, then he can simply close down and not exert any influence at all, that is, be neutral.

In any case, it is necessary to check the mascot for compatibility

If you are absolutely sure that the talisman has been chosen correctly, then in the very first days you need to carefully listen to the sensations that arise in you.

Walk with him within seven days and then do analysis problems you have sensations and events such as:

  • What was the past week like, was it very different from the rest of the previous ones?;
  • Have you had any successful moments in life, and have you been able to solve the issues and problems that concern you?;
  • Have you ever had periodic and unexpected headaches and attacks of weakness?

If after this you are convinced that everything is in order, then no further problems should arise.

There is also one little secret for those people who want choose for myself iconic mascot, which has a specific image. For example, you liked a medallion or pendant with an image of a Celtic cross, but you are beginning to be overcome by doubts whether a talisman with such an image is suitable for you. To do this, you need to apply an image of this cross to an area of ​​your body that is not visible to others and walk around with it for a short time, approximately 2-3 days. If during this period the drawing is washed off, it should be renewed. After two or three days, analyze the experiment, how it went for you, whether everything was successful, for example, whether you were cheated at the store’s checkout, whether you burned your favorite skirt or trousers with an iron.

If everything went well, then feel free to go buy this talisman you like.

An important point that you should always remember is that you should never take talismans that you find on the street, on public transport or in any other public place.

Be absolutely sure that such finds will not bring you anything positive, even if they match your zodiac sign. you need to buy it yourself, and if you already receive a gift in the form of a talisman, then from your closest and good people. But, when receiving such a gift, even when you have a drop of doubt about the positivity of the people who gave it, you should talisman cleansing ritual salt.

Since ancient times, people have been confident that precious or semi-precious stones have miraculous powers.

The beliefs of those years said that mineral the stones had the properties of protecting person from the evil eye, helped to find love and get rid of weakness. And now, many, despite the presence of any prejudices, continue to resort to the wonderful magic of minerals and crystals.

There is an opinion that the human body in terms of its structure and structure is in many ways similar to liquid crystals. Numerous crystal particles have a high vibration frequency. When a person begins to get sick, there is a disruption in the frequency of vibrations of his body.

A crystal located next to a person will be able to restore the required level of tissue vibrations.

In this case, he imposes his own, but so required by the person, frequency of oscillations. Minerals that are fragment particles rocks, by their nature are slightly different from the human body, this largely determines their therapeutic focus. Crystals his influence restore a diseased organ, and the mineral is capable of not only return shaken health, but also to give some features that are required to lead a healthy, harmonious life. Only all this can be achieved with the right choice of “your” talisman. Most often, before choosing a talisman, a person is guided by the prompts of his intuition, and, as if on a subconscious level, he recognizes or defines “his” thing.

Currently, there is one proven way to determine good compatibility between a person and his chosen talisman stone

Its essence is that selected The stone should be tied to the outside of the left arm, approximately from the shoulder to the elbow, before going to bed at night. In the morning, you determine by how you feel and the content of your dreams how that night went. If your dreams were light and pleasant, then talisman stone, you selected Right. If the night was restless and your dreams were full of nightmares and horrors, then a review of the choice of talisman stone will become inevitable. A good indicator would be great mood , pep in a person who wakes up in the morning. He will have an excess of energy in the morning, and this will once again confirm the correctness of his choice.

The neutral interaction of the talisman stone and a person will be able to show a night that has passed, like many others, in particular there will be a lack of special sensations and emotions, positive dreams.

However, the real authentic stones can be talismans, given by someone or given to you by inheritance. Among other things, the action of all talismans is limited in time, since they, having fully realized their potential, can get lost and disappear. But you should never worry in this case, using your entire resource, the talisman stone will no longer be able to provide you with any help.

According to numerous observations of people at all times, some talisman stones brought good luck and prosperity to their owners, while people tried not to purchase other stones, as they were considered unsafe.

Since ancient times, we have known beliefs that say that the one on the hand diamond, which suddenly darkened, betrays the killer, and widows were recommended to have a sapphire with them to calm their melancholy.

Happy married life guaranteed by stones such as, Moonstone And aquamarine. Bloodstone, black agate and onyx were considered stones almost always associated with sorrowful times.

Amethyst - symbol peace and harmony. A woman who chooses amethyst as a talisman will be able to find a harmonious state of mind, strengthen her health and the opportunity easy conception child.

A good gift for men will become talisman ring with tourmaline, as this stone has a connection with happiness, love and increased sexual energy. Tourmaline will also strengthen the bonds of marriage, but all of the above-mentioned possibilities of this talisman stone will appear only in males.

For a business woman, managers and entrepreneurs ideal talisman stone will become citrine. Citrine will help you achieve great success and prosperity in business trips and agreements with business partners.

A talisman ring with sapphire will protect a person from attacks of anger, panic and fear. Sapphire- This symbol of hope and faith Yes, it will help in the fight against mental and physical illnesses of a person.

If you choose as a gift for a man talisman with striped chalcedony, then this will help him strengthen his leadership position, very often people who lead people and occupy high responsible positions prefer to wear chalcedony.

Cat's eye will save person from negative influences such as damage, love spell, slander and evil eye.

However, not only precious stones can have magical properties.

As reliable talisman You can also choose ordinary “ chicken god", natural decorative types stones, which have long been famous for their high magical reputation. For example, marble stones can absorb emotions coming from outside, granite favors the emergence of a person’s intellectual abilities, quartz can invigorate and strengthen the weakened immune status of the human body.

In conclusion, it must be recalled that the right choice talisman should be approached intuitively and take into account all the above tips, only in this case good luck and fulfillment of all the most cherished desires you will be guaranteed.

We are all children of progress, urbanization, increasing speed, we cannot imagine our lives without all kinds of technology, we believe that we are on the crest of civilization. And, nevertheless, each of us - some obviously, and some deep down - understands that in addition to our immensely computerized, fussy material world, somewhere very close there exists a spiritual world. We don’t see it, but we feel it, and sometimes very acutely. We feel, as a rule, when something has gone wrong, something has happened to a loved one, or someone’s gaze has upset us. In such cases we do not seek protection from modern science, and we turn to the old grandfather’s methods - amulets.

Let's figure it out what can serve as a talisman and how does it work?.

Our ancestors took the world around us much more seriously than we do, and much of what today plays the role of decoration, toy or simple souvenir could have been a talisman in the old days. We are generally open to the world, but it is often much more unfriendly than it seems. We do not defend ourselves, and thus are unarmed against the evil eye and slander; we do not protect our home and expose it to many dangers - thieves, various evil spirits, disharmonious relationships with household members; we do not protect our children and loved ones, and they get sick, are susceptible to depression, and experience failure in their endeavors. But you can try to avoid this.

DIY amulets

There are a lot of amulets to protect your home. Their role is often played by ordinary objects - a broom placed with the handle down, or a flower on the windowsill, a horseshoe hanging on the door, or birch bark products in the kitchen. But more often, of course, amulets for home are specially manufactured or searched for.

For example, wild plants can be used to protect a home. A hawthorn branch can be hung over a window at night to protect against evil spirits; the same role is played by St. John's wort, collected on the night of Ivan Kupala, if several of its stems are placed under the threshold (or in an apartment under the rug in front of the door). A cute nesting doll with an odd number of attachments or decorative bags with fragrant herbs - lavender, fennel, juniper, laurel, which will also fill the house with fresh aromas - classic amulets against the evil eye and damage for family members.

One of the oldest amulets in Rus' is doll amulets. Made with your own hands, they bring prosperity to the house, promote procreation, and help crown success in all household chores. Love your home, let a piece of your soul be put into every item in it, made by those who live in it, and then your amulets for your home will strictly protect it and help in your life.

Wonderful embroidery will protect your home. It can be done on towels, curtains for windows and doors. In the old days, not a single piece of fabric used in the household was complete without embroidery. Just remember that you need to embroider with natural threads, since synthetic threads, not being a natural formation, are not able to carry any positive information. To give a product the meaning of a talisman, you should embroider a certain design or pattern on it, which will protect the house in one area or another. So, a cross is a barrier to evil spirits, a stylized branch of a tree, preferably a coniferous one - the longevity of the people living in this house, a red flower - a happy marriage in mutual love, stars with identical rays and a vertical spiral - the mind and wisdom of the household.

Of course, you can buy a towel with factory embroidery or even with a pattern depicting embroidery, but hand-made amulets already during the manufacturing process absorb the urge that comes from you. Therefore, when embroidering, keep in mind the information that you want to put into it. finished work.

For making a talisman with your own hands For a specific person, you need to firmly remember the following:
- you cannot make them personally for yourself, but only for another person close to you, and only with good, sincere thoughts and wishes;
- you cannot ask someone to make an amulet for you - this must be the personal initiative of the amulet maker;
- the amulet from a blood relative will have the greatest power;
- when creating a talisman, be guided not by personal preferences and feelings, but try to imagine yourself in the place of the person for whom the talisman is intended, since perhaps what is ideal for you is completely unacceptable for someone else.

How to find your amulet?

For yourself, you can purchase ready-made items. Moreover A wide variety of objects can play the role of a talisman here.: liked miniature soft toy, souvenir, jewelry, just an uncut stone, for example, a gem, etc.

But how to find your amulet, that one thing that can protect you, the unique and the only one, from adversity, evil people or even a random stream negative energy, directed in your direction?

Charms can be selected depending on their role
. Some amulets are designed to bring good luck in business, others guarantee family well-being, still others protect against damage and the evil eye. It is not at all necessary to hang yourself with amulets from all earthly adversities - choose the area of ​​your life that is most important to you in this moment or in which there are problems, and find a suitable talisman for it.

Family heirloom
. The ideal option is a family heirloom passed down from generation to generation, especially if it has already acquired legends about its help to your great-grandmother, aunt, mother, etc. But, let's be honest, few can boast of such a thing. Then you need to choose that thing, looking at which you suddenly understand - it’s yours. In this case, after a fairly short period of time, subject to constant personal contact with it, this thing will begin to protect you, warn you of dangers, etc.

Talisman stones. Amulet stones are very common and popular in this role. Each zodiac sign corresponds to a specific stone - however, the selection of “your” stone can also be carried out according to other criteria, for example, the meaning of a particular stone. So, amethyst will cleanse your home of negative energy, jasper and amber will improve your health, black agate will protect you from the evil eye.

Carry your stone with you, pick it up from time to time, stroke it, talk to it, and it will become unchangeable for you. true friend. They say that a stone that has found its owner even changes color if the owner is in danger, and earrings containing amulets stones begin to pull on the ears in such a situation, which does not happen in normal times.

. There are amulets that cannot be bought or given as a gift, because they are not material. However, such a talisman is much more effective than any inanimate object. This is a talisman prayer. There are prayers for every occasion in life - for travel and from fire, from illness and to protect personal belongings, from enemies and rivals, etc. But, even without going particularly deep into this area, you can reliably protect yourself in a universal way. Such protection is the Lord's Prayer "Our Father". When leaving home, starting an important and difficult task, even before starting to prepare dinner, read it, and you will succeed.

Feng Shui talismans. Popular today are various amulets of feng shui - the time-tested art of ancient Chinese sages, designed to ensure the harmonious existence of a person in the world around him. The most common feng shui amulets are:
- trees ( Money Tree with gold Chinese coins - brings good luck in financial affairs and wealth; tree of happiness with growing on it semiprecious stones– contributes to the implementation of intended goals and plans; a fruit tree is a symbol of abundance and wealth, long life and good health);
- figurines of gods (the most popular of them is Hotei - a funny little god, ready to fulfill any wish made while rubbing his stomach);
- animal figures (a toad with a coin in its mouth is a symbol of wealth; a rat is a symbol of health and longevity; a turtle is protection from negative energy; a dragon is success in business, etc.)

Personal items. Any thing, any object that has special meaning for you. By filling any object with a special meaning, you will turn it into a powerful source of positive energy. Let's say when you were dressed in this suit, holding this handbag or standing under this umbrella, some pleasant event happened for you. From now on, you will associate this item with your memories of him. And if you have an important meeting or some kind of life exam, you will definitely take this thing with you. Such amulets can be items of clothing, shoes, various accessories, jewelry, souvenirs, etc.

When choosing your amulet it is worth remember the main rule: There are no universal amulets that can help every person in everything. Eat general recommendations by choosing a talisman - but it is unwise to focus exclusively on them. There are many cases where a stone suitable, for example, according to a horoscope, brought misfortune to its owner. And vice versa, an object not included in the list of favorable amulets, chosen as a talisman, changed the life of its owner for the better.

In addition, magic experts claim that this We don’t choose our talisman, but he chooses us. Quite by accident, at the level of intuition or subconscious, a person finds his amulet. Listen to yourself when choosing a talisman: if the amulet does not warm your soul, it means that it does not have the power you expect from it.

Many people use special objects that protect them and protect them from various harms. These items can be purchased at a special store, but it is best to make them yourself, so they will be more powerful. In this article we will look at what talismans and amulets exist, what is their difference and how they work.

What is a talisman and amulet?

The difference between talismans and amulets is in the principle of their effect on their owner, as well as in the construction of protection. What are amulets and their meaning for a person? The work of this item is based on protecting a person or place from various energy and other negative impacts. This can be either a person or an energetic entity that has a destructive effect. It should be noted that not only an object can act as a talisman. This could be a prayer or a mantra, a positive phrase, etc.

But talismans and their meaning are somewhat different from amulet. Usually it is a thing whose energy is aimed at obtaining good luck, achieving success or finding love. Some talismans are used to attract wealth into the life of the owner, career growth, good luck exams or receiving other benefits from life. For the talisman to be real, it is advisable to charge it yourself.

How to choose a talisman?

The choice of a talisman depends on who it is intended for and for what. For small children, this can be a toy or figurine made of natural material; for older children, you can already use pendants, threads, and bracelets. The most important thing is that the amulet must be made of natural materials. It can be stone or metal, fabric or gifts of the earth (herbs, grains, heads of garlic, etc.).

For adults, the amulet can be absolutely anything, but it is chosen individually for a particular person. And it cannot be used by anyone else, especially if it is specially charged and selected (for example, by date of birth).

IN Slavic culture amulets had a broader meaning. For example, a stork's nest on the roof of a house has always been a powerful talisman for its inhabitants. To destroy it would be a great misfortune and failure. Horseshoes were also often used and hung on the wall to attract good luck.

How to choose a talisman?

Choosing a talisman is somewhat easier than choosing a talisman. Most often, this object has a highly specialized effect, aimed, for example, at attracting good luck or wealth, love or happiness. It is not used to protect against negative influences, because the principle of operation of the talisman is completely different.

There are also mascots that affect groups of people, such as sports teams or musical groups. Here the choice of a talisman depends on how much luck it brings to a particular team, i.e. the impact goes on a large number of of people.

How to choose the right talisman for a specific person? The main thing here is to understand why it is needed. If you analyze it well, then from those objects that constantly surround us, you can select a few that are truly lucky. For example, a lucky blouse or dress, necklace or ring.

If you don’t have such items, then you can choose a talisman based on your zodiac sign or birth number. It can be a natural stone, mineral, figurine of an animal or bird. Next, we’ll look at how to choose a talisman based on your date of birth.

Date of birth and choice of talisman-stone

There are quite a few ways to choose a stone by date of birth. You can consider only the date or date and month. In some cases, they sum up all the numbers of their birth, resulting in one number. However, the most common way to choose a talisman stone by date of birth is by taking into account your zodiac sign.

  • A diamond is suitable for Aries; it will make its owner happy and bring him success.
  • For Taurus, the ideal talisman stone would be a green emerald.
  • Gemini will easily come into contact with topaz, he will be able to plan the life of this sign.
  • Moon rock- This powerful talisman for Cancers. They must wear it all the time.
  • It is better for Leos to choose any type of peridot, it will ensure them success and victory.
  • Jade is suitable for Virgos. It will bring joy to representatives of this zodiac sign; it should be worn under clothing, as it has a powerful charge of elemental energy.
  • Aquamarine is well suited for Libra in terms of its energy; it will help them in everyday affairs.
  • For Scorpios, a pomegranate can become a talisman. The appearance of this stone in the life of Scorpio can radically change his life.
  • For Sagittarius, it is best to choose turquoise. This stone will help them in various matters of life, and it will also support the brave and courageous.
  • Capricorns are best off choosing ruby. It will help to reveal and develop hidden abilities, give joy and charge you with positivity.
  • For Aquarius, it is best to choose amethyst as a talisman.
  • Pisces should buy pearls. The stones must be natural and smooth, but the color can be absolutely any.

In the end, it should be noted that you should not keep the found objects as a talisman or amulet. You don't know what energy they absorbed before you. If it was
