Where did Yulia Savicheva go? Where is Yulia Savicheva now?

Last summer she literally disappeared. The singer stopped performing, going out and updating her microblog on Instagram. Rumors immediately spread that Savicheva was in an interesting position. Julia herself then explained her disappearance by saying that she had taken a vacation and was working on a new album. But she still did not return. In February of this year, a wave of rumors about Savicheva’s pregnancy and childbirth reappeared. But neither the singer herself nor her husband commented on the information at all. Finally, in August of this year, everything secret became clear. The singer's producer Maxim Fadeev announced that she gave birth to a daughter.

Yulia became a mother on August 22, 2017. The singer did not stay too long on maternity leave and has already returned to work. Fans were happy when it became known that Yulia Savicheva had a child. IN frank interview Savicheva explained to journalists why she hides the details of her personal life and why keeping her pregnancy a secret seemed to her the right decision.

The singer admitted that she lost her first child. The star continued to work during pregnancy and did not spare herself. She learned about the interesting situation by chance. “In the midst of another tour, feeling unwell, I took a test and found out that I was pregnant. Sasha and I were happy. One of the first people to share their joy with was Maxim Fadeev,” said Yulia. The singer did not stop working and was ready to go on maternity leave only when she could not physically endure the difficult schedule.

“This happened in the second month of pregnancy, which, by the way, was easy. Even if I felt that I was aching somewhere, I didn’t pay much attention to it. The accident happened when she flew from Moscow to the province to film her video. I woke up early in the morning in the hotel from terrible pain - bleeding began,” Savicheva told Caravan of Stories.
The star's condition worsened and she was taken to the hospital, the doctors did everything possible to save the child. “My husband wasn’t there. I called him before the anesthesia was to be given. Sasha was very worried, like all our close people, to whom we are very grateful for their support. I spent three days in the maternity hospital,” the singer shares.

This loss greatly affected her family life. But the couple were able to survive the tragedy and were rewarded for their tenacity of character and fortitude with the birth of a daughter. In her microblog on Instagram, Julia, who tries not to be frank on topics related to her personal life, explained her desire to openly talk about the misfortune she experienced. “I thought for a long time about whether to give this interview or not. On the one hand, I don’t like to talk about personal things, especially about such a difficult period of my life. On the other hand, if my words help at least someone in a similar difficult situation, it will be worth the experiences in which I again plunged into telling my story. Well, finally, I will put an end to these conversations about where, why and why I disappeared. Be happy and love each other. Your Yu,” the singer wrote in a comment to a post on the social network Instagram.

Yulia SavichevA

Let us remind you that Yulia Savicheva appeared on stage just three months after giving birth. Savicheva performed at a Georgian wedding in Moscow and amazed the guests with her appearance. She is completely back in shape. Fans note that the star looks refreshed and rested. As journalists learned, Yulia Savicheva’s fees increased significantly after giving birth. If before pregnancy the singer’s performance cost 15 thousand euros, now the amount has increased to 20 thousand euros. The singer is also ready to work in the pre-New Year period, but for a fee of 25 thousand euros.

Yulia Savicheva is married to a composer Alexander Arshinov. For 10 years they lived in civil marriage and only in 2014 did they formalize their relationship. Julia is reluctant to share details of her personal life with journalists. There are no joint photos with her husband on her Instagram microblog page. Publishing a photo of a newborn baby is out of the question. But the young mother, five days after giving birth, still shared her joy with the fans and showed little Anna’s hand.

Yulia Savicheva said that she lost her first child

Grief breaks many. Families and the usual way of life are crumbling into pieces. Close people, unable to cope with the pain, instantly become strangers...

Singer Yulia Savicheva and her husband also experienced a terrible loss. However, it was their common misfortune that became the beginning of their happiness.

Four months ago, Yulia Savicheva gave birth to a daughter, Anna. The girl was born in Portugal. But not at all because mom and dad didn’t trust our doctors and really wanted to give birth abroad. Julia was brought to a foreign country by a misfortune that happened to her several years ago and serious health problems.


I dreamed of having a child since I was 25,” says Yulia. - By this time, although we were not officially married, I was sure that Sasha and I had a real family.

Musician Alexander Arshinov appeared in her life somehow by accident, but at the same time once and for all. Yulia was only 16 - yesterday's schoolgirl, the finalist of the "Star Factory" looked even younger than her age, when her friends introduced her to a cool, brutal guy.

He performed alternative music then,” Savicheva smiles. - A tattoo on my leg, a tunnel in my ear, protective pants... Sasha later told me that he was shocked by how small and fragile I was, just a child with his head in the clouds.

He took this sparrow under his wing and protection. Soon they began to live together. They got used to each other and grew closer to each other. We dreamed of a wedding and a child...

Julia realized that she was pregnant while on tour. I felt great, so I didn’t interrupt the tour. But when she finally got to the doctor, he stunned her: there were serious problems, all concerts should be cancelled, not going anywhere, taking medications, lying down. Julia waved it off: “Oh, bullshit!”

It seemed to me that everything was simple. The older generation supported: “We didn’t rush to doctors in our time, so you were born healthy!” Believing in myself, I continued to fly, perform and jump on stage. At every concert I gave my best, I left like a squeezed lemon, but I was happy.


The bleeding started suddenly. Early in the morning, in a hotel in a provincial town, she was overcome by a sharp pain in her stomach. The ambulance took Yulia to the operating table. The doctors saved her life. There is no child.

For me and our entire family, this became a tragedy and a cruel lesson. “I paid for my mistakes,” Yulia recalls that time with tears in her eyes. “My husband and I were broken, but we found the strength not to withdraw into ourselves. They talked constantly, both cried, trying to come to terms with common grief. In order to save a family in a difficult situation, you need to talk about everything, you can’t keep anything to yourself. If you want to bang your head against the wall, fight! The main thing is together.

After some time, they finally got married. For some reason, Julia decided that if the marriage became legal, then fate would immediately send them another child.

She rushed to get examined, then treat the sores she found, took up sports, switched to proper nutrition. I was simply obsessed with the idea of ​​giving birth...

I took a full course of hormones, went through the necessary procedures, but we still didn’t succeed. And then I realized: I’m too active, I’m nervous at work and I’m very tired. I reduced my workload... For more than two years, every month I took pregnancy tests and waited with bated breath for the two cherished stripes to appear on it... I constantly thought that time was running out, I was soon 30. But there, in heaven, no one was going to send me a gift...

Savicheva, who was already going crazy with despair, paused her work. With Alexander, they decided to go to Portugal for several months. Walk, eat, sleep, travel and think about nothing. Julia turned off her phone and internet and began... getting to know her husband:

We both realized that we didn't really know each other and weren't really family. We felt and recognized in a new way: he - me, I - him. They started talking about what they didn’t like about each other and why, they even quarreled. We built relationships again. A month later we were already in harmony and decided that if things didn’t work out with the child, it was not a problem, but fate. We must accept it...


But out of long-term habit, Yulia continued to take pregnancy tests. Sasha will never forget how she flew out of the toilet shopping center shouting “Two, two stripes!” When the clinic confirmed that she was expecting a child, Savicheva burst into hysterical tears.

Came with relief panic fear. Julia decided to obey the doctors unquestioningly. And when she was informed that flights were prohibited due to the risk of thrombosis and long-distance travel was extremely undesirable, she firmly said: “We’ll stay in Portugal to give birth,” and she spent the entire pregnancy there. I took my husband and his sister with me to the birth. But at the most crucial moment, she kicked them out of the delivery room and asked for epidural anesthesia.

There was no strength to endure this pain! But when Anya was born and they placed her on my stomach... An unforgettable feeling! I even started singing! Anya cried at first, and then calmed down and listened to my voice. The doctors were delighted - they had never seen anything like this in a Portuguese maternity hospital.

Now she, like all crazy young mothers, jumps up at every child’s sneeze and listens to her daughter’s sniffles at night. Too many fears still live in her soul...

Yulia Savicheva - Russian singer, finalist of the second season of the TV show “Star Factory”, participant in the international Eurovision competition (2004).

Today, the artist rarely appears on screens, but the lack of active creative activity did not prevent Yulia from becoming the leader in the number of hits in the top ten of the Tophit Weekly General Airplay rating. Over the course of several years, their number reached 14.

Childhood and youth

Yulia Stanislavovna Savicheva was born in the provincial Russian city of Kurgan in 1987. Interestingly, Yulia’s appearance fell on February 14 – Valentine’s Day. It was, as they say, destined for the girl to connect her life with the world of music. After all, my parents are musicians: my mother taught at a local music school, and my father was a drummer in the rock band “Convoy”.

From the age of 5, Savicheva sang in the group “Firefly”, where she soon became a soloist. And the girl more than once went on stage with the group where her dad played.

In 1994, Fadeev’s musicians were offered to work in Moscow. Yulia's father was also invited. So the Savichev family moved to the capital. In Moscow, the Convoy settled in the House of Culture of the Moscow Aviation Institute. The girl’s mother also found a job there: she was in charge of the children’s department at the MAI House of Culture.

The musicians immediately noticed the clear-voiced girl. At the age of 7, Yulia began participating in New Year's performances. It was here that she earned her first fees. We can say that during this period it began creative biography Yulia Savicheva.

In addition to participating in amateur performances, Yulia managed to study well. She graduated from school with three B's.

For some time, Savicheva also collaborated with the singer. Together with a popular singer, young Julia starred in the video for the song “Marijuana.” At the age of 8, Julia worked with Linda on children's backing vocals, and also participated in the filming of music videos. Gradually she becomes no less popular than Linda, and the young singer’s songs reach the top of the Russian charts.


In 2003, a new period began in Savicheva’s biography: the girl became a participant in the popular television project “Star Factory - 2”, directed by her fellow countryman Max Fadeev. She went through all stages of the selection and made it to the top five finalists (Yulia Savicheva, ). And although Savicheva was not among the top three, after the show project her life changed and her career took off.

Yulia Savicheva - “Farewell, my love”

In the future, it is this television musical project to support young performers that will play a decisive role in her fate.

At the Star Factory, the young singer sang “Ships” and “High”. These compositions, as well as the next song “Sorry for Love,” instantly turned into hits, making Yulia Savicheva popular. The singer performed her last song at the “Song of the Year” in 2003. Quite often, Yulia is called the best student of producer Max Fadeev, and fans are delighted with her calm and melancholic image. The girl quickly wins the sympathy of TV viewers.

Yulia Savicheva - “High”

In 2004, Savicheva went to international level. First, she represented Russia at the World Best competition, where she took 8th place, and in May of the same year she performed at Eurovision from Russia with the English-language composition “Believe me”. The singer only took 11th place, but Yulia still managed to shine once again.

Many critics attributed this defeat to the performer’s lack of experience in participating in large-scale world-class competitions and basic musical education, but the statements of her ill-wishers did not stop her. Julia was not embarrassed by conversations regarding creative activity, and on stage she began to realize herself more and more, trying to achieve successful results.

Yulia Savicheva at the Eurovision Song Contest

The same year gave Savicheva’s fans her debut album entitled “Vysoko”, which included the tracks “Ships”, “Let Me Go”, “Farewell, My Love”, “Everything for You”. In the future, the albums of the Russian singer become more and more popular.

In the fall of 2005, a new hit appeared - the soundtrack of the series “Don't Be Born Beautiful,” which was called “If Love Lives in the Heart.” The song entered the Golden Gramophone hit parade and received many awards at the Kremlin’s tenth anniversary ceremony.

Yulia Savicheva - “Sorry for Love”

Following the new popular song “Hello”, Savicheva’s second album “Magnit” was released in April 2006. It, like the first one, was well received by critics and fans and even became a bestseller in 2006. “Hello” stayed in first place as a radio hit for a record 10 weeks.

Yulia Savicheva works fruitfully and in the same 2006 she is preparing a new, already third album. And in September she won the MTV Russia Music Awards (in the category “Performer of the Year”). The third album “Origami” was presented by the singer on her 21st birthday. The collection includes the popular songs “Winter”, “Love-Moscow” and “ Nuclear explosion».

In 2007, a video for the song “This is Fate” appeared on the screens. Yulia Savicheva performed the composition together with Russian actor and a singer.

In 2008, Yulia became a participant in the project of the Rossiya TV channel - “Star Ice”. Here her partner was the French champion Jerome Blanchard. Already in the spring of 2009, Julia began participating in the new dance project “Dancing with the Stars”.

Yulia Savicheva - Moscow-Vladivostok

2010 was no less successful in the biography of Yulia Savicheva. In May, the performer gave fans a hit, which many call the best in Savicheva’s work. This is the song “Moscow-Vladivostok”. It differed from the previous ones with a new “electronic” sound.

In March 2011, Savicheva presented a new composition, recorded together with a popular rap artist. The single “Let It Go” instantly becomes a hit, collecting more than a million views on the YouTube video hosting site in just a few months.

Yulia Savicheva - “Let Go”

The new duet was so loved by the audience that Dzhigan and Savicheva soon met their expectations again and sang together. It was the single “There’s Nothing More to Love.” In November 2014, fans of Yulia Savicheva already listened to her new album, “Personal.”

In 2015, the composition “Sorry” was released, which eventually became one of Savicheva’s most popular songs.

Yulia Savicheva - “Sorry”

In the same year, the premiere of the track “My Way” by the artist’s wife took place. Later a video was released for this song. In mid-2017, the singer presented the single “Baby” and a video for it.

Personal life

In 2009, it became known that the singer had not been alone for a long time and had been living in a civil marriage with the famous producer Alexander Arshinov for several years. And despite rumors about the affair between Savicheva and the popular TV presenter, Arshinov nevertheless becomes the singer’s husband.

In October 2014, Julia and Alexander got married. Guests arrived at the gala along the carpet, caught in flashes large quantity television cameras, and the newlyweds themselves preferred to appear unnoticed in the hall later.

In 2016, Savicheva’s fans sounded the alarm. Long time the famous performer did not appear on stage, did not perform at concerts, and did not take part in television projects. The press immediately began to look for the root cause why the singer “disappeared”. Many assumed that the famous Russian woman was pregnant.

As it turned out later, during this time Julia managed to survive the loss of her first-born, after which it took her a long time to recover emotionally. The accident occurred during a tour, which the star did not want to interrupt because she felt well. But a malfunction occurred in the body, bleeding began rapidly, and the doctors were unable to save the baby. The death of the child affected the artist’s personal life. Discord began in the Savicheva family, but the couple managed to overcome the crisis. Later, the singer gave an extensive interview and also dedicated a post to this situation. "Instagram".

To cheer up, the artist became a volunteer charitable foundation“Change One Life”, helping children without parental care. Savicheva took patronage over two kids from orphanage in his native Kurgan. They turned out to be a 3-year-old boy and an older girl.

The second pregnancy did not occur immediately. Savicheva hid her “interesting position” from fans. Together with Alexander, she temporarily left the country for Portugal, where her husband’s father lives.

Already in February 2017 in Russian media information has appeared that Yulia Savicheva has a child and is still abroad, and plans to return to Russia no earlier than August of this year. Such rumors were not officially confirmed by the singer, and her representatives assured Russian journalists that she was simply on a sabbatical. As it turned out, daughter Anna was born a little later - in the summer of the same year, which was officially announced by the celebrity herself some time later.

In the fall of 2018, rumors again spread among Savicheva’s fans about new pregnancy artists. This assumption appeared among the girl’s Instagram followers: Julia posted a photo in which she appeared in a loose-fitting attire. Soon the singer dispelled the speculation with new photographs. The noticeably thinner singer showed off her figure in a tight dress.

Yulia Savicheva now

After the birth of her daughter, Yulia did not stay too long in maternity leave, almost immediately starting concerts and recording songs. Already at the end of 2017, the musical composition “Don’t be afraid” was released, and in 2018 Savicheva presented fans with the duet “Indifference”, which she performed together with.

Yulia Savicheva and Oleg Shaumarov - “Indifference” (2018 premiere)

Now the artist is filming for holiday specials of New Year’s programs, which will appear on the country’s main television screens at the beginning of 2019.


  • 2005 – “High”
  • 2005 – “If love lives in the heart”
  • 2006 – “Magnit”
  • 2008 – “Origami”
  • 2009 – “First Love”
  • 2012 – “Heartbeat”
  • 2014 – “Personal...”

In February, rumors of pregnancy appeared again Yulia Savicheva(thirty). And all because the star " Star factories 2» disappeared from social networks, and then completely left for Europe. Now the singer is vacationing with her husband, musician Alexander Arshinov, in Portugal and tries to share with subscribers the details of life abroad, but she does not comment on her alleged pregnancy at all. Her producer Maxim Fadeev came to Savicheva’s aid (48)

In conversation with the portal Life.ru he stated: Savicheva is not pregnant
. “This information has nothing to do with reality. Yulka worked for 12 years without rest - she had two weeks of vacation a year. She just came and said that she wanted to relax, be with her family and write an album. I calmly let her go, they work and get high, swim in the ocean, enjoy life. She will return when she wants. She is like a daughter to me - she grew up in my arms. If Yulia really gave birth, we would happily tell about it. Why do we need to hide this, what's the point? Everyone would rejoice together, that’s all.”

The main thing for an artist is media exposure. But Yulia does not strive to constantly be on camera and leads a private lifestyle
. It would seem that this could affect her career. But Fadeev is sure: Yulia is not in danger of oblivion. “Yulka has already gained such a weight of popularity and self-respect that, on the contrary, you need to take breaks in order to return later. This is not the first time we have made such pauses, it’s just that she was not noticed that way then, she was not yet in the same status as she is now.”

In general, everything is fine with Savicheva, she writes music with her husband and, it seems, will soon return to the stage in triumph. “They want to present their new album in about six months,” says Fadeev. We wish Yulia and Alexander good luck!

Savicheva Yulia Stanislavovna is a young Russian singer who represented the country at Eurovision and does not have a musical education.

Since 2014, 7 albums have been released, and her songs have topped the music charts almost every year.

He has several Golden Gramophone statuettes and is a frequent guest of the Song of the Year festival.

Childhood and youth

Julia was born on February 14, 1987 in Kurgan into a family of musicians. She became the only child in the family.

Father Stanislav Borisovich played drums in the group “Convoy”, which performed rock music.

In 2009, the youth series “First Love” was released on the STS channel, where the singer is involved in leading role. The game was rated negatively by critics.

In the same year she became a participant in the show “Dancing with the Stars”. Together with his partner E. Papunaishvili they became finalists.

In 2013, Julia decided to try her hand at the genre of parodies in the “One to One” project. The work was not easy, but Savicheva took an honorable 2nd place.

In the musical “Three Heroes” (2013) she played the role of Suok. Nanti speaks in her voice in the cartoon “Savva. Heart of a Warrior" and Mary Catherine in "Epic".

Personal life

Yulia Savicheva met her husband, rock musician Alexander Arshinov, when she was only 16 years old. He is 2 years older than her.

Julia became the initiator of their relationship. She was the first to get his phone number and call.

The singer immediately realized that Alexander was her betrothed, and decided to act actively.

Yulia Savicheva constantly wrote SMS to Alexander after the tour. Not receiving an answer, I called first on my mobile phone and then on my landline.

Gradually the young people became close. When Yulia turned 18, they decided to live together.

At the same time, Yulia Savicheva introduced Sasha to her parents. She had a wonderful, warm relationship with his mother.
