Why don't they celebrate 40 days? How to celebrate your fortieth birthday - important tips

Each of us has at least once heard such a belief that it is impossible to celebrate a 40th anniversary. But not everyone can explain why the 40th anniversary is not celebrated. In our country, like no other, every holiday is celebrated on a grand scale, and only a few spend it in peace. friendly company. Should we trust predictions from the past, or are they well-founded?

At one time, Pythagoras and his disciples tried to express the whole world with the help of numbers. He partially succeeded, but much remained beyond speculation. However, a strange craving for numbers was inherent in many nationalities and tribes. Modern people, although they largely trust scientifically proven facts, they are still under the influence of ancient superstitions.

  • For 40 days after death, a person’s soul wanders around the world, forcing his relatives to be more careful in their words and actions.
  • For 40 years the Jewish people were forced to wander in the desert before finding their happiness in the Promised Land.
  • For 40 days after giving birth, a woman must purify herself before she is allowed to approach her husband's bed or enter church.
  • lasted 40 days global flood, which claimed the lives of many sinners.
  • After his baptism, Jesus spent 40 days in the desert, exposed to temptations and various temptations of the devil.
  • 40 years in Ancient Greece were considered highest point heyday and the beginning of decline, when death begins to get so close that almost no one lived to see the celebration of 50 years.

In the history of mankind one can still find examples of how the number 40 brought grief and disappointment. And if they doubted the number 13 only because among the 12 Apostles surrounding Jesus, one turned out to be a traitor, then is it surprising that there is a wary attitude towards the number?

In the very sound of the word “forty” you can hear “Sor” and “Rock”. It’s as if Rock himself begins to collect or throw away everything unnecessary (sweep the dirty linen out of life). Is it worth interfering in this process and attracting additional attention to yourself? higher powers? Perhaps fun irritates the Master of Fates, so he begins to mix notes of bitterness into the life of the birthday boy who risked celebrating 40 years of life.

Why can't you celebrate your fortieth birthday? It is believed that celebration can cause long-term illness, mental suffering and even early death. And if suddenly the birthday boy himself somehow avoids the evil turn of Fate, then one of his close relatives or friends will take upon himself all the troubles. Whether this is true or not is difficult to judge, because there are quite a lot of situations where there is another, simpler explanation for certain events.

A deeper look or “the other side of the coin”

There is always another point of view that should also be listened to. Considering that the Slavs used a 40-digit measurement system, it is not surprising that there were many events described using this number. If desired, one could find a lot of good things, but the bad ones are better remembered and passed on from generation to generation as an edification to future descendants. So there is nothing negative about reaching the age of 40...

The above examples can be regarded completely differently:

  1. the human soul “finishes” all its affairs... Is this bad? This means that loving hearts can have time to say warm words to the deceased person and ask for forgiveness for some of their actions.
  2. Jews wandered through the desert in search of the Promised Land. But the testing period ended happily for them! Moreover, if they had been pure in soul, they could have reached their destination earlier.
  3. After the birth of a baby, a woman can rest more and devote herself to realizing her new role, find a “golden mean” between husband and child.
  4. The Great Flood cleansed the earth of sinners and all kinds of impurities. But the righteous were given the opportunity to unite during this period and save not only their souls, but also their bodies!
  5. Christ successfully passed the tests, showing his endurance and fidelity to the idea of ​​​​the divinity of the Father. Temporary hardships always pass, but a pure soul remains for a long time.
  6. 40 years was still considered the peak of prosperity among the Greeks, so it is worth rejoicing at this. The decline was associated with poor medicine, frequent wars, and increased mortality among the entire population. IN modern world There are many examples of those who happily lived to be 100 years old, so you have someone to look up to in your life.

At the age of forty, the natural biorhythms of a person begin to change internal laws. Not everyone is able to change their minds and start building when their consciousness changes. new way, find your place in life. Hence the emergence of fear, attraction of troubles, complete concentration on the bad.

Many people look back at their lives at this age and realize with horror that everything did not go as they once dreamed. Because of this bitterness, there is no desire to celebrate my birthday at all. Why have fun? Because a significant part of your life was spent in turmoil and there were few joys? Gray hair has increased on the head (or hair has decreased), wrinkles are visible under the eyes, and the future has ceased to beckon with its dreams. The soul is still young, but the body is no longer.

If you perceive 40 years as another milestone, the passage of which will only benefit you, then a positive result will not be long in coming. Start next period life can very well be successful if you treat it accordingly. Even at 60 years old you can find joy in life.

How can a superstitious person celebrate his fortieth birthday?

It’s one thing when the birthday boy is very critical of various superstitions, and quite another thing if he takes the recommendations of his ancestors seriously. Thoughts can attract certain situations in life and even cause diseases in the body. So the strengthened belief that 40th birthdays are not celebrated can play a bad joke when trying to follow the persuasion of relatives and celebrate your birthday.

However, you can always turn people’s craving for superstitions in the other direction. There are several options for celebrating 40 years with minimal consequences.

  1. Celebrating the passing of 39 years. The birthday boy’s decision to “compile toasts and congratulations to celebrate the passing 39 years” will be announced to all those invited. It seems that the feast will take place in the usual rhythm, but the emphasis on “ominous numbers” will disappear. Additionally, there will be excitement among the guests, because it is so unusual to see off the birthday person’s past age, and not meet a new one.
  2. Gather a small circle of guests. In esotericism, 40 years means a turning point in a man’s life, when his energy is significantly weakened. During this period, it is very easy to put the evil eye on a person, even if it is done unconsciously. Therefore, reducing the number of guests will allow you to gather only the closest and dearest people who sincerely wish all the best to the birthday boy. Since this concerns men, birthday women can safely celebrate their 40th birthday, unless they are embarrassed to voice their age out loud...
  3. Reschedule the celebration date. Sometimes a simple shift in the date of celebration from the date of birth is enough for the omen to lose its power. When a holiday falls in the middle of the week, it is very easy to justify your decision to guests with the desire to have a good rest on the weekend.
  4. Change the reason for gathering guests. You can always think of a themed party. For example, decorate a house in a New Year's style, create Halloween paraphernalia, or find another international holiday on the calendar. And let all wishes be addressed to the birthday boy, but without mentioning his age. For example, at a New Year's party, wish that Santa Claus fulfills the wishes of a specific person. And on Railway Worker's Day - so that the road is always straight and level, without sharp turns. The idea of ​​such a holiday will most likely be supported with pleasure by all guests.
  5. Christianity believes that “everyone is equal before God.” This applies not only to people, but also to numbers. Therefore, it is not appropriate for a believer to highlight one of the numbers over the others, attributing to it magical properties. So 40 years old is considered as good as 39 years old.

You need to be grateful for every day you live, without trying to guess the date of your death and somehow push it back or push it forward with your actions... What if omens really have power?!

Astrological sign addition

39–43 - precarious age

Astrologers explain why 40th birthdays are not celebrated. In their opinion, at this age a person is in the power of such planets as Uranus, Pluto, Neptune. These planets decide the fate of a person. During this period, under the influence of three planets, the following changes may occur:

  • 39–43 - shaky age, a person gives in easily negative impact external environment. The owner of age expects changes in negative side. The financial side will be affected. Business owners are experiencing bankruptcy. Families are collapsing, divorces, nervous breakdowns, suicides.
  • Health will deteriorate. The beginnings will be unsuccessful.

Superstition of the peoples of the world

In ancient Greece, human life expectancy was short. People lived to be fifty years old. The teachings of that time interpreted that at the age of forty a person reaches the peak of life. After this period Life is going on the decline Folk cultures have an unusual approach to birthday celebrations at this age. Some can, others cannot.

Fear of this date is actively observed among peoples Far East. Japanese culture has eliminated this symbol. Residents refuse not only to celebrate the anniversary, but also to celebrate the number in their lives. It’s bad to live on the fourth floor, to be on the school or work list under this sign. Have fun this birthday.

The opposite of superstition

Another explanation can be given to the events and this anniversary. Slavic peoples in order to foreshadow an event, a measurement system with the sign of forty was used. Superstitions can be given positive interpretation, the events that happen have a different side. After death, a person's soul wanders the earth. During this time, relatives have the opportunity to say goodbye to the deceased and let him go with peace of mind.

The sign says that a woman is separated from a man after childbirth for forty days. This is for the best, since during this period she can realize her new mission. The Jews walked in the desert for a designated period. The event is attributed to bad sign. On the other hand, the incident ended in success.

The reason for this was existing sins. The global flood, due to its duration, united people and cleansed their souls and bodies. The Greek theory of life expectancy was met with criticism. Low duration is not related to the number. And with a poor level of medicine, enemy attacks, poor diet.

Thinkers give preference to the person himself, his mind and the command that he will send to his consciousness. You can celebrate your next birthday with good mood and avoid troubles. You can give your brain a command, set it up for negativity, and your birthday will be the beginning of the end. Whether to believe in such superstitions or not is an individual matter.

It is customary to celebrate a birthday with family. There are those who give to this day great importance, have fun and don’t think about what good or bad might happen. It is recommended to celebrate the anniversary taking into account the following requirements:

  • Spend thirty-nine years of age. The occasion for gathering guests will be another date - 39 years. Accent. On true age birthday boy to decline.
  • Circle of guests. For a man, a birthday with an ominous number is more difficult to postpone than for a woman. It is important to reduce the number of guests to a minimum. Those people who wish the birthday person well should be present.
  • Postponement of birthday. There is no prohibition that the fun can be postponed to another day, even to one day.
  • Theme party. Birthdays can be celebrated in the style of the New Year or a masquerade. Guests are warned about the theme evening. Attention will be focused on the style itself.

You can come up with an infinite number of reasons why you need to believe or not folk signs, superstitions, or Eastern wisdom. The real reason lies within you.

In many cultures, the fortieth anniversary is considered a special date that is not recommended to be celebrated. Moreover, superstitions associated with it have come to us since ancient times and beyond. last years have not lost their relevance.

Moreover, the opinion of psychics and astrologers completely coincides with them: 40 years are not celebrated, because otherwise a lot of problems will await a person. What explains this statement?

Why can't women celebrate their 40th birthday?

Signs are not recommended for women to celebrate their 40th birthday, as this may lead to a decrease in vital energy reserves, and, as a result, health problems. It is known that this milestone is associated with serious changes in female body: biorhythms noticeably slow down and the first symptoms of menopause appear.

At the same time, both appearance and behavior undergo changes: gray hair appears, wrinkles become deeper. As for mood, there are frequent changes in mood, manifestations of aggression occur, irritability appears, and this condition often provokes the development of depression.

According to signs, celebrating the fortieth anniversary only aggravates the situation, so it is better for women not to celebrate it.

Why can't men celebrate their 40th birthday?

Men don't celebrate their 40th birthday for other reasons. History knows many cases when this holiday for representatives strong half of humanity was the last. Accidents or serious health problems prevented people from living to the age of fifty.

If we turn to ancient signs, they also do not advise men to celebrate their 40th birthday. People say that if you neglect this advice, you can lose your guardian angel. As a result, a person is left without protection and a mountain of troubles can fall on him, including complex diseases.

In addition, by the age of forty, many men begin to look back and delve into their past. Some people regret that they were never able to make their dreams come true, others think about approaching old age and become despondent. And celebrating an anniversary, according to popular observations, only does harm: it once again reminds us that a significant part of life has already been lived.

History knows many cases when this holiday for representatives of the stronger half of humanity turned out to be the last

Church opinion

The clergy insist that the reluctance of many people to celebrate their fortieth birthday is due solely to internal fear. Every believer remembers the funeral service, which the relatives of the deceased always order for 40 days after death.

In the Bible you can also find many significant events associated with the number 40. However, not all of them have a negative connotation.

  1. The Flood lasted for 40 days.
  2. It took the Jewish people 40 years to overcome the desert and find happiness in the Promised Land.
  3. Jesus ascended to heaven 40 days after his death.
  4. For 40 days after his baptism, Jesus was completely alone in the Judean desert.
  5. King David reigned for 40 years.
  6. Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem was 40 cubits wide.
  7. Isaac married Rebekah when he was 40 years old.
  8. Prophet Moses lived 120 years, which is three forty years. And for 40 days he had a conversation with God.
  9. Goliath demanded a battle with the Jews within 40 days.
  10. 40 days were allotted to the inhabitants of Nineveh for repentance.
  11. The soul finds peace 40 days after death.

The Orthodox Church does not prohibit celebrating the fortieth anniversary. On the contrary, she believes that it is necessary to celebrate every year that was given to man by God. As for superstitions, they are considered a sin.

Astrologers' opinion

Astrologers are convinced that 40 years is a date characterized by a crisis. This period is under the influence of the planet Uranus, which has a certain influence on all spheres of life and is subject to radical changes.

On the threshold of his fortieth birthday, a person begins to rethink own life, often questioning the values ​​and priorities that were previously important to him. At that time Negative influence Uranus appears as:

  • increased risk of ending up in dangerous situation(accident);
  • deterioration of financial situation;
  • development of dangerous diseases;
  • serious disagreements in the family that can lead to divorce.

In general, the actions of a person on the threshold of his fortieth birthday resemble throwing from side to side. People often commit rash acts, their thoughts are confused, decisions are spontaneous, in any stressful situation panic arises. For these reasons, astrologers do not advise either men or women to celebrate their 40th birthday too vigorously.

To ensure that the crisis does not gain momentum and ends as happily as possible, it is advisable to celebrate the anniversary in a quiet environment.

At the same time, at the holiday the hero of the day should not be congratulated on his 40th birthday. The astrologer recommends cheating a little and dedicating a holiday speech to the passing date - 39 years.

Astrologers do not advise either men or women to celebrate their 40th birthday too vigorously

Psychics' opinion

Psychics call the age of forty a period of energy deficiency. At this time, vital forces decline, and his energy field weakens. And if a person with an evil eye is present at the holiday, this will lead to a lot of trouble.

Here psychics pay attention to numerology: if the number 4 symbolizes creation, then 40 means the transformation of the worldview. Generally this information does not carry any negativity, and therefore does not give a clear answer why it is not customary for women and men to celebrate their 40th birthday.

However, there is another opinion. Psychics are convinced that this belief is directly related to the Tarot, where 40 is the number of death and events associated with the burial of the dead. For this reason, they do not advise planning a 40th anniversary celebration.

How can you celebrate this date?

According to many signs, celebrating 40 years is prohibited, since otherwise a person risks incurring a lot of trouble. And having found out why this date is dangerous, many superstitious people completely refuse to celebrate the anniversary. However, there are several ways in which, in honor of your fortieth birthday, you can gather loved ones at the table and at the same time avert trouble.

  1. As mentioned above, first of all, you should correctly place the emphasis: the holiday is dedicated not to growing up, but to the passing date - 39 years. Be sure to warn your guests about this so that they have time to purchase the necessary cards and correct the inscription on the cake.
  2. If you are planning to celebrate your 40th birthday, try not to invite many guests. Let only your family and closest friends, whom you completely trust, be next to you on this day. At the same time, it is also better to refuse a magnificent feast. It is advisable to limit yourself light dinner and tea drinking.
  3. You can also postpone the anniversary celebration to the next day. And then it is quite appropriate to change the date to 40 years and 1 day. And if you are too superstitious, warn your guests not to say your age out loud during the celebration.

And don’t forget, if you go through life with a smile and positive attitude, then no signs can ruin your holiday. Try to bypass superstitions, because all you have to do is be smart, and then celebrating this treacherous date will leave only warm memories in your memory.

Each of us has at least once heard such a belief that it is impossible to celebrate a 40th anniversary. But not everyone can explain why the 40th anniversary is not celebrated. In our country, like no other, every holiday is celebrated on a grand scale, and only some spend it in a calm, friendly company. Should we trust predictions from the past, or are they well-founded?

Prejudice associated with 40th anniversary celebrations

Forty years is a kind of milestone in the life of every person, upon reaching which there is a certain reassessment of one’s achievements in one’s career, family life. This is a time when significant changes relate to health and appearance.

This age is a kind of boundary, upon reaching which a person becomes wiser, spiritually richer, and begins to look for why he should live next, what to strive for, and sets new goals. Everyone has the right to decide for themselves to listen to the predictions of their ancestors, or still be guided modern ideas about life, holidays.

There are several reasons why it is not advisable to celebrate your 40th birthday

The first of them is based on religious grounds. This figure is associated with the time that the soul spends on Earth after its death, and just on the 40th day it flies away. In addition, the worldwide sweat lasted the same number of days, which is also a negative event. Also, it was for forty days that mourning clothes were worn for the dead, and in our time there remains such a ritual as “seeing off the soul” just on the fortieth day. This ritual is based on the biblical legend that Jesus Christ himself spent 40 days on earth before ascending to heaven. That is why the celebration of this birthday is considered a kind of disrespect for the memory of all the dead, disrespect for death, and thus the hero of the day is doomed to misfortune, suffering and troubles.

Moses led his people for 40 years until they found the promised land. In addition, you cannot show your newborn to acquaintances, friends and strangers for 40 days. That's why you can't celebrate your 40th birthday, so as not to bring trouble to the hero of the day. Although this event in itself is not negative.

Another explanation associated with this date is based on historical writings. According to these writings, people lived only until they were 40–50 years old, and this age was almost the limit for human life. From this point of view, celebrating your 40th birthday is dangerous, since it may be your last birthday. And the hero of the day himself once again emphasized his advanced age. Of course, in those distant times people died from many diseases and hunger, but nowadays people live much longer, is it worth believing in this superstition?

A negative parallel is drawn with the number four when fortune telling on Tarot cards, and the number 40 is no different in this case and is associated with the sign of death. This fact is given as an example. Although the birthday of 4-year-old children is celebrated.

The most plausible explanation of all is that since ancient times, 40 years has been considered a milestone figure, when everyone begins to rethink their life, and the number 40 itself is endowed with some magic. This is also the time when the soul moves into a new state.

According to another judgment, this is the age when a person should already have some kind of life wisdom, since a guardian angel comes from a person. And at this time, the hero of the day should not be busy with celebration, but with rethinking and self-improvement.

Also in Kievan Rus just on the fortieth day they checked the dead for incorruptibility, that is, if the body had not changed its appearance- means a deceased saint, and he could be canonized. Perhaps it is precisely this check after forty posthumous days that is connected with this sign.

The Slavs also associated various events with the number forty. According to some sources, a certain number system was based on this number. This figure also relates to some rituals that are associated with the birth of a person, as well as his death. For example, up to forty days, they say about the deceased “May he rest in peace,” and after this period - “The Kingdom of Heaven.” The number 9 is considered no less mysterious, but it is customary for us to celebrate it as a date of birth.

He has his own point of view on this matter. Since this science does not relate to religion, folk beliefs, then her explanation is specific. The ancient Greeks were very respectful of numbers. Pythagoras himself answered the question about this date very interestingly; according to him, the number 4 has an unusual sacred meaning, since it is based on a sign of balance, a certain completeness. And the number 40 when adding the two digits that make it up gives the number 4.

This holiday is associated with a variety of misfortunes - someone broke their arm, someone’s wife left them, and someone crashed their car. Such an event, of course, can happen at any time, and not necessarily on this anniversary. It all depends on various statements, including how you yourself feel about it.

Why should a man not celebrate his 40th birthday?

There are various statements why a man and a woman should not celebrate their 40th birthday. In general, all superstitions associated with this date apply more to men; no one can explain for certain the reason for this phenomenon. Perhaps the reason lies in the fact that women were previously considered to be of lower status, and this prediction does not particularly apply to them. Of course, there will be many people who will try to dissuade you from not celebrating this holiday, but it all depends on your opinion on this matter. And although this sign is more associated with the church, it does not say anything about why a man should not celebrate his 40th birthday.

If you ask a clergyman what the church says about this, most likely he will say that these are prejudices “from the evil one.” If there is a superstition that concerns birthdays, then it is associated with the age of Christ (that is, 33 years), but even in this case the church does not strictly prohibit it.

According to popular beliefs, a man who still dares to celebrate his anniversary in a noisy company thus sends greetings to death and invites disaster upon himself.

Previously, people did not have very good health, they worked very hard, the body wore out much faster, which is why such a date could be the last for a man, since mortality at that time was high, and life expectancy is much less than now. It was also believed that there was no need to celebrate due to the assertion that noisy fun once again reminded death - how old you are. It is these reasons that explain the reasons why a man’s 40th birthday is not celebrated.

Does this superstition apply to women?

Are there beliefs that explain why a woman should not celebrate her 40th birthday? Superstitious people claim that those women who dare to disobey and celebrate their fortieth birthday may soon face troubles, illnesses and misfortunes. There may also be an option that the birthday girl will not suffer, only because all her sorrows will be taken away by her loved one. Of course, it is impossible to say that these signs are justified, because no one has studied this phenomenon. There will be nothing wrong if you celebrate this date with your loved ones. On the other hand, if you really believe in omens, they will certainly come true, and they can have the most unpredictable consequences.

What to do in this situation?

A lot of time has passed since these predictions appeared, and people have figured out how to avoid their consequences. There are so-called protection measures, for example:

  • celebrate the anniversary not on the day when a person was born, but the next day, 1 week.
  • to celebrate a significant date in our native walls,
  • it is advisable that only relatives and friends be present (since these people will not wish ill will on the birthday boy),
  • One can note the passing of ’39, or the onset of the “fifth decade.”

It’s better to think once again about the fact that from the point of view of the church, any superstitions are considered a sin and you shouldn’t believe in them that way. You should listen less to suspicious people and focus on the positive. Believe me, problems await those who intuitively believe in them and thus attract them to themselves. If you have doubts, you can talk to people who celebrated this event and ask them if there were any troubles in their lives, perhaps everything is not so bad.

Every person's birthday is a real holiday life, marking another annual cycle.

But there are some birthdays on which luxurious celebrations are completely inappropriate. There are especially many opinions regarding the way to properly celebrate a 40th anniversary.

As we approach our 40th birthday, everyone is wondering how to celebrate or ignore the holiday.

The question immediately arises: is it possible to organize magnificent and loud name days? The answers to the question can be completely different.

Note! 40th Anniversary Celebration life together has certain restrictions regarding some items.

Wedding birthdays are a transitional moment for the entire family, affecting all family members.

If you want to have a name day, you should listen to advice regarding the celebration itself. It is worth considering the principle of holding name days for women and men.

There are several radically different points related specifically to gender differences and lifestyle and preferences.

How to celebrate name days without consequences:

How to celebrate a man How to celebrate as a woman
Celebrate the holiday at home. They say that the energy of home comfort protects against negative influences Be sure to celebrate your name day with your closest loved ones. Even close friends should not be invited to the event.
It is better to celebrate name days earlier or later by a few days. The holiday should be modest In addition to the restrictions in organizational issues no need to take expensive gifts
Preparations should be as simple as possible. No need to decorate the house, cook gourmet dishes, buy expensive gifts There is no reason to be upset on your birthday. Laughter and joy must be present. You can organize a relaxing evening with beauty treatments

Why you can't celebrate a birthday

It is absolutely forbidden to have a noisy celebration with gifts and congratulations on your 40th birthday.

Others do not pay attention to the signs, and quite easily ignore the warnings. Life is unpredictable, events do not depend on the principle of celebration.

Neither religion nor folk beliefs could find a single and accurate answer regarding contraindications for celebrating the anniversary.

Each relies on historical arguments, suggestions regarding beliefs beyond power that can punish disobedience.

Why don't people celebrate 40 years?

  1. Women should not celebrate such an anniversary because of physiological characteristics that can affect their psychological state.

    Often at this age, women experience menopause, which provokes irritability, depression, and nervousness.

  2. For men, this age is transitional. Crises often occur, accompanied by a rethinking of the meaning of life and the past. Therefore, it is not worth highlighting the event with a celebration.
  3. Astrologers believe that at this age a person is influenced by Uranus. The planet promotes dramatic changes, which are characterized not only by positive events.

    Any glorification of Uranus leads to increased influence on a person, so you should not attract the attention of the patron of change.

In some cultures and beliefs, the opinion regarding the holiday is different - on the contrary, it is worth attracting the attention of the Universe.

Signs and superstitions

Esoterics and folk signs can superficially explain why they don’t celebrate the 40th anniversary.

There are several basic opinions that can guide you in the process of choosing the form of celebrating an anniversary, in particular 40 years.

This number is associated with many rituals and phenomena that have left their mark on people’s consciousness. The number 40 was especially revered by early Orthodox Christians and pagans.

Superstitions about turning 40:

  • In Tarot cards, 4 symbolizes death. The number 40 is identical to 4. It carries the same energetic meaning of self-destruction.
  • According to historical data, few people lived to be 40 years old. The age of forty marks old age, so it was not customary to attract death with a holiday.
  • In Rus' there was a custom to check the body of the deceased after 40 days after death. If the body did not decompose, then the person led righteous life and had the right to canonization.

    The connection between life and death with the number 40 was especially clearly seen in esotericism.

Psychics and witches say that basically everything depends on the person himself.

If faith in supernatural powers and signs is great, then you should not celebrate such an anniversary. Strong Faith can become a significant energy impulse for triggering troubles and problems.

Church opinion

The Church has its own ideas regarding the number 40. They do not indicate Negative consequences, where the 40th anniversary poses a threat to fate. The church operates with many facts regarding anniversaries.

Church opinion:

  • All significant incidents in the Bible are associated with the number 40, and therefore do not threaten a person with negative consequences.

    After the resurrection, the Son of God was on earth for 40 days, David reigned for 40 years.

  • It is believed that at the age of 40 a person acquires life wisdom, as a result of which the guardian angel leaves the ward.

    This birthday becomes a symbol of the transition of a person’s spiritual state.

  • In sacred writings the number 40 is often found, having special meaning for the church.

    The combination of numbers and the number itself are highly revered and extolled in the spiritual realm.

In the church understanding, any birthday is a holiday of the soul, which requires glorification in the form of celebration.

The main thing is that there are no excesses and rash actions, which are denied by the church.

Attention! In the church warning there is one date that is not celebrated - it is 33 years old. The nuance applies to both women and men. At the age of 33, Jesus Christ was crucified.

Previously, there were more warnings from the church regarding the celebration of anniversaries. Modern Orthodoxy does not see any violation of God’s Laws regarding such events.

In some cases, even strengthening of faith and spirit is foreseen, which come to a person every year.

Useful video

Why don't they celebrate 40 years? In various cultures and societies, the issue is associated with a huge number of superstitions and prejudices. Modern superstitions are added to ideas that come from ancient times. As a result, the forty-year mark of life becomes a particularly dangerous date.

Why aren't men and women celebrating 40 years?

The opinion that it is impossible to celebrate 40 years is widespread and has acquired a huge number of stories. Their essence boils down to one statement - those who celebrated their fortieth anniversary suffered.

The idea of ​​why one should not celebrate a fortieth birthday is due to a number of reasons:

  1. In ancient times average age people were 38–40 years old. Those who lived up to this time were considered very old.
  2. In many Eastern cultures, the number 4 symbolizes imminent death or misfortune. Therefore, companies do not use it in advertising their products.
  3. Numerologists say that the number 40 means imminent death.
  4. Astrologers believe that at the age of 40, Uranus has a negative influence on a person’s destiny.
  5. There is an idea that at the age of 40 a person’s guardian angel leaves, because he has learned the wisdom of life.

If we ignore superstitions and unverified ideas, we can find out why it is not customary for men and women to celebrate their 40th anniversary:

  • By the age of 40, women's biorhythms change, gray hair and wrinkles appear.
  • By the age of 40, a woman feels the first signs of menopause, which comes with poor health, stress and depression.
  • By the age of forty, a man begins to think about the things that he did not have time to do in life.
  • Like a woman, a man's 40 years is another mention of approaching old age.

No rational explanations or superstitions can cancel human optimism and the desire to celebrate overcoming the next milestone in life. Therefore, there are many tips on how to celebrate your fortieth birthday without problems:

  • Celebrate the years that have passed, not the coming of a new one.
  • Ask your guests to congratulate you not on turning 40, but on overcoming the 39-year mark.
  • Celebrate so that guests do not mention your age in any way.
  • Invite only close people.
  • Move the celebration to the day after your birthday. So bad omens won't work.
  • Find another holiday on the calendar and throw a themed party.

Why they don’t celebrate 40 years: the opinion of the church

There are many references to the number 40 in the Bible:

  • The Flood lasted 40 days and nights.
  • At the age of 40, Isaac married Rebekah.
  • The Jews wandered for 40 years in the desert.
  • Prophet Moses communicated with God for 40 days and nights on Mount Sinai. He lived for 3 fortieth birthday - 120 years.
  • The reigns of David and Solomon lasted 40 years each.
  • The last part of Solomon's temple in Jerusalem was 40 cubits wide.
  • Goliath demanded that the Jews fight him for 40 days.
  • The inhabitants of Nineveh were given 40 days to repent.
  • Jesus prayed for 40 days in the Judean desert alone.
  • He walked the earth for 40 days after the Resurrection.
  • After the birth of a baby, a woman’s body is cleansed for 40 days.
  • After death, the soul wanders for 40 days before finding peace.

Thus, the church believes that 40 is a number that reflects perfect completeness, and considers all ideas that one should not celebrate 40 years to be ordinary superstitions that came from paganism.

Whether to celebrate 40 years or not is everyone’s personal choice. One only has to think about what has been achieved by this age and whether these achievements are worthy of celebration.
