Professional standard for secondary vocational education teacher. Professional standard for a vocational education teacher: what, why and why? Labor functions of a teacher

Teacher vocational education must meet the requirements established by the professional standard. Let's figure out which one exactly.

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Professional standard for vocational education teacher

Transition to new system assessment of the qualifications of specialists in Russia began at the end of 2012, when changes were made to the current Labor Code to provide for the use of professional standards.

It was then that the current version of Art. 195.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which defines professional standards as requirements for the level and nature of an employee’s qualifications necessary for him to perform the labor tasks assigned to him.

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5 main misconceptions about professional standards.

From this moment on, the Ministry of Labor and Employment initiated extensive work on the formation and approval of professional standards for individual subject areas, in which experienced experts. Each of the final documents had to be drawn up in strict accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 22, 2013 No. 23. At the same time, the degree of elaboration of a specific professional standard depended on several factors, including the actual complexity of this type professional activity and its significance for society and the economy.

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Please pay attention! The introduction of professional standards does not cancel the validity of qualification reference books. And the employer has the right to decide for himself which document to use when determining qualification requirements for the position: professional standard or qualification reference book.

It must be admitted that according to the last criterion, teaching activity is one of the most serious areas. That is why a lot of time and attention was devoted to the development of professional standards for teachers. As a result, from January 1, 2017, five extensive documents establishing qualification requirements were put into effect teaching staff. One of them is the standard regulating the application of qualification requirements for teachers in the field vocational training and professional education at basic and additional levels. You can find out what other professional standards for teachers are currently in effect in our material.

The professional standard of a teacher of vocational training, vocational education and additional vocational education was approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 09/08/2015 N 608n

Areas of application of the professional standard for a vocational education teacher

The specificity of the professional standard of a vocational education teacher lies, among other things, in the fact that its effect extends to specialists who are involved in carrying out work activities in the field of education quite high level. In particular, the provisions of the professional standard approved by Order No. 608 apply to the following categories of workers:

teachers carrying out teaching activities in educational organizations whose level relates to secondary vocational;

higher education teachers educational institutions with various statuses, including universities, academies, institutes and other organizations of higher professional education;

specialists whose professional activities involve performing the functions of developing teaching methods.

It is worth considering that the identification of the listed categories of employees for the purpose of applying the professional standard of a teacher of vocational education is carried out using All-Russian classifier classes OK 010-2014 (MSKZ-08). In turn, the listed categories of specialists can be involved in the implementation educational process By various directions training ranging from secondary vocational and above. What specific levels of education does the action cover? this standard- read in our article.

Requirements for a specialist established by the professional standard of a teacher

However, in some cases, an employee with a criminal record may be allowed to work with students, but this requires obtaining a decision from the commission on juvenile affairs.

As for the health status of teaching staff, in order to avoid allowing persons with dangerous diseases contagious type, such specialists must be subjected to a medical examination procedure in the prescribed manner. In our material We indicate which types of medical examinations are mandatory for these employees.

Responsibilities of a vocational education teacher according to the standard

A vocational education teacher, according to the standard approved by Order No. 608n, must ensure the successful performance of the following basic labor functions in the process of carrying out his professional activities:

development of educational modules and curricula in terms of the content and methodological aspects of their implementation;

organizing effective learning activities that ensure students fully assimilate the content of materials provided for in educational modules and curricula;

ensuring regular and high-quality monitoring of the assimilation of educational material at the intermediate and final stages of training.

In the process of implementing these labor functions, a vocational teacher within the framework of the professional standard should apply and take into account the provisions of special literature, reference publications, teaching materials and other information provided for by current standards for teaching activities.

At the same time, however, in order to ensure students’ interest in learning and improve the quality of their assimilation of the taught material, it is recommended to use forms of presenting the material that are appropriate to the age, characteristics of the team and other characteristics of the students. You can read more about methods for assessing the effectiveness of solving problems assigned to teachers in our material.

Labor functions of a teacher

Despite some differences in terms of requirements for the level of education, experience practical work and other characteristics, to teachers of higher and additional education, as well as for teachers of secondary vocational education, the professional standard makes similar requirements in terms of general principles performing labor functions in a given profession.

In particular, the labor functions of a vocational education teacher include:

  1. carrying out teaching activities within a group of students, taking into account their individual characteristics and characteristics of group interaction;
  2. organization of the educational process with elements production activities by field of study;
  3. pedagogical and organizational support of educational activities in accordance with the level of training;
  4. providing scientific, educational, methodological and organizational preparation for the implementation of vocational training programs in accordance with its level.

Depending on the level of training and the nature of the teaching activity, various job titles are allowed, provided for by the professional standard: teacher of additional vocational education, master of industrial training, teacher and others. Read about how to choose the most suitable option for a specific situation in our material.

Application of the teacher’s professional standard

According to the provisions of the current legislation, confirmed by official explanations of the Ministry of Labor, given in letter dated April 4, 2016 No. 14-0/10/13-2253, currently the application of professional standards in teaching activities is carried out in order to solve the following tasks:

formation personnel policy and personnel management, including determining the employee’s labor functions when drawing up staffing table, job descriptions, employment contracts;

conducting training and certification of employees. In this case, the professional standard serves as a guide to what knowledge and work skills are needed for a modern specialist;

tariffication of work and assignment of tariff categories, as well as the establishment of remuneration systems, taking into account the peculiarities of labor organization and management.

Current legislation provides for a number of job positions for which the use of developed professional standards becomes mandatory from the moment of their official approval: in our material we present full list such positions.

According to the provisions of Art. 331 Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 46, 52 of the Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ, the position of a teacher refers to the list of positions for which it is necessary to apply the provisions of the current professional standards. Thus, these specialists are required to meet the requirements for teachers according to the professional standard approved by Order No. 608n or the requirements established by the qualification directory.

Actions of the employer if the employee does not meet the professional standard of the teacher

If the assessment center or special working group created by decision of the employer, will establish that the employee does not meet the requirements of the approved professional standard, then it will not be possible to fire him. The legislation clearly regulates the list of grounds for dismissal, and it does not provide for non-compliance with the professional standard. The legislator is also not considering plans to add such a basis. The legitimacy of this position is confirmed by specialists from the Russian Ministry of Labor in paragraph 10 of letter No. 14-0/10/13-2253 dated April 4, 2016.

If a person does not meet the professional standard, and the requirement for compliance is mandatory at the legislative or local level, then the employer must take measures to implement professional standards. One of the stages is measures aimed at bringing the employee’s qualifications, knowledge and skills to the level stated in the standard, if a discrepancy is suddenly identified. By the way, the Labor Code recommends that employers regularly organize advanced training for teaching staff. We will tell you how often and how to send such employees for education.

However, if all the necessary measures have been taken, and the employee’s qualification level remains insufficient, the employer can conduct certification of the employee. If the results of this measure are unsatisfactory, the employer will already have a legal opportunity and grounds for dismissal (clause 3, part 1, article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Read about how to formalize the dismissal of a teaching employee in our material.

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About the professional standard of a teacher

( Teacher of vocational training, vocational education and additional vocational education)

In preparation for this pedagogical council, the methodological service conducted a survey among teachers, in which 46 people took part. According to the survey results, 51.1% of teachers know about the existence of a Professional Teacher Standard, but do not know the details; 39.5% responded that they have information about what the Professional Standard of a Teacher is. We also asked the respondents' opinion about what, in their opinion, the standard of a teacher is. 55.8% responded that this is a framework document containing basic qualification requirements, 41.9% of teachers believe that this is a list job responsibilities teacher

We can make a preliminary conclusion that our teachers have a general idea of ​​the professional standard of a teacher, but not everyone has a full understanding of what it is (list of responsibilities or qualification requirements).

From July 1, 2016 regulation labor relations in educational organizations should be carried out on the basis of professional standards (PS) in accordance with Federal laws. We are talking about all employee positions, not just teachers.

Approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of September 8, 2015 No. 608n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 24, 2015, registration No. 38993) professional standard“Teacher of vocational training, vocational education and additional vocational education.” The entry into force of the Teacher Standard was extended until January 1, 2017.

For personnel services and employers, when establishing qualification and professional requirements for applicants and employees, professional standards arelandmarks and can be appliedin part job titles, professions and specialties, definition of labor functions, requirements for education and work experience, taking into account the characteristics determined by the technology and organization of production and labor at a given employer.

The emergence of professional standards is not a new thing invented in Russia, but an established world practice. The most current best practice by professional standards in the UK.

In the middle of the 20th century, our country created qualification reference books. The unit of description in them became “position” (for workers – “profession”). These directories are limited to a poorly structured, fragmented description of job responsibilities, knowledge, education requirements and work experience. They do not contain a list of labor functions, the implementation of which ensures the achievement of the goals of professional activity.Professional standards are documents of a new type that systematically represent up-to-date information about the requirements of work activity.

The concepts of “employee qualifications” and “professional standard” are spelled out in Article 195.1. Labor Code according to which:

professional standard – this is a characteristic of the qualifications necessary for an employee to carry out a certain type of professional activity, including the performance of a certain labor function,

A employee qualifications - this is the level of knowledge, skills, professional skills and experience of the employee.

The professional standard describes labor functions according to a certain type activities, as well as requirements for the knowledge, skills and experience of specialists performing these functions.

The professional standard for a teacher defines the basic requirements for qualifications. It is designed to increase the motivation of teaching staff to work and the quality of education; establish uniform requirements for the content and quality of professional teaching activities to assess the level of qualifications of teachers when hiring and certifying, career planning, for the formation of job descriptions and the development of federal state educational standards teacher education.

The professional standard is a tool for implementing the education strategy in a changing world, a tool for improving the quality of education and bringing domestic education to the international level.

In the future, the introduction of professional standards should lead to an increase in the number of highly qualified workers and increased labor productivity. The methodology for developing professional standards provides for their wide public discussion. Thus, the public format for the development of professional standards has been replaced by a state-public format.

In the field of education approved4 professional standards:

Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia N 608n dated 09/08/2015

Further in the text we will use the concept “Teacher Standard”, meaning the Professional Standard “Teacher of vocational training, vocational education and additional vocational education.”

The professional standard of a teacher is a framework document that definesbasicrequirements for his qualifications.

The national framework of the standard can be supplemented by regional requirements that take into account the sociocultural, demographic and other characteristics of a given territory (for example, monoethnic and multiethnic regions impose their own specifics on the work of a teacher). It can also be supplemented by the internal standard of the educational institution, in accordance with the specifics of the educational programs implemented in this institution.

The professional standard of a teacher includes a description of labor functions and qualification requirements for teachers of secondary vocational education, masters of industrial training, teachers of additional vocational education, methodologists and teaching staff of higher educational institutions.

The main goal of professional activity, according to the teacher’s standard, is to organize the activities of students to master knowledge; formation and development of skills and competencies that allow professional activities; ensuring their achievement of normatively established educational outcomes; Creation pedagogical conditions for the professional and personal development of students, meeting the needs for deepening and expanding education; methodological support for the implementation of educational programs.

The professional standard is applied for the purpose of:

    determining the necessary qualifications of a teacher, which affects the results of training, education and development of students;

    provide the necessary training for teachers to obtain high results from their work;

    ensure the necessary awareness of the teacher about the requirements placed on him;

    promote the involvement of teachers in solving the problem of improving the quality of education.

Contents of the teacher’s professional standard

If you imagine the professional standard in the form of a diagram, then the gradation looks like this (see diagram on the slide)

The description of generalized labor functions includes the name of the function, skill level, possible job titles, requirements for education, training and practical work experience, as well as special conditions for admission to work. Generalized labor functions are divided into individual labor functions.

Characteristics of specific labor functions contain a description of labor actions, necessary skills and knowledge, etc. We will focus on labor functions related to the position of “teacher and teacher of secondary vocational education”

Education and training requirements:

    Secondary vocational educationor higher education, the focus (profile) of which, as a rule, corresponds to the taught academic subject, course, discipline (module)

    Additional professional education on the basis of secondary vocational education (training programs for mid-level specialists) or higher education(bachelor's degree) -professional retraining, the focus (profile) of which corresponds to the taught academic subject, course, discipline (module)

    In the absence of pedagogical education - additional professional education in the field of vocational education and (or) vocational training;an additional professional program can be completed after employment

    For teaching disciplines (modules) of the professional educational cycle of secondary vocational education programsNecessarily additional training professional programs- advanced training programs, including in the form of internships in specialized organizations at least once every three years

    Teaching staff are required to go to the established Russian Federation order of training and testing of knowledge and skillsin the field of labor protection.

Requirements for practical work experience:

experience in the field of professional activity mastered by students and (or) corresponding to the taught academic subject, course, discipline (module)required for teaching in the professional educational cycle of secondary vocational education programs and when the focus (profile) of education does not correspond to the taught academic subject, course, discipline (module)

Special conditions permission to work

    No restrictions on activities pedagogical activity established by the legislation of the Russian Federation

    Completion of mandatory preliminary (upon employment) and periodic medical examinations (examinations), as well as extraordinary medical examinations (examinations) in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation

    Passing the certification procedure for compliance with the position held in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation

In the teacher standard, 3 generalized labor functions relate to teachers of secondary vocational education (the rest relate to masters of industrial training, methodologists and teaching staff of higher professional education):

    3.1. “Teaching in vocational training programs, secondary vocational education and advanced training, focused on the appropriate level of qualifications”

    3.1.1. “Organization of educational activities of students to master educational subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) of vocational training programs, secondary vocational education and (or) additional education"

    3.1.2. “Pedagogical control and assessment of mastery educational program vocational training, secondary vocational education and (or) additional training in the process of intermediate and final certification"

    3.1.3 “Development of software and methodological support for educational subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) of vocational training programs, secondary vocational education and (or) additional education”

    3.3. – “Organizational and pedagogical support for a group (course) of students in secondary vocational education programs”

    3.3.1. “Creating pedagogical conditions for the development of a group (course) of students in secondary vocational education programs”

    3.3.2. “Social and pedagogical support for students in secondary vocational education programs in educational activities and professional and personal development"

    3.5. applies to both teachers and methodologists, industrial training masters, associate professors, senior teachers and assistants and sounds like this: “Carrying out career guidance activities with schoolchildren and their parents (legal representatives)”

    • 3.5.1 “Informing and consulting schoolchildren and their parents (legal representatives) on issues of professional self-determination and professional choice”

      3.5.2. “Conducting practice-oriented career guidance activities with schoolchildren and their parents (legal representatives)”

A separate teachers' council can be dedicated to the consideration of all labor functions, labor actions, knowledge and skills that a teacher must perform.

Here are examples of a teacher’s labor actions: conducting training sessions; organization independent work students; management of project, research and research activities; consulting students and their parents on issues of professional self-determination and professional development; ongoing monitoring, assessment of the dynamics of students’ preparedness and motivation; formation of the subject-spatial environment of the classroom, ensuring the development of the academic subject, etc.

Ensuring, within the framework of its competence, respect for the rights of students and providing them with social and other state guarantees,

Planning, together with other teaching staff, career guidance activities of an educational organization

- Conducting master classes on the profession for schoolchildren

- Ensuring the organization and implementation of professional tests for schoolchildren


Develop work programs

Maintain educational and methodological documentation

- process personal data in compliance with the requirements and rules established by the legislation of the Russian Federation,

Motivate and organize student participation in volunteer activities

Organize, together with students, the preparation and holding of leisure and socially significant events

- Use pedagogically sound forms, methods and techniques for organizing students’ activities, apply modern technical means training and educational technologies, including, if necessary, carrying out e-learning, using distance educational technologies, information and communication technologies, electronic educational and information resources.

- fulfilltasks provided for by the curriculum of the subject

- teach self-organization and control to students

- Ensure order and conscious discipline in classes

- Organize conferences, exhibitions, professional skills competitions in the subject profile or module

- analyze your own professional activities

- analyze and eliminate possible risks to the life and health of students in the classroom

- comply with labor protection requirements

Inform the social environment about the successes and achievements of students in various types activities

To acquaint schoolchildren and their parents (legal representatives) with the features of the type of professional activity:

- Spectacularly demonstrate professional activities and/or comment on their performance by students and practitioners

Involve students in vocational education programs in career guidance work with schoolchildren and their parents

- Prepare assignments, organize and conduct olympiads, decades and professional skills competitions for schoolchildren,

Required KNOWLEDGE (selected):

- Local acts educational organizationregarding the organization of the educational process

- Scientific methodological foundations organization of educational and professional, project, research and other activities of students

- Age characteristics students, features of gifted education students andstudents with developmental problems and learning difficulties

- Fundamentals of Effective Pedagogical Communication , laws of rhetoric and requirements for public speaking

- Fundamentals of labor psychology, stages of professional development

- Requirements imposed by the profession on a person , set of medical and other contraindications when choosing a profession, content and working conditions,lifestyle of workers in this profession, opportunities and prospects career growth by profession

- Measures of responsibility of teaching staff for the life and health of students under their supervision

- effective techniques communication that stimulates professional self-determination

Methodological basis for conducting master classes, ensuring entertainment when demonstrating professional activities

I would like to emphasize that the Professional Standard of a Teacher is a framework document that allows the institution to develop employment contracts and prescribe individually the labor functions of teachers depending on their experience, volume of work performed, category, etc. and to determine whether remuneration meets the requirements.

Obviously, the widespread introduction of a professional teacher standard cannot happen instantly, on a command from above. A period is needed for its refinement and adaptation of the professional community to it.


I think that each of the teachers present, listening to information about the professional standard of a teacher, caught himself thinking: “how is it possible for one person to do all this?”, analyzed his strengths and weak sides in terms of the ability to perform the above job functions. I would like to reassure you. For the most part, our team performs these labor functions to one degree or another.

There are several ways to eliminate gaps in knowledge or skills: conducting self-analysis of activities, reviewing information in more detail at meetings of the Central Committee, teacher councils, andimplement the planned activities in a fairly short time possible through:


    targeted courses;

    retraining courses;

    participation in master classes;

    distance learning, etc.

In addition to the above, I note that today there is no official procedure for dismissing a teacher who does not meet the professional standard. Moreover, if the employee was hired at one time in full compliance with labor legislation, was able to pass certification and has no complaints about the fulfillment of his duties professional responsibilities, then there are no grounds for his dismissal, even if he does not fully comply with the introduced standards.

It will not be possible to ignore the application of the professional standard: Part 1 of Art. 5.27 of the Code on administrative offenses The Russian Federation provides for administrative liability of an institution in the form of a fine of up to 50 thousand rubles. Given the fact that arbitrage practice follows the path of bringing to justice for each violation, the size of the fine can reach an astronomical size. Moreover, if organs financial control If it is revealed that an employee who does not have a higher professional education has filled a position for which the professional standard requires the specified level of education, then amounts may be recovered from the institution wages paid to such employee.


The State Duma Committee on Education and Science supported the proposal of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science to postpone late date entry into force of the professional standard “Teacher” (the committee meeting took place on November 8, 2016).The deadlines have been postponed until 2019, but, unfortunately, this does not apply to the standard of a secondary vocational education teacher.


Duration of training - 108 hours.

Duration of training - 18 days.

Form of study - correspondence using distance learning educational technologies(the form of education is not noted in educational documents).

Price - 1800 rub.

Topic 1. Didactic activity of a vocational school teacher: essence, functions, structure, content

Topic 2. Main types and levels of organization of educational and cognitive activities of students

Topic 3. Pedagogical technologies for organizing educational activities of students in mastering academic subjects

Topic 4. Didactic foundations of various types of lessons

Topic 5. Organization of the educational process in institutions of additional education

Topic 6. Pedagogical control and assessment of the quality of education

Topic 7. Self-determination and professional guidance of students

Topic 8. Acmeology and valeology in education

Topic 9. Information technologies in education

Job description
(teaching in vocational training programs, secondary vocational education and advanced training, focused on the appropriate level of qualifications)

[name of educational organization]

See Help on the topic: “Job descriptions of managers, specialists, employees and the procedure for their preparation” and List of job descriptions by divisions of the enterprise and industries

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated September 8, 2015 N 608n “On approval of the professional standard “Teacher of vocational training, vocational education and additional vocational education” and other regulations governing labor relations.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The teacher belongs to the category of pedagogical workers and is directly subordinate to [ title of the manager's position].

1.2. A teacher is appointed to a position and dismissed from it by order [ Job title].

1.3. Qualification requirements: secondary vocational education - training programs for mid-level specialists or higher education - bachelor's degree, the focus (profile) of which, as a rule, corresponds to the taught academic subject, course, discipline (module), additional professional education on the basis of secondary vocational education (programs) training of mid-level specialists) or higher education (bachelor's degree) - professional retraining, the focus (profile) of which corresponds to the taught academic subject, course, discipline (module), in the absence of pedagogical education - additional professional education in the field of vocational education and (or) vocational training (an additional professional program can be mastered after employment), in order to teach disciplines (modules) of the professional educational cycle of secondary vocational education programs, training in additional professional programs - advanced training programs, including in the form of internships in specialized organizations at least once every three years and work experience in the field of professional activity mastered by students and (or) corresponding to the taught academic subject, course, discipline (module) is required for teaching in the professional educational cycle of secondary vocational education programs and if the focus (profile) of education does not correspond to the taught academic subject, course , discipline (module).

1.4. For the position of teacher in accordance with the requirements of Art. 331 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a person is appointed:

Not deprived of the right to engage in teaching activities in accordance with a court verdict that has entered into legal force;

Does not have or has not had a criminal record, has not been subject to criminal prosecution (except if the criminal prosecution against him was terminated on rehabilitative grounds) for crimes against life and health, freedom, honor and dignity of the individual (with the exception of illegal hospitalization in a medical organization providing mental health care) in stationary conditions, and slander), sexual integrity and sexual freedom of the individual, against family and minors, public health and public morality, the foundations of the constitutional order and state security, peace and security of mankind, as well as against public safety;

Does not have an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for other intentional grave and especially grave crimes;

Not recognized as legally incompetent in accordance with the procedure established by federal law;

Does not have diseases included in the list approved by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of healthcare.

1.5. The teacher should know:

Local acts of an educational organization regarding the organization of the educational process and the work of the classroom (laboratory, other educational premises);

The taught area of ​​scientific (scientific and technical) knowledge and (or) professional activity, actual problems and trends in its development, modern methods (technologies);

Requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education, content of exemplary or standard educational programs, textbooks, teaching aids(depending on the educational program being implemented, the academic subject taught, course, discipline (module));

The role of the taught academic subject, course, discipline (module) in the main professional educational program (OPEP) of secondary vocational education and (or) DPP, and (or) educational program of vocational training;

Electronic educational and information resources necessary for organizing educational (educational and professional), research, project and other activities of students, writing final qualifying papers;

Methodology, theoretical foundations and technology of research and design activities (for teaching in SVE and DPP programs);

Scientific and methodological foundations for organizing educational, professional, project, research and other activities of students;

Requirements for the preparation of design and research work, reports on practice (for teaching in the SVE and DPP programs);

Age characteristics of students, characteristics of training (vocational education) for gifted students and students with developmental problems and learning difficulties, issues of individualization of training (for training persons with disabilities - features of their psychophysical development, individual capabilities);

Pedagogical, psychological and methodological foundations for the development of motivation, organization and control of educational activities in classes of various types;

Modern educational technologies of vocational education (vocational training);

Psychological and pedagogical foundations and methods of using technical teaching aids, information and communication technologies, electronic educational and information resources, distance educational technologies and e-learning, if their use is possible for mastering an academic subject, course, discipline (module);

Pedagogical, sanitary and hygienic, ergonomic, aesthetic, psychological and special requirements for didactic support and design of the classroom (laboratory, other educational premises) in accordance with its purpose and the nature of the programs being implemented;

Labor protection requirements when conducting training sessions in an organization carrying out educational activities and outside the organization;

Fundamentals of effective pedagogical communication, laws of rhetoric and requirements for public speaking;

Goals and objectives of activities to support the professional self-determination of students in secondary vocational education and (or) advanced education programs;

Fundamentals of labor psychology, stages of professional development;

Requirements imposed by a profession on a person, a set of medical and other contraindications when choosing a profession, content and working conditions, lifestyle of workers in this profession, opportunities and prospects for career growth in the profession (for teaching an academic subject, course, discipline (module) focused on mastering qualifications (professional competence));

Modern practices, content, forms and methods of career guidance and counseling on issues of professional self-determination, professional adaptation and professional development in the process of mastering an academic subject, course, discipline (module), effective methods of communication and organization of activities, focused on supporting professional self-determination, professional adaptation and professional development of students;

Measures of responsibility of teaching staff for the life and health of students under their supervision;

Legislation of the Russian Federation and local regulations governing the conduct of intermediate and final (final state) certification of students in secondary vocational education and (or) vocational training programs, and (or) DPP;

Domestic and Foreign experience, modern approaches to monitoring and assessing the results of vocational education and vocational training;

Methodology for the development and application of control, measurement and control and evaluation tools, interpretation of control and evaluation results;

Standards of pedagogical ethics, methods of pedagogical support for students during control and assessment activities;

Methodological and methodological foundations of modern vocational education, additional vocational training and (or) vocational training;

The theory and practice of secondary vocational education, vocational training and (or) additional vocational training in relevant areas of training, specialties, professions and (or) types of professional activities, including foreign research, development and experience;

Legislation of the Russian Federation on education and personal data;

Local regulations regulating the organization of the educational process, the development of software and methodological support, maintenance and procedure for access to educational and other documentation, including documentation containing personal data;

Requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education, content of exemplary (standard) programs (if available), textbooks, teaching aids (depending on the educational program being implemented, the academic subject taught, course, discipline (module));

The role of the taught academic subject, course, discipline (module) in the OPOP SVE, educational program of vocational training and (or) DPP;

Requirements of professional standards and other qualification characteristics for the relevant type of professional activity (for educational subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) aimed at developing professional competence);

Requirements for software and methodological support of educational subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) of secondary vocational education programs, vocational training and (or) advanced education, methodological foundations for its development;

Requirements for modern textbooks, educational and teaching aids, electronic educational resources and other teaching materials;

The current state of the field of knowledge and (or) professional activity corresponding to the taught academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules);

Main sources and methods of searching for information necessary for the development of software and methodological support;

Age characteristics of students, stages of professional development;

Features of training (vocational education) for gifted students and students with developmental problems and learning difficulties, issues of individualization of training;

Features of psychophysical development, individual capabilities of persons with disabilities (for training of persons with disabilities);

Possibilities of using information and communication technologies for record keeping;

The procedure for maintaining and sharing electronic databases containing information about participants in the educational process and its implementation, creating established forms and forms for providing information to authorized officials;

Fundamentals of labor legislation;

Internal labor regulations of an organization carrying out educational activities;

Labor protection and fire safety regulations.

1.6. The teacher is prohibited:

Provide paid educational services to students in this organization if this leads to a conflict of interests of the additional education teacher;

Use educational activities for political agitation, forcing students to accept or renounce political, religious or other beliefs, to incite social, racial, national or religious hatred, for agitation promoting the exclusivity, superiority or inferiority of citizens on the basis of social, racial, national , religious or linguistic affiliation, their attitude to religion, including by communicating to students false information about the historical, national, religious and cultural traditions of peoples, as well as to induce students to take actions contrary to the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

2. Job responsibilities

The teacher is assigned the following job responsibilities:

2.1. Conducting training sessions in academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) of the educational program.

2.2. Organization of independent work of students in academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) of the educational program.

2.3. Management of educational and professional, project, research and other activities of students in secondary vocational education and (or) additional education programs, including the preparation of final qualifying work (if provided).

2.4. Consulting students and their parents (legal representatives) on issues of professional self-determination, professional development, professional adaptation based on monitoring the development of professional competence (for teaching an academic subject, course, discipline (module) focused on mastering a qualification (professional competence)).

2.5. Current control, assessment of the dynamics of preparedness and motivation of students in the process of studying an academic subject, course, discipline (module).

2.6. Development of measures to modernize the equipment of the educational room (office, laboratory, gym, other place of study), the formation of its subject-spatial environment, ensuring the development of an academic subject, course, discipline (module) of the educational program.

2.7. Monitoring and evaluating the results of mastering an academic subject, discipline course (module) in the process of intermediate certification (independently and (or) as part of a commission).

2.8. Assessment of mastery of the educational program during the final (state final) certification as part of the examination committee.

2.9. Development and updating of work programs for academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) of secondary vocational education, vocational training and (or) additional education.

2.10. Development and updating of educational and methodological support for training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules) of secondary vocational education programs, vocational training and (or) additional education, including assessment tools for checking the results of their development.

2.11. Planning classes in academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) of secondary vocational education programs, vocational training and (or) advanced education.

2.12. Maintaining documentation that ensures the implementation of programs of academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) of secondary vocational education, vocational training and (or) DPP.

2.13. [Other job responsibilities].

3. Rights

The teacher has the right:

3.1. For all social guarantees provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.2. Get acquainted with draft management decisions relating to its activities.

3.3. On issues within his competence, submit proposals for the management's consideration to improve the organization's activities and work methods, as well as options for eliminating existing shortcomings in the organization's activities.

3.4. Request personally or on behalf of management from structural divisions and specialists information and documents necessary to perform their job duties.

3.5. Involve specialists from all (individual) structural units in solving the tasks assigned to it (if this is provided for by the regulations on structural units, if not, with the permission of management).

3.6. Require the creation of conditions for the performance of professional duties, including the provision of the necessary equipment, inventory, a workplace that complies with sanitary and hygienic rules and regulations, etc.

3.7. [Other rights provided forlabor legislationRussian Federation].

4. Responsibility

The teacher is responsible:

4.1. For violation of the charter of an educational organization.

4.2. For the use, including one-time use, of educational methods associated with physical and (or) mental violence against the student’s personality.

4.3. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.4. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.5. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description has been developed in accordance with [ name, number and date of the document].

Head of HR department

[initials, surname, signature]

[day month Year]


[position, initials, surname, signature]

[day month Year]

I have read the instructions:

[initials, surname, signature]

[day month Year]

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Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 09/08/2015 N 608n (applicable from January 1, 2017) Professional standard “Teacher of vocational training, vocational education and additional vocational education” DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OF THE CITY OF MOSCOW State budgetary vocational educational institution of the city of Moscow “Polytechnic College named after. N.N. Godovikova » Moscow, 2016

organizing the activities of students to master knowledge, form and develop skills and competencies that allow them to carry out professional activities; ensuring their achievement of normatively established educational outcomes; creating pedagogical conditions for the professional and personal development of students, meeting the needs for deepening and expanding education; methodological support for the implementation of educational programs The main goal of the type of professional activity

Occupation group: 2320 Teachers of secondary vocational educational organizations Assignment to types economic activity: 85.21 Secondary professional education 85.30 Professional training 85.42 Additional professional education

Functional map of the type of professional activity Teaching in vocational training programs, secondary vocational education (SVE) and additional professional programs (APP), focused on the appropriate level of qualifications Organization of educational activities of students in mastering academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) of vocational training programs, SVE and (or) DPP Pedagogical control and assessment of mastering the educational program of vocational training, secondary vocational education and (or) DPP in the process of intermediate and final certification Development of software and methodological support for educational subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) of vocational training programs, secondary vocational education and (or) DPP

II. Description of labor functions included in the professional standard (continued) B. Organization and conduct of the educational and production process in the implementation of educational programs of various levels and directions 1. Organization of educational and production activities of students to master vocational training programs and (or) training programs for skilled workers, employees 2. Pedagogical control and assessment of mastering the qualifications of a worker serving in the process of educational and production activities of students 3. Development of software and methodological support for the educational and production process

II. Description of labor functions included in the professional standard (continued) C. Organizational and pedagogical support of a group (course) of students in secondary vocational education programs 1. Creation of pedagogical conditions for the development of a group (course) of students in secondary vocational programs 2. Social and pedagogical support for students in secondary vocational education programs in educational activities and professional and personal development

III. Characteristics of generalized labor functions Education and training requirements

Requirements for practical work experience Work experience in the field of professional activity mastered by students and (or) corresponding to the taught academic subject, course, discipline (module) is required for teaching in the professional educational cycle of secondary vocational education programs and if the focus (profile) of education does not correspond to the taught educational subject, course, discipline (module)

Special conditions for admission to work No restrictions on engaging in teaching activities established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Completion of mandatory preliminary (upon employment) and periodic medical examinations (examinations), as well as extraordinary medical examinations. Passing the certification procedure for compliance with the position held in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Labor function No. 1 Organization of educational activities of students in mastering academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) of vocational training programs, secondary vocational education and (or) DPP

Labor actions of professional self-determination and development; adaptation based on observation of the development of professional competence

Required skills

Labor function No. 2 Pedagogical control and assessment of the development of the educational program of vocational training, secondary vocational education and (or) DPP in the process of intermediate and final certification

Required skills

Labor function No. 3 Development of software and methodological support for educational subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) of vocational training programs, secondary vocational education and (or) DPP


Required skills

Required knowledge

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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