Sev Donets river on the map. Seversky Donets River and its tributaries

Seversky Donets- the main waterway of Donbass. Name of the first part of the river Seversky Donets For many it is now unclear. As for the word Donets, then it represents diminutive form hydronym Don (Donets- it’s like “small Don", inflow Don). Definition Seversky indicates that the upper reaches of this main tributary Don began not far from the ancient Severskaya land (compare: Novgorod Seversky). For some reason unknown to us, perhaps due to the peculiarities of the settlement of the basin in the 16th-17th centuries, the name, having lost its local attachment, spread throughout the ENTIRE river Seversky Donets. Documents from the 17th century indicate the use of a compound name Seversky Donets in the correct form, but already in late XVIII - early XIX centuries, the first cases of distortion of the adjective are observed, which is associated with the oblivion of the reason for the name of the river. IN oral speech and even in scientific literature penetrated irregular shape Northern Donets(after all, no and never has been Donets South!). Now it is becoming less and less common.

Svyatogorsk - territory of the National natural park“Holy Mountains” and the spiritual center - the active Holy Dormition Svyatogorsk Lavra with a complex of architectural monuments: the Assumption Cathedral (1859-60), cells (1887), underground passage (XVII century), pilgrimage pavilion (XIX century), towers, refectory with the Church of the Intercession (1847-1851)

Reference materials about the Seversky Donets River

  • The length of the Seversky Donets River is 1053 km;
  • The area of ​​the Seversky Donets River basin is 98,900 m2;
  • The source of the Seversky Donets River is Belgorod region, Prokhorovsky district, village. Podolhi;
  • The width of the Seversky Donets River bed is 30-70 m, in some places up to 200 m.
  • The depth of the Seversky Donets River is from 30 cm to 10 m
  • Slope of the Seversky Donets River - 0.18 m/km
  • Current speed from 0.15 to 1.41 m/s
  • The river flows through Belgorod, Kharkov, Donetsk, Lugansk and Rostov region
  • The main tributaries: on the right - the rivers Uda (164 km), Kazenny Torets (129 km), Bakhmutka (88 km), Lugan (196 km), Bolshaya Kamenka (110 km); on the left - Oskol (436 km) Stallion (86 km), Krasnaya (124 km), Aidar (256 km), Derkul (160 km), Glubokaya (108 km), Kalitva (308 km), Bystraya (218 km), Kundryuchya (240 km). In the upper reaches of the river there are two reservoirs: Belgorod (Russia) and Pechenezh (Ukraine).

Seversky Donets- perhaps the most picturesque river the south of the East European Plain; its only significant drawback is the proximity of crowded urban and industrial agglomerations, however, during the recommended travel time, vacationers Dontse few.

After Zmiev ( Railway Kharkov - Krasny Liman), where it is convenient to start swimming, Seversky Donets approaches the Donetsk Ridge and, turning along it to the southeast, washes its northern and northeastern slopes up to the confluence with Don. Right Bank Seversky Donets mountainous, covered over a large area with broad-leaved, mainly oak forests. Left Coast Seversky Donets, with a few exceptions (the beginning of the Izyumskaya Luka), gently sloping, occupied by meadows, oxbow lakes and floodplain forest (sedge, elm, oak, alder); At a distance, all the way to Krasny Liman, pine forests stretch.

River width Seversky Donets from 30 - 35 m at the beginning of the route increases to 60 - 80 m at the end, the bed is mostly sandy, there are quite a few beaches. Serious obstacles on the river Seversky Donets no, with the exception of the remains of several old mill dams and two modern dams that require demolition (behind Raigorodok, where the Seversky Donets - Donbass canal begins, and near the village of Shchastya, where a large thermal power plant is located), In some areas where Seversky Donets breaks up into branches and washes away the banks; snags are found in the riverbed.

On the first half of the route, with every new ten kilometers the river Seversky Donets becomes more picturesque (with the exception of a small area below Izyum), reaching its apogee in the Svyatogorye region, where the high right bank with granite outcrops and majestic pine trees resembles the landscapes of the southern coast of Crimea, and the meadow expanse of the left bank with freely standing giant oaks evokes associations with “The Lay of Igor's regiment." The ensemble of the Svyatogorsk Monastery complements the magnificent landscape, which cannot be said about the giant sculpture of the Bolshevik F.A. standing nearby. Artem.

Further, the population of the river banks Seversky Donets increases. It is especially great in the Severodonetsk - Lisichansk area and in the last tens of kilometers. Despite the significant population of the river valley Seversky Donets, the water in the Donets up to Lisichansk is clean...

The beauty of the Seversky Donets

Morning on the Seversky Donets River in the Krivoy Luka area

Kayaking along the Seversky Donets

On a raft on the Seversky Donets River

The secret place of the Seversky Donets

One of the largest and most famous rivers in Russia. The Seversky Donets is the right and main tributary of the famous. The Seversky Donets is very ancient river and has many names and only one official one. The river is quite long and flows through several regions at once. ( 65 photos)

The Seversky Donets is a river that is popular and constantly heard by residents of the Rostov region and Lugansk region. Actually those areas in which it occurs. Originating in the Belgorod region, which is 500 km from the south.

It extends all the way to the Don River, and is the main tributary of the Don. Thus, the length of the Donets is 1053 km. This is the 7th river in Ukraine and the largest in the Rostov region of Russia. More than 3,000 different rivers flow into the Donets. Among them there are large ones, whose length reaches 10 km.

Donets can be described as large, wide river with a moderate current. Speaking about the Donets, it is difficult to give an unambiguous assessment, because having such a length, it is different everywhere. The average width of the river is 50 meters, but in some places it can reach 200 meters, and in the vicinity of reservoirs it overflows up to 4 km.

Since many rivers flowing into the Donets are of a melting nature, the height of the riverbeds constantly fluctuates. Melting of ice and snow on the Donets continues from February to March. At these moments the river floods especially heavily. In some places, the water column can rise up to 8 meters.

The systematic flooding of the river can be judged by the eroded banks of the river. Near the Sevesky Donets, the right bank of the current is steep, and the left bank is gentle.

Seversky Donets has been inhabited by people since the Stone Age. And since then, life here has not faded away. Only the tribes and nationalities inhabiting it changed. Almost throughout the entire history of life on the Donets, wars have been fought here.

And the river was inhabited by one or another tribe. Donets is also the birthplace of the Scythians and Sarmatians, who later supplanted the former. The Donets is a fairly popular river and is mentioned in many ancient writings. For example, in his works he writes famous writer, historian who existed in 444 BC. — Herodotus of Halicarnassus.

Since he was talking about the life of the Scythians, and they lived on the Donets, the river also came into his field of vision.

There is an opinion that in ancient times the Donets was considered the main river, for example, today we know that the Donets flows into the Don River. In ancient times they believed the opposite, and due to this there may be confusion in historical sources. And the Seversky Donets is often confused with the Great Don.

The origin of the name comes from the origins of the Donets, which originates from Severshchyna (north-eastern Ukraine). Previously, both rivers were called “Tanais”. There was a large Tanais - the Don River, and Seversky Tanais - now Seversky Donets.

Near the banks of the river there were various traces of people's presence here. Among the most famous are the Scythian burial mounds and stone statues.

Today he lives near the Seversky Donets a large number of people, and the river itself is very important element for residents. For example, in Ukraine about 20% of all fresh water It comes from the Donets.

An amazing Cossack city is located on the banks of the Seversky Donets.

Previously, almost the entire length of the river was navigable. But the negligence of people, which was reflected in the cutting down of centuries-old oak trees growing on the banks of the Donets. As well as mining, which has reduced the level groundwater. And other factors led to the shallowing of the Donets.

And today ships sail along the river only as far as Russian Donetsk, which is 222 km from the mouth. And then, the movement of ships to such a height (upstream from the Don) is ensured thanks to the work of waterworks. Which raise and lower the water level if necessary.

I would like to note the popularity of the Donets among tourists. Thousands of vacationers come here every year, and this despite the fact that the river is not really equipped for vacationers. Such as . Everyone comes to Donets, from young to old.

Attracts people first beautiful nature, with untouched areas of vegetation, and quite clean river. Depending on the section of the river, you can: arrange unforgettable fishing; relax in a tent with forest exits; go kayaking or laze on the sandy beach in the city.

There are also a large number of paths along the shores for tourists on foot and for cycling. Kayaking is especially popular, as it is suitable for almost everyone, with a low degree of difficulty being the first.

Winter fishing on the Donets

Fishing on the Severskaya Donets has always been great; of course, fish used to be in abundance. Today there is much less of it, but it is there. And this attracts avid fishermen from all nearby areas. Today there are about 40 species of fish in the river.

In summer, the water level rises, this can be evidenced by a photograph of the masonry.

Seversky Donets from the right bank

Wild ducks over the Seversky Donets

Also near the river, in its plains live a large number of animals, these are wild boars, roe deer, boars and also different kinds birds.

Needless to say, the landscapes on the Seversky Donets are stunningly beautiful.

Seversky Donets (Ukrainian Siversky Donets, ancient Greek according to Ptolemy Tanaid, Tanais, Italian Tan, Old Russian Great Don) is a river in the south of the East European Plain, flowing through the Belgorod and Rostov regions of Russia, as well as the Kharkov, Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine, right (largest) tributary of the Don. The fourth largest river in Ukraine and the most important source of fresh water in the east of this country. Sometimes it is incorrectly called Northern Donets.


Seversky Donets is the most large river eastern Ukraine and the largest tributary of the Don. The total length of the river is 1053 km, the basin area is 98,900 km², the average annual flow at the confluence with the Don is 200 m³/sec.

Seversky Donets originates on the Central Russian Upland, near the village. Podolhi in the Prokhorovsky district of the Belgorod region of Russia. Source coordinates 51°00′00″ N. w. 36°59′00″ E. d. / 51° n. w. 36.983333° E. d. (G)51, 36.983333, source height approx. 200 m above sea level. There are over 3,000 rivers in the Seversky Donets basin, of which 425 are more than 10 km long, and 11 rivers are more than 100 km long. Over a thousand of them flow directly into the Seversky Donets. The Seversky Donets is fed predominantly by snow, so water flow is uneven throughout the year. The spring flood lasts about 2 months from February to April, during this period the water rises by 3 - 8 m.

The width of the channel generally ranges from 30 to 70 m, sometimes reaching 100-200 m, and in the area of ​​reservoirs - 4 km. The bottom of the channel is predominantly sandy, uneven, with depth fluctuations from 0.3 m on the rifts to 10 m on the reaches.

The river freezes in winter with a surface ice thickness of 20 to 50 cm. The freezing period is usually two to three months from mid-December to the end of March.

The Seversky Donets flows into the Don 218 km from its mouth at an altitude of 5.5 m above sea level. Thus, the river fall is 195 m, the average slope is 0.18 m/km. The current speed of the Seversky Donets is small, in some areas almost zero, 0.15 m/s near Chuguev to 1.41 m/s near Lisichansk.

Researchers have discovered many Mesolithic sites in the Seversky Donets basin. The highest density is in the middle reaches from Izyum to Lugansk. All Mesolithic sites have characteristic features(numerous prismatic cores, evidence of hunting wild horses, etc.), which indicates the ethnic homogeneity of the tribes living in the basin. The most ancient basin decorations made from Black Sea shellfish painted with red ocher were discovered in Mesolithic sites. This, in particular, testifies to the contacts of these tribes with the people who inhabited southern Ukraine.

Almost all the Neolithic settlements of the basin were also located along the banks of the Seversky Donets and its tributaries. Archaeological evidence of the domestication of the bull has been discovered; an ancient canoe, hollowed out of a tree trunk, was discovered at the mouth of the Oskol River. Comb-spiked ceramics, characteristic of central Ukraine, appeared. Some researchers believe that the similarity of the Neolithic monuments of the Seversky Donets and contemporaneous monuments in the Poltava, Chernigov, Kyiv, Cherkassy, ​​Zaporozhye and Volyn regions makes it possible to combine all these Neolithic monuments into one Dnieper-Donetsk culture.

During the Eneolithic, the cultural separation of the Seversky Donets basin from central Ukraine took place. At a time when the Trypillian culture was developing in the Dnieper, Vorskla and northwestern Ukraine basins, tribes of the ancient Yamnaya culture lived in the Seversky Donets basin. For example, unlike the Trypillian culture, which was mainly agricultural, the ancient Yamnaya and many subsequent cultures of the Donets basin were mainly pastoral. This gives grounds for most researchers to exclude the Seversky Donets basin from the zone of origin of the Slavic tribes. However, there is an opposite opinion, based mainly on the similarities of the tribes of the Neolithic era. The ancient Yamnaya culture, first identified in the Izyum district of the Kharkov province, is characterized by specific burials using ocher as a dye. These burials took the form of a pit, covered with logs, with a mound, forming mounds. The mounds of this particular culture are considered the oldest in the world. The ancient Yamnaya culture was distributed much wider than the Seversky Donets basin: it spread south to the foothills of the Crimea, east to the Volga.

Ideas of ancient Greek geographers about the Seversky Donets basin

From the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. e. tribes of the Catacomb culture lived in the Seversky Donets basin. The Catacomb culture developed on the basis of the ancient Yamnaya culture and covered a similar territory. There is archaeological evidence of independent copper smelting by tribes of the Catacomb culture, who used copper deposits in the Donetsk region. From the middle of the 2nd millennium BC. e. in the Seversky Donets basin, the catacomb culture is replaced by the Timber culture, which originated in the Volga region.

Seversky Donets is the largest river in eastern Ukraine and the largest tributary of the Don. The total length of the river is 1053 km, the basin area is 98,900 km², the average annual flow at the confluence with the Don is 200 m³/sec. Seversky Donets originates on the Central Russian Upland, near the village. Podolhi in the Prokhorovsky district of the Belgorod region of Russia. There are over 3,000 rivers in the Seversky Donets basin, of which 425 are more than 10 km long, and 11 rivers are more than 100 km long. Over a thousand of them flow directly into the Seversky Donets. The most major tributaries: Oskol, Kalitva, Aidar, Derkul, Volchya, Udy, Bereka, Kazenny Torets, Krasnaya, Nezhegol... The Seversky Donets is fed predominantly by snow, so water flow is uneven throughout the year. The spring flood lasts about 2 months from February to April, during this period the water rises by 3 - 8 m, spreading in some places more than 3 km wide. The width of the channel generally ranges from 40 to 70 m, sometimes reaching 200-350 m. The bottom of the channel is predominantly sandy, uneven, with depth variations from 0.3 m on the rifts to 10 m on the reaches. Maximum depths up to 15, in some places up to 20 m. The river freezes in winter with a surface ice thickness of 20 to 50 cm. The freezing period is usually two to three months from mid-December to the end of March. The speed of the Seversky Donets current is small, in some areas almost zero, 0.15 m/s near Chuguev to 1.4 m/s near Lisichansk. The right bank of the river is high (sometimes there are chalk rocks), strongly dissected by ravines, the left bank is flat, it has a floodplain with numerous oxbow lakes, lakes and swamps. The river bed is characterized by tortuosity, especially before the river confluences. Oskol. On the river (in the upper and middle reaches) there are many rifts, rapids, small rapids, and rubble. On the territory of the Kharkov region, Seversky Donets is very picturesque. Below, after the confluence of the Volchya River, the Pecheneg Reservoir is located, supplying water to the city of Kharkov. In the area of ​​Donetsk (Rostov region), the river crosses the Donetsk Ridge and flows in a narrow valley with steep and rocky slopes. In the lower reaches, for 230 km, the river is locked, has a weak current and a predominant width of 100 - 200 m. Near the mouth, the river splits into 3 branches. Navigable 315 km from the mouth. According to various sources, from 38 to 47 species of fish are found in the Seversky Donets. Personally, I caught or saw 31. Just recently, sturgeon came to the Donets to spawn. Vimbe and shemaya are still found. At present, in view of economic, or rather non-economic, human activity, one can only remember the former quantity of fish. The river is getting shallower every year. is thriving. Podust, sinets and . There has been a significant decrease in pike perch, carp, ide, and burbot. But despite this, catches of five-kilogram asps and two-three-kilogram chubs are still quite frequent. There are perch up to 1.5 kg and pike up to 8-10 kg. Bream weighing 3-4 kg is not a rarity, but catfish, due to unlimited fishing, have also crushed individuals over 5 - 7 kg - a rarity, although about ten - twelve years ago, catching a catfish weighing 50-60 kg was not sensational.

Seversky Donets is rightfully considered the most picturesque and big river, flowing through the southern part of the East European Plain. It crosses the territories of Russia and Ukraine, being a source of fresh water for residents of cities and towns, and also ensures the operation of industrial and agricultural enterprises. Local residents relax and fish on its banks, tourists kayak downstream, and everyone admires the beauty of the landscapes and clean, clear water.

River name

Ancient Greek scientists mentioned this river, however, they called it differently. In Ptolemy it is called Tanaid or Tanais, in Herodotus - Sirgis, in Ukrainian it is called “Siversky Donets”. The literal translation from Old Russian means “Great Don”, from Italian “Tan”.

Seversky Donets got its name from the location of its sources. According to ancient manuscripts, the Maly Tanais River began its journey from the territory of the Seversk land (principality). The word "Donets" also denotes the fact that the river is the main right-bank tributary of the Don.

Historical finds

Since ancient times, the river has been a border and protection from enemy attacks for all settlers. Trade routes passed along it, fish were successfully caught in its waters, so it was considered a wet nurse.

Along the entire course, in many places on the shore, archaeological scientists have discovered the remains of ancient settlements and civilizations. According to them, human settlement of the adjacent lands began in the Stone Age. This is evidenced by excavations and household items (dishes, jewelry) and weapons found in them, which date back to the Bronze and Iron Ages.

Tribes of Scythians, Sarmatians, Alans, and Northerners lived here. Vyatichi and Polovtsy. Numerous stone idols standing on eminences throughout the area adjacent to the river also confirm this. It is known that during Tatar-Mongol yoke in the 13th century, peasants actively settled on free lands in the upper reaches of the Seversky Donets.

The river has a wide floodplain (in meadows it spreads up to 3-5 km), along the banks of which there are plateaus. In such areas, peasants built themselves wooden huts using local materials. Raids Crimean Tatars passed along the Izyumsky and Kalmiussky routes, the settlements were hidden from them by natural hills.

According to ancient chronicles, it is known that the river used to be fuller, cargo and people were rafted along it, but then it began to become shallow.

Source of the river and natural park with a stele

The river flows through several regions of Russia. The upper reaches begin in Belgorodskaya, then it crosses state border and flows through the territory of Ukraine (Kharkiv, Donetsk and Lugansk regions). The waters of the Donets flow into the Don River already in the Rostov region of Russia.

The source of the Seversky Donets is located at an altitude of about 200 m on the Kursk plateau of the Central Russian Upland in the Belgorod region. To the east of the village of Podolkhi (Prokhorovsky district) there is a pure spring. In 1997, local residents built natural Park and erected a memorial sign-stele.

To approach the key, a staircase was made, and a chapel was built nearby, in which an icon hangs Holy Mother of God. The stream gushing from the spring is enclosed in a pipe, which is decorated with shells on top. The park is clean, both locals and tourists come here who want to see the place where the Donets originates.

Pool and food

The Seversky Donets basin has an area of ​​about 99 thousand square meters. km there are 3 thousand smaller rivers, of which 1000 flow directly into it. Total length - 1053 km. Basin surface: undulating plain with some slope in a south-easterly direction, intersected big amount rivers, ravines and gullies.

The width of the channel is about 30-70 m, at the mouth it reaches 250 m, in the area of ​​​​the Pechenezh reservoir - 4 km. The bottom is sandy, the depth varies from 0.3 to 10 m.

In the upper reaches, the river is blocked by dams on the territory of the Belgorod region; below, the river flows into it. Volchya, where the Pechenezh reservoir was built. Then the waters of the Uda and Oskol rivers enter it. Gradually the valley expands; there are many oxbow lakes in its floodplain.

Near the city of Donetsk, the river flows through the Donetsk Upland, flowing through a narrow valley surrounded by steep rocky banks. Canals were built here. The lower reaches of the river are different slow flow and a large expansion (up to 200 m), near the mouth there is a branching into 3 branches.

The river is 2/3 fed by snow, the rest by springs. The main source of water entering the river is melt water, so the highest level (3-8 m higher than usual) is observed when spring flood. It usually starts in February and ends in April.

IN winter months the river freezes and is covered with ice up to 50 cm thick, which lasts from December to the end of March.

Fishing and sports

In any season fishing fishing on the Seversky Donets always brings great pleasure and a good catch. The river contains a huge amount freshwater fish: catfish, crucian carp, bream, pike, rudd, perch, chub, asp, etc. (41 species in total). According to experts, this is the most suitable environment for fishing with a spinning rod or short fishing rods (up to 2 m long) with a reel and thread.

Winter fishing is also possible when the surface is covered with ice. However, due to its small thickness, caution is required when fishing on the Seversky Donets during the winter months.

Very popular among fans active rest uses kayaking, which is assigned a low category of difficulty, because the river is considered very calm. Many tourists travel along the coast by bicycle and even on foot. Warm season lasts from May to September, but the most warm water in the Donets for swimming - in July.

Use of the river

Now the Seversky Donets River is rightfully considered one of the most important water arteries Ukraine: shipping is carried out on it. It is the main source of water for Eastern regions and especially the city of Kharkov. Locks, dams and canals were installed on the river, and large regulated reservoirs were built: Belgorodskoye, Pechenezhskoye, Starooskolskoye, Krasnopavlovskoye.

To transfer water, special canals were laid: Dnieper-Donbass, Donets-Donbass, which ensure the operation of the Donetsk coal basin. Storage ponds have also been made for Wastewater from industrial facilities.

The river waters provide water for municipal households and most industrial enterprises, agricultural watering and irrigation in adjacent regions of Russia and Ukraine.

Ecology and environmental protection

River waters of the Seversky Donets are intensively used in industry and agriculture, which has a bad effect on environmental situation and increases pollution. On the territory of Ukraine and Russia, 2 cubic meters are consumed annually for economic purposes. km of water from the river, most of which returns in the form of runoff and dirty discharges.

The main substances polluting the river are petroleum products, fertilizers, zinc, copper and phenols.

Back in 2010, a program was adopted to improve the health of this river basin, which included addressing issues of improving the environment and water quality through the introduction special technologies for wastewater treatment, as well as reconstruction of the Sev. Donets - Donbass. The program will last until 2020.

Cities and landmarks

On the banks of the Seversky Donets there are many large industrial centers and small towns, including: Belgorod, Kharkov, Donetsk, Lugansk, Chuguev, Svyatogorsk, Severodonetsk, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Belaya Kalitva, etc.

In 1997, the Holy Mountains National Natural Park was founded on the left bank of the river, on the territory of which the Svyatogorsk Monastery is located. There are chalk mountains and underground catacombs that lead from below the monastery to the top of the mountain.

IN national park grow very rare plants: 943 species (of which 48 are in the Red Book of Ukraine), as well as 256 animal species. There are 129 archaeological and 73 historical monuments on the territory. Its center is the Holy Dormition Svyatogorsk Lavra, built in the 13th-16th centuries. on the right bank of the river. The total area of ​​the protected park is 40 thousand hectares.

The beauty of the coast

The banks of the Seversky Donets are rightfully considered the most picturesque throughout the East European Plain. They are interesting for their asymmetry: the left bank is flatter, there are many water meadows, lakes, swampy lowlands on it, the right bank is decorated with rocks overgrown with forests and bushes.

The river basin is mostly located in steppe zone, in the lower reaches the current passes through the Donetsk Ridge, then its valley expands to 25 km. The climate is moderate continental: in winter -6...-9 °C, in summer up to +23 °C. There are many wild and developed sandy beaches on both banks, where locals and tourists relax and swim.
