The most difficult Danetki in the world. Danets of increased difficulty

YesNetka is a riddle in which the presenter tells part of the story (most often this is the beginning and the end), and the players must, by asking questions, reconstruct the story itself. In this case, the presenter answers the questions only “yes” or “no” (sometimes the answer is “it doesn’t matter”). Below are the most interesting DaNetki that I managed to remember or received from you.

PS: If anyone knows other interesting Danets, you can add them through the form.

A dead man lies in the desert. There is a bag over my shoulders and a flask of water on my belt. For many kilometers around there is not a single living soul. What did the man die from and what was in his bag? Answer
Sent tu
Suddenly there was a flash and he died. Answer
Sent Juffin
Suddenly there was a flash and he died. Answer
Sent Juffin
The man left the room, saw the woman and strangled her. Answer
Sent Juffin
18th century, France. A carriage drove up to one hotel, from which a woman in black got out. She went to her room and ordered dinner. In the morning she was not found in the room, but only a dead man and a note near him. What happened? Answer
Sent HF
A man is running with a gun, and behind him is a crowd. He stops, shoots 5 times, shouts: “You won’t see my gold!” and runs on. Answer
She was a chicken, but became a firebird! How? Answer
Sent KOL9HU4
Deep in the forest lies a dead diver in full gear. Answer
Sent Ilma
In a cell where there is only a chair, a table and a bed, a ZEK sits and eats only dry bread! after his release, bones were found in the cell! Where did they come from? Answer
Sent TYOMId4
There is a hanged man hanging in the room, with a puddle underneath him. There is nothing else in the room. What happened? Answer
Sent Chameleon
4 men are traveling in a train compartment, the door opens, one of them dies (somewhat unrealistic plot) Answer
Sent Bakhur Kunymov
A fire raged in the forests (a familiar story). Naturally, they were sent to extinguish it enormous forces. And when they finally managed to put out the fire... in the middle of the “fire pit” they found a corpse in scuba gear. Answer
Sent Snaider
A local newspaper in an alpine town reported that a man had been murdered in the mountains. Soon after this note appeared, a man came to the police and reported that he had seen the killer. Answer
Sent Gavrik
In one organization, two employees, instead of going to lunch like everyone else, climbed into the elevator and rode it up and down. For what??? Answer
Sent Chameleon
There is a door in the desert, behind the door is a glass of water. A man approaches and wants to open the door and take a glass, but cannot open the door. Why? Answer
Sent Dashunya
In a glass telephone booth, with broken glass, a corpse was found with cut veins in its arms. Answer
Sent GonZo
I recently remembered one story that sounds like a Danetka story (in my opinion, it actually happened): a man was driving a car in the city (or in the village, it doesn’t matter), he got daydreamed, flew off the road and crashed into a tree by the side of the road. The speed was low, about 30-40 km/h, but nevertheless he died immediately. From what? Answer
Sent Snaider
Two friends come to a restaurant, one orders tea, tries it and kills his friend. Answer
Sent Shm
The girl bought shoes and died the same day! Answer
Sent Kim
A girl comes to a saloon and asks the bartender for a glass of water. The cowboy sitting at the counter silently shoots at the ceiling. The girl says thank you and leaves. Answer
Sent Max
They looked for him for a long time, although no one saw him Answer
Sent [email protected]
If he (the person) had been traveling in a smoking carriage, he would NOT have died. Answer
Sent Vaska\Timur T3-03 2005
There are 3 troupes “sitting” at the table. One of them has a shot through the head. Answer
Sent Brees
Mark and Mary were in the room. The postman rang the doorbell. Mark went to open it, and when he returned, Mary was already dead. :( Answer
Sent Chameleon
The young man took the girl to a cafe on their first date. He asked her: “How many cocktails should you order?” to which she replied: “Two.” The guy himself decided that he would be alone. But when the waiter approached their table, the guy said: “Five cocktails, please.” Why? Answer
Sent Beatrix Kiddo
The motorcyclist had an accident. When they carried him on a stretcher, he only repeated: It’s good that it’s in half, it’s good that it’s in half... Answer
Sent Kampot, KMS
A man was riding a motorcycle on a foggy day... Then something happened to him, because of which he lost consciousness, and when he woke up, he said: “Okay, that... in half.” Answer
Sent Chameleon
A man walks into a restaurant, orders a fried ostrich, tries it, leaves the restaurant and shoots himself in the temple at home. Answer
Sent Lap
The man didn’t hear the bell and died. How is that possible? =) Answer
The man received the box in the mail and burst into tears. Answer
Sent Max
The man received the letter, read it and shot himself. Answer
Sent Max
The man came home, had dinner, called somewhere and went to bed. Then he woke up in the middle of the night and found a corpse under the bed. :) Answer
Sent Zolotse
The peasant arrived at the hotel, where he was told that all the rooms except one were occupied, and the last 10 occupants of this room committed suicide by hanging themselves from the headboard of the bed. The peasant agreed to spend the night in this room. The next day it turned out that he became 11th :). Answer
Sent Chameleon
A man is driving a car. At a certain point in time, he looks at the side of the road where the old woman is. She shouts: “Goat!” - the man dies. Answer
Sent Alexander Kruglenya, Brest
A man walks through the desert and suddenly sees a cactus with an empty piece of paper on it. He lies down and dies. Why Answer
Sent Dashunya
A man jumped from a skyscraper, but he died before reaching the ground. Why? Answer
Sent Gnysh!
On the edge of a high cliff near the seashore, a guy and a girl are standing, hugging each other. Suddenly the girl decided to check how much the guy loves her and tells him: “If you love me, then jump down” (if the guy jumps, he will die). He thought and said one word to her, after which the girl told him not to jump, that she was wrong, kissed him, and they continued to walk. What did the young man say? Answer
Sent Snowball
At her mother's funeral, the girl saw the guy and fell in love. A week later her aunt died. Answer
Sent Piatachock
actually from a joke. A man went to wash his hair and died. Answer
Sent LexxAir
The black man came to the oasis every day, cut off thorns from the barbed wire there and left. Answer
Sent Chameleon
At night, 2 sisters arrived at the hotel in a convertible and were put in different rooms. In the morning, a scream was heard from the room, and then one of the sisters was found dead. Answer
Sent Michael
One man lives on the twelfth floor. IN good weather he goes to the sixth, then walks, and when it’s bad, he reaches his floor. Answer
Sent Mary
One person lived on the 12th floor. Every day he took the elevator to the first floor and went to work. And when he returned, he went up to the 10th floor and walked the 2nd floor. How can we explain this behavior? Answer
Sent Arseniy
He returned home from the circus, didn’t see the sawdust and shot himself. Answer
Sent Sniper
He entered the forest and was gone. Who is he and why was he gone? Answer
He crawled out of the darkness and screamed! Describe the situation Answer
Sent Cool2Fool
He said: "I love you!" and she died. Answer
Sent Chameleon
She bought herself a new thing and the next day died at work. What did she buy, how did she die, where did she work? Answer
she saw the money and burst into tears. Why? Answer
Sent grey
Falls from above - waving its claws. Answer
Sent ich
There is a ship in the middle of the lake. A hand falls on him. What happened? Answer
Sent Chameleon
In the middle of the desert lies dead man with a match in his hands. :( Answer
Sent Chameleon
Why was a student who did not pass a single lab given an "automatic" test? Answer
Sent ich
It was also invented by the slave-fabulist Aesop, but this one is just a Danet. The lion grew old, could no longer hunt on his own and decided to resort to cunning. He informed the animals about the disease, they came to visit him, and he grabbed them and devoured them. However, the fox, approaching the entrance to the cave, guessed about the trap and did not enter. Answer
Sent Gavrik
A young couple came to rest in the mountains. We found a house in the middle of nowhere and began to party there. A week later they went for a walk along the mountain paths. At one of the turns, the man pushed the girl down - she crashed. NOBODY saw this! The man immediately reported the accident to the right place, then returned home, pretending to be heartbroken. But after some time he receives a letter in which an anonymous person says that he knows that it was a murder and is blackmailing him. Who wrote this letter and how could he prove murder? Answer
Sent Snowballs
A shot rang out and a body fell. Answer
Sent Redrick
A man was sitting in the same house. When he left, he turned off the light behind him. The next day a lot of people died. Answer
Sent Lilly
They said a phrase and the four disappeared. Answer
Sent tan
The ice cream in the waffle cone fell off the table. Why? Answer
Sent KOL9HU4
Middle Ages. The knight is sitting in the castle. It's bad weather outside. There is a knock on the door and it opens: a woman is outside, she is wet. The knight invites her in, they sit by the fireplace and talk. The knight apologizes and leaves for a while. The woman looks around the room and sees something that when the knight returns, she grabs a dagger from the wall and kills him. What did she see? Answer
Sent Cneltyn
a man is running along the corridor with a paper in his hands, suddenly the light flashed, the man sat down and cried Answer
Sent name
A man was driving to work when he saw a man voting on the side of the road. He asked to take him, our hero agreed. Then I saw another person and agreed again. When he arrived at work, it was discovered that both voters were dead:(. Answer
Sent Chameleon
A man lies on his bed at night and cannot sleep. Then he gets up, calls somewhere, without saying a word, hangs up and falls asleep. Answer
Sent Michael
The man opened the window and an ax fell on him. Answer
Sent Vlademar
Exam. Military school. suddenly the student stood up abruptly, approached the teacher, who gave him a nickel without asking anything. Why?

5 Protagoras was a lawyer in ancient Greece. Out of his kindness, he took a poor but capable young man as a student and said that he would not charge him tuition until he won his case for the first time, and after that the student would have to pay all the tuition. The young man happily agreed. He completed the entire course of study, but decided that he did not want to practice law, and went to the village to herd goats. Protagoras was indignant at such a waste of talent and knowledge and was afraid that he would not receive money for training the young man. He decided to recover money from the student through the court. Who do you think will win the case if the plaintiff and defendant meet in court?

Before the trial began, both Protagoras and his student were confident that they had every chance of winning the case. The student believed that if he won the case, the court would release him from all payment obligations. If he loses, he will still not have to pay, since his first case will not be won and, according to the terms of the contract, he will not have to pay.
Protagoras believed that if he won the case, then by definition this would mean that the court decided the case in his favor and, therefore, the student would have to compensate him for all losses, that is, pay for training. If he loses, the other party, his disciple, will win and therefore will have to pay according to the terms of the contract.


This paradox has no clear solution. Both sides have good chances. It will be interesting to see how the court might reason. Whoever loses can consider himself a winner. If the student loses, then he will not win his first case, and according to the terms of the contract, Protagoras will not be entitled to the money. If Protagoras loses, the student will win his first case, and he will have to pay Protagoras. Some believe that this is the most likely outcome. The student will win at the trial, since he did not give any obligations to practice law and, therefore, did not violate any terms of the contract until that time. But, having lost the first case, Protagoras can bring the case again on the basis that the student won his first case and now must pay. Thus, in any case, Protagoras wins in the end. However, the student, if he is smart enough, may not speak in court himself, but hire a good lawyer, who will win the first case for him. In this case, the student, since he did not win the case, will not be required to pay and will ultimately remain a winner.

IN Lately The child, regularly coming from math school, began to bring so-called danets. What is it?

Danetki is a game of situations or riddles.

From the name you can understand the essence of the game: the presenter tells an unusual, even at first glance, outlandish situation, and the other players, with the help of clarifying questions that can only be answered “yes” or “no,” must either reconstruct the whole story or get to the bottom of the reason situation arises. In principle, the presenter can also give the following answers: “doesn’t matter”, “not correct”. The one who guesses what is being said wins.

This game can be classified as a puzzle game. And in the English version it sounds like “a puzzle for those who think outside the box.” I can say from myself that in some cases it is necessary to abandon formed stereotypes in order to be able to unravel the situation. The Danetka game develops non-standard thinking, logic, and also teaches you to pay attention to details and formulate questions correctly. Sometimes there are datasheets with hints.

This game can be played anywhere, in any company, no matter the number of people. There was a case when my daughter and I were in the sauna in the pool and she asked us another danetka, then all the people present enthusiastically joined in this game. It was fun, and the children did not feel burdened sitting in such heat.

An example of a puzzle game - Danetka

The presenter imagines the situation:

A man walks along the rails. Suddenly he hears an approaching train and starts running towards it as fast as he can. Why?

Players start asking questions:

— Did the person want to die?
- No
— Did the person want to be saved?
- Yes
- Was he alone?
- Doesn't matter
— Could he have gone off the rails?
- No
— Was he in the tunnel?
- Yes
— The man ran to the nearest exit from the tunnel.

Danetka has been solved.

Datasheets with solutions

Below are a few tricky puzzles with answers:

    In a cafe, one guest called the waiter and told him that a fly had gotten into his cup of coffee. The employee was not taken aback and promised to quickly rectify the situation. Taking the cup, he left. When the waiter returned and brought another cup of coffee, it was impossible to determine whether it was the same cup or a different one. But the guest, having tried the coffee, was indignant, accusing the waiter of not changing the coffee.

    Attention, question. How did the guest know that they brought him the same cup of coffee?

    Answer. Before seeing the fly, the coffee drinker put sugar in his cup.

    As you know, when walking, a horse uses all four legs at the same time.

    Attention, question. How could it happen that during the same time a horse walked 19 kilometers with two legs, and 20 kilometers with the other two legs?

    Answer. The horse walked around the driven post, that is, in a circle.

    Anton spent several days in the hospital. Although he was healthy, he was carried from the hospital in their arms.

    Attention, question. Why did Anton have to be carried?

    Answer. Anton is a newborn.

    A man approached the girl and said: “I am not your father, but you are my daughter.”

    Attention, question. Who was that?

    Answer. It was the girl's mother.

    One shoe shiner was inviting passers-by for a free shoe shine. Those who agreed to his courtesy ended up paying him anyway.

    Attention, question. What was he paid for?

    Answer. The cunning cleaner actually cleaned for free. But, only one boot. You had to pay to clean the second one.

Danetka riddles with answers

This logic puzzle got its beautiful name “Danetka” based on two answers (yes or no) that the driver can say.
There are several types of game.
Let's start with the simplest thing: the driver thinks of a word, writes it and hides it. The players do not know the answer and can only ask a question that can be answered: yes, no. The game doesn’t work out right away because it’s difficult to keep the condition in mind all the time.
The question “What color is it?” will not work, you need to choose any shade and ask: is it white (black, red)? Only then will the driver answer you.

It can take a long time to guess what the hidden word is, so there are secrets. Need to ask general issues, which will cut off the unnecessary: ​​is it alive? No. Can this item be picked up? Yes. Is this edible? Yes. After collecting information, you can ask targeted questions. This Apple? Yes!
The driver demonstrates his preparation so that there is no doubt about his honesty.

The second type is the most common.
A strange situation arises, usually inexplicable and illogical. For example, tourists said that in one village there lived a boy who always chose the ruble between a ruble and a 100-ruble bill. Why?

The players offer their options: was he a fool? No. Did he not recognize the value of money? No. He bet that he wouldn’t take 100 rubles? No.
The game continues until the prepared answer is given: the boy knew that the flow of surprised tourists with money would dry up if he took the bill. And so he is quite wealthy and earns more than one hundred.

Liked? Let's continue.
Baba Yaga, Koschey the Immortal, Ivan Tsarevich and Ivan the Fool were riding in the compartment. There was a chocolate bar on the table. When the train left the tunnel, someone had already eaten the candy. Who and why? There are few options here, but the correct answer cannot be denied in logic. Ivan the Fool ate it because the other characters don’t exist.

Danetka riddles are often collected fun companies, and the point here is not the winner, whose sharp mind admires everyone. Being with friends, laughing and having fun is the main thing.

Man with a match
In the middle of the desert lies a dead man with a burnt match in his hands. For many kilometers around there is not a single living soul...
What happened to this man? How did he get there?

A man was flying with his friends in a hot air balloon. Their balloon began to fall and they had to pull the match: whoever gets the burnt match will have to jump. This man came across a burnt match, he jumped and fell to his death.

On rails
A man was walking along the rails and suddenly saw a train coming towards him. Then he ran as fast as he could towards the approaching train. What happened?

The man was in a tunnel and, in order to escape, was forced to run along the tracks towards the train. When the tunnel ended, he was able to jump off the tracks to the side. And thanks to this, he remained alive.

The man tossed and turned in bed for a long time and could not fall asleep...
Then he picked up the phone, dialed someone’s number, listened to several long rings, hung up and calmly fell asleep. Question: why couldn’t he sleep before?

A neighbor was snoring loudly behind the wall, who was then awakened by a phone call.

One day a truck with an open back was driving along the road. It started to rain. A man stood on the road and voted. The driver put him in the back. A few minutes later, the driver put another voting person in the back. The rain has stopped and the truck has arrived at its destination. The first person got out of the truck, but the second was found dead.
What's happened?
Question 1: Did the first kill the second? - No.
Question 2: Was the truck carrying anything? - Yes.

The truck was carrying a coffin. The first person decided to hide in it from the rain. Later, the second person got into the back. And when the rain stopped, the first one crawled out of the coffin, which mortally frightened the second one. The second died of a heart attack.

A naked man shivers from the cold, in bewilderment, standing over a still warm corpse. What happened?

The man woke up from his lethargic sleep in the morgue. A morgue worker, seeing the “living dead,” died of a heart attack.

Bank manager
One day, a bank manager, on his way to work, put on a mask.

The manager was on a plane from New York to Switzerland for an important meeting. He needed to sleep on the plane, so he put a mask over his eyes so that the light would not bother him.

It's a dark matter
One day on a dark, dark night man in dark clothes walked up to a dark river and jumped into the water. Many followed his example.
For what?

On the feast of Epiphany, water in rivers is traditionally blessed at night. This man was the priest who blessed the water in the river. After the blessing of water, it is customary to plunge into the blessed water.

A man and a woman got married and after the wedding they abandoned all their affairs and just had fun. As a result, after three years they became millionaires. How so?

Before they got married, they were billionaires. But in three years they squandered part of their fortune and became just millionaires.

High heels
A woman came to the store and bought shoes, but with heels 10 centimeters higher than before, after which she came to work and died.
Why did she die?

A woman worked in a circus: she stood on stilts, and they threw knives at her. After buying new shoes, she became taller, so the woman was hit by a knife, after which she died.

A cheating wife
The husband returns from a business trip, rings the doorbell, and his wife answers. He immediately attacks her with accusations of adultery. How did he know about this?

On the way home, my husband stopped by a friend's house. The door of a friend's apartment was opened to him by his own half-dressed wife.

Man with a ring
A man was walking. He had a thumb on his finger Golden ring. A man was attacked by robbers. They wanted to take this ring off him, but it wouldn’t come off, so they cut off his finger, but the man didn’t scream.
Why didn't the man scream?

He had gold teeth, and he did not want to show them, so that they would not be taken away too.

Corpse under the bed
One-room apartment, poor family. A man came home from work late at night and decided that his wife was not at home. He didn’t look at the clock that hung on the wall, but he knew that it was already deep night. He went to bed, but he couldn’t sleep. Cars drove past the house within seven minutes of each other and suddenly he wanted to look under the bed. I looked in and there was my wife’s body.
Question: What made him look under the bed?

When the man came home, he did not look at the clock, but thought that it was working because he heard ticking. When cars passed by, they illuminated these clocks, and they showed the same time. The man realized that the clock was standing, but there was a ticking sound coming from somewhere! And he realized what it was wrist watch wives who tick under the bed. I looked in and there was a corpse.

A river boat sank because of a snake.

The snake crawled onto the passenger promenade deck, and all the passengers darted to the other side. The ship tilted, scooped up water on its side and eventually sank.

While changing the wheel of his car, a man dropped all four nuts of its fastening into the sewer grate, from where it was impossible to get them. He had already decided that he was stuck here, but a boy passing by gave him a very useful idea that allowed him to move on. What was his idea?

The boy suggested unscrewing one nut from each of the three wheels and securing the fourth wheel with them. Having done this, the person was able to drive to the nearest garage on firmly secured wheels.

Bill was on vacation. He checked into a hotel on the sixth floor. Every morning at 8 o'clock he went down to the hall on the second floor, had breakfast and then took the elevator back to the sixth floor. Every evening at 8 o'clock he took the elevator down to the lobby, and then climbed five flights of stairs and returned to his room, although he did not enjoy it. Why did he do this?

Bill was on vacation and living in a hotel with his wife and was very mobile and active. two year old son. The couple noticed that The best way Tiring your baby before bed so that he falls asleep faster is making him climb five flights of stairs. The boy enjoyed this journey, but for his father it was difficult.

The student finished the exam later than everyone else and the teacher did not want to accept his work. However, he managed to pass this exam and get a good grade. How did he do this?

He asked the teacher “do you know who I am?” and making sure that he did not know him, he put his work in the middle of the pile and ran away. The teacher had to check his work.

At the Olympics, a rather ordinary boxer won three fights. At first the blows were ordinary, but gradually became stronger, reaching such force as if they were hitting with a stone. Then he was disqualified.

He wrapped his hands in a bandage soaked in plaster.

Anna Karenina
Karenina throws herself under a train, but Strong arms push her aside.
What's up?

Incident at the bar
A man walks into a bar and asks for a glass of water, the bartender suddenly pulls out a gun and points it at the man. The man says “thank you” and leaves. What happened?

The man was suffering from hiccups and went to the nearest bar to drink water. The bartender realized what his problem was and used a proven remedy - to scare the hiccupping person. The method worked and the man thanked him.

Was Einstein wrong?
“Last week,” says one man in a café, “I turned off the light and managed to get to bed before the room went dark. It’s 3 meters from the switch to my bed.”
How could this happen?

He went to bed during the day.

Greenland is a huge island covered with snow and ice. Why did the man who discovered this island call it Greenland, that is, the Green Country?

Greenland was discovered around 982 by the Scandinavian Jarl Eric the Red. He sought to encourage people to settle there and therefore named the country Greenland, since this name could attract them (in English greenland - “green land”). This is one of the earliest examples of deliberate misinformation.

Before going to bed, the woman hid her shoe in the safe. For what?

This woman works as a flight attendant on an airplane. At the hotel, before going to bed, she puts her documents in the safe, and so as not to forget them in the morning, she puts one of her shoes in the place with the documents.

Life truth
Hardly anyone could call Barber Bill a silent man. As soon as John sat down in the Chair, Bill began chatting incessantly:
- You must be from outside the area, sir? I love cutting hair for strangers! For me, it’s better to cut two foreigners’ hair than one local one!
- Why? - asked John.

It is always more profitable to cut two hair than one.

Black-black pedestrian
A tipsy young man was walking home. He walked along a road completely unlit by lanterns. Even Moonlight didn't fall on the road. The man was wearing a black coat, black trousers, a black hat and boots.

He did not see a car approaching from behind at high speed with its headlights off, heading straight towards him. However, the driver still saw the pedestrian and drove around him without hitting him.

How did the driver manage to see a pedestrian dressed all in black on a road illuminated by neither headlights nor lanterns?

The road was not illuminated by any headlights or lanterns. The sun illuminated the road since it was daytime.

Because of the military school cadets, all the stores in the city bought up all the salt in one day. Why?

The cadets were given the task of removing all the snow on the parade ground. Since they were too lazy to remove the snow by hand, they decided to sprinkle it with salt. To do this, we bought 10 packs of salt each. When the grandmothers in the store saw that people were military uniform stocking up on salt, they decided that martial law was coming, and began to sow panic and buy salt.

Village fool
People who came to the picturesque mountain village were often surprised by the local fool. When given a choice between a shiny 50-cent coin and a wrinkled five-dollar bill, he always chose the coin, even though it was worth a tenth as much as the bill. Why did he never choose a bill?

Mysterious kinship
One man showed another a portrait and said “I have neither a son nor a brother, but the father of the person in the portrait is my father’s son.” Who was in the portrait?

This man's daughter

Remember that the answer in rhyme is not always correct!

Funny Danets - without candy wrappers -
Only “yes” and only “no” - give the correct answer!

If you run to the buffet,
So, are you hungry?.. (yes)

There is a month and a star in the sky
So it's noon?.. (no)

On the train airfield
Are you ready to take off into the sky?.. (no)

Who eats a lot of candy?
That one has a sweet tooth, right?.. (yes)

Pot and pan
Needed for fishing?.. (no)

If you love ballet,
Will you go to the theater?.. (yes)

Growing mustache and beard
Those who go to kindergarten?.. (no)

If you're always lazy,
In the diary of the five?.. (no)

You ate lunch with gusto,
Should I say thank you?.. (yes)

If you lie everywhere, always,
So, are you truthful?.. (no)

There is clean water in the well,
To swim and dive there?.. (no)

Danetki. Rules of the game "

On the ground floor of the house there are three switches in the off state. Each includes one of three light bulbs located on the second floor. How can you determine which switch corresponds to which light bulb without going up to the second floor more than once? You can't go outside and so on.

Answer: Turn on one switch for ten minutes. Then turn it off and turn on another one. Go up to the second floor. One of the bulbs is on, and the other is warm.

One day a young artist undertook to paint a portrait of an old, ugly banker. Friends warned him: he was in vain! If he draws something similar, the banker will not pay and will say that the portrait is bad. If the artist embellishes it, the old miser will also refuse to pay, this time complaining about the lack of resemblance. Friends turned out to be right. “It’s not me, but some kind of scarecrow!” - the banker flared up and left without paying a penny. However, a few days later he appeared again at the artist’s and with difficulty persuaded him to sell the painting for ten times the original price.

Answer: The artist hung the portrait in an exhibition called “The Miser.” The whole city made fun of the greedy banker. He had to buy the painting.

Two horsemen compete: whose horse will be the last to reach the finish line. But things are not going well, both stand still. They turn to the sage for advice... After that, both rode at full speed.

Answer: The sage advised to exchange horses.

It's worth "this". An old woman walks past “this” and says: “Baba Yaga.” A soldier walks, looks and says: “Napoleon!” A girl walks by, looks and says: “Vasilisa the Beautiful!” What is this"?

Answer: Mirror.

A former sailor placed an ad in the newspaper: “For a small fee I will send cash on delivery a reliable remedy against seasickness"After some time he was arrested, although he did not deceive anyone.

Answer: He sent everyone a recipe: “stay at home.”

Bruce won the race, but did not receive a prize.

Answer: Bruce is the horse's name.

The pilot radios to the dispatcher: “There is not a drop of fuel in the tanks!” Dispatcher: “Hold on! Use all your skills! We will try to help you!” There were no casualties. How did you manage to escape?

Answer: The plane has not taken off yet.

A popular circus performer came home after the performance and undressed. While hanging my clothes in the closet, I looked in the mirror, was horrified, then took it and hanged myself.

Answer: The artist is a dwarf. A competitor sawed off the legs of the cabinet, and the artist decided that he had grown up and would therefore lose his job.

This is the most popular action in the world. If a person stops doing this, then after a while he will have a desire to do it. But there is one person who has not done this for almost 76 years, and she does not even have the desire to do it. What is this action? Who is this person?

Answer: Action is breathing. Personality - V.I. Lenin. Comment: Cardiac activity is a more frequent (“popular”) process, but it is not subject to our desires (that is, we cannot stop or start it at will).

Answer: He hung it on a tree to dry.

In machines for producing liquid helium, the most important part - the expander - is a vertically standing pipe about three meters high and about ten centimeters in diameter. One day, a rubber ball, an iron bolt and a copper nut were dropped into this pipe. How did you get these items?

Answer: Pour water and the ball will float to the surface. Remove the bolt using a magnet. Freeze the nut into ice along with the rope using liquid nitrogen.

After a shipwreck, a man lived on a raft for three years with only one radio. Why didn't he starve to death?

Answer: I listened to “Mayak”, which was telling lies on his ears, and was fed up with this noodles.

At the Olympics, the average boxer won three fights. At first the blows were ordinary, but gradually became stronger, reaching such force as if they were hitting with a stone. Then he was disqualified.

Answer: The hands are wrapped in a bandage soaked in plaster.

Karenina throws herself under the train, but strong hands push her aside.

Answer: Filming a movie.

In the last century one French writer there was no money for a trip to Paris. Then he came to the police, holding an envelope in his hands, and in response to the question of what was in the envelope, he said three words. After this, he was quickly taken to Paris at public expense.

Answer: He said "Poison for the Queen."

Every night a man walks around a large building and scatters stones. For what?

Answer: The caretaker of an ancient building saves it from destruction by tourists.

The collective farmer planted a tree and began to water it with machine oil.

Answer: This danetka is the beginning of a joke. And here’s the end: A neighbor came up and said to the collective farmer: “What are you doing, it’s going to wither!” - Don’t let it wither, as long as “Schmeisser” doesn’t rust!

He did not violate the instructions, but died.

Answer: The parachutist suffered from a stutter and did not have time to count to three.

He went into the forest and did not return.

Answer: Gray goat (or bun).

The man went into the forest and did not return. (This is another Danetka!)

Answer: Ivan Susanin.

They married for love. They lived in perfect harmony, caring only for each other. As a result, they became millionaires.

Answer: Before that they were billionaires.

Elevator accident. Four people were stuck. Three are upset, one is happy.

Answer: For example, a poor student is happy that he will be late for school.

At one branch of the farm, the quality of beef has sharply deteriorated. The farmer did not figure it out on his own, he invited specialists, but the examination yielded nothing: all the norms were strictly followed.

Answer: The specialists were on the farm during the day, and at night a rock band rehearsed nearby. The animals were stressed, causing the alkalinity of the meat to increase. A similar case is described in “The Children of Captain Grant”: in the words of Paganel, “tasty meat lay for a long time, but tasteless meat ran for a long time.”

The man sat in the room and shook with fear. Suddenly he jumped up and ran, shouting loudly...

Answer: A student in class is afraid that he will be asked. The bell is ringing...

The climber fell into the abyss. His comrade, having discovered the loss, shouts: “Vasya, are you alive?” - Yes! - Is your head intact? - Yes! - Are your arms and legs intact? - Yes!. Determine where Vasya is?

Answer: Vasya is still flying.

The man got hit in the eye and was very happy.

Answer: The wallet flew out of the window of a passing train.

A waiter in a restaurant carelessly splashed broth on a client's trousers. Apologizing, the waiter took the visitor to the back room and sprayed the stain clean water, then dried it with a hairdryer. The stain has disappeared. How?

Answer: The broth was pure water.

The house was on fire. The fire cannot be stopped. But the man calmly entered there, no one stopped him. Why?

Answer: Testing fire equipment.

Sparrow sat down on a cutlet that someone had left on the bench. Suddenly three unknown people appear and drive him away. They saw the cutlet, but although they were hungry, they did not eat it.

Answer: Sparrow is a person’s surname.

A young man enters the supermarket, takes a piece of cheese, leans against a column and chews. After a while, another person enters the store, also takes the cheese and, leaning against another column, also chews it. The first one thought: “I’m lost!” Why?

Answer: One scout gave a sign to another.

To the professor white and black magic a visitor came and announced that he had a very strange book: whoever opens it disappears. The professor wants to look at the book. The visitor says that he left it with the secretary. They go out to the reception area. There is no secretary, the door is locked from the inside, there is an open book on the table. Explain the situation without using magic.

Answer: The secretary disguised himself as a visitor.

The famous chess player Johann Zukertort, one of the three strongest chess players in the world of his time, made a bet with two others (Steinitz and Blackburn), who were stronger than him, that he would play a simultaneous blind game with them, gaining at least one point. Zukertort won the bet, but thanks not to chess art, but to his own ingenuity. How did he do it?

Answer: He used the Munchausen technique: he passed the moves of one to the other.

IN small town An engineer arrived on a business trip and settled into a single room in a hotel. In the evening I went to bed, but could not sleep half the night. Then he got up, dialed the phone number, said nothing, lay down and fell asleep peacefully.

Answer: I called my neighbor behind the wall, who was snoring loudly.
