Does a brownie exist, what does it look like, where does it live in a house or apartment? How to find out if there is a brownie in the house: signs of presence. What a real brownie looks like - getting to know the owner of the home

In the old days, it was believed that in every home there is a real “owner”, whose name is the brownie. He protects the owner’s family from harm, looks after the household, and helps in difficult times. But this creature can do harm. This happens if he is offended. Perhaps no one knows exactly what a brownie looks like. But many traditions and legends have reached our time, from which we can learn a lot of interesting things about the appearance of this creature, its character and inclinations.

Who is a brownie?

The ancient Slavs believed in various mythical creatures that guarded forests, fields, swamps, ponds and villages. Legends have survived to this day about the existence in every house, whether in the countryside or in the city, of brownies who took care of their owners and were the patrons of their homes. Such a creature was called differently: brownie, hutnik, golbeshnik, baker, grandfather-brother, gospodar, master, and so on. It all depends on where this mythical hero lives. The baker, of course, is found behind the stove, the barn-maker is in the barn, the bannik is in the bathhouse, and so on. Today we are thinking: “Does a brownie even exist?” And in the time of our great-grandmothers, absolutely everyone believed in him. It was believed that there is one in every family.

If the owners of the house move somewhere, they should definitely take their brownie with them. Otherwise, the family will be in trouble. There were people who claimed to have seen this creature. He appears before eyewitnesses in the form of a small, hairy old man. But perhaps no one knows what a brownie looks like in reality. After all, sometimes he can take the form of one of the pets. For example, our cat can fidget for a long time when we are cooking in the kitchen. Entering the room, you can find that Murka is sleeping peacefully on the sofa. “Who was it?” - we are surprised. Appearance the patron of a house can tell a lot about its owner. If the family of the spirit is good, prosperous, owns a strong farm, then this creature also has a pleasant, well-groomed appearance. And if the owner is poor, drinks bitter drinks, has no wealth, then his brownie looks like a sickly creature in old rags. Rarely did anyone see him. The spirit appeared only on special occasions. For example, when he was summoned with a special spell or when he himself expressed a desire to appear to someone. It is believed that seeing him is bad sign. This is how the “owner” of the house warns his wards about the impending danger. In general, many legends are associated with this creature and folk signs. They will be discussed below.

Legends about the origin of the creature

The ancient Slavs believed that a brownie was none other than the firstborn of a family, its long-dead member, to whom the Lord gave the opportunity to atone for his earthly sins by serving his living relatives. There are other legends about how this fabulous creature appeared. Here is one of them: “The first people, Adam and Eve, had many children. One day the Lord invited the whole family to visit. But Adam did not want to lead all the children to God, but took only two sons - Cain and Abel. But is it possible to hide something from the Lord? He became angry with Adam and turned the remaining children in the house into spirits. They became good creatures, not related to evil spirits.” They also told about the origin of the brownies: “God was angry with the evil demons who rebelled against him and threw them to the ground. Some of these representatives of evil spirits found their way into people’s homes. Having settled next to a person, these spirits settled down and became limp, becoming good helpers for him. Unlike their other relatives: kikimor, goblin, water and others. Our ancestors tried to imagine what a brownie looks like. He was depicted as a small, wrinkled old man with cheerful lively eyes and a large beard.

It was believed that he lived on average 500-600 years. He is born an old man, but dies a baby. The younger he is, the older he is.

Golbeshnik from Northern Russian legends

In each locality of our vast homeland, the mythical owner of the house was represented in its own way. Residents of the northern region of Russia believed that in every family there lived a creature that no one could see. His name is Golbeshnik. Where does it come from strange name? It was believed that the spirit lived under the stove behind a partition (golbets) on the underground side. This creature is kind, takes care of the family's household, and often grumbles. But at the same time he does no harm to anyone. It was believed that if such a brownie is in the house, it means that its owners are protected from troubles and intrigues bad people. But if another spirit, called gnetko, settled in the family, then misfortune could happen. This creature fell on a person during sleep in the form of a pet and strangled him. It could have ended disastrously: in the morning the relatives found the sleeping man dead. Therefore, they tried oppressively to “take” me out of the house. Real-life stories about brownies are like fairy tales. However, eyewitnesses claim that many phenomena in our apartments, those that cannot be explained from the point of view common sense, occur due to the fault of the spirits living here. There were other types of brownies in the legends of western and northern villages: licker (licked the fur of livestock and hair of small children), pasten (appeared in the form of a ghost on the walls of the house) and so on. Such diversity in the appearance of a home guardian is typical of the beliefs of this region of Russia.

On the character and “type of activity” of the spirit

As we have already found out, brownies are more often kind than evil. It all depends on whether the owner of the house is good or bad, and on how he relates to the spirits living in his home. If the owners care about the cleanliness of the rooms, the health of the livestock in the yard, and their material wealth, then this creature helps its charges in everything. What does the brownie do? He protects the house from thieves, warns of impending danger, and makes friends with the master's dog and horses. He often likes to play around with the latter, for example, braiding their manes. But if he dislikes any animal, he will torture it to death. Therefore, a far-sighted owner, when acquiring new pets, tries to please the spirit. He buys individuals of those breeds and colors that his grandfather-brother likes.

The patron does not favor only goats. It is believed that he is afraid of them. This spirit loves to play pranks. A real brownie is a big joker. At night he potters around in the kitchen, rattling plates and cups. Sometimes it can break something or trample on it. The members of the household who are up are unlikely to catch the mischievous man doing what he is doing. They will only see fragments broken dishes, dirt in the kitchen, bad writing on the wall and so on. Or it may be that the housewife, who left the dough or milk on the stove to rise, turned away for just a minute, and the food was already on the floor. They say: “The brownie spoils him.” He loves cleanliness and order in the apartment. But lazy, greedy and unfair owners are often punished. And this is not done with pranks alone. A greedy owner will let thieves into his house. The unjust one will start a fire so that the owner will lose everything, and so on. But most of all the brownie doesn’t like it when people forget about him. If the owner does not honor the guardian spirits of his family, then these creatures begin to mischief and play pranks. To appease them, just leave a treat in a corner of the house or yard. They are not picky eaters. Therefore, a treat can be anything edible: sweets, bread, milk, grain, and so on.

"Relatives" of the brownie

Kikimora. She is the closest relative of the patron spirit of the house. She looks like a dwarf woman with a head the size of a thimble and a body as thin as a straw. It can live both in a house behind a stove (domestic), and in a field, forest, swamp (swamp or forest). Refers to evil spirits. If this is a domestic creature, then it often makes noise at night, disturbs the owners’ sleep, harms their livestock (usually chickens), and breaks dishes.

It's quite difficult to get rid of it. But you can protect your home so that the kikimora and the brownie cannot play pranks in it. In the apartment you need to do the following: tie a juniper belt around the salt shaker on the table. If a kikimora harasses the owner's chickens, then a talisman must be hung over the perch - the neck of a broken jug with a piece of red cloth. Our ancestors believed that dead, unbaptized babies turned into these ugly females. The swamp or forest kikimora appeared before people in the form of a small, dry old woman in rags, sloppy and a little eccentric. There were legends about her as a kidnapper of small children, in whose place she tossed an enchanted log to their parents.

Bannik. Just like the kikimora, it is the closest relative of the guardian spirit. He even looks very similar to a brownie. He is often depicted as a small, dark old man with a long, musty beard. He lives in a bathhouse. Loves to play pranks. Either he will scald someone with boiling water, or he will scare someone by knocking on the wall. How to appease a brownie-bathhouse attendant? Leave him a crust of rye bread, sprinkled with salt. This is his favorite treat. And in the newly built bathhouse they perform a special cruel ritual: they take a black chicken and, without plucking it, strangle it and bury it right there in the ground at the threshold. It is believed that in this way one can protect oneself from the machinations of the spirit.

Leshy. This is the forest spirit. In each locality he was called differently: leshak, forester, owner of the forest, grandfather of the forest, and so on. He takes care of the forest, the animals and birds that inhabit it. Many people think that he is kind. However, this spirit treats everyone differently. To a good person will help you get out of the forest if you get lost. But he will deliberately confuse the bad guy: he will start to scare him, yell at him, and make him wander aimlessly in circles. No one knows what a goblin looks like. It is believed to be an invisible spirit. In ancient tales he is represented as a lonely, large old man, resembling a decrepit tree. Mushroom and berry pickers can sometimes pass by it and not notice. This is no wonder: only by looking closely, you can see hair that looks like twigs, arms and legs that resemble tree roots, and a beard covered with lichens. Although often the spirit of the forest can take the form of some plant or animal. Some people talked about meeting them in the forest thicket. They met an inconspicuous man whose face they could not remember. The stranger talked to them and helped them get out. And when they got home, people couldn’t even describe it. Nobody could remember what he looked like. It was believed that the goblin lived in a wooden hut in a dark, dense spruce forest far from human eyes. All animals and birds, feeling the approach of death, come to the house of the spirit to find their last refuge here. He cares about his charges. So, in times of famine, he drives flocks of animals to other forests for food. It was with this phenomenon that mass migrations of animals were associated. For a long time, people tried to appease the devil, since in the villages they lived on the gifts of the forest. When angry, a spirit could bring a lot of trouble to a person. One of them is livestock theft. This was a great loss for the village economy. Or a goblin could steal a baby from its cradle. Instead of a child, the parents found a sheaf of straw, a log or a log in the morning. It was believed that the spirits of the forest raised the kidnapped children, passing on secret witchcraft knowledge to them. Such a person subsequently became a healer or an evil magician.

Bean man. This is the spirit that lives in the threshing floor (a wooden outbuilding near the house for drying hay). If you don’t get along with the bean goose, he can start a fire in his property, and the owner will be left without hay. He will have nothing to feed his pets. It is believed that this is the most evil spirit of all the above. It is extremely difficult to appease him. The only way to do this is to sacrifice a black rooster to him. This ritual is bloody. They proceed as follows: they bring pies and a rooster to the threshing floor. At the threshold, the bird's head is cut off and blood is sprinkled on all corners of the building. The pies are left right there. They leave without looking back. The custom was most widespread in the Kostroma province.

Folk signs

Since ancient times, people believed that if you live according to the laws of nature, respecting its patrons, then you don’t have to fear anything bad. It was believed that when moving to another house, you must call your guardian spirit with you.

They did it as follows: they took an old boot or hat and, holding the thing in their left hand, walked around the entire house counterclockwise. At the same time, it was necessary to pronounce the following spell: “Grandfather-neighbor, here is our sleigh for you, come live with us. There's a house there, brownie, come live with me. Lead your mistress as well as I can, I will reward you.” You need to walk around the apartment when all the furniture is taken out. You should be the last one to leave, locking the door. And this is what our ancestors did when they wanted a good brownie to move with them to a new place: for housewarming they put one coin in the basement, and sometimes four (according to the number of corners in the house). The first loaf that was baked in the oven of the new hut was taken out, the top was cut off, salted and thrown behind the oven to treat their patron. There are many other folk signs associated with this creature:

If a brownie often strangles his owner at night, you need to invite a priest to the house so that he can bless him three times.

If the spirit of the home often plays pranks and bothers its charges, you need to put a handful of thyme in the pillow.

If the brownie does not love the owner, you need to bury the head or skull of a goat in front of the threshold of the house.

If in the morning the residents find bruises on their bodies, it means that the spirit does not like them and needs to be appeased.

If a creature strokes its owner with a warm and smooth hand, this is a sign of well-being, but if it is cold and rough, it is unlucky.

If someone you know is staying overnight in an apartment for the first time, you need to ask permission from the “owner” of the house. Otherwise, he will become angry and will not allow the person to rest at night, pushing and harassing him. And this despite the fact that no one has ever seen him and does not know what a brownie looks like. There is no photo of him. However, many claim that they felt causeless anxiety and excitement in such a situation.

Hearing the groans or howls of the patron of the house means the death of its owner.

How to call a brownie?

It is believed that one can see the guardian spirit at home only if he himself wishes it. Since ancient times, people have wondered what a brownie looks like. And there were also those who claimed that at a certain moment they noticed how a small humanoid creature overgrown with thick hair was watching them. The villagers believed that this was an evil sign. This is how the spirit warns of danger. How can we make a brownie appear to us? Many peasants living in the countryside knew how to call him. The method is quite simple. Needed in a bucket with clean water discard the unused comb and leave for three days. After time, human hair was found there. They took it out and dried it. At a certain moment, the spirit of the house might appear for a few seconds.

But he did not always appear in human form. There were cases when people reported that when entering a barn or barnyard they saw a huge black cat, which, when they appeared, rushed into a corner and disappeared. They talked about it like this: “The brownie showed up.”

How to appease the “owner” of the house?

In the old days, people were afraid of brownies and tried in every possible way to “cajole” them. Spirits love it when people remember them, leave treats and congratulate them on the holiday. There are several ways to appease a brownie. The simplest of them is to leave a small gift in the corner of the room. The “owner” of the house also loves it when people call him affectionately. He doesn't like the word "brownie". He prefers the nicknames “grandfather”, “hostess”, “dobrozhil”, “himself” and so on. This spirit is very sensitive to trickery on the part of man. Therefore, when speaking with him, you need to put your soul into your words, pronounce them from your heart. This creature also has its own holiday - on the night of February 9-10. You should definitely treat your brownie with something tasty on this day. The ancient Slavs even had such a tradition: to cook sweet porridge especially for him and put it behind the stove in the evening. It was believed that if you forget about this day, the brownie will get angry and begin to play dirty tricks on his masters.

Friends of children and cats

If there is a baby in the family, then he probably knows what a brownie looks like. Only in exceptional cases can the head of the family or mistress appear as the true patron of the home. But children see him often, especially small ones. He loves them, protects them from danger, and stops them from playing with sharp objects and matches. Kids seeing strange creature in the house, don't be afraid of him. Perhaps they perceive it as part of the interior. You can often watch a child playing with someone invisible, laughing and screaming. Pets probably see it too little man. By their reaction you can always guess whether a brownie is in the house or not. If a cat looks intently into a corner, hisses for no reason, or a dog barks anxiously at this place, you can be sure that this is a guardian spirit. If an animal runs after an invisible animal and plays with it, it means that the brownie liked it.

But if cats, dogs and other living creatures do not take root in an apartment, die or disappear, it means that the spirit does not like them.

Impact on culture

In Russia, the image of a guardian spirit was very much loved in the past, and is still adored now. It doesn’t matter to us whether brownies actually exist. We are ready to listen to stories about them endlessly. It is enough here to recall the popular cartoon from our childhood about the brownie Kuzya or the book by Nik Perumov “Russian Sword”. In 1976, a feature fairy tale film called “Duck Village” was released on television. The brownie Shishka was played by the legendary actor Rolan Bykov. These strange mythical men are popular not only in Russian culture, but also abroad. Thus, in Joan Kathleen Rowling's heptalogy "Harry Potter" there is a mention of similar creatures - house elves. According to the history of the book series, they live in the families of wealthy wizards and serve their masters. They will be able to gain freedom only if the owner gives them clothes. The theme of guardian spirits is also reflected in fine arts. The wonderful artist Boris Kustodiev has a painting “The Merchant's Wife and the Brownie”. In it, the master depicted a very piquant scene: a white-skinned, dazzlingly beautiful young merchant’s wife is basking on the bed, half asleep, and the pot-bellied, thick-haired, eerie-looking “owner” of this hot Russian hut is watching her. Looking at this work, you can vividly imagine what a brownie looks like.

Many stories can be heard today about poltergeists in apartments. We don’t know what these are: spirits of the house, or some other entities. Does the brownie even exist? Probably, for those who believe in him, he is real. And for those who are convinced that there is no “evil spirits”, there is none.

The main difference between him and demons is that he is not capable of evil deeds. Only sometimes can he start to get a little messy, moving things from place to place or hiding them. Thus, the brownie can express his dissatisfaction with something.

Usually such pranks are quite harmless, and often end quickly. But sometimes more serious things can happen, like spontaneous combustion of curtains. In this case, the owners should think about how they could anger this good spirit so much. It should be said that the brownie most of all cannot stand dirt in the house and quarrels between the owners. Only in such cases does he begin to play pranks, otherwise he is not at all dangerous.

There are several versions regarding the origin of this creature. According to one of them, a brownie is the spirit of a deceased family member who can take on his appearance. Sometimes they say that this is a dead man who did not repent or a spirit created by God specifically to help people. Despite the fact that some people are quite skeptical about the existence of this spirit, most are confident that it is very real.

How to see a brownie?

Usually the brownie doesn’t really like to reveal his presence, much less show himself to the eyes of his household. It settles in the most poorly lit, dark corners of the house, in the attic or stable. Therefore, what a brownie actually looks like remains a mystery to many.

Still, you can arrange a meeting with him. There are several ways:

  1. Needs to be put against the wall wooden stairs and climb to its third step. Then you need to spread your legs a little, bend over and look between them.
  2. IN Easter week there is a high probability of meeting this kind spirit. To do this, you need to go up to the attic or go into the barn one day a week and put on a collar. It is quite possible that the brownie will show up soon.
  3. On Easter, when you come to church, you need to put a little lamp oil on your head. During the service, you need to look around very quickly, and then the brownie will appear as he is.
  4. To win over a good spirit, you need to bring him some bread and a candle every evening. After this, the brownie may want to show himself.

What does a real brownie look like?

Everyone who has ever encountered this creature conveys different information about it. This suggests that the brownie can change his appearance. Most often he appears in the form of a cat with green eyes. In this case, a person immediately understands that this is a spirit, and not a real animal, but he usually cannot explain by what signs he determined this.

Sometimes the brownie turns into other animals like a snake or a mouse. In rare cases, a brownie may appear in the guise of the owner of the home, which is not very good sign, and serves as a warning about illness or future troubles.

In fact, little brownies look like small balls with long, thick hair. They have short arms and soft fingers. Sometimes these spirits lack lower limbs and float in the air. If they see a person, they will begin to fly quickly, leaving a gray trail behind them.

From birth, a brownie has no gender, but gradually, living in a house with the same person, he begins to acquire gender, character traits and even the appearance of its owner. As a rule, a brownie is born with a gray-haired grandfather and becomes younger during his life. Due to these features, it is impossible to say exactly what a brownie looks like, since it has the ability to take on different appearances and change with age.

How to call a brownie?

Although the brownie doesn’t like to show itself too much, there are several ways to lure it.

  1. You need to prepare 6 pencils of the same color, not sharpened. It is necessary for both people to pick up 3 pencils and make a rectangle out of them. Then someone should invite good spirit, and ask him if he can answer the questions. If the pencils rise up a little, it means that the brownie agrees to give answers to any questions. If the brownie does not want to talk, then the pencils will go down. If the pencils quickly spin in different directions, the brownie is simply playing pranks. It is important to remember that pencils must be held suspended so that your elbows are not pressed against your body.
  2. You can also evoke a good spirit with the help of clothing. Everything that a person has been wearing all evening needs to be taken off and placed away from the bed. Then you should light a candle, turn off the light and go to bed naked. The candle must be extinguished while already in bed. The brownie loves to touch the things of the owners, so he will come at night and fall asleep in them. You can shine a flashlight on that place, the light will awaken the spirit, and it will jump out of the clothes.
  3. Brownie loves sweets. You need to dip your hands in the jam and call him. He will be invisible, but you can feel him licking the jam. A little later you can find candy under the bed.

Thus, the brownie is a completely harmless creature that lives in every house and pleases its owners in every possible way. Despite the fact that he does not like to show himself, you can still see him and find out what a brownie looks like.

Do you believe in brownies? Find out from the article what these creatures are, what they look like and what they bring to people.

Modern man, what is he like? Terribly pragmatic. More often he identifies with physical comfort and the environment - good repairs, expensive equipment, comfortable furniture.

For religion, belief in the magical and magical in his life, if there is a place, it is very little. And then he is sincerely surprised that something strange begins to happen in the house: things disappear, equipment breaks, dishes break, rustles and sighs are heard. This is how the brownie shows himself. And he is clearly not happy that he was not treated with due respect.

Does a brownie exist?

You need to immediately understand that a brownie is not a person, not an animal, or even any creature with a physical shell. He is an esoteric, astral creation.

The existence of the brownie has not been proven by scientists. It is not classified as one of the existing species living beings and is not allocated to a new one. All photos in which the keeper of the house is supposedly captured in one of his likenesses are considered hoaxes, since their authenticity has not been confirmed.

Moreover, a person with a rational mindset will be able to find a scientific, completely logical explanation for all the brownie’s tricks, thereby convincing himself and others that this creature does not exist.

One version: a brownie is a good spirit that protects a house or apartment.

But our ancestors believed that in every house there lives a guardian spirit, a mystical creature who, if treated well, protects the home itself and everyone who lives in it. The Slavs called the brownie the kutny god (from the Ukrainian “kut” - corner).
They respected the brownie, tried to appease him, and left him toys and food. He could even have his own corner and sleeping place. And no one was surprised by the tips and warnings that the brownie gave to people, and sometimes by his pranks. He was the patron of the home, protected it from fires and criminal attacks, and gave health and a prosperous life to the family living in it. The brownie looked after livestock and domestic animals. And he became reckless only when his household treated him badly.

IMPORTANT: The brownie was considered a member of the family, and sometimes its head. It was not for nothing that he was called “master”, “uncle”, “grandfather”, “brother”.

Where does a brownie appear in a house or apartment? What is the nature of this creature? There are very different opinions on this matter.

  1. According to one version, the brownie is a ghost, the spirit of one of the deceased family members. Either the one who died first, or the one who sinned a lot, did not repent and was unable to depart to another world, remaining forever the guardian of the home.
  2. According to another version, a brownie is a bundle of energy left by the inhabitants of the house. If she is good, positive, then the brownie will be kind, if she is evil, negative, he will play dirty tricks and scare people.
  3. Some of our ancestors believed that brownies were the descendants of Adam and Eve, who were forced to live next to people, but hide from them because of their terrible appearance.
  4. The Slavs also thought that God himself sent the brownies into their homes.

According to the Church, a brownie is an evil spirit, a demon.

IMPORTANT: The Church has its own opinion on this matter. Orthodox Christianity does not deny the existence of brownies, but considers them demons, “from the evil one.”

Believers who have icons at home, go to church, try to lead a godly lifestyle, repent of their sins, raise their children correctly, have a Guardian Angel present in their homes. And they no longer need any other “defender”.
If the inhabitants of the house sin, use foul language, tell fortunes, cast spells, perform mystical rituals, if there are no icons in it, there may well be a demon - a brownie, who will incline everyone in the house to the side of evil. And such a house needs cleansing.
The fact that some people consider it a good thing to cohabit with a brownie, keep his figures and images, Orthodox priests explained by the fact that even more than a thousand years after the baptism of Rus' they cannot get rid of pagan traditions and idols. After all, in fact, the brownie is the god of the pagan pantheon of the ancient Slavs.

IMPORTANT: In occultism there is the concept of “egregor”. It means a condensation of energy, a continuation of a person’s thoughts, feelings, and experiences. If a brownie is an egregor, it exists as long as they believe in it. Being pagan gods, they were relevant. And now, when they not only deify, but even doubt their existence, they can really disappear.

Brownie in the house: what does it mean, is it good or bad?

So, the brownie lives in the house. Is this for worse or for good? After all, some advise to cajole him, feed and entertain him, while others advise him to drive him out, survive, and perform a cleansing ritual. For example, holy water, as described in

If a person is deeply religious, he will never want to cohabit with an unclean woman, much less please her. But most of us rarely distinguish between religious dogmas, beliefs, and signs. For such people, a brownie is good. It is believed that he:

  • protects an apartment or house from fire, robberies, and other disasters
  • helps a family living in an apartment
  • keeps the house clean
  • creates comfort
  • indicates malfunction of household appliances
  • plays with small children and pets
  • warns of troubles, gives signs
  • attracts material well-being

The brownie keeps order in the house and gets very angry if it is not respected.

If a brownie causes mischief, breaks or scatters things, makes noise, scares the household, this does not mean that he is bad. The main food of this creature is not milk with bread or cookies, as many people think, but the energy coming from family members. If they are sloppy, quarrel among themselves, and angry towards others, the brownie becomes the same. In order for him to turn from a dirty trickster into a guardian again, you need to change your behavior and try to make friends with him.

VIDEO: Brownies: good or evil, who are they?

What does a brownie look like: a photo of a real live brownie?

If you ask a child what a brownie looks like, he will immediately describe the kind, shaggy, soot-smeared Kuzya from the famous children's cartoon. If you ask an adult, he will describe a grandfather with a long beard and mustache, wearing a shirt or straw bast shoes. He lives behind the stove and groans because he is old.

Is a brownie really similar to a human, only smaller in stature? As a spirit, it does not have a specific physical embodiment and can be represented in different images:

  • ball of wool
  • a creature that looks like a cat, covered with fur, with clawed paws, long ears, rare, sharp teeth and yellow eyes
  • one of the deceased family members
  • gray or smoky colored cat

Some describe the brownie as a cute, dense, round creature. Others look like something thin and shabby. The appearance of this creature largely depends on the lifestyle people lead. If they are sloppy and do not keep order in the house, the brownie has to do everything for them. This makes him lose weight, become emaciated and look really scary.

Nowadays there are photo and video cameras in every mobile phone; you can photograph anything. Therefore, the Internet began to be full of photos with supposed brownies. It is difficult to determine from them whether they are genuine or not. The photographs show shadows, some blurry silhouettes, they are difficult to make out. However, some of these photos give you goosebumps, so it’s best not to look at them for the faint-hearted and impressionable.

Photo of the brownie. Brownie in the photo.

It is very difficult to say whether the brownie is captured in this photo.

How to find out if there is a brownie in the house: signs of presence

Brownies do not always make themselves known with any signs. If the home and family are happy, they simply do their job. But more often their presence is still noticeable:

  1. At night, you can hear footsteps similar to those of a pet, as well as groans and sighs. There is no need to be afraid, the good spirit is just to tinker around the house.
  2. Animals see brownies. If a cat or dog freezes in one position for a long time and looks intently at an empty space, they are looking at a brownie. Cats also love to play with him.
  3. It is believed that children under 7 years old see brownies. Guardian spirits do not offend babies, they amuse them, rock the cradle, and console them when they cry.
  4. The brownie can manage the kitchen - tearing out the cabinet, rearranging kitchen utensils.
  5. If the house was searched for something, and then it was found in the most visible place, it was the brownie who helped.
  6. If you hear rustling, groaning, or howling near some electrical appliance, it turns on and off by itself, this is the brownie telling you that it needs to be checked for serviceability.
  7. A brownie can howl and cry, foreshadowing misfortune: serious illness or the death of a family member.

IMPORTANT: It happens that a person gets engrossed in a book or enthusiastically wanders the Internet, while eating something tasty. He took a bite and put it on a plate. He is sure that there is still a piece left, he once again reaches for the plate, but there is nothing there. This brownie decided to treat himself!

Where does a brownie live and hide in a house or apartment according to Slavic beliefs?

According to Slavic beliefs, the brownie lives in warm and cozy places- behind the stove or on the stove.

In apartments where there are no such stoves, he lives in a secluded corner filled with furniture, in a pantry or large closet.

The brownie's favorite place is in the warmth, behind the stove.

If a person has strong intuition, he can feel the house-elf's habitat. You can calculate it using a pendulum, a vine, or through other rituals. But it’s better not to do this: the owner, the priest, likes to remain incognito, he will make himself known if necessary.

Where do brownies come from in new houses?

Ideas about where brownies in homes come from vary greatly.

  1. According to one of them, the deceased owner of the house or the one who built it becomes a housewife.
  2. According to another, brownie decent people, strong families, God himself sends good owners as a reward.
  3. Experts in paranormal phenomena believe that home appears in a lived-in house, that is, one where the energy of its inhabitants has already accumulated.
  4. If the house is new, you want a good spirit to guard it, the brownie is summoned through special rituals. A family that is moving from an old place and wants to remove the owner from there may try to take him with them. But this is extremely difficult to do, since the brownie is a sedentary creature, and once it has chosen a home, it is unlikely to leave it.
  5. If not the whole family moves, but only one of its members, the chance of taking the brownie with you is even less.

Is a brownie needed in the house and why?

Amulet - brownie.

In the cartoon about the brownie Kuzya, the crow and Baba Yaga couldn't get enough of him. “Happiness has arrived!” they said. Our ancestors also considered this creature happiness. The brownie kept records of the household, symbolized fertility, and gave health to people and animals. They tried to make friends with him and left him gifts.
Now not everyone will be happy with such cohabitation.

  1. Firstly, people who see a brownie experience fear and, they say, may become numb or turn gray.
  2. Secondly, the way of life of families is changing a lot. It becomes difficult for a brownie to live as he pleases. The spirit can be frightened, angered by a vacuum cleaner, TV, or loud music. And he can hardly find a secluded place in a small apartment. And an evil brownie is a disaster. He makes noise, scares people, hides things, spills cereals, and makes milk sour. Here it remains to either make peace with him, accept his rule, or try to drive him out by performing rituals of cleansing the home.
  3. It is already clear that Orthodox Christian, who leads a righteous lifestyle, will certainly not tolerate it in his home evil spirits. For him, a brownie is evil. After all, the Guardian Angel and the house-elf will not get along under the same roof, the latter is clearly not needed here, we need to get rid of him as soon as possible.

VIDEO: Brownie. How to check if there is a brownie at home?

There is probably not a single person who has not heard of such a thing as a brownie. The younger generation does not really believe in its existence. But most older people are convinced that a brownie is present in every home.

He protects him from evil spirits, robbers and bad people, maintains peace in the family and performs other useful functions. So is there really a brownie? Let's try to deal with this issue in this article.

Is there really a brownie?

Of course, not everyone can see a mystical creature. This is due to the fact that the brownie is invisible to the human eye. In order not to disturb the owners, he does not show himself to people. Its main task is to protect peace and tranquility in the house. How can you find out if a brownie really exists?

Some people claim to have seen a brownie with their own eyes. Believe it or not is a personal matter for everyone, but deny it 100% this fact no one can. There are people who have not seen a brownie with their own eyes, but based on some signs they have determined that this creature really exists, because it is not possible to explain some of the phenomena occurring in the house from a scientific point of view. Usually those who believe in higher powers notice the presence of a brownie in their home, Parallel Worlds and other mystical phenomena. For them, the existence of these creatures is completely normal and indisputable fact.

How to determine if you have a brownie

In order to determine whether a homemaker lives in your home, you need to be very sensitive and attentive. Some people do not notice many of the signs that the brownie gives them. They attribute everything to a misunderstanding or simply do not pay attention to what is happening, acting on the principle: “If I don’t believe in it, then it can’t happen.”

If you are wondering: “Are there really brownies and what do they do?” - then you just need to be more observant. Pay attention to the location of objects in the house, remember where they are and record changes if they occur without your knowledge; listen to extraneous sounds, etc.

All the signs of the presence of a brownie will be discussed in more detail in this article a little later. Now let’s figure out who the brownie is and what he looks like.

Brownie appearance

Anyone who does not believe in the existence of a brownie is, of course, not interested in what he looks like. But if a person is sure of its existence, then he is interested in what kind of creature it is and what its appearance is.

Since brownies are, rather, spirits, they, as a rule, very rarely appear before people in their real appearance. Most often they appear in the form of animals. They easily take on different guises in order to get to know a person.

However, as mentioned above, there are also those lucky ones who have personally seen these energy beings. What are they, according to eyewitness accounts? Some people describe brownies as shapeless balls that are covered with thick fur. They have small hands and legs. Before others, the brownies appeared as old men vertically challenged. They, as in the first case, were covered with abundant hair.

There is one thing important note! For the sake of curiosity, you should not forcefully call the keeper of the house. If you bother him in vain, he may begin to harm instead of protecting and protecting your home. And yet, is there really a brownie? What does the mysterious owner of the house look like?

How does a brownie manifest itself?

There are a few characteristic features, by which you can determine whether there is actually a brownie in your apartment or house.

  • Noise. The brownie loves order very much. Therefore, careless housewives can sometimes hear the rattling of dishes, knocking and footsteps at night. In this way, the brownie is trying to convey to the woman that it is time to clean and that the house must be kept clean.
  • Pet behavior. Whether there is actually a brownie in the apartment can be determined by observing the pet. As a rule, animals can see things that are inaccessible to human eyes. This also applies to brownies. If you notice that your cat or dog is playing with someone invisible, while showing friendliness, it means that the energetic essence living in your home is bright and kind. But it also happens that the animal begins to hiss and hide in a corner - this indicates that the spirit is evil and wants to harm.

  • Missing things. Brownies are attracted to various trinkets, shiny objects, toys and decorations. Therefore, sometimes they move them from place to place or hide them, which causes a lot of trouble for the apartment owners.
  • Warning signs. The brownie tends to warn owners about impending danger by ringing the doorbell, slamming doors, breaking dishes and other similar actions.

In this case, it is necessary to check whether all water and gas taps are closed, whether the wiring is working properly, etc.

It is based on these signs that conclusions are usually drawn about whether there is actually a brownie in the house.

What do brownies eat?

Despite the fact that brownies are spirits, they are not alien to human weaknesses. These mystical creatures turn out to have a big sweet tooth.

Therefore, their favorite treats are cookies, various jams, sugar, honey, any sweets and fresh pastries. Brownies will also not refuse dairy products. They especially hold milk and sour cream in high esteem.

However, if you have a cat at home and also likes to feast on sour cream, you should not count on the brownie eating from the cat’s bowl. This is beneath his dignity, so it is better to have a separate container for your friend.

How to appease a brownie and make friends with him

If you have no doubt about whether there really is a brownie, it would not hurt you to make friends with this creature. What methods are there for this?

  • Keep your home tidy. As has already been said here, brownies cannot stand chaos and chaos. Therefore, if you do not want to quarrel with him, you need to make sure that your house is clean and everything is in its place.
  • Talk to the keeper of the house, pay attention to him, thank him for his care and help.
  • Consider his weaknesses. Knowing your friend's addiction to shiny objects, give him a box with bright trinkets. This way you will please the brownie, and at the same time prevent the “stealing” of your things.

  • Treat your friend with various sweets. Pour milk or sour cream into a bowl for him. He will definitely appreciate this gesture and repay you in full for your concern.

If you neglect the brownie, he may get angry with you and become dangerous. Cases were mentioned when the keeper of the house began to strangle people at night, break dishes, throw things around, etc. It is very difficult to pacify an unruly brownie, so it is better to avoid such situations.

How to take a brownie with you to a new apartment

It happens that residents move to a new place of residence. If the owners have it together a good relationship with a brownie, they, as a rule, want to take him with them to a new home. There are little tricks for this too.

First, you need to voice the current situation and invite the brownie to follow you. Secondly, you can read the following conspiracy: “Brownie, follow me, you are ahead - I am behind you.”

It is very important to voice the invitation sincerely, with a smile. In this case, the brownie is unlikely to refuse you. If you don't invite the house keeper with you, he may hold a grudge. And in this case, the new owners of your previous home may not be happy. An offended brownie can do dirty tricks on them until they earn his trust.


In this article, we looked into whether brownies actually exist and where these creatures live. To believe in them or not is everyone's business. In fact, it is quite difficult to prove the existence of these entities, as well as to refute their reality.

If you are one of those who still believe in these mystical creatures, the advice received from our article will be useful to you. In any case, being friends with someone instead of being at enmity is much better. More friendliness and positivity - and there will always be a bright and kind atmosphere in your home. And whether this will be the result of purely your efforts or the help of the brownie is no longer important.

Every house has a brownie. But almost no one saw him, with the exception of people who were able to establish a connection with the magical owner and meet him face to face.

Our ancestors believed that in every home there lives an invisible owner, who takes care of and protects the house from all troubles. A brownie is a good spirit that you can make friends with and see out of the corner of your eye. In fairy tales, legends and myths, the otherworldly neighbor is portrayed as a tiny old man with a beard and shabby clothes, who, moreover, is a surprisingly terrible grumbler, but an indispensable helper. However, this image is just one of many incarnations of the brownie.

Who is a brownie and what does he look like?

Among esotericists there is an opinion that most otherworldly forces- evil creatures. They love to play dirty tricks, hide or spoil your things, cause chaos and disturb your sleep with their noise. But if this is still a real brownie living in your house, he will definitely make friends with you and will help you and your home in every possible way.

IN good mood an invisible assistant protects and protects your home, keeps order, and sometimes helps you look into the future and predict your fate. But if you make him angry or offended, expect trouble. It can make your pets sick, create a terrible mess and scare you every time. That's why most people try to make friends with him, and not just to see him. The brownie will gladly accept from you various sweets left especially for him. But if you've seriously decided to get to know your home assistant, you should find out more about them before calling them. According to all legends and myths, there are three main types of brownies, which differ not only in appearance, but also in their responsibilities and tasks.

Good brownie

According to legend, this is the classic and most common image of a brownie, who lives and helps people from the very moment they appeared on earth. Disputes about whether there are brownies or not are still ongoing, but we do not undertake to deny the presence of an otherworldly entity next to us. The invisible helper lives only in those houses where people live. He protects family well-being, helps to run the household and maintain order. Such entities feed on the remnants of energy emanating from a person.

Such brownies are kind and sympathetic spirits who are ready to make contact with a person. They often play with animals or children living in the house, help in every possible way and lift your spirits. They look exactly the same as people. Usually shown in the form of an old man with a fluffy beard. Sometimes they can become mischievous and mischievous when they don’t like your behavior. But they are not ready for more than making noise with dishes or hiding a personal item from you.

It is quite easy to see a kind helper, especially if you have no disagreements with him. Sometimes people see them in the form of fluffy balls or animals. But no one has ever been able to capture such a miracle: brownies are very shy and immediately hide if you accidentally see it. If we turn to the myths, many Domovyats have their own families in which the future guardians of the hearth grow up. You should take such an assistant with you when you move, so as not to lose a faithful and reliable patron of your family happiness.

Souls of dead people

There are cases when the soul of a deceased person, which during life moved away from its karmic task, can serve as a brownie. Mainly serve another family and home By higher powers people are sent who have given little to their loved ones and their home. Their main task is to take care of the house and its owners. Such entities are mostly peaceful and submissive.

They are not at all like an ordinary brownie. They have high growth, they are incorporeal and look like black or gray spirits. Such entities do not like to show themselves and are in every possible way against any contact with a person. They feed on cosmic energy and are not energy vampires. Compared to the classic brownie, the souls of the dead have greater power and are most often useful. In their arsenal there are skills acquired during earthly life, which they actively use to help the owners of the house.

Angry brownie

Children are frightened by such horror stories as the little drummer or the evil brownie. The terrible tale appeared not without reason: esotericists claim that such entities actually exist, and they only cause chilling horror if they suddenly appear in the house. This is the third type of incarnation of a brownie. More precisely, these are real monsters who know how to masterfully disguise themselves as a good brownie. They settle in abandoned houses or empty apartments, sometimes they can deliberately survive the owner from his own home, turning life into hard labor. They feed on any energy and cause harm to everyone who lives near them. The most favorite dish for them is your fear, so they will do everything possible to scare you properly and get enough of you.

The “evil brownie” looks like a shadow, a black silhouette with glowing eyes, long arms, claws and a wolfish grin. When they appear in an apartment, a person is overwhelmed by anxious thoughts, causeless fear and panic. According to eyewitnesses, someone's evil gaze literally begins to haunt you. In this case, it is necessary to take immediate measures and kick out the uninvited guest.

To see a brownie, you first need to understand who he is. If a kind helper lives in your house, make friends with him, leave him treats and tasty delicacies. Then all sorrows and adversities will pass you by, and peace, harmony and understanding will reign in the apartment. We wish you good mood, success,and don't forget to press the buttons and
