Riddles on the topic of natural phenomena physics. Physical mysteries

Riddles about natural phenomena

      Two brothers
      They look into the water
      The centuries will not converge.

      (Answer: Shores)

      An invisible shepherdess is chasing white lambs across a mountain clearing.

      (Answer: Wind And Clouds)

      Gray cloth stretches out the window.

      (Answer: Evening)

      I break everything, tear everything down, there is no mercy for anything or anyone.

      (Answer: Vortex)

      What can't you roll up the mountain?
      Can't be carried away in a sieve
      And not to hide it in your hands?

      (Answer: Water)

      What a miracle!
      What a miracle!
      How he lost it
      From the cliff
      It's already like that
      What year is it
      Still no way
      It won't fall.

      (Answer: Waterfall)

      Between the mountains
      Between the dol
      A white horse is running.

      (Answer: Waterfall)

      He's flying down the cliff
      breaks on the stones.
      He roars louder than a beast,
      and turns into foam.

      (Answer: Waterfall)

      There is an invisible person: she doesn’t ask to come into the house,
      And he runs ahead of people, in a hurry.

      (Answer: Air)

      What can't you see in the room?

      (Answer: Air)

      It goes and goes along the sea,
      And it will reach the shore -
      This is where it will disappear.

      (Answer: Wave)

      White curls -
      Lively lambs.
      They follow the rain into the woods
      They walk along the lake
      But as soon as they step on the sand -
      And they will fall.

      (Answer: Waves)

      While the mountain sleeps, it is silent
      When he wakes up, he growls

      (Answer: Vulcan)

      Walking in the field, but not a horse,
      Flying free, but not a bird,
      It howls all the time, but it's not a wolf.

      (Answer: Blizzard)

      Where is the end of the world?

      (Answer: Where the Shadow Ends)

      The woman wears a snow cap,
      The stone sides are shrouded in clouds.

      (Answer: Mountain)

      Run, run - you won’t get there,
      Fly, fly - not reach.

      (Answer: Horizon)

      You can see the edge, but you won’t get there.

      (Answer: Horizon)

      He is both in summer and in winter -
      Between heaven and earth.
      Even if you go to him all your life -
      He will always be ahead.

      (Answer: Horizon)

      No arms, no legs, and the window breaks.

      (Answer: Hail)

      Flying from the sky unbidden
      Cold peas.

      (Answer: Hail)

      There is a commotion in the yard: peas are falling from the sky.
      Inna ate six peas and now has a sore throat.

      (Answer: Hail)

      Peas spilled
      On seventy roads,
      Nobody will collect it.

      (Answer: Hail)

      Peas spilled
      On seventy roads.
      Peas fall down
      Jumps along the paths.

      (Answer: Hail)

      Oblique, but not a hare. It comes not on the ground, but from the sky.

      (Answer: Thunderstorm)

      Bass-voiced and serious, he has a cool character:
      He will growl very menacingly - everyone will immediately be saved!

      (Answer: Thunder)

      He knocks loudly, shouts loudly, but what he says cannot be understood and the sages will never know.

      (Answer: Thunder)

      An ox roared across a hundred villages and a hundred rivers.

      (Answer: Thunder)

      The bear roared across all the mountains, across all the seas.

      (Answer: Thunder)

      A raven cawed across a hundred villages and a thousand lakes.

      (Answer: Thunder)

      The horse is running -
      The earth is shaking.

      (Answer: Thunder)

      The duck quacked - sensitively to the whole world.

      (Answer: Thunder)

      It will knock in the sky, but it can be heard on earth.

      (Answer: Thunder)

      The gray stallion neighs to all the kingdoms.

      (Answer: Thunder)

      No one sees me, but everyone hears, and everyone can see my companion, but no one hears.

      (Answer: Thunder and Lightning)

      Malanya passed - a flame was lit;
      Pakhom came and the house shook.

      (Answer: Thunder and Lightning)

      It will sparkle, blink, call someone.

      (Answer: Thunder and Lightning)

      The tour walks through the mountains, the turica walks through the valleys, the tour whistles, the turica blinks.

      (Answer: Thunder and Lightning)

      The king will click, the king will blink - he will call someone.

      (Answer: Thunder and Lightning)

      The brother goes to visit his sister, and the sister hides in the forest.

      (Answer: Day and Night)

      He walked, lanky, and got stuck in the ground.

      (Answer: Rain)

      One pours, another drinks, the third turns green and grows.

      (Answer: Rain, Earth, Grass)

      Father is hot and red,
      He can be dangerous
      And the son will fly like a bird -
      He will not return to his father.

      (Answer: Smoke)

      The red girl looks in the mirror.

      (Answer: Zarya)

      Peas spilled
      On a thousand roads.

      (Answer: Stars)

      Golden zenos scattered in the night,
      We looked in the morning - there was nothing.

      (Answer: Stars)

      Fireflies in the blue sky
      You can't reach them with your hands,
      One big firefly
      Bent over like a worm.

      (Answer: Stars And Month)

      The carpet is spread out,
      Peas are scattered
      Can't lift a carpet
      Not a pea to pick.

      (Answer: Stars in the Sky)

      She didn’t give birth to anyone, but everyone calls her mother.

      (Answer: Earth)

      Two standing for two lying down, two fools, two robbers-robbers.

      (Answer: Earth and Sky, Sun and Moon, Fire and Water)

      She didn’t suffer, she didn’t get sick, but she put on a white shroud.

      (Answer: Earth And Snow)

      And not snow, and not ice, but with silver he will remove the trees.

      (Answer: Frost)

      Just outside the window
      The frost has let in,
      Icicles started flowing
      Beads of tears.
      Well, what about you, my friend?
      Answer now -
      Under my window
      What's ringing? ...

      (Answer: Kapel)

      They have oval sides
      Slightly oblong.
      They come from lotion,
      From beer, tea, from broth,
      From honey, alcohol, kerosene,
      Syrup, milk, gasoline,
      From apple and quince juice...
      But more often - from plain water.

      (Answer: Drops)

      Without planks, without axes, the bridge across the river is ready.
      The bridge is like blue glass: slippery, fun, light.

      (Answer: Ice)

      It neither burns in fire nor sinks in water.

      (Answer: Ice)

      The fish live warmly in winter: the roof is thick glass.

      (Answer: Ice)

      The water itself floats on water.

      (Answer: Ice)

      It flowed, it flowed
      And lay under the glass.

      (Answer: Ice)

      Doesn't drown in water
      Doesn't burn in fire.

      (Answer: Ice)

      Without arms, without legs, but with horns,
      And he walks under the heavens.

      (Answer: Month)

      I was young -
      Shining brightly
      In his old age he became -
      It began to fade.

      (Answer: Month)

      On the high road
      A steep-horned bull is walking,
      He sleeps during the day
      And at night he looks.

      (Answer: Month)

      I twist, I mutter, I don’t want to know anyone!

      (Answer: Blizzard, Blizzard)

      Near the village the horse is cheerful.

      (Answer: Blizzard, Blizzard)

      The command was loudly given to them -
      The sabers flashed in the sky.

      (Answer: Lightning)

      A fire arrow flies
      No one will catch her:
      Neither king nor queen
      Not a pretty girl.

      (Answer: Lightning)

      An eagle bird flies, carries fire in its teeth, and in the middle of it is human death.

      (Answer: Lightning)

      The eagle bird is flying,
      Brings fire in his teeth
      Shoots fiery arrows
      Nobody will catch her.

      (Answer: Lightning)

      It made some noise, made some noise, washed everything and left.
      I watered the gardens and vegetable gardens throughout the area.

      (Answer: Lightning)

      I have neither fire nor heat, but I set everything on fire.

      (Answer: Lightning)

      Molten Arrow
      An oak felled near the village.

      (Answer: Lightning)

      First the shine
      Behind the shine is a crackling sound,
      Behind the crackling -

      (Answer: Lightning, Thunder, Rain)

      There is water all around,
      But drinking is a problem.

      (Answer: Sea)

      Draws without hands, bites without teeth.

      (Answer: Frost)

      Without arms, without legs, but he climbs into the hut.

      (Answer: Frost)

      Without arms, without legs, he can draw.

      (Answer: Frost)

      What artist put this on the walls?
      And leaves, and grass, and thickets of roses?

      (Answer: Frost)

      Not fire, but burning.

      (Answer: Frost)

      He doesn’t knock, doesn’t ring, but runs under the bench.

      (Answer: Frost)

      Old man at the gate
      The warmth was stolen away
      He doesn't run on his own
      He doesn't tell me to stand.

      (Answer: Frost)

      Old joker:
      Doesn't tell me to stand on the street,
      It makes me want to go home.

      (Answer: Frost)

      I will crack, and you clap your hands and dance.

      (Answer: Frost)

      An old grandfather, he is a hundred years old, paved the bridge along the entire river,
      But she came when she was young and swept away the entire bridge.

      (Answer: Frost and Spring)

      The armless, legless old man continued to bridge the river.

      (Answer: Frost, Ice)

      The bridge was built without hands, without an axe.

      (Answer: Frost, Ice, River)

      Grandfather builds a bridge without an axe.

      (Answer: Frost, Ice, River)

      Samson himself made the bridge: without an axe, without wedges, without hewing.

      (Answer: Frost, Ice, River)

      The blue tent covered the whole world.

      (Answer: Sky)

      The carpet has been laid,
      The peas are scattered.
      Can't lift a carpet
      You can't pick a pea.

      (Answer: Sky, Moon, Stars)

      The bird waved its wing,
      Covered the whole world with one feather.

      (Answer: Night)

      Look out the window -
      A black cat is walking.

      (Answer: Night)

      Black cow
      She conquered the whole world.

      (Answer: Night)

      The horses are running, all the bridles are broken,
      Neither sit down, nor stroke, nor hit with a whip.

      (Answer: Clouds)

      They fly without wings
      They run without legs
      They sail without a sail.

      (Answer: Clouds)

      Horses are racing. You can’t catch up with them, you can’t reach them, because they can fly.

      (Answer: Clouds)

      By blue sea
      White geese are swimming.

      (Answer: Clouds)

      Fluffy cotton wool
      Floating somewhere.
      The lower the wool,
      The closer the rain comes.

      (Answer: Clouds)

      Fluffy white animals are swimming somewhere.

      (Answer: Clouds)

      Smoothly at first, barely
      They flew through the air
      Then they swam faster and faster,
      What are their names, have you forgotten?

      (Answer: Clouds)

      Isn’t it the sun’s fault that cotton wool hangs in the sky?

      (Answer: Clouds)

      White cotton wool is floating somewhere.
      Whether you catch it or not, you won’t catch it.

      (Answer: Cloud)

      White wool
      Floating somewhere.

      (Answer: Cloud)

      The sieve is large, the sieve is blue.
      It sows and blows white fluff onto houses, people, and the meadow.

      (Answer: Cloud And Snow)

      This is what a glutton is: he can eat everything in the world.
      And when he drinks water, he will definitely fall asleep.

      (Answer: Fire)

      If there is no water nearby -
      Ready to cause trouble.

      (Answer: Fire)

      A meek captive for years
      I live inside the oven
      And I cook soups with borscht,
      I bake kalachi.
      I provide warmth for the home
      But always in me, believe me,
      Worse than the sound of thunder
      Bloodthirsty hidden beast.

      (Answer: Fire)

      What in the world has no measure, no weight, no price?

      (Answer: Fire)

      There are three brothers:
      One eats - he can’t get enough,
      The other one drinks - he won’t get drunk,
      The third one is walking and not getting enough exercise.

      (Answer: Fire, Earth, Water)

      Runs through the snow, there is no trace.

      (Answer: Snowdrift)

      In the new wall
      In the round window
      During the day the glass is broken,
      Installed overnight.

      (Answer: Ice hole)

      The fur coat is new,
      There's a hole in the hem.

      (Answer: Ice hole)

      In the middle of the field lies a mirror,
      The glass is blue, the frame is green.

      (Answer: Pond)

      He will stand up and reach the sky.

      (Answer: Rainbow)

      The red yoke hung across the river.

      (Answer: Rainbow)

      A painted yoke hung across the river.

      (Answer: Rainbow)

      For a minute, a multi-colored miracle bridge grew into the ground.
      The miracle worker made a high bridge without railings.

      (Answer: Rainbow)

      The gates rose -
      There is beauty all over the world.

      (Answer: Rainbow)

      The gates have risen, beauty to the whole world.
      The sun ordered: “Stop, the seven-colored bridge is steep!”
      The cloud hid the light of the sun. The bridge collapsed - and there are no chips!

      (Answer: Rainbow)

      The sun ordered: “Stop,
      The Seven Color Bridge is cool!”
      A cloud hid the sun's light -
      The bridge collapsed, but there were no chips.

      (Answer: Rainbow)

      Multi-colored rocker
      It hung over the river.

      (Answer: Rainbow)

      The golden bridge spreads
      Seven villages, seven miles.

      (Answer: Rainbow)

      Through the fields
      Through the meadows
      An elegant arc emerged.

      (Answer: Rainbow)

      White cat
      Climbs through the window.

      (Answer: Dawn)

      It pours into it, it pours out of it,
      She trudges along the ground on her own.

      (Answer: River)

      In winter I hide
      I appear in the spring
      I have fun in the summer
      In the fall I go to bed.

      (Answer: River)

      It's not a horse, it's running
      It's not a forest, but it's noisy.
      A little trembling in the open space, -
      The narrow tip is in the spring,
      And wide - into the sea.

      (Answer: River)

      Treats in the summer heat
      It is spring water.

      (Answer: Spring)

      Crystal beads
      Scattered on the grass.

      (Answer: Rosa)

      In the evening it flies to the ground,
      Stays on earth at night,
      And in the morning it flies away again.

      (Answer: Rosa)

      Such wonderful pranks -
      Diamonds are burning on the grass.
      There are millions of them, but still
      You can't put it in chests.

      (Answer: Rosa)

      Zarya lost her keys
      A month went by and I couldn’t find it,
      The sun rose -
      The keys were not found.

      (Answer: Rosa)

      The dawn walked across the field,
      Dropped the keys
      I saw the moon, the sun rose,
      And the earth buried it.

      (Answer: Rosa)

      In the morning the beads sparkled,
      They covered all the grass with themselves,
      And we went to look for them during the day, -
      We search, we search, we won’t find it!

      (Answer: Rosa)

      Who runs along the mountain slopes,
      Chatting to himself
      And in the thick green grass
      Hiding his blue tail?

      (Answer: Stream)

      Between the mountains, between the valleys
      A white horse is running.

      (Answer: Stream)

      The sun shines brightly
      In the blue sky.
      Little river
      Hid in the grass.
      Stop, weary traveler!
      Come, bend over.
      On a long journey
      Gain strength.

      (Answer: Stream)

      Climbs through the window
      It will stretch like cloth
      You can't drive away with a pestle,
      Neither a whip nor a pole.
      The time will come -
      He will leave on his own.

      (Answer: Light)

      Who comes in at the window without opening it?

      (Answer: Light)

      An invisible mischievous man entered our room.
      The curtains danced, the calendar began to dance.
      It’s good that immediately with a bang
      The door slammed on us.

      (Answer: Draft)

      White bedspread
      It lay on the ground
      Summer has come,
      It's all gone.

      (Answer: Snow)

      White flies landed on the field.

      (Answer: Snow)

      There's a mountain in the yard,
      And in the hut there is water.

      (Answer: Snow)

      Dresses up in winter, undresses for summer.

      (Answer: Snow And Earth)

      Gray geese flew and dropped white fluff.

      (Answer: Snow and Clouds)

      What kind of stars are there on the coat and on the scarf?
      Everything is through, cut out, and if you take it, there is water in your hand?

      (Answer: Snowflake)

      This lace flew
      It landed on my nose and disappeared.

      (Answer: Snowflake)

      A red girl walks across the sky.

      (Answer: Sun)

      You'll see in the morning
      To the east you will see a red bun.
      And in heaven he is not lazy
      Roll west all day.

      (Answer: Sun)

      What is higher than the forest,
      More beautiful than the world
      Does it burn without fire?

      (Answer: Sun)

      Hanging outside the window
      The bag is icy.
      It's full of drops
      And it smells like spring.

      (Answer: Icicle)

      (Answer: Icicle)

      It grows upside down in winter.

      (Answer: Icicle)

      What grows upside down?

      (Answer: Icicle)

      The white dog is looking into the gateway.

      (Answer: Snowdrift)

      Gray cloth
      Reaches out the window.

      (Answer: Twilight)

      See with your eyes, but not take with your hands.

      (Answer: Shadow)

      I drive, I drive, I won’t drive you out,
      I carry it, I carry it, I can’t bear it,
      When it gets dark, it will go away on its own.

      (Answer: Shadow)

      She's not too lazy to wander around
      Next to you every day.
      Once the sun comes in,
      How can you not find her?

      (Answer: Shadow)

      It lies on the ground: no paint over, no scraping, no dumping.

      (Answer: Shadow)

      Sweep, sweep, I won’t sweep away,
      I carry it, I carry it, I can’t bear it,
      When it gets dark, it will go away on its own.

      (Answer: Shadow)

      In the morning - a fathom, at noon - as much as a palm, and in the evening - across the field.

      (Answer: Shadow)

      No matter how long you walk on it -
      will run ahead.

      (Answer: Shadow)

      You fell at my feet, stretched out along the road.
      And you can’t be raised, and you can’t be driven away.
      You look so much like me, as if I were walking lying down.

      (Answer: Shadow)

      You have it, I have it,
      At the oak - in the field, at the fish - in the sea.

      (Answer: Shadow)

      Walks without legs
      Sleeves without arms,
      Mouth without speech.

      (Answer: Shadow)

      Even if you chase her all day, you won’t catch her.

      (Answer: Shadow)

      What can't you pick up from the ground?

      (Answer: Shadow)

      What a ghost on a clear day
      Suddenly fell on our fence?
      I climbed over the fence
      And my traveling companion disappeared.

      (Answer: Shadow)

      What lies on the water but does not sink?

      (Answer: Shadow)

      What can't you pick up from the ground?

      (Answer: Shadow)

      She's very strange:
      Not visible and not heard.
      You started talking about her -
      Immediately there was no trace of her.

      (Answer: Silence)

      The village is in white velvet - both fences and trees.
      And when the wind attacks, this velvet will fall off.

      (Answer: Fog)

      A lot of this stuff
      Near our yard,
      But you won’t take it with your hand,
      And you won't bring it home.
      Tanya was walking in the garden,
      Collected, collected,
      I looked into the box, -
      It's empty and just wet!

      (Answer: Fog)

      The milk floated over the river, nothing was visible.
      The milk dissolved and it became visible far away.

      (Answer: Fog)

      A white canvas hung over the river, over the valley.

      (Answer: Fog)

      He is always friends with the rain,
      The house will be covered in gray haze.
      You and I will go together
      And we will find each other.

      (Answer: Fog)

      Gray-haired grandfather at the gate,
      Everyone's eyes were covered.

      (Answer: Fog)

      Gray boars covered the entire field.

      (Answer: Fog)

      What kind of cloud trap:
      The whole village disappeared in it.

      (Answer: Fog)

      He doesn’t know trouble, but sometimes he cries, sometimes he sobs.

      (Answer: Cloud)

      Without wings, but flies, no one hits her, but cries.

      (Answer: Cloud)

      He doesn’t know grief, but she sheds tears.

      (Answer: Cloud)

      The eagle is flying
      Across the blue sky
      Spread my wings
      The sun was obscured.

      (Answer: Cloud)

      A black bird flies
      With one wing he covers the whole earth,
      It's raining.

      (Answer: Cloud)

      Above you, above me
      A bag of water flew by
      Ran into a distant forest,
      He lost weight and disappeared.

      (Answer: Cloud)

      There are no legs, but he walks,
      No eyes, but crying.

      (Answer: Cloud)

      A woman arrived from a high city, she began to cry - all the people rejoiced.

      (Answer: Cloud)

      Runs through the grove - Washes and rinses,
      She ran along the meadow - The shepherdess gave her a bath.

      (Answer: Cloud)

      He came from heaven and went to earth.

      (Answer: Cloud)

      Stronger than the sun
      Weaker than the wind
      There are no legs, but he walks
      No eyes, but crying.

      (Answer: Cloud)

      I'm huge in the fall
      I'm not welcome anywhere.
      No one is waiting for me anywhere,
      I fly everywhere.

      (Answer: Cloud)

      Burns without fire
      Flying without wings
      Runs without legs.

      (Answer: Thundercloud)

      A woman is riding on the mountains,
      The batog knocks
      He grumbles to the whole world.

      (Answer: Thundercloud)

      A bird flies without a wing,
      A hunter strikes without a gun,
      The cook fries without fire,
      The ram eats without a mouth.

      (Answer: Cloud, Thunder, Sun and Earth)

      She came up and rumbled
      Threw arrows onto the ground.
      It seemed to us that she was in trouble.
      It turned out that she was carrying water.
      Came up and spilled
      - The arable land has drunk enough.

      (Answer: Cloud, Lightning)

      The forest has grown all white: You can’t enter on foot and you can’t enter on horseback.

      (Answer: Pattern on Glass)

      Everything turned white overnight, but in our apartment it’s a miracle!
      Outside the window the yard disappeared. A magical forest grew there.

      (Answer: Pattern on Glass)

      A horde of holey bags wander across the sky,
      And sometimes water leaks from the bags.

      (Answer: Cold)

      He lives without a body, speaks without a tongue, no one sees him, but everyone hears him.

      (Answer: Echo)

      Lives without a body
      Speaks without tongue
      Nobody sees him
      But everyone hears him.

      (Answer: Echo)

      Who talks to everyone but is not visible?

      (Answer: Echo)

      Not living, but speaks all languages.

      (Answer: Echo)

      I cry without grief, I laugh without joy, no one can see me, but everyone can hear me.

      (Answer: Echo)

      What kind of tease is this?
      I call: “Natasha!”
      And he shouts: “Ashka!”
      I call “Seryozha”!
      And he shouts: “Hedgehog!”
      I shout: “Ay!”
      And he growls: “Oooh!”

      (Answer: Echo)

      I bark with every Dog,
      I howl with every owl,
      And every song of yours
      I sing with you.
      When is the steamer in the distance?
      He will roar like a bull on the river,
      I also roar: “Uh-oh!”

      Riddles about thunder, lightning, thunderstorm.

      Bass-voiced and serious, he has a cool character:
      He will growl very menacingly - everyone will run away immediately.
      Knocks loudly, screams loudly,
      And what he says - I don’t understand
      And the wise men will not know.
      Nobody sees me
      But everyone hears
      And everyone can see my companion,
      But no one hears.
      Malanya passed - a flame was lit;
      Pakhom came and the house shook.
      (Thunder and lightning)
      There will be a knock in the sky
      But on earth you can hear it.
      First the shine
      Behind the shine is a crackling sound,
      Behind the crackling is a splash.
      (lightning and thunder)
      The horse runs - the earth trembles.
      Invisible Giant
      Beats a huge drum.
      Here's a horse racing across the sky -
      Fire flies from under my feet,
      The horse hits with a mighty hoof
      And splits the clouds.
      So he runs hard
      That the earth below is trembling.
      I have neither fire nor heat,
      And I burn everything
      Molten Arrow
      An oak felled near the village.
      A fiery arrow flies,
      Nobody will catch her

      Riddles about the sun, shadow, moon, month, stars, sky

      Rolling on a blue saucer
      golden apple
      (sun and sky)
      Shines, sparkles,
      Warms everyone up.
      Stopped over the river
      Balloon, gold.
      And then he disappeared behind the forest,
      Swinging over the water.
      Well, which one of you will answer:
      It’s not fire, but it burns painfully,
      Not a lantern, but shining brightly,
      And not a baker, but a baker?
      It's not fire, but it warms.
      It's not a lamp, but it shines.
      like a ball, round.
      Like a pumpkin, yellow.
      I'll wake up early in the morning,
      I'll look and laugh,
      After all, at my window
      Shining brightly...
      Every morning
      He comes through the window towards us.
      If he has already entered -
      So the day has come.
      Will come to the house -
      You can't drive him out with a stake.
      The time will come -
      He will leave on his own.
      Who comes through the window
      And doesn't reveal it?
      (light, sun)
      I am always friendly with the light,
      If the sun is in the window,
      I'm from the mirror, from the puddle
      I run along the wall.
      She's not too lazy to wander around
      Next to you every day.
      Once the sun comes in,
      how can you not find it?
      See with your eyes
      Don't take it with your hands.
      You fell at my feet
      Stretched out along the road.
      And I can't lift you up
      And we can’t drive you away.
      You look so much like me
      It's like I'm walking lying down.
      From whom, my friends,
      Is there no way to escape?
      Obsessively on a clear day
      Walking next to us...
      Grew up, grew up,
      He was horned and became round.
      Only a circle, a miracle circle
      Suddenly he became horned again.
      No arms, no legs,
      only with horns.
      And he walks under the heavens.
      Without a head, but with horns.
      In the blue village -
      The girl is round-faced.
      She can't sleep at night:
      Looking in the mirror.
      Horned, but not butting.
      Sparks burn through the sky
      But they don’t reach us.
      Behind the countless flock
      A tired shepherd walked at night.
      And when the rooster crowed -
      The sheep and the shepherd disappeared.
      (month and stars)
      Expensive necklace
      Sparkled on the trees
      You'll go and have a look in the morning -
      You won't find the necklace.
      Peas spilled
      on seventy roads,
      no one will pick him up.
      The sun will rise -
      It's the other way around.
      Above the forest, above the mountains
      The carpet is being laid out.
      he's spread out over you
      and above me
      sometimes he is gray, sometimes he is blue,
      then it is bright blue.
      Blue tent
      The whole world was covered.

      Riddles about hail, snow, rain, frost, wind, fog

      No wings, no legs
      White flies fly.
      White, not sugar
      Soft, not cotton wool,
      Without legs, but he walks
      In winter he walks and locks himself at home,
      And in the spring he cries - he lets people out.
      The white tablecloth covered the entire field.
      Warms in winter, smolders in spring,
      It dies in the summer and comes back to life in the fall.
      Lying, lying,
      And in the spring he ran into the river.
      From me in winter, like in summer,
      Everything bloomed white.
      It flies - is silent, lies - is silent,
      When he dies, then he roars.
      I'm born in the fall, I die in the spring,
      In winter, I warm the earth with my body.
      The ground was covered with fluff -
      It's white outside the window.
      These white fluffs
      Not suitable for featherbeds.
      On trees, on bushes
      Flowers are falling from the sky.
      White, fluffy,
      Just not the scented ones.
      He was a black cloud at first,
      He lay down in white fluff on the forest.
      Covered the whole earth with a blanket,
      And in the spring it completely disappeared
      In winter - a star,
      In spring - water.
      fall from the sky in winter
      And they circle above the ground
      Light fluffs,
      A white star fell from the sky,
      It fell on my palm and disappeared.
      Who doesn't cry, but tears flow?
      He came from heaven and went to earth.
      He makes noise in the field and in the garden,
      But it won’t get into the house.
      And I won't go anywhere
      As long as he goes.
      It's cold, it's pouring,
      He's hot on my heels.
      I run away - it only gets worse
      Because there are puddles everywhere!
      Without a path and without a road
      The one with the longest legs walks.
      Hiding in the clouds, in the darkness,
      Only feet on the ground.
      Who's on the roof all night
      Beats and taps
      And he mumbles and he sings,
      Lulls you to sleep?
      Without arms, without legs, knocking under the window,
      He asks to go to the hut.
      Tears are falling from heaven -
      They watered the meadow and forest.
      What's happened? Oh oh oh!
      Summer became like winter:
      White peas
      They jump along the path.
      And not snow, and not ice,
      And with silver he will remove the trees.
      Walking in the field, but not a horse,
      It flies freely, but is not a bird.
      He himself does not see or hear,
      Walks, wanders, prowls, whistles.
      Who will come to the meeting -
      Hugs and fights.
      No arms, no legs,
      And he opens the gate.
      It is unknown where he lives.
      It will fly and bend the trees.
      If he whistles, there will be tremors along the river.
      He's a mischief maker and you can't stop him.
      I'll shake the birch tree
      I'll push you
      I'll fly, I'll whistle,
      I'll even steal my hat.
      And you can't see me
      Who am I? Can you guess?
      Village in white velvet -
      And fences and trees.
      And how the wind attacks -
      This velvet will fall.
      Milk floated over the river,
      There was nothing to be seen.
      The milk has dissolved -
      It became visible far away.
      Over the river, over the valley
      A white canvas hung.

      Riddles about clouds

      Without wings, but flies.
      Nobody hits her, but cries.
      Doesn't know grief
      And she sheds tears.
      I'm screaming across the skies
      The bags are full of holes,
      And it happens sometimes
      Water flows from the bags.

      An eagle flies across the blue sky,
      Wings of rapplastic -
      The sun came out.

      Stronger than the sun
      Weaker than the wind
      There are no legs, but he walks,
      No eyes, but crying.
      Frowns, frowns,
      Will fall into tears -
      There will be nothing left.


      Fluffy cotton wool floats somewhere:
      The lower the wool, the closer the rain.

      They fly without wings
      They run without legs
      They sail without a sail.

      Isn't it the sun's fault?
      What's hanging in the sky?
      The shepherd breeze blew his horn.
      The sheep gathered by the heavenly river.

      Riddles about mountains, horizon, rainbow, dawn

      He is both in summer and winter
      between heaven and earth.
      At least go to him all your life -
      He will always be ahead.
      He is both in summer and in winter -
      Between heaven and earth.
      At least go to him all your life -
      He will always be ahead.
      Painted rocker
      It hung across the river.
      Rooted into the ground for a minute
      Multi-colored miracle bridge.
      The miracle master made
      The bridge is high without railings.
      The sun ordered: stop,
      The Seven Color Bridge is cool!
      The cloud hid the light of the sun -
      The bridge has collapsed and there are no splinters.
      What a wonderful beauty!
      painted gate
      Appeared on the way!..
      You can't drive into them or enter them.
      The grandmother wears a snow hat.
      The stone sides are shrouded in clouds.
      Through the fields, through the meadows
      An elegant arc emerged.
      Colorful gates
      Someone built it in the meadow
      But it's not easy to get through them,
      Those gates are high.
      The master tried
      He took some paint for the gates
      Not one, not two, not three -
      As many as seven, look.
      What is this gate called?
      Can you draw them?

      Riddles about fire, water, earth

      Didn't give birth to anyone
      And everyone calls me mother.
      Everyone goes around this place:
      The earth here is like dough.
      There are sedges, hummocks, mosses,
      No leg support.
      Here's what a glutton is:
      Can eat anything in the world
      And when he drinks water -
      He'll definitely fall asleep.
      At the halt he helped us:
      I cooked soup and baked potatoes.
      It's good for hiking
      You can't take it with you...
      (fire, bonfire)
      Runs in summer, sleeps in winter,
      Spring has come - it's running again.
      I can wash my face.
      I can spill.
      I always live in taps.
      Well of course I am...
      The water itself floats on the water.
      Transparent like glass
      You can't put it in the window.
      Winter glass
      It started flowing in the spring.
      She grows upside down
      It grows not in summer, but in winter.
      But the sun will bake her -
      She will cry and die.
      White carrots in winter
      grows upside down.
      In the morning the beads sparkled,
      They covered all the grass with themselves.
      And we went to look for them during the day,
      We search and search, but we won’t find it.

      Riddles about echo, draft, frost, patterns on glass

      Lives without a body, speaks without a tongue,
      No one sees it, but everyone misses it.
      In a dark forest, behind any pine tree,
      A wonderful forest wonder is hiding.
      I’ll shout: “Ay!” - and it will respond.
      I will laugh - and it will laugh.
      He entered - no one saw
      he said - no one heard.
      Blowed through the windows and disappeared
      And a forest grew on the windows.
      (frost, frosty patterns)
      Everywhere turned white overnight
      And there is a miracle in our apartment!
      Outside the window the yard disappeared.
      A magical forest grew there.
      (patterns on glass)
      What artist painted this on the walls?
      And leaves, and grass, and thickets of roses?
      no arms, no legs
      He knows how to draw.
      The old man at the gate dragged away the warmth.
      He doesn’t run and doesn’t tell him to stand.
      Grandfather builds a bridge without an ax and without wedges.
      Who whitens the glades with white
      and writes on the walls with chalk,
      Sews down feather beds,
      Have you decorated all the windows?
      An invisible mischievous man entered our room.
      The curtains began to dance, the calendar began to dance.
      It’s good that the door immediately slammed shut on us.

      Physics in mysteries

      In this section scientific work riddles about physical phenomena and technical objects studied at school.

      Let's try to guess the proposed riddles, although it is not easy. After all, they often contain only hints of a mysterious phenomenon or object. You need to be smart in order to recognize a familiar phenomenon in a figurative allegorical description.


      He walks and walks along the sea, but when he reaches the shore, he disappears.

      Who, without studying, speaks all languages?

      Every call is answered, but there is no soul or body.

      Without arms, without legs, he prowls the field, sings and whistles, breaks trees, bends the grass to the ground.

      In the round house, through the window, the sisters are walking along the path, the younger one is in no hurry, but the older one is in a hurry.

      It spins, buzzes, and falls - it is silent.

      Without arms, without legs, but the gate opens.

      It pours into it, pours out of it, and weaves itself along the ground.

      4.2.Thermal phenomena

      It curls around the nose, but is not easy to handle.

      What is not visible in the hut.

      The mother is angry, but she covered the children with a duvet until the red day.

      What kind of artist painted the window?

      It warms in winter, smolders in spring, dies in summer, comes to life in autumn.

      I am water, and I swim on water.

      Pure and clear, like a diamond, there are no roads, he was born from his mother, he himself gives birth to her.

      He lay there, lay there, and then ran into the river.

      The glass was broken during the day and replaced overnight.

      White carrots grow in winter.

      The peas are scattered on seventy roads, no one will pick them up: neither the king, nor the queen, nor the red maiden.

      Put it in the oven and it will get wet; put it in water and it will dry out.

      Apparently she has no mind: she eats herself.

      It’s freezing from the side of the hut, but not from the street.

      In the evening it flies to the ground, stays on the ground at night, and flies away again in the morning.

      Without eyes, but shedding tears.

      An eagle is flying across the blue sky, its wings spread, covering the sun.

      White geese are swimming across the blue sea.

      Stronger than the sun, weaker than the wind, no legs, but walking, no eyes, but crying.

      It’s burning inside, seething all around, the water is boiling, he’s ordered to drink tea, steam is pouring up.

      How can you carry water in a sieve?

      The fluffy cotton wool floats somewhere, the lower the cotton wool, the closer the rain.

      A white blanket lay on the ground, summer had come, it had all gone.

      Come on, grab a handful of it - it won’t hold in a handful.

      Without arms, without legs, it’s not a small piece - it’s creeping up.


      The fiery arrow flies, no one will catch it: neither the king, nor the queen, nor the red maiden.

      It will sparkle, blink, call someone.

      No one sees me, but everyone hears, and everyone can see my companion, but no one hears.

      First there is a shine, after a shine there is a crackling sound, after a crackling sound there is a splash.

      The heavenly horse gallops, fire pours from under its feet.

      Without wings, without a body, she flew a thousand miles.


      If he comes into the house, you can’t drive him out with a stake; when the time comes, he will leave on his own.

      A white cat climbs into the window.

      From window to window - a golden rod.

      Shirt on the street, sleeves in the hut.

      A fellow traveler follows me, and she does me no harm or good.

      You have it, I have it, the oak tree in the field, the fish in the sea.

      He dies in the evening and comes to life in the morning.

      And he has no tongue, but he will tell the truth.

      When is the sky lower than the earth?

      In front of us - upside down, in front of you - upside down.

      In the middle of the field lies a mirror, blue glass, green frame.

      The gates have risen, beauty to the whole world.

      A painted yoke hung across the river.

      I have neither heat, nor ashes, nor fire, but I burn through a lot.

      In the middle of the field are silver grains.

      What kind of fire does not produce smoke?

      A gray piece of cloth is climbing through the window.

      A black cat climbs into the window.

      4.5.Sun, Moon, stars

      A red girl walks across the sky.

      Without a head, but with horns.

      What is visible only at night?

      A steep-horned bull walks along the high road.

      A blue scarf, a red bun, rolls on the scarf, grins like the sea.

      Golden millet is scattered across the blue canopy.

      There are fireflies in the blue sky, you can’t reach them with your hands. One big firefly bent like

      The owner is sleeping - the sheep are in the pasture, the owner will look out - the sheep are not visible, the owner will hide - the sheep will appear again.

      Humor in physics

      1) -What is the strength, brother?

      In money.

      So my brother says it’s in the money! And the force is in newtons.

      2) Two theorists are walking in the forest. They meet a bear. The first ran, the second stayed.

      Let's run! - shouts the first to the second.

      For what? “My speed is still less than the speed of a bear,” says the second.

      It doesn’t matter that your speed is less than the bear’s speed, it is important that my speed is greater than yours.

      3) Two friends are talking:

      You know, I calculated the speed of my wife's movement around the store!

      So what is it like?

      $200 an hour!

      4) At the entrance exams of the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University. Physics exam.


      What are electromagnetic waves?

      Electromagnetic waves were invented by Popov at the beginning of our century to create radio and had a length of 3 meters.

      5) During the physics exam, the teacher decided to look at the student’s notes. He is surprised to find blank pages and naturally asks why.

      “Well,” the student answers, “you said to write down only valuable thoughts.”

      6) Two physicists are sitting in a cafe. A girl passes by. One to another:

      Look, what an interesting combination of atoms.


      Proverbs and sayings are short sayings expressing a complete thought (element of judgment). This is the color of the people's mind, the people's everyday truth. The main thing in proverbs and sayings, as a genre of folklore, is not its logical nature, but artistic image, meaningful two-planeness.
      Proverbs and sayings are an element of Russian speech that color speech, make it red and figurative. Each generation of people accumulated observations of the world, life, nature and reflected these observations, this knowledge and experience in works of oral folk poetry.
      Proverbs and sayings are valuable for the study of physics because they represent observations of natural phenomena and everyday situations in an aphoristic form, as well as folk signs weather. For example:

      "Pots easily boil over the edge - this means bad weather"
      "Without a millstone around your neck you can't reach the bottom"
      "You can't put a cut piece on bread"

      Thus, proverbs and sayings with physical content represent useful material, and their brevity and diversity make it possible to involve them in the study of a large number of issues in a physics course.

      Riddles, according to V.I. Dahl is “a short allegorical description of an object, offered for the solution.” Since the subject (usually well-known) is described differently, figuratively, with imagination, often from an unexpected angle, it is not easy to guess what was intended. To do this, you need to be very observant and smart, be able to compare, find commonality in different things. In riddles we're talking about about specific visible world phenomena and things surrounding a person. And in the riddles we see specific examples, phenomena. Being by design an expression based on comparison, the riddle contributes to the development of an imaginative vision of nature. It teaches us to see and comprehend reality in its diverse connections and associations. And a riddle also helps you see the beauty of the world around you: by emphasizing one or another feature of an object or phenomenon, it forces you to look at it more carefully, to see the beauty in this object or phenomenon. Riddles are poetic not only in their figurative system, but also in form; many of them are rhythmic.

      “There is no warmer place in winter, no colder place in summer” (cellar or stove)

      “There’s a curl near the ear, and a conversation in the middle” (headphones)

      “No one sees me, but everyone hears, and everyone can see my companion, but no one hears” (thunder and lightning).

      The brevity and rhythm of the form, the capacity of the content, the bright imagery and playful coloring of riddles make it possible to arouse with their help the students' interest in studying specific issues.

      Riddles can be used when studying sections: "Thermal", "Electric" And "Light" phenomena in grades 7-9.

      What a capacity of words!

      It's not just sound for us.

      Physics is the basis and support of all sciences without exception!

      Lyrics to help physics.

      It's easy to answer Ohm's Laws.

      You will be surprised if someone forgets.

      It's very easy to understand forever

      That EMF is the work of third-party bodies.

      Remember, record and believe,

      And answer calmly, clearly, precisely:

      Circuit resistance is large R,

      And small is r of the source.

      Do you count the current from batteries or from hydroelectric power stations,

      To make your teacher happy,

      Feel free to put EMF in the numerator,

      And the sum of all resistances is the denominator.

      Physical mysteries.

      1) To distant villages, cities

      Who's walking the wire?

      Serene Majesty

      This … (Electricity).

      2) Multi-colored bridge

      I stood a hundred miles away. (Rainbow)

      3) I saw my portrait, walked away -

      There is no portrait. (Image)

      4) It swirls, not smoke,

      It's falling, not snowing. (Fog)

      5) Very strict controller

      He's looking straight from the wall.

      He looks and doesn’t blink:

      All you have to do is turn on the light

      or plug in the oven -

      everything is going haywire. (Counter)

      6) There is a plate hanging on the wall,

      An arrow moves across the plate,

      This forward arrow

      He knows the weather for us. (Barometer)

      7) Blue scarf, red

      the bun rolls on a scarf,

      smiles at people. (Sun)

      8) In winter it warms, in spring it smolders,

      In summer it dies, in autumn it flies. (Snow)

      9) The eagle bird is flying, carrying fire in its teeth,

      Fires arrows,

      no one will catch her. (Lightning)

      10) Stands on the roof day and night

      this miracle is a guard:

      What he sees, what he hears

      He will share everything with me. (Antenna)

      11) Two sisters swayed - they sought the truth,

      And when they achieved it, they stopped. (Swing)

      11) It does not burn in fire, and does not sink in water. (Ice)

      12) What can’t you pick up from the ground? (Shadow)

      13) They change the current strength,

      If something is moved in it. (Rheostat)

      14) Miracle - bird, scarlet tail,

      Flew into a flock of stars. (Rocket)

      15) Sleeps during the day, looks at night. (Moon)

      16) I bathed in water, but remained dry. (Month)

      17) The heat of a bird flies, proud of its tail. (Comet)

      18) They walk and walk, but they don’t leave their place. (Watch)

      19) They read books, but do not know how to read and write. (Glasses)

      20) You screamed - it was silent,

      You were silent - it screamed. (Echo)

      21) I keep hot and I keep cold,

      I will replace both the stove and the refrigerator for you on the road. (Thermos)

      22) Didn’t look out the window –

      There was only Antoshka.

      Looked out the window -

      There's a second Antoshka!

      What is this window?

      Where was Antoshka looking? (Mirror)

      23) I'm in Melitopol,

      He is in Zaporozhye,

      We are sitting in different rooms.

      Far away, but as if close

      We talk to him.

      Who is helping us? (Mobile communications)

      24) I'm sitting under my arm

      And I’ll tell you what to do:

      Or I'll let you go for a walk,

      Or I'll put you to bed. (Thermometer)

      25) I don’t have my own eyes,

      And seeing helps. (Binoculars)


      Nenasheva I.Yu. Subject week of physics at school // PHOENIX. 2007. Rostov n/a.

      Physics in mysteries

      The collected material can be used to conduct various quizzes, competitions, games, KVN, as well as lessons. The riddles are divided into sections of physics; the answers are presented in brackets:


      1. It goes and goes along the sea, but when it reaches the shore, it disappears (the wave)

      2. Who, without studying, speaks all languages? (echo)

      3. Every call is answered,

      But there is neither soul nor body (echo)

      4. No arms, no legs

      Prowls across the field, sings and whistles,

      Trees break, grass bends to the ground (wind)

      5. In the round house, in the window

      Sisters walk along the path

      The smaller one is in no hurry,

      But the older one is in a hurry (clock hands)

      6. Yesterday it was, today is and tomorrow will be (time)

      7. What can hang and stand, stand and walk, walk and lie, lie and lie at the same time? (watch)

      8. One says: “Let’s run, let’s run,”

      another: “Wait, wait,”

      third: “Let’s stagger, let’s stagger” (stream, bank, reeds)

      9. Two sisters swayed, sought the truth, and when they achieved it, they stopped (scales)

      10. In the summer they lie on their backs, in the winter they go to visit (sleigh)

      11. Wooden horses gallop in the snow, but don’t fall into the snow (skis)

      12. We are nimble sisters - masters of running fast. In the rain we lie down, in the snow we run. This is our regime (skiing)

      13. They have hard labour, something is being squeezed all the time (vice)

      14. Small, fair, bites painfully (needle)

      15. Thin, long, one-eared, sharp, red to the whole world (needle)

      16. Light, round, but not a ball, and it doesn’t jump, it hangs on a string, if I gape, it will fly away (balloon)

      17. Round, smooth, like a watermelon, any color for different tastes. If you let go of the leash, it will fly away beyond the clouds (balloon)

      18. If you inflate me, I’ll fly away, I don’t want to lie still (balloon)

      19. They kick him, but he doesn’t cry! They throw him - and he jumps! (ball)

      20. Water flows from a hot well through the nose (kettle)

      21. Although he lifted his nose to the top,

      But this is not serious at all.

      He is not proud of anyone,

      Anyone who wants to drink will be convinced. (kettle)

      22. If a river runs through a pipe into your house and rules it - What do we call it? (water pipes)

      23. I am relatives of Moydodyr, turn away, open me, and with cold water I will wash you quickly (faucet)

      24. There is a plate hanging on the wall, and there is an arrow on the plate. This arrow tells us the weather ahead (barometer)

      25. Underwater there is an iron whale, day and night the whale does not sleep, day and night under water it guards your peace (submarine)

      26. She walks under water, protects our land, fulfills her orders. Her eye is very sharp (submarine)

      27. I am a giant: that huge one over there,

      Multi-pound slab

      I'm like a chocolate bar

      I instantly lift it up (crane)

      28. Iron huts

      Holding on to each other

      One, with a pipe, pulls everyone along (train)

      29. Look, we have opened our mouth, you can put paper in it: the paper in our mouth will split into parts (scissors)

      30. Two brothers - one heart (scissors)

      31. What kind of miracle is this - a giant reaches out his hand to the clouds? Does work: helps build a house (crane)

      32. What goes on without moving? (time)

      Thermal phenomena

      1. It curls around the nose, but is not easy to get into your hands (smell)

      2. What is not visible in the hut? (heat)

      3. Warms in winter, smolders in spring, dies in summer, comes to life in autumn (snow)

      4. I am water, and I swim on water (ice)

      5. Pure and clear, like a diamond, there are no roads, he was born from his mother, he himself gives birth to her (ice)

      6. He lay there, lay there, then ran into the river (snow)

      7. The window was broken during the day, but replaced during the night (ice film on the ice hole)

      8. White carrots grow in winter (icicle)

      9. Peas fell apart

      On seventy roads,

      No one will pick him up:

      Neither king nor queen

      Neither the red maiden (grad)

      10.Put it in the oven and it will get wet, put it in water and it will dry (candle)

      11. Apparently she has no mind: she eats herself (candle)

      12. It’s freezing from the side of the hut, but not from the street (window glass)

      13. Without eyes, but shedding tears (window glass)

      14. An eagle flies across the blue sky, spreads its wings, covers the sun (cloud)

      15. White geese swim across the blue sea (clouds)

      16. Stronger than the sun, weaker than the wind, no legs, but walking, no eyes, but crying (cloud)

      17. It’s burning inside, seething all around, the water is boiling, he orders us to drink tea, steam is pouring up (samovar)

      18. How can you bring water in a sieve? (frozen)

      19. Fluffy cotton wool floats somewhere, the lower the cotton wool, the closer the rain (clouds)

      20. A white blanket lay on the ground, summer has come, it’s all gone (snow)

      21. Large, frequent, frequent, watered the whole earth (rain)

      22. Come on, grab a handful of it - it won’t hold in a handful (water)

      23. I am a cloud, and fog, and a stream, and an ocean, and I fly, and I run, and I can be glass. (water)

      24. In the white velvet of the village there are fences and trees. And as the wind attacks, this velvet falls (frost)

      2 5. Light transmits,

      But it doesn’t let out heat (glass)

      26. It’s not warmer in winter,

      It doesn't get colder in summer (cellar)

      27. There is an accordion under the window

      Hot like fire (radiator)

      28. If you give a tree, it eats it,

      From water - dies (fire)

      29. What a miracle: a blue house, bright windows all around, wears rubber shoes and eats gasoline (bus)

      30. There is an eye above the water,

      Underwater - belly (iceberg)

      31. It passes through the nose into the chest and goes back on its way. He is invisible, and yet we cannot live without him (air)

      32. Extracted from seaweed at the bottom of the sea, it heals wounds well, children are afraid of it. (iodine)

      33. Under a sharp metal comb

      The pine and linden trees moaned (saw)

      34. The forest has grown, all white. You cannot enter it on foot, you cannot enter it on horseback (frost pattern on the window)

      35. I visited a hut - I painted the whole window, stayed by the river - I paved the bridge all the way across the river (frost)

      36. There is stone in the yard, water (ice) in the house

      37. There is a mountain in the yard, water (snow) in the house

      38. There is a commotion in the yard: peas are falling from the sky. Nina ate six peas and now she has a sore throat (hail)

      39. A bridge is being paved without planks, without an ax, without a wedge (ice on the river)

      40. It flies downwards in droplets, but upwards invisible (water)

      41. Breathes fire,

      Blazing fire (gun)

      42. It does not sink in water and does not burn in fire. What it is? (ice)

      43. We don’t know grief, but we cry bitterly. What is this? (clouds)


      1. The fire arrow is flying, no one will catch it: neither the king, nor the queen, nor the beautiful maiden (lightning)

      2. It will sparkle, blink, call someone (thunderstorm)

      3. No one sees me, but everyone hears, and everyone can see my companion, but no one hears (thunder and lightning)

      4. First a shine, after a shine a crackle, after a crackle a shine (thunderstorm with rain)

      5. The heavenly horse gallops, fire pours from under its feet (thunder and lightning)

      6. Without wings, without a body, she flew a thousand miles away (radio wave)

      7. Who goes to distant villages and cities by wire? Bright Majesty! This is... (electricity)

      8. I run along the paths,

      I can’t live without paths.

      Where am I, guys?

      The lights in the house will not turn on (electric current)

      9. Past the grove, past the ravine rushes without smoke and without steam, only the clatter of wheels can be heard far around (electric train)

      10. These multi-colored chains

      Children make light bulbs (garland)

      11. We ran an amazing cord to the ceiling. We screwed the bottle on and the light came on (wire with light bulb)

      12. In the linen country

      Along the river sheet

      The ship is sailing

      Now back, now forward.

      Back and forth

      The steamer is passing. If you stop, woe: you will make a hole in the sea! (iron)

      13. The house is a glass bubble.

      And a light lives in it!

      During the day he sleeps, but when he wakes up,

      It will light up with a bright flame. (bulb)

      14. A golden bird flies into the house in the evening - it lights up the whole house (light bulb)

      15. A pear is hanging - you can’t eat it. Don't be afraid - touch it, even if there is a fire inside (light bulb)

      16. Very strict controller

      Staring straight from the wall,

      He looks without blinking:

      All you have to do is turn on the light

      Or plug in the oven -

      Everything is going wrong. (Electricity meter)

      17. When this friend is with you, you can walk north and south, west, east without roads (compass)

      18. Both in the taiga and in the ocean he will find any path. Fits in a pocket and guides us along (compass)

      19. The bear roared over all the mountains, over all the seas. What it is? (thunder)


      1. If he comes into the house, you can’t drive him out with a stake; when the time comes, he will leave on his own (a ray of light)

      2. White cat, climbs into the window (sunbeam)

      3. From window to window - a golden rod (sun ray)

      4. Shirt on the street, sleeves in the hut (sun ray)

      5. A fellow traveler follows me, she does me no harm or good (shadow)

      6. You have it, I have it, the oak tree in the field, the fish in the sea (shadow)

      7. And there is no tongue, but he will tell the truth (mirror)

      8. When is the sky lower than the earth? (when reflected in water)

      9. In front of us upside down, in front of you - upside down (reflection in the water)

      10. In the middle of the field there is a mirror, blue glass, green frame (pond)

      11. The gates have risen, beauty to the whole world (rainbow)

      12. A painted rocker hung across the river (rainbow)

      13. I have neither heat, nor fire, nor ashes, but I burn through a lot (lens)

      14. In the middle of the field are grains of silver (dew on the leaves)

      15. Black cat climbs through the window (night)

      16. In the morning - a fathom, at noon - with a palm, in the evening - across the field there is enough. (shadow)

      17. You are behind her - she is from you,

      You are from her - she is behind you (shadow)

      18. You fell at my feet,

      Stretched out on the road.

      And I can't lift you up

      And we can’t drive you away.

      You look so much like me, as if I were walking lying down (shadow)

      19. It shines and does not warm, only in vain does God eat bread (Moon)

      20. I am always friendly with the light, if the Sun is in the window, I run along the wall from the mirror from the puddle (sunbeam)

      21. I saw my portrait,

      Moved away - no portrait (mirror)

      22. Pakhom sits on a horse,

      Reads books, but doesn't know how to read (glasses)

      23. Two neighbors are restless. Day - at work, Night - at rest (eyes)

      24. Blue wings covered the whole world (sky)

      25.What can’t you hide in the closet? (a ray of light)

      26. Lies on the ground: cannot be painted over, scraped off, or piled up. What is this? (shadow)

      27. He doesn’t have his own eyes, but sees far away (binoculars)

      Sun, Moon, stars

      1. A red girl walks across the sky (Sun)

      2. Without a head, but with horns (Month)

      3. What is visible only at night? (stars)

      4. A steep-horned bull walks along the high road (Month)

      5. Blue scarf, red bun, rolls on the scarf, smiles at the seas (Sun)

      6. Golden millet is scattered across the blue canopy (stars)

      7. There are fireflies in the blue sky, you can’t reach them with your hands. One big firefly bent like a worm (stars and Moon)

      8. The owner is sleeping - the sheep are on the pasture, the owner will look out - the sheep are not visible, the owner will hide - the sheep will appear again (Sun and stars)

      9. The owner of gold is on the field, the shepherd of silver is from the field (Sun and month)

      The following literature was used in preparing the material:

      1. Physics: Entertaining materials for lessons. 8 cells/automatic state A.I. Syomke.-M.: Publishing house NC ENAS, 2004. 152 p.-(Teacher's portfolio)

      2. Physics: Entertaining materials for lessons. 7

      cl./Aut.-state A.I. Syomke.-M.: Publishing house NC ENAS, 2004.-120 p.-(Teacher's portfolio)

      3. S.A. Tikhomirova Physics in proverbs, riddles and fairy tales.-M.: School Press, 2002.-128 pp.-(Library of the journal “Physics at School”; Issue 22)
