Prayer of gratitude to the matron for help. Prayer to Matrona of Moscow

This article contains: read a prayer of gratitude to the Matrona of Moscow - information taken from all corners of the world, the electronic network and spiritual people.

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Mother Matronushka - our intercessor and prayer book

Matronushka - this is the affectionate name for the saint of our days, the blessed old woman Matrona, a poor, persecuted wanderer who helped everyone, being in happiness and joy. Everyone who comes to Matrona of Moscow will remember the feeling of warmth, closeness and responsiveness to a request for help, which occurs during prayerful communication with mother. Today, what she said shortly before her death is being fulfilled: “Everyone, everyone, come to me and tell me, as if alive, about your sorrows, I will see you, and hear you, and help you.” Thousands and thousands of people turn to Matronushka for help, spiritual and physical healing, with a request to grant a spouse, children, and to arrange a solution to a variety of life problems.

Today the shrine with the relics of the blessed old lady Matrona is located in the left chapel of the Church of the Intercession Holy Mother of God in the Holy Protection Monastery in Moscow. Blessed Matrona was an Orthodox person; compassion for people, prayer, the sign of the cross, and fidelity to the holy statutes were the focus of her spiritual life, full of popular piety. Therefore, the help that people receive by prayerfully turning to the righteous woman brings spiritual fruits: people are confirmed in the Orthodox faith, become churchgoers, and become involved in everyday prayer life.

Blessed Matrona (Matrona Dimitrievna Nikonova) was born in 1881 not far from the Kulikovo field, in the village of Sebino. The girl was blind from birth, but had inner vision. From an early age, with prayer and holy water, she treated fellow villagers who came to her, who were looking for deliverance from sorrows, sorrows and illnesses. In 1925, Matronushka moved to Moscow, where she performed a prayer service, saving the unfortunate, those who had fallen from the faith, spiritually sick people with a poisoned consciousness. She continues this ministry to this day, comforting everyone who comes to her with faith and hope for help.

They resort to the help of the blessed Matrona of Moscow

In cases of severe incurable diseases: oncology, stroke, HIV

For good outcome operations

During illness of children

To help in everyday matters: with thefts, robberies, threats to life

To help solve financial problems

When lost and looking for a job

To obtain housing, settle housing disputes

To save marriage, resolve family conflicts

To meet your betrothed

With a request for motherhood, successful pregnancy and childbirth

To get rid of smoking, drinking and drug addiction

For help with study and work

To get rid of suffering.

You can contact Saint Matrona anywhere - including in the city where you live, in the church you go to, and at home. It is true that there is an ancient and pious, correct custom of making pilgrimages to church shrines, including shrines miraculous icons or to the relics of the holy saints of God. And if the circumstances of your life allow you to visit the capital city, visit the Intercession Monastery there, standing together with many others Orthodox people in the line of pilgrims, to venerate the relics of Blessed Mother Matrona is a good deed, and it can only be welcomed.

But, however, let us remind you again and again that the saints hear us anywhere. If, due to the circumstances of your life - economic or other, practical - you do not have the opportunity to get to Moscow today, do not worry too much about it. The saint will accept your prayers where you live.

Archpriest Maxim Kozlov

Prayers to the Blessed Elder Matrona

O blessed mother Matrono, hear and accept us now, sinners, praying to you, who in all your life has learned to receive and listen to all those who suffer and mourn, with faith and hope who resort to your intercession and help, giving quick help and miraculous healing to everyone; May your mercy not fail now for us, unworthy, restless in this busy world and nowhere finding consolation and compassion in spiritual sorrows and help in bodily illnesses: heal our illnesses, deliver us from the temptations and torment of the devil, who passionately fights, help us convey our everyday Cross, to bear all the hardships of life and not lose the image of God in it, to preserve the Orthodox faith until the end of our days, to have strong trust and hope in God and unfeigned love for others; help us, after departing from this life, to achieve the Kingdom of Heaven with all those who please God, glorifying the mercy and goodness of the Heavenly Father, glorified in the Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever.

O blessed Mother Matrono, with your soul standing in heaven before the Throne of God, with your body resting on earth, and exuding various miracles by the grace given from above. Look now with your merciful eye on us, sinners, in sorrows, illnesses and sinful temptations, our waiting days, comfort us, desperate ones, heal our fierce ailments, from God to us because of our sins, deliver us from many troubles and circumstances, pray to our Lord Jesus Christ forgive us all our sins, iniquities and falls, in whose image we have sinned from our youth even to this day and hour, and through your prayers having received grace and great mercy, we glorify in the Trinity the One God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever.

We magnify you, holy righteous old lady Matrono, and honor your holy memory, for you pray for us to Christ our God.

Pre-chosen to the service of Christ from the womb, the righteous Matrono, walking the path of sorrows and sorrows, having demonstrated firm faith and piety, you pleased God. Moreover, honoring your memory, we pray to you: help us to abide in God’s love, blessed old lady.

Troparion to the Blessed Matrona

The land of Tula is vegetated, the city of Moscow is an angelic warrior, the blessed old lady Matrono.

From birth she remained in bodily blindness until the end of her days. But she generously received spiritual vision from God, a seer and a prayer book. Most of all, the gift of healing diseases was acquired.

Help everyone with faith who flows to you and asks in illness of soul and body, our joy.

Troparion to the blessed Matrona of Moscow

Let us praise the blessed old woman Matrona, wise and wise, the prosperity of the land of Tula and the glorious adornment of the city of Moscow, let us praise this day, faithfully.

This, having not known the light of day, was enlightened by the light of Christ and enriched with the gift of insight and healing. Having been a sojourner and a wanderer on earth, now in the heavenly chambers she stands before the Throne of God and prays for our souls.

Thanks to Matrona of Moscow!

How to thank the holy blessed matron for her intercession and prayers before the Lord

Through the prayers of the holy blessed Matrona, a miracle happened - help came in the most hopeless situations, when all hope had disappeared, when doctors were powerless, when there was no way out, when difficulties were bound in a tight ring, when a terrible diagnosis was made, when the soul was exhausted from despondency and loneliness and the heart asked send a companion or life partner when the house is empty without the laughter of children - then the help of the saints comes, who stand before the Lord and pray for us sinners.

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow. Akathist

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow - what is it about? What do Orthodox Christians ask when they turn to the saint? We will answer these questions in this article!

What do they pray to Saint Matrona of Moscow?

Saint Matrona of Moscow is a Russian saint of the 20th century. Born blind and crippled, from childhood she spent a lot of time in prayer to God and the Lord gave her mercy - to console people and help people.

Matrona of Moscow is glorified as a saint and she is asked to beg God to grant us help in our problems, troubles and sorrows.

N. Sukhinina writes: “Recently I allowed myself a little experiment. I called several Muscovite acquaintances to choose from - have you received help from Blessed Matronushka? Here are the answers.

“She got me a job, I was knocking doorsteps for six months, and I came to her and asked...

– My husband was threatened with surgery, I went to Matronushka, I have never cried so much, the doctors to this day cannot understand anything.

“My son fought in Chechnya, so I went to the Intercession Monastery like going to work and asked for her prayers. Returned...

“My daughter took the prodigal path, so every day I read an akathist to Blessed Matronushka and begged her.

– I changed my apartment only thanks to Matronushka.

Helps everyone. Russian, she feels sorry for everyone. I saw in line to the relics a large, purple black man with a bouquet of flowers. Wind, wet snow, and he stands and smiles. Of course, they tried to “split” him. And he repeats one thing:

We all need it. So we come here, to the Intercession Monastery, not always with flowers, but always with sins and requests: deliver, help, suggest, put in a word.”

Akathist to Saint Matrona of Moscow

Chosen by God from the swaddling clothes of infancy and with the gift of clairvoyance, miracle-working and healing by the grace of the Holy Spirit, the gifted, blessed old lady Matrona, crowned with an incorruptible crown from the Lord in Heaven, we, Orthodoxy, weave on earth a crown of praise from spiritual songs, but you, blessed mother, accept This is from our grateful hearts, and as having boldness before the Lord, deliver us from all troubles, sorrows, illnesses and the snares of the enemy, so that we sing to you with love: Rejoice, blessed Elder Matrono, wonderful wonderworker.

An angel in the flesh appeared on earth at your birth; Even if you were seen by everyone even without bodily eyes, the Lord, who makes wise the blind and loves the righteous, enlighten your spiritual eyes, so that the foreseeable future will appear, as if it were the present, and will heal those suffering from all kinds of diverse diseases. For this reason we call you, mother, such as this: Rejoice, chosen by God from infancy; Rejoice, illuminated from the shrouds by the grace of the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, you who were endowed with the gift of miracles from childhood; Rejoice, gifted with wisdom from God from above. Rejoice, deprived of bodily hairs, enlightened by spiritual hairs; Rejoice, thou wisest by God more than the seers and wise men of this age. Rejoice, blessed Elder Matrono, wonderful wonderworker.

Seeing the priest and the people present at your baptism, a pillar like steam came out of the holy font and smelled a great fragrance in the temple at this, recognizing you as a righteous woman, bestowed by God on earth, and glorifying God, who does wonderful and glorious things in His people, with the angelic song: Alleluia .

Having an enlightened mind from above, the priest who baptizes you of God knows that the child baptized by him is a vessel of God's grace, and he calls you a holy child. From our zeal we offer these praises: Rejoice, child given by God; Rejoice from the holy font, fragrant with the grace of the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, having been called a saint by those who baptized you as a priest of God from your birth; Rejoice, sealed with the holy cross on your body by God. Rejoice, glorified on earth by the gift of miracles from God; Rejoice, thou crowned in Heaven with an unfading crown from the Lord. Rejoice, blessed Elder Matrono, wonderful wonderworker.

By the power of the Most High, in her infancy, the saint from her bed reached out to the holy icons, rejoicing as if with her friends, and with the babbling of her lips she glorified God, who had learned from the lips of an infant to praise Himself, singing to Him with a pure heart: Alleluia.

Having from God the gift of clairvoyance, from birth deprived of bodily fringes, with spiritual open fringes you predicted the future of people, like the present, enduring ridicule and reproach from relatives and friends who hear this; Receive from the faithful: Rejoice, wondrous seer; Rejoice, unfalse fortuneteller of those who are invisible and far away. Rejoice, endowed with prophetic gifts from God; Rejoice, you who have comforted many people for nothing. Rejoice, you who took nothing from them for healing the sick; Rejoice, you who endured ridicule and reproach for this without grumbling. Rejoice, blessed Elder Matrono, wonderful wonderworker.

A storm of bewilderment and confusion haunted me, how can I praise and glorify the life of the holy righteous woman, if not the Lord, wondrous in His saints, will enlighten me with the prayers of the blessed old woman, so that I may sing to Him and I for this song of praise: Alleluia.

Having heard people from you, Mother Matrono, predictions about those who will be with them in life, I flock to you with my bewilderments, sorrows and sorrows and, having accepted consolation and advice prudently, with a grateful heart they call you: Rejoice, good interpreter of our errors and bewilderments; Rejoice, reliever of our sorrows. Rejoice, comforter of our sorrows; Rejoice, teacher of piety. Rejoice, good unmercenary; Rejoice, banisher of all kinds of illnesses. Rejoice, blessed Elder Matrono, wonderful wonderworker.

Thou didst appear, O blessed Mother Matrono, in the capital city of Moscow, like a wanderer who had no abode here, and moved from place to place, bringing admonition to the perplexed, to the weakened and sick, healing, and to gratefully call to God: Alleluia.

Having seen the abundant river of miracles and healing flowing from you with God’s grace: the lame walking, the weakened and those lying on their beds healing, the demon-possessed from the spirits of malice liberation, rushing to you, mother, like an inexhaustible source of miracles, the suffering and sick and drinking abundantly; consolation and healing, with a tender heart I cried out to you: Rejoice, righteous woman, sent down to us from God; Rejoice, healer, healer of all our ailments. Rejoice, you who help us with soulful advice; Rejoice, all our doubts and perplexities are soon resolved. Rejoice, thou who castest out demons from afflicted people; Rejoice, thou who art instructing on the right path, leading to God. Rejoice, blessed Elder Matrono, wonderful wonderworker.

Preacher of the holiness and righteousness of your life, blessed one, Holy Father John of Kronstadt appeared, commanding the believers in the church to part and let the young girl Matrona pass to him, calling her his successor and the eighth pillar of Russia. And those who heard about this glorified the Lord, shouting to Him the heavenly song: Alleluia.

In the hearts of those who do not know God and the many sins of those who anger Him, the light of God’s grace shines through your prayers, and, seeing the miracles you perform, I turn to the Lord, pleasing the blessed old woman with these praises: Rejoice, glorifying God with your miracles; Rejoice, thou who revealest to us the greatness of God and His glory in them. Rejoice, you who convert the souls of unbelievers to God; Rejoice, hearts darkened by unbelief, enlightening with the light of God. Rejoice, you who teach us repentance and the commandments of God; Rejoice, glorify and give thanks for everything the Lord admonishes us. Rejoice, blessed Elder Matrono, wonderful wonderworker.

Although the merciful Lord sends His saints into the sinful world to save His creation in these last times, when all the power of the enemy, for departing from God and unrepentance for numerous sins, rises up against God’s creation, such an ascetic and prayer book appeared to the blessed Elder Matrona. Let us glorify God’s mercy towards us sinners, singing to Him with gratitude: Alleluia.

The Lord has given the Russian people a new and wondrous intercessor, a prayer book, a healer and an intercessor for them to God for those who have departed from this world, the elders of Optina Hermitage, Saints Leo, Macarius and Ambrose, and the holy righteous John of Kronstadt, urging everyone to sing to His saint, the blessed Elder Matrona. sice: Rejoice, intercessor of our salvation to God; Rejoice, for the forgiveness of our sins by the Righteous Judge, propitiator. Rejoice, diligent visitor of holy temples and monasteries; Rejoice, helpless and hopeless sick and offended, sent by God to the patroness. Rejoice, constant warrior with the forces of demons and their machinations; Rejoice, bloodless martyr of Christ, the worst tormentor, the devil, victor. Rejoice, blessed Elder Matrono, wonderful wonderworker.

It is a strange miracle for the unbeliever and the unreasonable, how a blind woman can see and know not exactly the present, but also the future, not knowing the power of God, which is accomplished in the weakness of mankind, nor singing to God: Alleluia.

All the saints who were in God, even if they were in body and in this sinful world, were always surrounded by many faithful and unfaithful, pious and wicked, I would reject anyone from myself without participation and consolation, suffering from many annoyances and insults, persecution, sorrow and reproaches, not lamenting about this, but thanking God for everything, forcing us to patiently bear our cross. We offer her the following praise: Rejoice, you who endured many sorrows and illnesses for the healing of the sick; Rejoice, you who spent your entire life fighting against unclean spirits. Rejoice, from evil people for this walk she lost; Rejoice, you who constantly remained in fervent prayer. Rejoice, bowed on your fist, and thus resting your gray hairs; Rejoice, vigilant in spirit, who spent all the night in prayer. Rejoice, blessed Elder Matrono, wonderful wonderworker.

You have endured all sorts of sorrows and illnesses, Mother Matrono, constantly fighting the forces of darkness, driving them out from those possessed by unclean spirits, exposing their intrigues and deceits, and you have never grumbled, until your death you help the suffering, the sick and the grieving, singing to the Lord God, who strengthens you by His power: Alleluia.

The branches of multi-proclamation will not be able to adequately comprehend the gifts of grace of the Holy Spirit given to you by God from above and describe and glorify all the holiness of your life and the miracles performed by you by the power of God. Moreover, how can we, blind with spiritual eyes, comprehend the fate of God that is being committed on you, and with our sinful lips sing and glorify you, blessed mother? But wanting, according to the word of the psalmist, to praise God in His saints, driven by heartfelt love for you, we dare to this praise and call you: Rejoice, poor in spirit, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven; Rejoice, thou who walked the narrow and thorny path. Rejoice, like a bird of heaven, flying from place to place; Rejoice, even if the birds of heaven have nests, but you have not acquired temples lower than treasures for yourself on earth. Rejoice, for you have become like the Son of God, who had nowhere to bow your head, on earth; Rejoice, for you have now dwelt in Heaven with Him in the heavenly abodes. Rejoice, blessed Elder Matrono, wonderful wonderworker.

Wanting to save many people from the suffering of physical and mental ailments, you spent the whole night, O righteous woman of God, kneeling in prayer, asking for help and strength from our Lord Jesus Christ, who in His earthly journey bowed his knee in prayer before the Heavenly Father, singing with the Angels to Him: Alleluia.

You were a wall and a covering during your life, blessed mother, to all who came running to you in need and sorrow, but even after death you did not cease to intercede before God for the people who come to you with faith. Hear, O good mother, now us, many sinners, overcome by sorrows, illnesses and many sorrows, and strive to help us with your holy prayers, propitiating the gracious Lord for all who cry to you: Rejoice, warm prayer book for us to God; Rejoice, zealous for us sinners, intercessor to God. Rejoice, you who gratefully admonish us to endure illness and sorrow; Rejoice, you who put good thoughts in our hearts in our perplexity. Rejoice, through your prayer you help us to be saved; Rejoice, you who are far away in body from you, but who do not abandon those who earnestly call upon you from the heart. Rejoice, blessed Elder Matrono, wonderful wonderworker.

Hear the unearthly, angelic singing now, O honorable mother Matrono, who, while still living on earth, was vouchsafed, invisibly to those around her, to converse with the heavenly angels. Teach us, unworthy ones, how to glorify God, who is revered in the Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, to whom the heavenly hosts continually sing with a loud voice: Alleluia.

Your life shines with a luminous light, blessed old lady Matrono, illuminating the darkness of this busy world, and attracts our souls to itself, so that they too may be illuminated by even a small ray of God’s grace, and be able to pass through sorrowful and cramped conditions pleasing to God. life path, and reach the gates of the Kingdom of God, where you, mother, now, we believe, you have settled in. Hear the voice of those calling you: Rejoice, lamp of God, enlighten us even after death; Rejoice, honorable bead, illuminating us with the brilliance of your shrine. Rejoice, strengthening us in Orthodoxy with the light of your good deeds; Rejoice, fragrant flower, scent our souls with the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, for all your life is holy and righteous; Rejoice, for your death is honorable before God. Rejoice, blessed Elder Matrono, wonderful wonderworker.

You have received the grace of God abundantly from the shrouds, O blessed mother, and this will remain with you all your days: you healed ailments, you cast out demons, you, invisible and far away, foretell and instruct the salvation of all. We undoubtedly believe that after death this grace most of all remains with you, for this reason we pray prostrately: do not deprive us, who are still wandering on earth, of your help and intercession, asking the Lord to have mercy and save all who diligently offer up solemn singing to Him in our holy churches: Alleluia.

Singing your miracles, Mother Matrono, we praise God, who has given you such grace, and with the prophet David we cry out in psalms, for praise is due to the righteous: Rejoice, for the Lord loves the righteous; Rejoice, for the Lord makes the blind wise. Rejoice, for the Lord protects all who love Him; Rejoice, for the Lord takes pleasure in His people. Rejoice, for the Lord will do the will of those who fear Him and will hear their prayer and save them; Rejoice, for the saints will be praised in glory and will rejoice on their beds. Rejoice, blessed Elder Matrono, wonderful wonderworker.

O blessed mother, hear now the singing of praise and prayer sung to you, who promised even after death to hear those crying to you, and ask our Savior the Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness of our sins, the Christian end of our life and a good answer at His Last Judgment, and we too With all those who have been pardoned by God, let us be honored in the villages of paradise to glorify the Holy Trinity with red singing: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

Prayers to the blessed old lady Matrona

First prayer to Saint Matrona of Moscow

O blessed mother Matrono, hear and accept us now, sinners, praying to you, who in all your life has learned to receive and listen to all those who suffer and mourn, with faith and hope who resort to your intercession and help, giving quick help and miraculous healing to everyone; May your mercy not fail now for us, unworthy, restless in this busy world and nowhere finding consolation and compassion in spiritual sorrows and help in bodily illnesses: heal our illnesses, deliver us from the temptations and torment of the devil, who passionately fights, help us convey our everyday Cross, to bear all the hardships of life and not lose the image of God in it, to preserve the Orthodox faith until the end of our days, to have strong trust and hope in God and unfeigned love for others; help us, after departing from this life, to achieve the Kingdom of Heaven with all those who please God, glorifying the mercy and goodness of the Heavenly Father, glorified in the Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Second prayer Saint Matrona of Moscow

O blessed Mother Matrono, with your soul standing in heaven before the Throne of God, with your body resting on earth, and exuding various miracles by the grace given from above. Look now with your merciful eye on us, sinners, in sorrows, illnesses and sinful temptations, our waiting days, comfort us, desperate ones, heal our fierce ailments, from God we are allowed by our sins, deliver us from many troubles and circumstances, pray to our Lord Jesus Christ forgive us all our sins, iniquities and falls, in whose image we have sinned from our youth even to this day and hour, and through your prayers having received grace and great mercy, we glorify in the Trinity the One God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever. Amen.

Blessed Elder Matrona, often called Mother Matrona, Matronushka is a saint of the Russian Orthodox Church. During her lifetime she was revered as a soothsayer and wonderworker. An endless stream of people came to her, thirsting for spiritual healing, guidance and prayerful help. Through her prayers, the weak, the paralyzed, and those suffering from mental and physical illnesses were healed. Her prophecies and predictions helped many people avoid danger and death, find Right way in difficult circumstances.

Blessed Matrona was an Orthodox person in the deep, traditional meaning of the word. Compassion for people coming from the fullness of a loving heart, prayer, the sign of the cross, fidelity to the holy statutes Orthodox Church- this was the focus of her intense spiritual life. Matrona is known to tens of thousands of Orthodox people. Matronushka - this is how many affectionately call her. She, just like during her earthly life, helps people. This is felt by all those who with faith and love ask her for intercession and intercession before the Lord, towards whom the blessed old woman has great boldness.
Even before her death, she said: “Everyone, everyone, come to me and tell me, as if alive, about your sorrows, I will see you, and hear you, and help you.” And mother also said that everyone who entrusts themselves and their lives to her intercession with the Lord will be saved.
“I will meet everyone who turns to me for help at their death, everyone.”











Contact Saint Matronushka with prayer at any time of the day or night. Not only when you stand in front of her wonderful image in the temple, but also when you hold her icon or image in front of you - their holiness does not depend on size.

And in the middle of the day, in any difficult situation, call on your mother for help - close your eyes for a moment, remember her holy face, feel the love and warmth that comes from it, and read the words of the prayer. Instantly everything will change - you will feel a surge of strength, pain or fear will leave you, difficult choices will be easy for you, you will avert danger from yourself and your loved ones.

Always remember her heavenly intercession and call on her for help - and you will never be left without support and consolation.


Holy righteous mother Matrona, mother Matrona, Matronushka, our intercessor, blessed mother Matrona.


Holy righteous mother Matrona! You are a helper to all people, help me in my troubles (…..). Do not leave me with your help and intercession, pray to the Lord for the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Blessed Elder Matrona, our intercessor and petitioner before the Lord! You look with your spiritual gaze both into the past and into the future, everything is open to you. Enlighten the servant of God (name), give advice, show the way to solve the problem (....) Thank you for your holy help. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

O blessed mother, hear now our praise and prayer sung to you, who promised even after death to hear those crying to you, and ask our Savior Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness of our sins, the Christian end of our life and
a good answer at His Last Judgment, and we, together with all those who have been pardoned by God, will be honored in the villages of paradise to glorify the Holy Trinity with red singing: Alleluia.



O blessed mother Matrono, hear and accept us now, sinners, praying to you, who in all your life has learned to receive and listen to all those who suffer and mourn, with faith and hope who resort to your intercession and help, giving quick help and miraculous healing to everyone; May your mercy not fail now for us, unworthy, restless in this busy world and nowhere finding consolation and compassion in spiritual sorrows and help in bodily illnesses: heal our illnesses, deliver us from the temptations and torment of the devil, who passionately fights, help us convey our everyday Cross, to bear all the hardships of life and not lose the image of God in it, to preserve the Orthodox faith until the end of our days, to have strong trust and hope in God and unfeigned love for others; help us, after departing from this life, to achieve the Kingdom of Heaven with all those who please God, glorifying the mercy and goodness of the Heavenly Father, glorified in the Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.


O blessed Mother Matrono, with your soul standing in heaven before the Throne of God, with your body resting on earth, and exuding various miracles by the grace given from above. Look now with your merciful eye on us, sinners, in sorrows, illnesses and sinful temptations, our waiting days, comfort us, desperate ones, heal our fierce ailments, from God we are allowed by our sins, deliver us from many troubles and circumstances, pray to our Lord Jesus Christ forgive us all our sins, iniquities and falls, in whose image we have sinned from our youth even to this day and hour, and through your prayers having received grace and great mercy, we glorify in the Trinity the One God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever. Amen.



Let us praise the blessed old woman Matrona, wise and wise, the prosperity of the land of Tula and the glorious adornment of the city of Moscow. This, having not known the light of day, was enlightened by the light of Christ and enriched with the gift of insight and healing. Having been a sojourner and a wanderer on earth, now in the heavenly chambers she stands before the Throne of God and prays for our souls.


The land of Tula is vegetated, the city of Moscow is an angelic warrior, the blessed old lady Matrono. From birth she remained in bodily blindness until the end of her days. But she generously received spiritual vision from God, a seer and a prayer book. Most of all, the gift of healing diseases was acquired. Help everyone with faith who flows to you and asks in illness of soul and body, our joy.


Pre-chosen to the service of Christ from the womb, the righteous Matrono, walking the path of sorrows and sorrows, having demonstrated firm faith and piety, you pleased God. Moreover, honoring your memory, we pray to you: help us to abide in God’s love, blessed old lady.


We magnify you, holy righteous old lady Matrono, and honor your holy memory, for you pray for us to Christ our God.

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow - what is it about? What do Orthodox Christians ask when they turn to the saint? We will answer these questions in this article!

What do they pray to Saint Matrona of Moscow?

Saint Matrona of Moscow is a Russian saint of the 20th century. Born blind and crippled, from childhood she spent a lot of time in prayer to God and the Lord gave her mercy - to console people and help people.

Matrona of Moscow is glorified as a saint and she is asked to beg God to grant us help in our problems, troubles and sorrows.

N. Sukhinina writes: “Recently I allowed myself a little experiment. I called several Muscovite acquaintances to choose from - have you received help from Blessed Matronushka? Here are the answers.

“She got me a job, I was knocking doorsteps for six months, and I came to her and asked...

– My husband was threatened with surgery, I went to Matronushka, I have never cried so much, the doctors to this day cannot understand anything.

“My son fought in Chechnya, so I went to the Intercession Monastery like going to work and asked for her prayers. Returned...

“My daughter took the prodigal path, so every day I read an akathist to Blessed Matronushka and begged her.

– I changed my apartment only thanks to Matronushka.

Helps everyone. Russian, she feels sorry for everyone. I saw in line to the relics a large, purple black man with a bouquet of flowers. Wind, wet snow, and he stands and smiles. Of course, they tried to “split” him. And he repeats one thing:

We all need it. So we come here, to the Intercession Monastery, not always with flowers, but always with sins and requests: deliver, help, suggest, put in a word.”

Akathist to Saint Matrona of Moscow

Kontakion 1

Chosen by God from the swaddling clothes of infancy and with the gift of clairvoyance, miracle-working and healing by the grace of the Holy Spirit, the gifted, blessed old lady Matrona, crowned with an incorruptible crown from the Lord in Heaven, we, Orthodoxy, weave on earth a crown of praise from spiritual songs, but you, blessed mother, accept This is from our grateful hearts, and as having boldness before the Lord, deliver us from all troubles, sorrows, illnesses and the snares of the enemy, so that we sing to you with love: Rejoice, blessed Elder Matrono, wonderful wonderworker.

Ikos 1

An angel in the flesh appeared on earth at your birth; Even if you were seen by everyone even without bodily eyes, the Lord, who makes wise the blind and loves the righteous, enlighten your spiritual eyes, so that the foreseeable future will appear, as if it were the present, and will heal those suffering from all kinds of diverse diseases. For this reason we call you, mother, such as this: Rejoice, chosen by God from infancy; Rejoice, illuminated from the shrouds by the grace of the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, you who were endowed with the gift of miracles from childhood; Rejoice, gifted with wisdom from God from above. Rejoice, deprived of bodily hairs, enlightened by spiritual hairs; Rejoice, thou wisest by God more than the seers and wise men of this age. Rejoice, blessed Elder Matrono, wonderful wonderworker.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the priest and the people present at your baptism, a pillar like steam came out of the holy font and smelled a great fragrance in the temple at this, recognizing you as a righteous woman, bestowed by God on earth, and glorifying God, who does wonderful and glorious things in His people, with the angelic song: Alleluia .

Ikos 2

Having an enlightened mind from above, the priest who baptizes you of God knows that the child baptized by him is a vessel of God's grace, and he calls you a holy child. From our zeal we offer these praises: Rejoice, child given by God; Rejoice from the holy font, fragrant with the grace of the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, having been called a saint by those who baptized you as a priest of God from your birth; Rejoice, sealed with the holy cross on your body by God. Rejoice, glorified on earth by the gift of miracles from God; Rejoice, thou crowned in Heaven with an unfading crown from the Lord. Rejoice, blessed Elder Matrono, wonderful wonderworker.

Kontakion 3

By the power of the Most High, in her infancy, the saint from her bed reached out to the holy icons, rejoicing as if with her friends, and with the babbling of her lips she glorified God, who had learned from the lips of an infant to praise Himself, singing to Him with a pure heart: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having from God the gift of clairvoyance, from birth deprived of bodily fringes, with spiritual open fringes you predicted the future of people, like the present, enduring ridicule and reproach from relatives and friends who hear this; Receive from the faithful: Rejoice, wondrous seer; Rejoice, unfalse fortuneteller of those who are invisible and far away. Rejoice, endowed with prophetic gifts from God; Rejoice, you who have comforted many people for nothing. Rejoice, you who took nothing from them for healing the sick; Rejoice, you who endured ridicule and reproach for this without grumbling. Rejoice, blessed Elder Matrono, wonderful wonderworker.

Kontakion 4

A storm of bewilderment and confusion haunted me, how can I praise and glorify the life of the holy righteous woman, if not the Lord, wondrous in His saints, will enlighten me with the prayers of the blessed old woman, so that I may sing to Him and I for this song of praise: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Having heard people from you, Mother Matrono, predictions about those who will be with them in life, I flock to you with my bewilderments, sorrows and sorrows and, having accepted consolation and advice prudently, with a grateful heart they call you: Rejoice, good interpreter of our errors and bewilderments; Rejoice, reliever of our sorrows. Rejoice, comforter of our sorrows; Rejoice, teacher of piety. Rejoice, good unmercenary; Rejoice, banisher of all kinds of illnesses. Rejoice, blessed Elder Matrono, wonderful wonderworker.

Kontakion 5

Thou didst appear, O blessed Mother Matrono, in the capital city of Moscow, like a wanderer who had no abode here, and moved from place to place, bringing admonition to the perplexed, to the weakened and sick, healing, and to gratefully call to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Having seen the abundant river of miracles and healing flowing from you with God’s grace: the lame walking, the weakened and those lying on their beds healing, the demon-possessed from the spirits of malice liberation, rushing to you, mother, like an inexhaustible source of miracles, the suffering and sick and drinking abundantly; consolation and healing, with a tender heart I cried out to you: Rejoice, righteous woman, sent down to us from God; Rejoice, healer, healer of all our ailments. Rejoice, you who help us with soulful advice; Rejoice, all our doubts and perplexities are soon resolved. Rejoice, thou who castest out demons from afflicted people; Rejoice, thou who art instructing on the right path, leading to God. Rejoice, blessed Elder Matrono, wonderful wonderworker.

Kontakion 6
Preacher of the holiness and righteousness of your life, blessed one, Holy Father John of Kronstadt appeared, commanding the believers in the church to part and let the young girl Matrona pass to him, calling her his successor and the eighth pillar of Russia. And those who heard about this glorified the Lord, shouting to Him the heavenly song: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

In the hearts of those who do not know God and the many sins of those who anger Him, the light of God’s grace shines through your prayers, and, seeing the miracles you perform, I turn to the Lord, pleasing the blessed old woman with these praises: Rejoice, glorifying God with your miracles; Rejoice, thou who revealest to us the greatness of God and His glory in them. Rejoice, you who convert the souls of unbelievers to God; Rejoice, hearts darkened by unbelief, enlightening with the light of God. Rejoice, you who teach us repentance and the commandments of God; Rejoice, glorify and give thanks for everything the Lord admonishes us. Rejoice, blessed Elder Matrono, wonderful wonderworker.

Kontakion 7

Although the merciful Lord sends His saints into the sinful world to save His creation in these last times, when all the power of the enemy, for departing from God and unrepentance for numerous sins, rises up against God’s creation, such an ascetic and prayer book appeared to the blessed Elder Matrona. Let us glorify God’s mercy towards us sinners, singing to Him with gratitude: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

The Lord has given the Russian people a new and wondrous intercessor, a prayer book, a healer and an intercessor for them to God for those who have departed from this world, the elders of Optina Hermitage, Saints Leo, Macarius and Ambrose, and the holy righteous John of Kronstadt, urging everyone to sing to His saint, the blessed Elder Matrona. sice: Rejoice, intercessor of our salvation to God; Rejoice, for the forgiveness of our sins by the Righteous Judge, propitiator. Rejoice, diligent visitor of holy temples and monasteries; Rejoice, helpless and hopeless sick and offended, sent by God to the patroness. Rejoice, constant warrior with the forces of demons and their machinations; Rejoice, bloodless martyr of Christ, the worst tormentor, the devil, victor. Rejoice, blessed Elder Matrono, wonderful wonderworker.

Kontakion 8

It is a strange miracle for the unbeliever and the unreasonable, how a blind woman can see and know not exactly the present, but also the future, not knowing the power of God, which is accomplished in the weakness of mankind, nor singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All the saints who were in God, even though they were in body and in this sinful world, were always surrounded by many faithful and unfaithful, pious and wicked, I would reject anyone from myself without participation and consolation, suffering from many annoyances and insults, persecution, sorrow and reproaches, not lamenting about this, but thanking God for everything, forcing us to patiently bear our cross. We offer her the following praise: Rejoice, you who endured many sorrows and illnesses for the healing of the sick; Rejoice, you who spent your entire life fighting against unclean spirits. Rejoice, you who lost your walk from evil people for this walk; Rejoice, you who constantly remained in fervent prayer. Rejoice, bowed on your fist, and thus resting your gray hairs; Rejoice, vigilant in spirit, who spent all the night in prayer. Rejoice, blessed Elder Matrono, wonderful wonderworker.

Kontakion 9

You have endured all sorts of sorrows and illnesses, Mother Matrono, constantly fighting the forces of darkness, driving them out from those possessed by unclean spirits, exposing their intrigues and deceits, and you have never grumbled, until your death you help the suffering, the sick and the grieving, singing to the Lord God, who strengthens you by His power: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The branches of multi-proclamation will not be able to adequately comprehend the gifts of grace of the Holy Spirit given to you by God from above and describe and glorify all the holiness of your life and the miracles performed by you by the power of God. Moreover, how can we, blind with spiritual eyes, comprehend the fate of God that is being committed on you, and with our sinful lips sing and glorify you, blessed mother? But wanting, according to the word of the psalmist, to praise God in His saints, driven by heartfelt love for you, we dare to this praise and call you: Rejoice, poor in spirit, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven; Rejoice, thou who walked the narrow and thorny path. Rejoice, like a bird of heaven, flying from place to place; Rejoice, even if the birds of heaven have nests, but you have not acquired temples lower than treasures for yourself on earth. Rejoice, for you have become like the Son of God, who had nowhere to bow your head, on earth; Rejoice, for you have now dwelt in Heaven with Him in the heavenly abodes. Rejoice, blessed Elder Matrono, wonderful wonderworker.

Kontakion 10

Wanting to save many people from the suffering of bodily and mental ailments, you spent all the night, O righteous woman of God, on your knees in prayer, asking for help and strength from our Lord Jesus Christ, who in His earthly journey knelt in prayer before the Heavenly Father, singing with the Angels to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

You were a wall and a covering during your life, blessed mother, to all who came running to you in need and sorrow, but even after death you did not cease to intercede before God for the people who come to you with faith. Hear, O good mother, now us, many sinners, overcome by sorrows, illnesses and many sorrows, and strive to help us with your holy prayers, propitiating the gracious Lord for all who cry to you: Rejoice, warm prayer book for us to God; Rejoice, zealous for us sinners, intercessor to God. Rejoice, you who gratefully admonish us to endure illness and sorrow; Rejoice, you who put good thoughts in our hearts in our perplexity. Rejoice, through your prayer you help us to be saved; Rejoice, you who are far away in body from you, but who do not abandon those who earnestly call upon you from the heart. Rejoice, blessed Elder Matrono, wonderful wonderworker.

Kontakion 11

Hear the unearthly, angelic singing now, O honorable mother Matrono, who, while still living on earth, was vouchsafed, invisibly to those around her, to converse with the heavenly angels. Teach us, unworthy ones, how to glorify God, who is revered in the Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, to whom the heavenly hosts continually sing with a loud voice: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

Your life shines with a luminous light, blessed old lady Matrono, illuminating the darkness of this busy world, and attracts our souls to itself, so that they too may be illuminated by even a small ray of God’s grace, and be able to walk the sorrowful and cramped path of life in a God-pleasing manner, and reach the gates of the Kingdom of God, where You, mother, now, we believe, you have moved in. Hear the voice of those calling you: Rejoice, lamp of God, enlighten us even after death; Rejoice, honorable bead, illuminating us with the brilliance of your shrine. Rejoice, strengthening us in Orthodoxy with the light of your good deeds; Rejoice, fragrant flower, scent our souls with the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, for all your life is holy and righteous; Rejoice, for your death is honorable before God. Rejoice, blessed Elder Matrono, wonderful wonderworker.

Kontakion 12

You have received the grace of God abundantly from the shrouds, O blessed mother, and this will remain with you all your days: you healed ailments, you cast out demons, you, invisible and far away, foretell and instruct the salvation of all. We undoubtedly believe that after death this grace most of all remains with you, for this reason we pray prostrately: do not deprive us, who are still wandering on earth, of your help and intercession, asking the Lord to have mercy and save all who diligently offer up solemn singing to Him in our holy churches: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your miracles, Mother Matrono, we praise God, who has given you such grace, and with the prophet David we cry out in psalms, for praise is due to the righteous: Rejoice, for the Lord loves the righteous; Rejoice, for the Lord makes the blind wise. Rejoice, for the Lord protects all who love Him; Rejoice, for the Lord takes pleasure in His people. Rejoice, for the Lord will do the will of those who fear Him and will hear their prayer and save them; Rejoice, for the saints will be praised in glory and will rejoice on their beds. Rejoice, blessed Elder Matrono, wonderful wonderworker.

Kontakion 13

O blessed mother, hear now the singing of praise and prayer sung to you, who promised even after death to hear those crying to you, and ask our Savior the Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness of our sins, the Christian end of our life and a good answer at His Last Judgment, and we too With all those who have been pardoned by God, let us be honored in the villages of paradise to glorify the Holy Trinity with red singing: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

Prayers to the blessed old lady Matrona

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow (first)

O blessed mother Matrono, hear and accept us now, sinners, praying to you, who in all your life has learned to receive and listen to all those who suffer and mourn, with faith and hope who resort to your intercession and help, giving quick help and miraculous healing to everyone; May your mercy not fail now for us, unworthy, restless in this busy world and nowhere finding consolation and compassion in spiritual sorrows and help in bodily illnesses: heal our illnesses, deliver us from the temptations and torment of the devil, who passionately fights, help us convey our everyday Cross, to bear all the hardships of life and not lose the image of God in it, to preserve the Orthodox faith until the end of our days, to have strong trust and hope in God and unfeigned love for others; help us, after departing from this life, to achieve the Kingdom of Heaven with all those who please God, glorifying the mercy and goodness of the Heavenly Father, glorified in the Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer Matrona of Moscow (second)

O blessed Mother Matrono, with your soul standing in heaven before the Throne of God, with your body resting on earth, and exuding various miracles by the grace given from above. Look now with your merciful eye on us, sinners, in sorrows, illnesses and sinful temptations, our waiting days, comfort us, desperate ones, heal our fierce ailments, from God we are allowed by our sins, deliver us from many troubles and circumstances, pray to our Lord Jesus Christ forgive us all our sins, iniquities and falls, in whose image we have sinned from our youth even to this day and hour, and through your prayers having received grace and great mercy, we glorify in the Trinity the One God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever. Amen.

Troparion to the Blessed Elder Matrona

Troparion, tone 2

Let us praise the blessed old woman Matrona, wise and wise, the prosperity of the land of Tula and the glorious adornment of the city of Moscow. This, having not known the light of day, was enlightened by the light of Christ and enriched with the gift of insight and healing. Having been a sojourner and a wanderer on earth, now in the heavenly chambers she stands before the Throne of God and prays for our souls.

Troparion, tone 4

The land of Tula is vegetated, the city of Moscow is an angelic warrior, the blessed old lady Matrono. From birth she remained in bodily blindness until the end of her days. But she generously received spiritual vision from God, a seer and a prayer book. Most of all, the gift of healing diseases was acquired. Help everyone with faith who flows to you and asks in illness of soul and body, our joy.

Kontakion, tone 7

Pre-chosen to the service of Christ from the womb, the righteous Matrono, walking the path of sorrows and sorrows, having demonstrated firm faith and piety, you pleased God. Moreover, honoring your memory, we pray to you: help us to abide in God’s love, blessed old lady.


We magnify you, holy righteous old lady Matrono, and honor your holy memory, for you pray for us to Christ our God.

Have you read the article Prayer to Matrona of Moscow. Akathist to the Blessed Matrona. You may be interested in other materials on this topic.

All about religion and faith - “prayer of gratitude to the holy matron” with detailed description and photographs.

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Matronushka - this is the affectionate name for the saint of our days, the blessed old woman Matrona, a poor, persecuted wanderer who helped everyone, being in happiness and joy. Everyone who comes to Matrona of Moscow will remember the feeling of warmth, closeness and responsiveness to a request for help, which occurs during prayerful communication with mother. Today, what she said shortly before her death is being fulfilled: “Everyone, everyone, come to me and tell me, as if alive, about your sorrows, I will see you, and hear you, and help you.” Thousands and thousands of people turn to Matronushka for help, spiritual and physical healing, with a request to grant a spouse, children, and to arrange a solution to a variety of life problems.

Today, the shrine with the relics of the blessed Elder Matrona is located in the left chapel of the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Holy Intercession Monastery in Moscow. Blessed Matrona was an Orthodox person; compassion for people, prayer, the sign of the cross, and fidelity to the holy statutes were the focus of her spiritual life, full of popular piety. Therefore, the help that people receive by prayerfully turning to the righteous woman brings spiritual fruits: people are confirmed in the Orthodox faith, become churchgoers, and become involved in everyday prayer life.

Blessed Matrona (Matrona Dimitrievna Nikonova) was born in 1881 not far from the Kulikovo field, in the village of Sebino. The girl was blind from birth, but had inner vision. From an early age, with prayer and holy water, she treated fellow villagers who came to her, who were looking for deliverance from sorrows, sorrows and illnesses. In 1925, Matronushka moved to Moscow, where she performed a prayer service, saving the unfortunate, those who had fallen from the faith, spiritually sick people with a poisoned consciousness. She continues this ministry to this day, comforting everyone who comes to her with faith and hope for help.

In cases of severe incurable diseases: oncology, stroke, HIV

For a successful outcome of operations

During illness of children

To help in everyday matters: with thefts, robberies, threats to life

To help solve financial problems

When lost and looking for a job

To obtain housing, settle housing disputes

To save marriage, resolve family conflicts

To meet your betrothed

With a request for motherhood, successful pregnancy and childbirth

To get rid of smoking, drinking and drug addiction

For help with study and work

To get rid of suffering.

You can contact Saint Matrona anywhere - including in the city where you live, in the church you go to, and at home. It is true that there is an ancient and pious, correct custom of making pilgrimages to church shrines, including to the shrines of miraculous icons or to the relics of the holy saints of God. And if the circumstances of your life allow you to visit the capital city, visit the Intercession Monastery there, stand together with many other Orthodox people in a line of pilgrims, and venerate the relics of Blessed Mother Matrona, this is a good deed, and it can only be welcomed.

But, however, let us remind you again and again that the saints hear us anywhere. If, due to the circumstances of your life - economic or other, practical - you do not have the opportunity to get to Moscow today, do not worry too much about it. The saint will accept your prayers where you live.

Archpriest Maxim Kozlov

O blessed mother Matrono, hear and accept us now, sinners, praying to you, who in all your life has learned to receive and listen to all those who suffer and mourn, with faith and hope who resort to your intercession and help, giving quick help and miraculous healing to everyone; May your mercy not fail now for us, unworthy, restless in this busy world and nowhere finding consolation and compassion in spiritual sorrows and help in bodily illnesses: heal our illnesses, deliver us from the temptations and torment of the devil, who passionately fights, help us convey our everyday Cross, to bear all the hardships of life and not lose the image of God in it, to preserve the Orthodox faith until the end of our days, to have strong trust and hope in God and unfeigned love for others; help us, after departing from this life, to achieve the Kingdom of Heaven with all those who please God, glorifying the mercy and goodness of the Heavenly Father, glorified in the Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever.

O blessed Mother Matrono, with your soul standing in heaven before the Throne of God, with your body resting on earth, and exuding various miracles by the grace given from above. Look now with your merciful eye on us, sinners, in sorrows, illnesses and sinful temptations, our waiting days, comfort us, desperate ones, heal our fierce ailments, from God to us because of our sins, deliver us from many troubles and circumstances, pray to our Lord Jesus Christ forgive us all our sins, iniquities and falls, in whose image we have sinned from our youth even to this day and hour, and through your prayers having received grace and great mercy, we glorify in the Trinity the One God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever.

We magnify you, holy righteous old lady Matrono, and honor your holy memory, for you pray for us to Christ our God.

Pre-chosen to the service of Christ from the womb, the righteous Matrono, walking the path of sorrows and sorrows, having demonstrated firm faith and piety, you pleased God. Moreover, honoring your memory, we pray to you: help us to abide in God’s love, blessed old lady.

Troparion to the Blessed Matrona

The land of Tula is vegetated, the city of Moscow is an angelic warrior, the blessed old lady Matrono.

From birth she remained in bodily blindness until the end of her days. But she generously received spiritual vision from God, a seer and a prayer book. Most of all, the gift of healing diseases was acquired.

Help everyone with faith who flows to you and asks in illness of soul and body, our joy.

Troparion to the blessed Matrona of Moscow

Let us praise the blessed old woman Matrona, wise and wise, the prosperity of the land of Tula and the glorious adornment of the city of Moscow, let us praise this day, faithfully.

This, having not known the light of day, was enlightened by the light of Christ and enriched with the gift of insight and healing. Having been a sojourner and a wanderer on earth, now in the heavenly chambers she stands before the Throne of God and prays for our souls.

Thanks to Matrona of Moscow!

How to thank the holy blessed matron for her intercession and prayers before the Lord

Through the prayers of the holy blessed Matrona, a miracle happened - help came in the most hopeless situations, when all hope had disappeared, when doctors were powerless, when there was no way out, when difficulties were bound in a tight ring, when a terrible diagnosis was made, when the soul was exhausted from despondency and loneliness and the heart asked send a companion or life partner when the house is empty without the laughter of children - then the help of the saints comes, who stand before the Lord and pray for us sinners.

Each of us has a story of a miracle through the prayers of the holy blessed Matrona. Help came in the most hopeless situations, when all hope had disappeared, when doctors were powerless, when there was no way out, when difficulties were bound in a tight ring, when a terrible diagnosis was made, when the soul was exhausted from despondency and loneliness and the heart asked to send a companion or life partner, when home empty without children's laughter... Even the most callous person understands where the help came from... and the heart is filled with joy and gratitude. What to do in joy? How to say “thank you” to the holy righteous Matrona?

  • Mother Matronushka - our intercessor and prayer book
  • They resort to the help of the blessed Matrona of Moscow
  • Prayers to the Blessed Elder Matrona
  • Thanks to Matrona of Moscow!

Thanks to Matrona of Moscow (Elena Vladimirova, 2015)

How to properly thank God and the saints. What can I do

Thanksgiving service and prayer

According to the practice of the Orthodox Church, for all the blessings that we asked for in our prayers, we are supposed to thank only God Himself. And this is quite natural, since Christians turn to saints as intercessors with God, having boldness before Him. But the only source and cause of everything except sin is the Lord Himself.

There is a special rite - a thanksgiving prayer to the Savior. It can be ordered at any temple, but prerequisite is the presence at the prayer service of the one who ordered it. You can also pray at home, for example, read the Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos, as the main Intercessor for us before God. In general, the Lord, the Mother of God and all the saints rejoice when we have communion with them in the Church, receive communion, confess, that is, lead a pious Christian life - this will be a real life pleasing to God, which should all be gratitude to the Lord for everything His innumerable benefits to us.

Hieromonk Dorotheos (Baranov)

Gratitude, thanksgiving, in Greek - Eucharist. The sacrament of the Holy Eucharist or Holy Communion with the Holy Gifts - the Body and Blood of Christ - for Divine Liturgy... What could be higher, fuller and truer than such thanksgiving?! It is appropriate to give only good to the Source of Good, and good to the Creator of Good: Yours from Yours brings to You...

Website of the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Nothing distinguishes a Christian so much as almsgiving; Infidels and everyone are astonished at nothing as much as at works of mercy. And we often need this mercy, and every day we cry out to God: according to your great mercy have mercy on us(Ps. 50:3). But first we ourselves will begin works of mercy, or, better said, we do not begin ourselves, but God himself has already shown His mercy to us. Let us, beloved, follow Him at least from behind. If people show mercy to a merciful person, even if he has committed many sins; then even more so – God.

When performing miracles, you become a debtor to God, but in the act of alms, you lend God. And we give alms when we give it willingly, generously, when we think that we are not giving, but we ourselves receive; when we recognize it as a benefit and gain for ourselves, and not a loss.

Saint John Chrysostom

In giving alms and special place was occupied with the idea of ​​the importance of maintaining secrecy. It is best to do acts of mercy unnoticed, anonymously, so that the one to whom the mercy is shown cannot thank and other people cannot praise. Otherwise, the good deed may not be counted in heaven, since the giver has already received a reward on earth.

Works of bodily mercy the following: to feed the hungry, to give drink to the thirsty, to clothe the naked or lacking decent and necessary clothing, to visit those in prison, to visit the sick, to welcome a stranger into the house and calm them down, to bury the dead in squalor.

Spiritual works of mercy are as follows: by exhortation to turn a sinner from the error of his way (James 5:20), to teach the ignorant truth and goodness, to give good and timely advice to his neighbor in difficulty or danger that he does not notice, to pray to God for him, to console the sad, not to repay evil, what others have done to us, to forgive offenses from the heart.

Truly I say to you, having done for one of the least of my brothers, you did for Me.

If someone says I love God, but his brother hates, he is a liar, because he does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.

Your abundant sacrifices are of no use to Me, says the LORD. - I am full of burnt sheep and the fat of fattened cattle. I don’t need the blood of bulls, I don’t need the blood of rams and goats... Enough with worthless offerings!

Incense is disgusting to Me... You stretch out your hands to Me, but I will avert My gaze. And no matter how much you pray, I will not listen to you. Your hands are all covered in blood! Wash yourself, become clean, so that I don’t have to see your evil deeds in the future!

Stop doing evil, learn goodness! Strive for justice rescue the oppressed, defend the orphan, stand up for the widow.

  • Mother Matronushka - our intercessor and prayer book
  • They resort to the help of the blessed Matrona of Moscow
  • Prayers to the Blessed Elder Matrona
  • Thanks to Matrona of Moscow!
  • How to properly thank God and the saints. What can I do
  • Miraculous cases of help through the prayers of St. Matrona of Moscow

The given introductory fragment of the book Thanks to Matrona of Moscow (Elena Vladimirova, 2015) provided by our book partner - liters company.

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Thanksgiving prayers

Thanksgiving prayers

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men! Glory to Thee, Incomprehensible, Almighty, Good Creator of all! Glory to Thee, Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, my Savior, my Hope, my Hope, my Lord, who showed me the light, glory

You! Glory to You God, glory to You God, glory to You God!

I thank You, Lord, for giving me life and for the fact that You arrange every moment of it with sorrows or consolations for my salvation according to Your ineffable goodness.

I thank You, my God, for all the good deeds that You have shown me to sinners from my youth and even to this hour, which I know and for those that I do not know. I thank You for delivering me from the power of the devil.

I thank You for your patience with my sins.

We give thanks to Thy servants, who are unworthy, O Lord, for Thy great blessings upon us; we glorify Thee, bless, thank Thee, sing and magnify Thy compassion, and slavishly cry out to Thee in love: O our benefactor, our Savior, glory to Thee.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit

As a servant of indecency, O Lord, we earnestly flow to You, we earnestly flow with thanksgiving, and we glorify You, as the benefactor and Creator, and cry out: glory to You, most generous God.

And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen

Theotokos, Christian helper, Your servants, having acquired Your intercession, cry out to You in gratitude: Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin Mother of God, and deliver us from all our troubles, One who will soon intercede.

During this time, when Jesus entered into a certain place, He met ten leper men who stood from afar: and they lifted up a voice, saying: Jesus, Master, have mercy on us. And seeing the speech to them: go and show yourself to be a priest. And when they walked, they were cleansed. One of them, seeing that he was healed, returned, glorifying God with a great voice, and fell on his face at His feet, giving Him praise: and he was a Samaritan. Jesus answered and said, “Aren’t you cleansed ten, and where are nine?” Why is it that the one who returned did not find himself able to give glory to God, except this foreigner? And I said to him: rise up and go; your faith will save you.

Lord Jesus Christ our God, God of all mercy and generosity, whose mercy is immeasurable, and His love for mankind is an unsearchable abyss: falling to Your Majesty, with fear and trembling as an unworthy servant, thanksgiving to Your compassion for Your good deeds on Your former servants, now humbly offering, as We glorify the Lord, the Master and the Benefactor, we praise, we sing, we magnify, and we give thanks again, Your immeasurable and ineffable mercy humbly begging. Yes, just as now you have accepted the prayers of Your servants and mercifully fulfilled them, and in the past in Your sincere love and in all virtues,

Thy blessings of all Thy faithful to receive, Thy Holy Church, and this city, and our whole country, delivering from every evil situation, and thereby granting peace and tranquility, to You, with Thy Beginning Father, and the Most Holy, and the Good, and Thy Consubstantial Spirit, in one being to the glorified God, always bring thanksgiving, and praying and praising the Lord. Glory to Thee God, our Benefactor forever and ever. Amen.

Stichera of St. Avmrosiya of Milan

We praise God to you, we confess the Lord to you, the whole earth magnifies the Eternal Father to you, all the Angels to you, the heavens and all the Powers to you, the Cherubim and Seraphim cry with unceasing voices: Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts, the heavens and earth are full of the majesty of glory Yours.

The glorious Apostolic face to You, the prophetic number of praise to You, the bright martyr's army praises You, the Holy Church throughout the entire universe confesses to You, the Father of incomprehensible majesty, the worship of Your True and Only Begotten Son and the Holy Comforter of the Spirit. Thou, O King of Glory, Christ, Thou art the Everlasting Son of the Father. You, having received man for the deliverance, did not abhor the Virgin’s womb. You, having overcome the sting of death, have opened the Kingdom of Heaven to believers. You sit at the right hand of God in the glory of the Father, the Judge is confident to come.

We therefore ask You: help Thy servants, whom Thou hast redeemed with His Precious Blood: grant them worthy to reign with Thy saints in Thy eternal glory. Save Thy people, O Lord, and bless Thy inheritance, I will correct and exalt them forever; We will bless and praise You all the days your name forever and ever. Grant, Lord, that on this day we may be preserved without sin.

Lord have mercy on us, have mercy on us; May Thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us, as we trust in Thee. In You, Lord, I place my trust. Let us not be ashamed forever.

Morning prayer rule Morning prayers Having risen from sleep, before doing anything else, stand reverently, presenting yourself before the All-Seeing God, and, making the sign of the cross, say: In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.Then wait a bit until everything

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Prayers of Thanksgiving

Prayers of Thanksgiving for Holy Communion

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Prayers of Thanksgiving for Holy Communion

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The Apostle Paul before and after his conversion to Christ

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IV. Prayerful Reflections

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88. Prayer impulses

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Prayers of Thanksgiving

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