A business game is a happy chance for younger schoolchildren. Happy chance (TV show)

A game " Lucky case»

Target: create conditions for instilling love and interest in literature and broadening the horizons of students.

Progress of the event

Game 1

Presenter's Questions

For 1st team

1. What is a big pile of snow called? (snowdrift)

2. What does the crying of plants predict? (rain)

3. General form terrain? (panorama)

4. A fabulous fulfiller of any desire? (gold fish)

5. The animal with the most short name? (hedgehog)

6. What is the name of stormy applause? (ovation)

8. Free time? (leisure)

9. What is the best medicine? (laughter)

10. A sense organ that can take you to Kyiv? (language)

For the 2nd team

1. What is the most active time of day for a hare? (night)

2. blizzard in the steppe? (blizzard)

3. Name the bird that carries a bag with it? (pelican)

4. What is the name of the musk rat? (muskrat)

5. It is given to a person only once... (life)

6. Almost a saucepan, only with a nose? (kettle)

7. Name someone you can always rely on? (Friend)

8. Name a pig that is not slaughtered, but broken up? (money box)

9. Long lasting candy... (lollipop)

10. Even adults cry from him... (bow)

Summing up

Game 2 “Troubles from a Barrel”

Players take turns taking out pieces of paper with questions from the toy barrel.

For 1st team

1. What is the name of the science that studies ancient medals and coins?


2. Name which cities have a metro? (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kyiv, Baku, Tbilisi).

3.What is the difference between a horse and a needle? (first they jump on a horse and then sit down, and they sit on a needle and then jump)

4. What is the favorite piece of music for hockey players at international tournaments? (hymn)

For the 2nd team

1. What is the name of Vasnetsov’s painting in which he depicted three heroes? (“Bogatyrs”, Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich)

2. What means of transportation, invented in ancient times, are still used today? (boat, skis, cart)

3. Why do porcupines need quills? What are their properties? (Protected, floats, since they are hollow, treated with needles)

4. Name a gift that is universal for a woman at any time of the year? (flowers)

Summing up

Game 3

For 1st team

What books do these magical animals live in?

1. A terrible heffalump? (Milne “Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all”).

2. A goat that can carve with its hoof gems? (Bazhov “Silver Hoof”)

3. In which book does the Firebird live? (Ershov “The Little Humpbacked Horse”)

4. In which book does the magic cockerel live, guarding the kingdom? (Pushkin “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”)

For the 2nd team

Who owns these things?

1. A pot that cooked so much porridge that it was impossible to travel from village to city.

(To the good girl from the Brothers Grimm fairy tale “A Pot of Porridge”)

2. Who owns the two stockings - one brown, the other black?

(Pippi Longstocking from the book of the same name by A. Lingren)

Summing up

Game 4 “You give me - I give you”

Who will answer faster

1. What did the crane treat the fox with: (okroshka)

2. What is the name of a car marathon? (rally)

3. What is the name of the one-armed saw? (hacksaw)

4. What is the name of an ensemble of three performers? (trio)

5. Who did the little son come to? (to father)

6. What is the name of a surgical knife? (scalpel)

7. Name a common headdress that men and women like to wear? (hat)

8. Name the lifting mechanism in houses. (elevator)

9. A place that women especially like to visit? (shop)

10. Name the only thing in a man’s wardrobe that is used for decoration? (tie)


Game 5 “Race for the Leader”

For 1st team

1.Name the place where your heart always remains... (homeland)

2. Old age of the day? (evening)

3. The part of your friend’s body that you can rely on...(shoulder)

4. Globe, reduced to the required size? (globe)

5.Goalie's hated number? (11 - penalties)

6. Homesickness? (nostalgia)

7. Same as mystery? (secret)

8. Hand nail care? (manicure)

9. Russian folk family game? (lotto)

10. Name the most ancient cutlery. (knife)

For the 2nd team

1. Name something that a person cannot live without? (food)

2. Military color? (khaki)

3. Metallic paper? (foil)

4. What is the theater break called? (intermission)

5. Farm machine working in the kitchen? (harvester)

6. An artist who paints war? (battle artist)

7. What is the name of flat bread? (pita)

8. Say a name ancient Greek god seas? (Poseidon)

9. Name the city that flies? (Eagle)

10. In which country was Pinocchio deceived on the field of miracles? (In the land of fools).


Three teams of 4-5 people each take part in the game. The participating teams have their own name. The game is played in 4 games. Before the game starts, it is decided which team will respond first. At the end of each game, the counting commission announces the final result of each team.

Each team takes turns rolling a game die (the die is made from a large cardboard box). Ones are written on four faces of the cube, a zero is drawn on one face of the cube, and a horseshoe is drawn on another. If a one appears on the top face of the cube, then the team receives 1 point for the correct answer to the question asked by the leader. If a horseshoe falls out, this means that the team is lucky, it has a “lucky chance” and for the correct answer to the same question it can receive 3 points. But if a zero appears, this means a changeover. During the first game, each team rolls the dice 7 times.

First game questions:

1. Which elephant does not have a trunk? (at the chess one).
2. What happened on February 31? (there is no such day).
3. The table top has four corners. One corner was sawed off. How many corners does the table have? (five).
4. Who saved the hares during the flood? (grandfather Mazai).
5. What notes can be used to measure distance? (mi-la-mi).
6. How do day and night end? (soft sign).
7. In what fairy tale does a girl go to pick flowers in winter? ("Twelve months").
8. Homemade Santa Claus. (Fridge).
9. What two notes grow in the vegetable garden? (beans).
10. Name the author: “God sent a piece of cheese to a crow somewhere”? (Krylov).
11. What doesn’t burn in fire and doesn’t sink in water? (ice).
12. Is it motley itself, eats green, gives white? (cow).
13. What clock does it show? right time only twice a day? (which are worth it).
14. Name a children's humorous film magazine. (“Yeralash”).
15. Which scary beast Craving for raspberries? (bear).
16. Which beetle is named after the month in which it was born? (May).
17. What birds cannot fly? (penguins and ostriches).
18. A product obtained from beets and cane? (sugar).
19. Underground Railway? (metro).
20. Which state can you wear on your head? (Panama).
21. What kind of fuel is produced in the swamp? (peat).

Game 2 “Troubles from a barrel”

The presenter brings out 6 multi-colored numbered barrels on a tray (you can use capsules from “Kinder surprises” and put question numbers inside them). The team that has the this moment less points. The presenter reads the question to the team, the number of which is indicated on the keg. If the question is answered correctly, the team receives 2 points.

Second game questions:

1. Using this item main character fairy tale, he found his happiness - a wise wife who was bewitched. (Arrow).
2. She came to us from Andersen’s fairy tale. Her name means a measure of length equal to only 2.5 cm. What is her name? (Thumbelina).
3. Which fairy tale features animated fruits and vegetables? (“The Adventures of Cippolino”).
4. The toy is the main character of the book and cartoon, who was given a very funny name because he fell off the table. (Cheburashka).
5. With the help of this item you can make the most wonderful things, and you can even kill the terrible hero of Russian fairy tales. (Needle).
6. Under Tsar Ivan 1U, coins were issued that depict a horseman with a spear in his hand. What were these coins called? (Kopecks).

Game 3 “Dark Horse”

The host explains that he wished for one famous work. And in order to guess it, he will give clues to it. There will be five such tips. If any team recognizes the work after the first hint, then it will receive 5 points, after the second hint it will already receive 4 points, and so on in descending order. The team whose captain raises his hand the fastest begins to answer.


1. The main character of this work suddenly became rich.
2. She made many friends, for whom receptions began to be held.
3. They tried to kidnap her, but a young daredevil suddenly appeared and saved her.
4. The matter ended with a wedding.
5. Your most valuable asset main character there was a samovar.
Answer:(Fly Tsokotukha).

Game 4 “Race for the Leader”

Each team is asked 20 questions in a row. For each correct answer the team receives 1 point. If within 3 seconds after reading the question the team does not give any answer, the presenter reads out the correct answer and asks the next question. The presenter begins to ask questions to the team that has fewer points.

Questions for the first team:

1. A cow as a child? - Calf.
2. Home car? - Garage.
3. “Measure seven times, once...” - Cut.
4. Astronaut suit? - Space suit.
5. northern capital Russia? - Saint Petersburg.
6. Which city flies? - Eagle.
7. Which snow melts faster: clean or dirty? - Filthy.
8. A car that counts other people's money? - Taxi.
9. Hero of folk puppet shows? - Parsley.
10. A magic tablecloth where food appears on its own? - Self-assembly.
11. Father of the wooden boy? - Papa Carlo.
12. A plot of land for growing vegetables? - Vegetable garden.
13. Water in gaseous state? - Steam.
14. Simultaneous move of the king and rook in a chess game? - Castling.
15. The seventh letter in the word “electrification”? – The letter “i”.
16. Boxing ground? - Boxing ring.
17. What does a hedgehog do in winter? - Asleep.
18. Is there an Orange Sea in the world? - No.
19. A day of fun, joy, celebration? - Holiday.
20. In Italian “tartufel”, and in Russian...? - Potato.

Questions for the second team:

1. Gingerbread man overgrown with needles? - Hedgehog.
2. Dog's house? - Kennel.
3. The student's very first book? - Primer.
4. Baba Yaga's personal transport? – Stupa / Pomelo.
5. Baby goat? - Little goat.
6. Who spoke magic words: “Sim, Sim, open up!”? - Ali Baba..
7. Do ours fly? migratory birds nests in the south? - No.
8. What goes on without moving? - Time.
9. Belts or ropes for controlling a horse in a harness? - Reins.
10. What key did Buratino receive from Tortila the turtle? - Gold.
11. Rectangle with equal sides called... - Square.
12. What holiday is celebrated on January 7? - Christmas.
13. Which note is not needed for compote? - Salt.
14. Who speaks all languages? - Echo.
15. Place for a circus performance? - Arena.
16. Which vegetable resembles a space plate? - Patisson.
17. Who can lie on a board with nails? - Yogi.
18. Appears on the iron due to dampness? - Rust.
19. State emblem? - Coat of arms.
20. The fastest-footed bird? - Ostrich.

Questions for the third team:

1. Boy with a wooden nose? - Pinocchio.
2. City animal facility? - Zoo.
3. Who did the ugly duckling turn into? - Into the swan.
4. Hidden treasure? - Treasure.
5. The fruit that poisoned the princess? - Apple.
6. Chocolate covered ice cream? - Popsicle.
7. Does the chicken breathe in the egg? - Yes.
8. What can you see from eyes closed? - Dream.
9. What size boots did Uncle Styopa wear? - 45th.
10. Place on the square for trade? – Bazaar/Market.
11. Break between acts in the play? - Intermission.
12. Does he show the way to ships at night? - Lighthouse.
13. Collection geographical maps and tables? - Atlas.
14. Very confusing road? - Labyrinth.
15. Talking bird? - Parrot.
16. The name of which vegetable comes from Latin word"kaput"? - Cabbage.
17. Which giraffe legs are longer: front or back? - The same.
18. How many days in leap year? – 366 days.
19. Postage sign? - Brand.
20. Horse symbol of good luck? - Horseshoe.

At the end of the fourth game, the total result of the game is calculated. All teams receive prizes based on their points. The winners receive medals in the shape of a horseshoe.

Language Production Filming location

Moscow Ostankino Concert Hall

Duration Broadcasting TV channel(s) Broadcast period Reruns

Lucky case - family quiz, published from September 9 to August 26, 2000. It is analogous to the popular English board game"Race for the leader" (Trivial pursuit). The permanent presenter for all these 11 years was Mikhail Marfin, in 1989-1990 his co-host was Larisa Verbitskaya. From September 9, 1989 to September 21, 1999, the TV game was broadcast on ORT, and from July 1 to August 26, 2000, the TV game was broadcast on TVC. Since October 11, 2012, the TV game has been published as a column in the program Evening Urgant, but it has nothing in common with the TV game except the screensaver and title.


  • On the channel “Nostalgia” Episodes from 1994 are repeated.
  • On the “Questions and Answers” ​​channel, episodes from 1996 are repeated.

Rules of the game

Two family teams consisting of 4 people took part in each game. The game usually consisted of 5 games. The winner was the team with the most points.

First version ( -)

The teams sat opposite each other on either side of a large table with playing field. The playing field itself was divided into colored sectors, each corresponding to a specific topic of questions:

The correct answer when a regular sector was rolled out was worth one point. There were also “Lucky Chance” sectors on the playing field - they gave players the opportunity to earn 3 points if they answered correctly.

First game

In this game, questions were asked to the teams in turn; the first move was given to the team that answered the question first. The topic and question number were determined randomly by pressing a button. The teams were given 15 seconds to reason on each question; the answer could be discussed collectively. In total, in this game each team had to play 8 questions.

Second game

This game was played individually; team meetings were prohibited. The right to make the first move was again given to the team that answered the leader’s question earlier. The game began with the heads of the family, if the head answered correctly, then the next team member received the right to answer, if incorrectly, then the right to answer passed to the opponents. If all 4 team members answered the questions correctly in a row, then another bonus point was awarded and the turn still passed to the opponents. The duration of the game was limited to 6 minutes.

Third game

This game was a game with video questions. The right to move first was again played out using a question. The teams answered in turns. Each was shown a 15-second video clip related to the question being asked. During this time it was necessary to think about it and give an answer. Each correct answer was always worth one point.

Fourth game

This game was played according to rules similar to the second, but now the topics of the questions were chosen not by chance, but by the opposing team.

Fifth game

In this round, the teams had to give as many correct answers as possible in 2 minutes. The teams answered in turn, starting with the one with the fewest points. Each correct answer was worth one point.

Draw system

The winning team of each game advanced to the next. where she had to fight with the winner of the qualifying games, which took place during filming in the Ostankino hall. If a team managed to win 4 games in a row, then it received the main prize - a TV, a VCR and a stereo system.


The Trivial Pursuit company, which owned the rights, decided to release it in the USSR desktop version games. Finding themselves dissatisfied with the printing quality, they refused to renew the contract

Second version (-)

Somewhat later, the Italian company Publitalia, headed by Silvio Berlusconi, took the game under its wing. The rules have been changed.

First game - “Race for the leader”

The rules of this game were similar to the old first game, only the number of attempts for each team was reduced to 4. The rule of the “Lucky Chance” sector was also changed - now it gave the team the right to answer 3 questions in a row.

Second game - “Hurry to see”

This game had the same rules as the old third game. Also, now the first move was given to the team with fewer points.

Third game - “You - for me, I - for you”

In this game, the teams took turns asking each other questions they came up with. Each correct answer was worth one point.

Game four - "Dark Horse"

The questions were asked by the invited famous guest, usually they concerned him professional activity. For the correct answer, teams were given one point.

Fifth game - “Next... Next...”

The rules completely coincided with the old fifth game


In the summer of 1994, Silvio Berlusconi's company began to face serious financial difficulties, causing the game to be closed again.

Latest version (-)

The studio has undergone major changes, the playing field has disappeared from it. The games were also slightly changed:

  • “Further... Further...” - now it had no name
  • “Tricks from a Barrel” - teams took turns choosing questions by pulling barrels with numbers from a large barrel.
  • “You - to me, I - to you”
  • "Dark Horse" - not played if celebrities took part in the game
  • “Race for the Leader” was different from the second version. The teams took turns asking questions for 2 minutes, starting with the team lagging behind.

2 closures


L-club Mafia Big Race In a black, black room... Jolly Bucks Lord of the Mountain Lord of the Mind Garage Two pianos Money doesn't smell Lie detector Dog show A game Imagination game Empire of Passion Crocodile

Game "Lucky Chance" in primary school

Litvinenko Olga Anatolyevna, primary teacher MBOU classes"Tashlinskaya average comprehensive school», Orenburg region Tyulgansky district village. Tashla.
Description of material: the script is designed to organize extracurricular activity in primary school (in in this case was conducted among second grade students). The development can be useful for both teachers primary classes, and teachers additional education, for teachers working in children's camps.

Subject. Game "Lucky Chance"
Development of cognitive activity of students.
1. Give children the opportunity to show their knowledge on a wide range of issues.
2. Develop logical thinking, memory.
3. Broaden the horizons of students.
4. Cultivate responsibility for one’s actions, activity, initiative, the ability to win and lose.
5. Cultivate interest in each other, mutual respect, feelings of empathy and support.

Equipment: wooden barrel (used to be a piggy bank); cardboard boxes (troubles) with question numbers; posters with the names of the games: “Warm-up”, “Trouble from a barrel”, “Dark horse”, “You are for me, I am for you”, “I alone answer”; posters with rules of behavior during the game: “Play honestly!”, “It’s a shame when you lose, but don’t get angry!”, “Don’t gloat when others lose!”, “If you win, be happy, but don’t be arrogant!”, “Be persistent, do not be discouraged by failures!”; diplomas for players.

Leading: Good afternoon, dear guys and distinguished guests! We welcome you to the intellectual and entertaining game “Lucky Chance”. To play the game “Lucky Chance”, you need two friendly, close-knit teams of 10 people, active fans and witty questions. We have it all. Let's salute those great teams who agreed to play "Lucky Chance" today. For the first time today, the team “Fidgets” (2nd “a” class) and the team “Romantics” (2nd “b” class) are playing. We greet them with applause.
As one great scientist of our time said: “The main thing is to start!”, so let’s begin!
Let's first get acquainted with the rules of behavior during the game. (Reading and analyzing posters)
And today we will be judged by an excellent, fair jury. (Introduction of the jury members).

1 game “Warm-up”.
Questions are asked to each team in turn. For each correct answer the team receives 1 point.
Questions for 1 team.
1. Homemade Santa Claus. (Fridge)
2. Gingerbread man overgrown with needles. (Hedgehog)
3. Boy with a wooden nose. (Pinocchio)
4. The student’s very first book. (ABC book)
5. “Measure seven times, once -...” (Cut it off)
6. Astronaut costume. (Spacesuit)
7. What goes on without moving? (Time)
8. Stuffed with down, lies under the ear. (Pillow)
9. Break between lessons. (Turn)
10. Letters that do not represent sounds. (b,b)

Questions for team 2.
1. What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream)
2. Starling's house. (birdhouse)
3. Capital of Russia. (Moscow)
4. The smallest finger. (Little finger)
5. The first Soviet cosmonaut. (Yu.A. Gagarin)
6. What prevented the princess from sleeping? (Pea)
7. Alyonushka’s naughty brother. (Ivanushka)
8. Cow as a child. (Calf)
9. A figure in which all sides are equal and the angles are right. (Square)
10. Curtains on the window. (Curtains)

Game 2 “Troubles from a barrel”.
Team captains take turns taking out “tricks” - barrels with numbers. The question is read out, the team is given 10 seconds to think about it, after which it must give an answer. For a correct answer, the team receives 2 points. If the players take out a barrel that says, in addition to the number, “Lucky Chance,” then the team receives 5 points for the correct answer, not 2 points. (There are two such barrels).
1. What is called “second bread” in Rus'? (Potato)

2. What is another name for Santa Claus? (Santa Claus)
3. Which birds arrive from the south first? (Rooks)
4. When is there anything in an empty pocket? (When there's a hole in it)
5. How to name five days of the week in a row without saying their names? (The day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow)
6. Why ladybug called "cow"? (When threatened, it secretes a liquid similar to milk)
7. What can you find neither end nor beginning? (At the circle)
8. Which beetle is named after the month in which it was born? (May)
9. What animals fly? (The bats, flying squirrels)
10. What " academic title"had Karabas - Barabas? (Doctor of Puppet Science)

Musical pause. (The song “If you are kind” is performed)

Game 3 “Dark Horse”.
Guess who came to visit us. Our guest teaches us to love books and take care of them. Offers us a choice interesting books, since her work is directly related to them. We often turn to her for help, and she is always happy to help us. Have you guessed who we are talking about? (Librarian)
Yes, this is our school librarian - Svetlana Vasilievna. She has her questions ready for you.
For the correct answer - 2 points.

For 1 team.
1. Who treated sick animals? (Dr. Aibolit)
2. Postman from the village of Prostokvashino. (Pechkin)
3. Where did Pinocchio end up instead of school? (To the theatre)

For 2 teams.
1. Liberator of the Tsokotukha Fly. (Mosquito)
2. What were the names of the three little pigs? (Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf)
3. Who visited Winnie the Pooh and Piglet early in the morning? (At Donkey's)

Physical exercise.
Let's join hands,
Let's turn left
Long strides
We'll go in circles.
Let's clap our hands
Let's stomp a little.
Let's join hands,
Let's turn to the right
Narrow steps
We'll go back.

Game 4 “You for me, I for you.”
Teams ask each other three questions. A correct answer receives 2 points.
1 team.
1. A white liquid that you often eat. (Milk)
2. He came and knocked on the roof, but he left and no one heard. (Rain)
3. In what fairy tale does a girl go to the forest in winter to pick snowdrops? ("12 months")
2nd team.
1. How should I call Sivka-Burka? (“Sivka-Burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass”)
2. Doesn't fly, doesn't sing, but pecks. (Fish)
3. Needed for writing on the board. (Chalk)

Musical pause. (The song “Magic Flower” is performed)

Game 5 “I alone answer.”
Each player is asked a question. If the participant answers himself, then the team receives 3 points, if with the help of the team - 2 points. If the other team answers, they have the opportunity to get 1 point. Each player will be asked two questions.
Questions for 1 team.
1. City institution for animals. (Zoo)
2. Don’t rush your tongue, hurry... (business).
3. Author of “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.” (A.S. Pushkin)
4. Baba Yaga's personal transport. (Mortar)
5. Sits on the roof above everyone else. (Antenna)
6. The fruit that poisoned the princess. (Apple)
7. Who took the hares on a boat for the amusement of the whole village? (Grandfather Mazai)
8. Brothers of the hares. (Rabbits)
9. Pine forest. (Bohr)
10. Father of the wooden boy. (Papa Carlo)
11. Who picks apples with their backs? (Hedgehog)
12. An animal that builds a house on the river. (Beaver)
13. Who kidnapped Thumbelina? (Toad)
14. What did the chicken lay? (Egg)
15. Car house. (Garage)
16. Baby goat. (Kid)
17. The name of the boy who was carried away by wild swans. (Ivanushka)
18. In what work did Sergei Mikhalkov talk about a man of enormous stature? ("Uncle Styopa")
19. Who raises children in kindergarten? (Teacher)
20. Who did the ugly duckling turn into? (Into the swan)

Questions for team 2.
1. Dog's house. (Kennel)
2. Mother of the lamb. (Sheep)
3. A student who did not advance to the next grade. (Repeat year)
4. Construction for crossing the river. (Bridge)
5. A fur-bearing animal that lives in a hollow. (Squirrel)
6. What do 12 months total? (Year)
7. A device for measuring time. (Watch)
8. Winter bear's lair. (Den)
9. Which tap can you not drink from? (From the lift)
10. Tree with a white trunk. (Birch)
11. Women's clothing. (Dress)
12. Guess which birds are great at singing? (Nightingales)
13. Bad weather. (Bad weather)
14. Droplets of water on the grass. (Dew)
15. An item used to decorate the top of a Christmas tree. (Star)
16. A man guarding the forest. (Forester)
17. Father, mother, son, daughter - in one word. (Family)
18. A piece of snow. (Snowflake)
19. Ice skating area. (Ice rink)
20. Oak fruit. (Acorn)

Leading: Our game has come to an end. All teams behaved with dignity and showed their comprehensive development. Well done! But since we had a competition, let’s summarize. The jury gives the floor.

Intellectual game scenario for grades 7-8

Intellectual game"Lucky case"

Author: Elena Leonidovna Zolotareva, teacher of biology and chemistry at MKOU secondary school in Oktyabrsky village, Zuevsky district, Kirov region.
This material is useful for class teachers working in middle management. The event is intended for grades 7-8. The game will help to reveal the intellectual potential of students.
Goals and objectives:
identification and development of intellectual, cognitive abilities, breadth of outlook of students;
increasing students' motivation for cognitive activity;
formation of a culture of interpersonal communication.
Rules of the game:
1. 2 teams of 6 people play
2. The game consists of 5 games
3. Teams prepare three questions in advance - answers to the other team
Equipment: multimedia projector, lotto barrels with numbers.

Progress of the game:

Game 1 “Next... further...”
Teams need to give as many answers to the questions as possible in two minutes. If they don’t know the answer, say “Next”
Questions for team 1:
1. How many piglets are there in the fairy tale about the wolf and the little piglets? (3)
2. Festive dish(cake)
3. A powerful vessel for sailing in ice? (icebreaker)
4. What is a globe? (Earth model)
5. Fantastic tales about the gods (myths)
6. The inner part of the Earth located under the mantle (core)
7. Highest mountains globe (Himalayas)
8. How many degrees is a right angle? (900)
9. Imaginary line dividing Earth into 2 hemispheres (equator)
10. What are hieroglyphs? (signs-drawings)
11. What are small celestial bodies called? (asteroids)
12. Beginning of the river (source)
13. The largest island (Greenland)
14. Hearing organ (ear)
15. Which star is above the northern side of the horizon? (Polar)
16. Who wrote the fairy tale “Thumbelina”? (Andersen)
17. Where is the Piranha fish found? (In the Amazon River)
18. Who reached first South Pole? (Amundsen)
19. How many degrees are there in a circle? (3600)
20. Device for catching animals (trap)
21. Soft part of baked bread (crumb)
22. Steering wheel on a ship, airplane, combine harvester (steering wheel)
23. Animal Science (Zoology)
24. Solid milk product (cheese)
25. Small chess piece (pawn)
26. Ability to distinguish odors (sense of smell)
27. The most popular sport (football)
28. 1/60 of an hour (minute)
29. Selection of dishes, dishes (menu)
30. Dried berries grapes (raisins)
31. Morning meal (breakfast)
32. Grief, sadness (grief)
33. Side view (profile)
34. Location of control devices (remote control)
35. A herd of sheep (flock)
36. Animal food (feed)
37. The outer part of a tree trunk (bark)
38. Hand with clenched fingers (fist)
39. What is birch bark? (Birch bark)
40. Which fish has eyes on one side? (at flounder)
Questions for team 2:
1. At what time did Cinderella’s outfit change? (at 12 am)
2. Cook on a ship (cook)
3. Father's or mother's father (grandfather)
4. The most long river peace (Nile)
5. The most high point in Africa (Kilimanjaro)
6. Which bird does not hatch eggs? (cuckoo)
7. Who wrote the fairy tale Kolobok? (Russian traditional)
8. Road with rows of trees on the sides (alley)
9. Place where tickets are sold (box office)
10. Road covered with asphalt (highway)
11. Organ of vision (eye)
12. Upper layer The land in which plants grow (soil)
13. Playing on ice with skates (hockey)
14. Large island off the coast of Africa (Madagascar)
15. Device for determining the sides of the horizon (compass)
16. Capital of Russia (Moscow)
17. Who made the first trip around the world? (Magellan)
18. What does the word “kangaroo” mean (I don’t understand)
19. Artificial channel filled with water (canal)
20. Water in gaseous state (steam)
21. The flour hero of the Russian folk tale (kolobok)
22. Warship (cruiser)
23. Continent lying in all four hemispheres (Eurasia)
24. Leaves and flowers woven into a ring (wreath)
25. Air movement in the horizontal direction (wind)
26. The blunt side of the ax (butt)
27. Third largest ocean (Indian)
28. Sea robber (pirate, corsair)
29. Established routine (mode)
30. Narrow thin board (slat)
31. Natural water flow significant size (river)
32. Outline in the form of an elongated circle with the shape of an egg (oval)
33. Coarse, straight hair of some animals (bristles)
34. Science of natural phenomena (physics)
35. Remains of an unburned candle (cinder)
36. Place of confluence of the river (mouth)
37. Product made from minced meat stuffed into a casing (sausage)
38. Part of land surrounded on all sides by water (island)
39. Which neck has more vertebrae, a giraffe’s or a pig’s? (same number)
40. The arrival of which birds means the end of winter (rooks)
Game 2 “You - for me, I - for you”
Teams exchange prepared questions.
Game 3 “Troubles from a barrel”
Teams take turns choosing questions by drawing barrels with numbers, the numbers corresponding to the question number.
1. How long does it take for the globe to make a full revolution around its axis? (within 24 hours)
2. Which channel separates North America from the South? (Panama Canal)
3. What is a sphinx? (statue depicting a lion with a human head)
4. The most big bird in the world (ostrich)
5. What is the name of a source that periodically ejects hot water and steam? (geyser)
6. What is the name of the path along which the Earth moves around the sun? (Earth's orbit)
7. Which age is called the Stone Age? (all the time when the main tools were made of stone)
8. What is the name and surname of the Polish scientist who argued that it is not the Sun that moves around the Earth, but the Earth around the Sun? (Nicholas Copernicus)
9. What are all the changes that occur in nature called? (phenomena)
10. What are the fragments of comets and asteroids that fell to Earth called? (meteorites)
11. Magma poured onto earth's surface(lava)
12. Device for determining the sides of the horizon (compass)
Game 4 “Hurry to see”
Paintings by famous artists are shown on the screen. You need to name the picture and the author.
Each team is offered 6 paintings:
1. I. Levitan. March
2. V. Vasnetsov. Alyonushka
3. V. Vasnetsov. Bogatyrs
4. Leonardo da Vinci. Mona Lisa
5. V. Perov. Hunters at rest
6. V. Perov. Troika. (Apprentice artisans are carrying water)
7. I. Repin. Barge Haulers on the Volga
8. A. Savrasov. The Rooks Have Arrived
9. V. Serov. Girl with peaches
10. V. Surikov. Boyarina Morozova
11. I. Shishkin. Morning in a pine forest
12. F. Reshetnikov. Another deuce
Game 5 “Question and answer”
Each player is asked a question. If all six people answer correctly, the team gets an extra point.
Questions for team 1:
1. What is a jungle? (impenetrable thickets of trees and shrubs)
2. Who wrote “The Song of the Prophetic Oleg”? (A.S. Pushkin)
3. Name the natural satellite of the Earth (Moon)
4. Name the capital of the Old Russian state (Kyiv)
5. What kind of wood are matches made from? (from aspen)
6. Name favorite treat storks (frogs)

Questions for team 2:
1. What are savannas? (tropical steppes with tall grass and isolated trees)
2. Who wrote the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood?” (C. Perrault)
3. Without what gaseous substance can a plant not develop? (no carbon dioxide)
4. Which tree is most often used for firewood? (birch)
5. When is the sparrow’s body temperature lower: in winter or summer? (same)
6. What bird bears the name of the city? (Eagle)

Summarizing. Winner's reward ceremony.
