Unified state register. Egrul nalog ru – database on state registration of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, peasant (farm) farms

Unified State Register legal entities , abbreviated as Unified State Register of Legal Entities contains full information and information about all legal entities that are registered in the Russian Federation. The Unified State Register of Legal Entities also contains information about changes made to the constituent documents (and other changes), as well as information about the liquidation of a legal entity.

The Unified State Register of Legal Entities is a software and information complex that allows you to quite easily and quickly enter and change information that concerns legal entities. This complex was put into operation in 2002, and this made it possible to significantly simplify and make the process of registering legal entities more understandable, as well as systematize all the data stored in it.

The Unified State Register of Legal Entities allows you to retrieve information about a legal entity in any branch of the Federal Tax Service, regardless of the location of the organization. This extracted information is called .

The Unified State Register of Legal Entities contains information about a legal entity, which is mandatory for any organization that is registered on the territory of the Russian Federation, and also contains information about the fact of registration, amendments or liquidation.

Information about the legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities:

  • name of the legal entity: full and abbreviated in Russian, as well as in foreign language if there is such a name;
  • organizational and legal form of the organization (LLC, CJSC, OJSC, etc.);
  • address of the location of the organization (legal address);
  • method of formation of a legal entity (creation or reorganization);
  • full information about the founders, the size of their shares;
  • size of the authorized capital;
  • name and details of documents that were provided upon registration of a legal entity;
  • information about the person who has the right to act on behalf of the organization without a power of attorney;
  • information about legal succession;
  • information about the changes made;
  • information about licenses;
  • information about the types of activities of the organization;
  • information about registration with the tax authority;
  • TIN information;
  • information about termination of activities (liquidation).

Information on registration of a legal entity

Information on registration of a legal entity includes:

  • OGRN - the main state registration number, which is assigned to it at the time of creation;
  • state registration number of the entry on the creation of the organization;
  • date of entry on creation;
  • date of entry on the reorganization;
  • date of entry on liquidation;
  • dates of making entries about changes made to the constituent documents and other information about the legal entity;
  • information (series and number) about the document confirming the fact of making changes;
  • name of the registration authority;
  • date of registration and name of the body that registered the organization.


Main state registration number records on the creation of a legal entity are the main details in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. It serves as the organization's identifier in the registry.

OGRN consists of 13 digits, which are arranged in the following order:


  • 1. C (1st character) - sign of assignment of the state registration number of the record:
  • to the main state registration number (OGRN)* - 1.5
  • to another state registration number of the record - 2
  • to the main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur (OGRNIP)* - 3
  • 2. YY (2nd to 3rd digit) - the last two digits of the year the entry was made in the state register
  • 3. KK (4th, 5th characters) - serial number of the subject Russian Federation according to the list of subjects of the Russian Federation established by Article 65 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation
  • 4. NN (6th and 7th digits) - code number of the interdistrict tax inspectorate that issued the OGRN to the legal entity
  • 5. ХХХХХ (from the 8th to the 12th character) - the number of the entry entered into the state register during the year
  • 6. H (13th digit) - check number: the remainder of dividing the previous 12-digit number by 11, if the remainder of the division is 10, then the check number is 0 (zero).

Now you can get an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities free of charge online directly on our website. The Federal Tax Service has provided a new service for independently obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs in in electronic format. An extract can be ordered in relation to any legal entity and individual entrepreneur. The service is provided free of charge.

- sample electronic extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
- sample electronic extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs

How to order an electronic extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs?

To receive electronic extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities for free, you need to go through a simple registration procedure in the Federal Tax Service once, for this:

2. In the "Account" section, enter your E-mail and create a password;

3. In the “User Information” section, it is enough to indicate your last name and first name;

4. Enter the verification code from the picture and click the "Continue" button, after which an email containing a link to activate your account will be sent to your specified email address. As a rule, the letter arrives within 10-15 minutes;

6. Log in to the service with your email and password;

7. Click the "Submit a new application" button;

8. In the line that appears, enter the OGRN of the organization or OGRNIP of the individual entrepreneur and generate an extract. The service will notify you that the application for an extract from the specified OGRN has been successfully registered;

9. Click the "Go to the list of applications" button. The period for generating the statement ranges from several seconds to several hours, depending on the workload of the Federal Tax Service server;

10. To check the readiness status of your statement, refresh the service page in your browser (F5 key) or come back later. When the extract is generated, the application status will change to "Extract generated";

What should I do if I don’t know my OGRN/OGRNIP?

To find out the OGRN of an organization or OGRN of an individual entrepreneur (OGRNIP), use the Federal Tax Service "Information on state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs", which will help you determine the OGRN of an organization by TIN or by the name of the legal entity. person and the region of his location, as well as determine the OGRN of the individual entrepreneur by his personal TIN or by the full name and region of the individual’s place of residence.

The service also allows you to instantly obtain information contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities/Unified State Register of Legal Entities, similar to the information contained in the extract. This can be useful, for example, when you urgently need to know the OKVED codes of an organization to make changes in the form P14001, but the extract is not at hand.

Using an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, you can find out current information about yourself or your potential or existing partner. For example, whether the legal entity is active or has ceased to operate, when and where the company was created, whether the location information is correct, general director, authorized capital, what types economic activity used, when and what information was entered into the register, etc. Check out.

Attention! The extract does not contain information about the passport details and place of registration (registration) of the individual. persons, as well as information about taxpayers’ bank accounts.

Is an electronic extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities legally significant?

Official extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities with delivery throughout Moscow

If you urgently need an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs with a tax stamp, you can order it with delivery in Moscow from our partner. To order an urgent official extract, you must fill out the online form to receive an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities below. The cost of the statement with delivery throughout Moscow to the nearest metro station is 1000 rub. The cost of the service includes payment of the state fee for an urgent extract, request for an extract, and delivery. All statements are generated by the tax office on the day of the request and are current as of the date of the order. Over the next day, the courier will deliver the statement to the metro station you indicated.

 Attention! Delivery of the statement is carried out only within Moscow to the nearest Moscow metro station, which you indicate when filling out the request. If it is necessary to deliver to the address "to the door", the cost is agreed upon with the manager when confirming the order. Delivery within the Moscow region and regions of the Russian Federation is not carried out. Orders received after 18.00 are processed by the manager in the morning on the next business day.

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The privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as the Policy) has been developed in accordance with Federal law dated July 27, 2006. No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” (hereinafter referred to as FZ-152). This Policy defines the procedure for processing personal data and measures to ensure the security of personal data in the vipiska-nalog.com service (hereinafter referred to as the Operator) in order to protect the rights and freedoms of humans and citizens when processing their personal data, including the protection of rights to integrity privacy, personal and family secret. In accordance with the law, the vipiska-nalog.com service is for informational purposes and does not oblige the visitor to make payments or other actions without his consent. The collection of data is necessary solely to communicate with the visitor at his request and inform him about the services of the vipiska-nalog.com service.

The main provisions of our privacy policy can be formulated as follows:

We do not share your personal information with third parties. We do not transfer your contact information to the sales department without your consent. You independently determine the amount of personal information disclosed.

Information collected

We collect personal information that you have knowingly agreed to disclose to us in order to obtain detailed information about the company's services. Personal information comes to us by filling out a form on the website vipiska-nalog.com. In order to receive detailed information about services, costs and types of payments, you need to provide us with your address Email, name (real or fictitious) and telephone number. This information is provided by you voluntarily and we do not verify its accuracy in any way.

Use of the information received

The information you provide when filling out the questionnaire is processed only at the time of the request and is not saved. We use this information only to send you the information you signed up for.

Providing information to third parties

We take protecting your privacy very seriously. We will never provide your personal information to third parties, except as may be expressly requested. Russian legislation(for example, at the request of the court). All contact information you provide to us is disclosed only with your permission. Email addresses are never published on the Site and are used by us only to communicate with you.

Data protection

The Site Administration protects information provided by users and uses it only in accordance with the accepted Privacy Policy on the Site.

The Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the Policy) was developed in accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2006. No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” (hereinafter referred to as FZ-152). This Policy defines the procedure for processing personal data and measures to ensure the security of personal data in the vipiska-nalog.com service (hereinafter referred to as the Operator) in order to protect the rights and freedoms of humans and citizens when processing their personal data, including the protection of rights to privacy , personal and family secrets. In accordance with the law, the vipiska-nalog.com service is for informational purposes and does not oblige the visitor to make payments or other actions without his consent. The collection of data is necessary solely to communicate with the visitor at his request and inform him about the services of the vipiska-nalog.com service.

The main provisions of our privacy policy can be formulated as follows:

We do not share your personal information with third parties. We do not transfer your contact information to the sales department without your consent. You independently determine the amount of personal information disclosed.

Information collected

We collect personal information that you have knowingly agreed to disclose to us in order to obtain detailed information about the company's services. Personal information comes to us by filling out a form on the website vipiska-nalog.com. In order to receive detailed information about services, costs and types of payments, you must provide us with your email address, name (real or fictitious) and telephone number. This information is provided by you voluntarily and we do not verify its accuracy in any way.

Use of the information received

The information you provide when filling out the questionnaire is processed only at the time of the request and is not saved. We use this information only to send you the information you signed up for.

Providing information to third parties

We take protecting your privacy very seriously. We will never provide your personal information to third parties, except in cases where this may be directly required by Russian legislation (for example, at the request of a court). All contact information you provide to us is disclosed only with your permission. Email addresses are never published on the Site and are used by us only to communicate with you.

Data protection

The Site Administration protects information provided by users and uses it only in accordance with the accepted Privacy Policy on the Site.

The legislation does not oblige them to conduct verification of counterparties; they are rejected by the courts, because under... obligations. Failure to take measures to verify the counterparty and documents on its behalf is... measures taken by the taxpayer when checking the counterparty at the stage of its selection are assessed. It’s important... we are inclined to believe that checking only the legal capacity of a counterparty does not indicate that... it will be easier to independently check the reliability of a potential counterparty. Important! Besides the tax...

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