False white mushroom (satanic mushroom): description, where it grows, how dangerous? Double edible porcini mushrooms: description of the satanic mushroom.

In the specialized literature, the satanic mushroom belongs to the class of conditionally edible types. However, this convention is quite relative.

The fact is that it becomes edible only after prolonged soaking and cooking for 10 hours.

All these culinary procedures make the organoleptic properties of the pulp completely inedible.

Therefore, most mushroom pickers neglect these cooking rules.

This entails severe toxic damage to the liver, spleen, nervous system, since the pulp of the satanic mushroom is poisonous.

Description of the satanic mushroom with photo

In the photos below, the satanic mushroom looks very similar to the most common pink mushrooms. However, this similarity is very deceptive. If the boletus mushroom does not contain toxins dangerous to human health, then the tubular formations of the satanic mushroom from the very early period development actively produce and accumulate muscarinic poisons. Just 50 grams is enough. of this mushroom so that characteristic symptoms of poisoning appear.

Biologically, in terms of its structure, this mushroom belongs to the boletus group. It is found mainly in the southern regions of our country. Prefers to grow in hazel thickets or oak groves. Less often it can be found next to hornbeams or linden trees.

As it grows it reaches impressive sizes. There are specimens in which the diameter of the cap reaches 40 cm. According to the description of the satanic mushroom, the cap from an early age has a cushion-like structure with a smooth outer surface, which is covered with dense skin.

WITH inside The cap contains a dense spongy substance, which can be light pink in color. The entire surface of the mushroom is velvety to the touch. The upper side is green, olive or brown in color. Yellow shades with an olive tint can be common in dark areas with poor light levels. Usually these are old oak and linden groves with dense growth of young trees.

The stem of the satanic mushroom is not much different from other representatives of the boletus family. This is a massive base with a slight decrease in diameter closer to the place where the cap is attached. The diameter can reach up to 12 cm. The standard height of the mushroom does not exceed 20 cm. Characteristic sign- when cutting the leg, a blue color quickly appears, and then a bright red color. Thus, the poison interacts with oxygen from the surrounding air.

You can distinguish the satanic mushroom by its characteristic unpleasant odor, which often resembles rotten onions. However, in at a young age this sign may be absent. Therefore, carefully look at the cut of the leg. If she turns blue within 3-5 minutes, feel free to throw this look-alike out of your basket. At home, determining the toxicity of a mushroom will be much more difficult.

Is the satanic mushroom edible or not?

As mentioned above, biologists define the edibility of the satanic mushroom as conditional, subject to the recommended rules for its culinary preparation. However, we strongly do not recommend that you risk your health.

After all, at home you will not be able to determine the percentage of poison in a particular specimen. Namely, from the concentration toxic substances The decision about the possibility of consuming this mushroom for human food depends.

According to world organization health care only 10 grams. the pulp of a raw satanic mushroom can lead to complete paralysis of the nervous system and death of a person due to cardiac arrest and cessation of the functioning of the respiratory center.

Medical assistance measures include:

  1. gastric lavage;
  2. drinking soda solution;
  3. seeking emergency medical care.

The first signs of satanic mushroom poisoning may include:

  • confusion;
  • repeated vomiting;
  • hepatic colic;
  • loose stool mixed with blood;
  • paralysis of limbs;
  • severe headaches.

If you experience similar symptoms after eating any mushrooms, do not hesitate. Call an ambulance immediately.

The Satanic mushroom is a poisonous representative of the Borovik genus, Boletaceae family. Often this dangerous mushroom confused with white mushroom, and such consequences can be very serious; it is not for nothing that people call this mushroom “forest devil.”

The Latin name of the mushroom is Boletus satanas.

These mushrooms are very similar in appearance to pink boletus mushrooms. But in the tubular elements of these poisonous mushrooms muscarinic type toxins are deposited. According to their structure, these mushrooms belong to the boletus group. Over time they grow to large sizes. The diameter of the caps of individual specimens can reach up to 40 centimeters. The cap is cushion-shaped with a smooth surface and dense skin.

On the inside of the cap there is a spongy substance that is dense to the touch. The color of the upper part of the cap is brown, green or olive. The cap and stem feel velvety to the touch. If satanic mushrooms grow in darkened forests, then their caps become more prostrate, and the color becomes yellow with an olive tint.

The stem of the satanic mushroom is also similar in appearance to those of the boletus family. The base of the mushroom is massive, and at the junction with the cap it becomes thinner. The usual height of the mushroom is 20 centimeters, with a diameter of up to 12 centimeters.

Places where satanic mushrooms grow

These mushrooms grow in coniferous, mixed and deciduous forests. They are mainly found in the southern regions. They prefer soil with excess lime.

Fruiting period satanic mushrooms lasts from July to September. They grow up in small families. They form mycorrhiza with linden, chestnut, hornbeam, beech and hazel. They are found in the Caucasus, the Middle East in the southern part of our country, the Primorsky Territory, and also in southern Europe.

How to recognize a satanic mushroom?

If the stem of a satanic mushroom is cut, a blue color will appear first, and then a bright red color. By this sign you can recognize this poisonous mushroom. In addition, the pulp of the satanic mushroom has the smell of rotten onions. Young specimens may have no smell at all.

If you cut the stem and it turns blue within 3-5 minutes, then this mushroom should be thrown away immediately, since the color of the flesh of edible mushrooms does not change when cut.

Is it possible to eat satanic mushrooms?

In the specialized literature, these mushrooms are classified as conditionally edible. However, satanic mushrooms cannot be used for food without prolonged soaking and cooking for less than 10 hours. If these conditions are neglected, the mushroom picker faces poisoning. Despite the fact that biologists classify satanic mushrooms as conditionally edible, experts do not recommend risking your health and collecting them, since the amount of poison cannot be determined at home.

Toxicity and signs of satanic mushroom poisoning

The pulp of these mushrooms is poisonous, and if they are not subjected to heat treatment, the body is poisoned. About 50 grams of mushrooms are enough for poisoning. In this case, toxic damage to the nervous system, liver and spleen occurs. This condition is very serious.

When poisoned by satanic mushrooms, a person experiences vomiting and diarrhea, and the vomiting is very strong and constant. Paralysis of the limbs, loss of consciousness and severe headaches may occur. Death can occur due to suffocation and cardiac arrest.

In case of poisoning with satanic mushrooms, it is necessary to provide next help:
Rinse the stomach;
Call an ambulance.

Similar species

Satanic mushrooms are similar to other boletaceae with blue flesh and colored spores. Among the inedible representatives, the satanic mushroom can be confused with the following mushrooms:
The whitish boletus is not eaten because of its bitter taste;
Boletus is pink-golden;
Boletus inedible also has a bitter taste and is therefore inedible;
Boletus le Gal or legal boletus;
False satanic mushroom.

Also, the satanic mushroom can be confused with conditionally edible mushrooms:
The olive-brown oakberry has a brown cap, and its flesh quickly turns blue;
The speckled oakberry has a darker cap, there is no mesh on the stem, and the flesh also quickly turns blue.

Satanic mushroom - conditional edible mushroom from the genus Boletus, boletaceae family. Acceptable names: satanic boletus, Tubiporus satanas. Scientists' opinions regarding the mushroom are divided. Some consider it poisonous, excluding the possibility of food consumption, others classify the mushroom as an absolutely safe product, which, if properly administered, will enrich the diet and cannot harm a person.

general characteristics

Distinctive feature conditionally edible mushroomappearance. The cap grows from 6 to 25 centimeters in diameter. Painted in a porous white-gray or light olive shade. The hat is fleshy, dense and quite massive. Develops in the shape of a semicircle with clear rounded bulges. The surface of the cap itself is characterized by a smooth, bare, dry texture. The texture can change depending on the weather: in slush, the surface becomes overgrown with a thin layer of thick liquid, and in sunlight it becomes smooth and completely dry.

Mushroom stem dimensions: 4-15x3-6 centimeters. The leg is central, ovoid. It is by this part of the fruiting body that a dangerous mushroom can be identified. It is painted in a rich red color (with a noticeable yellow tint) and has a distinct mesh pattern that protrudes from the surface.

The pulp of the eukaryote is dense, colored White color. The shade of the pulp varies depending on the location: in the stem it is colored pale yellow, at the break it is red, and higher up it turns blue. The tubular layer of the cap also has a special variety of colors: first yellow, green, red, olive, then blue (turns blue after touching the body of the mushroom). The spore powder is colored pale green. The size of the spores is 10-16x5-7 microns. The shape of the spores is similar to an elongated elongated spindle. The structure is smooth, the shade is olive. It should be noted the fetid odor of the pulp of “old” eukaryotes, which repels not only from eating the mushroom, but also from touching it. Some compare the aroma to the stench of sour foods. “Young” boletus mushrooms have a much more pleasant taste: a light, spicy, barely perceptible mushroom trail. A noticeable contrast to the smell creates the taste of the pulp.

Tasting the mushroom raw is strictly prohibited and can lead to serious food poisoning.

The flavor palette is filled with bright mushroom and barely noticeable sweet notes.

A representative of boletaceae grows mainly on carbonate soil. Selects deciduous forests (less often mixed) from June to October. The satanic mushroom vaguely resembles the traditional white one (Boletus edulis). The main difference is the shade of the tubular layer and the stem of the fruiting body. Mushroom pickers often don’t pay attention to this nuance and, without realizing it, test their own body’s strength.

The Satanic mushroom has a changeable temperament. The mesh pattern changes its color from yellow-green to pink, the cap - from white to a rich marsh color. With age, even the spores change their hue from honey-yellow to contrasting brown. It is necessary to know such “tricks” and be able to recognize a dangerous product in time.

Ecology and distribution

The eukaryote thrives in deciduous forests, which are fully provided with sunlight. Ultraviolet radiation is one of the main requirements of the fungus for normal development and spread. Most often, the satanic mushroom can be found next to the following trees:

  • hornbeam;
  • hazel;
  • chestnut (exclusively edible);
  • Linden.

With these trees, boletus creates mycorrhiza (fungus root).

Mycorrhiza - a symbiotic fusion of fungal mycelium with roots higher plants(in our case, with trees from the list). There are 3 types of mycorrhiza: endotrophic, ectotrophic and ectoendotorphic.

With ectoturf mycorrhiza, the hyphae of the satanic fungus entwine the root of the tree in a dense network. During this fusion, a kind of cover and special mycorrhizal tubes are formed. The boletus gradually penetrates into the tree, but does not spread in the cells.

With endotorphic mycorrhiza, tree cells are affected by fungal hyphae. main feature: penetration occurs through the pores without touching the plasmalemma. The fungus begins to merge with the tree, develop and grow inside the root. Whole clusters of fungal hyphae begin to form in the tree cells. They form in the form of balls and gradually branch out within the selected tree. Such ball formations are called arbuscules.

In ectoendomycorrhiza, a combination of signs of two processes occurs. The fungus “settles” in the roots of the host plant and can freely move from one stage of development to another.

For successful mycorrhiza, the fungus chooses calcareous soils of Southern Europe, the southern part European Russia, Caucasus, Middle East and southern territory of Primorsky Krai.

Economic importance of mycorrhiza

Scientists have learned to adapt natural biological processes to various spheres of human existence. For example, microbiological inoculants (released during mycorrhiza) have found their use in agriculture. They help to increase the productivity of many cultivated plants. Due to mycorrhiza, plants receive the maximum concentration of liquid, vitamins and beneficial minerals from the soil, which ultimately affects both productivity and yield. Scientists note that after mycorrhiza the concentration especially increases.

Similar species

The list includes only species of boletus mushrooms (Boletus) with colored pores and flesh that turns blue after contact with the external environment.

Inedible mushrooms are not eaten because of their bitter taste, which is unpleasant to human receptors. Moreover, scientists claim that most of them pose a danger to our body and are fraught with serious food poisoning. Inedible varieties of Boletus include:

  • Boletus albidus or whitish boletus;
  • Boletus calopus or inedible mushroom;
  • Boletus rhodoxanthus or rose-gold boletus;
  • Boletus splendidus or false variety satanic mushroom;
  • Boletus legaliae or boletus is legal (acceptable name is Boletus de Gal).

This list also includes rare and little-studied varieties of boletus, the degree of safety/toxicity of which has not yet been fully studied.

Scientists have identified a number of mushrooms, the opinions of which differ. Some consider them dangerous and advocate for toxic status, others collect them themselves in the forests and would happily feed mushroom snacks to loved ones at a family dinner. Conditionally edible varieties of Boletus include:

  • Boletus luridus or olive-brown oak (distinguished by a tall pastel brown cap and rapidly turning blue flesh upon contact with the environment);
  • Boletus erythopus or speckled oak (distinguished by a rich dark cap, the absence of a pronounced mesh on the stem of the fruiting body and quickly turning blue flesh during contact with the environment).

Degree of toxicity of eukaryotes

The issue of dietary consumption of the satanic mushroom has not yet been completely resolved. But scientists still came to one unanimous opinion: in its raw form, boletus is incredibly dangerous and toxic. According to scientific research, a small piece of pulp, whose weight does not exceed 1 gram, contains a high concentration of poison. It can cause severe distress digestive system, in which some patients will require hospitalization.

Scientists are divided into two groups: some believe that the concentration of poison decreases to a conditionally safe level after prolonged cooking, others argue that toxins do not go away and even after heat treatment can harm a person.

Is it possible to eat satanic mushroom?

European countries like the Czech Republic and France have recognized the satanic boletus as conditionally edible, regulate its collection and allow their citizens to eat the desired product. But not everyone approves of such a policy. For example, the author of the book “Mushrooms” (Le grand livre des Champignons) Gerard Houdou describes Tubiporus satanas as a hazardous component that leads not only to food poisoning, but also to death. Italian reference books also classify the satanic mushroom as a toxic food product that should not be eaten under any circumstances. Italians are inclined to believe that heat treatment has no effect on the degree of toxicity, so they introduced a ban on the collection and consumption of boletus.

Considering this controversial opinion of the scientific community, it is better to avoid using the satanic mushroom. Even long-term heat treatment for 10 hours or more cannot provide absolute guarantees and provide maximum protection for the human body. Do not sacrifice your own health and the condition of your loved ones.

The World Health Organization claims that 10 grams of satanic mushroom pulp may well cause the death of a healthy adult. The cause of death lies in cardiac arrest and paralysis of the nervous system. Exposure to harmful components from eukaryotes can lead to suffocation, since the respiratory organs simply cannot function normally.

Do not conduct dangerous experiments and eat only those mushrooms that are officially approved, considered edible and absolutely safe for health. But remain vigilant and check the quality of the product you consume, even in supermarkets with packaged goods. Check the name of the mushroom, its quality certificate, expiration date, smell and appearance. Remember that you can be poisoned not only by conditionally edible foods, but also ordinary mushrooms, which we see on store shelves every day.

First aid for mushroom poisoning

Signs of mushroom poisoning

The first signs of poisoning may appear more than 2 hours after eating. Be vigilant and do not ignore dangerous symptoms.

The first obvious symptoms are nausea and vomiting. Don’t rush to quit – this is not overeating, but rather check your pulse/temperature to make sure the cause of the malaise. After poisoning, a person experiences a weak pulse and a sharp increase in body temperature. After some time, a decrease in performance begins, a feeling of coldness in the extremities, and sharp pain in the abdomen.

Poisoning can provoke an exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract that were in remission.

Severe abdominal pain alternates with diarrhea. In especially severe cases, a person will have to visit the toilet more than 15 times a day.

When poisoned by excessively toxic products (like a satanic mushroom), a person may develop delusions, hallucinations and a state bordering on insanity. Moreover, the toxic fungus can cause the development of a serious disease - botulism. The disease is fraught with permanent headache, difficulty swallowing, blurred vision, dry mouth, incessant nausea and vomiting, bowel dysfunction and frequent convulsions.

If such symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor to get timely help and prevent the infection from spreading throughout the body.

First aid

First aid for mushroom poisoning consists of a set of very simple manipulations. The first rule is call a doctor. The faster you do this, the less you will have to writhe in pain and endure unpleasant changes inside own body. There is no need to be a hero and go to the hospital on your own. It is better to stay in bed and try to relax as much as possible until the ambulance arrives. Take a comfortable lying position, drink activated charcoal and try to consume as much healthy liquid as possible (filtered cold water, cold strong tea). If all actions are performed correctly and in a timely manner, then the doctor’s competent actions will put you back on your feet within the next day.

If the mushroom was overly toxic, then treatment may take several days or even weeks. Stay safe and be as careful as possible on your daily food journey.

Satanic mushroom or devil's mushroom - in some European countries it is considered conditionally edible, but in most sources it is described as poisonous, which remains toxic even after cooking.

“I take every mushroom in my hands, but not every one I put in a box” - a rule that needs to be understood once and for all!

No matter how exciting it is to collect these gifts of nature, you need to be very careful. In nature, more than two hundred species of mushrooms are edible. But if you come across a poisonous one during collection, it can cause a lot of trouble. It is necessary to know what this or that poisonous representative looks like, its exact description, so as not to be confused with edible ones.

Description and habitat

The satanic mushroom has a hemispherical cap, in its mature form it is prostrate, quite large - from eight to thirty centimeters in diameter. May be smooth or velvety. Dry. In color - from white to dirty gray, with ocher shades and stains. The leg is reddish, 5–15 cm in height and 3–10 cm in diameter, shaped like a barrel, turnip or egg, tapering upward. The color changes from brownish-yellow at the base to yellowish-red at the cap. When cut, the flesh turns blue or red, has white or yellow. An old and mature individual has an unpleasant odor.

The habitat of the satanic mushroom is light deciduous forests, where hazel grows, as well as oak, hornbeam, beech, edible chestnut, linden, and calcareous soils of Southern Europe, southern Russia, the Caucasus, the Middle East, and southern Primorsky Krai. Can be found from early summer to late September.

They say about the satanic mushroom that it is special poisonous species. In raw form: 1 gram of pulp causes severe poisoning.

Photo of satanic mushroom

Distinctive features

In order not to put a false and inedible satanic mushroom in the basket, it is important to know how to distinguish it from other species.

The cap of the porcini mushroom does not turn red or blue when cut, the flesh remains white, the stem will always be white or light brown, and the pattern on the stem is light and reticulated.

We can say about the satanic mushroom that it is a double of the oak mushroom, but the false species will have a lighter cap, grayish or green. In the oak tree it is olive or grayish-brown. The satanic mushroom is distinguished by pulp with an unpleasant odor, which first turns red when broken and then turns blue, while the flesh of the oak mushroom immediately turns blue.

The satanic mushroom has many opinions about its poisonousness or edibility. But it is important to understand the risk you are taking. If you doubt its edibility, then do not take it or eat it.

Some Europeans even prepare it by soaking it for 10 hours. It is possible to distinguish an edible mushroom from a poisonous one.

The edible one has white flesh inside in any case. In a poisonous one, when cut, the inside changes from red to blue.

In case of poisoning, you must immediately call an ambulance and provide first aid by inducing vomiting to clear the stomach.

When collecting mushrooms on forest edges, you can confuse such types of mushrooms as boletus mushroom and satanic mushroom; it is quite difficult to distinguish them, but it is possible. Read more in the article.


Boletov family, Borovik clan. Otherwise they can call it Satanic Boletus, Devil's Mushroom, Satan.

The mushroom is conditionally edible. There are a lot of opinions about its suitability and possibility of consumption.

The main criterion for this mushroom is proper processing and preparation (and this means cooking - 10 hours), otherwise it is inedible.

The appearance of the mushroom is:

  • Sometimes flat, sometimes convex hat 10-20 cm, the color is sometimes gray, sometimes green, sometimes something in between;
  • The mushroom is smooth to the touch; when the weather is humid, you can feel the mucus;
  • The color of the spores changes to brown;
  • Large leg the color of a radish;
  • White flesh - if damaged (cut), it will change color from red and turn blue.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW: The decisive factor in distinguishing it from other mushrooms cannot be blueing, since this occurs in many types of mushrooms.

You can distinguish the mushroom from others by the sharp, stinking smell of onions that have rotted.

Fruits in July-September.

Why is it called that?

It is called that because of the opinion about its insidiousness and poisonousness, it just so happens.

Some people are frightened by the color of the mushroom - from yellow to red-pink, reminiscent of the color of the flames of hell. By the way, this is the main difference poisonous mushroom from edible - color.

Edible or poisonous?

Still, there are many opinions about its toxicity or edibility and it is extremely dangerous for you to risk consuming it.

Raw unprocessed mushroom

It has a bunch of toxins and is super poisonous, but it is not surprising that nowadays people manage to cook it and eat it at their own peril and risk. They soak it for 10 hours and try to cook it. But this does not guarantee that you will not feel sick and heavy after eating it.

How to distinguish?

When you cut a poisonous mushroom, the inside changes color from red to blue, but the edible one is always white inside.

Where does it grow?

Place of growth - different forests(coniferous, deciduous).

The Middle East, the Caucasus, the southern regions of Russia and Europe are all places where the satanic mushroom grows.

It can be found under oak, linden, and chestnut trees.

Poisoning. First aid

Scientific experts believe that consuming one gram of the mushroom worsens the condition, while ten grams leads to death.

As soon as various pains begin to be felt, you urgently need to call an ambulance or go to the hospital.

The consequences may be:

  • Severe cutting pain in the abdomen;
  • Dizziness;
  • Nausea;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Vomit;
  • Hallucinations;
  • Sharp goal. pain.

While you are waiting for help, try to give yourself first aid:

  • Induce vomiting;
  • Drink warm soda water.

The main rule: if you’re not sure what kind of mushroom it is, don’t pick it up and don’t eat it. It's better to take care of yourself and be safe.
