German public baths - features and rules for visiting. How I took a steam bath in Austrian nudist baths

These are the most famous baths in Moscow, simply the Mecca of washing establishments. The ancient Sandunov building on Neglinnaya was built at the end of the 19th century and today is classified as an architectural monument. There are two women's and three men's departments, a restaurant and numbered baths. Even the great esthete Gilyarovsky said that the Sandunov baths were visited by all the nobility of Pushkin’s Moscow. The minimum cost of a ticket to the most modest first class is 1000 rubles per session, which is fully justified by a stay in this legendary place. By the way, fastidious experts are silent about the steam room, which means that it is quite good.

Rzhev baths

It surprises no one that the Rzhev Baths are located in Bannoy. Since their construction in 1888, they have always been true to their purpose. The baths were especially popular among the common people, small merchants, poor artists and students. During the times of Soviet totalitarianism, dissident writers and poets secretly gathered here for a “wash.” Today there are practically no casual visitors in the Rzhev Baths; here all the clients know each other. These are one of the few Moscow baths that have their own boiler room, which ensures an uninterrupted supply of hot water at a constant temperature.

Warsaw Baths

The main feature of the Warsaw Baths are the initiative folk groups. It's hard to get into there on weekends because dicks are steaming there informal group lovers of bath art " Clean people" A general photograph of the formation proudly located in. In addition to the branded steam on medicinal herbs enthusiasts certainly sing in chorus in the steam room, and the repertoire is prepared in advance. The regulars of the Warsaw Baths are so spontaneous that on the door of the local buffet there is a notice: “Men, women work here! Don’t enter the hall naked!”

Seleznevskie baths

The oldest baths in Moscow include the Seleznevsky baths, built in the mid-19th century. The first beauty of the capital, Natalya Goncharova, spoiled them with her presence. Today, the elite avoid baths, which is very happy for people who understand the subtleties of baths. Local bathhouse patriots like everything: the prices, the steam room, and tea with bagels. Whatever one may say, the Seleznevskie baths are really people's baths.

Astrakhan baths

Until recently, ministers, actors and diplomats who lived in the area of ​​Mira Avenue took a bath here. Today the Astrakhan baths are not as pompous as they were before, but regular customers love the steam room and the pleasant atmosphere of this place. The highlight is the unusual pool, which is a huge vat made of metal sheets.

Many nations have their own bathing traditions, which may seem strange and sometimes indecent to others. Not in every country, when entering a local bathhouse, a Russian will feel feel at home.

Three in a Japanese barrel
Traditional Japanese baths may seem the most “shameless” to a Russian person. A furaco sauna bath is a large wooden barrel filled with water. Often thiswater was taken from hot thermal springs. In order not to change the water every time after washing one person, washing with soap and a washcloth is done in advance.

The whole family or just a few people can sit in the furaco, if the barrel is located in a public bathhouse, for this purpose there are benches on the sides of the barrel. In public Japanese baths in the old days there were servant girls who also provided intimate services to visitors. Some entertainment establishments in Japan continue this tradition today. Are they called "soapland"? and in them clients are washed, and then “entertained”.
However, not all bathhouse attendants are girls of the lungs behavior. Sometimes they prefer to hire girls because women would be uncomfortable usingservices of male bathhouse attendants. At the same time, there may not be an intimate component - the accompanying people will show you how to use the bathhouse, make sure that in the barrel ofWith hot water, visitors will not feel sick; they will add aromatic oils to the water and give them a massage.

Now the majority public baths in Japan (sento) is divided into male and female halves, although this was not always the case: over the centuries, the relevant laws were either approved or repealed again. Sento may have large pools of heated water.Many sento bathhouses prohibit people with tattoos from entering, as they may be suspected of belonging to the mafia. There are also some establishments where foreigners are not welcome.

Bath equality
In many European baths there is no division into men's and women's areas- everyone sits in the same room or splashes in the same pool. In Germany, many baths are located in areas with thermal waters. They are usually divided into two halves: in onethere are swimming pools and water attractions, in the other there are actually saunas and steam rooms. Swimsuits and swimming trunks are allowed only in the pool area. And come to the bathhouse in a swimsuit- nonsense. On the doors of the room where it is customary to sit naked, the letters FFK - Freikörperkultur - “Free Body Culture” are usually written.

The shyest ones can wrap themselves in a cotton towel - the Germans do not approve of synthetics, believing that they negate the healing effect of the bath. But usually no one
does not look at anyone - in the bathhouse everyone is equal. Rather, they will look at the guest wrapped in a towel.

The whole family goes to German baths, so in one steam room there can be teenagers, their parents, and very young children. Sometimes, however, they organize “women’s days”when men are in bath complex They don't let me in.
Make noise in German baths You can’t – it prevents other guests from relaxing.

It is worth saying that in the XV-XVII centuries. in Rus' in baths too
joint washings of men and women were practiced, and
an imperial decree prohibiting everyone from washing together,
came out only under Catherine II in 1782. Before that, the decree
The Governing Senate of 1741 was not successful.
This custom finally came to an end only in the era
Alexandra I.

To the bathhouse - for important contracts
In Finland, it is not customary to refuse an invitation to the sauna. There, as in Germany, they sit “in what the mother gave birth to,” and the status of the neighbor is not taken into account. There is a sauna
even in the Houses of Parliament. They say that until the 80s, parliament meetings were held there on Thursdays.
All Finnish consulates and embassies abroad have their own saunas.So if you want to sign an important agreement with a Finn or discuss any problem, you will have to go to the sauna with him. It is there that Finns, who are usually closed and not very fond of making contact, loosen up and willingly conduct complex negotiations. Ex-president Finland's Martti Ahtisaari liked to discuss the most serious issues with foreign politicians in the sauna. All ministers and presidents sat naked, as expected. And Nikita Khrushchev in 1960 had to steam in a Finnish saunaembassy for five hours until he and President Urho Keccone came to agreement on important issues.
Families go to the sauna together, but in public saunas men and women steam separately. Many Finns get offended when they talk about intimate relationships in saunas, believing that this opinion came from Germany in the 70s. In Finland there is even floating saunas, which are not recommended for people sensitive to motion.

Gay saunas
In Sweden for a long time there were special sauna clubs for people with gay. The government banned them in 1987, citing the spread of HIV, but the ban was lifted in 2001. The authorities consideredthat during the ban there was neither a sharp increase in morbidity rates nor a sharp decrease in them.

Another argument in favor of permission was that promiscuity in random places carries a much greater risk.

In the USA, similar baths also existed and were banned in the mid-80s in New York (1985) and San Francisco (1984). In the UK, gay saunas operate andnow: the largest network is located in London and is called Chariots. They have swimming pools, steam rooms, massage rooms.

The saunas of this chain are open 24 hours a day. There are similar establishments in many countries around the world. A few years ago, the BBC reported that a famous gay sauna and a Vatican department coexisted in a historic palazzo in Rome.

In European countries, shared or shared baths and saunas are considered quite common. Where men and women, as well as their children, wash together without swimming trunks or swimsuits. Frankly speaking, being in a bathhouse in a swimsuit or swimming trunks is a rather stupid activity. There is nothing more disruptive to normal bathing procedures than synthetic textile accessories on the body. This is, of course, if you didn’t just go to warm up, but deliberately came to the bathhouse precisely for what the contrast of a 100-degree steam room and almost 100% air humidity, and a cold shower or font gives your body. And also herbal tea, fruit, a shallow pool to relax rather than swim at speed, meditative music, a terry robe and dim lights.

In Germany and Austria, 70% of baths and saunas do not have separate sections for men and women; this would be too expensive. From 5 to 18 steam rooms for literally every taste and color and several pools different depths and no one will build temperatures separately for men and separately for women. And being in a bathhouse in swimming trunks and swimsuits, as described above, is a rather harmful and ridiculous activity that does not allow a person to feel the beauty and depth of the bathing procedure. It happens, of course, that such an establishment organizes a separate women’s day. Once a week, for example, or once a month. So that women who can’t stand being around a lot of unfamiliar naked men can also come and relax. On other days, the vast majority of baths and saunas in Germany and Austria, including those at water parks, are general and “swimsuit-free.”

In Holland there are 100% of such baths; there are simply no others. IN Eastern Europe(Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia) have about half of these baths. But despite the apparent stereotype, in northern Europe(Sweden, Finland and the Baltic states) there are very few such baths. I don’t know what it’s connected with.

In Moscow (St. Petersburg, Kyiv, Yekaterinburg and other cities of the former USSR) such baths do not officially exist. However, you would be surprised how many there actually are. All of them are not of the official nature of common or joint baths, but if you wish, you can easily find information about them in open sources.

How does this happen. There is a certain organizer who negotiates with some washing establishment that once a week (as a rule) he will rent the entire premises for a few hours for his company. Guarantees that this will happen constantly (i.e. without omissions) and receives a discount for this. And in general, it is beneficial for any enterprise to have regular, guaranteed customers. Next, the organizer first calls his friends, then they bring their own, then a group appears on VKontakte, Facebook or somewhere else. Where anyone can sign up (or friends of friends).

Among certain circles - visitors to such baths - information is gradually spreading that on Monday there is a bathhouse at such and such a place. And on Thursday, somewhere else - at someone else's. And so on. The information is also quite open and can be found if desired.

To be fair, we note that not all organizers are happy when strangers come to them straight from the street. Many people ask you to at least call in advance and tell them about yourself, where you got the information from, who you know, who you’re coming with, and so on. Phone numbers are published in the public domain. There is still a lot of “club” in such events in our country. In Europe, where this is official, there are naturally no organizers; you can come and go at any time, and the owner of the establishment, or rather his employees, monitors the adequacy of your behavior.

What can you say about the rules? The rules are the same everywhere: don’t use drugs, don’t be very drunk, don’t have sex. Many organizers do not accept alcohol at all. As well as heavy, unhealthy food on the common table. No one forbids making acquaintances and showing signs of attention. Just in case, I’ll write it a second time: sex is prohibited. No, of course there are even more closed meetings where they gather for sex. But now we are not talking about such establishments at all.

Believe me, where people gather for sex, no one is interested in the bathhouse as such. I'm interested in the presence of "relaxation rooms", but the steam rooms stand empty all the way. This is not why people gather there. I wouldn’t be surprised if the same people go to one bathhouse one day to wash, and on another day, excuse me, to have sex. Everywhere, as they say, has its own interest clubs. And to each his own.

I would also like to emphasize that the “club” nature of the events implies mutual respect, compliance with the rules of specific organizers (for example, they may ask you not to talk loudly, or not to bring beer, or to come only with your partner). If you are visiting for the first time, it is better to first take a closer look at how others behave.

So, in Moscow there are several common joint baths.

Baths in the Izmailovo Hotel on the 30th floor, in the Alpha and Vega buildings

Capacity – 40 people. The premises are almost symmetrical, but there are significant differences. There is only one, but large Finnish steam room in Alpha. In Vega, the Finnish steam room is smaller, but there is a Turkish hammam, and it is very hot, hotter than the required 40 degrees. In addition, Vega has a Jacuzzi bath, but Alpha does not. In the Vega building the pool is 3x5 meters, in the Alpha building - 2x4 m. In the Alpha building there are windows (don't forget about the 30th floor)! There is also a glass roof, which is very useful in summer.

Joint sessions are known on Fridays from 19:00 to 23:00. In Alpha also on Sunday from 13:00 to 17:00.

Plant "Compressor", Aviamotornaya metro station,2nd st. Enthusiasts

Capacity – 20 people. Eat Finnish sauna, something like a hammam (just a warm room for 4 people with steam and wooden benches), a swimming pool 3x3 meters. The pool is always cold. Since this is a separate building, it is possible to go outside. Very homely atmosphere, many accompanying bath procedures of things. The owner of the bathhouse prefers to spend time with his guests.

Joint sessions almost every day on weekdays from 19:00 to 23-24:00 and on weekends either from 14:00, or from 16:00, or from 19:00.

Pool MPEI, st. Krasonokazarmennaya, 13 B

Capacity – 30 people. There is a small but very hot Finnish steam room, a plunge pool, and an infrared cabin for 1-2 people. Large recreation room with pool table. Some organizers have an agreement on free access to the pool (25 meters, swimming trunks/swimsuit and rubber cap required).

Joint sessions are held in sauna No. 2B on Mondays, Fridays and Sundays from 19:00 or 20:00 to 23:00. And although the place has been known among the general bath community for quite some time, finding information on the organizers is very difficult.

Bathhouse near Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station, on Narodnogo Opolcheniya Street, 43 k2

Capacity – 50 people. The largest space. Finnish steam room, 3x5 meter swimming pool, jacuzzi. Lots of rest rooms. One has a billiard table and a table tennis table. In another there is a massage table, in the third you can conduct sessions of energy or tantric practices.

Joint sessions on Fridays from 20:00 to 24:00, on Saturdays from 19:30 to 23:00, Wednesdays from 19:30 to 22:30. There are other days, but I don't know them.

Bathhouse near Vladykino metro station, Gostinichny Proezd, 8k1

Capacity – 30 people. Finnish steam room, large Turkish hammam, 3x3 meter pool. The hammam is huge – the bathhouse is called “Hamam” even from the street.

Joint sessions are regularly held on Mondays, Fridays and Sundays from 19:00 to 23:00, as well as occasionally on other days.

Bathhouse in Lotus-House (formerly "Women's World") on Poshtovaya Street

This is the newest space of all the ones listed. Made not according to Russian, but rather according to European standards. For example, there are no closed rest rooms with beds at all. But there are several steam rooms at once. Capacity – 30 people. Two Finnish steam rooms and two hammams. All with different temperatures. There is no pool. The shower cabins are very interestingly made - in wooden barrels.

Joint sessions on Fridays from 17:00 to 23:00 and on Sundays from 19:00 to 23:00.

Tsaritsyn and Warsaw baths, CSKA swimming pool near Dynamo metro station

These are not so popular among organizers, but quite well-known bathing places in Moscow. Quite spacious and quite high quality. They are regularly repaired. Each room is designed for 50-60 people.

It’s been a long time since I read V. Soloukhin’s story about how back in Soviet time he visited a German public bath and was impressed.

About the topic of German washing with an erotic slant without complexes and without anything at all, see below

Many Russians when visiting Germany encounter serious cultural barriers that separate our countries. The German mentality is very different from the Slavic one. This is explained cultural traditions, and freer European views. The strongest culture shock among Russians is caused by German saunas and baths...

Joint baths and saunas

Almost all saunas and baths in Germany are shared. This means that men and women, children and old people - everyone steams and washes together. the main problem for Russians is that they have to do it completely naked. You will not be allowed into the steam room, wash room, or swimming pool in a swimsuit or swimming trunks. Rubber slippers are also prohibited.

The Germans believe that any synthetic material in a humid and hot environment evaporates dangerous chemical compounds. This not only harms the person wearing synthetic swimwear, but also those around them. You simply will not be allowed into a German sauna in a swimsuit (or swimming trunks, if you are a man).

Even if you shyly cover up your sensitive areas, they will look at you in surprise as if you were a strange person. The Germans are not at all shy about their nudity. Teenage boys can safely swim next to the naked mothers of their classmates, and no one sees anything indecent about it.

Etiquette in German saunas

Men, women, children, the elderly - everyone washes naked in the same room. On rare occasions, some establishments offer separate swimming days, but this may only be once a week. On all other days, be kind enough to cast aside false shame!

If you enter the washroom wearing swimming trunks, you will be reprimanded and shown the door. So those who want to visit a German sauna should tune in to a nudist mood and, first of all, get used to their own nudity. Russian people, who are much more shy by nature, have difficulty accepting such orders. Some people, even after living in Germany for many years, simply avoid visiting saunas.

But the fact is that German friends or even business partners can easily invite you to their home sauna. And in this case, you will have to strip naked and take a steam bath with everyone else. In this case, you should behave adequately: do not blush, do not cover up your most intimate parts and, naturally, do not closely examine the figures of those around you.

Where can you hide

The sauna in Germany is divided into 2 zones. The first is the actual washing room and steam room. They are called Textilfrei, which roughly translates to “clothing-free zone.” In the remaining rooms - the lounge area, water slides and bar - you can walk around modestly wrapped in a towel or in swimming trunks. By the way, not all Germans do this. Many continue to shamelessly walk around in what their mother gave birth to. Not every Russian is able to accept, let alone understand, this.

The most pleasant

The procedure of swimming in such places is very pleasant and relaxing. In public saunas you cannot speak loudly or make any noise at all. This may prevent other guests from enjoying their stay. You can sit or lie on the shelves only on special bath towels, which are 2 meters long. You cannot touch wood with bare skin. It's not hygienic.

You should arrive at the beginning of the “aufguss” - pouring out the stones - on time. It is important. During aufguss, a sauna employee pours water with honey, eucalyptus or orange aromatic oils on the stones and diligently disperses the steam. At the same time, he entertains visitors: he tells them jokes and jokes. You cannot leave the hall at this moment, so as not to let off precious steam. You can only leave if you feel sick.

Then you can start swimming. Some saunas play pleasant music during Aufguss and hand out free salts, creams or ice cubes for the skin. After the procedure, you may be offered a cup of tea, fruit or ice cream. All this is already included in the entrance ticket price. Aufguss in saunas are held according to a schedule, so it is customary to arrive on time so as not to disturb the special beauty of the ceremony.

How I took a steam bath in the nudist baths of Austria

I wanted to touch on a slightly fun topic about how it is customary for the Austrians to go to the bathhouse. I had to overcome myself and plunge into the nudist theme - visit the public baths. Shock and embarrassment. Yes, it’s customary for them to go naked to saunas, and then plop into the pool.

Then I went to sauna events: they whipped me with a hot flag, smeared me with a sticky, prickly and cold thing, and forced me to sit naked in a sauna for 20 minutes.

I did this only for you, to write this story! Of course I didn't take any photos :-)

In the fall, Lena and I had a decorous and aristocratic holiday at a wonderful resort in Austria. People come to this retirement town for the thermal springs. How can you live in Bad Ischl and not improve your health?

We collected towels and bathing accessories and headed to the Eurothermen baths.

Eurothermen thermal springs

I'll tell you the system briefly. At the entrance you pay a ticket of €16 for 4 hours. You are given a bracelet watch. You apply them to the turnstile and the time is up. If you dare to take off all your clothes and go to the nudist area, you will be charged another €7.5 for the whole day. They will need to be paid upon departure.

We go to the locker rooms. They are common. Here and there naked bodies flash. Of course, we changed clothes in the cabins. I didn’t tell Lena that there was a cult of naturalists here, but she began to guess. :-)

Thermal pool complex

I'll tell you about the pools. (Most of the photos are from Daria Pismenyuk). At the entrance we are greeted by a warm swimming pool with mineral water. We immediately plop into it. So glad! Along the edges there are underwater loungers with a Jacuzzi, fountains for the back and neck.

I go through the turnstile. The display says that I will be charged about €7 more. I open the doors. They say that you are crossing a nudist zone and it would not hurt you to undress. At the entrance Big hall with sun loungers. Some are cooling down after the bath, others are just reading the newspaper. I exposed myself and covered myself with a towel just in case. I rinsed off in the shower and went to the saunas.

How many saunas are there! I walked around for about 10 minutes and studied them. I went to each one. You must remove your slippers upon entry. You cannot sit on your butt on wooden surfaces. All places where the skin comes into contact with the wood must be covered with a towel! That is, put it under your butt and legs.

Kaiser sauna, Country house sauna, Mine sauna, Gallery sauna, Stone bath, Steam bath, Saltwater inhalation grotto, Infrared cabins, Large saltwater pool, Hot whirlpool, Cold pool.

I don’t remember which sauna is called. Choose from the list above according to your meaning. At the entrance there are signs everywhere: what it’s called, what the temperature and humidity are, how long you need to stay there.

I went into the first sauna. I looked at how everyone was laying out towels. I did the same. It seemed like no one was looking sideways at me. There were no grandmothers :-) There were ladies and men with decent physiques. Hot.

I went into the next sauna. It's not so hot there anymore. I sat and warmed myself. There are several girls around. One of them lies with her legs bent at the knees. He became embarrassed and moved on.

I looked into the bathhouse. It’s very humid and not hot – I’ll come here for the last time. I'm walking down the corridor. On the right, men are splashing in the jacuzzi. I don’t want to go to them :-) After each sauna you need to take a shower - I took a shower.

What is this foggy glass door? He opened it and went in. Still nothing is visible because of the steam. Here, apparently, you need to stand and breathe. I don’t know how many people stood and breathed next to me - I didn’t see anything. I felt somehow uneasy. Came out.

Ahead large swimming pool for naturalists. A naked old man is splashing in the water. There - on the back, back on the stomach. There are still people around the edges. I'll buy it later if no one is there.

The bathhouse attendant, with a towel on his hips, said something in German. Everyone obediently followed him. I came to get a report for you! I also had to go. What do I have to lose already?

Everyone went outside. It's kind of chilly there. There is another large round sauna outside! We all went there. The bathhouse attendant closed the door, put up some kind of sign, turned it over hourglass. I realized that I was stuck here for at least 20 minutes.

Everyone sat in a circle on wooden benches opposite the trolley. The bath attendant turned up the heat. The temperature began to rise. People laid out their bodies on towels in a relaxed manner. I sat quietly, not showing much of my charms. On the top shelf at the level of my shoulders, a couple of men sat down and started a conversation with each other. I wasn’t very pleased to be near their scrotums and I moved away :-)

While the temperature was rising, I timidly looked around at those around me. They were all quite young, 25-35 years old, with a pleasant build. Few men more women. How can I write more correctly? There is something to see :-)

Queue for white powder

Meanwhile, the temperature is rising noticeably! The bathhouse attendant came in and kicked everyone out into the street. Everyone lined up. Everyone dipped their hand into the barrel. I took white powder. And rubbed it on his sweaty skin. What is this?

It was my turn. He scooped up the white powder with his hand. He began to rub it on his skin. The grains were very large. It tore my skin like sand. It's salt! Everyone went back to the sauna to sweat.

Why is the bath attendant waving the Austrian flag?

The show didn't end there. Now the temperature was already approaching 80. The bathhouse attendant came in. Brought a flag. Added essential oils. Why does he need a flag? :-)

Not only did he bring the flag, but he also began to sing songs and wave it patriotically. It dawned on me - to make it even hotter! Now he approached everyone and waved the flag in front of their faces. The heat hit me so much that I was almost left without eyebrows and eyelashes. I'm already overheated. Time ran out and everyone began to leave. We took turns taking showers outside.

When I came to her, I couldn’t say anything due to overheating. My body and I were in shock. I wanted to tell her everything and take her there, but it was already ten o’clock. Time to go home. That evening I slept like the dead.

Second round with the bathhouse attendant. Who will win?

The next evening I managed to persuade Lena to take off her clothes and go to the kingdom of naturalists. Yesterday I looked at the schedule of bathhouse performances. I've already been to the salt plant. Now let's go together to learn some obscure German word :-)

We are now taking bolder steps into the clothing-free zone. Lena quickly undressed and wrapped herself in a towel. The bathhouse attendant again calls you outside to the round sauna. Turns the heat back on.

What has the cheerful mass entertainer prepared for today?

We sat in a circle. Lena sits wrapped in a towel. I'm a little more relaxed. That's it... break. Everyone comes out. Lena had to part with her towel. There is a queue outside for the bathhouse attendant. Everyone approaches him and he carefully sprays liquid from a spray bottle in front and behind. What is it this time? Salt? No!

Mint water. The sensations are unusual. We go back to the sauna. It’s somehow strange - the air is hot, but the skin is cooled. Mint stings the most in the folds, especially in the back :-)

Not as extreme as yesterday with salt and flag. But at least they didn’t traumatize Lena’s psyche. She accepted nudism with dignity. She didn't feel very comfortable there. I’m already used to it.

He sent her to a normal pool, and he continued his experiments. I looked into the sauna, where the steam could make you hang an ax. I walked along the walls by touch. It seems like I didn’t run into anyone backwards. I swam naked in the pool - I love that. We had the same thing in Kama :-)

Warmed up in a not hot, damp bathhouse. The bathhouse attendant came and offered homemade Strawberry jam for the stove. I don't know where to put it, so I refused.

Sticky bodies

Time for a new show! Everyone enters the wet room. There are tiled benches instead of wooden benches. There are no towels here anymore. Nothing can hide you from prying eyes! Everyone washed the bench from the shower and sat down.

Mr. bath attendant gave everyone packs of sticky mass. Everyone diligently began to rub their thighs, legs, bellies, chests and arms. Well, me too. Lick it - it turns out it's honey. Okay, give me two!

I smeared myself properly and sat warming myself. The eyes themselves look at those around them. There are more women attending such spa treatments, young ones by the way;-) The main thing here is not to goof off. I can’t even imagine what I would have done if... But everything seemed to go well. Rinse off quickly in the shower. And then it’s already ten o’clock again – it’s time to go home.


The thermal baths are definitely worth a visit. I did not touch upon the topic of health improvement here. There is a lot of information about this, but few personal impressions are shared. It’s not easy for me to pour out my soul to you either, but I took a risk - after all, today is April 1st. I won’t say what’s true and what’s fiction. Otherwise I’ll say that everything is true, and you’ll laugh at me. At the first opportunity I will visit the thermal baths again.

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