Training program for maximum effective muscle growth from scientists. How to build muscles at home

Good day, friends. Most fans of lifting iron ask a completely logical question: “How to pump up quickly?” After all, we, as a rule, do not want to spend a lot of energy to achieve results. I want everything at once. To achieve any goal, there is a certain sequence of actions, a plan that can be adjusted along the way to achieving the result. But without a clearly constructed path to the goal (the ideal body), a person can wander around and around for years, like a kitten lost in the forest at night.

Every bodybuilder, regardless of training level, has his own philosophy of bodybuilding. Over time, our beliefs change to more advanced ones and then we reach new heights.

But absolutely every athlete will tell you that his approach to pumping up muscles is correct. And me too. THERE ARE NO GOOD AND BAD training schemes, but their effectiveness, at different stages of bodybuilding, for different purposes, and even more so at different people will differ significantly.

I don't want to tell you that only my point of view is correct, but this moment In my development, I believe that this approach is at least reasonable and logical, so I decided to show it to you.

Our views change due to the acquisition of new knowledge, so over the years you will understand more and more what is more effective for you and what practically does not work.

Hare and tortoise

The most interesting thing about bodybuilding is that a large amount of knowledge does not always guarantee the effectiveness of any philosophy. So many bodybuilders who have impressive muscle mass have no idea why. They were both lucky and unlucky at the same time.

Lucky, of course, because they spent much less resources (time, money, effort) to achieve an amazing body and now they are several steps ahead of others.

And they were unlucky for the reason that if it happens that the previous methods stop working for them or become less effective (the body gets used to it, adapts), they will spend much more time selecting a new, working scheme.

The situation is similar to the fairy tale about the tortoise and the hare, where the hare immediately runs forward, but subsequently runs out of steam quite quickly, and the tortoise slowly, but systematically and persistently moves towards the intended goal.

Now, I think you understand why it is important not only to choose the right method that works best for you, but also to understand why you work according to this particular scheme. Then you will get the maximum effect!

How to pump up quickly

Imagine that you are a beginner climber and you are about to conquer some peak. What are the main questions you will have? I think there will be two main ones:

  1. What will we take with us?
  2. Which route will we take to climb the mountain?

After all, this is logical. To climb to the top, we need to know what we will need during the climb and, in fact, how to climb to this very peak.

But for some reason, many are looking for some completely irrational ways to reach the top. Someone will try to go around the mountain in a circle so as not to increase the load and hope that they will reach the very top.

And someone, instead of the necessary equipment, will take a boat and oars with you. Do you understand why I am making such analogies?

All people want a beautiful body, but not many truly achieve it. impressive results, because They are doing the wrong thing. They walk around the mountain, instead of purposefully moving up.

To move along the shortest and most effective path, I have a cool article for girls and men about how. Be sure to read it. Many things will become clear to you.

Choosing your training program

Choosing a truly effective individual training program can baffle even a “seasoned” jock. It is important to understand here that in order to judge the effectiveness of any training program, you need to practice it for at least several months.

Because first, muscles use less energy-consuming methods of adapting to a new load (improving brain-muscle communication, increasing glycogen reserves, ATP, etc.), and only then does muscle growth begin.

I won’t talk about the stages of muscle growth and how long it takes to pump up, because... I have already spoken about this and I see no point in repeating it. Now I’m just telling you the RIGHT, in my opinion, path on the way to a beautiful body.

For example, it will be significantly different from the program for an endomorph, and even more so from. I think this is clear.

Now the next thing is that you need to decide what muscle quality you want to develop:

  • Strength (powerlifting)
  • Performance (bodybuilding)
  • Endurance (crossfit, etc.)

And only then start creating your training program.

There is no need to change one training program to another until you have completed your program for 3-4, or even 5 months, because... muscle growth is far from a quick process.

Load progression. The basis of everything

The undeniable key to success in bodybuilding is load progression. Moreover, the load is not only the weight on the bar. There is one simple postulate here:

There is no point in muscles growing if the load does not increase.

And this is more than logical. The body is very greedy when it comes to energy, and building more massive muscles is a very labor-intensive process.

Firstly, large muscles themselves consume a lot of energy, even in a calm state, when you, for example, sleep.

Secondly, to build these same muscles, you again need to expend a large amount of energy. First, during training, you need to resist the load, then recover, then make the muscles a little stronger and bigger. It is not profitable! Therefore, the body leaves you with as much muscle as you need to perform a particular job.

Don't play sports? Here are as many muscles as you need just to walk. Are you running? Here's the amount of muscle you need. Lifting heavy weights? Need more muscles. Everything is proportionate to the costs.

Therefore, AT THE BEGINNING of your training, it is easiest to increase the load using weights on apparatus. When weight increases, the body makes the muscles a little stronger, after a certain time, in a certain phase, which is called the SUPERCOMPENSATION PHASE!

This is an incomprehensible recovery. Super compensation

When the body has suffered stress (training in the gym), it begins to recover. After a certain time, it returns to its previous state. But the body is not a fool, and understands perfectly well that such a load can be repeated, and in order to be ready for this load, you need to make the muscles a little stronger than they were before the workout.

He begins SUPER-RESTORATION (supercompensation) to protect himself from possible re-exertion.

But we are not stupid either, so it is during the period of supercompensation that we must increase the load! Next time we should train for this muscle group during the supercompensation phase! But the load must be increased again (weight on the bar or number of repetitions in the range of 6-12 repetitions) so that the body begins to recover again, and then again make the muscles bigger and stronger.

Comprehensive development of all muscle structures

Firstly, there is different types muscle fibers that are designed to perform different jobs:

  • slow muscle fibers (running, walking, monotonous long exercise);
  • fast muscle fibers (average load for 15-30 seconds);
  • high-threshold fast muscle fibers (very hard work that requires maximum concentration and quick activation);

Secondly, muscle growth occurs not only due to growth muscle cells! There is also an increase (hypertrophy) of sarcoplasm!

Only the development of all muscle fibers and other systems will contribute to maximum muscle growth!

Professional bodybuilders have equally developed muscle fibers, and they also have a larger volume of sarcoplasm and glycogen. This proves that you need to take a holistic approach to achieving a truly powerful body.

Load cycling

Each body system (nervous, cardiovascular, energy, etc.) requires different terms recovery and, as a consequence, supercompensation also occurs in different time.

If we train only for myofibrillar hypertrophy, then we lose supercompensation for other systems.

For example, to train energy, you need to train lightly (30-40% of the working weight) and not to failure, so supercompensation occurs already on the 5-6th day. We train myofibril hypertrophy to failure in the range of 6-12 repetitions, and supercompensation occurs on days 11-13 after such training.

Any normal physiologist knows about this, but very few use this incredible opportunity in their training.

Therefore, only with the uniform development of all body systems can we count on truly impressive results.

If you always train only hard (for myofibril hypertrophy), then sooner or later this will stall your results or, even worse, drive you into a state of severe overtraining.

Act consistently

When, it is no longer possible to progress the load linearly (simply increasing the weight on the bar from workout to workout), because progress will sooner or later slow down greatly until it stops completely, then it is necessary to consistently include training of other systems in order to expand the possibilities of muscle mass growth.

There is no need to train everything, because... this will dilute the focus on a specific goal.

If the goal is to feel your muscles better (like in the first 3-4 months of training), then focus on that. No need to rush back and forth. Otherwise, you will get an average, unexpressed result.

Your dope is food

Food is a great tool for getting a great figure! Proper manipulation of carbohydrates and proteins in the diet, as well as the timing of their intake, can provide significant progress in muscle growth, as well as fat burning!

Food is an integral part of post-workout recovery, as it takes bricks to build a house.

It performs the most important functions:

  • acceleration/slowdown of metabolism (metabolism);
  • acceleration of anabolism (building body tissues);
  • slowing catabolism (destruction of body tissues);

A prerequisite for progress is sufficient, anabolic (growth-promoting) nutrition.

Also a good addition to the main diet is appropriate sports nutrition (protein, creatine, L-Carnitine, Arginine, etc.). But at the very beginning of classes (9 months-1 year) it makes no sense. You will grow well anyway.

The most powerful weapon

I think I won't be revealing anything new if I say that ALL PROFESSIONAL BODYBUILDERS use steroids. This is the most powerful weapon, which forgives many mistakes against the background of enhanced anabolism.

Indeed, all athletes have their own “natural ceiling”, which does not allow them to grow further at the same speed. It is difficult to come to terms with an increase in biceps size of 0.5 cm per year. For further growth (if you are a professional athlete), it makes sense to resort to pharmacological support.

But there is one amendment: in order to use steroids, an athlete must learn to build muscle mass on his own, without pharmacology, in order to prepare the body for stress and understand for himself whether he wants to move on. Otherwise, the question is: “How to pump up quickly?” can't even stand.

Many people make the fatal mistake of starting to take steroid drugs in the first 2-3 years of training with iron, thereby undermining their endocrine system, reducing the sensitivity of receptors to them, and, needless to say, ultimately losing all their results, and sometimes even their health , after several similar courses.

If you do not compete, you are not a professional, and, moreover, you have not “naturally” built up 15-20 kg of muscle (just not “dirty mass”, but clean muscle, without fat), then ABOUT ANY STEROIDS AND THERE CAN BE NO SPEECH! Dot.


  1. Be responsible when choosing a training program. Remember that it is better to immediately follow the right road, in the right direction, and at the same time be able to turn onto a more effective path.
  2. Learn to contract your muscles correctly (work with light weights for 3-4 months).
  3. Muscles don't grow unless the load increases.
  4. It is necessary to increase the load during the super-recovery phase (supercompensation).
  5. To develop your muscles to their maximum, you need to develop all types of muscle fibers and related systems.
  6. Super compensation for different systems occurs at different times. Alternate heavy and light training (load cycling).
  7. Don't rush to train everything at once. Be consistent. Focus on a specific goal and go towards it until you need to change your focus.
  8. Eat well.

I hope now you understand how to quickly pump up. The main thing is to approach bodybuilding wisely. Following these rules will lead you to an amazing body with the least amount of time wasted. And this is the most expensive resource.

P.S. Subscribe to blog updates. It will only get worse.

With respect and best wishes,!

Question: I can't go to the gym anymore and I don't have the space or money to do one at home. Tell me how to pump up at home without exercise equipment and can I build muscle without additional weights, barbells and dumbbells? Or am I completely lost?

Answer: Whenever someone asks me how to work out at home, without a gym (special equipment or even a minimum of free weights), my first reaction is to ask... For what?

I mean, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that this is not a good environment for gaining muscle mass, so my first goal is to always try to solve any problem that is preventing you from achieving your goal.

Can't you find a way to get to the gym? Could you maybe cut back on your phone app purchases and instead use that money to buy a gym membership? Could you throw out some of the junk in your basement or garage and thereby gain some free space for strength training at home in full?

In very rare cases, people use the right way to pump up, and all problems are solved, and their muscles begin to grow with new strength. But much more often the answer to all of the above is misunderstanding, refusal and the search for a miracle program of training and exercises for muscle growth. But in the end, disappointment comes from the wrong approach to business.

And this brings us back to the original question...

The good news is that the answer to this question is definitely yes. You can train at home and still build muscle without the special machines found in gyms. The lack of free weights certainly doesn't help, but even with these conditions... you can achieve certain results.

The bad news is that it will be much more uncomfortable, much more difficult in the athletic aspect, and just much more difficult in general. That's why...

How to build muscles: basic requirements

Building muscle requires at least 2 fundamental principles.

  1. Progressive workouts that can stimulate growth. (A sound training plan = success.)
  2. A diet that can support muscle growth. (First of all, consume enough calories and protein).

As long as both principles work correctly, regularly and for a long enough time, the muscles will grow.

What should you do and use to make your muscles grow?

As you may have noticed, the main principles of muscle growth do not include a gym membership, training with free weights such as barbells and dumbbells, machines or additional equipment.

And that's because they don't play decisive role in increasing muscle size and weight gain. These are just useful additions that can help speed up results and improve quality.

And not only in the sense that they will effectively train every muscle group and provide the muscle growth that you so desire. They simplify the progression of loads that is so necessary to stimulate muscle growth and progress in training both at home and in the gym.

That's why all gyms are filled with dumbbells from 2 to 45 kg + in 2 kg increments, barbells and plates from 2.5 kg to 20 kg (also in 2 kg increments); benches that can be adjusted to any angle; racks on which you can perform many exercises; complex, block and various exercise machines for each muscle group.

So I'm not going to lie to you here. If you want to build and pump up beautiful and strong muscles, then using all of the above will be the best and most effective way achieve this. Of course, you can do without something, but if you don’t have anything on this list, then this is a big problem.

But, as I already said, everything in this world is possible. There are a large number of different programs and workout options that can be used to build muscle at home without using equipment, and even the most controversial of them can work effectively when used correctly.

Exercises for training at home without exercise equipment

For the first time you have a wonderful inventory: whether you knew about it or not... This is your own body weight. With it (+ a little creativity) you can do all sorts of exercises. Even the very first thing that comes to mind:

  • Push-ups (and all kinds of variations);
  • Pull-ups (and all kinds of variations);
  • Horizontal pull-ups;
  • Reverse push-ups;
  • Headstand push-ups;
  • Biceps curl;
  • Bodyweight triceps exercise;
  • Lunges (and all kinds of variations);
  • Squats;
  • Bulgarian squats;
  • Pistol squats;
  • Lying leg curl;
  • Romanian deadlift on one leg;
  • etc.

This is by no means full list exercises. You'll find a bunch more.

But this is enough to create one of your workouts. There are enough exercises in this list to make working out at home truly effective for building muscle. And it will be without any additional equipment and without exercise equipment or going to an expensive gym.

Add more, for example: rubber band, and now you can do dozens of other exercises (close-grip rows, bench presses, front and side swings, biceps and triceps exercises, etc.)…

So what more exercise, all the better. This good news. Now for the less good news...

Progress will be difficult to achieve, but it is possible

Progress in these exercises (where the #1 goal is to gain muscle mass) can be difficult to achieve, especially as you get stronger. Because you can't adjust the weight you perform the exercise with to create a progression of loads that needs to create stress to stimulate muscle growth: you can't just add 2kg and move on to the next weight like you can with a barbell or dumbbells.

Luckily, this won't be a problem early on, as there are 2 great ways to increase your load.

First step: transition from simple exercises to more complex ones (for example, from assisted pull-ups to simple pull-ups). Great. After this, progress in repetitions is necessary. For example, if you can only do 3 sets of 5 reps for some exercises, you can gradually increase the number of repetitions to 12 for 3 sets.

But at some point, the exercise variations will end and you will no longer be able to add reps, since there will be a high risk of starting to train for endurance rather than for muscle growth.

So what should you do then? Well, you either keep doing what you're doing and never get stronger, build muscle, or figure out a way to increase the load. For example…

  • Sports vests with weights;
  • Weighted belts;
  • Stiffer rubber bands;
  • There are rings, TRX loops and others;
  • A backpack filled with books;
  • Affordable and easily adjustable dumbbell sets designed to save space.

Depending on the specific exercises, there will almost always be some way to make them harder: adding some extra weight or simply making the exercises harder so that the load progresses and the muscles continue to grow.

You just need to think a little to understand the approach to each exercise you do. This is the whole key to effective training.

If you don't do this, you will end up like most people who work out at home without much thought about weights or special equipment... you will forever be stuck at the same weight and muscle size, doing the same thing, without changing anything about your training program.

Not fun at all!

For everyone who studies at home, different conditions and workout equipment, and they all ask the same question... can my workouts be effective for muscle growth?

The answer obviously depends on what exactly (what equipment) the person will be working with. But if I had to just guess, I would say that in 99% of cases any exercise can be replaced by some other, similar one that could be performed in the conditions you need.

Training program without iron

Whether you have access to a gym or not, it doesn't really matter, working out at home can be just as effective .

There are tons of exercises you can do without free weights, in the privacy of your own home, hotel room or office to build muscle and improve your fitness.

Of course, training with additional weights and machines is great, but simple fact is that you can build muscle without additional equipment.

How to build muscle without exercise equipment at home?

Use these exercises!

Exercises that you perform only with your own weight have great importance in the development of functional strength at any level of sports training. Since you won't be using additional weights for these exercises, it's best to focus on a very fast pace and large quantities repetitions to fully engage your muscles. Of course, technique always comes first, but in general, bodyweight exercises have a much lower risk of injury than free weights.

Below is a list of the 10 best exercises that will help you build muscles at home. You've probably heard of many of them, but I've added my own tips for improving your technique and approach.


Squats work 85% of the muscles in your entire body. Just think about it. The productivity of this exercise is many times greater than any other. Additionally, squats are known to promote greater testosterone production. If you want to build muscle mass, then this is definitely your option.

To perform a deep, proper squat, start with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart, toes pointing out slightly, and as you begin the squat, keep your back straight and focus on pushing your butt back and keeping your chest high. When you squat, bring your knees forward and outward, but not over your toes, and press your heels into the ground to maintain balance. If you need extra balance, move your arms forward. When the pace is fast and explosive, this extra balance can become very necessary.

You can do bodyweight squats every day if you want. You can also change up your squatting technique by trying single-leg squats or sumo squats (wide-legged).

Push ups

Push-ups are an upper body exercise. Anytime, anywhere, you can do push-ups and work your chest, shoulders, triceps and back muscles. Follow your breath and lower yourself until your chest touches the ground.

For variety, a wide stance will target the pecs more, while a close stance will increase resistance.

If you elevate your legs on a chair or wall and change the angle, you will work the upper pectoral muscle, increasing the difficulty.

Reverse push-ups

Using a chair, coffee table or even a bed, you can always work on your triceps and pectoral muscles using reverse push-ups. This is an excellent exercise, by doing which you will be able to see a beautiful and prominent horseshoe-shaped muscle on the back of your arm. Remember to keep your head straight so that your spine is in the correct position.

Wall squats - great way work on your quadriceps and endurance. With your back close to the wall and your arms at your sides, lower yourself down to create a 90-degree angle between your knees and the wall. You can't lean on your knees! Personally, I like to use the timer on my phone for this exercise. Start by trying the high chair exercise for 60 seconds or until you can no longer stand the burning sensation in your muscles.


Lunges are one of the best exercises, but proper technique takes some practice, as with any exercise. People have a tendency to sway when they shift their body weight from one leg to the other. As you shift your weight forward to the other leg, remember to keep your back and shoulders straight; You also need to focus on moving your hips down towards the floor rather than forward - this will allow you to complete the rep with proper form.


Starting from your stomach, keep your spine straight and support your weight on your forearms, which at this point are on the floor and form a right angle with your shoulders. Pull your stomach in to increase the intensity. Planking is another exercise for which I recommend using a timer. Try it for 90 seconds and tell me you can't do core workouts at home.

The concept of doing this is similar to the plank, but the difference is that the upper body should be supported by only one arm. The oblique abdominal muscles and core muscles are worked.


The expression fits this exercise: “As it is heard, so it is written.” It will work your arms and lower back. Lie on your stomach, then reach forward and lift your arms, legs and head off the floor as if you were trying to fly, hold this position for a few seconds and lower down.

Crunches with leg raises

I like to combine crunches and leg raises to work my upper and lower abdominal muscles. Lie on your back with your heels straight on the floor, lift your knees to your chest and do a crunch, squeezing your abdominal muscles as your knees and rib cage touch each other. Then return to the starting position.


A burpee is a multi-muscle movement that combines a jump with a push-up. This is a great option for working multiple muscle groups. The main thing to pay attention to is the lower back; Avoid bending your spine as much as possible when you squat and then jump up.

Circuit training

If you've been working out for a while and don't think bodyweight exercises are going to give you the muscle gains you're looking for, you can up the intensity of your home workout by doing circuit workouts. This will work on your muscles and endurance, add an aerobic element and really increase the difficulty of your workouts.

Circuit training constantly keeps you toned, heart rate and pulse accelerated, while one muscle group rests and another works hard. You will be amazed at how many physical results you can get in less time using this method.

When planning a circuit workout, it is important to turn off certain muscle groups to give them rest one at a time. So, if you start with push-ups, then move on to squats and abdominal exercises.


So now you have my favorite at-home exercises that build muscle without any equipment. They can help you get in shape and lose weight while increasing your general state health and strength indicator. No gym? No problem!

Home workout programs

3 Day Bodyweight Workout Program

Are you a beginner or want to take a break from heavy strength training? This three-day workout program covers all the basic exercises and will give you a powerful start to strength training at home.

general information

Description of the training

Whatever you do: bodybuilding, powerlifting, CrossFit or team sports, the end goal is the same - to improve your body.

So it makes sense to make an effort to learn how to use your body correctly, right? Is it true.

To do this, you should include bodyweight exercises in your program.

These exercises can be vital for development physical fitness, improving body functionality or increasing endurance on the court or field.

The proposed program is a 3-day split that trains all the main functions of the body so that you have something to show both externally and in practice.

Day 1: Upper body

Day 2: Lower Body

Day 3: Core muscles


How long should you pause between approaches? How can I combine these routines with my training program?

You can perform them after a regular workout or as a stand-alone training program. It all depends on the person and his goals.

If you want to focus on exercises with your own body weight, then do this program separately.

Is it possible to perform these complexes twice a week?

Certainly. If you wish, you can train for at least three days in a row, then take a day of rest, and train for another three days in a row.

How long should I follow this program?

Until you feel that you have squeezed everything you can out of this training. I would recommend doing it for at least 4 weeks. What to do after this period is up to you.

I'm strong and don't have enough body mass to reach failure. What to do?

Weight vests will perfectly cope with the role of additional weight without burdening you with unnecessary equipment. Wear a vest for weight-bearing exercises. Alternatively, you can hang a chain around your neck.

Is there any way to make the exercises more difficult?

If you need a vest or chains for additional weight, you can do a drop set. Perform the exercise with weights until failure, then remove the weight and continue.

Instead of doing all the sets at once, you can turn the workout into a circuit workout. Do all the exercises one at a time without rest. This is one circle. Repeat this three times. Rest 1 minute between circles.

I'm too weak to use body weight. Can I replace exercises with exercise machines?

This goes against the grain of the program. If necessary, have a spotter or training partner help you with the most difficult exercises. Don't use weight machines instead.

Three sets of bodyweight exercises you can do anywhere

Considering all the heaviness modern life, who would want to hang dumbbells and weights on themselves? Instead, use these workout routines to build muscle using your own body weight.

Do you want to get a good workout, but don’t have access to sports equipment? Do not despair. Using your body weight, you can exercise whenever and wherever you want and still enjoy the process.

When many people talk about bodyweight training, they think of cardio. Of course, bodyweight exercises work well with this type of fitness, but they are also effective for developing upper and lower body strength. You just need to be a little resourceful when choosing exercises.

Since it will not be possible to load the muscles enough with body weight, you need to find another way to injure them to develop strength. We offer you three sets of exercises that do not require anything other than body weight and a horizontal bar or doorway.

Complex 1: Working the lower body and buttocks

To actively stimulate the muscles of the lower body through training with your own weight, you need to choose high-repetition exercises with elements of plyometrics. Plyometric exercises will help build muscle strength and explosiveness. By combining this method with high-repetition training, you can easily build lean muscle mass.

After a short warm-up, perform the entire complex once, resting only at the specified time. At the end of the circle, rest for 3 minutes and repeat everything again two more times.

Pumping the lower body and buttocks
1. Walking with body weight lunges

1 set, 20 times each leg


1 approach, 20 times

4. Step-up with knee lift

1 set, 20 times (each leg)


1 approach, 20-30 sec. (Rest 60 sec.)

6. Sumo squats with kettlebell

1 set, 30 reps (perform without weights)


1 set, 10 times (each leg)


1 approach, 50 times

The good thing about lower body workouts is that they also have a positive effect on the heart. You can be sure that this complex will make your heart beat wildly! However, perform this selection of exercises only when you want to maximally load your muscles.

Set 2: Developing Upper Body Strength

Two of the best compound exercises of all time will help you work your upper body using your own weight: push-ups and pull-ups. As soon as you find a horizontal bar or something to grab onto, you will be able to handle this complex in no time.

Perform the exercises in the mode below, resting for 30-60 seconds. between approaches. Decrease the total number of repetitions in a pyramid manner until you reach last stage fatigue.

Developing Upper Body Strength
1. Push-ups

3 sets, 15-20 reps (30-60 seconds rest between sets)

3. Diamond push-ups
4. Pull-ups on a low bar from hanging while lying down

3 sets, 15 times (30-60 seconds rest between sets)

5. Push-ups

3 sets, 10 times (30-60 seconds rest between sets)

3 sets, 5 times (30-60 seconds rest between sets)

Push-ups and pull-ups themselves work every muscle group in your upper body: chest, back, shoulders, biceps and triceps.

Complex 3: Fat-blasting cardio training

You can do this workout even when you're short on time. Bodyweight exercises are ideal for increasing your calorie burn during your workout and for long hours afterwards. Always start this workout with a light warm-up.

Try to complete 100 repetitions of each exercise. If necessary, stop and rest, then return to the exercise again, remembering to follow correct technique execution. When you're done, cool down for 5-10 minutes and do some stretching. Vary the rest time or number of repetitions as you see fit.

Fat-blasting cardio training

1 approach, 100 times

1 approach, 100 times

1 approach, 100 times

1 approach, 100 times

5. Scissor jumps

1 approach, 100 times

Additional Benefits of Bodyweight Training

You can always jump on some cardio equipment and do interval training. However, bodyweight training is more dynamic and forces you to change positions for each new exercise. This will improve your balance and agility, as well as develop functional strength, which will help you both in gym, and outside it.

Moreover, bodyweight exercises are very exciting. Most people quickly get bored with the same type of cardio workout, but the many variations of bodyweight exercises will force you to work not only your muscles, but also your head.

A set of exercises with body weight to gain weight

Is it possible to build muscle with bodyweight exercises alone? Yes, provided there is sufficient intensity. This complex will make you sweat, no matter how experienced an athlete you are.

general information

Description of the training

Can you develop muscle mass with bodyweight exercises? Yes, if the training is really hard.

I have compiled this set as a reliable starting point. But it is only suitable for the first time.

In the future, you will have to find a way to complicate it. The website offers many variations of bodyweight exercises. Try them, and improve your program when this routine becomes too easy for you.

You can perform this complex up to three times a week. Rest at least one day between workouts. If your muscles are too sore or you need more time to recover, increase the rest period to 2-3 days.

Your goal is to do 25-50 repetitions per set, depending on the exercise. When you begin to succeed, complicate the exercise.

For example, when you can do 50 push-ups per set, move on to one-arm push-ups (alternating) or clap push-ups. If bodyweight squats are too easy for you, add jump squats or box jumps.

Rest. Rest no longer than you need to catch your breath. As soon as you can answer the question what day is it today, move on to the next exercise.

After completing the entire circuit, rest for 2-5 minutes. and drink some water.

Don't know how to pump up your body at home? In fact, it is surprisingly simple and does not require any special sports equipment. All it takes is a little creativity and persistence to practice regularly. You need to understand that there is a limit to what you can do at home without a gym, professional equipment or weights, but if you need a safe workout to stay toned, then home workouts are more than enough. The article is about this below.

Upper body and abdominal exercises

Push ups

To work your arms and chest, do push-ups - this is the alpha and omega of home workouts. To get the most out of them, make sure you perform the movement correctly. The back should be straight and in line with the pelvis, the pelvis should not sag. In general, the palms should be approximately shoulder-width apart, but to emphasize the chest, you can place them a little wider, and to emphasize the arms, a little narrower. Additionally, mix negative and positive incline push-ups for better muscle growth.

  • Positive incline push-ups work different areas of the muscles. To perform them, simply rest not on the floor, but, say, on an armchair or coffee table.
  • For negative incline push-ups, place your feet 1-2 feet (0.30-0.61 m) above the point of support and perform a regular push-up. Remember to keep your head slightly raised and your back straight.
  • Each set should consist of eight to twelve repetitions. Try to do three approaches, a man can do it.

Wall push-ups

To work your shoulders and back, do push-ups on your hands against a wall. And although this exercise is not for the faint of heart, it nevertheless works great on many different muscles. To get into the right position, lie on your back against a wall. Place your hands on the floor and slowly “walk” up. From the top position, touch your feet to the wall for balance, slowly lower until your head touches the floor and return to the starting position to complete the repetition. Try to do three sets of ten reps.

  • If you're nervous about doing this exercise, you can cheat a little and use a high table. Place your feet on the tabletop so that your hips and torso remain in the air, and press your hands into the floor. When doing push-ups, make sure your head is pointing strictly vertically down. This exercise is sometimes called corner push-ups.

Triceps push-ups

To work your arms, do dips or you can use a chair. A stable bench, table or chair approximately 1-2 feet (0.3-0.6 m) high will be suitable as a replacement for the bars. Place your hands on the bench behind your body, your pelvis should be in the air, your knees bent 90 degrees. Place your feet firmly on the floor and lower your pelvis until your arms are bent at about 90 degrees. Push back to the starting position. Perform three sets of 15-20 repetitions.


Planks are a great way to tone your muscles at home, strengthen your core, and are easy to modify to add more challenge to the exercise. To perform a plank, take a lying position. However, instead of resting on your palms, lower yourself onto your elbows. Tighten your gluteal muscles, straighten your back - the line between the base of your neck and the base of your pelvis should be completely straight. Hold this position for a minute, rest and repeat two more times.

  • A side plank is where you stand on your side, resting on your elbow and the outside of your leg. Again, keep your back straight and focus on not sagging your pelvis.
  • Plank push-ups: Start by lying down, palms shoulder-width apart, feet hip-width apart. Lower yourself onto your elbows into an elbow plank position, then rise back up into a prone position. Perform 12 reps in each set.

To strengthen your abdominal and core muscles, do crunches. Crunches have been and remain the best exercises, so don't neglect them. Lie on your back, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. Place your hands behind your head and lift your shoulders 6-8 inches (15-20 cm) above the floor, pause for a second, then slowly lower back. Immediately bend over again, keeping your eyes focused on the ceiling and your movements slow and deliberate. Try to do three sets of eight to twelve repetitions.

  • Straight Leg Raise: Lie on your back with your legs completely straight, arms extended towards the ceiling and lift, keeping your legs straight. Stretch your arms and try to touch your toes, then slowly lie back to the starting position. Complete 10 reps.

For the simplest curls, use a bottle of water, a heavy book, or buy dumbbells. While other exercises require little or no additional equipment, most upper body workouts still require weights or resistance to be effective. Take a weight that is comfortable for you and try

  • Biceps Curl
  • Triceps extension
  • Shoulder raises
  • Craving for the lower back

Exercises for the muscles of the lower body

To work your leg muscles, do intense explosive cardio-style movements. And while most people don't associate muscle growth with cardio exercise, there are plenty of moves you can perform that will give you strong, toned legs. Choose 5-6 exercises and perform each for 60 seconds. Rest for 30 seconds, then move on to the next one. After you complete all six exercises, rest for 4-5 minutes and repeat 2-3 more times. Your legs will be on fire, but this way you will quickly tone them up.

Leg exercises:

  • Jumping with arms swinging to the sides;
  • Lunges;
  • Burpee - perform a jump with arm swings, fall into a prone position. Repeat;
  • Jumping Knees - Jump quickly with each leg in turn, raising your knee as high as possible. Try to keep the time of contact with the floor to a minimum:
  • Side Jumps - Jump to the side, land on one leg bent at the knee, then explosively jump onto the other leg;
  • Twisting the body;
  • Box jumps or simple plyometric exercises.

Wall Squats

Rest your back against the wall and “sit” so that your knees are bent at 90 degrees and your pelvis is hanging in the air, as if you were in a chair. Hold this position for one minute. Rest for thirty seconds and repeat two more times.

Body weight squats

This is one of the best ways to pump yourself up. To perform a squat, stand with your feet hip-width apart, straighten your back, lift your head, and tighten your abs. Place your hands on your hips or extend them out in front of you, whichever is more comfortable for you. Squat down as if you were sitting in a chair. Your back should be kept straight, your knees should be directly above your toes, and they should not protrude forward. Focus on sinking your pelvis. Perform 10 times, then do two more sets after a short rest.

  • Bulgarian split squat: Place your front foot on the floor and place your back foot on a raised platform, such as a coffee table or chair. Lower yourself into a squat, then return to the starting position. You can spread your arms out for balance or rest them on your hips. Do 12 reps on each leg.

Swing your leg up while on all fours . Get down on your hands and knees and lift one leg back and up, keeping your knee bent at a 90-degree angle. Do 12 reps on each leg.

Gluteal bridge

Lie on your back, bend your knees, and place your feet on the floor. Raise your pelvis so that your body forms something like a bridge. Lift up left leg in the upper position of the pelvis, then lower and repeat the same with the right leg. Perform 10 repetitions on each leg.


Lunges are a great way to work your glutes, thighs, and hamstrings. To perform this movement, step approximately 3-4 feet (0.9-1 m) in front of you. The leg should be bent at the knee about 90 degrees. Lower your pelvis, the knee of the front leg should be above the toe, the back leg bent at the knee should almost touch the floor. Push off and step with your other leg to complete the rep. Perform 10 times on each side, then rest and do 2 more sets.

  • If you have dumbbells or other weights, you can make this exercise heavier and thereby significantly increase its effectiveness. Even just a bottle in each hand is good.

How to create a training program

Set up a schedule so that you do exercises for each muscle group twice a week. You don't need a coach to create an effective training plan. There are a few simple rules that are easy to remember, following which you can get the most out of your exercises and quickly and safely get your muscles in order.

  • Between similar workouts there should be 1-2 days of rest. If you work on your chest on Tuesday, don't return to it until Thursday or Friday.
  • Group exercises for similar muscle groups in one workout. For example, many chest movements also work the triceps: perform them on the same day.
  • Make sure you have 1-2 rest days where you do not engage in any physical activity or it is kept to a minimum. Your body needs time to rest and recover to build muscle.

To pump up quickly at home and do it safely, focus on proper form rather than a few extra reps. It is necessary that all training movements be smooth, confident and slow, and not torn and crooked. And although all exercises are different, the following points are relevant for everyone:

  • Inhale in a neutral or relaxed position. Exhale when tense.
  • Make sure your back is always straight and not bent or twisted.
  • Linger in extreme point movements for 1-2 seconds, then slowly return to the starting position.

When doing a full-body workout, don't forget to stretch. Yoga is another option that works large muscle groups and helps strengthen muscles and gain flexibility. Calm and relaxed activities are good for days when you are resting, this will allow you to achieve more during hard training and provide variety to the program. If you don't know which exercises to choose so that they don't require special equipment, you can try yoga.

  • YouTube is an endless source of yoga tutorials for any level of practitioner, so don't be scared if you're new to it: you'll learn how to do it at home without any special equipment.

Try to make the last 2-3 reps of each set difficult but not impossible. If you really want to build muscle, you have to put in the effort. Your body - best indicator for your workouts, so keep working the muscle until you fatigue it. By the end of each set you should be struggling, so that the last 2-3 reps require complete focus and dedication.

Set goals early. If you recklessly decide to do three sets of twenty reps, you will likely be exhausted by the end of the set. But if the goal turns out to be too easy, you can always add more.

Overcoming difficulties is not the same as risking injury. If your muscles, joints or bones ache instead of burning or getting tired, you need to stop and rest.


Eat a balanced diet that is high in protein and low in fat. This doesn't mean you need to load up on protein shakes every day or give up all desserts. Good diet- This balanced diet, with a focus on whole grains, fruits, vegetables and lean protein such as chicken, fish, eggs and beans.

  • A glass of low-fat chocolate milk is a great post-workout snack.
  • Switch from white bread and pasta to whole grains and you'll immediately take a huge step towards a healthy diet.
  • Avocado, nuts, olive oil and eggs contain healthy fats.
  • But for butter, cream, lard, etc. needs to be handled with caution as it will almost certainly be unhealthy food.

Home workout equipment

Still, try to buy the most basic home equipment if you are serious about training. There is a huge amount of equipment that, if you know how to lift properly at home, will allow you to try new exercises and progress further, without breaking the bank.

  • Band expanders are customizable, come in a range of “weights” and can be used for thousands of different exercises.
  • The most basic dumbbell set is a budget-friendly way to add efficiency to your workouts.
  • Pull-up bars are designed specifically to fit under any doorway, many models can also be used for incline push-ups, some are additionally equipped with parallel bars.

Frequently asked questions and answers

Do I need to do push-ups every day if I want to build muscle?

It is better to distribute your workouts so as not to repeat the same thing every day. If you do the same exercises every day, your muscles do not have time to recover and grow. Try doing your legs one day and the next. top part bodies.

How can I burn fat faster?

Interval training, also known as high-intensity interval training (HIIT), is the best way to burn calories through exercise. Take a look at it, it tells you how to do it: "How to do intensive training". In addition to this, the most important factor Weight control is a diet, so eat wisely.

What type of exercise should a teenager do to build upper body muscles?

Push-ups or pull-ups on a horizontal bar are a good option, but you can also use barbells and dumbbells, but be sure to use the correct technique.

I weigh 90 kg, how long will it take me to get pumped up?

The same as everyone else. The question is how quickly you can lose fat so that the muscles are visible. This depends on many factors, ranging from height and physical shape to what you eat and what you are generally willing to do for it.

Should you train on an empty stomach if your goal is to lose weight and if you want to gain weight, or is it better to eat something before training?

Sufficient time should pass from the moment you eat (from 30 minutes to 1 hour), but you do not need to exercise on an empty stomach, even if you want to burn subcutaneous fat. Everything will depend on the total caloric intake per day. If there is a calorie deficit, you will lose weight; if there is a surplus, you will gain weight. Also, be sure to drink fluids before you begin exercising.

What should be included in a diet for a thin person?

A lot of fruits, green vegetables and whole grains. Eat food such as eggs, chicken, farm cheese, fish, etc. Eat healthy fats, including a variety of nuts and egg yolks. Reduce your sugar intake. Work harder.

I'm a skinny teenager. Can I do the exercises described above?

Yes, these exercises are suitable for thin people. Accompany these activities with a good diet, and you can easily gain several kilograms of muscle.

How long will it take before the muscles become noticeable?

It depends on genetics. For some it is easier to gain muscle, for others it is more difficult. In general, it will take at least three months before you notice any growth. However, you can feel the difference much earlier.

Do I need to take any nutritional supplements to promote muscle growth?

How long will it take to get results?

The first results can be seen in 1-2 months.

I'm pretty fat (but not fat), what diet should I choose and what should I eat if I train at home?

You better focus on protein products and sources of complex carbohydrates, as well as vegetables and fruits. Eliminate sweets, flour and fast food to avoid gaining excess weight in the form of fat. If you are satisfied with the volume of the available mass, then you should try to dry it. Read, or try as a basic one.

How can I build muscle during rehab?

It is better to engage in recovery and only then move on to gaining weight, so as not to harm your health.

  • Don't give up if you don't notice results in the first week or if you can't do any exercise;
  • Increasing your protein intake from meat, eggs or fish and reducing your carbohydrate intake will help you build muscle mass without fat;
  • Do pull-ups with a straight and reverse grip on a horizontal bar or at least on a swing at a nearby playground;
  • Train hard, eat right, rest well, and you will see your muscles grow;
  • Before you start training, always warm up with a light jog or brisk walk for 5-10 minutes;
  • To make muscles visible and to lose fat, do cardio;
  • Always stretch after finishing your workout to help keep your joints and ligaments flexible;
  • To maximize muscle benefits, do heavy training before cardio;
  • If any of the exercises cause pain in the joints, back, neck, etc., stop immediately and do not continue until you consult a doctor;
  • Isometric exercises can help you tone your muscles even without going to the gym, especially when combined with other types of exercises.

Swing correctly
in the gym is very important, since the result of your workouts directly depends on it. But the correctness of training is determined not only by general, but also by individual factors. Thus, for a beginner athlete, a correctly constructed split is one thing, but for a more advanced athlete it is completely different, and the stage of training should also be taken into account. Some rules apply to gaining muscle mass, others when working on strength indicators, and others when working on quality. It is important to note that it is impossible to consider training separately from recovery, since the training process is a system of loads and adaptation. During training, you create stress, which triggers the process of synthesis of contractile proteins, but at the end of the training it begins even more important stage– recovery, on which, in fact, your progress depends. If you train correctly, but then do not recover, then instead of growth, regression will occur, and constant training in the under-recovery mode will generally lead to a training plateau.

In this article you will learn how to properly lift in the gym, taking into account the fitness level, training goal and recovery capabilities of the athlete. You will also learn general training rules that should be followed regardless of the specific training program. However, not all of these recommendations are regulatory in nature, since each person has different genetics and reacts differently to training stress. A very large number of factors play a role here, from muscle composition to pharmacological support. But there are also rules that are always fair! For example, progression of loads and systematic training. At the same time, there are rules that you need to take into account, but this does not mean that they cannot be adapted to suit you. On the contrary, it is possible and necessary, and for this you need to follow one more inviolable rule - keep a training diary!

General training rules

The volume of training must be such that the body is able to digest it, so the key factor in in this case is the duration of the workout. Training in the gym depends on its purpose, but it should not exceed 60 minutes. This refers to direct training with iron, not including warm-up. The bottom line is that within 60 minutes the hormonal levels sharply deteriorate, the level of testosterone and insulin drops, as a result of which catabolic processes begin to prevail over anabolic ones, and instead of progress, regression occurs. Of course, it is also important to take into account the intensity of the workout, which directly depends on which muscle fibers you are working. That is why, when an athlete trains for strength, he can pump longer than when working on weight, since in the first case glycolytic and high-threshold fast muscle fibers are trained, and in the second, oxidative ones.

The time under load and the rest time between approaches depend on the goal, strength or mass. If, in order to properly swing for strength, it is necessary to load the muscles in each approach for 10-20 seconds, which is approximately equal to 3-6 repetitions, then when training for weight, the athlete performs 6-12 repetitions, as a result of which the muscles are under load for 20- 50 seconds. But the rest time between approaches during strength training, on the contrary, is longer; the athlete can rest for 5 or 10 minutes, and while gaining weight, the rest lasts up to 1 minute between approaches. What is typical is that during relief training, the rest between approaches is even shorter, and there are even more repetitions, while such training is the shortest. It is not difficult to conclude that as intensity increases, the duration of the workout decreases.

Progression of loads is an inviolable rule of training, which consists of constantly trying to give your muscles more load. Such progress is most easily accomplished by increasing the working weights on the bar. This does not mean that you need to grow from workout to workout in all sets of all exercises, no, that’s not how it works. It is enough for you to perform at least one approach with a large weight in the basic exercise for the muscle group being trained. Let's say you're trying pump up your chest , which means that the basic exercise is the bench press or the angled press, which is what you should try to progress in the first place. At the same time, in other exercises it is also necessary to try to increase the weight, but again not necessarily in all approaches.

But even if you lift absolutely correctly, it will most likely become problematic to progress very soon using weights. Actually, even when this is possible, it will still rarely be possible to increase the weight and keep the number of repetitions at the same level. More often than not, you will increase the weight and the number of repetitions will drop. Therefore, the progression of loads will occur in cycles. In the first cycle you will increase the weight, accordingly, the repetitions will fall, and in the second cycle you will try to perform the same number of repetitions with more weight. This progression scheme is the simplest and most effective, but over time its effectiveness begins to fall and then it is necessary to use more progressive methods training. They are no better, it’s just that when the muscles are already accustomed to a certain stress, then in order to “surprise” them, to give them an incentive to adapt, an unusual load is needed. The bottom line is that the growth of muscle mass is only an external reflection of the body’s adaptation to the load it receives during training.

Systematicity is another rule of training that should always be followed, regardless of training level or training stage. First of all, you need training diary , which will help to comply with the principle of constant progression of loads. Without a diary, you will not be able to track your progress or make adjustments to your training program, since your training simply will not be a system. A lot of guys work out without a diary, and they have no results for years, so be sure to start a diary, record everything in it and try to beat your previous “records” every training session. At the same time, it is not enough to just swing correctly; it is also important to recover correctly. We will look at what exactly should be done for correct recovery later, since it depends on the specific training cycle, but for now it is important to note that recovery should lead to super compensation .

Conclusion : training rules must be followed to ensure that the body receives adequate load during training, so that the athlete can avoid overtraining. At the same time, you should definitely try to progress the load, since this is the only way to force the body to adapt, and the adaptation of the body will externally look like an increase in muscle mass. In order for progress to become possible, it is necessary to keep a training diary and monitor recovery, since progress is only possible in one case if the muscles reach the point of supercompensation during their next workout.

How start right sway

A novice athlete, first of all, needs to set a goal correctly, because initial stage there is no need to strive to gain muscle mass or increase strength indicators, this will have to be done in the future. The main task of a novice athlete is to prepare all body systems for future training in the gym. First of all, it is necessary to develop muscle feeling , that is, work out the technique and learn how to properly contract muscle fibers. The best way achieve the goal are circuit training, in which small working weights are used, about 50%, and such training should consist of basic exercises. Training program for beginners is perfect for solving these problems. This training period lasts from 2 to 4 months, depending on the physical fitness of the athlete.

We have already written in detail about recommendations for beginners in the article about bodybuilding for beginners , here we briefly note the basic rules: during training, the athlete should not reach positive failure, for this purpose only 50% of the working weight is used; workouts should be short and last no more than 40 minutes; training should be circular, and the technique of performing exercises should be ideal. The preparatory stage of training is the most important, so we strongly recommend not to rush, in 2 months you still will not gain muscle mass, no matter how correctly you pump, especially since without proper preparation your body simply will not digest such a load, which theoretically can stimulate hypertrophy muscles. Be patient and spend at least 2 months preparing. Believe me, it will pay off triple and in the very near future!

As needed swing correctly to ground

Gaining muscle mass is a process of gradual muscle hypertrophy due to regular exercise of a certain type. But during the training process, not just muscles are trained, but certain muscle qualities. For hypertrophy, it is most effective to train the qualities of muscle strength endurance, that is, the ability to perform hard work for a long time. This is why bodybuilders train volumetrically, in a large number of approaches and repetitions. The most important rules for mass training are the speed of each repetition, the total time the muscle is under load in the approach, rest between approaches and the total number of lifts of the barbell per workout. On the other side of the muscle building process is recovery, which, as you already know, should allow you to achieve supercompensation. Your task is to select an adequate load that is capable of stimulating hypertrophy and which your body is able to digest, as well as selecting an adequate recovery system. You will now find out what this looks like from a practical point of view, but remember that everything is individual, therefore, if on average you need to rest for 2 weeks between heavy leg workouts, then 10 days may be enough for you, but 20 may not be enough for your partner. Everything is individual. , so don't be afraid to experiment!

Rules for training for weight

The duration of the weight training should not exceed 60 minutes, preferably 50. Each approach should last from 20 to 40 seconds, during which time you should do from 6 to 12 repetitions, depending on the exercise you are performing. The barbell squat is a more challenging exercise than the close-grip bench press, so you can do about 8 reps of squats and about 12 reps of the close-grip bench press in 50 seconds. This is why “triceps love high reps.” The bottom line is that muscles grow best when their energy supply comes from glycolysis. In general, there are three methods of energy supply to muscles: 2 anaerobic and 1 aerobic. During the first 10-20 seconds, the athlete depletes the supply of creatine phosphate, over the next 20-30 seconds the supply of glycogen, after which the muscles begin to “acidify” - this is the process of energy supply with the participation of air.

Since in order to properly lift weights, it is necessary to deplete glycogen reserves, you should recover between approaches so much time that it is enough to restore glycogen reserves. Optimal time rest is 1 minute. Would it be beneficial to get more rest? Yes, it would! But then your tonnage per workout would be low. You remember that the process of muscle hypertrophy is a process of adaptation of the body to performing volumetric strength work, therefore the KPS, the number of lifts of the barbell, per workout should be large. There is a method to increase the rest time between approaches without reducing the CP, this is a super series of 2-3 exercises, most often 2. The athlete builds a training split so that in 1 workout he can pump 2 antagonist muscle groups, for example, biceps and triceps, and trains with supersets .

This training method is suitable for more advanced athletes who can no longer get by with simpler methods of training, but this is perhaps the first thing that should be included in your weight training program when muscles stop responding to stress. Super series are performed like this: You perform a set for the biceps, after which you immediately perform a set for the triceps without rest, then rest for a minute and repeat everything again. Thus, each muscle rests for 2 minutes, while it is actively washed with blood when you train its antagonist. The classic pairs of antagonist muscles are: biceps and triceps, back and chest, quadriceps and hamstrings, anterior and middle deltoids.

The required number of approaches per workout per working muscle group varies depending on the level of training of the athlete and the muscle group itself. Athletes who have just switched to the split system after a period of preparation should perform 6-8 working approaches for large muscle groups, and 4-5 approaches for small muscle groups. Athletes who have already trained for six months can increase the number of approaches to 10-12 and 6-8, respectively. In the future, the volume of training must be adjusted more individually, experimenting and recording the results in the training diary. Most likely, you will add exercises to some muscle groups faster than others, since each of us has our own genetics. But all this must also be ensured by the correct recovery system.


The first exercise is aimed at pumping up the shoulder and back muscles. It is executed on . To begin, grab the bar with a wide grip and try to pull yourself up so that your chin is higher than the level of the bar itself. Go down slowly, otherwise you will pull ligaments or muscles. Please also note that you should not fully straighten your arms and take a break (it is better to immediately repeat the exercise). At first, exercise without weights, let your muscles tone up. And for those who are already involved in additional loads, it is necessary to add weight only gradually, without straining the body with excessive physical exercise.

You can pump up your chest muscles with. It is worth starting classes with six or eight repetitions, only over time moving on to 15 or 20 repetitions. To increase the effectiveness of your training, perform as many push-ups as possible in one approach (that is, it is better to do fewer approaches, but exert maximum strength).

To train your leg muscles, do squats. It is better to start training with the optimal number of repetitions: ten to fifteen, no more. Over time, increase their number, bring it to one hundred. By the way, when performing exercises, follow a few simple rules: keep your back straight, keep your thighs parallel to the floor, and your back straight. By training only in this way, you will be able to work out greatest number muscles on.

Don't forget about your arm muscles: sit down and pick up dumbbells. Keep your back straight, do not bend it. Raise the dumbbells (while bending your arms to the limit). Then lower the dumbbells and straighten your arms. The exercise must be repeated 8-10 times.


The question “how to build muscles at home?” remains one of the most popular questions among novice bodybuilders. If you stick to my workout plan, which is very intense, but at the same time super effective, then after a while you will be able to gain muscle mass, develop sculpted muscles and show off your lean physique.

Helpful advice

How to build muscles at home. We will perform the exercises on the floor and on the horizontal bar. As “extra” weight we will use a backpack, in which, for starters, we will put the “Soviet encyclopedic Dictionary" and let's start doing the exercises. Don't try to gain more muscle mass at any cost. It won’t help in a street fight, and after you stop training for several years (and this will happen!) this mass will float with fat.

Beautiful body– the key to the health and attention of people around you. Many athletes want to build muscle mass quickly, but for this you need to know the physiology of the body and prepare for hard training.


To quickly and efficiently gain muscle mass, understand three things. You need to properly organize the training process, eat right and rest properly. To organize training, choose a room with as few exercise machines as possible. You will need free weights - dumbbells, barbells, as many plates as possible for them. You also need power racks for squats and deadlifts, parallel bars. Not bad if you find good coach, preferably a former weightlifter who will show you the correct technique for performing exercises, will not stuff you with all sorts of strange pills and force you to do 10 exercises per workout.

Your training will consist of only three exercises. These are deadlifts, squats and bench presses. Start the complex with deadlifts. Day of rest. Then do squats. Day of rest. Then bench press and two days of rest. Then everything starts again. Those. In each workout you perform only one exercise. It is very important to constantly increase the load and do it correctly. Increase the load as follows: you perform each exercise in 5 sets of 5 repetitions with a certain weight on the bar. As soon as you were able to qualitatively complete all five approaches without violating the technique of performing the exercise, feel free to add 5 kg to the barbell. And again until you can complete 5 by 5. So, over time, you will reach impressive weights. Well, then think for yourself, if you bench press 140 kg, do deadlifts with a weight of 180 kg. and squat 160 kg. will yours be muscle mass small?

Eat right. Eat more protein foods - chicken, beef, cottage cheese, fish. You will also need carbohydrates - rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, pasta. Drink natural juices and include it in your diet fresh fruits and vegetables. Drink every day green tea. It is a powerful antioxidant that will help you recover faster after hard workouts. Be sure to consume honey. It contains microelements that are not found in other products. Sleep at least 8 hours a day. This is one of the necessary conditions for high-quality restoration.
