Generic scenarios. How to overcome the generic scenario

The influence of family karma on descendants. Ways to work through it and untie karmic knots.

  • We are all connected to each other invisible threads kinship. Although we often forget about this, confining ourselves to the space of our home or ourselves
  • That's it now more people They realize that without the blessing of their elders, their business will go poorly or fail. Meanwhile, several thousand years ago, without the permission of a parent or mentor, the younger one literally did not take a step
  • Why is the power of the clan so important for us and how does it manifest itself? Let’s talk about this in more detail.

Transfer of hereditary information from generation to generation

heredity in the genes of a group of people

From chemistry and biology lessons we remember that the following are responsible for the transmission of hereditary information:

  • cell
  • strand of DNA in it

That is, everyone biological species living beings have differences in the set and structure of genes. The latter are encoded in a special way so that the heirs remain similar to their ancestors and pass on the characteristics of their species to their descendants.

  • However, this view reflects only part of the issue related to the transmission of heredity. It affects only the physical body
  • At the same time, scientists agreed and proved that the soul lives in the body. She is the driver who controls such a complex living mechanism
  • The soul has the right to choose the planet, country, clan and family into which it comes. She determines the purpose of incarnation for herself up to this moment. Therefore, many souls feel kinship on a deeper level than the entry in the passport or birth certificate
  • The scriptures contain information explaining the reasons for the incarnation of the soul in the human body
  • Thus, the Universal Mind, or God, or the Higher Power, by its causeless mercy, fulfills the desires of its particles. But we just wanted to feel omnipotent, separate from the Great Father, experience a range of emotions and feelings

Karmic connection between people

a man and a woman are attracted to each other by the invisible force of karma

A karmic connection is an energy-informational thread that connects souls with each other for a specific purpose determined by their past actions.

Since the soul of each of us is eternal and has already been incarnated billions of times, we have managed to perform many actions.

The Universal Law of Justice, or karma, states that in the material world nothing arises or passes without a trace. The consequences are transformed in the future into connections and tasks, or lessons.

Depending on the quality of people’s actions, their karmic connections are:

  • positive, or bright - when people are connected by threads of blissful past relationships with each other, for example, the victim forgave his executioner, the couple received a blessing to incarnate together
  • negative, or dark - when between people there are formed karmic debts, nodes based on vibrations of lower emotions, for example, hatred, rage, anger, envy, pride, contempt
  • predestined from above - when souls come together to solve a serious problem, organize a joint business for the benefit of the planet or a huge number of people

The power of the genus, ancestral programs and life scenarios

family tree and connection with the Universe
  • It should be noted that any scenario or generic program is aimed at preserving and avoiding misfortunes in the lives of descendants. They were formed from the experience of ancestors, who, with their emotional reactions, transmit information through the subtle body further along the sexual tree
  • Have you noticed feelings of déjà vu or a strange reaction on the eve of an important event? These could be calls from birth programs. For example, a girl cries a lot for no reason before marriage, and in her family women were unhappy family life, that’s why they gave her the woeful scenario
  • The genus consists of individual people, and the script is formed from their strong emotions, impressions, samskaras. For example, dispossession means violations cash flows among descendants, and war and the death of a member of the clan leaves a deep trace of fear and apprehension
  • On the other hand, listen more carefully to conversations in your family or remember the words of your parents heard in childhood. What is repeated many times is a life scenario that influences the formation of your destiny line

It can sometimes be difficult to identify them, even though you have heard the same speeches many times. Therefore use:

  • with your mind, pen and paper - remember and write down repetitions of scenarios of sorts
  • talk to a professional rodologist or trainer - he will conduct a quality interview with you and outline what he heard

Since you have the right to choose, you can simply brush aside the scenarios of your clan and continue to live joyfully, or you can use the information received and consciously change your life and the future of the descendants of your clan.

Check out the book of the same name by L. Dokuchaeva. The author examines in detail the influence of scenarios and programs of the family on the lives of specific people.

Karmic force

the cycle of birth and death provided for by karma

Karma is the consequences of our actions in the past, for which we pay in the present. Payback happens:

  • in the form of trials, illnesses, problems in communicating with loved ones and building a family
  • light joyful movement through fate, when everything planned turns out in the best way

In the first case, the reasons are sins, serious mistakes without repentance, low-frequency emotions.

In the second - accumulated piety from previous incarnations:

  • for doing good deeds
  • repentance and faith in God
  • charity
  • life for other people
  • working on eradicating destructive character traits in oneself

Karma is most powerful force material world. However, you can get out from under its influence, but it is very difficult. For example, saints are marked by a special destiny and are not subject to the Universal Law of Cause and Effect. Thanks to severe austerities and service to God, they overcome their fate and turn to other people with a kind, loving heart.

Family genogram

example of a family genogram
  • marriages, divorces
  • strong, weak, broken connections
  • repression, imprisonment, participation in hostilities
  • number of children, including aborted and adopted children
  • outcasts, forgotten people
  • Since each ancestor with his life, values, important events and the attitude towards them influences the descendant, then the second unconsciously has to bring to its logical conclusion everything that was started by the first
  • For example, a descendant lives the life of an aborted child or plays the role of an outcast torturer whom the family erased from memory in the past. In any case, this state of affairs prevents descendants from living their lives
  • The solution is to compile a kind of genogram in order to identify destructive beliefs, scenarios, influences, as well as resources for living through trials in life. For example, stories happy families, honestly acquired wealth, the discovery of talents and their implementation by previous generations of relatives
  • People often turn to archives to find the missing link in the history of their family, to professional genographers
  • First, try to draw the tree of life and relationships of your kind yourself and analyze its influence on your destiny
  • Conduct a quality interview with all relatives, find out more about the lives of their parents and grandparents. Remember, there is no need to put pressure and interrogate, communication should be easy and comfortable for everyone

How to get out of the generic scenario - getting rid of generic karma?

karmic connection is broken

Surprisingly, in order to get out of the influence of the generic script, you need to see it and want to do it. And also be prepared for long-term internal work, develop a conscious perception of yourself and situations.

Sometimes it happens that the scenario is convenient and familiar, the person himself does not want to change anything, he is ready to pull his weight and constantly complain. Or don’t notice all this at all and don’t think about the reasons that caused them.

But those who are fed up, who want to live their lives and realize their goals can:

  • make a family tree
  • participate in constellations according to B. Helinger to eliminate blind spots in the history of ancestors
  • study books and trainings about birth scripts and karma
  • listen to meditations, read prayers
  • consciously come to faith in God, people, nature

It is important to be patient and have faith in a winning result. It’s even better to enlist the support of a spiritual teacher and Higher Powers in order to clearly feel and hear yourself, the voice of the soul.

Nowadays, many trainers and followers of schools of psychology and genealogy offer their help to those who want to understand the intertwining generic scenarios and get out from under their influence.

Working through ancestral karma

working through family karma through meditation

After identifying and understanding the scenarios of the kind, the logical question will be how to work them out and change them into creative, happy ones.

In the vastness of the Runet you will find interpretations of various trainers on this topic. In general they come down to:

  • acceptance and recognition of each family member
  • forgiveness of the family for attitudes and events
  • repentance for one’s denial and rejection of some aspects of the family’s history

To implement all aspects of working with the family, the following are suitable:

  • meditation with a pleasant voice
  • visualization of positive events and states of ancestors and yours personally
  • practice of bowing to ancestors and parents
  • recordings of identified settings that respond during waking hours
  • working through the method of speaking out loud these settings
  • diary and collaboration with a spiritual director

The last point involves getting out of karmic ties and negative scenarios by working on yourself, cultivating creative character traits in yourself and eradicating those that trigger generic repetitions in fate, that is, changing your character, and therefore fate.

How to call on the power of the family for help?

help from the spiritual world

A genus is an egregor that unites people by tasks, way of thinking, beliefs and attitudes.

  • The more conscious the family members are, the greater the strength and movement of energies in the family tree.
  • When we forget the traditions of our ancestors, abandon them, and want to act independently, it is like a lonely ant or bird
  • They do not know the laws of life, they cannot build an anthill or fly to warmer regions for the winter without the help of their brothers. This is what happens to a person. Karma and unexamined scenarios of the kind pile up like a heavy lump and in the end the person gives up
  • To renew the flow of energy from elders to younger ones in your family, accept your parents. Replace all complaints, grievances, expectations with gratitude, respect, obedience
  • Ask sincerely for forgiveness for everything that happened in the past, repent and receive a blessing in hindsight
  • Understand the reasons for your parents’ actions and remember that they always want only good and happiness for you. Find excuses for their actions and words, accept them without judgment
  • Our ancestors, the Slavs, left us a unique heritage in the form of traditions and knowledge. No wars, no renunciations of faith, no artificial cutting of roots can erase our genetic memory
  • Listen to yourself, for example, does the information about the strong state of Hyperborea and the settlement of its people on other continents resonate with you? This is how memory works, hidden in the subtle energy field of all living beings.
  • Look at your family. Each person in it has his own talents, activities, character, actions, habits. This means that you also possessed them in past incarnations. Therefore, your coming to this family, clan, nation, country, planet is not accidental

How to cleanse ancestral karma?

morning meditation of a girl on cleansing ancestral karma
  • The karma of a clan consists of the actions and attitudes of each of its members. It grows like a snowball and is passed on to the next generation for development and change, for passing exams
  • Scandals, quarrels, fights take a lot of energy and splash out sexual power into nowhere. And children who are already born suffer from this
  • Our material world is structured in such a way that the law of cause and effect works strictly and clearly for every being. Only acceptance of one's fate, repentance, forgiveness and love can create a miracle and heal the most terrible and serious generational sins. Examples of this are the lives of saints in all religious denominations

To cleanse your ancestral karma from negativity, you can call on:

  • living believing relatives
  • ancestors who passed away, regardless of whether they believed in God or not. After the loss of the physical body, all souls believe

And be ready for daily work souls - prayers to the saints and God. You should sincerely repent of them, ask for forgiveness, protection, guidance, glorify the Higher Powers and thank them for everything that you have, for the fact that you have been granted the grace to see the sins of your family and take the path of healing.

Because we are all one and connected. If one person in a family feels bad, then everyone feels it, and if it’s good, then lightness, harmony and prosperity come to everyone.

Prayer for forgiveness of family and karmic debts

girl praying

From the above it follows that an easier and freer life is possible after repaying all karmic debts and transforming scenarios from destructive to creative.

To do this, I decided on a strategy for my actions. Examples of this could be:

  • forty days morning prayers Our Father, glory to the Virgin Mary, for the forgiveness of the race
  • repetition of Psalms 90 and 50, the Creed, repentance and asking for forgiveness from the family and the Lord
  • prayer of transfiguration by V. Sinelnikov, listening to it daily and repeating it for 40 days
  • the practice of visualizing the family tree in the form of two trunks - the maternal and paternal lines, forgiving oneself and each member of the family up to the 7th generation. If you do not know their names, you should designate the type family connection. For women, you should always start with the women of the family, for example, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother

If you belong to another religious denomination, then ask its spiritual representative for advice before starting to work with karmic debts and family.

Our planet is amazing, it is our mother and a place for practicing scenarios and life lessons for every living creature. Only on the level of our awareness, desire to be useful to society, to her, To the Higher Powers, the happiness, prosperity and well-being of ours and the lives of our descendants, the improvement of the existence of our ancestors even after their departure to the spiritual world, largely depend.

Video: prayer of transfiguration by V. Sinelnikov

No group is complete without the topic of scenarios. I’ve given just a few stories, and for some reason I’m sure that each of you found yourself in at least one. This prompted me to explore this topic even wider and more fully. And now I am preparing a separate course on this topic. But now I want to give you the recipes that I know.

What other scenarios are there:

  • I can't be happy if my mother is unhappy. This is a very common scenario among girls and girls cannot get married because their mother is single. A very strange moment, because in fact, no mother who has lived her life alone consciously wants the same fate for her daughter. But there is a subconscious one - and it cannot but be pleasant. And when the daughter still doesn’t get married and stays with her mother until gray hair, then the mother has a little satisfaction that her daughter remained faithful to her mother. You've probably seen families like this on the street - two grandmothers, one 80 years old, the other 60. It's clear that life hasn't worked out for both of them and they live like that. This is, of course, an extreme case. There are also milder versions of this scenario. For example, a girl cannot afford to be happy. She may be married, but she will always try to make her mother happy. And he thinks that when I make my mother happy, then I can afford myself a little. But children are not responsible for the happiness of their parents. And they will never be able to, no matter how much they want it.
  • Another scenario is “I gave birth to you for myself”. And the further emancipation goes, the more similar situations there are. When a woman does not want to get married, but she needs to give birth to a child. Give birth for yourself, her friends and parents tell her, she definitely needs to give birth to a child “for herself.” What does “for yourself” mean? This means that the main goal for a child is to be my property and to please me. I gave birth to you for myself, and you will please me, love me, take care of me, and so on. Such a possessive attitude towards the child does not allow the mother to let the child go. adult life and does not allow the child to live his own life. “You don’t have the right to your own opinion”, “You don’t have the right to do what you want, because I mean you must correspond to my desires, I want you to be an architect. I don't want you to be a teacher or a doctor. Even if you want it. I want you to be an architect, so please me, you must please me.”
  • The next scenario is " and we will kick out your husband" I'll just give an example. I have a friend from school. She is the only daughter of her parents. The three of them lived their entire lives, and the three of them felt so good. Mom always told her - we gave birth to you for ourselves (a piece of the second scenario), so don’t even think about getting married. Most importantly, give us a child, so that we can have a granddaughter, and we will kick out your husband. Just kidding. I listened to this for about 10 years while we were in school. As a result, she got married, gave birth to a child (daughter), and her parents kicked out her husband. At the same time, the husband had a separate living space, but they still lived with her parents. Mom said - if you go there, I won’t help you with the child and won’t do anything for you. As a result, they survived their husband and live like that - grandparents, daughters and granddaughters. But understand correctly, parents are not such monsters as to do all this consciously and on purpose. These are subconscious programs. And such conversations can be humorous. But every joke is only part of a joke, as you know.
  • Another scenario - multiple marriages. For example, in my family, almost all the women on my mother’s side were married an average of 3 times. Children were also born in different marriages. Then I understand where there was a permanent and new father to our child in me.
  • The next scenario, " the wife is a general, and the husband is a rag" In a family of strong women, it is very difficult for a girl to change the course of history. Because she is used to being responsible, commanding, and doing everything herself. She was taught that men could not be trusted, that they would definitely let her down. And she saw this from childhood - how next to her was a weak-willed father (or rather, a father beaten down by his mother). And then her husband has only two options. Or be a wuss. Or become a tyrant (more on that later).
  • Husbands are alcoholics- it is too possible scenario. When you see that all the men in your family drink. And then it’s understandable why you shake at the sight of a bottle of beer in your husband’s hands. Even if you see it once a year.
  • Tyrant husband- this is the scenario when you see that your grandfather beat your grandmother, your father beat your mother and, God forbid, your husband beats you too. And it seemed like there was good man, but in the end - how they replaced it. If you see a pattern, then it is clear that you yourself have found such a person. And besides, you in your own way female script You know how to drive a man to white heat.
  • Another option - female clan. There are families in which there are no men at all. Great-grandmother, grandmother, mother, daughter and she has another daughter. AND . Women sometimes draw family trees; none of them have fathers. Nothing is known about them, patronymic names are made up. And so on. The father performs his function of conception and then disappears from the woman’s life. And it is very difficult to get out of this female clan. To do this you need to really want it.
  • The next point is abandoned. For example, the grandfather left the grandmother, then the father left the mother, then the husband left the girl. Such a system is to be abandoned. And men are chosen who are capable of this. And the girl, accordingly, already knows how to do everything to make an event happen in her life. She has been preparing for this all her life.
  • There is also a scenario like runaway Bride. Girls who have a very high chance of getting married. And they practically, but at the last moment, run away. I immediately remember a poem, though it’s about a boy, but still. Semyon heard the word “married”
    and somewhere there, inside him,
    one of the little Semyons
    I quickly began to collect my things. Why are they running away? Most often there is great fear Serious relationships, or not so much good picture parents' relationships. And sometimes such runaway brides occur in every generation. They might even get married, but at the first difficulties, one of the little Semyons began to quickly pack his things.
  • There is also a script single mothers. When mothers raise their children themselves for one reason or another.
  • There are scripts strong women, financial difficulties, unloved work, unfulfillment, lack of femininity, many other variations.

And this is far from full list. Just a sketch.
Of course there are good scripts. And there are a lot of them. And it would be ideal for every girl to have something like this scenario:
“Dad loves and respects mom, and mom also loves and respects dad. Children are desired and conceived in love. This is the first love of parents and it never ends.”
Such people do not exist at constellations and trainings. They often already feel good, they are worried about other problems.
But for most of us, the picture is different from ideal. For some it is slight, and for others it is very strong. That's why I want to give you the "antidote." Talk about what can and should be done about this.

  1. To begin, draw your family tree. As far as you know. Ask mom, dad, grandparents. If you have anyone to ask. Be interested not only in dates of life and names, but also in destinies. What was special about the destinies of each woman of your kind? Were there old maids among them? Or those who lost their husbands or children? Or those who survived difficult events (blockade, war, repression, and so on)? Were there divorces, remarriages and other patterns?
  2. Then look at your tree with the eyes of a stranger. Do you see fates repeating themselves? Patterns? Echoes of your life? For example, in my tree I clearly saw the strategy “ strong woman", fear of abandonment and fear of betrayal.
  3. Try to find the point where it started. Usually two or three generations are enough for such an understanding. Find the very woman whose difficult fate continued in her descendants. If you cannot find the starting point, name it, for example, great-grandmother on your mother’s side in some generation.
  4. And then you can meet her in meditation and talk. About her life, about her fate.

Don't expect instant results. Working with generic scripts is long, deep and difficult. Especially if you do it yourself. A lot can be done faster in a group, but not everyone is ready for it.

Master the art of small steps. From the fact that you turn on the light in dark room and see your scenarios - at least, you will stop constantly stepping on the same rake. And if you step, you will clearly see what you stepped on.

And with the light on, it’s much easier to put things in order—in your thoughts, feelings, and life situations.

Do you already see what scenarios exist in your life?

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Generic scenarios, what are they and what are they?

Today I am opening a series of articles on the topic of generic scenarios, and I invite you to work on this topic yourself.

Generic scenarios, what are they and what are they? (Part 1) You are on this article.
(Part 2)
(part 3)

Surely you have seen people in your circle of friends who find themselves in similar situations over and over again.

It's like a woman marrying an alcoholic for the third time. No, no, she gets married, carefully choosing a man who doesn’t drink, but next to her, even the determined teetotalers for some reason suddenly start drinking, and you see, the marriage has already broken up, and the reason is stated “He turned out to be an alcoholic.”

It also happens that a man is in the prime of his strength and potential, but still cannot manifest himself; all efforts most often lead to failure. It’s as if he never manages to manifest himself, and he’s also “lucky” with women: as a rule, active, decisive, suppressive women appear next to him. Exactly like his grandmother and mother.

Or a young woman who life path meet all alone married men. It’s as if all single people died out like mammoths.

Or here's another one. A person works, earns money, it seems like this is it, success! But no, it doesn’t last long, then some event happens and everything that has been acquired over the years and obtained through labor collapses like a house of cards, and what remains is the lack of understanding “For what?!” Or everything disappears without a trace, as if slipping through your fingers. It seems like it just happened, and then it doesn’t. So much time, work, life has been invested, and it’s all down the drain.

There are women who endlessly help their neighbors, then stumble upon “ungratefulness,” but after a while they again strive to help the next person who wants it. Or they get involved in the next project, with great desire, enthusiasm, overflowing, drawing bright prospects, but... After a while, everything quietly fades away, interest disappears, everything is thrown on the “far shelf”, forgotten and another one is found, new project, inspiring and causing a burning desire to realize it. And everything started again...

These are all vivid indicators of life scenarios.

What are scripts, when and who writes them, and what are they like?

We write the scripts ourselves. Whether we like this idea or not, this is how it is.

When do we start writing our script? Yes from the moment of birth. Still just kids we choose our installation, what the world around us is like, starting from exactly how my mother’s pregnancy proceeded, how the birth went, how our mother treated us in the first years. This is when the foundations of each scenario are laid.

Scenarios can be of three types.
1. Winning - winning scenario. Here goals are achieved and bring a lot of joy, everything works out and succeeds.
2. Loser - loser scenario. Goals are not achieved, or they are achieved, but with great difficulty, and do not bring satisfaction or joy.
3.Ordinary - average. Didn't win, didn't lose, just participated. They don’t achieve much success; they choose to simply exist in life.

There are rarely pure win or lose scenarios.

Most often the scenarios are mixed. For example, they win at work, they have a career, they have well-being, but they lose in relationships—unlucky in love, as they say. My health is so-so, I don’t seem to be sick, but I wouldn’t call it healthy either.

Or everything is good in the family, but bad in health, but in work and money, so, or rather, not at all. And it doesn’t particularly warm the soul, and it doesn’t bring in money. So, work for the sake of work. There she is and that’s okay.

Script processes are lived unconsciously. They rule in your life only because you don’t see them. If you want change, watch yourself, your words, beliefs, actions. What do you most often tell yourself when you fail, and what do you tell yourself when you succeed? How do you act when difficulty suddenly arises? How do you solve life's problems? What do you believe? What is she like?

Your task is not just to read, but to try on yourself to what extent this can manifest itself in you. After all, having learned these processes in yourself, it is much easier to influence them and change them. By choosing instead what you choose for yourself with your soul and heart.

All scenarios of losers and averages are divided into several various types. Let's look at them in order.

1. I can’t be happy until... (I can't have what I want until I pay for it high price). Or until I get another one higher education And academic degree. Until I make my next million. Until my child grows up and becomes happy. Until my mother or grandmother is cured. Not yet – it’s just a scenario, and most often it’s generic.

How to fix it? Don't take responsibility for others, you can't make others happy, that's it. The only person you can make happy is yourself, and only you.

Two - understand that the race for this is like a puppy playing with its tail. And not another education, neither a million nor the happiness of a child or mother can make you happy. And you could change, because you have your power, strength, freedom.

You have all the options, but they choose their “Not yet...”. Why?…

2. Never. This is also a scenario that is based on the belief that I will never get what I really want. Women with this belief never get married. Or they get married, but will never be happy in their marriage. They never get rich. They will never become completely healthy.

Because for them it is in reality impossible. Ask them a question: why? There will be no clear answer. It's just the way it is in their world. And period.

3. After. This scenario is based on the “doom belief” - I can live and enjoy life, but then I will have to pay dearly for it. And they pay. Health. Relationships. Self-realization. What is expensive is what they pay for. They put the most precious thing on the altar of their lives in exchange for pleasing first their parents, then their husband, children, boss, anyone.

Just not yourself.

4. Almost. People with this scenario are always half a step away from success, happiness, good luck. But. A second, a millimeter away from happiness, they choose to stop. They never risk achieving the seemingly so desired success. Your dad almost became an astronaut. Your mom almost became a ballerina/artist/stewardess.

Look at yourself. Are you almost successful?

5. As always. I will always remain in this situation. Like in a parable.
“A person goes through life and suffers. They ask him, for what reason are you suffering?
He answers - I suffer so that my children can be happy. And your ancestors, were they happy? No, they suffered the same way so that their descendants would be happy. We always suffer for the happiness of our descendants.”

This is such a whirlwind of birth suffering. I will suffer as always...

6. There is another scenario, loss of Role. This is when at first everything seems great. Then something happens significant event, such as divorce, retirement or separation of children own families, and that's it. End. The woman really doesn’t know what to do now. Along with her role as a mother, wife or colleague, she loses the meaning of her life. This also often occurs in men.

The meaning of your life is determined by you. If someone decides that there is no meaning, well, so it will be... in his life.

Everything that is repeated cyclically in your life is your personal scenario, and everything that is repeated in the life of your family, from generation to generation, is your generic scenario, your generic programs that you have to involuntarily live.

This not your conscious choice, because you would never choose this for yourself. These are yours subliminal programs.

So what should I do? How to fix it? It is quite possible to break out of the vicious circle and stop coming to the same result. And I will definitely share with you information on how to do this later in a separate article.

Now I would like to notice a couple of interesting features.

You have read the article. Perhaps you saw that in some areas you, alas, are not a winner, and not even mediocre, but are clearly losing.

And much of this was passed on to you by your dearly beloved parents. Is it time to pout and be offended? Or should I say, well, there’s no luck here, as always? Or start complaining about life and lamenting: why was I born into this particular family, why am I being punished like this….

No, no, no! In no case!

Firstly. It is not by chance that we come to this or that kind, if there are problems, then you are capable of solving them. Perhaps it was even you yourself, in past incarnations, who set this vector of development for your kind. So you came to fix everything. Sami. Rolling up your sleeves, decisively and competently.

Secondly. We receive and transmit script processes on an unconscious level.

Third. Our parents(by the way, just like you do for your children) always give us the best from what they themselves received from their parents. Carefully and lovingly choosing the best. After all, you do the same with your children? As best you can at the moment.

Fourthly. Change is scary. Changing your life, changing yourself, changing the script is actually scary. This fear probably goes from generation to generation. Perhaps you are in past life made this choice to leave everything as it is. You are alive - this is the main thing, and this was achieved by the scenario that you lived through. This experience, which may have been passed down from generation to generation, may not be happy, but it is viable, proven and understandable.

Are you ready for change? Can you leave your well-trodden rut of life and? Or is it easier, safer and more comfortable to stay in your old, familiar, comfortable way of life?

Write if the article was useful to you? If yes, share this useful information with your friends.

What areas and scenarios have you found in your life and what would you like to change them to?

Best regards, Gulfiya.

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Take a closer look at your grandmother from your father's side.

As the famous psychologist Eric Berne writes, our generic script is inherited through generations. Moreover, on the branch of the parent of the opposite sex. That is, for a girl it will be the female branch on her father’s side. Most often, this is her father's mother. But maybe his aunt, or, rarely, cousin... But - most clearly - this is your grandmother on your father's side.

IN Soviet time children were often named after the child's father's mother if it was a girl, and after the child's mother's father if it was a boy.

Lena was no exception; she was named in honor of her father’s dearly and, it seemed, unrequitedly beloved mother, Baba Lena. Little Lena never liked her name, as if the child’s unconscious was resisting the imposed script: at five years old she called herself Gavrosh, at 10 - Lyalya, at 13 Alisa, at 15 Anfisa... And during her childhood, she communicated little or little, maybe 3-4 times a year, with her grandmother on her father’s side. That is, in our Lena’s life there was no presence of her grandmother, there was no upbringing, there was no direct transfer of experience... The whole point is that in her parental family, Baba Lena’s behavior was very much condemned. for many years she heard repetitions, intonation and saw her mother’s condemning facial expressions and her father’s silent recognition of the facts: “Baba Lena always lived only for herself! She doesn't care about us! She lives for her own pleasure! She changes men like gloves! She doesn't love anyone! She doesn’t care about her son, or about you, her granddaughter. She's not helping us! and never helped. Her friends are more important to her than her family. Hmm, She loves to travel to boarding houses and sanatoriums! Her favorite Rublevskoye Highway, where the servants of the people live... Of course, she hates our family, this is where life is, and she should still rest... Yes, change men... How many has she already changed? ....irresponsible, wayward, selfish..." But at the same time: beautiful, blonde, at the age of 60 she stood on the bridge, her figure is amazing, she constantly takes care of herself: either manicures, then cleansing the body, tubing, face masks, aesthetic surgery... this in Soviet times! - “- that is, little Lena hears both condemnation and envy... And of course, despite the fact that she almost did not communicate with her grandmother, her image is ATTRACTIVE!... and vicious, we condemn...

Now Lena is 36 years old, she has never been married, she is dyed blonde, beautiful, curvy, does yoga, stretches amazingly, and changes men like gloves... weekly manicures, massages, tubing twice a year, weight loss clinics, spa - pampering and nurturing yourself. There are a lot of friends, holidays abroad 4 times a year, then spa, then skiing, then shopping. I set myself the goal of living on Rublyovka... I wonder why this would happen? Fashion recent years inspired, or an attractive, mysterious and forbidden-inaccessible name from childhood?

But!: she does not have the value of FAMILY. She doesn't want children. She is satisfied with her lifestyle... Which she does not consider possible to sacrifice... even for the sake of starting a family and for the sake of future children...

Her parents have been wondering since the early 90s: who is their Lena like? Because the family led a modest engineering lifestyle, quite homebody and secluded, the parents worked all their lives, barely saving up for a single vacation, knew the balance of money, were responsible, planned everything in advance... Needless to say, Lena inherited the script of her grandmother from the outside father...

And it doesn’t matter whether she took part in your upbringing or not. Whether she was alive by the time you were born or not... The script transfer goes either way....

And only by “recreating” it, working through it, can you get rid of it…. ACCEPTING RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR DESTINY.

I have one client, in order to interrupt the inheritance of a scenario that did not suit her at all (there was a suicide), she even changed her name, from Gali to Alya...

What was your mom and dad's relationship like?

What did you see in your root family?

A family passes on from generation to generation its way of interacting with the outside world and its idea of ​​life.

The child observes how adults interact in life and internalizes (adopts, makes it their own) not only parental behavior, but also their attitudes towards themselves and the world around them.

It is clear that the conclusions a child reaches about himself and the world around him are based on very limited experience of observing specific parental reactions to certain problems. A child perceives gender relations through certain prisms, or glasses, that have been put on him since childhood and which create the essence of parental programming. These prisms or glasses convey to the child a special view of the world, gender relations and everything that follows.

If you have never known a life based on concepts alien to suffering, alienation, if dad and mom constantly quarreled, if they shouted at each other, constantly made claims; if you have not experienced the intimacy that should arise in a husband-wife relationship, if you have not seen support and mutual respect, if you have seen lies, deception, and maybe even worse, drunkenness, violence…. - it will not be easy for you to generally find the correct pattern in gender relations; you will probably have to go through a lot of disappointments both in yourself and in other people.

If your communication skills were originally adapted to tense relationships, to the war of the sexes, enjoy society loved one, it will be difficult to feel comfortable and relaxed.

How to overcome: As an adult, RECOGNIZE that what you saw in your family of origin is only a limited cross-section of the entire palette of human relationships. UNDERSTAND that the conclusions that you made as a child, and which still influenced your destiny, were made on the basis of observing not all relationship options, but only those that were before your eyes. CONFIRM that you have grown up, that you are now an adult, and can already judge a much larger volume of options, FREEDOM from the captivity of the parental script, and TRY in a new way perceive yourself and the world around you.

Why and how to heal kind of scenarios? Today I am finishing the book “Healing the Female Soul”. More precisely, I have already finished this book, and now the editor and I are bringing it to the desired state. And more than half of the book is about screenplays. And every post on Instagram about scripts gathers a lot of questions and conversations. Because it hurts. Because it's relevant. And I want to talk about this again. Do you know what generic scripts and intertwinings are? Do you know how they affect you? And do you know what you can do about it? Those who know nothing about this sometimes pass by skeptically, considering it all nonsense. And in vain. Sometimes even believers ignore this topic, considering it somehow occult and wrong. And also in vain. What are generic scripts? According to our karma we come to certain kind , to a certain family with certain tasks. The family is “chosen” to help us a lot in this. For example, if a soul needs to learn to forgive, it may be greatly offended. And the closest ones. If a soul needs to learn to respect men in a female body, it can be given a female clan, where men are not kept and are hated. This is from a karmic point of view. With a regular one, everything is simpler. There is the way your mother or grandmother lives life. And you may not like it. But a certain number of years pass - and suddenly you realize that your life is largely a carbon copy. They chose the same husband. They behaved the same way with him. The children were raised the same way, although they swore to themselves that they would never do it for anything. You even scold them with the same words. Yes, psychologists have already told everyone that the basic ways of reacting and behavior are ingrained in a child up to the age of 7 at most. What he sees is what he will then reproduce if he does not turn on awareness (and this is good news). And then it’s simpler - where did our mothers get their way of responding? From their mothers. They are from their own and so on. Our behavior has been imprinted by so many people with traumas and dramas! And what was normal for them is now disturbing us. For example, if your grandmother, after the war, where she experienced famine, ate everything after everyone else and forced everyone to eat, then this is absolutely of no use to you, and you already have weight problems. But for some reason you still finish your food, after everyone else. There are a million such programs. There are good ones and there are bad ones. Well, how bad they are - not very useful to us now. And once upon a time they could have saved someone in our family. Some interfere with our lives, others do not. We don’t think about every action or word; we do a lot “automatically”. but we don’t think about who, when and how this “machine” was recorded. And it was recorded by our entire family. And then the question arises - how to neutralize these scenarios? How not to pass them on to your children? How to remove unnecessary heaviness from life? Work off karma to make life easier? Or to finally get married or have a child? Is it possible to somehow discard them, to free ourselves from their influence? Heal kind of scenarios? This is the question I get asked most often. About how to forgive and accept your parents, how to stop repeating their fate, how to break out of family predestination, how not to pass all this on to your children. Ancestral connections can give us strength, or they can take them away. They can be the basis of strong relationships, or they can be constant stress that destroys them. They can be the cause of joy, or they can be the cause of our tears. When situations burst into our lives that make us feel pain, anger, resentment, disappointment - what to do about it? Are these always our feelings and are we always in control of the situation? Can we always change it ourselves and easily? Since I have become familiar with ancestral laws, I understand that our karma comes to us through ancestral connections. We get there not by chance, and not just like that. For some reason. And the problems of the kind are our own unprocessed places. But in this life a lot can be changed. Including relationships with the family - which is equivalent to alleviating karma as such. Have you ever gone through forgiveness and letting go trainings - and then realized that nothing has passed - nothing has been forgiven or let go? I remember Marina Targakova spoke about this phenomenon: “I forgave according to Luula Viilma, I forgave according to Louise Hay, I forgave according to Sviyash...” I know this very well; it almost happened to me. You forgive and forgive, but for some reason it still doesn’t forgive. Does this always mean that we are doing a poor job and putting in little effort? Or are we just digging the garden with a fork? For me, working with generic programs has become a reliable shovel - with the help of which I can weed out weeds and plant rose bushes much faster and better. With his help, I was finally able to weed a couple of long-overgrown beds. In what situations can working with your family help (not necessarily a 100% improvement): Establish relationships with parents - or at least take the first step in this direction Improve relationships with your partner Resolve problems in relationships with children Understand why love does not happen in life and it doesn’t work Forgive and let go of someone who it’s high time to let go Consider relationships with money Find and neutralize energy leakage points See places where life becomes a vicious circle and try to open it See your life through a different lens Realize where we are really moving and why This there is no guarantee of a one hundred percent cure. Not a panacea! Please understand that this is only a tool for working with your inner world, in which there may be various complexities other than generic scenarios. In addition to family ties, we are also influenced by how we behave today, what we do, where we strive. For example, sometimes a girl is prevented from getting married only by her birth plan. And sometimes - her reluctance to change, take care of herself and communicate with those who are ready to take care of her. That is, we need to work in both directions. Change both the “past” - more precisely, the attitude towards it (this is the most important thing), and your behavior today. But it’s more profitable to call all this the crown of celibacy and go to fortune tellers, renting it for money. Where are the real problems? And of course, most of the problems are usually not somewhere there, but much closer. I remember the arrangements that I once conducted. How the girls sat down and said that they knew for sure that this problem came from their great-great-grandmother. But when we started working, it turned out that everything rested on my mother. And there is no point in digging further and deeper if everything is not harmonious with the parents (and who is harmonious?). Therefore, you need to start with them. When the topic of parenting comes up in a seminar, it always has powerful implications. A lot of questions, a lot of emotions, tears and worries. That is, for most the topic is somehow painful. And only after working through this layer is it worth going further and deeper. By establishing relationships with your parents in your heart, you can already solve half of your problems! Judge for yourself. Difficult relationship with mother for a girl: is an obstacle to receiving feminine power kind influence her ability to love and build relationships influence her motherhood and her sense of self in it especially strongly influence the relationship with her daughter have a very strong impact on her self-esteem negatively influence her desire to be a woman create problems in the left half of her body (this is where diseases accumulate ) do not give a complete feeling of happiness (mom is the very first love of any person!) Difficult relationships with dad have a strong influence on her attitude towards men and affect her ability to find herself in the outside world (compare how the number of children without fathers or their participation and those who cannot find themselves) create problems with finances - as a result of relationships in the outside world, complicate relationships with sons create problems in the right half of the body (this is where diseases accumulate in this case) Let us add that any grievances corrode our soul, bring a lot of suffering and problems. The longer you wear it, the stronger the “toxic poisoning”. And we carry grievances against our parents for 20-30-40-... years... Then healing should begin with them. From parents. Dads and moms. Both. No matter how scary and difficult it may be. And then - if necessary - move on. Become aware of what programs you have, how they affect you - and little by little change your behavior and perception. It's possible. I constantly invite you to watch the video, where I talk a lot about myself, about what tendencies were and are in my family, and how difficult it was for me to overcome them. And many still live with me - for now. About the fact that I am from a “women’s clan”, where women raise children themselves, where they work themselves and are generally very strong. About the fact that only at almost 30 years old did I visit my father’s grave for the first time and see him as he was during his lifetime. And a lot more. It's real. At the same time, learning to respect men and preserving not just the family, but also the love in it is real. Here's this video again :) Haven't you seen it? Be sure to check it out! THREE STEPS TO HEALING THE KIND - The main thing is to want and start changing. Small steps. I had a course where we talked about all this. It has not been on sale for a long time, I am not going to sell it to you :))) It was in it that I decided to include all these issues separately. It was in it that we talked about: How to forgive and accept your parents How to heal your inner child How to make your mother happy How to break out of the circle of parental expectations How to see patterns in your family How not to repeat the fate of your mother or grandmother How not to get confused when running away from repetitions of fate How to find the roots of endless financial difficulties How to start living your own life How to find your place in this world How to find your favorite business How to make decisions How to accept and understand another person How to meet your man, and not repeat your mother’s choice How to stop being afraid of big money According to the laws of karma we come precisely to the genus where our scripts dominate. This moment is predetermined for us by our past. But what we do with this next - sour and whine - or move on and overcome difficulties - depends on us. In this course we tried to defeat fate. No matter how loud it may sound. But karma can and must be overcome. This requires a great desire and great inner work. And many took their first step there. I’ll say right away that there will be no magic pill when everything goes away on its own. In any case, you will need to put in a lot of effort to achieve results. What was inside the Course? 1. The law of belonging 2. The law of hierarchy 3. The law of energy flow 4. The balance between “taking and giving” 5. Our relationship with mom 6. Our relationship with dad 7. Scenarios for relationships with brothers and sisters 8. Meditation on working with parents - and healing of the inner child 9. Meditation on working with generic scenarios 10. Our past relationships 11. Meditation on letting go of past relationships 12. Scenarios on family relationships 13. Interrupted flow of love and its restoration 14. Meditation on healing the interrupted flow of love 15. Scenarios for the state of our health 16. Scenarios of attitude towards oneself 17. Scenarios of femininity and masculinity 18. Scenarios of self-realization and work 19. Scenarios of financial well-being 20. Scenarios of relationships with our children 21. Resources of our kind 22. Simple exercises for life - 7 different and equally useful So that’s what I’m getting at with all this. Today we are still accepting newcomers to the marathon on building relationships with men. The marathon will begin on June 1. And as a gift to everyone who paid for the marathon yesterday and today, we GIVE this precious course, my favorite, most important. You can prepare before the marathon by running and auditioning for it. That is, you can change your relationship with your family, and then also learn important tools in communicating with men. Want to? There are three different options participation in the marathon, you can read in detail here: HERE -
