Work experience in the specialty. year

The changes taking place in Russia in the last decade have brought back to us many names that were banned for many years and, in our opinion, unfairly forgotten. One of these names is Elpidifor Trofimovich Paramonov, a major Don entrepreneur. In the history of the Don region, the Paramonovs are interesting for their production, as well as cultural, educational and charitable activities.

Employees of the Scientific Library of Rostov State University have long been interested in

educational activities of the youngest son E.T. Paramonov Nikolai. It was he who founded the Donskaya Rech publishing house in 1903. The library collects and carefully preserves editions of the Donskaya Rech, which have become a bibliographic rarity today. It is not without interest that the National Library of the Russian State University is located in a building built in 1914 by the architect L.F. Eberg for Nikolai Elpidiforovich Paramonov, on one of the most beautiful streets of the city - Pushkinskaya Street.

The publishing house "Donskaya Rech" already in the first year of its existence took first place among provincial publishing houses. The success of the publishing house was explained by the cheapness of books - from 0.5 to 6-8 kopecks, a good selection of authors, and the interesting, varied topics of the published works. The best fiction works of Russian and foreign writers were published. The publishing house paid great attention to issues of the current life of Russia, its history, and the history of the liberation struggle of different countries. Total in 1903-1907. "Donskaya Rech" published over 500 titles of books and brochures, published 26 issues of the historical and revolutionary magazine "Byloe", 21 issues of the "Russian Historical Library", 17 issues of the magazines: "Responses of Modernity", "People's Life", "People's Messenger".

Unfortunately, the catalog of the “Don Speech” has not reached us and has not been preserved. Employees of the rare publications department of the National Library of the Russian State University have been working on compiling the catalog for a number of years. This work has now been completed. We hope that the catalog will be published soon.

While working on the catalogue, we simultaneously

began searching for N.E. Paramonov’s relatives. The search was long, sometimes unsuccessful. And here is the reward for many years of searching. January 12, 1992 came from France, from the small town of Roisian-Brieux, located near Paris. We received a letter from Madame Fedorovskaya, great-granddaughter of E.T. Paramonov, great-niece of N.E. Paramonov.

During our search, we were lucky enough to meet an amazing woman, Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Nikitina, a resident of Rostov, who helped us a lot. Her maternal aunt Ekaterina Mikhailovna Kruzhilina, born in 1928, was deported to Germany in 1942. This 14-year-old girl had to endure incredible hardships. After the end of the war, E.M. Kruzhilina marries the Frenchman Maurice Ro, who is in a prisoner of war camp, and leaves for France, to Paris. When the opportunity arose to come to Russia, E.M. Kruzhilina visited her relatives in Rostov and Novocherkassk, and since 1985 invited them to France. While in Paris, L.A. Nikitina met the children of Russian emigrants, among whom was Natalya Alekseevna Fedorovskaya.

From a letter received from N.A. Fedorovskaya, we learn that her father was an officer in the White Army. Her parents left Crimea in November 1920 and after several months in Constantinople, they moved to Belgium, where Natalya Alekseevna was born in 1924.

Natalya Alekseevna in her letter talks in detail about the Paramonovs, about whom she knew something. Her mother talked about Russia, in particular about Rostov, and she taught her the Russian language. Natalya Alekseevna even now speaks the purest Russian language, which few speak in Russia anymore: “... I would really like to make a trip to Rostov this year... I hope I will be able to make this dream come true.”

Natalya Alekseevna's dream came true. 10

On September 1992, she came to Rostov for the first time, and on September 11, a meeting took place with her at the Scientific Library of the Russian State University. With a feeling of incredible excitement and joy, Natalya Alekseevna walked around the mansion that previously belonged to Nikolai Paramonov, the brother of her grandmother Lyubov Elpidiforovna.

In the reading room, where the meeting with N.A. Fedorovskaya took place, teachers and students of the Russian State University, employees of the library, local history museum, archive, local historians, architects, and journalists gathered. Those who had always been interested in the Paramonovs and their progressive activities, which connected the name of this family with the history of Rostov-on-Don, gathered. The speakers replaced each other, and in many ways their speeches were the same. They called Natalya Alekseevna's presence in the hall "a phenomenon of new times." It was 1992 - a year of hope for change in the country. Previously, it was impossible to even think about having such a free conversation in a wide audience about the history of the Paramonov family, about their progressive activities in the public life of Russia and Rostov.

Architect Lyubov Feoktistovna Voloshinova told those present about the residential buildings and mansions of the Paramonovs in Rostov and presented N.A. Fedorovskaya photographs of them. In her speech, she touched upon the charitable activities of E.T. Paramonov, talking about his construction of the Nikolaev City Hospital. All the main large buildings of the hospital (now old buildings medical university) were built at the expense of E.T. Paramonov.

The famous Rostov local historian, architect, honorary ataman of the Don Army Andrei Petrovich Zimin, unfortunately now deceased, proposed installing memorial plaques on houses that belonged to the Paramonovs. A.I. Donskoy, who worked for 43 years in the Azov-Don Shipping Company, drew the attention of those present to the fact that the name of Paramonov was erased from the chronicle of the creation of the Don Shipping Company, and that this mistake must be corrected today.

Natalya Alekseevna Fedorovskaya was excited and touched that the Paramonovs had not been forgotten in the homeland of their ancestors. It turned out that they not only remembered them, but were studying the history of her relatives’ family. Much of what she heard at the meeting was unknown to her, and now, having learned numerous details, she was incredibly happy.

The search for the Paramonovs continued. Now N.A. Fedorovskaya joined him, since she was also interested in finding relatives with whom contact had been lost. After leaving for Paris, she advertised several times in the New Russian Word newspaper in New York. Time passed, but there was no result.

On March 9, 1993, a letter came from N.A. Fedorovskaya with stunning news: the son of Nikolai Paramonov, Elpidifor, named after his grandfather, had been found. The cousin of N.A. Fedorovskaya’s mother, Elpidifor Nikolaevich Paramonov, responded to the advertisement in the newspaper.

“It’s a shame that your search took so much time... The KGB, which knew nothing about us, surprises me. And we thought that this “watchful eye” had a special folder for each of us... Natalya Alekseevna was lucky to have her search. Her advertisement in the newspaper "New Russian Word" (New York) was read and reported by the daughter of Vasily Akimovich Kharlamov*, a close friend of my father. None of the other people who know us obviously noticed this advertisement."

(*V.A. Kharlamov (1875-1957) - an outstanding representative of the Don Cossacks. Having started his political career with State Duma first convocation, he brilliantly continued his work in all other Dumas until its dissolution in March 1917. After the October Revolution - Chairman of the Military Circle of the All-Great Don Army. )

But it was not only abroad that we managed to find relatives of N.E. Paramonov. Found in Rostov-

on-Don. After a radio message about the upcoming arrival of E.T.’s great-granddaughter in Rostov. Paramonov, Konstantin Emmanuilovich Tsarda, nephew of N.E. Paramonov’s wife Anna Ignatievna, née Tsarda, came to the library. K.E. Tsard’s grandfather, a Czech by nationality, was invited to Russia to teach Latin, Greek and German in classical gymnasiums. He had 8 children: Voclav, Vojtech, Emmanuel (father of K.E. Tsard), Anna (wife of N.E. Paramonov), Bozhena, Lyudmila, Maria, Elena.

Konstantin Emmanuilovich's father, Emmanuil Ignatievich Tsarda (1884-1954) was born in Kursk, graduated from Kharkov University, Faculty of Natural Sciences, and taught at the gymnasium. Mother, Maria Nikolaevna Tsarda, née Fomenko (1890-1959) graduated from obstetric and paramedic courses and worked as a surgical nurse.

Konstantin Emmanuilovich Tsarda was born on 24

May 1912 in Rostov-on-Don, graduated from RIPS (Rostov Institute of Railways) in 1936. Participant of the Great Patriotic War. From 1947 to 1954 he is a teacher at a road transport technical school; Taught in Novocherkassk for 20 years Polytechnic Institute(now the South Russian State Technical University(NPI)). Currently retired, lives in Rostov. Konstantin Emmanuilovich is a frequent guest and great friend of our library.

Vojtech's daughter Anna lives in Sochi, his other daughter Olga died there in 1998. Anna and Olga's mother is Nina Alekseevna, née Alexandrina. Elpidifor Trofimovich Paramonov also had a wife from the Alexandrin family - Raisa. 4 family families are very closely intertwined: Paramonov, Alexandrin, Panche and Tsard. Konstantin Emmanuilovich Tsarda made a priceless gift to the library and the city - he donated pre-revolutionary photographs of the Paramonov family.

For the family of Elena Mikhailovna Akopova, associate professor of the Faculty of Law of the Russian State University, N.A. Fedorovskaya’s arrival in Rostov and meeting with her was a pleasant and unexpected event. “We didn’t have the slightest information about the Paramonovs for seven decades. Our family carefully hid that we had something to do with the Paramonovs, we were afraid of the consequences. Some of our relatives, as I found out later, even suffered for this in the 30s years. The wife of Elpidifor Trofimovich Paramonov and the grandmother of Elena Mikhailovna Akopova - Evdokia - are sisters. Elpidifor Trofimovich supported his relatives financially and even paid for my mother’s studies in medical institute. It was only thanks to him that she became a doctor."

After a letter from Elpidifor arrived to the address of the Scientific Library on May 15, 1993

Nikolaevich Paramonov from the USA, correspondence began. We considered it necessary to give excerpts from these letters so that our reader has the opportunity to think for himself, assess the events that took place at that time and delve into the history of the destinies of Russian entrepreneurs, educators and, unfortunately, emigrants.

" ...After leaving Russia in 1919, the Paramonovs lived for some time in Constantinople, from where they helped the general. Wrangel. Then both brothers (meaning Peter and Nikolai) went to Berlin, and then their sisters moved there too. In Berlin, my mother's uncles were prominent public figures. In the first years of emigration there was a large concentration of Russian intelligentsia there. ... The elder brother, Pyotr Elpidiforovich, was a quiet, modest and kind man, and, despite the fact that he was the eldest, he listened to his brother Nikolai in many ways... In 1950, I met his widow Lydia Alexandrovna, very cultured and interesting . They had no children.
Nikolai Elpidiforovich was of a different character. From early youth he was interested in

social, cultural, political issues. By the way, he was very active in improving working conditions. If the Bolsheviks had not seized power in 1917, people like N.E. would undoubtedly have been able to play a positive role in the history of Russia. While in exile, N.E. He took the tragedy of Russia to heart and tried to help everyone spiritually struggling with the Bolshevik dictatorship. As in Russia, he was interested in book publishing.
N.E. [Paramonov] had three children. The eldest - Nikolai, died in Berlin in the 70s (he died in 1978 - comp.). The middle one is Elpidifor, he left after the war, with his wife and daughter, for the USA, in Los Angeles. The youngest, Anna, left with her mother and husband for Argentina after the war. Unfortunately, there has been no contact with them since then. Nikolai Nikolaevich was childless

From Elpidifor Nikolaevich’s first letter, we learned the following:

" ... Our family left Russia when I

was 10 years old. In Constantinople, my brother and I attended an English school, receiving there a foundation of the English language, which was useful much later. Having moved with my father to Germany in the fall of 1921, I lived with a German family in order to master the language. In the spring of 1922 he entered a German school, graduated in 1929 and entered the Berlin Polytechnic. He graduated with a diploma in mechanical engineering (general mechanical engineering) in 1936. He worked as a designer of high-precision machine tools in several enterprises in Berlin until February 1945. He left Berlin with my family, seeing that its capture by Soviet troops was inevitable; to remain with my last name ( enemy of the people) was impossible. He joined my parents in Carlsbad and after the end of the war he walked with them all the way to Bavaria.
In 1951 he left for the USA with his family. Knowing the language, I was able to get a job right away in my specialty, first in Rochester (New York), and later in Los Angeles (California). He worked as a designer of machines of various categories. He developed a number of new machines for the production of aluminum beverage cans, an industry that was just in its infancy. I have a number of patents in this area. One in the USSR. He retired in 1978, remaining a consultant at his last enterprise, working from home as needed.

The eldest [daughter] is married to a lawyer, the youngest did not marry, having inherited the entrepreneurial talent of her grandfather and great-grandfather. Has two small manufacturing enterprises which she leads herself.
... I remember Rostov very well. I remember the theater

circus, cinemas on Bolshaya Sadovaya, New Cathedral (disappeared), train station, tram along Bolshaya Sadovaya and much more. Of course, houses on Malaya Sadovaya and Pushkinskaya. I remember Novocherkassk, where we lived in 1918 and early 1919.

As an amateur photographer, I have saved most of my negatives and will select all that are related to my father... I am very glad that a connection has been formed with my native places."

Thus, our collection of photographs also included photographs of the emigration period from Elpidifor Nikolaevich Paramonov, for which we are very grateful to him. With our help, a correspondence began between cousins- E.N. Paramonov and K.E. Tsarda. Fate separated their families when both were still children. And seven decades later they found each other.

Konstantin Emmanuilovich kindly provided us with letters sent to him from E.N Paramonov, which we will quote with his permission.

" Dear Kostya! I was very pleased your letter. Without Natalia Alekseevna’s trip to Rostov, I probably would never have known that any of my relatives still lived there. A short correspondence between the parents in the early 20s was broken off and they believed that there was no one left alive; We didn’t dare try to find out for fear of harming you by contacts abroad"

(From a letter from E.N. Paramonov to K.E. Tsarda dated May 9, 1995 from Los Angeles)

From the same letter we learned an interesting

detail. At the time when the Paramonov family was in Carlsbad (1945), Konstantin Emmanuilovich was in Brno. “Isn’t it strange that at the end of the war you were in Brno. It’s only 280 km along overhead line from Carlsbad." But even then the connection between relatives was lost, and the brothers did not know that they were close to each other.

In his letters to E.N. Paramonov, Konstantin Emmanuilovich apparently asked questions about what Elpidifor Nikolaevich did during the war and whether he participated in it. The answer is laconic: "No one in our family had German citizenship and was not subject to conscription. But they often sat in bomb shelters".

In the correspondence between the brothers, memories of long-gone days emerge. Both are trying to recall the slightest details from that distant life. “Now let me make small corrections to your memories. The house on Malaya Sadovaya is actually two houses: the first half was bought by grandfather [Elpidifor Trofimovich Paramonov], the left one was added later. right vein our family, and on the left is grandfather Uncle Petya [Petr Elpidiforovich Paramonov] with Aunt Lida. The first floor was occupied by the Partnership's office; the second contained living quarters. On the second floor there was a passage from one house to another. ...Our half had no garden at all, there was only a yard and a few acacia trees behind the fence.”

It was from this house on Malaya Sadovaya, late autumn In 1919, the family emigrated. "Late at night, we got into the car and got to Rostov-Tovarny and went into exile on one of the last trains..."

In all his letters E.N. Paramonov wrote that he would really like to visit Rostov, walk along

familiar streets, visit the houses where he spent his childhood. “I have a big request to you: I would really like to have photographs of the interior of the house on Pushkinskaya, which I remember well, although we lived in it for a very short time.” At his request, we took pictures of places dear to him. Among other things, we sent photographs of houses on Malaya Sadovaya (now Suvorova Street, the building is occupied by the Tax Police, Pushkinskaya Street (the building belongs to the Scientific Library of the Russian State University). For Elpidifor Nikolaevich’s birthday, we also sent the book “Don Land.” In his reply letter wrote the following: "I looked at the photographs with pleasure... The reconstruction of the house on Malaya Sadovaya, apparently, left nothing of what I remember, or almost nothing. I clearly remember only the stairs to the second floor. She was in the house of Pyotr Elpidiforovich... The entrance to our house nearby, as can be seen in the picture, now does not exist, just as the covered balcony above these two entrances no longer exists. The rest of the facade remains as I remember... The photographs on Pushkinskaya are much better. I remember everything that was shown...

"Don Land" makes a wonderful impression. My wife looked through the book and really liked Rostov. Much more cozy than our Los Angeles,” she says, admiring the beautiful illustrations...”

Fate threw the Paramonov family to different cities and countries: Constantinople, Berlin,

Carlsbad, Bayreuth. The family lived in Bayreuth until 1949. Elpidifor Nikolaevich transferred to Munich, his parents remained in Belgium. There, in Bayreuth, the father of the family, Nikolai Elpidifovich, died in 1951. His wife and daughter Anna left for Argentina, and Elpidifor Nikolaevich with his wife and two daughters went to the USA (to Rochester). Nikolai Nikolaevich Paramonov remained in Germany. In 1960, Anna Ignatievna (widow of N.E. Paramonov) and Anna (daughter of N.E. Paramonov with her husband moved to the USA. Anna Nikolaevna lived first in San Francisco, then in Boston and later in Hyannisport. Anna Ignatievna died in 1972 year, already at a fairly advanced age, Nikolai Nikolaevich died in Berlin in 1978. In 1992, Anna Nikolaevna (the youngest daughter of N.E. Paramonov) died.

... Now I am the last of five family members who left Russia in 1920,” writes Elpidifor Nikolaevich Paramonov in one of his letters. All information about the Paramonov family given in this publication was gleaned from the letters of Elpidifor Nikolaevich Paramonov and Natalya Alekseevna Fedorovskaya, from the memoirs of Konstantin Emmanuilovich Tsard and Elena Mikhailovna Akopova. A low bow for being able to preserve the memory of their ancestors, who worked a lot for our hometown, tried for the prosperity of Russia, each in their own way understanding its greatness and significance in the world history and culture."

Search in the field of publishing activities

The Paramonovs unexpectedly led to a striking, previously unknown fact. It turned out that in 1946 Nikolai Paramonov began publishing “books for the people” again! These were publications intended for tens of thousands of compatriots who found themselves in camps for displaced persons. These brochures, of course, did not have the “Don Speech” stamp, but in appearance they surprisingly resemble their older “brothers.” Paramonov published mainly Russian classics - Lermontov, Pushkin, Krylov, Gogol, etc. The Russian typeface was purchased by Elpidifor Nikolaevich Paramonov for a can of stew from German typesetters. The Paramonovs set up a handicraft publishing house, which, however, brought in, despite the cheapness of the books for which the “di-pi” (displaced persons) could not, of course, pay dearly, a small profit. This allowed the family, whose property was burned or left in the eastern part of Germany, to make ends meet. Only heart disease forced 74-year-old Nikolai Paramonov to abandon publishing in 1950. He died on June 21, 1951 and was buried in the city cemetery of the Bavarian city of Bayreuth.

In conclusion, I appeal to everyone who reads this article! Tell us what you know about the Paramonovs, whether you have any publications of the Donskaya Rech. We are especially interested in books published by Nikolai Elpidiforovich Paramonov in Russian in Bayreuth from 1946 to 1950.

Kosheverova Svetlana Vladimirovna


§ 1. Social activities of N.E. Paramonov before the start of World War I.

§ 2. Social activities of N.E. Paramonov during the First World War, civil war and revolutions (from 1914 to 1919).

§ 3. Social activities of N.E. Paramonov abroad.


§ 1. The main activities of the E.T. Partnership Paramonova-Sons” in Rostov-on-Don and participation in it by N.E. Paramonova.

§ 2. The nature and significance of the activities of N.E. Paramonov in the coal industry.

§3. Entrepreneurial activity N.E. Paramonov abroad.


§ 1. Characteristics of the publishing house “Donskaya Rech” and its literature.

§ 2. Actions of N.E. Paramonov in relation to censorship and their consequences for him and the Donskaya Rech publishing house.

§ 3. Publishing activity of N.E. Paramonov abroad.



§ 1. Charity N.E. Paramonov in the field of education and medicine until 1914.

§ 2. Charitable activities of N.E. Paramonov during the First World War and the Civil War.

§3. Charitable activities of N.E. Paramonov abroad.

Recommended list of dissertations in the specialty "Domestic History", 07.00.02 code VAK

  • Cadet organizations of the Don Army Region: 1914-1918. 2003, Candidate of Historical Sciences Deordieva, Angela Nikolaevna

  • Organization of charitable assistance on the Don during the First World War 2009, Candidate of Historical Sciences Nemova, Valentina Viktorovna

  • Entrepreneurial activity of the Don Cossacks in the 19th - early 20th centuries. Features of Cossack entrepreneurship 2011, candidate of historical sciences Bulygin, Yuri Alexandrovich

  • Mensheviks on the Don: 1903-1914. 2005, Candidate of Historical Sciences Vaskov, Maxim Aleksandrovich

  • Activities of the cadet party in the Don Army Region, 1907-1914. 2000, candidate of historical sciences Bratolyubova, Maria Viktorovna

Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) on the topic “The life and work of N.E. Paramonova"

THE RELEVANCE OF THE TOPIC is determined by the increased attention in historical research to personalized history. This approach is associated not only with the interest in studying an individual and drawing up a historical portrait, but also with the active search by researchers for ways to synthesis, with understanding the role and interaction of the individual and the group, the individual and the mass, the unique and the universal.

Restoring the “history of one life” makes it possible to reconstruct with maximum specificity the appearance of the period under study. And consideration of the content of the era through the prism of personality and its research can prevent distortion of historical truth, take into account human experience, and learn from it. In this regard, the life and work, views and worldview of the Don public figure, entrepreneur, educator and philanthropist N.E. Paramonov are important and relevant.

Our interest in the fate of the entrepreneur is due to a biased attitude towards the bourgeoisie in Soviet times, which was viewed as an obsolete class, unsuitable for the new government. In addition, studying the life and work of N.E. Paramonova will expand the understanding of the regional detachments of the bourgeoisie and highlight the characteristics of entrepreneurs of the “new formation”, through the prism of which it is possible to further explore the differences in social groups and strata Russian society at the beginning of the 20th century.

Study of the life of N.E. Paramonov makes it possible to establish the role of a supporting personality in the events of October 1917.

Of no less interest are the life and work of N.E. Paramonov in emigration, the problem of the survival of a representative of a famous Rostov merchant family abroad.

It should be noted that despite the noticeably increased interest in the personality of Paramonov in the last decade, very little is still known about him, although life was in full swing around this personality at the beginning of the 20th century. He was the object of attention of many. In this connection, the needs of science and the great interest of society in the historical portrait of Paramonov should be satisfied by work devoted to a biographical study of his life and work.

Thus, the relevance of the topic of the dissertation work is explained by the objective state of domestic historiography.

HISTORIOGRAPHY. To date, there have been no special studies or general works devoted to the life and work of N.E. Paramonova. Certain moments from the life and various aspects of Paramonov’s activities are touched upon by some researchers in small articles and brochures. In this case, it is possible to determine the historiography of the issue only in connection with the study of certain problems: the revolutionary movement, the influence of publishing on the course of the revolution in Russia; the contribution of the Don bourgeoisie to the economic, social and cultural life of the region, country and the nature of its relationship with the working class; organizing propaganda for the White movement; history of Russian post-revolutionary emigration. This approach is due to the fact that the above problems are directly related to the biography of N.E. Paramonov, who is a personality of Don regional and all-Russian significance.

In the study of these problems in Russian historical science, three stages can be distinguished: 1) pre-Soviet; 2) Soviet; 3) post-Soviet.

The pioneers" in the study of the life and work of N.E. Paramonov were his contemporaries: the authors of articles and notes devoted to the description of this or that event. However, it should be noted that these works are largely of an evaluative nature. The article by Velichkina1 contains information about the publishing house “Donskaya Rech” and the publications published in this publishing house. The author revealed the nature and goals of the Donskaya Rech publishing house, which had communicative, agitation and propaganda functions. The article puts the “marks” of contemporaries on the brainchild of N.E. Paramonov.

The first work covering all aspects of life in the region in the years after the first Russian revolution was the monograph by A.M. Grekova2. In the chapters devoted to political problems, liberal parties are mentioned, one of which belonged to N.E. Paramonov. In the work, the author, listing the “Donets” who played a prominent role in public and economic life The city of Rostov-on-Don calls the surname “Paramonova”, as a famous commercial and industrial figure. This work makes it possible to create a general picture of the social and economic life of the region.

In the pre-Soviet period, among the works important for this study, one should mention the work devoted to the Military-Industrial Committee (MIC). This work contains information concerning the social life of N.E. Paramonov, confirmation of his participation in the work of the military-industrial complex, as chairman of the Regional military-industrial complex and the Rostov-on-Don military-industrial complex.

Entrepreneurial activity N.E. Paramonova is reflected in works on the history of the coal industry4. In "Coal Industry." Bureau information from coal and anthracite companies of the Donetsk basin is presented: reserves, production and balance of mineral fuel as of January 1916 and a high assessment is given

1 Velichkina V. Publication of the Donskaya Rech Partnership, No. 1-23. // Education. 1903. No. 12. - P. 134-136.

2 Grekov A.M. Azov region and Don. /Essays on the economic and social life of the region. St. Petersburg 1912.-220 p.

3 Personnel of the Military-Industrial Committee. / According to information received by the Central Military-Industrial Committee up to October 24, 1915 inclusive. Petrograd. 1915.-S. 90-97.

4 Coal industry in Russia in 1915. / Edited by N.F. von Diman. Kharkiv. Type: Morning. 1916. Issue. I.-C. 15-61.

Krasnyansky M.B. From the history of mining on the Don 1893 - 1918. / Materials for the study of the Don Army Region in historical, archaeographic and industrial terms, collected in the south of Russia over 25 years. Rostov n/a. Type: I.M. Ivanova. 1918.-P.306.

Partnership "E.T. Paramonova - Sons". This is the only work that provides accurate statistical data in the field of mining on the Don. Exploring the Don mining industry, M.B. Krasnyansky singles out the E.T. Partnership among other enterprises. Paramonova - Sons", indicating that its technical equipment can be compared with the best enterprises in England and Germany1.

In the work of M.B. Krasnyansky, dedicated to the Don industry and the life of the Cossacks, defines the role of entrepreneurs in the social life of the region. Among the Cossacks who distinguished themselves in this field, the author singles out the Paramonovs.

It should be noted that publications of the pre-Soviet period are sketches of the economic or socio-political activities of certain groups of the bourgeoisie, based on a limited documentary base. The methodology of the work did not provide for in-depth analysis.

But, despite this, the works of the pre-Soviet period are of great value for modern researchers due to their historical and chronological compatibility with the problems being studied. In other words, in this case there is no temporary distance between the researcher and the subject of research. A specific feature of the pre-Soviet period is that the content of works on this topic is inextricably linked mainly with the entrepreneurial activities of N.E. Paramonova.

During the Soviet period of domestic historiography, the study of Russian history was carried out through the prism of the history of Bolshevism, when the bourgeois class had no right to exist, and if it was considered by historians, it was as antagonistic to the working class. Due to this

1 Krasnyansky M.B. From the history of mining on the Don 1893-1918. / Materials for the study of the Don Army Region in historical, archaeographic and industrial terms, collected in the south of Russia over 25 years. Rostov n/a. Type: I.M. Ivanova. 1918. - P. 306.

2 Krasnyansky M.B. Don Cossacks and the industry of the Don Cossacks (1893-1918). / Materials for the study of the Don Army Region in historical, archaeological and industrial terms, collected in the south of Russia over 25 years. Rostov n/d.: Type. "Sunrise". 1918, - 174 p. There are no specific works devoted to Paramonov, as a representative of the bourgeoisie, in Soviet historiography.

Since the 60s of the 20th century, the focus of researchers has been on the regional detachments of the Russian bourgeoisie, in particular the mining bourgeoisie of the south1. V. Karasev captured N.E. in his work. Paramonov as a “capitalist”, “bourgeois”, “enemy of the working class”. But despite this, this work is useful in studying entrepreneurial activity Paramonova. Let the researcher, in a journalistic, artistic form, for the first time present interesting information regarding the Nesvetaevsky mines of the entrepreneur. The information presented by Karasev allows us to see the role of N.E. Paramonov in the development of the mining industry of Novoshakhtinsk.

Soviet historian M.I. Batorgin2 was interested not only in the entrepreneurial, but also in the educational activities of N.E. Paramonova. His monograph is very thorough in its content and has an extensive source base. Based on archival materials, the researcher examines the book publisher's court case and notes the services of his publishing house in the cause of the revolution. Batorgin correctly classifies Paramonov as a cadet. However, citing these data, the author wrote that “around N.E. Paramonov in Rostov-on-Don there was a unification of the Octobrists, who also called themselves the People’s Freedom Party.” There is an obvious inaccuracy here; the historian has put an equal sign between different parties: the Cadets and the Octobrists. In addition, the author was mistaken that after the criminal case “N.E. Nobody knows Paramonov anymore as a book publisher who strived to educate the people.”4 This is a misconception. Publishing activity has been a bright page throughout

1 Karasev V. Miner's Chronicle. From the history of the mine. Rostov n/d.: Rostov book publishing. 1960. - P. 11. Batorgin M.P. Before the court of the tsarist autocracy. M.: From Legal Literature. 1964. - S. 213224.

2 Batorgin M.P. Before the court of the tsarist autocracy. M.: From Legal Literature. 1964. - S. 213224.

3 Batorgin M.P. Before the court of the tsarist autocracy. M.: From Legal Literature. 1964. - P. 213.

4 Batorgin M.P. Before the court of the tsarist autocracy. M.: From the Legal Literature. 1964. - P. 220. life of N. Paramonov. We must not forget about the opening of a publishing house by an entrepreneur in 1917, about his educational activities in the “chair of the Minister of Propaganda,” and his publishing work during the emigrant period in the publishing houses: “Slovo”, “ Bronze Horseman"and in his own publishing house. It should be recognized that the author did not escape the pressure of the class ideology dominant in Soviet historical science. Emphasizing the affiliation of N.E. Paramonov to the bourgeoisie, Batorgin tries to support it with information about strikes at the Vlasov mines, assessing the actions of the entrepreneur negatively. Despite some inaccuracies, Batorgin’s work made an attempt to reveal the essence of the relationship between entrepreneurs and workers in modern times. XX century.

In 1968 The Cossack dictionary-reference book1 was published. It contains an article dedicated to N.E. Paramonov. The reference dictionary was published abroad. It, albeit very briefly, covers the entire life and work of Paramonov. And the view from abroad in Soviet times is very important for us.

In 1971 a book by the publicist S.D. appeared Shvetsov, which has retained its significance to this day. The book is based on historical documents, surviving eyewitness accounts. The author set the main goal of his research to study the history of the Don in the period of the late XIX - AD. XX century, and dedicated an entire chapter to the Paramonov family. In this chapter, Shvetsov characterizes the life and work of N.E. Paramonova. However, in accordance with the times, like previous researchers, the author views the entrepreneur as a tyrant, “squeezing production out of miners.” It should be noted that the work of S.D. Shvetsova leaves questions about N.E.’s charitable activities undisclosed. Paramonov, his work during World War I, work issue. This, in our opinion, today does not make it possible to compile a full-scale historical portrait of N.E. Paramonova.

1 Cossack dictionary-reference book. California. San Anselmo. T. II. 1968. - pp. 258-259.

2 Shvetsov S.D. In old Rostov. Rostov n/d.: Rostov book publishing. 1971. - pp. 145-152.

3 Shvetsov S.D. In old Rostov. Rostov n/d.: Rostov book publishing. 1971. - P. 158.

Donskoy publicist A.A. Ayrumyan published a number of articles1 aimed at researching the publishing house “Donskaya Rech” and, accordingly, the educational activities of N.E. Paramonova. The author reveals the nature of the published literature of the publishing house, and the publisher’s preferences of authors when publishing works.

In the work devoted to publishing activity in Russia in the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries, there is no information about N.E. Paramonov, but it can be useful in studying his educational activities; it examines the pre-revolutionary period of publishing, in which the Donskaya Rech publishing house was especially active. The method of comparison and contrast is necessary in the use of general works addressing the problems of this study. And studying the repertoire of Russian publishing houses in comparison with Donskaya Rech makes it possible to determine the contribution of the publishing house to the democratization of the country's book business.

Book by N.P. Eroshkina3 provides the necessary information for studying the social activities of N.E. Paramonov during World War I. In particular, it gives an idea of ​​the structure, composition and reasons for the creation of the network of Military-Industrial Committees in Russia, of which Paramonov was a member.

A.N. Bokhanov devoted his works to the study of the merchant class4. The author does not touch upon issues related to the life and work of Paramonov. Despite this fact, both works can be useful in drawing up a general picture of the Russian merchants - “the backbone of the domestic bourgeoisie” and conducting comparative analysis. Should

1 Ayrumyan A.A. Lesya Ukrainka. // Evening Rostov. 1963. August 11. - P. 3. Aurumyan A.A. Published by Donskoy Rech. // Evening Rostov. 1990.27 November. - P. 3. Ayrumyan A.A. The story of five books. // Evening Rostov. 1976. September 20. - P. 3. Ayrumyan A.A. Employee of Donskoy Rech. // Komsomolets. 1996. February 25. - P. 2.

2 Book publishing and bibliography in Russia in the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries. / Sat. scientific works. L. 1980. -S. 113.

3 Eroshkin N.P. History of government institutions pre-revolutionary Russia. M.: Higher school. 1983. -S. 294.

4 Bokhanov A.P. Business elite of Russia 1914. M.: IRI RAS. 1994.-S. 16-97.

Bokhanov A.N. Russian merchants in late XIX- beginning of the 20th century. // History of the USSR. 1985. No. 4. - P. 106118. take into account that in the article for 1985, in accordance with the ideology of the Soviet period, the author seeks to prove that the development of the Russian merchant class was in a descending line, while in the work for 1994. The historian has other tasks.

Important in the study of educational activities of N.E. Paramonov became the work of O.V. Budnitsky, E.V. Letenkova, F.M. Lurie1. The researchers used archival material in their works and filled them with interesting information on this issue. Of particular note is the article by O.V. Budnitsky, since the historian thoroughly examined the practically unexplored question at that time about the relationship between RIB and the Donskaya Rech publishing house. As the main sponsor and publisher of the magazine “Byloe” N.E. Paramonov characterizes F.M. Lurie. According to his thoughts, Paramonov “sought to establish a republican form of government.”

K. Khokhulnikov3 turned to a previously unexplored topic - the social activities of an entrepreneur abroad. The author claims that Paramonov collaborated with such foreign organizations as Torgprom, the Brotherhood of Russian Truth and the Committee for Assistance to Russian Citizens in Europe. However, the issue of the entrepreneur’s connection with these organizations remains controversial today. There is no other information confirming his activities in Torgprom and the Committee for Assistance to Citizens in Europe. And only the works of O.V. Budnitsky4 allows us to consider Khokhulnikov’s information about Paramonov’s collaboration in the “Brotherhood of Russian Truth” to be correct. In general, Khokhulnikov has a negative assessment of N.E. Paramonov “as a former

1 Budnitsky O.V. The history of the liberation movement on the pages of "RIB" publishing house "Donskaya Rech". // News "Higher School". Social Sciences. 1986. No. 1. -S. 61-62.

Letenkov E.V. Literary industry Russia in the XIX century - AD XX century L. 1988. - P. 19.

Lurie F.M. Keepers of the past. Magazine "Byloe": history, editors, publishers. L.: Voice of the Revolution.

2 Lurie F.M. Keepers of the past. Magazine "Byloe": history, editors, publishers. L.: Voice of the Revolution. 1990.-S. 46.

4 National revival of Russia. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: (www./ Free. Title from the screen.

National diasporas of Russia and abroad in the 19th - 20th centuries. Sat. articles. M.: IRI RAS. 2001. -S. 188-189.

10 millionaire, businessman,” but, however, emphasizes his scale, calling him “the largest industrialist in the south of Russia”1.

An absolute disadvantage of the historical science of this period, due to the dominant class approach in the selection of topics and in research work, should be considered the fact that for almost a number of decades the history of individual socio-political forces in the Don was not studied, the history of bourgeois entrepreneurs, etc. was not studied. This trend is explained by researchers modernizing the events of the past and introducing into their analysis assessments characteristic of the time in which they lived and worked. Thus, there is a deviation from the principle of historicism in favor of the political situation.

Only since 1992 have works devoted to these problems appeared. This trend is associated with the collapsed political system of the country, and the opportunity that arose to freely study the history of merchants, entrepreneurship, the history of liberal political parties, etc. Seminars and conferences began to be held, the purpose of which was to address the history of the bourgeoisie, merchant class, and political parties. Another specific feature of many works of the post-Soviet period was the appeal to regional history.

In this regard, works devoted to the problems of socio-economic history and the revolutionary movement on the Don are very important. The most significant work for this work was the work of the Don historian N.V. Samarina, which analyzed economic basis interests of the Don bourgeoisie. The historian uses archival data confirming the ownership of N.E. Paramonov to the People's Freedom Party. The work provides information regarding the E.T. Partnership. Paramonova - Sons". Thus, the problems of this

2 Problems of socio-economic history and the revolutionary movement in the Don and North Caucasus in the XIX century - AD. XX century Rostov n/d.: From Rostov University. 1992. - pp. 92-96.

Samarina N.V. Don bourgeoisie during the period of imperialism (1900-1914). Rostov n/d.: From Rostov University. 1992. - 149 p. research, an overview of the social and entrepreneurial activities of N.E. Paramonova.

Numerous articles by Don researchers1 touch on issues of social, entrepreneurial, educational and little-researched charitable activities of N.E. Paramonova. Attempts have also been made to explore the emigrant period of his life.

Works by publicist N.I. Buslenko may be useful in considering Paramonov as an entrepreneur. The author aims to study the history of the Rostov merchants as the main entrepreneurial class. The undoubted advantage of the study is the use of archival documents that were closed to the general reader. Buslenko pays attention to the Paramonov family and their brilliant company. In work 1996 The author pays special attention to the document signed by the E.T. Partnership. Paramonova - Sons" - an agreement on the lease of land for sugar plantations and predicts its possible significance for the Don region.

A textbook on Don history3 is a systematic and sequentially chronological presentation of the main plots of the history of the Don with clarification of new approaches and assessments in the light of the current state of historical science and the requirements of the time. It became useful for this study, since Don historians

1 Voloshinova V. Elpidifor Paramonov - II lives in Los Angeles. // Hammer. 1994. September 8. - P. 3. Gubysh M. And in Paris, the Cossacks yearn for the Don. // Evening Rostov. 1992.3 March. - P. 3.

Gubysh M. Descendants of Paramonov. // Evening Rostov. 1992.3 November. - P. 3. Donskoy A. Elpidiphora. // Hammer. 1996. - P. 3.

Elpidifor Paramonov - Rostov merchant. //Business yard. 1992. No. 4(7).-P. 14-15. Kravtsova V. That same Paramonov. // Line of sight. 1995.29 June. - P. 3. Kulikova G. Paramonovs. // Voice of history. 1994. September 5. - S. 2. Sidorenko. Paramonovs. // Business Don. 1993. October 16. - P. 3.

2 Buslenko N.I. Don trace of Mercury: historical and economic essays on the formation market economy on the Don. Rostov n/d.: Everest. 1996.-223p.

Buslenko N.I. Rostov merchants. / Historical and economic essays in documents, facts, figures with author’s comments and artistic and journalistic digression. Rostov n/d.: From: “Color. Seal". 1994.- 151l.

Buslenko N.I. Paramonovs and sons. // Plast. 2001. - P. 2.

3 Don history in questions and answers. / Ed. E.I. Dulimov and S.A. Kislitsyna. - Rostov n/d.: Iz-vo DKZh-1997. T. I.-433s.

E.I. Demeshina, V.V. Sushchenko, and others) turned in their research to the Paramonov dynasty, and specifically to Nikolai Elpidiforovich.

Entrepreneurial activity N.E. An article by Yu. Vinnikov1 is devoted to Paramonov. The author touches on the issue of the activities of an entrepreneur in the Vlasov mines, shows the importance of Paramonov in the prosperity of mining in the Artemovsky district of Shakhty.

Touching upon the problems of the attitude of the entrepreneur to the work issue, the strike movement in the mines N.E. Paramonov, it is impossible to create a true picture by considering them one-sidedly through the views and activities of Paramonov. To create a complete and truthful picture, you need to look from opposite side: workers' view. In this regard, the work of P.T. is interesting and useful. Timofeeva2. It provides an assessment of the working and living conditions of Donbass miners based on materials from workers' folklore of the early 20th century.

Articles by N.K. Aistova and V. Shumov touch on issues of educational activities of N.E. Paramonova. Aistova makes an attempt to find out the chronology, nature and goals of the publishing house. Shumov publishes important information on the assessment of his educational activities in Russia N.E. Paramonov.

The result of many years and fruitful work of the head of the rare fund department of ZNL RSU (now SFU) S.V. Kosheverova and main bibliographers: M.N. Tarasova and T.V. Bondareva was a work4 dedicated to the Donskaya Rech publishing house and its publisher. This is the first attempt in Russian book studies to provide a consolidated catalog of publications of the Donskaya Rech. Of particular value to the publication is information related to the colossal bibliographic work done by the authors and information that allows

2 Timofeev P.T. Coal Miner's Duma. Song folklore of Donbass workers. Donetsk: South-East. 1997. - pp. 118-144.

3 Aistova N.K. Publishing house "Donskaya Rech". // Donskoy Vremnik. 1998. No. 1. - P. 7. Shumov V. “It would be better if this had not happened.” // Peasant. 1998.22-28 January. - P. 9.

4 Kosheverova S.B., Tarasova M.N., Bondareva T.B. Catalog of the publishing house “Donskaya Rech” N.E. Paramonov in Rostov-on-Don. Rostov n/d.: Everest. 1999. - pp. 12-35. reconstruct the fate of the Paramonov family in emigration. The catalog includes a special section “History in Persons: Descendants of the Paramonovs”, provides a family tree of the family, and also published for the first time valuable family photographs, including photographs of Nikolai Elpidiforovich himself. Great-niece N.E. Paramonova - N.A. Fedorovskaya responded about this scientific work: “You can be proud of your brainchild.”1. The authors’ information is important, not only concerning the Donskoy Rech publishing house, but also information that reveals the complex thorny path of the Rostov publisher.

Of interest for this study was the monograph by S.M. Markedonov, concerning the socio-political activities of his classmate and friend N.E. Paramonova, S.G. Svatikova. The author, exploring the life and work of Sergei Grigorievich, inevitably touches upon the life of Paramonov, since the life paths of these two interesting people crossed paths very often.

One of the pressing topics of modern historiography is the topic of Russian diaspora, which became especially popular at the turn of 1980-19903. This issue is directly related to this study, since the study of the entire life path of N.E. Paramonova demands an appeal to the emigration period. Some information characterizing Paramonov as an emigrant can be gleaned from studies of similar issues. In Soviet and foreign historiography, the situation of emigrants in the 1920-1930s was not a special subject of study for a long time. Russian historian

2 Markedonov S.M. S.G. Svatikov is a historian and public figure. Rostov n/d.: From SKNTs VSh. 1999. -S. 3-145.

3 Verba I.A., Gusarova L.O. With thoughts of homeland in a foreign land. The evolution of Russian political parties in emigration (1920-1940). // Centaur. 1995. No. 3. - P. 96-114.

Kiriyenko YUK. Cossacks in emigration: disputes about their destinies (1921-1945). // Questions of history. 1996. No. 10.-S. 3-17.

Onegina S.V. Post-revolutionary political movements of the Russian emigration in the 20-30s. (On the history of ideology). // National history. 1998. No. 4. - pp. 87-97.

Pushkareva P.L. The emergence and formation of the Russian diaspora abroad. // National history. 1996. No. 1.-S. 53-65. abroad Z.S. Bocharova notes that “ accordance with the period, they wrote about white emigration with pathos and hostility”1. In line with the problems of the Russian diaspora, the attention of many researchers has also begun to be attracted to the problems of regional diasporas, the study of which makes it possible to concretize the picture of resettlement, the processes of adaptation, movement and repatriation of refugees. In this regard, the report of O.V. Budnitsky at the Vth scientific and practical conference is interesting. The information provided by the author is of particular value for our research. The practical relevance and vital importance of the topic raised is obvious. Budnitsky traced the fate of N.E. Paramonov and his family during World War II and post-war period, the fate of his children after the death of their father in 1951. The report is based on materials provided youngest son N.E.Paramonova - E.N. Paramonov, as well as an interview with him conducted by the author in Los Angeles in 1994 and 1995.

Articles of various nature3 contain information about the life and various areas of activity of N.E. Paramonova. Unknown author B.C. (probably B.S. Sidorov) considers Paramonov as a book publisher. At the end of the article, the author cites the words of N.E. Paramonova: “You shouldn’t have done this.”4. This is how the book publisher expressed himself, while abroad, about his political activity in pre-revolutionary Russia, propaganda and distribution of revolutionary publications.

1 Bocharova Z.S. Modern historiography of the Russian abroad 1920-1930. // National history. 1999. No. 1.-P.91.

2 National diasporas of Russia and abroad in the XIX-XX centuries. Sat articles. M.: IRI RAS. 2001.-S. 183-193. Russian diaspora in the 19th - 20th centuries: survival and disappearance. // National history. 2001. No. 1.-S. 211.

Kosheverova S.V. "The most curious figure in the Russian revolution." // Hammer. 2000. April 7. - P. 7. Larskaya E. Centenary of the “Don Rech”. // Moskovsky Komsomolets of the South. 2002. November 13-20. - P. 19. Malkzhova L.E. “I climbed the steps of the Paramonovs’ house together with the owner.” // Evening Rostov. 2002. May 31. - P. 3.

Siminenko L. In the port, as in a market, everyone will find what they need. // Evening Rostov. 2002. September 20. - P.2. Siminenko L. How merchants created new town Rostov. // Evening Rostov. 2002. October 18. - S. 2. Shafirov S.F. Paramonovs. // Plast. 2000.9-15 November. - P. 3.

S.F. Shafirov showed the influence of an entrepreneur in the mines in the city of Aleksandrovsk-Grushevsk (now Shakhty), thanks to whom the Vlasov mines became known to Russia for their “mechanization”1. All authors of the articles give a positive assessment of N.E. Paramonov.

Useful information is contained in the annual directory about philanthropists and charitable activities of Don2. It contains information about the contribution of Rostov merchants to the development of Rostov-on-Don; the authors of the directory see the merit of “representatives of the Paramonov merchant family in donating huge funds to educational institutions.”

A collection of articles from a scientific conference in 20023 is devoted to the study of publishing activities in the Don region. Many authors of the collection turn to the Donskaya Rech publishing house. The information they provide may be useful for this study in studying the educational activities of N.E. Paramonova. In addition, it must be taken into account that the publishing house existed in conditions of intense political struggle, and can be correctly assessed only when comparing it not only with all-Russian, but also with regional publishing houses.

Interesting in the field of educational activities N.E. Paramonov became the work of S.V. Kosheverova4. The author adheres to his traditions in his favorite topic, researching the Donskaya Rech publishing house and touches on the life and work of N.E. Paramonov abroad.

In her artistic and journalistic work, L.N. Malyukova5 cites Interesting Facts emigration period of life and activity

H.E. Paramonov, as well as his descendants and relatives. The author tries to truthfully show the changes in psychological and material terms that representatives of the first wave of emigration faced.

2 Rostov charitable. / Annual directory. Rostov n/d.: RRC. 2002. - 64 p.

3 The local press of the region is a spokesman for Don society. / Reports of the scientific conference. Rostov n/d.: 2002. September 12.-S. 7-36.

4 Kosheverova S.V. From the history of publishing on the Don. // News of universities. Social Sciences. 2003. No.

5 Malyukova L.N. Don emigration. Following in the footsteps of the Parisian meetings. // Don. 2003. No. 11-12. - P. 7-30.

When examining the life and work of Paramonov, it is impossible not to pay attention to the works relating to the civil war, in which the entrepreneur took an anti-Bolshevik position and joined the Volunteer Army. The work of A.A. allows us to understand the conditions and changes faced by the country and its citizens. Iskenderova1. l

In his works O.V. Budnitsky seeks to show that the history of Russian emigration does not always need to be viewed as “a story of suffering and failure.” The life and work of its individual representatives shows an example of the “success story of Russian emigration.” Thus, the author changed the perspective in considering the problem of Russian emigration and approached its study from a different angle. This approach is new in the study of the history of Russian diaspora. Budnitsky gives examples of representatives of the Russian emigration who did not sink into oblivion, but achieved success not only in science, ballet, but also in business. Among the skilled entrepreneurs, the author names N.E. Paramonova.

A 2004 work3 dedicated to the development of liberal ideas in Russia presents a gallery of portraits of Russian liberal thinkers and politicians of the 19th-20th centuries. An analysis was carried out of the views of people of various professions, cultural and political preferences, whose goal was to find the most limited ways for Russia to gain Russian freedom. Next to the historical portraits of Turgenev and Solzhenitsyn there is a portrait of Paramonov, compiled by O.V. Budnitsky. The author explores the life of N.E. Paramonova, shows his political preferences, makes an attempt to explain their nature.

1 Iskenderov A.A. Civil war in Russia: causes, essence, consequences. // National history. 2003.No. 10.-S. 75-95.

2 Budnitsky O.V. "Dossier on Paramonov." From Rostov to Los Angeles. // Weekly newspaper. 2003. March 5.-S. 3.

Budnitsky O.V. Money of Russian emigration to the historiography of the issue. // National history. 2004. No. 2. -S. 157.

3 Russian liberalism: ideas and people. / Under general Edited by A.A. Kara-Murza. M.: New publication. 2004. - pp. 528-542.

In the works of A.S. Kachalyan and A.V. Lubsky1 reflects the specifics of the corporate mentality of the mining industry in the South of Russia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. They became useful for our research in conducting a comparative analysis of the actions and actions of the entrepreneur N.E. Paramonov with the generally accepted norms of mining industrialists in the south of Russia.

Valuable for our research is the joint work of T.V. Pankova-Kozochkina and A.P. Skorika2. The authors used extensive archival material, considering the development of liberal ideas in line with the cadet organizations of the Don, in which the name N.E. Paramonov was well known. Possessing capital, adhering to the traditions of charity and his own political sympathies, he was a source of material resources for the Don organization of the Cadet Party.

A. Pudov3 approached the consideration of the entrepreneurial activities of N.E. Paramonov from the position of fatherly care for strata and groups less protected in social and economic relations. This work may be interesting not only in studying the labor policy of the large mining bourgeoisie of the south, but also in the history of Novoshakhtinsk.

B. Caborgin and T. Serbina4 provide important data on the installation of the memorial plaque to N.E. Paramonov in Rostov-on-Don, as a defender of Russian political freedom and democracy, a true patriot of his country.

1 Kalalyan A.S. Miners of southern Russia at the end XIX - early XX century: entrepreneurial mentality. / Abstract of the dissertation for the competition scientific degree Ph.D. Rostov n/d.: RSU. 2003.27l. Kachalyan A.S., Lubsky A.V. Mining workers of the south of Russia (at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries). Rostov n/d.: SKNTsVSh. 2003, - 176 p.

2 Pankova-Kozochkina T.B., Skorik A.P. The first steps of the Don organization of the Cadet Party. // Questions of history. 2004. No. 12.-S. 135-142.

Serbina T. Nikolai Paramonov became a defender of Russian constitutionalism. // City N. 2006.4-29 April.-S. 3.

Second edition by S.V. Kosheverova and M.N. Tarasova “Catalog.”1 was published in 2006. This is an expanded and revised bibliographic study of the first “Catalogue.” 1999. The new work has expanded the list of books, brochures, leaflets, and also includes books published by N.E. Paramonov in exile. For our research, new information is of greater interest, which slightly complements the already known data about the future fate of the publisher and his descendants. The publication of historical facts is accompanied by an attempt to comprehend the milestones of N.E.’s publishing activities. Paramonova. The authors rightly strive to show this type of activity as the work of his whole life.

It should be noted that the works of the German scientist G. Kratz2 played a major role in the study of publishing among the Russian emigration. While studying Russian publishing houses in Berlin, the researcher examined the Slovo publishing house in detail and was able to establish the participation of N.E. Paramonov in the work of this publishing house. This is new helpful information for our work was drawn from the possibilities information technologies(Internet)3 and is confirmed by archival documents and new research by researchers Kosheverova and Tarasova, contained in the “Catalogue.” 2006.

Thus, we can conclude that in Russian historiography there are no special works aimed at studying the entire life and various aspects of the activities of N.E. Paramonova. Mostly, individual fragments of Paramonov’s life and work received coverage in the literature, but they, as a rule, were presented in the context of a decision more

1 Kosheverova S.B., Tarasova M.N. Catalog of the publishing house “Donskaya Rech” N.E. Paramonov in Rostov-on-Don. Rostov n/d.: Everest. 2006. - P. 20-277.

2 Kratz G. - Doctor of Philosophy (Germany), Associate Professor of the German Academic Exchange Service (DADD), Professor of the Department of Library Science and Library and Information Institute (BII), Honorary Professor of the Moscow State University of Culture and Science (MGUKI), Co-Director of the Russian-German Center for library science.

3 Kosheverova S.V., Tarasova M.N. Catalog of the publishing house “Donskaya Rech” N.E. Paramonov in Rostov-on-Don. Rostov n/d.: Everest. 2006. - P. 20.

Kratz G. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: (http:// 2003/s8/krats.htm). Free. Title from the screen or Sokolov P.K. Books know no boundaries. Meet the German scientist Gottfried Kratz. // Bibliography. 2004. No. 4. - P. 90-94. common problems.

Summing up the preliminary results, we note that in general we can consider that a group of problems has been identified in the study of our topic. These are the problems that are posed in scientific literature, attempts have been made to study them, but a conceptual solution has not yet taken shape. Different aspects of our topic have an unequal, but still small, degree of study. It should be said that the entrepreneurial and educational activities of N.E. have been studied to a large extent. Paramonov, but they require generalization and analysis; His social activities did not receive adequate coverage in the works of historians, and his charitable activities were not considered at all by researchers.

Sources. To fully cover the topic, a wide range of different complementary sources were involved. These are both published and unpublished sources.

In general, all the sources used on the topic of the dissertation research can be divided into several groups: 1. Archival materials from the GARF funds.

Due to the fact that the personal fund of N.E. Paramonov is not present, which significantly complicated the work of this study; the focus was on the funds, which, according to the author, in one way or another reflected the life path of Nikolai Elpidiforovich.

Fund 102, which stores documents from the Police Department, deserves attention in connection with Paramonov’s anti-government activities. We will highlight documentation (reports, reports, local reports of informants, etc.) as a special line. The foundation's documents are the result of gendarmerie observations. As a rule, this is data on the most significant manifestations of anti-government sentiments on the ground. These sources allow you to reconstruct changes and also help to present daily life NOT. Paramonov at different time stages.

In Fund 102, among the alphabetical lists of students of the Imperial University of St. Vladimir for the 1900-1901 academic year, we found information that became useful in the study of his student life. This case confirms Paramonov’s education at two universities: Moscow and Kiev.

In one of the 7 records, there is the necessary, and to some extent, the only data on Paramonov’s participation in a banquet company held by liberals and dedicated to the celebration of the anniversary of the statutes of Emperor Alexander II. Materials of this kind are of great importance in the consideration of N.E. Paramonov as a public and political figure.

Personal fund of S.G. Svatikov (F. 324) became useful for this study, in connection with the establishment of friendly relations between Svatikov and Paramonov “from school.” In addition, both were major public figures in the Don Army Region and Russia. The fund’s files contain not only specific correspondence between “classmates”, but also letters from S.G. Svatikov to V.L. Burtsev, which contains information about N.E. Paramonov. The correspondence makes it possible to find out the reasons for Paramonov’s short-term occupation of the post of manager of the propaganda department of the Volunteer Army under the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of southern Russia. The letters were written “hot on the heels of events” and allow us to clarify not only the specific facts of the civil war and the role of its participants, but also reveal the psychological atmosphere of one of the terrible pages of the events of Russian history in 1918. One of the letters stored in the Svatikov Foundation was published in 1993 by O.V. Budnitsky in the journal “Domestic History”, where the historian provides useful comments and explanations.

Fund (440), contains information about the propaganda department under the Commander-in-Chief of all Armed Forces of southern Russia. There is no mention of N.E. in this fund. Paramonov, however, it allows us to specifically restore the structure and scale of the department in which Paramonov served.

The B.JI fund should be highlighted. Burtsev (F. 5802), “independent journalist,” comrade-in-arms, employee of the magazine “Byloe” and friend of Paramonov. Paramonov treated Burtsev with great respect, as evidenced by the personal correspondence of these two people. The letters provide new information about the life and work of N.E. Paramonov during the civil war and in exile. In addition, the correspondence provides important information about Paramonov’s work at the Slovo publishing house abroad, which allows us to draw bold conclusions about his educational activities.

All information stored in the GARF funds is devoted mainly to the social and educational activities of N.E. Paramonova. They make it possible to get a correct idea of ​​Paramonov’s contribution as a public figure, as well as the goals, tactics and assessment of events, and the prospects for the development of the country’s socio-political life. 2. The files stored in the Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History (RGASPI) supplement the information about the educational activities of N.E. Paramonova.

Archival data allows us to speak about a positive attitude at the beginning of the RSDLP towards the Donskaya Rech publishing house, since publications of the Donskaya Rech were kept in the collections of the library and archive of the RSDLP in Geneva (F. 32).

There is information about the negative attitude of the Bolsheviks towards the competing Kadet party (F. 334). They are important because, according to the Bolsheviks, it was precisely joining the ranks of the cadets that forced the latter to change their attitude towards Paramonov.

3. The files of the Manuscripts Department of the Russian State Library (OR RSL) provide practically the only information about the organization of N.E.’s publishing business. Paramonova. Personal correspondence between the publisher and the authors of the Donskaya Rech publishing house allows us to conclude that he was independent in choosing publications and competed with other publishing houses for some of the works that interested him. In addition, personal correspondence with writers became the only evidence of Paramonov’s personal acquaintance with the best figures of literature, art, and culture in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.

4. Funds of the State Archives of the Rostov Region (GARO). Archive materials allow us to reconstruct the life and characterize the activities of N.E. Paramonova:

F. 46 - Office of the Military Ataman;

F. 61 - Council of the South-Eastern Regional Cooperative Congresses;

F. 112 - Partnership “E.T. Paramonova - Sons".

F. 170 - Rostov-on-Don Exchange Committee;

F. 301 - Regional Administration;

F. 820 - Main book of the Rostov-on-Don Military-Industrial Committee;

F. 826 - Don Security Department;

F. 829 - Don Regional Gendarmerie Directorate;

F. R. - 2251 - Don Council of National Economy.

Particular attention should be paid to Fund 112 of the E.T. Paramonov-Synovya”, whose affairs allow us to consider some fragments of the joint entrepreneurial activity of N.E. Paramonova with her brother, P.E. Paramonov. And also the fund - R-2251 of the Soviet era, containing information about the E.T. Paramonova - Sons" and the document of the liquidation commission on the case of the former partnership.

It should be noted that work with GARO funds was complicated by the inaccessibility of some cases due to the scattering or deterioration of the latter. 5. Materials of the Central Documentation Repository modern history Rostov region (TsKHDNIRO).

Only one fund - 12 Istpart (1899-1939) of the repository contains quite rich material that makes it possible to study the relationship of N.E. Paramonov as an employer with the workers of his enterprises (Vlasov and Nesvetaevsky mines). The fund's affairs make it possible to clarify the reasons for the strike movement on the Don, and in particular at Paramonov's enterprises, and help to get an idea of ​​​​the attitude of the entrepreneur to the labor issue. 6. Documents and materials.

The charter of the Cheap Apartment society1 gives an idea of ​​the organization to which N.E. belonged. Paramonov, which means it adds information about his social activities in the Don region. And in the collections of documents of the RSDLP2 there is brief information about N.E. Paramonov. Correspondence." characterizes the publishing house “Donskaya Rech”, which is called by the Social Democrats “progressive democratic and one of the largest publishing houses of political literature in Russia.” This information allows us to see the positive attitude of the Social Democrats towards the publishing house “Donskaya Rech” N.E. Paramonova. 7. Memoirs of contemporaries.

Valuable material for the topic under study contain memoirs of N.E.’s contemporaries. Paramonova. Many stories are accompanied by comments. All of them helped in recreating the general picture of the civil war and the emigration period of Paramonov’s life and work, and in identifying his role in current events.

1 Charter of the company “Cheap Apartment”. Rostov n/a: Type: M. Osadchenko. 1912. - P. 3.

2 Correspondence of V.I. Lenin and the institutions of the RSDLP led by him with party organizations 1905-1907. M.: Thought. 1976. T. I. Book. I. - P. 27.

Correspondence of V.I. Lenin and the institutions of the RSDLP led by him with party organizations 1905-1907. M.: Thought. 1986. T. III. Book 1. - P. 27.

Memoirs of a social democrat, university friend of Paramonov, I.N. Moshchinsky1 contain valuable information about the entrepreneur’s assistance to the Social Democrats in organizing the Donetsk Union of Mining Workers. Moschinsky points to the fact that Paramonov was a source of material resources and a kind of “cover” for the Social Democrats. But this information should not be viewed one-sidedly, since this symbiosis was beneficial to both parties, both the Social Democrats in establishing their dominance, and Paramonov in achieving his goal: the overthrow of the autocracy. In addition, you should pay attention to the years of publication of these articles, 1927-1928, which became the time of persecution and persecution of mine engineers N.E. Paramonov. In 1928 the so-called “Shakhty case” was made public, in which N.E. Paramonov was accused of organizing and sabotage against the Soviet government. In our opinion, the publication of these memoirs became possible only due to the fact that the author adhered to the principles of Soviet ideology.

In addition, the memoirs of the general, ataman of the Great Don Army and the anti-Soviet figure P.N. were used. Krasnova. They reflect tragic events the autumn of 1917 in Petrograd, the internal front of the autumn of 1918 in the south of Russia, when he was elected ataman of the All-Great Don Army.

Of greatest interest for this study is P.N. Krasnov’s information about the All-Great Don Army. Although the author deliberately used the third person: “General Krasnov”, “ataman”; but despite this, he could not get rid of subjectivity. This was clearly manifested in his attitude towards N.E. Paramonov, in whose person he saw one of his

1 Moshchinsky I.N. From the history of the First Congress. // Hard labor and exile. 1928. No. 8-9. - P. 7-27. Moshchinsky I.N. On the issue of the Social Democratic (Donetsk) Union of Mining Workers. // Proletarian revolution. 1927. 5(64) May. - pp. 229-237.

2 Krasnov P.N. All Don Army. / Archive of the Russian Revolution. Berlin: TERRA. 1922. M.: Politizdat. 1991. T. V. Ch. XX. - P. 301-302, Ch. XXIII.-S. 314.

Krasnov P.N. On the domestic front. In the Don village under the Bolsheviks (February 1918). The Great Don Army. M.: Iris Press. 2003. -464l. Krasnov P.N. Memories. M.: Ragrius. 2006. -650l. main enemies. Another downside is that Krasnov does not fully explain the reasons for his unfriendly relationship with Paramonov, mostly blaming his opponent for everything. In this case, an excellent addition can be the memoirs of Lieutenant General, who served during the Civil War in the ranks of the Volunteer Army, A.S. Lukomsky1. The author of the memoirs explains the hostile relationship of P.N. Krasnov and N.E. Paramonov as a consequence of the proto-German position of the ataman.

Memoirs of son-in-law N.E. Paramonov, Archpriest Dmitry Konstantinov2 - these are materials on the history of Russian political emigration, which are filled with valuable and sometimes the only information about the personal life of the N.E. family. Paramonov during the emigrant period. Memoirs are a source in understanding and reconstructing the situation in which the families of Russian emigrants found themselves, and also allow us to trace their relationships with the governments of their countries of residence. 8. An independent group of sources consists of materials from local periodicals.

Materials from the periodical press of the early 20th century, published in the newspapers of the Region of the Don Army and the Don Territory - these are the newspapers “Vedomosti of the Rostov-on-Don City Council”, “Don Regional Gazette”, “Donskaya Rech”, “Our Banner”, “Priazovsky Krai” , “Rostov Bee”, “Morning of the South”. They are a valuable source in the study of the life and various aspects of N.E.’s activities. Paramonova.

The newspaper “Morning of the South” became a guide to studying the charitable activities of N.E. Paramonov during the First World War and the Civil War. It should be noted that the publishers of the newspaper were the Paramonovs' competitors in business - the Asmolovs. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the Azov region is its main rival in

1 From the memoirs of A.S. Lukomsky. / Archive of the Russian Revolution. Berlin: TERRA. 1922. M.: Politizdat. 1991.T. VI.-C. 81-146.

2 Konstantinov D.V. Through the Twentieth Century Tunnel. / Materials of the history of Russian emigration. M. 1997. Issue. III.-S. 3-330. He considered the newspaper “Donskaya Rech” and the publishing house of the same name to be educational activities1. You should also pay due attention to the newspaper “Our Time” - this is a facsimile edition of the Bolshevik newspaper of the RSDLP of Rostov-on-Don from 1917-1918. The newspaper was republished by the Molot publishing house in 1968. Thus, critical analysis is provided for by the very use of these sources of local periodicals. In addition, some of the information from local periodicals in the work is confirmed by archival data.

All periodical press materials expanded, and in some cases clarified, ideas not only about the nature, but also the scale, contribution to the social, economic and cultural life of the region by N.E. Paramonov.

This is the source base of the study.

Despite its breadth, many issues still did not receive proper coverage. Thus, the materials available to the author did not allow to the same degree explore the life and work of N.E. Paramonov in the pre-emigrant and emigrant periods.

Nevertheless, it can be argued that the presented materials, complementing each other, constitute a completely representative source base for the implementation of the tasks set in the dissertation research: to restore some facts from the life of N.E. Paramonov, to add new touches to the historical portrait of this extraordinary personality. Available documents and materials make it possible to identify and analyze the events of Paramonov’s life and work.

The object of our research is the life of N.E. Paramonov as a public figure, entrepreneur, educator and philanthropist.

The subject of the study is the features, content and contribution of public, entrepreneurial, educational and

1 GARO.F. 826.On. 1. D. 28. L. II. charitable activities of N.E. Paramonov into public life, economy, culture of the Don region and the country. This personal approach allows us to more fully, historically specifically, understand the changes, identify patterns and regional characteristics of various aspects of life in the Don region and Russia.

Purpose and objectives of the study. The purpose of this dissertation project is a comprehensive study of life and activities

N.E. Paramonov, which will fill the gaps in the history of the life, activities and role of entrepreneurs in the development of Russia in the first quarter of the 20th century.

Taking into account the complexity and insufficient knowledge of the problem under consideration, in accordance with the purpose of the dissertation, the following tasks are set:

I. Identify the main directions and features of the social, entrepreneurial, educational and charitable activities of N.E. Paramonova;

2. Trace the evolution of his socio-political views and beliefs;

3. Using the example of the fate of N.E. Paramonov to establish the contribution of the Rostov bourgeoisie to the events of October 1917. and the influence of the Donskaya Rech publishing house on the course of events in Russia;

4. Consider the activities of N.E. Paramonov as “Minister of Propaganda” of the Volunteer Army and establish the reasons for his resignation;

5. Identify the features of the life and activities of N.E. Paramonov and his descendants abroad;

6. Determine the role and significance of N.E.’s activities. Paramonov for the Don region and show the attitude of his contemporaries towards him and his activities. 2007, candidate of historical sciences Nigokhosov, Mikhail Gennadievich

  • Social and political activities of the provincial merchants of Russia in the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries: Based on materials from the Vyatka province 1999, candidate of historical sciences Sudovikov, Mikhail Sergeevich

  • Menshevik organizations of the Don Army Region: 1914 - December 1917. 2005, Candidate of Historical Sciences Shchukina, Tatyana Vladimirovna

  • Conclusion of the dissertation on the topic “National History”, Okopnaya, Olesya Pavlovna


    To sum up, we can say that the life of N.E. Paramonova is interesting, complex and full of various events.

    The diversity of the entrepreneur’s interests was manifested in his multilateral activities, which had a number of directions: public, entrepreneurial, educational and charitable. Despite such a clear division, it should be noted that the various aspects of N.E. Paramonov were intertwined and complemented each other.

    Don Cossack, a native of a merchant environment, N.E. Paramonov left an indelible mark on the history of the Don region with his deeds and actions in the area of ​​prosperity of the region. He received a good education at Moscow and Kiev Universities. Studying in the capital for him became the starting point of social activity, which took shape earlier than other aspects of Paramonov’s activity.

    Social activities N.E. Paramonov is a struggle for civil rights and freedoms, the desire to establish a socially responsible state.

    N. Paramonov began his social activities with cooperation with various parties: social democrats, social revolutionaries and liberals, to whom he provided financial assistance and through them he sought to cooperate with the workers in the fight against the monarchical system. He took part in the work of the Mining Workers' Union, at the 1904 banquet dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the judicial authorities of Alexander II, and collaborated with the Zemstvo Union, defending liberal ideas. In the fight against the monarchy N.E. Paramonov recognized the possibility of using revolutionary methods, in particular terror, and did not follow the legal path everywhere - clear example activities of the publishing house "Donskaya Rech". As a result, his socio-political views were initially of a left-radical nature. Joining the Cadet Party and the First World War led to changes in his views, which began to differ sharply from the views of the workers on issues of war and the establishment of an 8-hour working day. They gradually began to have a moderate-liberal character. This determined Paramonov’s activities in the Rostov-on-Don department of the Cadet Party, the Military-Industrial Complex, the Regional Military-Industrial Complex and the Rostov-on-Don Military-Industrial Complex. His liberal views and belonging to the bourgeois class determined his republican position during the period February Revolution, and an anti-Soviet position with the establishment of Bolshevik power. Therefore, N.E. Paramonov chose the White movement as the most acceptable for him. He worked as the Minister of Propaganda of the Volunteer Army. Forced emigration became the reason for the entrepreneur’s participation in the “Brotherhood of Russian Truth”.

    A feature of N.E.’s social activities Paramonov should be considered a fight against any autocracy, both monarchical and Bolshevik. This was clearly evident in his pre-emigrant and emigrant periods.

    Entrepreneurial activity N.E. Paramonova was reflected in his participation in the E.T. Paramonova - Sons". But as an original independent entrepreneur, he established himself with his activities in the field of coal mining at the Vlasov and Nesvetaevsky mines of Donbass. The combination of liberal views and the desire for novelty allowed N.E. Paramonov to successfully enter the market capitalist economy and transfer production to the rails of advanced technologies. The entrepreneur understood the interdependence of the success of the enterprise and the role of workers in it. Labor policy was an integral part of his entrepreneurial activity, which was expressed in raising the standard of living, improving working conditions, improving the skills, culture and education of workers, and organizing their leisure time. NOT. Paramonova was an entrepreneur of a “new formation” and considered risk and competition as integral factors of economic development.

    His talent as an entrepreneur was appreciated by his fellow countrymen, who considered him the largest entrepreneur in the south of Russia. In addition, N.E. Paramonov was invited to the post of chairman of the economic council of the Don Civil Committee in 1917. and took an active part in the Economic and Technical Union for the Liberation of Russian Regions as chairman of the trade department.

    During the emigration period N.E. Paramonov confirmed the well-deserved “title” of a skillful entrepreneur, having managed without outside help and assistance in organizing a new business in unfamiliar conditions. It must be taken into account that even the German authorities noted his merits in entrepreneurial activity, inviting him to take part during World War II in restoring the economy of Soviet Russia.

    Educational activities of N.E. Paramonov covers his entire life - this is the Russian period (Donskaya Rech publishing house, work in the propaganda department of the Volunteer Army) and the emigration period - collaboration in the Slovo, Bronze Horseman publishing houses, work in his own publishing house. The work of the educator at the Donskaya Rech publishing house, whose literature was of a liberal and socialist direction, deserves special attention. This feature should be considered in connection with his initial social activities, i.e. cooperation with radical left and liberal parties. Paramonov’s “Don Speech” performed the functions of education, but also undermined the autocratic system and made a certain contribution to the overthrow of the autocracy in Russia.

    Charitable activities of N.E. Paramonov is an important component and integral part of his social and business activities. It was aimed at education, healthcare, assistance to war participants, and assistance to socially vulnerable categories of the population.

    With his active social, entrepreneurial, educational and charitable activities, N.E. Paramonov made a significant contribution to the development of the economy, education, education and healthcare of the city of Rostov-on-Don. And accordingly, he took part in the transformation of “Russian Chicago” into an industrial, cultural, and administrative center.

    The rapid development of the cities of the Don Army Region was largely due to the large-scale activities of various public organizations, most of which included an entrepreneur, defending the principles of democracy, participating in trade and construction. It should be noted that the social, entrepreneurial, educational and charitable activities of N.E. Paramonova is directly related to the socio-economic problems that he had to face.

    Of course, much in the interesting and complex life of N.E. Paramonov is not clear enough. Many of his words and actions still remain a mystery, the disclosure of which will probably be the goal of new research. NOT. Paramonov should be compared with the famous prominent public figures S.G. Svatikov, B.JI. Burtsev, V.A. Kharlamov, who made a certain contribution and influenced his views and actions; with book publishers I.D. Sytin, A.F. Smirdin, the scale and motives of whose educational activities are very similar; with entrepreneurs: E.T. Paramonov, P.E. Paramonov, representatives of the Panchenko, Asmolov dynasties, since the results of the activities of these business people contributed to the development of the economy of the Don region.

    It should be noted that N.E. Paramonov was not at all an example of all human virtues and impeccably progressive convictions. He often acted controversially, but he served, first of all, the world of the bourgeoisie, to which he himself belonged. At the same time, being a typical bourgeois, Paramonov considered himself a man of the people. His father E.T. Paramonov, a native of the village Cossacks, instilled in him a sense of love and service to his country and people. First of all, the Paramonovs worked for the people, creating the glory of the state. Evidence can be provided by the multifaceted activities of N.E. Paramonov, his schools, schools for workers, libraries and People's Houses, cheap literature accessible to all segments of the population, funding for education and medicine for the lower strata of the population - everything was aimed at supporting ordinary citizens.

    We admire the personal qualities of an entrepreneur, his bright mind and strong character, energy and efficiency, perseverance and courage, culture and the true spirit of independence, the desire for innovation, entrepreneurial risk, faith in himself and his business.

    Recently, it has become possible to recognize the merits of N.E. Paramonov before the fatherland. Installation of a memorial plaque by the Don Party Committee " United Russia"is an important step in trying to establish justice in the state. But far from exhaustive. Let's hope that the promise to name N.E. Paramonov one of the new streets of Rostov-on-Don will be performed.

    Nikolai Elpidiforovich should rightfully take his rightful place among the largest entrepreneurs, educators, book publishers in Russia, as well as philanthropists and public figures of the Don region.

    List of references for dissertation research Candidate of Historical Sciences Okopnaya, Olesya Pavlovna, 2007

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    75. Krasnov P.N. On the domestic front. In the Donskaya village under the Bolsheviks (February 1918). All-Great Don Army. M.: Iris Press. 2003. 464l. Moshchinsky I.N. From the history of the Nth Congress. // Hard labor and exile. 1928. No. 8-9. -WITH. 7-27.

    76. Moshchinsky I.N. On the issue of the Social Democratic (Donetsk) Union of Mining Workers. // Proletarian revolution. 1927. 5 (64) May. P. 229-237.1.. Periodicals.

    Please note that the scientific texts presented above are posted for informational purposes only and were obtained through original dissertation text recognition (OCR). Therefore, they may contain errors associated with imperfect recognition algorithms. There are no such errors in the PDF files of dissertations and abstracts that we deliver.

    Higher education: MGZPI, preschool faculty, preschool pedagogy and psychology, 1964.

    Topic of the candidate's dissertation

    Construction from building material as a means mental education preschool children (1979)

    Doctoral dissertation topic

    System for the formation of creative design in children 2-7 years old (2001)


    Main publications (more than 100 works):

    Monographs and textbooks.

    Design // Methods of teaching visual activity and design / Ed. N.P. Sakulina, T.S. Komarova. M.: Education, 1979. – P.198-227.

    Basic program for the development of a preschool child “Origins”: Concept (co-authors: S.L. Novoselova, L.F. Obukhova, K.V. Tarasova). – M., 1995. – 34 p.

    Paramonova L.A., Alieva T.I., Antonova T.V., Arushanova A.G. and others. Program “Origins”: The basis for the development of a preschool child. / Ed. L.A. Paramonova - 1st edition - M.: Karapuz, 1997; 2nd edition - M.: Karapuz, 2001; 3rd edition – M.: Education, 2003. – 335 pp.; 4th edition – M.: TC Sfera, 2011. – 320 pp.; 5th ed. - M.: TC Sfera, 2015. - 192 p.

    Paramonova L.A., Alieva T.I., Arushanova A.G. and others. Ensuring children's readiness for school.//Series: “Child's readiness for school.” Rep. ed. Kurneshova L.E. – M.: Center for Innovation in Pedagogy, 1998.

    Paramonova L.A. Children's creative design. – M.: Karapuz, 1999. – 239 p.

    Paramonova L.A., Protasova E.Yu. Preschool and primary school education abroad: history and modernity. - M.: Academy Publishing House, 2001. - 240 p.

    Paramonova L.A. Theory and methodology for the formation of creative design in preschool age. – M.: Publishing House Academy, 2002. – 192 p.

    Paramonova L.A., Alieva T.I., Arushanova A.G. / Bogina T.L. / Volkova E.M. and others. Developmental activities with children 2-3 years old / Ed. Paramonova L.A. – M.: OLMA Media Group, 2008. – 512 p.

    Paramonova L.A., Alieva T.I., Arushanova A.G., Vasyukova N.E. and others. Developmental activities with children 6-7 years old / Edited by Paramonova L.A. – 2nd ed. – M.: OLMA Media Group, 2011. – 944 p.

    Paramonova L.A., Alieva T.I., Arushanova A.G., Vasyukova N.E. and others. Developmental activities with children 5-6 years old / Ed. Paramonova L.A. – 2nd ed. – M.: OLMA Media Group, 2011. – 752 p.

    Paramonova L.A., Trifonova E.V., Alieva T.I. and others. Monitoring of children’s achievement of the planned results of mastering the program / Comp. E.V. Trifonova. – M.: TC Sfera, 2013. – 128 p.

    Paramonova L.A. Formation of generalized ideas in preschool children in the process of constructive activity // Mental education of the preschool child / Ed. N.N. Poddyakova. – M.: Pedagogy, 1972. – P.106-120.

    Paramonova L.A., Davidchuk A.N. Design training // Education and training in kindergarten/ Ed. A.V.Zaporozhets, T.A.Markova. – M.: Pedagogy, 1976. – P. 425-432.

    Paramonova L.A. About the system of teaching design // Contents and methods of mental education of preschoolers / Ed. N.N. Poddyakova. – M.: Pedagogy, 1980. – P. 184-204.

    Paramonova L.A. Features of search activity in design // Content and methods of mental education of preschoolers / Ed. N.N. Poddyakova. – M.: Pedagogy, 1980. – P. 162-184.

    Paramonova L.A. Design from building materials // Mental education of preschool children / Ed. N.N. Poddyakova, F.A. Sokhina. – M.: Education, 1984. – P. 61-93.

    Paramonova L.A., Safonova O.V. The problem of the formation of generalized methods of action in older preschoolers (based on design material) // Current problems of education and training of preschoolers: Collection of scientific works / Ed. Board: N.N. Poddyakov, F.A. Sokhin, V.V. Kholmovskaya. – M., 1985. – P.308.

    Paramonova L.A., N.N. Poddyakov. Some new problems of mental education of preschool children // Preschool education. – 1985. – No. 2. – P. 57-63.

    Paramonova L.A., Uradovskikh G.V. The role of constructive tasks in the formation of children’s mental activity // Preschool education. – 1985. – No. 7. – P. 46-49.

    Paramonova L.A., Safonova O.A. Formation of generalized methods of action // Preschool education. – 1985. – No. 9. – P.48-49.

    Paramonova L.A. Scientific foundations of the “Standard program of education and training in kindergarten” // Soviet pedagogy. – 1985. – No. 11. – P. 41-45.

    Paramonova L.A. Design // Education and training of children in the fifth year of life / Ed. V.V. Kholmovskaya. – M.: Education, 1986. – P. 93-101.

    Paramonova L.A. Design // Education and training of young children / Ed. E.G. Pilyugina, G.N. Godina. – M.: Education, 1986. – P.53-56, 133-137.

    Paramonova L.A. Design // Education and training of children of the sixth year of life / Ed. O.S. Ushakova. – M.: Education, 1986. – P.100-107.

    Paramonova L.A. The main directions of development of the problem of teaching in Soviet preschool pedagogy // Improving the effectiveness of teacher-educational work in preschool institutions: Modern psychological and pedagogical problems: Collection of scientific works / Responsible. ed. N.N. Poddyakov, L.A. Paramonova. – M.: 1988. – P. 14-20.

    Paramonova L.A., Novoselova S.L., Zvorygina E.V. Game and issues of comprehensive education // Preschooler’s game / Ed. S.L. Novoselova. – M.: Education, 1989. – P. 3-16.

    Paramonova L.A., Pashilite I.Yu. Methodological recommendations for didactic computer programs// Preschooler's game / Ed. S.L. Novoselova. – M.: Education, 1989. – P. 283-285.

    Paramonova L.A. Construction as a means of preparing children for school education // Preparing children for school in the USSR and Czechoslovakia / Ed. L.A.Paramonova. – M.: Education, 1989. – P.92-100.

    Paramonova L.A. Development of new content for the education, training and development of preschool children // Materials of scientific and practical work. conf. preschool employees and head of schools “Strategy and tactics for the development of educational institutions in the context of the transition to variability educational programs" – M., 1994. P. 33-37.

    Paramonova L.A., Novoselova S.L., Obukhova L.F., Tarasova K.V. Theoretical basis basic program for the development of a preschool child “Origins” // Psychological Science and Education. – 1996. – No. 3. – P. 64-70.

    Paramonova L.A. Public preschool education: modern traditions and children’s rights // Preschool education. – 1997. – No. 6. – P.76-82.

    Paramonova L.A., Novoselova S.L., Tarasova K.V. Developing subject-spatial environment of childhood. – M.: Publishing house VNIITE, 1997. – 60 p.

    Paramonova L.A., Alieva T.I., Arushanova A.G. and others. The concept of continuity in the work of preschool institutions and primary schools // Ensuring the readiness of children for school education. // Series: “Child’s readiness for school”. Rep. Ed. Kurneshova L.E. – M.: Center for Innovation in Pedagogy. - 1998.

    Paramonova L.A., Alieva T.I. Arushanova A.G. Preschool and primary school: the problem of continuity // Preschool education. – 1998. – No. 4. – P. 97-104.

    Paramonova L.A., Novoselova S.L. Informatization of the preschool level of education in Russia: a start was made in Moscow // Preschool education. – 1998. – No. 9. – P. 65-71.

    Paramonova L.A., Alieva T.I. Preschooler in the world of dialogue: education of tolerance // Preschool education. – 1999. . – No. 5. – P. 70-73.

    Paramonova L.A. Creative design: psychological and pedagogical foundations // Preschool education. – 2000. – No. 11. – P. 58-64.

    Paramonova L.A., Alieva T.I., Arushanova A.G. and others. “Map of individual development of a preschool child” and guidelines on its use // Preschool education system and prospects for its development in Moscow // Series: “Instructional and methodological support for the content of education in Moscow.” GOMC “School Book”, 2000. – P.49-87.

    Paramonova L.A. Creative design: psychological and pedagogical foundations of its formation. Design from building materials // Preschool education. – 2001. – No. 3. – P. 66-77.

    Paramonova L.A., Alieva T.I. Basic provisions of Model educational programs for the upbringing, training and development of children of early and preschool age, setting strategic guidelines for building variable preschool education // Problems and prospects for the development of preschool educational institutions / Series: “Instructional and methodological support for the content of education in Moscow.” – M.: Center “School Book”, 2004. – P. 10-14.

    Paramonova L.A., Alieva T.I., Tarasova K.V. Child 5-6 years old in the preschool education system (to the problem of preparing for school) // Psychological science and education. – 2005. – No. 2. – P.12-17.

    State and departmental awards

    Achievements and awards

    Certificates and gratitude from the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, the Russian Academy of Education, and the Moscow Department of Education.

    Research projects and grants

    Participation in projects of the Federal Target Programs for the Development of Education for 2001-2005, VNIK and institutional grants of the Moscow Department of Education.
