Shooting from a mortar. Experience in combat use of mortars

In fact, it is very difficult to be a captain of a ship, since he needs not only to take care of the condition of his ship and crew, but also to be able to manage it.

In this section, we'll look at all the basic ship controls in Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag.

Controlling a ship in Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag

In square brackets is the name of the key,
RMB - right mouse button,
LMB - left mouse button.

Team recruitment. You can recruit teams in taverns or pick up people on rafts right in the ocean by pressing the [Space] key. To replenish the crew at sea, you need to board and capture the ship. After a successful boarding, a menu appears for choosing what to do with the defeated: reduce the level of fame and get rid of the pirate hunters and replenish the crew, use the captured ship to repair the Jackdaw, or join the ship to the fleet.


  • Spyglass- hold down the [E] key. Zoom in - scroll wheel on the mouse. Cancel the selected ship - [W].
  • Raise the sails and speed up- press [W] several times.
  • Stop and release the steering wheel- press [S] several times to stop and then hold [S].
  • Control of sailor songs (or as they are also called - shanti)- keys and .
  • Align the camera and change the viewing angle- keys [C], [←], , [↓], [→].
  • Dodging enemy shots- hold down [Space].
  • Selection of trophies- swim up to the object and press [Space].

The battle

  • Shooting from cannons with ordinary cannonballs- move the camera with the mouse to the left or right side of the ship, hold [RMB] and press [LMB]. You cannot shoot from both sides at the same time while being between two enemy ships.
  • Firing heavy cannonballs- move the camera with the mouse to the left or right side of the ship and press [LMB]. The number of cores is indicated in the lower right corner of the screen. Ammunition replenishment: through the captain's cabin in the ship's model, from the port captain, or after boarding.
  • Shot with nipples- move the camera with the mouse to the bow of the ship, hold [RMB] and press [LMB], or immediately press [LMB]. Nipples tear sails and break masts, which slows down the enemy.
  • Shot from falconets- hold and release after pointing at vulnerable spot ship (marked with a red pointer). When boarding, use it by pressing the [E] key.
  • Shot from mortars- hold down the [Q] key, point the mouse at the target and press [LMB]. The number of mortar charges is indicated in the lower right corner of the screen. Mortars - good weapon for long-range combat. Effective against forts and battleships. To start using it, you need to purchase the upgrade of the same name in the captain's cabin.
  • Use of incendiary projectiles- move the camera towards the stern with the mouse and press the [LMB] key. Gunpowder barrels are effective when you need to get away from someone being chased.
  • Using a ram- use the navigation keys to direct the ship towards the enemy and crash into it at full speed.
  • Boarding and seizure of a ship. Starts during battle, when you immobilize an enemy ship. After this, white zones appear on both sides of the enemy ship, which you need to enter and then hold down [S]. Depending on the size of the enemy ship, additional goals appear: destroy a certain number of soldiers of the enemy captain, spies on the masts, blow up barrels of gunpowder, or tear down the flag. Only after completing these tasks is the ship considered captured.

Previous games in the Assassin's Creed series delighted fans with bustling, lively and majestic cities. In Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag, the opposite is true, focusing on the vast territories of the Caribbean. The shift in emphasis entailed a number of changes: islands and cities came to the fore average size and ships. Even the confrontation between the Assassins and the Templars faded into the background. Moreover, the main character’s thoughts are not occupied with the solution global problems, but are focused on finding ways to get rich quick. “Jackdaw” will help Edward Kenway make his dreams come true, become famous and become a thunderstorm of the seas and oceans. A nondescript military brig, taken from the Spaniards, will eventually turn into a floating fortress. With the help of , found in or on the ocean floor among the wreckage, you can improve everything: the hull, guns, mortars, falconets and ammunition. And here change ships in Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag it is forbidden; sailing on a battleship is only allowed according to the plot. is also limited and appears only for those who bought a licensed copy of the game and have a stable Internet connection; the pirated version does not have this option.

Boarding in Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag begins only after the battle, when the hull strength of the enemy ship drops to the red mark. As soon as this happens, white zones appear on both sides, which you need to enter at low speed and then hold down the [S] key. During capture, depending on the size of the ship, additional goals appear (kill the enemy captain, spies on the masts, a certain number of soldiers, blow up barrels of gunpowder or tear down the flag), which must be completed, otherwise the ship will not be captured. When boarding important role The size of the team plays a role; the larger it is, the higher the chances of success. The team can be replenished in taverns or picked up people on rafts right in the ocean by pressing the [Space] key on close range from a shipwreck victim. After boarding, you have a choice of what to do with the vanquished: release them to reduce their level of fame in order to get rid of the pirate hunters, use the wreckage of the ship to repair the Jackdaw (on land, repairs are carried out by port captains) or attach the ship to the Kenway fleet. Regardless decision taken the cargo from the holds becomes a trophy. Chests with money and items are stored on the decks of ships abandoned in the ocean. They need to be inspected, not drowned.

Controlling a ship in Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag:

  • Shooting from cannons with ordinary cannonballs- move the camera with the mouse to the left or right side of the ship, hold down [RMB] and press [LMB] (you cannot shoot from both sides at the same time while being between two enemy ships).
  • Firing heavy cannonballs- move the camera with the mouse to the left or right side of the ship and press [LMB] (the number of available cores is indicated in the lower right corner of the screen; you can replenish cores in the captain’s cabin through the ship’s layout, from the port captain on the islands, or after a successful boarding). Heavy cannonballs cause enormous damage at short range. To use heavy cores, you first need to buy the upgrade of the same name in the captain's cabin.
  • Shot with nipples- move the camera with the mouse to the bow of the ship, hold [RMB] and press [LMB], or immediately press [LMB]. Nipples help tear sails, break masts, slow down or stop opponents.
  • Shot from falconets- hold down the key and release after pointing at the weak point of the ship, marked with a red pointer. You cannot shoot from falconets at random targets, as was the case in AC3, but they can be used during boarding by approaching them and pressing the [E] key.
  • Shot from mortars- hold down the [Q] key, point the mouse at the target and press [LMB]. The amount of charge is indicated in the lower right corner of the screen. Supplies are replenished through the captain's cabin on Galka or from the port captain on the islands. Mortars deal massive damage from a long distance. Very effective against battleships and forts. To use mortars, you first need to buy the upgrade of the same name in the captain's cabin.
  • Spyglass- hold down the [E] key. Use the mouse wheel to zoom in, and use the [W] key to mark the selected ship.
  • Use of incendiary projectiles- move the camera towards the stern with the mouse and press the [LMB] key. Gunpowder barrels are effective against pursuers.
  • Using a ram- direct the ship towards the enemy and crash into it at full speed.
  • Raise the sails and speed up- press the [W] key several times.
  • Stop and release the steering wheel- press [S] several times to stop the ship, and then hold [S].
  • Dodging enemy shots- hold down the [Space] key.
  • Control of sailor songs (shanti)- keys and .
  • Align the camera and change the viewing angle- keys [C], [←], , [↓], [→].

Associated with continuous hostility and the seizure of foreign territories. Ancient cities were fortresses, the garrison of which was reliably protected by high walls. Often, the capture of such a fortification meant complete victory in the war. However, the long siege of cities was accompanied by very heavy losses on both sides.

Required creation technical devices, designed to destroy “serious” protection. Since the time of Alexander the Great, the first mentions of “ballistas” appeared - weapons capable of throwing stones along a suspended trajectory. This feature allowed the device, which was a type of catapult, to inflict damage on an enemy hidden behind a fortress wall.

At the end of the seventeenth century, the principle of the ballista was applied in the design of the mortar - a cannon that fired at an angle of 45 degrees. The successor to such a weapon was the mortar. Photo of the device, its types, fighting qualities And specifications, are presented in the review. It also describes the history of the creation and stages of development of this type of weapon.


A mortar is an artillery weapon that is designed to fire at a high elevation angle, with the aim of hitting hidden manpower and destroying fortified field communications. Being a type of mortar, it is distinguished by the absence of a carriage and a recoil device - these parts are replaced by a plate that is installed on the ground or an armored vehicle. The mortar is fired with feathered ammunition, in the shank of which a propellant charge is attached.

Historical reference

For the first time, a weapon that fired a mine shell, firing along a steep trajectory, was used by the Russian army in the war with Japan of 1904-1905, during the defense of the city of Port Arthur. The creator of the “close-range shooting apparatus” was officer and engineer Leonid Nikolaevich Gobyato.

The basis of the gun was a 75-mm howitzer with a cut-down barrel, adapted to fire ship mines. Subsequently, the new “miracle gun,” which in fact proved its excellent combat qualities, was called the “mortar.” The firing range of the gun depended on changes in the angle of the barrel, as well as the size of the charge, and ranged from 50 to 400 meters.

The Russian experience in using mortars was carefully studied by foreign experts. The device was widely used during the World War of 1914-1918. For use by the army Tsarist Russia in 1915, mortars with a caliber of 47 and 58 mm were supplied, with a firing range of 400 and 520 meters, respectively. The creator of these devices was artillery captain E. A. Likhonin.

Mortar device

To understand how a mortar fires, you need to consider its design. The weapon has three main components:

  1. Trunk. A pipe-shaped element sets the direction of the projectile's flight. The top of the part is equipped with a socket (a) designed for convenient loading. The bottom of the barrel is a breech with a firing pin (c) pressed into it, which pierces the capsule of the projectile (mine).
  2. Base plate. The part has a barrel. Serves as a support for the gun when firing, transmitting the recoil force to the surface (ground, chassis, etc.).
  3. Bipod. An element that supports the barrel when firing. It is folded into the stowed position using a spring latch (c).

Operating principle and range of the mortar

The impact mechanism of the mortar includes a firing pin mounted in the lower part of the barrel. The weapon charge - a mine - is supplied from the muzzle. The ammunition slides over a smooth surface, and its primer, located in the tail section, “pricks” onto the sting of the firing pin, which is why the shot occurs. This type of striker is called hard, it is extremely simple in design and can provide a high rate of fire.

The weapon's ammunition - a mine - has a drop-shaped body, equipped with an explosive warhead, with a stabilizing tail section. It houses the fuse, as well as the main (propelling) and additional charges, through the use of which the starting speed and projectile range.

In determining the distance at which a mortar is capable of firing, special tables created individually for each type of weapon help. Let's consider typical example such calculations.

Shooting table. Mortar 120-mm SAO 2S9

Thus, we can conclude: the projectile’s flight range depends not only on the size of the propellant charge, but also on the elevation angle of the gun. Note that the initial speed of the ammunition and the distance it can travel are also interrelated with the length of the mortar barrel.

Mortars. Characteristics of guns, their goals and objectives

In battle great importance given to the mobility of means of fire, the possibility of their use in forward positions, damaging effect weapons and their camouflage abilities. The mortar fully meets these requirements. Being a weapon with a mounted firing trajectory, it provides:

  1. Destruction of enemy personnel located on open areas terrain, as well as in trenches, trenches, gorges and ravines, behind vertical walls and heights.
  2. Installation of smoke screens to facilitate the covert redeployment of friendly units.
  3. Illumination of the area in order to “blind” the enemy.

Tactical and technical parameters of the mortar

Combat qualities of the mortar

  • High rate of fire. The devices are characterized by easy reloading, which allows firing from guns with high intensity. The rate of fire of some types of modern mortars is up to 170-190 rounds per minute.
  • High power multi-purpose ammunition. Fragmentation, high-explosive, cluster, incendiary, smoke and light are just some of the types of shells that a mortar can fire. The firing range of the gun is adjusted by changing the power of the charge that pushes the mine out of the barrel.
  • Simple device. The convenient design of most mortars, the ability to disassemble them and ease of transportation allow the guns to be moved over rough terrain, continuously supporting their units with fire. Some models can be used for shooting from the back of a car.
  • Constant combat readiness. Mortars are characterized by a high speed of bringing into a “working” state due to the ease of assembly.
  • Steep trajectory of the projectile. The gun is capable of hitting a closed target protected from flat artillery and machine-gun fire. Thanks to this feature, the mortar is capable of firing “above” its own units.


Let's briefly look at the types of guns, using Russian mortars as a basis. Since the times of the USSR, this type of weapons has been classified as follows:

  1. Company guns (caliber 55-65 mm).
  2. Battalion (80-85 mm).
  3. Regimental (105-125 mm).
  4. Divisional (large-caliber and jet).

Mortars are distinguished by their barrel design as smooth-bore guns and rifled guns. There are two ways to load them - from the muzzle and breech. The degree of automation of recharging also varies. There are automatic weapons, for example, the 2B9M “Cornflower” - a mortar, the photo of which is presented below.

There are self-propelled mortars - mounted on a wheeled or tracked chassis.

Development of tools

The most important stage in the development of mortars was the Second World War 1939-1945 The USSR industry alone produced over 345,000 of these guns! Naturally, it is necessary to remember the famous “Katyusha” BM-13 - the first Guards rocket launcher. The firing range of this gun ranged from 4350 to 5500 m.

The main characteristics of the mortars of that time, which were in service with the countries participating in the war, are summarized in this table.

Modern guns

Today's mortars, thanks to the rapid development of military-industrial technologies, have turned into ultra-modern rifle systems. We will not describe in detail all the advantages artillery pieces XXI century, but consider only one model. And from her example we will see how far progress has stepped forward.

At the military-technical exhibition MILEX-2011, held in Minsk, Russian engineers presented a silent mortar 2B25, called “Gall”. The peculiarity of this product is that it has the most covert combat use. When a mortar is fired, the powder gases are “locked” in the ammunition, and the weapon does not emit smoke, sound or

"Gall" hits targets at a range of 1000-1300 m with a rate of fire of 15 rounds/min. The weight of the mortar does not exceed 15 kg, and the mass of the projectile is only 1.9 kg. 2B25 is designed to support the work of special forces and has no analogues in the world.


The development of navigation systems and computerization of fire control turned the mortar into precision weapons. Nevertheless, it retained its basic properties - simplicity and convenience, inexpensive ammunition, a hinged firing trajectory and the absence of the need for lengthy training of “maintenance personnel”. The mortar remains one of the most reliable types of weapons, which does not require special resources and numerous artillery crews.

At the dawn of the 20th century, a time of change came in the organization of military operations. While the warring parties dug in, dug multi-pass trenches and fenced off with wire fences, all the power from the use firearms, from rifles to machine guns, and powerful gun fire could not cause much damage to the fighters.

The wire barriers are demolished by artillery fire, which was brought up by the enemy army. The fortifications are also being destroyed, but the enemy infantry units took cover behind deep trenches and, for the most part, did not suffer losses. What to do?
The appearance of mortars on the battlefields dramatically changed the balance of power. Also maximum range Mortar firing became a decisive factor in changing tactics not only on the battlefield, but also in urban combat conditions.

The first Russian mortar

Historically, the first mention of the use of a weapon for throwing projectiles on the principle of a mortar is mentioned in the times Russo-Japanese War 1904 - 1905

There were many naval pole mines in the warehouses of Port Arthur. They were a conical iron projectile on a long 15-meter pole. The execution of the idea of ​​firing such “shells” was entrusted to Captain L.N. Gobyato. For this, it was decided to use a 47 mm single-barreled Gochinks gun, which was mounted on a primitive carriage, which helped increase the elevation angle from 45° to 65°.
Before shooting, a pole with a mine was placed in the barrel (the pole was shortened) and a wad, which simultaneously served as a buffer during the shot. A cartridge case with a charge was placed behind it.

To stabilize the mine in flight, it was equipped with a four-leaf stabilizer. The mortar's firing range ranged from 40 to 400 meters, and the mine caused significant destruction during the explosion. And this is not at all surprising, since the ship mine and combat charge weighed 6.2 kg!

Mortar from the Patriotic War

In August 1941, the Defense Committee Soviet Union a decision was made to increase the production of 120 mm mortars. It was a smooth-bore rigid system with an imaginary triangle diagram. The mortar was loaded from the muzzle side.

The firing range of the 120 mm mortar was at different firing angles from 460 m to 5700 m (firing angles from 45° to 80°).

Among other things, the mortars were equipped with twin shock absorbers and an oscillating sight, which improved combat performance.

Mortars 1955

The experience of using the 120-mm gun of the 1943 model in combat was taken into account when creating the regimental mortar in 1955. The development of mortars of this modification was carried out under the direction of B.I. Shavyrina. With the same mass, the firing range of the 120 mm mortar was increased and amounted to 7.1 km.

Firing accuracy was:

  • average lateral deviation 12.8 m;
  • median range slope

The mortar could be deployed into combat position in 1.5 minutes.

Self-propelled mortar "Tundzha"

Development of this self-propelled gun began in 1965. The MT-LB special gun tractor is used as the chassis. The M-120 (2B11) mortar was located in the vehicle body. The deployment of the mortar into a military position was arranged in such a way that the base plate rested on the ground, while the barrel protruded beyond the dimensions of the vehicle.

Ammunition weighing 16 kg, 120 mm mines type:

  • 0-843A;
  • 3-843A;
  • 0-843, etc.

Mortar firing range 120 mm, m:

  • 480-7100.

Pointing angles:

  • vertical 45°-80°;
  • horizontal ± 5 ^26).

Rate of fire in combat conditions, rds/min:

  • to 10.

Ammunition, min:

Mortar complex "Sani"

In 1979, the 120 mm "Sani" complex was adopted. It includes:

  • mortar 2F510;
  • pneumatic wheel travel 2L81 (detachable);
  • transport vehicle 2F510 (GAZ-66-05 base).

Accurate firing range of 120 mm mortar:

  • from 480 to 7100 m.

Rate of fire:

  • 15 rounds per minute.

The mortar is equipped with sighting devices:

  • sight MPM-44M;
  • gun collimator K2-1;
  • lighting device LUCH-P2M.

The exact firing range of a mortar controlled by the KM-8 arsenal:

  • 9.0 kilometers.

Installation "Nona-S"

The current trend in the development of mortar weapons comes down to the merger of 120 mm mortars and breech-loading cannons artillery howitzers. The self-propelled gun called 2S9 "NONA-S", which entered service in 1976, has the ability to fire both rifled projectiles and mines with fins, which affects the increased firing range of the 120 mm gun.

The capabilities of "NONA-S" have been significantly expanded and make it possible to use it not only to suppress the enemy's numbers, but also to destroy defensive structures and conduct a successful fight against tanks.

For use in mountainous conditions, "NONA-S" is especially indispensable, since the barrel raised to the zenith solves problems of suppressing manpower that are inaccessible to howitzers or cannons.

An important feature is the extremely short range firing a 120 mm mortar:

  • for a projectile - 1700 m;
  • for mines - 400 m.

Therefore, the ammunition includes 120 mm mines:

  • high-explosive fragmentation;
  • lighting;
  • smoke;
  • incendiary.

The practical firing range reaches 7.1 km.

The rate of fire of the mode (7-8 shots) per minute is ensured by an automatic hammer. After the shot, the gun barrel is purged under pressure with compressed air to remove powder gases.


In 1995, the 2S31 Vena self-propelled gun was created, in which the firing range of a 120 mm mortar reaches up to 14,000 meters.

The installation's ammunition contains:

  • OF - 49 and OF - 54;
  • OF50 active-missile projectiles;
  • All types of 120 mm caliber mortar ammunition can be used, in addition to domestic and foreign ones;
  • guided missiles "Kitolov - 2M".

The guidance angle in the vertical plane ranges from -4° to +80°. Aim recovery is automatic after each shot.

The gun's ammunition capacity is 70 rounds in ammunition racks, and it is also possible to supply ammunition from the ground through a special hatch in the starboard side with an armored cover.
The firing range of modern mortars is constantly increasing and the use of such self-propelled guns of the "Vena" type is becoming especially relevant.


A thoroughly modernized 120 mm howitzer, the firing range of which reached 13 km, "Khosta" received new tower circular rotation. And also components and innovations from 2S31 "Vena", 2S23 "NONA" SVK were installed. At the same time, the chassis is also modernized BS MT-DB.

The main difference is the improved 2A80-1 cannon, which was equipped with which made it possible to increase the rate of fire by 2 times and fire absolutely all types of 120 mm caliber projectiles:

  • high-explosive fragmentation;
  • mine;
  • modern shells 3FOF112 "Kitolov-2".

In the new 2S34 Khosta mortar system, firing can be carried out without preparing positions, not only by direct fire, but is also capable of hitting targets on reverse slopes.

Her target rate of fire managed to increase from 4 to 9 rounds per minute.

Towed mortar

Along with the Sani-type self-propelled guns, the Russian Army also received towed ones:

  • 2B16 "Nona - K";
  • 2B23 "Nona M1".

At the same time, they did not lose their fighting qualities, like the SAO.

Such a need arose to supply our artillery air assault brigades During the development of the "Nona K" 2B16 mortar gun. The experience of combat operations in Afghanistan was taken into account. This type of mortar was adopted for service in 1986.

Already in 2007 Russian army adopted the 120 mm 2B23 "NONA - M1" for service. The weapon was used to destroy both enemy personnel and lightly armored vehicles.

Mortar batteries were also equipped with the 2B23 mortar ground forces. For use there was the possibility of landing from an aircraft on specially equipped platforms. The ammunition capacity of this mortar includes all types of 120 mm min.

These mortars have been combat tested in many local conflicts.

Modern weapons with a 120 mm mortar firing range of 400 to 7000 meters cannot always rely on timely delivery of ammunition. Therefore, the tendency to use such weapons during combat operations involves the use of 120 mm charges from mortars of the armies of other countries. The use of this formula allows fire support own forces and on enemy territory.
