Venetian weaving. How to choose weaving gold chains? (13 photos)

Automatic and manual weaving.

All chains are divided according to manufacturing methods into automatic, fancy, and hand-weaving, full-weight. Most automatic chains are hollow. They look more massive, but are less reliable than full-weight ones. They are distinguished by the material of manufacture. To obtain hollow products, thin wire precious metal they are wound in a strip onto cores made of simple metals, then etching them out of the resulting chains. As a result, an emptiness is formed inside, but the weight is lightened and the massiveness is preserved. Automatic weaving includes “perlina”, “snake”, “cardano” and “singapore”. Harnesses and laces are dense weaving, reminiscent of snakes. This group includes the “almond” and “fox tail” weaving.

Perlina- These are ball links located on a gold wire, fashionable for women. Pearl chains are self-sufficient jewelry, they do not need pendant companions, and for women who understand beauty, this gift is a very significant one. Singapore weaving is a type of armor weaving, where deformed round links are connected in a double row. The connection of the links is done according to the principle of medieval knights' armor: the decorations slide smoothly along the links without clinging to them, and the decoration remains very durable. The chain, made in a twisted style, shimmers and sparkles under sun rays. In full-length chains there are no cavities, and a hardening is formed on the surface, increasing the strength of the jewelry. Hand weaving is divided into fantasy and classic, massive in appearance and quite heavy in weight. The hand-woven chain in the sock is almost perfect: it does not break, does not cling to clothing, and allows the owner to determine the parameters independently.

The most popular types of weaving.

The most popular types of hand weaving are Bismarck, rope, diamond, pharaoh, cardinal, armor and anchor weaving. Filigree, an amazingly elegant technique, is an openwork or soldered background made of thin wire. The patterns made using this technique are varied; they include various paths, laces, ropes and Christmas trees. Filigree products sparkle, shimmer, and their truly unearthly shine has given such chains the palm among other techniques. "Bismarck" involves weaving in several rows, in a track. Such chains are massive and catchy, and the weaving is strong and thorough. These chains are classics of jewelry art. They are flexible and flat. These jewelry are very convenient for those who like to wear pendants on chains or.

Braided chains "bismarck" worn by those with high status: the jewelry is catchy, even flashy, but very respectable. Chains with weaving “Montreal”, “serpentine”, “Parigina”, “Cleopatra” and “Celtic knot” are flat, several rings in them are connected perpendicularly. The serpentine weave looks a little rough. The chains are quite wide, forming their winding lines. It is very impressive to combine these jewelry with chains using the “lava” technique, but they are not suitable for pendants. Anchor and armor chains are very durable and easy to care for. The difference between these types is that anchor weaving involves the arrangement of links in two, and for armored weaving - in one plane. The chains made using this technique are massive and solid. Armor weaving is the choice of respectable and ambitious people, emphasizing confidence and seriousness. A more modest anchor weave is suitable for wearing religious symbols.

The weaves are rare and exquisite.

Sophistication will come to jewelry by the complexity of connecting links. Such chains are called twisted, they look like a flowing ribbon. Loops and various rings are combined in the “figaro” technique. The result is an original, unique pattern that is repeated along the entire length of the chain. This technique is often used for silver chains to give them additional charm. Fancy weavings include “nonna”, “lav”, “braid” and “snail”. These decorations seem weightless, since the links combine several types of weaving. “Nonna” or “grandmother’s weaving” is machine weaving. The oval double links are reliably and firmly connected to each other. The decorations look massive, but at the same time airy.

Young girls prefer weaving "lav", and the reason is not only in the name. The shape of the links resembles hearts, and they are connected at the edges, which increases the strength of elegant jewelry. You can wear such chains around your neck or as a bracelet. Unique jewelry is obtained from a combination of several chains of such weaving. They are suitable for both office and office attire. “Snail” is a real miracle: weaving combines elegance and originality. Patterned, ground, classic or flat s-shaped and snail-shaped links interlock with each other. They shimmer under the rays of the sun and evoke admiration for their beauty and sophistication.

Figaro weaving creative people choose. The technique is different from openwork. The products combine two types of links: small round ones and elongated oval ones. They connect with each other at short intervals in a certain way. The original type of weaving gives the chains a little mischief. And the owner of such jewelry will definitely stand out from the crowd. This chain looks very good on ladies who follow fashion, have their own unique style, are creative and creative.

Types of weaving: originality and style.

Venetian weaving– this is originality and style. Massive, wide chains or thin and graceful - jewelry focuses attention on the advantages of the owners. To make the weave you need rectangular links. They are connected to each other rigidly. To perform Venetian weaving, you need a real master, since it is important to combine beauty, strength and reliability. Ideal for romantics is rose weaving. The small links will connect so that they resemble a blooming rose bud. Such decorations look like a garland of miniature roses, increasing the attractiveness of a lady.

Male name for weaving, "garibaldi", does not mean that only men can wear these jewelry. The chains are a little brutal, but ladies who choose short chains of this weave give the impression of being fragile and delicate. The “spike” weave got its name from the similarity of the weave to a wheat spike: the links form a “V” shaped pattern. The decoration is very impressive, and you can wear it with pendants or on its own. Diamond-shaped - these are diamond-shaped links interconnected. Classic is double weaving, but triple weaving is greater strength and reliability. Additional decorations for such chains are not boring: they already look very solid.

Incredibly dense and shiny chain made using the technique "Abinata". Usually they are made in it. These are the thinnest twigs that form a thin gold ribbon. There are no gaps between the links and the decoration is very durable and quite weighty. There are chains for wearing at the waist, from 90 cm, for pendants and pendants, from 45 cm and longer, and for wearing as jewelry, the length of such chains can be any. Different weaves mean different decorations. Some techniques give the chains grace and airiness, others - respectability and massiveness. It is important to consider what is being chosen: beauty, strength, or all at once? Depending on your preferences, you need to choose chains.

A gold chain is a universal decoration for all times. But choosing it is not as easy as it might seem at first glance, because there are so many important criteria. One of them is weaving. Not only the appearance of the product will depend on it, but also its durability, strength and ease of wear.

What to consider when choosing?

So what should you consider when choosing a weave?

  • How are you going to wear the chain: on its own or with a pendant or pendant? In the first case, you can choose almost any product, but it must be an independent and original accessory, so complex and voluminous weaves are suitable. If you plan to put a pendant on the chain, then it should not be too voluminous and not overly flashy. Simpler types of weaving are welcome.
  • Who will wear the chain? All types of weaving are conventionally divided into male, female and universal. The first look simpler and sometimes even rough, the second are more original and interesting, and the third are distinguished by elegant simplicity and are suitable for both sexes and all ages.
  • The age of the person. Young people should pay attention to original and stylish types of weaving. And in more mature age Laconic, conservative and elegant models would be appropriate.
  • Strength. Some types of weaving are distinguished by increased reliability and durability, while others should be worn extremely carefully and carefully.

How to make a choice?

How to choose weaving gold chains? Here are its main types:

1. Anchor. In such a chain, the links are located perpendicular to each other, which makes the product look like an anchor chain (hence the name). There are several options for this weaving. For example, in the so-called marine one, each link has a certain jumper in the middle. Anchor twist has slightly twisted rings, which gives the chain elegance and originality.

Rings can have a classic, that is, round shape(it is suitable for making universal products) and elongated (this weaving is often used for making religious attributes). Chains with such weaving are considered comfortable to wear, easy to care for (no dirt gets clogged between the links), strong and durable.

2. Armor weaving can be considered one of the varieties of anchor, but outwardly it is quite different from it. The links are slightly twisted, reminiscent of unfinished figure eights and located in the same plane, making the chain appear almost flat (this effect is enhanced by grinding).

This type is distinguished by its elegant simplicity, ease of wear (the chain cannot twist or catch on clothing) and increased strength. Armor weaving is considered masculine, but if the links are small and thin, then such a product can easily be worn by a woman.

3. Nonna. This is a purely feminine, cute, elegant, but at the same time very durable weaving. And the secret is that inside the large main links, slightly twisted and located in the same plane, smaller ones are placed. It turns out that the internal and external links interlock as if crosswise, which not only makes the product original, interesting and seemingly voluminous, but also gives additional strength.

4. Bismarck (other names: cardinal, Kaiser). This type is considered one of the most popular and is popular with both women and men, and even teenagers and children. This chain is quite massive and voluminous, but at the same time it looks elegant and not too flashy.

Each link consists of several parts, so that the individual elements are placed quite close to each other, creating a single continuous structure. Of course, dirt and dust can get clogged between the links, but this is perhaps the only negative.

5. Figaro (Cartier)- This is a more masculine, but at the same time very interesting weaving, which is essentially one of the varieties of armored weaving. The links are also placed in the same plane, but they may have different shapes. Usually short ones are combined with longer ones. For example, every three short round links there is one elongated link. This chain is quite durable and comfortable to wear. But still the links can twist due to different lengths and shapes.

6. Perlina. This weaving has become famous and popular thanks to various keychains. The individual links are made in the form of balls, similar to pearls (hence the name), and such elements are held together with a gold thread. In the photo, such products look very original, but, unfortunately, they are not very durable and comfortable to wear.

7. Turtle. Such a chain consists of links having flat plates. Such products look very original and bright, which is why they are especially popular among the fairer sex.

But they cannot be called comfortable, since the links can not only get tangled, but also cling to clothes and hair. In addition, the plates may become deformed under mechanical stress.

8. Singapore- This is an original and bright type of armor weaving. This chain looks very elegant due to the fact that the links located next to each other are twisted in a spiral. As a result, the chain shimmers and sparkles as it moves. By the way, this weaving can be called quite durable. This accessory will be combined with almost any pendants.

9. Snail or paper clip. Each link has a curl, making it look like a snail shell or a paper clip.

10. Snake. The name is translated from in English like a “snake”, and such a chain according appearance really looks like a snake. This effect is achieved due to the fact that the slightly twisted and perfectly polished links fit together very tightly, creating literally a single smooth surface, similar to reptile skin.

Typically, such chains do not require any additions and are worn independently. This weaving is most suitable for representatives of the stronger sex.

11. Rombo- a type of armor weaving in which the links are made in the form of polished rhombuses and are located, as it were, inside each other, two or three at a time. Double diamond is more suitable for making chains, while triple diamond is often used for bracelets. Externally, weaving looks laconic and simple, which is why it is popular among men.

12. Venetian weaving is considered a type of anchor, but differs from it in that the links are thinner, flatter and wider. They can have either a square or rectangular shape. The products look very interesting and elegant.

13. Kolos. With this weaving, curved links are connected in such a way that they create almost a single beautiful twist. It takes a lot of gold to make, so all the products are very expensive. But at the same time they are distinguished by their originality and durability.

14. Byzantine weaving considered very complex and refined. And although it is created from rather thin parts fastened together in a complex way, the product seems quite voluminous. This type is popular among men, but women often choose it too.

15 . At cord weaving the links enter into each other several at a time, as if jumping over two or three elements. As a result, the chain becomes like a kind of harness, so it is more suitable for men.

16. Rose. In this weaving, each link is a spiral, so all products are distinguished not only by originality, but also by increased strength.

17. Bird's eye. The links are made and intertwined in such a way that every two placed next to each other form a pattern similar to an eye.

18. Rope The weaving is durable and very unusual. Such a chain looks like a rope or cable, which is why it got its name.

19. Love. Each link resembles a heart.

20. Braid. This weaving is formed from three separate thin chains intertwined with each other.

Choose the appropriate option and go to the store for a gold chain!

Bismarck has been the most popular weaving for several centuries. By the way, at the beginning of the last century this weaving was considered truly feminine. It was fashionable to wear a very long thin gold chain around the neck, or as a decorative belt. And in the nineties, Bismarck had already become the most popular men's weaving in Russia. A voluminous gold chain weighing 100-150 grams showed the high status of its owner in a “raspberry” jacket.

Bismarck weaving is universal. A gold chain or bracelet can serve as a wonderful gift for both women and men. Bismarck chains up to 50 centimeters long are considered women's. They are ideal for everyday and office wear, as well as for a voluminous or weighty pendant or body icon.

Bismarck chains from 50 centimeters and weighing over 8 grams will look decent on a man’s neck. Since the weave is one of the most durable, it can be worn without taking it off. Most often, Bismarcks are ordered from us for heavy, beautiful crosses and exclusive body amulets.


Both women's and men's weaving. Python - " younger brother" Bismarck. Very similar in appearance, but has a more modern design. Hand-woven Python also has a large number of other names - Caprice, Italian, Pharaoh, American and Venetian.

Although this chain with a complex pattern was originally considered masculine, this moment has become incredibly popular among women, especially with diamond cut. It is unusual, self-sufficient and in a short version - up to 50 cm is ideal for a business suit, and diamond processing allows it to shimmer playfully in the light.


Ideal for a children's chain. Weaving for both men and women. Armored gold chains are the most frequently purchased. They have a classic design, do not attract too much attention and are suitable for almost all types of pendants. Armored weaving is rightfully considered the strongest weave, it is not afraid of twisting, it can easily be bent at any angle, it does not get tangled, and breaks, as a rule, from a very sharp and strong jerk.

Due to its popularity, it has many length and weight options, so for a lover of the classics there is no better one. Gold armored chains are especially often purchased for crosses and body icons. In addition to the classic armor weave, Double Armor with diamond cut and Armor Parallel also appeared.


In the Armored double, the links intertwine through one and create the impression of “infinity”. And in Pantsirny Parallel, two parallel round links are intertwined at once.

In general, there are a lot of armored weaves. You can often find elongated armored chains on sale. They are very light and inexpensive. And there are also more expensive and sophisticated ones - ribbons. Very graceful, neat, gently wrapping around the neck, but rather fragile.



Women's chain Bismarck (Bismarck with balls) is an excellent option for ladies with a playful, but at the same time pragmatic character. Strong, reliable weaving is decorated with balls that play in the light. A wonderful option for wearing as a wide women's bracelet. On the neck it is worn in a shortened version up to 50 cm as a self-sufficient decoration that does not require additions in the form of pendants and pendants.

Bimark glamorous looks great in any gold color. Can be worn under Cocktail Dress, and under a fitted suit with a skirt.


Women's flat machine weaving. It is made from anchor, woven in several rows - two-, three- and four-row. A wide, but at the same time quite light women's gold chain with a magnificent noble shine. As a rule, it is purchased with a length of 45-50 cm and is worn as a classic necklace.

A wide Bismarck anchor bracelet will look great on any woman's hand.


Fox Tail weaving is rightfully considered the most luxurious of all handmade weaves; it is not without reason that it is also called “Royal”! A beautiful, durable, round gold Fox Tail chain with a complex pattern will become the most favorite decoration for a lady of any age and any size.

A chain of this weave is worn from 40 to 50 cm long as an exquisite neck decoration. Fox Tail made of yellow gold is more suitable for young people, easy girl, and the traditional red (pink) color of gold will be preferred by older women.



Love and Heart - sophisticated women's automatic weaves. They are often confused, so we have combined them so that you can notice the difference. Both chains consist of smooth, rounded loops that follow the shape of a heart.

Love weave gold chains are an ideal gift for a young girl. Chains of these weaves are most often used to wear religious attributes on the body, as well as elegant pendants for both evening and everyday wear. A chain with hearts will be a wonderful gift for your loved one. And thanks to the lightness of these jewelry, it is possible to wear several products, such as Snails or Serpentine, intertwined with each other...

“Nona” weaving is famous for its reliability and elegance. This decoration is especially shiny thanks to the diamond edge applied on both sides. In terms of reliability, it is reminiscent of men's diamond weaving, but more feminine.

When choosing and purchasing gold chains and bracelets, an important role is played not only by the beauty of the product, its fineness, but also by the weaving, which ensures the durability of the jewelry. “Nonna” weaving is one of those that is distinguished by its reliability and durability. The chain, which is based on automatic weaving “Nonna”, looks noble, shining dazzlingly in the rays of the sun or reflecting the lights of the evening light. Even with prolonged wear, such chains do not fray or break; the “Nonna” weave firmly holds the double links of the jewelry together. Weaving creates a special flexibility of the jewelry, allowing it to easily take any shape and not get tangled in the hair. This chain will easily fit the style of any pendant, of any size, perfectly matching its shape, and it can also be used as an independent accessory.


Another name is Bird's Eye. A decorative women's gold chain of automatic weaving, which is a self-sufficient neck decoration.




Rhombus or Rombo is a very similar weave to shell weaving. The only difference is in the shape of the links, the armored ones are round, the Rhombus ones correspond to the name. Due to the shape of the links, it is more suitable as a men's neck ornament. But there is no obvious gradation - male/female. Classic, durable and reliable.

When purchasing a chain, pay attention to the type of weaving. Not every beautiful piece is suitable for a pendant or pendant. The purchased chain must be reliable. Depending on the production method, jewelry can be hand-knitted or machine-knitted. The first ones differ more high quality.

Criterias of choice

When purchasing a chain, consider:

  • who will wear it;
  • with or without pendant;
  • person's age;
  • durability of the accessory.

Jewelry stores offer big choice chains of gold. Hollow specimens do not have strength and reliability. There is no official classification. The most common types of weaving:

  1. Armored.
  2. Anchor (ship).
  3. “Cardinal” (“Italian”, “Python”).

"Rose" is an expensive and complex accessory option. It takes a lot of metal. "Rose" is valued for its reliability and durability. Decoration is done only by hand. It does not consist of ordinary rings, but of twisted spirals.

The Singapore clutch type is considered durable. The links of the accessory are located side by side and twisted in a spiral. “Singapore” shimmers while driving and is combined with pendants.

The most durable accessories for women are “Nonna” and “Bismarck”.

The product can emphasize femininity or solidity. It also depends on the type of link coupling.

For children and teenagers, choose a lightweight product, but it should not tear. There are long-lasting jewelry for teenagers. The following copies are in demand:

  • "Tourniquet";
  • "Venetian weaving";
  • "Spikelet".

Types of chain weaving

Chains for men

Men use products not only for pendants and crosses. The product is worn as an accessory. How to choose gold chain to create your own style? When buying a model, pay attention to quality and durability.

The most popular types of weaving:

  1. "Rombo."
  2. "Bismarck".
  3. "Moscow Bismarck".
  4. Anchor.
  5. "Carapace".
  6. "Figaro".

"Rombo" is a reliable accessory for men. This is a type of anchor tying. The model has the shape of diamond-type links, which are located inside each other. There are varieties in double and triple versions. "Rombo" is a laconic and strong accessory.

Bismarck is coming big people. Roughly shaped products are purchased by sportsmen and women. Which indicates the status of the owner? This is a Bismarck weighing 100–150 grams. For men, specimens longer than 50 cm are suitable.

Chains "Shell" are classic version, characterized by durability. They are simple and uncomplicated. “Pantsir” chains are the most reliable. The links are located perpendicular to each other.

In the Figaro model they are round and elongated. The links alternate in a certain sequence. This is one of the copies for men.

Locks also affect the strength of the product. For products use:

  1. Springelny.
  2. Carbine.
  3. Hourly.
  4. Box-shaped.

Instances should be selected self made. They are more reliable. Machine knitted chains become unusable.
