Alexander Vinokurov son daughter. Lavrov’s daughter: Going to study abroad is a worldwide practice

Ekaterina Vinokurova is the only child of Russia’s chief diplomat. There were many rumors about her: for example, they said that the daughter of the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry did not know Russian well and lived in the USA.


As we know, there is no smoke without fire: Catherine actually lived in America for 17 years while her father served as Russia’s plenipotentiary representative to the UN. She studied political science at Columbia University and studied for a year at the London School of Economics. However, he has been living in Moscow for ten years.

Vinokurova’s Russian career is developing in the art business. Ekaterina started at the Moscow office of the London art gallery Haunch of Venison. Then there were six years of work in the Russian representative office of the Christie's auction house - the daughter of a diplomat rose to the position of director. Then it was the turn of own business: Ekaterina is a co-owner of the Smart Art company, which promotes contemporary Russian artists.

Of course, everyone is interested in how the fame of her parent helped Vinokurova in her life. “I have never hidden who my father is. But I almost never talk about it. And everyone who knows me knows that few people helped me in life. Of course, the main help was the education that I was given,” - The glossy publication Marie Claire quotes the minister's daughter.

Catherine admitted that the most important lesson her father gave her was self-confidence. “I am an only child, and they always told me: you must rely on your strengths, you must achieve,” Vinokurova said.

The daughter of the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs made another confession: she likes strong men. "I love alpha men, s strong character. Sometimes, of course, I suffer a little from this, because I fade into the background, and his (husband Alexander’s) decision is the law. But I’m ready to put up with it, because he is the leader in our family. My dad was also always the main one for us,” says Ekaterina.

Lavrov’s daughter said that after the birth of her children, who are now 3 and 6 years old, she abandoned social life. Her family and children come first. Sport is also important for Catherine, to which she devotes five to six days a week.

Director of the Russian branch of the Christie’s auction house



She graduated from Columbia University, where she studied political science, and a master's degree in economics in London;


Since 2014, he has lived in Moscow and is the director of the Russian branch of the Christie’s auction house. In 2008, she married top manager Alexander Vinokurov, who also owns the pharmaceutical companies SIA International (as a controlling shareholder) and Genfa (together with his father Semyon Vinokurov).


She lived outside the Russian Federation for a long time, including when her father was Minister of Foreign Affairs. For this, Lavrov was often criticized.




The hard life of Ekaterina Lavrova-Vinokurova

While dad is fighting the “American imperialists”, Ekaterina Lavrova (Vinokurova) is studying at the American Columbia University and the London School of Economics, a rich raider husband and her own art business.

Lavrov’s daughter was “ordered” for Lesha the Soldier

The intelligence services are looking for an unknown person who wrote a letter to the killer Alexei Sherstobitov. In the letter, someone “ordered” Sherstobitova, the daughter of Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Ekaterina Vinokurova, and her husband. The identity of the “customer” has not yet been established, however, according to experts, this could face serious consequences for the joker.

As a source in law enforcement agencies told Gazeta.Ru, the letter did not come directly to Alexei Sherstobitov, who is currently serving a sentence in a maximum security colony, but to Mailbox site dedicated to the work of Sherstobitov. In the letter, an unknown person asks Sherstobitov to liquidate certain Ekaterina and Alexander Vinokurov, promising to pay $500 million.

“Hello, I want to order Alexandra and Ekaterina Vinokurov, I’m paying 500 million dollars,” writes a person whose name in the mail is indicated as Sergei Nikolaev (the original phrase has been preserved).

Sergei Lavrov: personal life, wife and daughter

Their only daughter, Katya Lavrova, was born in New York when Sergei Viktorovich worked at the Soviet permanent mission to the UN. She graduated from high school in Manhattan and Columbia University.

After graduation, the girl went for an internship in London. There, Ekaterina met the son of a pharmaceutical tycoon, a Cambridge graduate, Alexander Vinokurov.

In 2008 they got married, and in 2010 Katya gave birth to a son. Now the minister’s son-in-law holds the position of president of the Summa Group holding and is a member of the board of directors of Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port OJSC.

Lavrov moved his daughter from New York to Moscow

“Now the elite is deciding whose side it is on...” Minister Lavrov moved his daughter from New York to Moscow. Who is next?

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov moved his daughter from the United States to Russia. The deputy spoke about this in his video blog State Duma RF Sergey Fedorov.

“He moved his daughter from New York. She lived there and even forgot her Russian language. She had not been in Russia for a long time, and he decided to transport her so that there would be no vulnerability. He's great. Now there is a division of elites. A decision is made - whose side she is on. For the interventionists, fascists, occupiers, Americans, or on the side of Russia and Putin?” says Fedorov.

Sergei Lavrov returned his only daughter from the USA to Russia

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov returned his only daughter Ekaterina from the United States to Russia. Deputy of the State Duma of Russia Evgeny Fedorov told Business FM about this.

The deputy said that he obtained this information from open sources. He shared his thoughts that the head of the foreign affairs department did this so that he could not be pressured through his daughter. As Fedorov explained, about 80% of people in this circle were subjected to various kinds provocations from the United States. The story of the son of deputy Seleznev became indicative.

Let us remind you that Roman Seleznev was arrested by American agents at the airport of the Maldivian capital in early July on charges of cyber fraud and theft of bank data. The Russian faces up to 30 years in prison and a fine of millions of dollars in the United States.

Laurel wreath

Ekaterina Vinokurova, co-director of the Russian branch of the Christie’s auction house, is not at all embarrassed, although she just admitted to me that six years ago she knew absolutely nothing about contemporary art. Tall blonde in a gray Alexander Terekhov cashmere dress, without an ounce of makeup, with collected hair and a pleasant voice, she has been working in the Moscow office of Christie’s for three years, and before that she worked for another three in the Moscow representative office of the famous London contemporary art gallery Haunch of Venison. “Of course, I attended a course of lectures on art history at the university, but this is not enough to become a specialist,” says Vinokurova. - I had to figure it out. I went to all the fairs and exhibitions, read a lot, completed an internship, and now, it seems, I have a good handle on things.”

The ability to maintain a perfect smile and calmness while responding to the most tricky questions, she has hereditary: Vinokurova is the only daughter of the current Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. Until she was twenty-two, she lived in New York, where her father represented Russia at the UN and gained a reputation as a tough negotiator, a gallant gentleman and a dandy with a constant Humphrey-Bogart cigarette in the corner of his mouth. There, in New York, Katya entered Columbia University, where she studied to become a political scientist. Then she completed her master's degree in London - she studied economics. And although she has been living in Moscow for seven years, she still has words that come up in her speech. English words, and sometimes she may ask: “How is this in Russian?”

American daughter of Vasily Anisimov burns too much money

In the evenings, Anyuta has fun in expensive clubs. Among her friends - socialite Lizzie Grubman. While riding in her father's Mercedes, she ran over several people standing in line at a nightclub, for which she served time in prison. Another friend of hers is Columbia University student Katya Lavrova, the daughter of the Russian Foreign Minister.

One day, reporters caught Anya in the company of the Irish actor Eamon Early, a well-known hooligan in the party. The young people hugged and became very nervous when they heard the clicks of cameras. Later, Anechka denied any connection with Irli. And after a while, no longer hiding, she began an affair with David Weiser, a businessman from Florida. They are connected not only intimate relationships, but also a general interest in real estate.

How do children of politicians manage in this life?

The only daughter of Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Ekaterina, is now graduating from Columbia University in New York - her dad worked there as our representative to the UN. After his return to Moscow, it was decided that Katya would finish her studies in the USA, so she wouldn’t rush off before her diploma! When his daughter comes home to Russia, Lavrov enjoys going with her to theaters and exhibitions.

Status attributes of Vladislav Surkov, Igor Levitin, Sergei Ivanov, Sergei Shoigu, Dmitry Kozak

Little is known about the children of high officials. But a certain trend can be traced. They study at the most prestigious universities in Russia or abroad, in order to later move either under the wing of their parents or into business structures close to the authorities, where their careers, as a rule, develop quite successfully. A typical example is Sergei Shoigu’s daughter Yulia. She graduated from the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University, in 1999 she joined the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and just three years later she headed the Center for Emergency Psychological Assistance at her father’s department. The daughter of Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Ekaterina, was born in the USA and studied at the prestigious Columbia University.

Sergei Lavrov married off his daughter

The minister gave his daughter in marriage at the capital's Reception House of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation on Vorobyovy Gory. Usually, lunches and dinners are held in its luxurious halls in honor of distinguished foreign guests. On this day, its austere interiors were transformed beyond recognition, and it seemed that everyone found themselves in winter's tale. The designers built an impromptu altar, and guests watched the sacrament of marriage while sitting on the white cathedral benches. The young 25-year-old bride Ekaterina Lavrova is in a dress with a long train, her groom, the same age as Alexander Vinokurov, is in a tailcoat. Sworn to eternal love, the newlyweds exchanged Cartier rings.

Scions of Russian oligarchs in all their glory

Katya Lavrova, the only daughter of Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, is graduating from Columbia University in New York - her dad worked there as our representative to the UN. Katya does not intend to stay in the USA forever; on the contrary, she plans to return to work in Russia. True, he still doesn’t know where.

Sergei Lavrov visiting Malkhas

Malkhas dedicated one of his improvisations to Lavrov’s daughter, Ekaterina, who turned twenty-five on that very day. “She loves music, she loves friends, she loves fun, and I think she would rather be with us today. “This is a very suitable atmosphere for my daughter’s birthday,” admitted Sergei Lavrov. “It’s just a pity that my friend Serge Sargsyan is not with us today,” he complained.

Courchevel is transforming from a “nest of debauchery” into a family resort

Of the government officials, the publication found in Courchevel advisor to the head of the Ministry of Energy Timur Ivanov and his wife, deputy head of Rospechat Vladimir Grigoriev, member of the Federation Council Lyudmila Narusova (with daughter Ksenia Sobchak). The daughter of the first president of Russia, Tatyana Yumasheva, and her husband also visited there, as well as Ekaterina Lavrova, the daughter of the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

It has long been noted that the children and grandchildren of our patriotic sovereign rulers study and live in the West.
Parents send their children to live in the West, buy property there, send money there and even have dual citizenship...

All this happens for a simple reason - they despise Russia, its people, and they have long given up on the country they rule.
List of children Russian authorities living in the West almost on a permanent basis is large and I will cite only a few of them.

I'm in short form I will list the names of some of the members of our government and the location of their families.

1. Family of President V. Putin

Very little is known about the president’s family, given the family’s closed lifestyle. He was married and divorced.
In the early 90s, Putin returned to Leningrad and sent his daughters back to Germany to study at the prestigious German gymnasium “Peterschule”.
In the mid-90s they returned to Russia and in 1996 moved to Moscow.
But even here the daughters did not abandon the German path. Their “German School of Moscow” is still located in the “embassy town” on Vernadsky Avenue, surrounded by a fence with video cameras, with “Achtung!” inscriptions everywhere.
In the early 2000s, both of Putin’s daughters were officially registered as students at St. Petersburg State University, but no one saw them there.
It is known that youngest daughter Ekaterina lives permanently in Germany, in the city of Munich.
In 2013, the wedding of Katerina Putina and Yoon Joon Won (Korean) took place in one of the hotels in Morocco in 2013 and was grandiose in scope.
The eldest, Maria, lives in Holland, in the town of Voorshooten, not far from The Hague, and lives not alone, but with a 33-year-old Dutchman, Jorrit Faassen.
The specific area of ​​residence of the couple is also known - KrimwijkHeet. Maria Putina lives in an elite house, where she occupies a penthouse on the top floor.
Putin’s daughters often visit Italy at the invitation of Silvio Berlusconi, with whom Putin is family friends.

2.Family of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev

Medvedev is married to a Jewish woman, Svetlanna Linnik, who is cousin E. Vasilyeva - involved in the "oboronservis" case.
Vasilyeva herself is the daughter of one of the criminal authorities of St. Petersburg - Vasilyeva. President Dmitry Medvedev awarded her the Order of Honor in January 2012.
Medvedev has a son - Ilya Medvedev. this moment he studies in Russia, but in a public interview he said that he will continue his studies at the University of Massachusetts in the USA

3.Family of Foreign Minister S. Lavrov

The only daughter of Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Ekaterina, lives and studies in the United States.
He is currently graduating from Columbia University in New York and plans to live in the United States permanently.

4. Family of the State Duma Vice-Speaker S. Zheleznyak

Three daughters of Vice-Speaker of the State Duma Sergei Zheleznyak are studying abroad.
Ekaterina is in an elite Swiss school (tuition costs 2.4 million rubles per year from 6th to 12th grade), Anastasia is in London, at the university (tuition fees per year are about 630 thousand rubles).
The youngest, Lisa, also currently lives in London.
It is interesting that the “patriot-sailor” Zheleznyak declared an income of 3.5 million rubles and at the same time pays 11 million a year for the education of his children at Western universities...

5.Family of Vice Speaker of the State Duma A. Zhukov

The son, Pyotr Zhukov, studied in London and even went to prison there; Zhukov Jr. took part in a drunken brawl and received 14 months in prison.

6. Family of Vice Speaker of the State Duma Sergei Andenko

The daughter studies and lives in Germany.

7.Family of Deputy Prime Minister D. Kozak

The eldest son of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak, Alexey, has been living abroad for at least six years and is engaged in the construction business.
He is a co-owner of several foreign companies: Red, McBright and Yuna. At the same time, he also works for the state-owned VTB Group.
Alexey Kozak's younger brother, Alexander, works at Credit Suisse.
This year, German and US authorities accused the Swiss bank of helping high-profile clients evade taxes. An investigation is underway.

8. Family of State Duma deputy A. Remezkov from the faction “ United Russia»

Remezkov’s eldest son, Stepan, recently graduated from Valley Forge Military College in Pennsylvania (a year of study costs 1 million 295 761 rubles).
The son of a deputy studied under the program for officers of the US Army (!!!).
Styopa then entered the private Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York.
The deputy’s middle son, Nikolai, has been studying in the UK at the private school Malvern College since 2008.
And the youngest daughter lives in Vienna, where she practices gymnastics. Masha Remezkova represented the Austrian team (!!!) at children's competitions in Ljubljana.

9. Family of Deputy V. Fetisov

Daughter Anastasia grew up and studied in the USA. Nastya never learned to write or read Russian.

10. Family of the head of Russian Railways V. Yakunin

The children and grandchildren of the “main patriot of Russia,” the head of Russian Railways, Vladimir Yakunin, live outside the country - in England and Switzerland.
The son of the head of Russian Railways, A. Yakunin, studied and long years lived in London, currently works in Russia as an investor in a British company.
Since 2009, Yakunin Jr. has headed and co-owned the UK-registered investment company Venture Investments & Yield Management (VIYM), which is involved in development projects in St. Petersburg.
Andrey Yakunin is the owner of the Moscow Marriott Courtyard hotel, built on the territory adjacent to the Paveletsky railway station.
At the moment, he permanently lives in his house in London, purchased in 2007 for 4.5 million pounds (225 million rubles) and registered in a Panamanian offshore.
Yakunin’s other son, Victor, lives in Switzerland, where he also owns luxury real estate.
The grandchildren of the head of Russian Railways also study in prestigious educational institutions in these countries.

11. Family of P. Astakhov

The eldest son of Children's Rights Commissioner Pavel Astakhov, Anton, studied at Oxford and the New York School of Economics.
A youngest child and was actually born in Cannes, in a rented villa.

12. Family of State Duma deputy from the “SR” faction E. Mizulina

The main fighter for traditional Orthodox values ​​has a son, Nikolai.
First, Nikolai studied at Oxford, received a diploma and moved to live permanently in tolerant Belgium, where same-sex marriage is allowed.
Today he works in Belgium at a large international law firm, Mayer Brown.
It’s not clear how Elena Mizulina, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children, left her own son in such gay danger?!...
Probably she cared about the people, but forgot about her son...

13. N. Valuev, State Duma deputy from the United Russia faction

In the summer, his wife lives in his Spanish house, and his children and parents live almost permanently.
They also live alternately in Germany.

14. Family of A. Yakunin, State Duma deputy from the faction from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation

The head of the Solnechnogorsk region, a member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Alexander Yakunin, spoke about his family in election leaflets:
"My daughter is studying at school, my wife is a successful economist, my son is a student at the Institute of Physical Education. Like, we like to get together for tea..."
The booklets, however, do not indicate where the Yakunin family lives. Meanwhile, on social networks, the official’s wife, Julia, named Nice as her place of residence.
Son Mikhail writes that he lives in Ontario. The daughter lives with her mother and uses English as her primary language.
By the way, on Cote d'Azur Nizhny Novgorod Mayor Oleg Sorokin also found a villa. More precisely, his wife

15. Family of A. Vorontsov, member of the State Duma of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

The daughter of communist Vorontsov, Anna, lives in Italy. She moved there from Germany, where she also studied.
Currently studying at the University of Milan.
Vorontsov himself, foaming at the mouth, denounces the West, and in the meantime pays hundreds of thousands of euros for his daughter’s education in Milan

16. Family of Elena Rakhova, State Duma deputy from the United Russia faction

United Russia member Elena Rakhova, who became famous for calling Leningraders who lived less than 120 days under the siege “not before the siege,” has a daughter who lives in the United States.
Polina Rakhova graduated from the faculty international relations St. Petersburg State University, then went to New York.

17. Family of B. Gryzlov, member of the Security Council.

The daughter of ex-speaker of the State Duma, one of the founders of the United Russia party, and now member of the Security Council Boris Gryzlov, Evgenia lives in Tallinn
And I even recently received Estonian citizenship.

18. Family of A. Fursenko.

Former Minister of Education Andrei Fursenko, who pushed the Unified State Exam system into the country, for a long time hid from the public that his children also studied abroad.
Today his son Alexander lives permanently in the USA

19. Family of V. Nikonov (grandson of Molotov), ​​president of the Politika Foundation

Son Alexey is a US citizen.
Where did this gentleman show up? That's right, in the Anti-Magnitsky Act, in defense of the law banning the adoption of children by American citizens.


This is only the shortest list, in fact the number of children and grandchildren living in the West is in the thousands, if not tens of thousands.
The list contains the most odious “patriots” and “enemies of the West” who keep their families in the “den of the enemy.”
Their children study, live and work in the West; they no longer have anything in common with Russia. This is the path their parents chose for them.
Their parents are the president, prime minister, his deputies, ministers, deputies, etc.~
They despise Russia and its people, they see the future of their children and their own in the West, where they have everything to meet old age.
With such a hypocritical government, Russia has no future.

Her example clearly shows how Westernized and globalized our elite is. She herself lives and studies in New York and London. Her husband has also been in “NATO countries” since he was 12 years old. The work is related to globalization - art business in English offices. He names his favorite cities - New York, London, Barcelona - there are no Russian ones among them. In general, there is nothing Russian about her favorite things.

Lots of sports proper nutrition, favorite job for 5-6 hours a day, vacation abroad - it would be nice if Russians lived like her.

Ekaterina Vinokurova about her father Sergei Lavrov, work at Christie’s and her Smart Art project

She left Christie's auction house to promote Russian artists through her Smart Art project. Ekaterina Vinokurova told Svetlana Kolchik about going to museums with a guide, how she lives with an alpha man, and about her father Sergei Lavrov.

I don’t know if 33-year-old Ekaterina set out to charm me, but she succeeded. And right away. “Let me make you some coffee? Here are dates - I myself adore sweets, but I only allow myself to eat them until two in the afternoon.” “Yes, everything is fashionable and conceptual,” she smiles, noticing that I am looking at the stationery on her desk: sharpeners in the shape of funny figures, an oval stapler, a pencil holder in the form of an audio cassette. Katya behaves simply, we immediately switch to “you”. I look around the bright office. The staff are mostly under 35 years old, no older, and there are paintings and installations on the walls. These are the works of young Russian artists, which Vinokurova is promoting within the framework of Smart Art (which she recently launched with her Christie’s colleague Anastasia Korneeva). She speaks vividly, emotionally - in such a way that even a person far from contemporary art becomes curious. I’m doubly curious: Vinokurova and I graduated from the same university - Columbia in New York. I studied at the master's program in journalism, and Vinokurova studied political science. The choice of faculty is probably not accidental; after all, she is the daughter of one of the coolest diplomats in the world. She lived in America for 17 years - her father Sergei Lavrov, now Minister of Foreign Affairs, at that time served as Russia's plenipotentiary representative to the UN. Katya remembers her years in New York - especially her studies at Columbia University - as one of the brightest periods in her life. Then a year of study in London, where she met her future husband. At the age of 23 she returned to Moscow. After working for a year in the press service of an oil and gas company, she moved into the art business. And since then she has been making a very dynamic career there: three years in the Moscow representative office of the London art gallery Haunch of Venison, then six years in the Russian representative office of Christie's, where she quickly rose to the position of director, simultaneously giving birth to two children and briefly going on maternity leave. and is still honorary chairman. After - new round: Smart Art company. Work involves a lot of social events, but Katya, despite her sociability, leads a closed life

With a guide to life

M.C.: Art business is a pretty fashionable topic now. Bright people interesting events, international party. It seems to me that many girls would dream of following in your footsteps. Where should you start?

Ekaterina Vinokurova: There are many places where you can get an internship or try to get a job. It could be a museum, foundation, gallery, contemporary art fair. If you have no experience at all, then I would advise starting with basic education.

-What if with an eye on an international career?

Of course, it’s hard to get into Christie’s and Sotheby’s, because people with all over the world. If you can go on an internship in some country in Europe where the art gallery system is more developed, that would be very good. There are options in Russia too. Here's the same one V-A-C fund, with whom Smart Art shares an office - by the way, only young people work here and they are constantly interviewing someone.

-Why did you become interested in contemporary art?

It is very dynamic and addresses issues that are important here and now. We are young and energetic, we want to work with collectors of our generation, to help them come into contact with young artists.

-How can a neophyte learn to understand this art?

The main thing is to be interested, ask, read. Go to exhibitions prepared. If possible, take a guide. In the same “Garage” the guys tell great stories - I, for example, always take it. It helps that I've been in this industry for ten years. I would, of course, like to have more formal education. When you know the history of art from its beginning, you understand contemporary art better. A long time ago, at Columbia University, I listened to lectures on the history of art. Then, in Moscow, I attended courses at the Pushkin Museum. I attended lectures at the Phillips auction house.

I can't live without work

-Why did you leave Christie’s?

I wanted to try myself in something new. I certainly had a unique experience at Christie's. And now I can apply it in other directions. We have done many striking projects: an exhibition in GUM dedicated to Elizabeth Taylor, large exhibition projects in the Muravyov-Apostol House, in the Spiridonov House. In 2015, we got our own exhibition space, and during the year we held 11 client events. They brought impressionists, old masters, Russian art together with the Tourbillon watch brand, organized a very popular event with rare Herme`s bags, projects with Christie’s International Real Estate. But I needed a new twist. In addition, a like-minded person appeared - Nastya, and together we decided to make our dream come true.

-And how do you develop all this?

Smart Art is an intermediary between artists and collectors. We want to increase the recognition of artists, we promote them with different programs, including educational ones. We are currently collaborating with nine artists. These are Sergey Sapozhnikov, Alexandra Paperno, Alexey Buldakov, Anastasia Potemkina, Alexander Povzner, Daria Irencheeva, Alexandra Galkina, Svetlana Shuvaeva, Arseny Zhilyaev. Some work in traditional disciplines - painting, photography and sculpture. Others create installations. And the inspiration comes from the urban environment, astronomy, history, gender relations and new technologies. By the way, I have works by Sapozhnikov and Galkina hanging at home - I’m slowly putting together a collection myself.

-Is it even possible to make money from young art now?

Smart Art is dedicated to promoting the undervalued contemporary art market. The financial threshold here is much lower than for the art with which I worked at Christie’s. But it is more relevant and accessible to the audience. We explain to collectors the significance of the work, talk about pricing and help them purchase. There are about 15-20 good galleries in Moscow that sell works by young authors, but in order for there to be more of them, more collectors are needed. Our task is to contribute to the formation of the contemporary art market by popularizing young artists.

-How has the American mentality influenced you and your attitude towards life and career?

The American educational system gives a lot in terms of self-confidence. Because you from the very early age They inspire you that you have your own “I” and you can do anything. My first year at university I studied at Barnard College, where there were only girls. And feminist ideas are present in almost all lectures there.

And now you live in Russia, which on the surface remains a very patriarchal country. How has your feminist background adapted to this?

When I arrived in Russia, I didn’t even have the thought that I wouldn’t work! I believe that harmony with oneself is very important, and if I didn’t have my own business, there would be no harmony. My American friends all work. Even small children are not a hindrance to this.

But still, you are an atypical heroine of our column. Many of us started from scratch, when there was no money or support at all. As I understand it, this situation is unfamiliar to you?

Yes, fortunately, I don’t know what it is.

-So money is not motivation for you? If not them, then what?

The financial factor is not the main component of my work, although it is important for me that the project be commercially successful. There is another motivation - this is a contribution to the future, to stand at the origins of something new and work with art that will become cultural heritage countries. I hope that in 10-15 years our artists will take pride of place in museum collections, in the collections of large foundations and in the homes of important collectors. This is the main motivation!

Against the background of works by artists Alexei Buldakov, Alexander Povzner and Svetlana Shuvaeva.

I need a strong shoulder

You have two children. I ask all ambitious girls this question: is it possible, in your opinion, to have it all? To be able to work and be a mother without the burden of guilt? In my opinion, it’s impossible.

But it seems to me that it is possible. But something's gotta give - something always lags behind. Finding a balance is, of course, difficult.

-What is your personal balance?

At the moment, family and children are number one for me. Sports are also very important to me - I do it five to six times a week. Twice a week I pedal on a bicycle, twice I do functional exercises with a trainer, and twice I do Pilates. I recently started swimming.

-What is a typical day like for an art business owner?

Well, today is a completely normal day for me. I got up at seven in the morning and fed my eldest son breakfast (he is six years old). At eight I was sent to school. Then I spent a little time with my daughter, she is three years old. At nine I took her to the garden and went to training. Shower, way to the office. As a rule, I'm home at six. I used to have more social life. And now I have a job, I have a house, I have a gym - and I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything. I try, of course, not to miss big exhibitions in Moscow or, for example, the Venice Biennale.

-What qualities do you value in a man?

Good question. Firstly, reliability. It probably sounds like a cliché, but it’s important to me to have a strong shoulder to lean on. If I have any problem and I can’t solve it, I call Sasha and the problem will be solved. I love alpha men with a strong character. Sometimes, of course, I suffer a little from this, because I fade into the background, and his decision is the law. But I’m ready to put up with it, because he is the leader in our family. My dad was also always the main one for us. It is also very important for me that a man be athletic. Sasha, for example, does a triathlon, and so I also got on a bike with him - last summer we rode in the mountains in Italy. It is important that a man takes care of himself. And so that there are ambitions - interest in life, interest in work, so that you want to grow, so that there are many plans, so that something is constantly in full swing.

About the alpha male - here many emancipated American women would wince. How does this fit with your stellar resume?

We have been together for ten years, and if Sasha had not supported me, I would not have this resume. He always gives me good advice- and at work too. And then, very important point in any relationship it is respect.

-Did you consciously want to marry a Russian man?

Yes, I wanted to connect my life with a Russian. Still, our humor, our mentality - this cannot be translated into another language. Although Sasha himself lived abroad from the age of 12, he graduated from Cambridge, worked in England, then in an American company.

-Did you have to overcome prejudice because of your dad?

I have never hidden who my father is. But I almost never talk about it. And everyone who knows me knows that very few people have helped me in my life. Of course, the main help was the education that I was given.

-What was the most valuable lesson your parents, especially your dad, taught you?

Self confidence. I am an only child, and they always told me: you must count on your own strengths, you must achieve... It happens that women’s education is approached less seriously - for some reason we believe that a boy needs this, this and this, but for a girl - not necessarily. But I was never treated like that. I also have a daughter growing up, and I would like her to have the best education - so that she can always count on her own strengths.

Ekaterina Vinokurova: dossier

Age: 33 years
Family: husband Alexander, businessman, two children
Education: Columbia University, New York, BA; London School of Economics, Master's degree
Favorite cities: New York, London, Barcelona
Brand: Chanel, Stella McCartney, Celine, Nike, Zara
Cosmetics: Japanese brands
Perfume: Kilian
Jewelry: Gaydamak Jewellery, Anita Ko, Nikos Koulis
Watch: Audemars Piguet

About the life of the heirs of major politicians and public figures often little is known. They try not to talk about their personal lives and not give detailed comments. And Ekaterina Vinokurova was no exception, but now the woman decided to frank interview. She spoke for the first time about her career, family and the influence her dad had on her. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is one of the most recognizable political figures not only in Russia, but also in the world. About him professional activity much is known. The man repeatedly gave interviews on this topic, although he always touched on the issue of family superficially. Therefore, practically nothing is known about his only heir, Ekaterina Vinokurova. However, quite recently, the daughter of a diplomat decided to have a frank conversation.

Ekaterina Vinokurova lived in the USA for almost 17 years. When she was only four years old, Sergei Lavrov was appointed Russia's plenipotentiary representative to the UN and sent to serve in New York. It was there that the politician’s family lived for a long time. Ekaterina successfully graduated from the prestigious Columbia University, where she studied political science for several years. Vinokurova believes that the years spent in higher education educational institution, became one of the brightest and happiest in her life. Having received her diploma, Lavrov’s heir went to study in London for a year. This decision turned out to be fateful - there she met her future husband.

Despite famous surname, which was always well-known, Ekaterina did not build a career abroad, but returned to Russia. She understood what was coming long haul to success. The woman spent almost ten years before starting her own art business. She worked at the largest auction company Christie's, where she rose to the position of director. Interestingly, in parallel with her work, Ekaterina managed to get married and even give birth to two children.

As soon as it came to the Smart Art company, Vinokurova was able to breathe a sigh of relief. She finally found exactly what she was looking for. Let us explain that Catherine’s company is engaged in the promotion of art objects. She acts as an intermediary between artists and collectors. “I hope that in 10–15 years our artists will take pride of place in museum collections, in the collections of large foundations and in the homes of important collectors. This is the main motivation! " – says Vinokurova.

// Photo: RIA Novosti/Valery Levitin

Speaking about relationships, a woman does not hide the fact that she feels loved and desired. She and her husband Alexander Vinokurov are the same age. They have been happily married for ten years. According to Ekaterina, the man always provides her with support and helps her cope with problems. Vinokurova likes that her chosen one takes care of himself, plays sports and generally leads active image life.

“If I have any problem and I can’t solve it, I call Sasha and the problem will be solved. I love alpha men with a strong character. Sometimes, of course, I suffer a little from this, because I fade into the background, and his decision is the law. But I’m ready to put up with it, because he is the leader in our family. My dad was also always the main one for us. It’s also very important for me that a man be athletic,” Vinokurova shared.

Ekaterina tries to match her husband, so she regularly visits the gym and does exercises with a trainer, goes to Pilates, and recently purchased a membership to the pool. Together with Alexander, they do triathlons, make extreme outings in nature and love to ride in the mountains. Vinokurova really appreciates a sense of humor in her chosen one. In general, a woman always wanted to marry a Russian, because the mentality of foreigners did not suit her.

// Photo: Andrey Kalmykov/Starface

Ekaterina Vinokurova is a successful businesswoman, so she always has everything clearly planned. She prefers not to stand still and is looking for ways to implement her plans. This attitude towards life was passed on to her from famous father. The woman said that from the very early years Dad gave her valuable instructions and instilled in her a love of work.

“I am an only child, and they always told me: you must count on your own strengths, you must achieve... It happens that women’s education is taken less seriously - for some reason we think that a boy needs this, this and this, but for a girl – not necessarily. But they never treated me like that,” said Ekaterina.

The owner of Smart Art is grateful to her father for the confidence he instilled in her. It is interesting that Catherine never boasted of her noble origins. According to Vinokurova, close people know that the whole path from receiving higher education Before opening her own business, she went through it on her own and did not seek her dad’s help. “I have never hidden who my father is. But I almost never talk about it. Of course, the main help was the education that was given to me,” said Lavrov’s heiress.

Read the full interview with Ekaterina Vinokurova on the Marie Claire website: Ekaterina Vinokurova about her father Sergei Lavrov, work at Christie’s and her Smart Art project
