Games to develop attention and imagination in preschoolers. Psychological games for developing imagination in children

The game [How it affects our imagination, brain and health] Brown Stewart

Imagination game

Imagination game

Imagination is probably the most powerful human ability. It allows us to create fictional realities, which can be explored without leaving the real world. The earliest manifestations of imaginative play are observed at two to three years of age in the form of fragmented stories. Game researcher Brian Sutton-Smith describes these early attempts as narrative pieces based on amusing nonsense without necessary elements plot - beginning, middle and end. Then, as children develop, they acquire the ability to speak coherently. The need to create stories arises in children all over the world and is an integral aspect of play. But whatever the age and however abrupt the story, unfolding storyline, the narrator has a very joyful verbal experience.

After this stage, children begin to play frequently, using their imagination, moving naturally and energetically between reality and fantasy. Determining what is fiction and what is reality is usually more important for the adults listening or watching than for the child involved in imaginary adventures.

As children grow, the line between fantasy and reality becomes more pronounced, but imaginative play continues to inspire them. As I have already said, a careful study of the stream of consciousness in adults demonstrates that a person invents throughout his life - this is a property of his thinking. We constantly create stories in our heads to keep the past, present and future in the same context. As children embark on new adventures every hour, bursts of fantasy provide context for the emotional and cognitive symphony that is their developing selves.

Throughout life, imagination remains essential for emotional stability and creativity. Deprivation research has shown that daydreaming is imagination inner life others and comparing it to your own is one of the keys to developing empathy, understanding and trust, as well as personal adaptive skills.

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3. Psychology of imagination Consciousness in the light of existential and structural-analytical concepts As L. S. Vygotsky noted, the study of the nature of imagination represents the third aspect of the study of the psychology of art. IN scientific literature imagination

Development of imagination- a consciously chosen process during which a person pursues the goal of improving his imagination, namely making it brighter, deeper and more special.

What is imagination? Imagination is the ability for the unexpected or intended appearance of any images, ideas, and so on in the mind and thoughts.

What arises in thoughts during an imagination may differ from reality. Imagination– a world separate from reality; thoughts, ideas and objects that do not exist in nature can appear in the imagination. It is imagination that helps in the mind to solve problems that require a visual representation.

For example, how to insert a battery into a watch, mouse, calculator, how to close the lid of a saucepan, how to tighten a nut onto a bolt. These are all too simple and obvious examples. How about playing checkers or chess in your head, or assembling a clock mechanism from gears or a house from a construction set. There are many more examples of the use of imagination.

Imagination is divided into four types, each of which differs significantly from the others:

  1. Active imagination- person by at will draws, builds images in his head.
  2. Passive imagination- These are images that arise unexpectedly, regardless of a person’s desire.
  3. Productive imagination is the imagination in which reality is transformed creatively.
  4. Reproductive imagination is the imagination that restores reality as it is. There is a place for fantasy here, but memory and perception work more.

Development of creative imagination

Creative imagination is a type of imagination that is responsible for creating new thoughts, ideas, plots, objects that will be of value. This is how products of creative activity are created.

Creative imagination is the basis of professions related to art. For example:

    Writers. Where would we be without creative imagination? Do you want to write beautiful, big, interesting books with a great plot? Or maybe you need to support it? Then you should start developing your creative imagination.

    Artists. If you do not paint pictures of nature, people, still lifes, but create them yourself, from your head, then you will also need to develop your creative imagination. Then you will have a lot of ideas, a lot of different options for painting a certain moment of the picture.

    Musicians. They, like no one else, need creativity in their work, because composing good music is not easy, it is a decent load on the imagination, and not just imagination, but creative one.

Development of imagination in children

By about 5 years old, children have a good amount of experience, which provides an opportunity for the development of creativity and imagination. Children do not need tips from older people, because now the child himself is able to invent games, come up with heroes and even imaginary friends. Parents should not panic about the latter, because this is a common occurrence in young children. After a while, everything will disappear without leaving a trace.

The main thing is to pay more attention to the child, he needs it vitally. He learns, develops, absorbs everything like a sponge.

And if it suddenly turns out that your child has gone too far into such “reality,” then you need to work with him more, talk, communicate. As a last resort, involve a specialist in this matter who will help cope with the problem and bring the child out of a non-existent reality.

The development of imagination in young children occurs during games. The child creates within himself the logic of the characters’ actions. So remember DO NOT interrupt your child let him finish his game or help him come to completion, do not violate the logic of imagination.

If a child runs up with a stick and asks to look at his “horse,” then there is no need to explain to him that it is just a stick. A child is not a fool and understands this himself, it’s just that his imagination is actively working and developing. You need to support him by saying something like: “Yes, you have a great horse! Look how beautiful and curly her mane is!”

This approach will only speed up the process of developing the child’s imagination. You don’t need to do anything special, you just need to set the direction by saying something abstract, for example: “What a beautiful mane!” And ask the child to describe the horse’s mane.

Development of a child's creative imagination

Childhood is the age of acquaintance with literature, books, films, music. It is important that the child reads bright and colorful books, with an interesting plot and interesting characters. I watched good and smart films and cartoons. Thanks to books, a child will be able to move into the world of fantasy, imagination, and find himself in a fairy-tale world. Books are a great helper for developing a child’s creative imagination. What the film shows, the child, like any other person, creates in his imagination.

You can practice with your child to develop creative imagination. Give your child heroes he knows about.

Ask him to answer the following questions:

  1. What is the essence of each of the heroes?
  2. What are their character traits?
  3. what are the strengths?
  4. what good are they doing?
  5. What is missing in the character and in general in each of the heroes?

And ask him to come up with a story with these characters. If it’s difficult, push it, start the story for your child.

Exercises to develop a child's imagination

    Exercise 1. Invite your child to trace his hands on paper with paint or a pencil. This will be the basis for their subsequent drawing. Let the child dream up and draw something. For example, a tree (forest) or a butterfly or flowers, an animal...

    Exercise 2. Give your child a choice of 3 colors that, in his opinion, are the most suitable friend for friend. And let him sketch the entire sheet. What does this drawing resemble?

    Exercise 3. Ask your child to drop paint in the middle of the sheet. Then have the sheet folded in half. After unfolding, various blots will remain on the sheet. Let the child use his imagination and say what each of them looks like, what it reminds of.

    Exercise 4. Give your child sheets with unfinished images and ask them to complete them.

The child’s imagination will play a big role; perhaps, instead of the expected answer, he will depict something unusual and suitable for the initial unfinished drawing.

This will be the result of his perfectly working imagination. It happens that a child needs help, so don’t be upset if it doesn’t work out right away. This is normal and means that you need to work with your child so that he can train himself, because he will have a ton of difficult and challenging tasks ahead. interesting tasks(mathematics, physics, geometry, life situations and so on.), solving which will require the use of imagination!

Development of imagination in preschool children

Child development preschool age divided into three stages.

    Stage 1- a huge amount of fiction and fantasy. Since during this period the basis is laid for the correct and complete development of the ability of imagination and representation. The stage lasts up to three years.

    Stage 2– joint work of fantasies with practice. The child is just learning to build a chain of actions, logic, in order to achieve a result during any task. The stage lasts up to five years.

    Stage 3– the child’s activity includes the ability to imagine, fantasize and create. Fantasies become more active and practically applicable.

Exercises to develop imagination in preschoolers

    Exercise 1. Ask your child to close his eyes and play classical music. Ask what the child imagined while listening to this music. In addition to classical music, you can use modern music; the more variety, the better.

    Exercise 2. This exercise is performed with several children. Play some music with or without words. Ask your child to dance to the music of something or someone. And the other children, watching the dance, must guess what the first child is trying to convey. This exercise develops the imagination of all children.

    Exercise 3. This exercise is great for developing creative thinking:

The game leader (an adult) tells the children: “going outside is good, because you can take a walk,” and the children’s goal is to continue the chain, for example: “going outside is good, because it’s good to take a walk.” It’s good to take a walk because it’s useful. It’s good to go for a walk because the weather outside is beautiful. Fine weather is good because the sun is shining. The sun is shining - it’s good because it’s clear. Clear - because there is no rain. There’s no rain because it’s warm.”

Games to develop imagination

Online games are not only easily accessible but also very useful. There is no need to prepare anything in advance, the main thing is that the child rests for about 20-30 minutes every 15-20 minutes, because during these very breaks new neural connections are built in the brain and the better they are built, the greater the progress will be!

It's like an athlete after good exercise or a race, you need to rest so that your muscles regain strength.

Complex sorting game

The game “complex sorting” is an excellent training for intelligence and attention. In the center of the screen there is a figure with its own color, and around 4 different figures, painted in four different colors. It is written how you need to compare the figure given in the center with those around: by color or shape. You need to think in time and not get lost. The game is against the clock, so hurry up to score greatest number points.

Game "Letters and numbers"

  1. Trains concentration
  2. Improves reaction speed
  3. Develops logic and intelligence

Immediately after the start, one letter and one number will be shown in one of the four windows, for example, “U6”. And under the letter with the number a question will appear, for example, “Is the number odd?” or “Is the letter a consonant?” You need to answer questions as quickly as possible.

Color matrix game

Also an excellent trainer for development of intelligence will become a “color matrix” game. A field of cells will open in front of you, each of which will be painted in one of two colors. And your goal will be to indicate which color is more on the field in this moment 1st or 2nd. The game, of course, is for a while and therefore you have to try. As the game progresses, the field will expand, that is. the game becomes more difficult.

Game "Simplification"

The game “Simplification” is a wonderful simulator, not only of mental calculation, but also of intelligence. You will come across examples both simple and complex. But not everything is so complicated in reality, you just need to figure out how to simplify, calculate or find the answer from the ones proposed. To do this, you will have to use your intelligence!

Visual search

  1. Develops voluntary attention
  2. Improves concentration
  3. Improves attention span

Figures will appear on the screen, among which you need to choose a unique one that is in no way similar to other figures. Some figures may differ in just one small detail, which you need to learn to quickly find. With each successful round the difficulty increases and more points are given :)

Game "Flank task"

The picture shows a flock of birds, and you will be required to indicate the direction of flight central birds. At first you may be confused, but then it will get better. Go!

Game "Super Memory"

  1. Trains visual memory
  2. Increases memory capacity
  3. Improves memory accuracy

With each move, one new picture appears on the screen. You need to quickly find it and click on it to score as many points as possible in 1.5 minutes. The first 5-7 moves are very easy, and then it becomes noticeably more interesting and difficult.

Tools for developing imagination

Life experience- this is the main means of developing imagination. Chat with by different people, take part in all sorts of competitions, events, find your hobby, but don’t limit yourself to just one!

Reading- one of the best means development of imagination. Reading opens up the world of imagination and interesting stories. The cooler the plot, the more exciting the book, the more vivid the descriptions - the better for your thinking and imagination. And before we even had time to read to the end, you can imagine what will happen next. And then you compare as you read how well the future events in the work were presented. If you make a mistake, it’s not bad, because it’s almost impossible to guess the plot completely, but the experience that you get when imagining is priceless.

Fantasticbest genre, to develop imagination and creativity. Because science fiction is a brighter genre than others.

Sign up for our development course speed reading. In this course we will not only speed up reading speed and develop memory for memorization, but also perform special exercises to synchronize the brain hemispheres and train the imagination to achieve maximum results! The course will even touch on the topic of nutrition and lifestyle. Sign up for the course

Development of thinking and imagination

Thinking and imagination are closely related to each other. Imagination can be considered thinking, only this thinking is higher than reality, it takes you to another world, the world of fantasy. Thinking is a tool that every person has when solving various problems in life.

Thinking can be developed, its speed, depth, freedom, awareness can be changed. Also, thinking can become more accurate, detailed and positive.

How to develop thinking?

    Take notes and drawings. Get into the habit of expressing your thoughts in writing or drawings. Some people, when explaining or telling something, not only speak, but also draw, that is, they give you a picture and clarify the situation.

    Tell me your thoughts. It will be useful to express your thoughts to others who will be really interested in it. By telling this to someone you can get feedback. Another plus is that the more you tell your thoughts, the more clear they will be for you (if there were any points that were not clear).

    Discuss. Discussing thoughts is quite an effective thing. The main thing is that the discussion does not turn into a quarrel. If you suddenly do not agree with your interlocutor’s thesis, then make up your own, but do not start a heated argument, but have a calm conversation.

    Watch your speech. Thinking and speech are closely related to each other. Therefore, in order to contribute to the development of thinking, it is worth constructing your speech correctly. Advice: exclude the words “problems”, “horror”, “difficult”, include “interesting”, “goal”.

Why are speech and thinking closely related? Thinking is fleeting and difficult to remember, but speech is a different story. Speech is remembered and easier to follow.

Want to improve your thinking? Pay attention to your speech.

    Pay attention to other people's speech. It’s easier to monitor someone else’s speech than your own. Because someone else’s speech is something new and all the shortcomings and failures in logic can be heard in it. Studying the mistakes of other people's speech will help you find mistakes in your own speech.

    Improve your skills in working with texts. Analyzing a text can be compared to listening to someone else's speech. In both cases, you look for mistakes, roughness and take notes. Improved thinking depends on word processing skills.

Courses for the development of intelligence

In addition to games, we have interesting courses that will perfectly pump up your brain and improve your intelligence, memory, thinking, and concentration:

Development of memory and attention in a child 5-10 years old

The course includes 30 lessons with useful tips and exercises for children's development. In every lesson helpful advice, several interesting exercises, an assignment for the lesson and an additional bonus at the end: an educational mini-game from our partner. Course duration: 30 days. The course is useful not only for children, but also for their parents.

Super memory in 30 days

As soon as you sign up for this course, you will begin a powerful 30-day training in the development of super-memory and brain pumping.

Within 30 days after subscribing, you will receive interesting exercises and educational games in your email that you can apply in your life.

We will learn to remember everything that may be needed in work or personal life: learn to remember texts, sequences of words, numbers, images, events that happened during the day, week, month, and even road maps.

Secrets of brain fitness, training memory, attention, thinking, counting

If you want to speed up your brain, improve its functioning, improve your memory, attention, concentration, develop more creativity, perform exciting exercises, train in a playful way and solve interesting problems, then sign up! 30 days of powerful brain fitness are guaranteed to you:)

We speed up mental arithmetic, NOT mental arithmetic

Secret and popular techniques and life hacks, suitable even for a child. From the course you will not only learn dozens of techniques for simplified and quick multiplication, addition, multiplication, division, and calculating percentages, but you will also practice them in special assignments and educational games! Mental arithmetic also requires a lot of attention and concentration, which are actively trained when solving interesting problems.

Speed ​​reading in 30 days

Would you like to quickly read books, articles, newsletters, etc. that interest you? If your answer is “yes,” then our course will help you develop speed reading and synchronize both hemispheres of the brain.

When synchronized, working together both hemispheres, the brain begins to work many times faster, which opens up much more possibilities. Attention, concentration, speed of perception intensifies many times over! Using the speed reading techniques from our course, you can kill two birds with one stone:

  1. Learn to read very quickly
  2. Improve attention and concentration, as when fast reading they are extremely important
  3. Read a book a day and finish your work faster

Money and the Millionaire Mindset

Why are there problems with money? In this course we will answer this question in detail, look deep into the problem, and consider our relationship with money from psychological, economic and emotional points of view. From the course you will learn what you need to do to solve all your financial difficulties, start saving money and investing it in the future.

Bottom line

In this article we learned what imagination is, how to develop it for adults and children, what exercises to use, and so on. And also how imagination can be used for practical purposes.

When a child draws the hundredth Christmas tree “like in kindergarten” or, having put together a mosaic exactly according to the instructions, begins to get bored, you understand that the axiom “all children are inventors and dreamers” is a little at odds with reality. Fortunately, Creative skills easy to stir. And materials for creative games are always at your fingertips.

A fairy tale every day

Writing is the most simple game, which requires no preparation, no toys, no big company. To begin with, you will have to move the left lobe of your brain a little and come up with stories, for example, about a fork and a spoon, a lost sandal, or going to distant Tula to visit your grandmother. Gradually involve your child. Where did the train go? Maybe at sea? What do boots like for lunch? Make the task more difficult over time. For example, an older child can already come up with and draw a comic book. On trips, in the countryside, diaries of travelers and discoverers are excellent. Tell your child about poetry and that his favorite films are based on books and scripts, which, by the way, he can also write.

Stories and fairy tales not only develop imagination, but also allow us to discuss complex issues and solve some problems with children's behavior, for example, with fears. To do this, they introduce a topic that is relevant to the child into the plot and show how the hero copes in a similar situation. It’s important to remember here: the main thing is adventure, not moralizing.

Creative additions

Many children become infected in educational institutions lack of self-confidence and the habit of drawing “as they were told.” Unfortunately, the environment of constant comparison with other children is not very conducive to creativity. So the family will be provided with postcards for March 8 and May 9, but the love for painting will most likely fade away. This sad prospect can be corrected by returning to the roots, that is, to scribbles. Play with finishing drawings. Let the child make colored spots with paints, and you quickly turn abstractions into people, animals, robots or flowers. Then switch roles. Cut out the resulting creatures and play with them. Change the materials: gouache, watercolor, acrylic, crayons, pencils, felt-tip pens, ink, collage.

Additional drawings will return to the child the creative enthusiasm and courage necessary for an artist.

Mad soup making

Invite your child to host a dinner party. Just don’t properly seat the dolls around the table in front of empty toy cups. As you know, the main thing in lunch is soup. Offer to cook this soup in a real, largest saucepan that the child finds in the house, in his opinion, suitable (of course, without water). Of course, you will have to mentally prepare for the fact that socks, toothbrushes and a phone charger may fly into the cauldron. If you cannot see such disgrace, it means that creative games are needed not only by the younger generation. When the soup is ready, call the guests. Again, don't limit yourself to the plush army. Invite grandma, the cat, the locomotive and dad's tie for soup and, together with your child, come up with conversations that these guests could have at the table.

The goal of this game is for the child to understand that you can invent a new function for any thing and, of course, to have fun.

And now - disco!

Games with music are ideal for a group of children. Give them the task of finding themselves musical instruments. They can be pots and spoons, flat combs (show how to play them), empty plastic bottles, in which a little cereal is poured, etc. In general, let them look for anything that can make all kinds of noise. Then turn on the most fun music, and go ahead, play along with the rhythm, sing and dance.

Such a game will show children that music can be born not only from many years of suffering in music school, but at the same time it will allow everyone to move around and spend their irrepressible children’s energy.

Observations of nature

It’s good if the weather and mosquitoes allow you to lie down on the grass. But a garden bench is also quite suitable for this game. Look at the clouds with your child and discuss their shapes. Start with simple ones: this one looks like a pillow, and this one looks like cotton candy. Before you know it, you will find castles and dragons in the sky. Then start looking for similarities and similarities in other natural phenomena. What does this puddle look like? But the leaf is just like a turtle! Look at the shadow on the wall and the veins in the stone.

This exercise develops not only imagination, but also observation and makes the world more interesting.

Funny competition

Another game for the company, which, by the way, can help you answer the question of what to do with your children on their birthday. Have a competition. But it should be different from kindergarten or school events light atmosphere of madness. Your task is to come up with the strangest task possible. This could be a competition for portraits of the most harmful princesses, the best poems about a hamster, the most inedible sandwiches, or an exhibition of broken mobile phones, of course, with reports and presentations. Everyone should receive moderately ridiculous awards.

Our children have a future long years, during which they will be explained how important it is to do everything according to the rules, strive for excellence and fight for first places. Such a game will not only spur your imagination, but will also show that in life you don’t always need to be the best.

Elegant ceremony

An additional advantage of such a game is that the child will understand: clothes are created for people, not people for clothes.

House within a house

Boxes are an ideal material for developing imagination. One of the options for playing with them is to build a multi-story house for toys. Accumulate more boxes of different sizes, take scissors, tape, paints, colored paper, and go! First the tower is glued together. Your task is quality control. Make sure that the building is strong; it should not fall apart under the weight of toys. Then you cut doors and windows in it, then you and your child think about the interior and decorations and, finally, move in the residents. Building a perfect house is not less height child. Playing with the house can drag on for weeks, because the toys will start visiting each other or doing repairs.

The good thing about the game is that it develops both engineering and design skills at the same time. Moreover, a homemade tower can grow with the child for a long time.


An excellent game for those whose children do not throw anything away and take care of all the dowels, screws, things and broken parts. If dad or grandpa also shares the dowels, it will be absolutely wonderful. Introductory part. Tell your child about who inventors are. And that everything around was once invented by someone. It would be nice to give a couple of examples. After this, we need to organize the scientist’s laboratory, issue tools, explain safety precautions, and go ahead, enjoy the silence and the sight of a child snoring above a perpetual motion machine. It is not necessary to find out later what this invention does. The main thing is that the child is satisfied with the result.

If playing cloud watching drew a child's attention to wealth natural world, then this game opens up for him the world of things created by people.

Zoo from Mars

When all the cows, dogs and bears have already been studied inside and out, it’s time to invent new species. Invite your child to create alien animals. They can live on their own planets, and you will watch them. Or, for example, you can catch them and populate the zoo with them. New animals can be drawn, cut, sculpted, crafted. Of course, each animal will have its own food, its own house, its own name and habits.

While writing stories about fantastic animals with your child, you can also tell him a little about the biology and anatomy of real animals and birds. Thus, fantasy and science will mutually enrich each other.

Dignity creative games is that they are never superfluous. If the child already knows arithmetic, there is no need to ask him again how much five is five. But if he is already drawing, composing, inventing, one more game to develop his imagination won’t hurt. Depending on the age of the child and how flexible his thinking is, you can easily adjust the difficulty of the games. Offer some children to simply watch you, others to more or less complement the game, and for some it is quite enough to simply give them a creative idea, then, to everyone’s joy, they will act on their own.

Games to develop imagination and creative thinking

Unusual drawings

The game breaks imagination, artistic skills, fine motor skills

Necessary equipment: tray, semolina or any other fine grain cereal.

◈ Place a thin layer on a tray semolina. Show how you can draw with your finger different lines and figures. Let your child draw with both his right and left hands.

◈ You can draw in the air in the same way, and not just with your fingers.

◈ Drawing with your nose and eyes is very useful for developing coordination (this is also good charge for the eyes), even with your feet (lying on the floor or with your toes while standing).

Cubes, constructors

The game develops imagination and perception

◈ Cubes are generally a universal toy. They come in different sizes and colors. As a rule, cubes are made of wood or plastic. Plastic ones are lighter, but wooden ones are more pleasant to the touch.

◈ You can play anything with them: build towers, garages, houses, pyramids. True, most young children at first prefer to destroy all these structures.

◈ There are sets of cubes with pictures on sale. You can simply play with them, or you can make pictures out of them. Although it is still quite difficult for a child to assemble parts into one whole. Therefore, focus on the sample first. And only when the child remembers the picture can the sample be abandoned.

◈ There are sets consisting of only four cubes, with simple designs such as a ball, flower, umbrella, etc. You need to start with them.

◈ You can build everything from a construction set that you can build from cubes.

Where will the cat fit?

The game promotes the development of imagination, speech, memory, matching skills

◈ Ask your child to pretend to be an animal he knows. Invite him to name places where it could fit.

◈ For example: “Will the cat fit in our apartment? But in this box? What about in your bag (pocket)?”

◈ Let the child come up with places where the cat can be placed.

What does our doll like?

The game promotes the development of speech, imagination, observation

Necessary equipment: doll or soft toy.

◈ Invite your child to ask the doll what she likes to do. The voice of a puppet using simple short sentences, tell us about her favorite activities: “I love running. I like to play".

◈ Now it’s the doll’s turn to ask what your child likes to do. Help him the same way simple sentences talk about your activities.

◈ In the future, ask your child to talk about what mom, dad, and grandma like to do.


The game develops imagination

◈ There are days when the clouds in the sky create fairy tale, which is a real pleasure to watch. From the window of your house in the evening, on the beach or at the dacha, looking at the clouds is very exciting. What do clouds look like? For a dog, for a mountain, for a car, for a dragon. Children's imagination knows no bounds.

Who's there?

The game promotes the development of imagination and speech skills

◈ Invite your child to play interesting game. Go out the door, knock: “Knock, knock.” Let the child ask: “Who is there?”

◈ Draw some animal, for example: “It’s me, a cow. Mooooo." - “Come in, cow. Hello. Where are you coming from, cow?

◈ Change roles with your child, taking turns portraying various animals, people, and fairy-tale characters.

◈ Build dialogue on simple questions and answers.


The game promotes the development of imagination, motor skills, speech; introduces the concepts of “more”, “less”

Required equipment: large and small dolls, doll utensils (large and small spoons, plates, cups).

◈ Tell your child that guests have come to you. It took them a long time to get there, so they were tired and hungry. We need to treat them to something.

◈ Let the child offer treats for the dolls.

◈ Place the dolls at the table and ask the little one to arrange the dishes correctly: for the large doll - large objects and vice versa. If a child makes a mistake, help him.

Think and name

The game develops imagination, observation, resourcefulness; introduces word formation

◈ Invite your child to rename some objects based on their functions. For example: “The rain is dripping, so we’ll call it dripping. The shovel digs, so we call it a digger. Watering can - watering can. Legs are walkers,” etc.

◈ People can be called by the type of their favorite or professional activity, as well as in accordance with their inherent character traits.


Develops imagination and fine motor skills

Necessary equipment: plasticine, clay or dough (optional).

◈ I don’t know a single child who doesn’t like to sculpt. Perhaps this is due to the fact that plastic materials allow the child to express himself fully, without being limited to any forms. Everyone can feel like a wizard.

◈ You can sculpt from colored plasticine or ordinary clay. Now there are white and colored plastic on sale. This material is similar to clay, but, unlike it, it does not stick to your hands at all. True, it is quite hard, and before giving it to the child, it needs to be kneaded properly. You can sculpt from plastic in the same way as from anything else.

◈ Give a child a shapeless piece of material, and soon children’s fingers will begin to create, at first awkward, but over time, increasingly complex figures.

◈ Characters from your favorite fairy tale or pets can be used for modeling. You can also sculpt household items: dishes, furniture.

◈ If you sculpt from clay or plastic, then after drying (the plastic is dried in the oven), all these future toys can also be painted.

◈ Every child is pleased to see the fruits of his labor, taste them and treat others with them. In this regard, dough is the most suitable material for modeling. Use shortbread dough - you can make almost anything you want from it. Puff pastry Suitable for cutting out various figures using molds.

Puppet show

Promotes the development of imagination, speech, creative thinking

Necessary equipment: set of puppet characters.

◈ Choose a fairy tale that the child knows and loves well. For the performance, puppets that are worn on fingers or on the hand are suitable. If they are not there, you can get by with ordinary toys or, at worst, pictures with images of heroes.

◈ Distribute roles (it would be good to involve all family members in this game) and act out a fairy tale.

◈ We staged such a performance based on the fairy tale “Turnip” at our birthday eldest daughter. The children were delighted!

The fairy tale comes to life

Promotes the breakdown of imagination, speech, creative thinking; strengthens family relationships

◈ Everything is the same puppet theater, only instead of dolls, you play the roles of fairy-tale characters yourself.

◈ Of course, you can’t do it without the help of a friendly company.

Imagination is a key component of the creative process, which allows you to create new images, problems and their solutions based on past experience. For kids, fantasy is always an emotional process, an opportunity to go beyond reality and a way of understanding the world without any restrictions. The latter stimulates the child’s cognitive abilities and promotes his creative and intellectual development.

In children, imagination begins to develop from the age of 2 and manifests itself in minor fantasies in play. By the age of 3, as various experiences accumulate, the child’s fantasies become more complex and vivid. A child may confuse reality with fiction, for example, being frightened by imaginary monsters. From the age of 4, the imagination becomes creative, the child independently comes up with the plots of fairy tales, drawings, new games and finds new uses for old things. For the harmonious development of new abilities, they were invented various games, which we will talk about today.

Games to develop creative imagination on paper

From another planet

Ask your child to draw an animal or plant from another planet. Imagine what it is called, what it might look like, what it should eat, and how it would benefit the planet. Other options: fairy forest, good wizard, house from the future.

Guess the image

The goal of the game is to see a specific image behind the blurry outlines of some objects. Can be considered natural objects:, puddles, fountains, shade of trees, shapes of bushes; or artificial objects. We will deal with the creation and consideration of the latter on paper:

  • Let the baby paint his hands and leave prints on a piece of paper. Imagine together what fingerprints look like. Add the necessary details to make the drawing complete. The same prints can be made with the baby’s feet and fist;
  • Put some inkblots different colors onto paper and fold the sheet in half so that the blots are imprinted. What images did you come up with?
  • We place blots with well-diluted gouache and blow it in different directions using. The result is often funny monsters and octopuses. Don't forget to complete the details;
  • Ask your child to choose 3 jars with different gouache colors and paint a sheet of paper with them. What does this drawing look like? What emotions does it evoke? My daughter loves to depict and tell whole stories based on them. He says that if you draw “as usual,” then everything won’t fit.


Draw 2 identical ones on a sheet of paper and ask your child to turn them into a good and an evil wizard using a pencil. Happened? Now we are coming up with a story in which we need to tell: where did the wizards get their knowledge about magic, what they did good and bad, and how the good wizard defeated the evil one.

Continue drawing

Draw 10 circles and ask the child to make each circle part of the drawing by adding the necessary details. For example, a circle can turn into the sun, a flower, a human face, part of an alien ship, an apple, a wheel of cheese, a pizza, etc. The same can be repeated with other shapes: squares, triangles, rectangles.

Speech games to develop imagination

New fairy tale

Invite your child to write his own fairy tale. To do this, choose heroes from famous fairy tales and help unite the characters into a common plot. For clarity, it is convenient to use pictures for it. You can either select the characters yourself or offer your child a complete set of several fairy tales to choose from. In addition to pictures for the flannelgraph, use your child’s drawings, illustrations from books, and magazine clippings.

A more difficult task is considered when one new hero/object is added to a well-known fairy tale. For example: hare, fox, rooster, dog, wolf, bear and airplane. The child understands from the characters that we're talking about oh, but how to fit an airplane into it is the question!

Making up a story

Invite your child to connect two unrelated sentences into a logical plot:

  • On the ocean shore, a baby turtle hatched from an egg... so football team won the match";
  • In the morning it started to rain... so dad gave mom flowers;
  • The hare found a carrot in the clearing... so Ira’s balloon burst.

Fairy tale in reverse

Invite your child to tell a fairy tale he knows well, but with one condition: everything in the fairy tale must be the other way around. For example: Grandfather cooked a square bun and the bun flew across the field. He saw a hare, chased him and said: “I will eat you!”

Family stories

Write an extraordinary story together. You start, and the child must continue, then you again, and again the child. The main thing is that the plot develops harmoniously and is a logical continuation of the previous part. The resulting stories can be written down and formatted as “Tales of Our Family.”

Fortune teller

We choose a fortune teller. The rest of the participants approach the fortune teller and ask her various questions about the future or ask her to make a forecast for the month or year. The fortune teller asks the questioner to take a funny pose and, based on this, gives humorous predictions.

Start doing creativity with your child with pleasure!

Who goes?

Look out the window and imagine with your child what kind of person is passing by your house, who he might be by profession, what his mood is and where he is going. If you live in a private house and you can’t see passersby from the window, fantasize about flying birds and other people’s cats.

Questions from Sonya the Dog

Remember how the smart dog Sonya pestered Ivan Ivanovich with questions after the fairy tale: “What happened then?” Let's play like this too. Ask your child, what happened after the fox ate the bun? And then? You can invent not only from the end of the fairy tale, but also from the very interesting place. What happened to the fairy after she helped Cinderella? What did the fox do when he returned home but the cockerel didn’t?


This game does not have any plot. Words are selected based on associations and contribute to both the development of imagination and vocabulary child. We build a dialogue, you start:

  • What's summer like?
  • Hot, bright, sunny (we then start from last word);
  • What else is sunny?
  • Day, drawing, bunny;
  • What is a bunny like?
  • White, gray, fluffy, cowardly, etc.

It doesn't happen like that!

Children and adults take turns telling made-up stories. The winner will be the one who can tell 3 stories in a row, to which the listeners will say: “It doesn’t happen!” Be sure the child will win.

Pebbles on the shore

Draw a river bank and pebbles in front of the baby that resemble some objects/animals along the contour. Say that an evil wizard passed by and turned everything that came in his way into stones. To unenchant the stones, you need to guess who they were before and write a short story about them. It is advisable that two or three pebbles have a similar shape, so that the baby can dream up.

Games to music

Images of music

We turn on classical music, and the child closes his eyes and listens to it. When the piece ends, we ask the child to tell what images he had while listening and draw them on paper.

Another option: while the music is playing, the child demonstrates his associations with his movements. You have to guess what the child is showing. Then you change places.

If it is difficult for your child to imitate someone, help him. Turn on “Flight of the Bumblebee”, “Radetzky March”, “Polka”, sounds of nature “Stream” and together show a fast bumblebee, a marching soldier, a dancer, cheerful stream.


Turn on rhythmic music that you have not used for dancing before and ask your child to come up with new movements and dance for you. In addition, ask them to perform the dance of some animal for you: a monkey, a duck, a horse. When your baby gets the hang of it, make the game more difficult. Now he, and you indicate what image he portrays. These can be not only animals, but also seasons, natural phenomena.

You will learn other ways to develop your imagination in this video.
