How to remove coffee stains. How to remove coffee stain? Tips and step-by-step instructions

The method used to remove coffee stains depends on the type of fabric, as well as how long ago the stain occurred. Usually salt, ammonia, acids and other means are used. After their application, the fabric is washed by hand or in a machine.

The choice of methods and means for removing coffee stains depends on the fabric, as well as the type of stain. It is clear that recent contamination is much easier to remove, but old stains will have to be dealt with. In addition, removing traces of coffee with milk has its own characteristics, as well as removing stains from documents, carpet and other surfaces.

Soda or salt

You can remove coffee stains (as well as chocolate) using the following means:

  • salt;
  • baking soda;
  • acids (acetic, citric, oxalic);
  • borax;
  • glycerol;
  • ammonia alcohol.

From ordinary clothes (T-shirt, T-shirt, dress, shirt, sweater, trousers, robe, etc.), marks are cleaned with a stain remover.

But for it to work most effectively, first of all, sprinkle the stain with salt and leave for 15–20 minutes. Then wash by hand. Another option is to sprinkle the stain with baking soda and citric acid (ratio 2:1). Then proceed in the same way - just wash in warm water with detergent.

Vinegar and salt

To remove fresh stains, use the following instructions:

  1. Mix 70% acetic acid with water in the same ratio.
  2. Wipe the cloth and rinse warm water.

If the contamination is old, first apply this solution to it, and then add salt for 15 minutes. After this, you need to wash it by hand in warm water with a stain remover.

Washing clothes

When removing stains from clothes, you need to take into account the composition of the fabric and its color.

To remove coffee stains from white, proceed as follows:

  1. Wash natural fabric with bleach and laundry soap. If the traces are old, boil them.
  2. In all other cases, immerse the item in a solution of soda ash (a tablespoon per liter), then wash as usual.

Clothes made from bright fabrics

Removal instructions are as follows:

  1. Immerse in soapy solution.
  2. Stretch a section of fabric (for example, over a bowl).
  3. Wipe off marks with a brush.
  4. Wash in warm water.

To remove coffee color from jeans, follow these steps:

  1. Mix a teaspoon of citric acid with the same amount of oxalic acid.
  2. Apply to the contaminated area for an hour.
  3. Rinse with warm water and wash.

Remove coffee stains from synthetic clothing as follows:

  1. Dissolve a tablespoon of alcohol (or 2 times as much vodka) in a liter of water.
  2. Soak the item in this mixture for 15–20 minutes.
  3. Rinse under running water and, if necessary, wash by hand or machine.

Cotton and linen

Cotton fabrics are particularly delicate, so proceed as follows:

  1. Dissolve a bar of regular soap in warm water.
  2. Get a concentrated solution and soak the fabric in it for an hour.
  3. Wash by hand.

Note! Natural fabrics can be boiled, but this should not be done with colored items - they may fade.

Wool and silk

In this case, remove the coffee stain using the following methods:

  1. Wipe with a clean cloth soaked in a solution of soap and ammonia (only 4 dessert spoons per liter of water). Then wash by hand.
  2. Another way to remove a coffee stain from clothing and wool is to mix water with regular alcohol (equal amounts) and take 20 times less ammonia. Apply for half an hour and wash.

Removing coffee stains from carpet and sofa

In this case, proceed like this:

  1. Remove fresh stains with a dry cloth, blotting the surface with it. Then wipe with another cloth with detergent - for example, Vanish.
  2. If the marks are old, add a few drops of dishwashing detergent to the water. Apply this mixture to the surface for 5 minutes and then rinse off clean water.

Note! , carpet, sofa or mattress must be removed especially carefully. You should not scrub these surfaces with a brush - stains can be removed manually, without additional equipment.

Removing coffee from paper and wallpaper

To remove stains from paper surfaces (documents, pages in a book, wallpaper), use the following instructions:

  1. Prepare a solution of 9% vinegar (1 part) and water (3 parts).
  2. Carefully immerse a piece of paper in this solution (if it is a book, you will have to hold it).
  3. After 15–20 minutes, remove the sheet and place it on a flat surface.
  4. Gently remove moisture with a towel and napkins, then hang on a line until the paper is completely dry.

How to remove an old coffee stain

You need to remove old stains using the following means:

  1. Apply a solution of borax or glycerin to the fabric for half an hour, then wash it by hand using ordinary laundry soap (preferably in a sink under running water).
  2. It is also common to remove old coffee stains with hydrogen peroxide. The product is used for white natural fabrics (cotton, linen, knitwear). You can remove old stains with chlorine bleach. First, apply the product to the stain for half an hour, then wash again by hand.
  3. It is customary to get rid of dirt on synthetics using ammonia. Pour it onto the stain for 20 minutes, then wash it off.
  4. To remove old coffee stains from wool and other dense fabrics, pour heated glycerin onto the fabric for 10 minutes, then wash it again by hand. Similarly, you can clean not only woolen clothes, but also remove dirt from carpet, plush soft toy and so on.

How to remove a café au lait stain

If a trace is left by coffee with milk, it is removed with gasoline. Moreover, take gasoline from a lighter - you can vouch for its purity. Apply a few ml of gasoline to the surface for half an hour, and then wash the fabric by hand. Instead of gasoline, you can try regular salt.

So there are quite a lot simple ways removing coffee stains. However, if they do not help or the fabric is delicate, it is best to contact a dry cleaner. It is also advisable to resort to the help of professionals if we're talking about about expensive products (silk bed linen, expensive dress, jacket, leather, etc.). In such cases, in the absence of skills, the fabric can be damaged.

Even more people's councils How to remove coffee stains in the video:

Larisa, August 21, 2018. Home Economics 0

Hello everyone, dear blog guests! Anyone who has never spilled a fragrant drink on themselves in the middle of a working day does not know how difficult it is to remove a stain from a white blouse or shirt. Today I will share my secrets on how to withdraw from white spot from coffee.

First, study the composition of the material of your blouse. Resistant materials can be successfully processed with alcohol, and after a short time, immerse the item in washing machine. The product can be diluted and used for more gentle fabrics.

Hydrogen peroxide

Usually, according to the law of meanness, coffee is spilled on light fabric. If this incident happened to you, then do not despair, and immediately blot the stain with a damp cloth. Next, you will need a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, with which you will fight dirt.

It is very useful to moisten a cotton swab with peroxide and ammonia, then blot the dirty item. If you wish to achieve maximum effect, then drop a few drops onto your blouse directly from the bottle. Wait a little, wipe with a cotton swab and that’s it. You will see that the stain is gone as if it never existed.

Old dirt is removed through prolonged soaking. So, the product needs to be moistened in the product and placed in a basin of water, then left for an hour.

Read interesting:

Little secrets

  • You can sincerely sympathize with those who spilled cappuccino on their clothes, because the substance really eats into the fabric. To get rid of the problem, lighter gasoline will help;
  • if you don’t have the first one, then use ordinary salt, which everyone probably has. When you get home, wash the item in warm water. Can add ;
  • to get rid of stains on silk, soak the item in serum;
  • stains on wool and silk can be removed with glycerin;
  • Remnants of your favorite drink on colored items can be removed using a borax solution. You need to act as in the case of peroxide: wipe with a cotton swab. If the stains do not go away, then you need to take lemon juice, add water and salt, rinse the item in this liquid;
  • clothes made from natural cotton are washed using bleach. Add bleach to the water and rinse the material there. Stubborn dirt can be easily removed by soaking.

If you don’t have any means in your house to remove dirt from white matter, then use a simple laundry soap. Make boiling water, add soap crumbs to it, and first apply it to the dirt.

How to clean coffee stains from a light-colored carpet?

Light carpets always look very solid and decorate any interior. But spilled coffee eats into such products, and it is very difficult to remove the stain. To do this, use the following recommendations:

  • use an effective stain remover. The method even works on old stains;
  • dishwashing liquid. This method is also very effective. Apply the product diligently to the problem area and rub vigorously over the surface, then rinse hot water.

Dishwashing liquid can be replaced with any product designed for washing mirror and glass surfaces.

How to get rid of stains from furniture?

You didn't have time to place your new light furniture when you spilled coffee on it? Don't panic. This problem can be successfully resolved using the following questions:

  • Fresh dirt should be blotted with a napkin. The problem area should be treated with a soap solution. Usually this problem is solved in no time;
  • An old proven remedy will come to the rescue - hydrogen peroxide. Thoroughly wipe all dirty areas with cotton wool soaked in the product;
  • Another reliable method is to use wet wipes soaked in alcohol. Leave them on the sofa for a couple of hours, then wash everything off with water and leave the stains as they were;
  • if you spill a drink with milk, you will have to work hard here, because cappuccino tends to be well absorbed into the furniture. Take gasoline and rub it into the problem area. After this event, use hydrogen peroxide. The method is not suitable for dark furniture.

What not to do?

To avoid making the classic mistakes that most people make when removing coffee stains, learn certain important points:

  • there is no need to postpone the event for a long time. Once dirt has become embedded in the material, it will be very difficult to get rid of it. Start processing the item immediately;
  • When you remove dirt, you don’t need to rub it hard with napkins, as you will only rub the dirt into the threads of the material, and it will be very difficult to get rid of it. Use gentle techniques that are very gentle on the tissue.

Now you know what you should never do, so as not to spoil something dear to your soul.

Don't be discouraged if you can't get rid of the problem right away. Just patiently perform the manipulation as many times as necessary to completely remove the stains.

07/12/2017 1 3 290 views

Dirt spoils things, and some are very difficult to remove. To enjoy cleanliness, find out how to remove coffee stains from white or colored clothes?

What methods can be used?

You can remove coffee stains using different means:

  1. Machine washable. This method is the most obvious and simple, but it is not always effective, since coffee stains are considered difficult to remove, especially old ones. Still, it’s worth trying the method, but you need to use a high-quality powder that can cope even with complex stains.
  2. Specialized stain removers such as Antipyatin or Vanish. They cope well with different spots, including coffee left. Before use, be sure to read the instructions and follow all instructions therein.
  3. Salt is an effective adsorbent that quickly absorbs liquids and, accordingly, draws them out of materials. But such a product can only be used to remove dirt left recently. Salt can be used in two main ways. First: sprinkle it on fresh dirt, wait a little, and then shake off the product. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated. Second method: pour into a bowl warm water and dissolve salt in it (one third of a glass per liter). Immerse the soiled item in this solution, leave it for several hours, after which rinse thoroughly.
  4. Ammonia will help if you treat the contaminated area with it, leave the product for a while, and then wash it. You need to moisten the fabric in alcohol generously, especially if the stain is complex.
  5. A proven remedy is lemon juice. Carefully treat the coffee stain with it, wait half an hour or an hour, and then simply wash the product as usual: by hand or in a washing machine.
  6. Coffee stains can be removed from light-colored items using glycerin. It needs to be heated in a water bath, and then applied generously to the stained area and left for an hour. Next, the item should be rinsed in warm water. If the contamination is not removed the first time, the procedure can be repeated.
  7. Mix glycerin in equal proportions with table salt and apply this composition to the contaminated areas, leaving for half an hour. When the stain becomes almost invisible, you can proceed to regular washing with powder.
  8. Glycerin can be used in another way by mixing it with ammonia (the proportions will be approximately equal). This mixture is used to thoroughly treat problem areas and is left for half an hour or an hour, depending on the degree and complexity of the contamination.
  9. Try removing coffee stains with high-lying laundry soap. First, a 50-gram piece of it is grated, then the shavings are dissolved in a glass of warm or hot water. The resulting soap solution is used to treat dirty areas or soak the product if it is heavily soiled.
  10. Prepare turpentine oil and ammonia and mix these two components in equal proportions. Soak a cotton pad, swab or piece of soft cloth well in the mixture. Work the problem area until it is completely damp. After half an hour or an hour, the item can be washed with powder or soap.
  11. If a synthetic item is dirty, try using it to clean ethanol. They need to wet the stain well, leave it for an hour, and then simply wash the item by hand or in a washing machine.
  12. Experienced housewives know that vinegar is an effective and affordable natural stain remover and cleaner. If you have essence, then you need to dilute it with two or three parts of warm water. This solution treats a coffee stain. If it is old, then you need to wait an hour or two. Then the item is washed with soap or powder and rinsed. You can use weak 9% vinegar in its pure form.
  13. Another effective remedy is ammonia with ordinary laundry soap. Grate or finely chop about two tablespoons of soap and dissolve this amount in half a glass of ammonia. To enhance the effect, this mixture can be heated. Then apply it to the stain left by the coffee, wait thirty to forty minutes, rinse off the composition and wash the product in the usual way.
  14. You can prepare a kind of paste to remove stains. To do this, mix the usual laundry detergent powder with vinegar until you get a not very thick paste. Apply this mixture in a dense layer to the stained area and leave for an hour so that the material is well saturated and the dirt is dissolved. Then wash and then rinse.
  15. Boiling, well known to our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, can also help, as it copes with a wide variety of stains. The item needs to be immersed in a basin and boiled for about ten to fifteen minutes. If the product is slightly dirty, simply place it in freshly boiled water.
  16. Prepare a mixture of equal parts of alcohol (ethyl or ammonia), salt and glycerin. Treat stains with it, leave for a while until the stains dissolve, and then wash the item.
  17. Try washing the product with bleach added. But remember that such a product is considered quite aggressive and can damage delicate materials.
  18. Whey contains acid, which makes it good at removing stains, including coffee stains. It is applied to the dirt, left for at least an hour and washed off with cool water. Next, the product needs to be washed well.
  19. Try using powdered borax. Dilute it with warm water until you obtain a homogeneous, thin composition and apply it liberally to the soiled material. After thirty to forty minutes, rinse off the product and wash the item.
  20. Use hydrogen peroxide: in pure form or mixed with alcohol (both regular ethyl and ammonia will do). Treat the item with the product, wash off the mixture after half an hour, and then start washing.

To get rid of a coffee stain without harming the contaminated product, you need to follow a few simple rules.

  • First, remember that the sooner you take action, the higher the chances of completely removing the contaminants. Fresh stains are easier to remove than old and deeply ingrained ones.
  • Secondly, before cleaning, study in detail the information on the item’s label (if there is one). Strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions.
  • And thirdly, the chosen product must be tested first to eliminate the possibility of damage and deterioration of the material. Apply a small amount of it to the wrong side of the item: if nothing happens, proceed to full cleaning. If the fabric changes properties, use another product.

Funds table

To understand which remedy would be better suited V different cases, study the table:

Means What items and materials is it suitable for?
Hydrogen peroxide Light, white things
A mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia Products white
Glycerol Silk and wool items, including light ones
Vinegar Cotton products
Serum Silk colored items
Borax Products in different bright colors
Bleaching Light or white cotton items
Boiling water Linen products
Laundry soap Light-colored items made from dense materials
A mixture of alcohol, glycerin and salt White clothes and colored ones
Alcohol Suitable for all fabrics (diluted even for delicate ones)

How to remove coffee stains from white?

It is not easy to remove coffee stains from white clothes, because the stains on them are very noticeable and can remain after washing. The most obvious way is to wash with bleach or white: such products will not only remove dirt, but also return the product to its snow-white appearance.

Try using weak solutions of acids: oxalic or citric: dissolve one or two teaspoons in a full glass of warm water and pour this mixture over the problem areas. After ten to fifteen minutes, rinse everything off and wash the product.

For items made of dense fabrics, bleach is suitable: it should be dissolved in warm water until all lumps disappear. Use this product to treat stained areas. The item must be washed and rinsed very thoroughly. Hydrogen peroxide and soda can also be used to remove coffee stains on white items.

Cleaning Colored Clothes

The main tasks when cleaning colored items are stain removal and color preservation. And therefore you need to use effective, but not very aggressive means. The first is borax. A teaspoon of powder should be dissolved in 50 ml of warm water. Treat the material with the solution, rub it, and then wash the product.

You can use gentle acid-containing products such as lemon juice or whey. They are applied to the product and left on it for a maximum of half an hour, then washed off. Then the item needs to be washed.

Nothing better to cheer you up in the morning than a cup aromatic coffee. But literally one drop of an invigorating drink that gets on our clothes can ruin our mood for the whole day. And a stain carelessly placed on the fabric surface of furniture in our home also forces us to make financial expenses in the form of new furniture reupholstery.
Don’t rush to run to the dry cleaner with a contaminated item and spend money on removing the stain.

How to remove coffee stains at home

Getting rid of a coffee drink stain at home is not so much possible as it is necessary. Even the presence of a persistent coloring pigment in coffee does not in the least complicate the options for cleaning things from coffee stains, which have been tested over the years.

Coffee contains tannins, so start removing stains from the drink as quickly as possible.

If you spill coffee on your clothing, immediately soak it up with a clean paper or cloth towel, preventing it from absorbing and spreading. Try to rinse the stain with water, preferably under running water. If you only have bottled water, use it, as long as it is not colored. Apply any detergent to the stain that can reduce surface activity (before applying detergent, be sure to test it on the back of the fabric). If you don't have a cleanser on hand, cover the coffee stain with regular salt. Or, dilute table vinegar with water and blot the stain with this solution. With these initial steps, you will reduce the size of the stain and reduce the intensity of staining on fabric exposed to the coffee drink.
Now let's start removing the stain itself. Choose the method that suits you:

  • hot soap for linen fabrics. Wash clothes with traces of coffee in soapy water, then pour boiling water from the kettle onto the area with the stain. The stream of boiling water should not be large. Water until the stain has completely evaporated.
  • table salt with glycerin. Prepare a solution of these components and apply to the coffee stain for a couple of minutes. After dissolving the stain with the cleaning mixture, wash the item using washing powder.
  • ammonia and water. Pour 1 tbsp into water (200g). a spoonful of ammonia. Dip a cotton pad into the prepared mixture, soak it with liquid and thoroughly wet the area where the coffee drink comes into contact. After this treatment, wash the item.

When you get rid of coffee stains left on furniture, do not rub the treated contaminated area, but soak it with a dry sponge or napkin.

Coffee stains on white are especially troublesome. Before removing stains from white clothing, leave the items soaked for a couple of hours in a cold mixture of water and soap. Rinse and soak the stained area with bleach or bleach. Rinse again ordinary water with the addition of a few drops of ammonia.

Start treating the stain from the edges, gradually moving towards the middle.

How to remove an old coffee stain

Dried, old coffee stains can be cleaned with hydrogen peroxide. First do a test to see how this substance acts on fabric. Remove old coffee stains on white by mixing hydropyrite (peroxide) and ammonia.
A very voluminous and thick coffee stain can be cleaned with a hot solution of regular baking soda and salt. In 3 liters of cold water, dilute 1 tablespoon of soda and salt. Boil the mixture and treat the coffee stain with it. Rinse in cold water and wash as usual.

Now a spilled drop of coffee won't ruin your mood. After all, in your arsenal useful tips, there are ways to get rid of stains from your favorite drink. Enjoy your coffee!

What coffee lover is not familiar with the question: how to wash coffee? Without parting with your favorite drink for a day, it is so easy to get distracted by everyday affairs and make a careless move. It’s good if you are at home at this moment, since you can start removing the stain immediately. What if the accident happened on the street? Our tips will help you navigate and safely solve the problem, no matter how long ago the coffee was spilled or on what type of clothing.

How to remove coffee stains

First of all, calm down. Coffee stains can be removed from your crisp white jacket. Even the upholstery of an expensive sofa can be saved by knowing certain rules. The main one is to start cleaning as early as possible. If you leave the problem until later, the coffee stain will dry out and be much more difficult to remove.

In mild cases, boiling water will come to the rescue; in extreme cases, warm water. If this simple and free method does not help, then in such cases you do not have to spend a lot of money on special stain removers. Before you start cleaning coffee stains, read the washing instructions different types fabrics.

You can remove coffee stains from clothes using the following means:

  • salt,
  • soda ash,
  • glycerol,
  • ammonia,
  • vinegar,
  • laundry soap.

Washing by type of fabric. Cotton and linen

Clothes made from 100% linen and cotton can be treated with boiling water, unlike wool or artificial materials. If the fabric can withstand high temperatures, you can try pouring boiling water until the stain lightens or disappears completely. The charm of this method is that it is absolutely free. However, be careful: handling boiling water requires care.

If boiling water doesn't help, try:

  1. Glycerol. A small amount of the product is heated in a water bath. Now warm glycerin is applied to a cotton pad. Wipe off the dirt with a disc soaked in glycerin and leave for half an hour. Final stage- wash the product in warm water.
  2. Baking (soda ash) + sodium bisulfate. Mix 1 tablespoon of products and dilute the mixture in 3 liters of water. Soaking for 1 hour in this solution is enough to remove coffee stains once and for all.
  3. Coffee can be washed well with hydrogen peroxide. Apply a little liquid to the stain and wait for the reaction. It should turn pale. Now simply rinse the fabric in warm water. This method helps to remove coffee from white clothes made from natural fabrics.

Silk and wool

How to remove coffee from wool clothes? This material is not washable. high temperatures. Wool fibers quickly absorb liquids and have a loose structure, so you need to handle such clothes with extreme care so as not to completely ruin them.

Don't rub the stained area too hard. When washing in a machine, select the delicate cycle.

You can clean woolen clothes using ammonia and laundry soap. The action algorithm is as follows:

  • blot the fabric with dry wipes,
  • lay out the clothes on a horizontal surface,
  • grate the laundry soap on a fine grater,
  • lightly moisten the wool with warm water,
  • Now sprinkle the dirt with soap shavings,
  • pour ammonia on top and lightly rub in the resulting mixture (you can use a clothes brush, just be careful),
  • Wash the treated stain with warm water and rinse.

Another way to use the same tools:

  • per liter of water - 5 tsp. ammonia and a little soap shavings,
  • soak a cotton swab in the resulting solution,
  • wipe the dirt with a swab,
  • Now all that remains is to wash the clothes.

Silk clothes can also be saved with ammonia. Proceed with extreme caution:

  1. Wet the contamination aqueous solution ammonia and rub lightly.
  2. When the stain fades, wash the silk item with special means for this type of product.

A 100% borax solution is effective against stains on silk. It can be purchased at a pharmacy. Lay your clothing out on a flat surface and use a teaspoon to apply the borax to the stain. Leave the product on for 10-20 minutes, then proceed to washing.

Jeans, synthetics

The basic rule for removing coffee stains from denim: do not immediately put the product in the washing machine; first you need to treat the stain. Glycerin heated in a water bath is suitable for this procedure. Proceed by analogy with cotton clothes: rub in glycerin with a cotton pad, and wash the clothes after half an hour.

The method with ammonia will be effective on both woolen and denim fabrics.

An interesting method using oxalic acid. Take a 5 percent solution. Suitable for both fresh and dried stains:

  • Apply the product to the stain and leave for 15 minutes,
  • rinse the fabric in warm water,
  • if marks remain, rub them with laundry soap.

What to do with synthetics? There are a number of prohibitions here: on aggressive chemicals, to boil. You can try washing clothes of this kind using medical alcohol. For 1 liter of water - 2 tbsp. alcohol The item is soaked in this solution for 5-10 minutes. After this, rinse it thoroughly and, if necessary, wash it with gentle detergents.

Old pollution

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to do laundry on time. You can spill coffee on yourself while at the office, and before you return home, the stain will already be absorbed into the fabric. In such cases, we can give a little advice: if possible, during a break, discreetly wash the stained area with clean hot water. This method is only suitable for small stains in areas accessible for emergency washing. A wet area of ​​fabric will dry quickly on you, and when you get home, you will need much less time and effort to deal with the stain.

What if the drink left a very large and noticeable mark on your blouse that you have to live with for the rest of the working day? Don't worry, there are ways to remove old stains. You will need all the same available tools, you just have to stock up on time and patience. Clothes will need to be soaked in salt water for several hours. The solution is prepared as follows: for 10 g of salt - 10 liters of warm water. After 2-3 hours of soaking, clothes should be rinsed several times. Now use one of the above methods or simply machine wash the item.

You can also wash away stains in the following solution: 1 tsp. oxalic acid + 1 tsp. citric acid + 1 glass of water. Using a brush, treat the dirt with a solution, then wash it off with clean water. As a last resort, you can mix washing powder and vinegar. The mixture is applied to the stain and left for several minutes.

  1. Don't immediately start rubbing the area where the drink hit. This will only worsen the situation: the coffee will be more absorbed into the fibers, and it will be more difficult to wash it off. First, it is recommended to blot your clothes with a dry cloth or towel. It is necessary to achieve maximum absorption of excess coffee.
  2. The direction of movement when cleaning is strictly from the edge of the stain to the center. If you do the opposite, the stain may smudge.
  3. Always pay attention to clothing labels. Some items should not be washed in hot water and the use of bleaching compounds.
  4. As a last resort, you can wash coffee from white using bleach. The method is convenient because it contains a minimum self made. Simply pour the detergent into the washing machine and start the wash.
  5. When they removed the coffee, all that was left was glycerin. Don’t worry, traces of glycerin can be easily washed off with laundry soap.
  6. Do not use bleach on colored fabrics.

Be careful with drinks like coffee. In addition to cheerfulness and Have a good mood, it can bring a lot of trouble. We wish you to turn to these tips extremely rarely!
