How to calculate construction waste. Loosening coefficient when dismantling concrete


    documents confirming ownership of real estate and land;

    land plan.

Do not forget about disconnecting communications; you must coordinate this issue with the relevant utility services. After dismantling the building, a house inspection report is drawn up and an application to terminate the existence of the house is submitted to Rosreestr.

Features of building dismantling

At first glance, it may seem that dismantling is simply a process of breaking walls and roofs, but this is not so. The demolition procedure largely depends on the nature of the work. For example, if you plan to leave the foundation behind to build a new structure, you do not need to obtain a permit because the demolition process can be processed as a renovation. If you are going to demolish a house and cancel entries about it in the register, you will have to dismantle the basement part of the building, the foundation to ground level.

Dismantling methods

The method of dismantling may vary depending on technological features destructible structure:

  • with the use of special equipment;


Before choosing one or another method, you need to decide whether you plan to completely demolish old buildings or partially dismantle the building while preserving some structural elements. The latter option is cheaper and more profitable, since it involves updating only broken down parts of the house.

The manual method is used in cases where there is a high building density and close proximity of neighboring houses, which makes it impossible to use special equipment. The most commonly used tools are: jackhammers, cutters, drills, etc. This dismantling method is ideal for restoration and repair work, as well as in cases where it is necessary to preserve some of the elements of the house.

Using special equipment is the simplest and most quick way dismantle the building. Modern technology is maneuverable and convenient, it can be used even in cramped conditions. Typically, excavators are used various types. This dismantling method is suitable for the complete destruction of buildings, but differs affordable price and high efficiency.

Briefly about the stages of dismantling

  1. The dismantling process begins with the roof. If the roofing material was fastened with nails, it is removed in parts.
  2. Plank parts are easier to disassemble in large pieces using a chain saw or power tool. Already at this stage it is necessary to sort construction waste in order to simplify the process of its disposal.
  3. Pay attention to the sealant; I often use mineral wool. Due to old age, it can crumble in your hands and become dusty, so it is better to wear thick clothes and moisten it with water.
  4. The foundation is dug around the entire perimeter, after which an inclined pit is created on one side. The foundation will be pulled in the direction of this jar using a winch.

Construction garbage

Construction waste disposal is not like that simple task as it seems at first glance. It cannot simply be taken to a yard dumpster or loaded onto a car and dumped at the nearest landfill. The problem is not only large volumes of garbage, but also harmful substances that can cause harm environment and people's health. Such actions are fraught with fines and other troubles. It is necessary to pack it in garbage bags, carry it and load it into the back of a truck, and then take it to specially designated places for subsequent disposal.

All waste, including construction waste, is transported to specially designated areas - landfills. These are special areas where burial and neutralization are carried out. various waste. Landfills are closed, protected areas, since the environmental safety of the city depends on them.
The process is not complicated, but quite labor-intensive, because you can’t do it without special equipment.

Approximate composition construction waste V percentage as follows:

    broken brick – 64%;

    broken concrete and reinforced concrete products – 26%;

    wood waste – 4%;

    scrap metals -1%;

    other waste – 5%.

All garbage, according to the degree of impact on the environment natural environment can be divided into 5 classes. The first class includes the most hazardous substances, and to the fifth the least dangerous. Construction waste mainly falls into the fourth and fifth classes (with the exception of paint and varnish coatings and various materials coated with oils, varnishes and paints).

Wood is also dangerous if it is impregnated with dyes that, when burned or rotting, produce gas containing harmful impurities. Toxic substances fall not only into atmospheric air, they poison the soil and groundwater. According to the law, such waste must be disposed of separately from household waste, and removed only using specially equipped transport that prevents loss during transportation and release into the environment.

Why recycle construction waste?

  1. You clear the site from unnecessary trash, which means you reduce warehouse costs and costs for the supply of new materials.
  2. You make the work of staff easier (it’s easier and safer to move around a cleared area).
  3. You save natural materials and contribute to the fight for the environment.

Dangerous construction waste

Antifreeze- a complex chemical compound that is used in the heating system. Prolonged inhalation of vapors, ingestion and contact of the substance with skin can lead to severe poisoning. The liquid must be drained into a canister and handed over to the appropriate organization for disposal. Draining antifreeze down the drain is strictly prohibited. Modern technologies allow such substances to be returned to their original properties and reused.

Mercury vapor lamps may also result in harm to human life, health, animals, plants and the environment. Mercury is a neurotoxin that affects the brain, kidneys, liver, and causes developmental problems. Regardless of the number of lamps, they should be recycled.

    fluorescent lamps, compact fluorescent lamps, black light lamps;

    gas discharge lamps;

  • metal halide;

    high pressure sodium lamps;



Mineral wool contains phenol-formaldehyde and melamine-formaldehyde resins, which are strong poisons. Glass mineral wool, when used carelessly, causes irritation to the skin, eyes, and respiratory tract.

Asbestos practically not used in modern construction, but in old buildings it is found quite often: slate, facade slabs, pipes, sealants, etc. Inhaling asbestos dust increases the risk of developing bronchitis; in addition, asbestos is a substance that promotes the effects of carcinogens on cells.

Concrete It is used everywhere and everyone knows its composition: water, sand and crushed stone, but it can also be dangerous. Some manufacturers use slag (waste) from metallurgical production to make concrete.

Who can you trust to dispose of waste?

Choose only trusted companies: with good reviews, own special equipment, history. In this case, you can be sure of transparent and honest cooperation. By trusting non-professionals who will change the estimated cost during the work process or “miss” the deadlines specified in the contract, you will waste extra money and nerves.

Cost of disposal of construction waste

The cost of removing construction waste depends on several factors, primarily: the volume of waste, the hazard class of the waste, the location of the object from the city center, the number of containers, as well as various additional services that the recycling company can offer you.

The approximate cost of removing construction waste in Moscow is presented in the tables below.

Capacity, cubic meters Load capacity, t. Cost of removal of one container
8 5 3500 - 4500
20 10 9500 - 10500
27 10 10500 - 11000
32 10 11500-12500

Cost of removal of specific waste:

Name of waste Cost, rub.
Waste of pure natural wood 450
Wood waste from demolition and dismantling of buildings 900
A tree that has lost its properties 450
Broken glass (excluding glass from cathode ray tubes and fluorescent lamps) 3500
Construction crushed stone that does not correspond to its original properties 200
Waste sand uncontaminated with oils and petroleum products 200
Brickwork fight 200
Construction brick fight 200
Concrete scrap in lump form 200
Waste reinforced concrete products, reinforced concrete waste in lump form 200
Unsorted ferrous metal scrap 5000
Unsorted aluminum scrap 20000
PVC waste based on layers and polystyrene foam 1200
Waste of hardened polyurethane, polyurethane foam or film 1200
Waste of insulated wires and cables 20000
Construction waste from demolition of buildings 250

For large volumes of waste, the price can be negotiated individually and may change to the customer’s advantage.

How to save money on garbage disposal?

It’s easier and cheaper to do everything yourself, but the volume of garbage that is generated during demolition of a house can only be dealt with using special equipment. If you don't have one and don't know anyone who can provide one, you'll have to hire a recycling company.

When choosing a company, be sure to check the availability of a license, as well as which landfill the waste is transported to. It is most profitable to cooperate with companies that own their own landfill than with those that buy space at the landfill.

When ordering a garbage removal service, do not forget to specify its volume so that you do not have to overpay for a larger container. Some companies travel to demolition sites in advance to plan in advance the optimal waste removal plan.

The volume of waste can be reduced by compacting it using press containers. And since you pay by volume, this method will save you money.

Choose organizations that are located near your facility. The cost of fuel, depreciation costs for special equipment, etc. will definitely be taken into account in the final cost.

Where are the landfills located in Moscow?

    Test site: M.O., Lyubertsy district, urban settlement Kraskovo, Mashkovo village in the area of ​​the Pekhorka River and Art. Lyubertsy-2;

    Test site: M.O., Podolsky district, s/o Strelkovsky, near the village of Byakontovo, 100 meters west of the village Vorypaeva;

    Test site: M.O., Leninsky district, settlement Razvilkovskoe, near the village. Conversations and the village of Milkovo.

To avoid paying extra for garbage removal, price which depends on many factors, it is necessary to correctly calculate the volume of waste. Experts from MosMusorovoz competently calculate the volume of waste, cost waste removal and deadlines for completing the work. However, you can make the calculations yourself if you want to estimate in advance what amounts you can meet.

Formulas for calculating the volume and weight of garbage

Let's say you decide to dismantle the old building and order removal of construction waste. First of all, you need to calculate the volume of the structure “in the air”, in its real position:

1. We measure the length, width and height of the building. This must be done from the lowest line of the foundation to the very high point roof (ridge). Multiply three numbers by each other. This is the volume of the building in geometry.

2. Then we determine the actual volume of waste that will be disposed of. To do this, you need to divide the resulting volume of the building “in the air” by the loosening coefficient. The latter is a generally accepted indicator: 2.0 – 3.0. It takes into account the scatter of the resulting loosening after the destruction of the building. More reliable data is obtained when using an indicator of 2.0 – 2.65. This includes furniture, stoves and other “fillers” of the internal volume of buildings, if any.

In this way, we will find out the real volume of garbage in the so-called solid or dense body, that is, in an undisassembled state.

3. The third stage is calculating the weight of waste requiring disposal. The actual volume of waste removed must be multiplied by the Mob indicator. This is the average indicator of the volumetric mass of construction waste that is generated during dismantling. This indicator is separate for each type of material:

- when dismantling concrete structures: 2400 kg/m3;
- when dismantling reinforced concrete structures: 2500 kg/m3;
- when dismantling buildings made of brick, stone, plaster layers and facing tiles: 1800 kg/m3;
- when dismantling wooden structures and frame-fill structures: 600 kg/m3;
- when carrying out other dismantling work (excluding the disassembly of metal structures and engineering and technological equipment, the indicators of such materials are calculated separately, based on design data): 1200 kg/m3.

The resulting figure is the weight of waste in tons.

Cost calculation garbage removal

Now you know the volume and weight of future waste. To determine the budget, you need to calculate how much equipment will be needed for disposal and what kind of equipment will be needed.

Let's take as a basis the resulting volume of garbage (not weight) and the type of waste. Light waste of sufficiently large volume requires containers. This includes timber, wood, logs. For heavier waste, you will need lockable bins designed to hold larger loads. These types of waste include brick, concrete debris, and soil masses.

Garbage removal container

If the type of your garbage allows you to use a container, determine what volume of the container will be most beneficial for you. Thus, the MosMusorovoz company provides the opportunity to use containers with a volume of 8 cubic meters, 20, 27, 30 and 32. Divide the volume of garbage that you plan to dispose of by the volume of one container. If the resulting figure exceeds 4, choose a larger container - this way you can save money.

Garbage removal dump truck

The same calculations can be made for the volume of bins. Multiply the resulting number of required containers or bins by the cost of one. This will give you an approximate estimate of the amount of money that will be spent on solid waste removal or other waste classifications.

Factors affecting cost garbage removal

Such calculations will be approximate. Why? The actual cost is influenced by the following factors:

Type of waste movement (it can be horizontal or vertical);
- the distance of movement of waste from the point of dismantling to the container (sometimes it is not technically possible to move closer);

When carrying out repair work, a person is always puzzled by the question of where to put the construction waste. Often you can’t carry it in bags. You have to order movers and a car. To save on transport, you need to calculate how many cubic meters of waste need to be removed. A table with indicators for each type of material will help you correctly determine the weight of construction waste in 1 m3. With its help you can calculate weight by volume and vice versa.

Density of construction waste

Garbage is different from garbage. If you take the same volume of concrete and wood, their weight will be completely different. Therefore, when planning a big cleaning, you need to know specific gravity construction waste in 1m3. Naturally, concrete will be much heavier than wood.

The density of the materials is very important indicator. It is he who displays the specific gravity of construction waste in 1 m3. By calculating the mass of waste through its density, you can easily determine the cubic capacity of the cars that need to be ordered. And, of course, the cost of the service provided depends on this.

We present average indicators that measure the weight and volume of materials. Data are presented in tons per 1 m 3:

All of the above data relates to materials that consist of large debris or old structures. If we talk about disassembled and small parts, then the weight/cube is different:

Weight to volume ratio

You can determine the volumetric weight of construction waste for estimates, as well as for calculations at the household level, using the table presented below.

Waste Collection method Volumetric weight, kg/m 3 Specific weight, kg/t
Construction materials waste in bulk 1200 0,83
Household garbage in bulk 550 1,82
Edged wood waste in bulk 400 2,86 – 1,82
Scraps of fabric in bulk 350 2,86
Wood sawdust in bulk 250 4
Wet snow in bulk 800 1,25
Slightly wet snow in bulk 450 2,22
Dry snow in bulk 120 8,33
Boiler room slag in bulk 750 1,33
Crushed brick in bulk 1270 0,79
Wood chips in bulk 250 4
Electric wires in bulk 500 2
Bitumen waste, tar and asphalt in bulk 1300 0,77
Glass and porcelain fight in bulk 2500 0,4
Paper in rolls 500 2
Paper bale 530 1,43
Paper bunch 550 1,82
Pressed paper bale 530 1.89
Empty bottles in bulk 400 2,5
Rags, rags bale 180 5,56
Large parts of metal, pieces of pipes 600 1,67
without packaging 500 2
Waste of non-flat glass products 400 3,85 – 2
Cardboard waste bale 700 1,43
Cardboard bunch 430 2,33
Metal fragments of steel, cast iron, copper and brass in bulk 2100 0,48
Metal scraps from aluminum in bulk 700 1,43
Oversized household metal waste in bulk 400 2,5
Small automobile parts in bulk 500 2
Miscellaneous furniture waste 300 3,33

Calculation methods

Before you start dismantling a building, thoughts arise about where to put the garbage. There is only one solution - order pickup. Everyone wants to know in advance how much it will cost financially. To do this, first calculate how much waste can be generated from a building that has not yet been dismantled. Main stages:

Required amount of equipment

Having determined the weight of the garbage, we move on to the next stage - ordering equipment. If you correctly determine which car to order, you can seriously save money by avoiding unnecessary expenses. It is the volume of waste (not weight) and the type of recycled materials that need to be taken into account: containers are quite suitable for light waste. It includes bars, wood of any kind, logs.

Heavy waste requires closed bins. Concrete debris, broken bricks, and soil will go here after sorting.

When using a container, it is initially determined what capacity it should have in order for recycling to be as profitable as possible. They produce containers with a capacity of 20 m3, 27 m3, 30 m3, 32 m3. All that remains is to measure the volume of waste generated and choose a more suitable option.

Similar actions are carried out for the removal of heavy waste. When ordering dump trucks, you need to specify the volume that can be placed on the machine at one time, then you can easily calculate how many trips need to be made.

It would seem that such a frivolous issue as garbage requires a rather responsible approach. The main factor in solving problems with waste disposal is the ability to correctly determine its volume and weight.

A table of correspondence between these two values ​​will come to the rescue. You can also use an online calculator, with which you can cope with the task much faster.

If you are planning to demolish a house, you must be clearly aware of the need to remove the construction waste remaining after the demolition. And these works need to be planned and included in the calculations when ordering house dismantling work. Indeed, often, the cost of removal and disposal work exceeds the cost of the demolition work itself.

How to understand how much garbage will need to be removed after the demolition of your building and how to calculate the cost of garbage removal during dismantling. We will reveal a few secrets in this article.

Firstly, let’s immediately make a reservation that such a thing as an accurate calculation of the amount of garbage during the demolition of large multi-story buildings is only feasible for a trained engineer. The error in such a matter can be greater, the less experienced the specialist.

There are too many factors to consider. Here's just part:

Nature of waste (materials of construction);

Method of dismantling and crushing;

Loading method;

Remoteness of the disposal site;

Difficulties in loading operations;

The need for recycling reporting;

Volume of the container (body);

Geographical location object (metropolis, city, rural area, etc.).

It is important to understand one important detail: do not think that when making calculations you will be able to multiply all the geometric dimensions of the parts of the house, the length and height of each of the walls, ceilings, roof area and multiplying all this by the thickness of these parts to get the exact volume of garbage removed. The fact is that when loading in the body (container), no matter how hard you try, there will be voids left, because when demolished, the parts will not have the correct geometric shapes. With this method of calculation, it is necessary, taking into account the method of dismantling, loading, and the type of material of the house, to multiply the resulting volume by 1.5, or even 2.5! This is the so-called direct loosening coefficient. This method of calculation is not suitable for us, because we will have to sit down with construction reference books to determine what coefficient we should take into account. Entrust this work to professionals.

There are many known cases where, having no experience in demolition, when starting calculations, they make smaller errors. It is unpleasant when you have to take out much more than expected. But the opposite situation may also occur - when the contractor overestimates the volume, and therefore the cost. It is important not to miss here this moment and check if possible.

Now let’s give a simple example of how, without all these intricacies, you can understand how much construction waste a particular contractor will remove and whether he is cheating in the calculations.

In addition to the geometric dimensions of the specified building (area on the ground, height at the ridge), you will need only one number. Let's call it the inverse loosening coefficient; it is equal to 2.65. This is its average value for low-rise buildings; when taking into account the building material, it may not change significantly up or down. But this very number will be enough to calculate the approximate volume of construction waste to be removed during the demolition of a low-rise private house. A number that was derived empirically by experts.

Let's consider an example with a country house measuring 6 by 6 meters. The height of the building from the ground to the ridge is 7 meters. (Precisely at the ridge, because this is how the building volume of the building is calculated. If the roof is flat, then we count the height to the upper corner of the building)

We calculate the construction volume of the building:

6x6x7=252 cubic meters.

Divide by the inverse loosening coefficient 2.65:

252/2.65 = 95 cubic meters

95 m3: this is the approximate volume of construction waste that will need to be removed during the demolition of this building.

The volume is calculated taking into account the underground part of the foundation (if there is no basement). This is exactly how this magic number works.

Do not forget that the cost of removing the same amount of construction waste in different regions may vary greatly. Also, depending on the complexity of the object, the cost of loading work may vary. And of course, in the construction market, as in other markets, the wholesale rule applies: the larger the volume, the lower the cost per unit.

2. We calculate the actual volume of construction waste prepared for removal:

V debris = V buildings in the air: K loosening

The volumetric mass of construction waste should be taken as averaged according to the following standards: - when dismantling concrete structures - 2400 kg/m3; - when dismantling reinforced concrete structures - 2500 kg/m3; - when dismantling structures made of brick, stone, beating plaster and facing tiles - 1800 kg/m3; - when dismantling wooden and frame-fill structures - 600 kg/m3; - when performing other disassembly work (except for work on dismantling metal structures and engineering and technological equipment) - 1200 kg/m3. Note: - volumetric masses of construction waste from dismantling building structures given from taking them into account in the dense body of structures;

Typically, light bulky waste is transported in containers.

Heavy waste is transported by heavy-duty dump trucks (broken brick and concrete, soil). Special equipment is used for loading, because It will not be possible to load the dump truck manually.

In our work we use containers with a volume of 27 m3 (loading capacity 12 tons) and dump trucks with a body volume of 18-20 m3 and a loading capacity of up to 30 tons

We calculate the number of containers/dump trucks as follows:

K = Vgarbage /27 m3 (or 20 m3 for dump trucks)

The cost of a container (27 m3) in Moscow at the end of December 2014 averaged 9,500 rubles (in the region 10,000-11,000). The cost of a Moscow/region dump truck is 8000/10000, respectively.

We provide consultations on the dismantling of buildings and structures, country houses, demolition of any buildings and dismantling of any structures, we will make a preliminary estimate for services for the demolition of buildings and structures.

Calculation of the cost of removal of construction waste

You can calculate the real cost of disposal of construction waste using the following method:

1. The volume of the dismantled building is determined in “Air” or in the geometry of the building:

Length of the house X Width of the house X Height (from the bottom point of the foundation to the ridge of the roof).

2. We calculate the actual volume of construction waste prepared for removal (in solid form):

V debris in a solid = V building in the air: K loosening

K loosening = 2.0 - 3.0 --- an empirical coefficient that takes into account all the individual loosening coefficients of the resulting construction waste.

K loosening = 2.0 - it has been experimentally established that the real volume of garbage (taking into account stoves, old furniture and other garbage) is obtained when using this value

3. Calculate the weight of the garbage being removed.

P pin weight Garbage = V garbage in a solid x Mob.

Where Mob. = 1600 kg/m3 --- volumetric mass of construction waste obtained during dismantling.

The volumetric mass of construction waste should be taken as averaged according to the following standards: - when dismantling concrete structures - 2400 kg/m3; - when dismantling reinforced concrete structures - 2500 kg/m3; - when dismantling structures made of brick, stone, beating plaster and facing tiles - 1800 kg /m3; - when dismantling wooden and frame-fill structures - 600 kg/m3; - when performing other dismantling work (except for work on dismantling metal structures and engineering equipment) - 1200 kg/m3. Note: - volumetric masses of construction waste from dismantling building structures are given from taking them into account in the dense body of structures;

The mass of dismantled metal structures and engineering and technological equipment is taken according to design data.

Those. we calculated the weight of the garbage being removed in tons.

4. Next, depending on the Weight and volume of garbage being removed, we determine the number of containers or dump trucks required to remove garbage from the site for disposal. We take as a basis the VOLUME of garbage removed.

Typically, light bulky waste (logs, beams can only be transported in containers) is transported in containers.

Heavy waste is transported by heavy-duty dump trucks (brick and concrete waste, soil)

In our work we use containers with a volume of 27 m3 (loading capacity 10 tons) and dump trucks with a body volume of V = 20 m3 and a loading capacity of 20 tons

We calculate the number of containers as follows:

To contact = Vgarbage /27 m3 (or 20 m3)

The cost of a container (27 m3) in Chelyabinsk at the end of December 2013 averaged 9,500 rubles (in the region 10,000-11,000). The cost of a Chelyabinsk/region dump truck is 6000/8000, respectively.

We carry out dismantling work: demolition, demolition, dismantling of buildings and structures, foundations, country houses, dachas, shopping pavilions, mini-markets, shops, stalls, dismantling of walls, partitions, screeds, ceilings, any metal structures, floors, parquet, tiles , laminate, drywall, plumbing cabins.

We provide consultations on the dismantling of buildings and structures, country houses, demolition of any buildings and dismantling of any structures, we will make a preliminary estimate for demolition services

Calculation of soil loosening coefficient

During some construction work, soil is excavated to lay the foundation. To plan work related to the excavation and removal of soil, some features should be taken into account: loosening, humidity, density.

The soil loosening coefficient table below will help you determine the increase in soil volume when excavating it from a pit.


  • Rock, stone, rock and cemented rocks - development is possible only using crushing or using explosion technology.
  • Clay, sand, mixed types rocks – sampling is done manually or mechanized using bulldozers, excavators or other specialized equipment.


  • Loosening is an increase in the volume of soil during excavation and development.
  • Humidity is the ratio of the mass of water contained in the soil to the mass of solid particles. It is determined as a percentage: the soil is considered dry when the humidity is less than 5%, above 30% is wet, in the range from 5 to 30% is normal humidity. The wetter the composition, the more labor-intensive the process of removing it, with the exception of clay (the drier it is, the more difficult it is to develop; too wet, it becomes viscous and sticky).
  • Density – the mass of 1 m3 of soil in a dense (natural) state. The densest and heaviest rocks, the lightest are sandy and sandy loam soils.
  • Cohesion is the value of shear resistance, sandy and sandy loam soils have an indicator of 3–50 kPa, clays and loams - 5–200 kPa.

Based on building codes and regulations (SNIP), the coefficient of soil loosening (initial), the density indicator in accordance with the category, are given in the table:

Having analyzed the table, we can say that the initial soil loosening coefficient is directly proportional to the density range, in other words, the denser and heavier soil in natural conditions, the greater its volume during development.

There are also calculations of the coefficient of residual soil loosening; the result determines how much the soil lends itself to sediment during caking, contact with water or compaction. In construction, these calculations are of great importance for determining the quantity required material, and they are also taken into account when storing and recycling land.

How to calculate the necessary work

To calculate the necessary work, you should know the geometric dimensions of the planned pit. Next, multiply the initial loosening coefficient by the volume of soil in its natural state.

As a result, you will receive a volume that will be withdrawn from the construction quarry. Now it is very easy to calculate the amount of seized land for storage, loading, transportation for disposal.


The cost of demolition of buildings and structures.

You can calculate the real cost of demolition of buildings and structures using the formulas:

2. We calculate the actual volume of construction waste prepared for removal in a “solid body”:

V debris in a solid = V building in the air: K loosening

On average for preliminary calculations

3. Calculate the weight of the garbage being removed.

P pin weight Garbage = V garbage in a solid x Mob.
Where Mob. = 1600 kg/m3 --- volumetric mass of construction waste obtained during dismantling.

The volumetric mass of construction waste should be taken as average according to the following standards:
- when dismantling concrete structures - 2400 kg/m3;
- when dismantling reinforced concrete structures - 2500 kg/m3;
- when dismantling structures made of brick, stone, beating plaster and facing tiles - 1800 kg/m3;
- when dismantling wooden and frame-fill structures - 600 kg/m3;
- when performing other disassembly work (except for work on dismantling metal structures and engineering and technological equipment) - 1200 kg/m3.

- volumetric masses of construction waste from the dismantling of building structures are given based on their accounting in the dense body of the structure;
- the mass of dismantled metal structures and engineering and technological equipment is taken according to design data.

That is, we calculated the weight of the garbage being removed in tons.

Typically, light bulky waste is transported in containers.
Heavy waste is removed by heavy-duty dump trucks.

5. The cost of dismantling, in the geometry of the building: Length of the building X Width of the building X Height of the building (from the lowest point of the foundation to the ridge of the roof), depending on the material from which the building is built, is:

x 200 rub./m3 panel building + light non-buried foundation;
x 270 rub./m3 log, timber, board + light shallow foundation;
x 330 rub./m3 brick building with a buried brick foundation;
x 450 rub./m3 brick building with a monolithic foundation and blind area;

6. The final cost of dismantling the building will be:

Cost of dismantling + cost of loading + cost of removal and disposal of construction waste.
The cost of removal and disposal of construction waste by containers averages 350 rubles/m3;
the cost of removal and disposal of construction waste by dump trucks averages 330 rubles/m3;

The cost of mechanized loading of construction waste is:

The cost of manual loading of construction waste is:

An example of calculating the cost of demolishing a brick building with a monolithic buried foundation with dimensions:
Length 25m;
Width 20m;
Height 11m;

1. The volume of the dismantled building is determined in “Air” or in the geometry of the building:

Length of the building X Width of the building X Height of the building (from the lowest point of the foundation to the ridge of the roof).
V of the building in the air = 25m x 20m x 11m = 5500m3;

2. We calculate the actual volume of construction waste prepared for removal (in solid form):

V debris in a solid = V building in the air: K loosening;
K of loosening = 2.3 - 3.0 --- an empirical coefficient that takes into account all the individual loosening coefficients of the resulting construction waste.
K loosening = 2.65 i.e.
V of garbage in a solid = 5500m3: 2.65 = 2075m3;

3. Calculate the weight of the garbage being removed.

P weight of removed waste = V solid waste x Mob.
Where Mobile = 1800 kg/m3 --- volumetric mass of construction waste received during the demolition of a building
Pin weight Garbage = 2075 m3 x 1800 kg/m3 = 3735000 kg
Or 3735 tons.

4. Depending on the weight and nature of the waste being removed, we determine the number of containers or dump trucks required to remove waste from the construction site for disposal.

Since the construction waste generated during the demolition of the building is heavy (brick + concrete), we will remove the waste using heavy-duty dump trucks;
Determine the number of dump trucks:
N dump trucks = P pin weight garbage: T dump truck tonnage;
N dump trucks = 3735 tons: 20 tons = 187 dump trucks;
We determine the cost of dismantling, loading and removal of construction waste using dump trucks with a volume of V = 20 m3 and a carrying capacity of 20 tons:
cost of mechanized loading of 1 m3 of construction waste = 140 rubles/m3
the cost of mechanized loading of one dump truck with a volume of V=20m3 will be: 2800 rubles.
C1 = 140 rub./m3 x20 m3 = 2800 rub.

All turnkey work + site planning for the removal of construction waste by dump trucks in a solid form will be:

With the total cost itself. = 187self. X 13400 rub. = 2,505,000 rub.
Where is 13400 rub. = Dismantling of 20 m3 of building (200 RUR/m3
x20m3=4000rub) + Loading 20m3 of waste into dump trucks (140rub./m3x20=2800rub.) + Removal of 20m3 of waste by dump truck (330 ruble/m3x20=6600rub. – total cost of removal of construction waste by one dump truck

The dismantling period, taking into account unforeseen delays, is 5 days.
