Team battle - announcement, pros and cons. Team combat in world of tanks: Commander skills

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World Of Tanks

MMO tanks




In this article we will tell readers about the 7/42 game mode recently introduced into the game - “Team Battles”.
In the "Team Battles" mode, a maximum of 7 players can participate, and the team needs 42 points (1 point - 1 vehicle level). Also, it should be noted that equipment no higher than level 8 can take part in such battles. A team battle lasts only 10 minutes.

How to assemble a team in such battles:

To begin with, let me clarify that artillery is usually not taken into team battles, due to the fact that there are very few enemies and self-propelled guns are not effective here.
In most cases, the configuration looks like this: five tanks of the eighth level and two tanks of the first.
Cars of the first level play the role of fireflies, or rather, they simply highlight the areas of the map that the team needs.
The remaining 5 cars of the eighth level are your main team, so you need to select them depending on your play style:

1. If you are using rush tactics, and you like to make unexpected visits to the enemy, then a set of fast tanks with a high damage rating would be ideal for such a game. These include drummers AMX 13-90, T69 and AMX 50-100. You can also take tanks into such battles: IS 3 and M26 Pershing.

2. Second option - defense tactics. In such situations, they usually take one or two tanks, one or several armored tanks - T32 or KV5. Also, you can take one IS 3 or a machine with a drum. In simple words, with "defense" tactics, you need durable tanks, as well as several vehicles that can deal serious DPM.

Remember that in such battles it is very important to take two fireflies of the first level with you, and not just cover the slots. Level 1 kids cannot cause damage to the enemy, but they will give you light, and therefore all other team players will be able to shoot illuminated opponents.

Of course, in “Team Battles” you should always take with you a repair kit, a first aid kit, a fire extinguisher and a set of modules. Please note that modules are selected for each machine separately. For example, on a PT it is advisable to install camouflage net and rammer. For fast tanks, it is advisable to install a rammer, a toolbox, etc.

Well, to put it bluntly, victory in team battles depends 75% on your tactics and only 25% on technology. The fact is that each vehicle has its own pros and cons, and therefore before the battle you need to take into account its strengths and weaknesses.


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Dear players,

Wargaming announces in World of Tanks new game mode "Team Battle". The purpose of introducing this regime is to increase vocational training players for tournaments. Fights in such battles will take place according to a tournament format.

Teams will be automatically selected with approximately equal overall performance. Thus, tankers will only be able to face an enemy of equal strength.

FAQ of the "Team Deathmatch" mode

We have collected all the developers' answers to questions about the new game mode "Team Battle" In one place. Let's see them:

How are teams selected in this mode?
Teams will be balanced based on their ratings, which in turn will be formed by the eSports ratings of each player.

What is the internal rating by which teams will be balanced?
This is each player's personal eSports rating (i.e. the player's rating in that specific mode). Using these ratings, the team's rating during balancing will be calculated and compared with the same rating of the enemy team.

Will statistics for this mode be taken into account in general statistics or will they be separate?
The statistics of this mode will not be mixed with random ones and will be counted separately. We are discussing options in which the achievement summary will show statistics from different modes.

Will cards appear randomly? Will it be possible to choose a team setup for a map?
Initially, we will implement the ability to quickly get players into battle; later we plan to add the ability to select cards and the corresponding team setup.

Will all cards from random be used or only those used in tournaments? Will there be different modes or just standard combat?
The game will take place on the most balanced maps for this mode, mainly those on which tournaments are held. Initially there will be standard battles, work is underway on a special, more “sports” mode.

How will the “balancer” select players for a team for which fully automatic recruitment is open?
Players will be selected taking into account the player's tanks that he has chosen to participate in team battles and the requirements stated by the team commanders.

How will experience and credits be awarded?
Experience and credits will be awarded according to standard mechanics, we plan that in general players will receive the same amount as in random battles.

Will medals be awarded? Will there be separate medals for this mode?
Yes, team battles will have their own unique achievements.

What happens if a high-skill team goes into high-skill mode and doesn’t have an opponent of the same level for a long time? After a timeout, will he balance out with a weaker team?
With a weaker or stronger team. The longer the wait, the more dissimilar in rating the enemy team can be selected by the balancer. It is worth mentioning that this only works when critical waiting times are reached.

Lovely WOT games:

1. World of Tanks takes place in online time, and team battle takes place among " real people" No bots or mobs - only real people at the helm of their tanks. Every victory is very valuable, and defeat makes you think about your mistakes and miscalculations. Despite the fact that in World of Tanks team actions are most important, the individual skills of the individual player will also be necessary, which will allow in some cases to turn the tide of the battle and snatch victory.

2. The game has become so popular that “online” at 800,000 will not surprise anyone. The developers regularly release updates that introduce new cars, maps, graphics improvements and completely new battle modes. Programmers make mods that make the game more interesting and colorful.

3. In the World of Tanks game you can freely communicate with both old friends and new ones who are easy to find. You can join a clan, which will allow you to participate in a world war for territory and find like-minded people.

World of Tanks is a very interesting toy with many game modes. Players who love it certainly love to play not only in random battles, but also in battles with their team or clan. The game covers many modes by the game team. Any team game is noticeably easier if the players on your team are from your clan. Why is that? It's simple: clan players use one program for communication and communication, for example Raid Call; you see who is currently online and can easily agree on team game with the players currently in the game; in this case, the players are constant, and you get used to them, interact, exchange skills, as a result of which your team actions improve quite significantly.

The game highly values ​​commanders in wot who know how to command correctly during battle, do right choice equipment for battle, develop flexible strategies during the battle that can confuse the opposing team or simply outplay.

Where do we start to improve our leadership skills? Let's start with your playing technique. .

The first thing you must learn is be the last or one of the last to die on the battlefield. How to do it? And here is the first commander skill - constantly look at the mini map and control the strategy and tactics of the battle. The battles are fought in a variety of ways, on the most different maps and with the most different types technology, not to mention the fact that everyone has their own level of play, which means that their tank will behave stronger or weaker than others.

To begin with, we concentrate on the balance of power, assess our position in the team and look for the “scary” players in the opposing team. I conditionally divide the list of allied players into 3 parts: top, middle and bottom. This determines what role you will play in this battle (main, auxiliary, or secondary). Next, we analyze our tank and what it can do in this situation, then we look at the opponent’s tanks and evaluate how dangerous they are for your tank. Here we create a black list of tanks that we better not get into, or with which there is no point in fighting one-on-one (if there are any). If I’m at the top, playing as a heavy tank, then I can’t be afraid of enemy tanks of the same level at all, if I don’t have those tanks against me with whom I don’t exchange blows well. And so, we have assessed our capabilities for this battle, which means we already have a conditional task and conditional precautions. Why do I keep writing the word “conditionally”? It’s simple – the battles are so different and so unpredictable that it’s very difficult to say anything for sure. The battle situation can change dramatically in just 30-60 seconds, so our battle tactics and strategy must be just as flexible and changeable.

I will not describe all situations and options, because there are a lot of them, and they all have nuances and subtleties. I will describe in general terms first about battle strategies. The first thing we look at is the type of battle and the team’s task in our battle. There are only 4 such modes, if you look at random battles: standard battle, assault 1 - where you storm the enemy base, assault 2 - where you defend your base, and counter battle, where both teams must capture the only base on the map. Next, we estimate how many flanks there are in contact with the enemy. As a rule, this is conditionally from 2 to 4. This means we analyze how your team behaved taking into account the task of the map and taking into account the flanks of this map. There were cases when one flank (of two) was completely abandoned. In this case, if you see a command error, you must raise the alarm in the chat and on the minimap and draw the attention of your allies to this. There are players who will take action and go to the desired flank, covering it.

You evaluate who went where and on what equipment. You determine the weakest flank or the most important one for your presence and go there. This is a battle strategy (choosing a flank in connection with the current situation). Next, let's look at what we can do on such a tank and with its level. There may be several options here. First: we are the top, and we are obliged to help push the flank and play in it main role(if the vehicle allows it, of course, because all tanks are different and they have different properties and features). In this case, by tanking and using the terrain, we get closer to the enemy, causing damage to him, rather than receiving it ourselves. At the same time, looking at the minimap, making sure that normal allied forces are helping you, we push through the flank. Second: if we have few or no allies on the flank, then we take a position for defense, without moving forward, but only taking a position with good review and the opportunity to safely leave it in the direction of their allies. This position should be convenient for shooting your tank, taking into account its properties and advantages. We wait for the enemy on defense, cause damage when attacking the flank and try to shoot the enemy as efficiently as possible. Third: You are called upon to help the advance of allied forces on the flank or to help defend the flank. Your tank is in the middle of the list or at the end of it, then we take a position behind the top forces of your allies and help with fire on the “light” or on advancing enemies. This tactic is more or less suitable if you have it in your hands medium tank, heavy or tank destroyer. If you have self-propelled guns or light tank– then the tactics are completely different, as are your actions.

IN general outline: either you lead the team forward, or support it, being a little further from the front; either you cover the weak flank with yourself if necessary, or you form a numerical superiority on an important flank for defense or attack.

Next, after choosing a strategy (choosing a flank) and tactics (your tasks on the flank at the current moment), we concentrate on the battle, if you are currently having one. If not, look at the minimap and evaluate what is happening on it. Even in the heat of battle, you should look at the minimap and assess the situation on it. Sometimes, you need to quickly abandon the current battle and allies and go to the other flank or to the base. And you must not miss this moment, see it and take action. If you cannot take action, draw the attention of your allies to the situation. Next, constantly analyze the situation on the current flank. If the enemy has pushed through the flank, or is about to do so, change your position, move away from the unfavorable ally/enemy combination in battle.

In this case, you need to always be behind an obstacle or not in the enemy’s line of sight, i.e. roll back and shoot at the enemy without losing your tank's lives. If the enemy moves towards you, you always have the opportunity to shoot first or even the only one. This means reducing the enemy’s lives, increasing the chances of victory in a 1 on 1 or 1 on several fight. Ask for help from your allies, move back to the base where allies or allied tank destroyers may be stationed. If the flank is hopelessly drained, then go to the other flank to a safe place, even if it is behind your base.

And if the flank is broken through by the allies, and the enemy is already in a deplorable state, then, on the contrary, you should leave the shelter and go together with everyone else to finish off the enemy, surrounding him, creating a numerical superiority over him. When the flank is broken through and the enemy tanks on the flank are destroyed, we analyze the situation on the map and act according to the position of the battle. It often happens that the opponent has also broken through his flank and then you will need to return to base or catch up with him from the rear. It also happens that along the way there will be a new fortified area that you will have to push through, then you again go to auxiliary positions and support fire from behind shelters, or, if possible, surround the enemies or approach them from the other side in order to divide it fire.

Let's summarize. If you act correctly on the flank: you will not do gross mistakes, you will not get into an unequal battle, you will evade dangerous opponents, while you yourself will shoot accurately and effectively, then you will inflict a lot of damage on the enemy, do a lot of useful things on the battlefield, earn more silver and experience, and with such tactics you You will be one of the last to die on the battlefield in case of defeat. If the battle is victorious, then you must survive it; in extreme cases, you must make a significant contribution to this victory.

Looking at the map and the rapidly changing situation, you will be able to accept right decisions and avoid dangerous situations on the map, do right steps to save the situation. This will provide a great foundation for victory in your team; you will learn to assess the situation, be flexible and useful in battle. You will be able to quickly and adequately make decisions on the battlefield, both for yourself and for your team, if you control it.

What does World of Tanks team battle give? Many people ask this question and want to know the answer. Pros and cons of team battles, how they differ from random ones and how much more profitable it is to play team battles than others.

So, dear readers, if you have asked this question, then you are a thinking player and I will try to give here an answer to the questions raised above.

Firstly, only seven players participate in team battles with equipment of only the sixth, seventh and eighth levels. The duration of the battle also differs from random battles and is seven minutes and during this time you need to recapture 2 bases or protect 2 bases, depending on what the rep will bear. I personally recommend sticking to this tactic. You need to take a premium tank; if you play on the eighth levels, then I take the T 34, and if the team plays on the sixth, then the Cromwell. The seventh levels are usually not involved, or they are some kind of light tank for highlighting opponents.

And now we come to the most important thing, what is so special about team battles and why it is worth playing them.

  1. This is, of course, increased silver farming even due to the fact that you win more often thanks to your allies.
  2. The ability to play with seven people from the same clan or with friends, and not just three of them as in a platoon. This in turn provides advantages since there is usually a connection and the players coordinate their actions through it. This gives you an advantage in winning.
  3. The absence of bots in your team that do nothing and only take up space in the team.

Team battle world of tanks cons

There are not many disadvantages, but they also exist because of them, I personally almost never play this type of fighting, and this is primarily

  1. If you are not playing with your clan in a team, then you have to wait a very long time for the whole team to gather and the battle finally begins. It happens that players, having lost hope, leave the team and have to wait endlessly for recruitment.
  2. This is what experienced players mostly play, and if you haven’t assembled your team and are playing with random players, then you will most likely lose constantly. This is where premium technology will help you and will not allow you to go far into the minus.

Experienced commanders may not agree with me, because you can make a lighter team from medium tanks, but we focus on ordinary players, and this composition performs well on all maps. Tank destroyers are a very controversial figure in team battles. On the one hand it is high firepower, but on the other hand, PT forces you to initially play defensively and reduces the total number of HP of the team. The tank destroyer will always be the first target for the enemy team, so you shouldn't take too many risks. But if you still want to try playing with a PT - Rhm.-Borsig Waffenträger or just a "borscht" with a 152mm cannon - this is the only one the best option. Artillery self-propelled guns will be just a piece of garbage in the team, they’re not even worth remembering.

Heavy tanks

Role in battle

Heavy tanks are the main firepower of the team. Having the largest margin of safety among all classes and a powerful weapon, they are able to perfectly “push through” directions or protect them. In a team battle for a heavy tank, the most important factors are its weapon, mobility and armor. I would like to place a special emphasis on armor: this parameter should not be neglected, but it is also not worth placing emphasis on it at the expense of mobility, since if it is necessary to break a grapple or when occupying key points, this can play a decisive role.

How to penetrate IS-3, Soviet heavy tank? A powerful weapon, good mobility, fairly strong turret armor with a rationally armored hull. Indispensable tank in team battles. Its penetration allows you to play with AP shells and not go into the red, the bulwarks allow you to perfectly tank damage on the side, and its maneuverability allows you to get to key points on the map and with a high degree of probability not to be noticed. Its disadvantages are low visibility, rather long reload time, for a long time information, which does not allow effective fire at long distances, and a small gun declination angle, which does not allow playing “from the terrain.”

On the IS-3 it is most effective to play in a group with other TTs. He can perfectly tank damage with his turret at distances of 60 meters and also deal damage himself. When playing with the AMX 50 100, the tank can perfectly take some of the damage, allowing the Frenchman to shoot off the drum and calmly drive off to reload. The gun and dynamics of the IS-3 are great for playing “swing” - quickly drive around the corner, shoot and drive. From all of the above, we can conclude: the IS-3 is excellent for team battles due to the fact that it is average in all characteristics, has an excellent weapon, strong turret armor and good mobility.


T32, American heavy tank. It has the strongest turret on the level, excellent visibility of 400 meters and a good gun with a huge declination angle. The tank is average in all respects, so it performs well on any map. But its advantages are fully revealed on maps with elevation changes, such as “Mines”, “Prokhorovka”, “Cliff”, “Monastery”. In battle it acts more as a support tank, unlike the IS-3. But if there are no other heavyweights in the team, then you can safely play in the first line, because we also have armor! Excellent visibility allows you to see the direction without the help of a tank, and a rapid-fire gun allows you to consistently pour damage into your opponents. And remember: the tower is your everything! Try to play as much as possible at the expense of your tower and air defense.

AMX 50 100

AMX 50 100, French heavy tank. It has excellent mobility, good visibility, a powerful drum gun, but very low armor. The tank should be used to break through directions together with allies, or for support from the side, occupying a convenient firing position. It is worth remembering that while reloading the drum it is better to retreat to cover. The main thing is to deal maximum damage from one reel without taking damage yourself. To do this, you can shoot from behind your allies or support them from the side - it's up to you. AMX 50 100 - the main firepower of the team, so try to destroy him first. When playing it, your goal is to inflict as much damage on targets as possible and survive.

Alternative technique


Chinese heavy tank. Alternative IS-3. The style of play is not much different from IS-3. The tank's gun differs from the IS-3: the 110's gun has a caliber of 100 mm, average damage and penetration are lower, but the rate of fire and accuracy are higher. Don't forget that the 110 has more visibility, but the dynamics are slightly worse than the IS-3. But still, the 110 does not have bulwarks, the gun has lower dynamics and average damage. These compelling arguments make the IS-3 a favorite.


IS-6, Soviet heavy tank. Alternative IS-3. Good armor, average mobility, medium-power weapon. The hull has good all-round armor due to rational angles. But you shouldn’t choose the IS-6 instead of the IS-3: a smart player will always be able to penetrate the IS-6 in the forehead or turret, so is it worth sacrificing speed in favor of controversial armor? In addition, the turret of the IS-6 is not as strong as that of the IS-3; the gun mantlet breaks through, which does not allow you to play calmly “from the terrain.” Although the gun has more damage per minute than the similar “BL-9”, you have to often fire with a “gold” due to the low penetration of the AP; the accuracy and aiming time are an order of magnitude worse. So the choice falls on the IS-3.


T34, American heavy tank. Alternative T32. A most powerful weapon, a strong turret and good air defenses. When playing from a tower, a formidable weapon allows you to distribute “splashes” to enemies, without taking the damage yourself. If necessary, it can go behind the backs of allied IS-3s and push the direction, or hide behind obstacles and effectively stop enemies. Although the weapon has the highest one-time damage at the level, it takes a very long time to reload. The problem is that T34 has low damage per minute and this can decide the outcome of the battle if he is left alone. T32 has at 40m more review and better mobility. It's up to you to decide, but the T32 is needed in the team precisely because of its versatility, which the T34 does not have.

Possible technique


KV-4, Soviet heavy tank. It has excellent armor, but is not particularly useful in team combat, since it is very slow and almost all guns can penetrate it when entering the side or stern. You can take it if the team plays defensively and has a tank destroyer that can support the KV-4. In most cases, the KV-4 will only be a burden to your team due to its immobility.


Löwe, German heavy tank. It has an excellent weapon with good one-time damage, impressive size and medium armor. He is very slow, which forces the team to play defensively. The turret has a huge impenetrable gun mantlet, but weak cheeks. Very weak in open areas, but can play off the terrain. In most cases, Löwe does not play a special role, since there is a T32, which is more versatile and fulfills its role perfectly.


Chinese heavy tank. Could be a replacement IS-3. The tank has good armor, an excellent turret, but a very controversial weapon. The tank should rather be compared with the IS-6, because they have almost identical guns. The accuracy is very low, it takes a long time to aim, and what is very important is that the gun’s rate of fire is lower than that of the IS-6. But there is another factor - “golden shells” have high penetration. They are cumulative! This is a very controversial factor: on the one hand, they are very penetrating, but on the other, some tanks have screens and this penetration is negated. The bottom armor plate is very cardboard and many tanks can easily penetrate it. Poor gun depression angles do not allow you to play “off the terrain”. Therefore, it is advisable to take the IS-3.

Object 416, Soviet medium tank. It has excellent mobility, good weapons, good visibility, and also has a low silhouette, which plays a big role on some maps. It can work perfectly both in tandem with the AMX 13 90 and with cords, because the rear location of the turret makes it much easier to carefully peek around corners. It also has weak armor, which saves only from 13 90 and not always. And don’t forget that the turret of this tank does not rotate completely.

T69, American medium tank. It differs from its classmates only in its drum loading system and durability (1350 HP), which allows it to withstand the drum of an enemy AMX 13 90. It has mediocre armor, good mobility and has excellent visibility. While reloading the drum, you have to hide, so you need to play carefully so that you have the opportunity to leave the position under fire. Does not work well in conjunction with the AMX 13 90 (often it simply cannot keep up with it). Has quite a small penetration for its level.

M26 Pershing, American medium tank. Large margin of safety, excellent and accurate weapon, good mobility, excellent visibility. In this case, there is no armor at all and the play style will be more reminiscent of the PT style. Working from long distances or passive light. If Pershing is left alone on the flank as a passive light, he will be able to illuminate the enemy earlier and escape unnoticed due to his speed. The Pershing also has very vulnerable internal modules, frequent damage to the ammo, fuel tanks and arson, which complicates the game on this tank.

STA-1, Japanese medium tank. The style of play is almost the same as that of Pershing, but due to the fact that CTA has weaker speed and maneuverability indicators and is quite big sizes, he cannot play the role of passive light. But its gun is superior to the Pershing gun and allows you to play in the TD style even better. Also, it is worth noting that the gun rises very poorly, this can be a huge disadvantage on maps such as “Cliff”, “Monastery”, “Mines”.

Possible technique

Indien-Panzer, German medium tank. He has almost the best weapon on the level, he can calmly play on the BB, shoot without waiting for a full report and at the same time not worry too much about reloading. But that's where its advantages end. There is no armor, mobility is mediocre, the ammunition rack is located directly in the forehead, which greatly spoils the gameplay on this tank both in general and in Team Battle. But there is a very small chance of fire and the transmission located at the rear allows you to take chocolate or gasoline instead of a fire extinguisher. And although it will not be difficult to find a use for this tank in almost any composition, it will not bring much pleasure to play on it.

T26E4 SuperPershing, American medium tank. In a composition with cords, it plays the role of “Meat”, since its screens can withstand sub-caliber projectiles from third ISs. At the same time, it has average weapons, but since the tank is premium, and the profitability in team battles is increased, it allows you to shoot gold shells and not be afraid for silver. Basically in good hands can play out battles at the KV-4 level, fulfilling its role.

Type 59, Chinese medium tank. An absolutely universal tank. can shine and tank and deal damage while acting as a PT. Excellent weapons, the ability to fire gold shells at no cost, good visibility and the presence of armor, which is very unusual for a ST at this level. But the tank is very rare. Once in a team battle, it is often difficult for him to work in a team, although he is capable of a lot in solo.

Light tanks

Light tanks play the role of scouts and support tanks in team battles. Because of their dynamics, they can quickly change position or direction and support allies. The T1 Cunningham can be used as a passive firefly in directions where the allies have not gone, in order to see enemies in time or capture a base.

AMX 13 90

AMX 13 90, French light tank. It has excellent dynamics, a deadly 6-shot drum gun and excellent visibility. In the first minutes of the battle, you should highlight the dispersal of enemy tanks and occupy good position For further actions. If possible, you need to support your allies from the side or go around the enemy from behind. After shooting the drum, you can passively shine or change direction. Indispensable tank in team battles.

T1 Cunningham

T1 Cunningham, American light tank of the first tier. Indispensable tank in team battles. Among his classmates he has the highest speed, and this is the decisive factor. Two T1s can be launched along the empty flanks at the beginning of the battle and placed to “see through” the directions. If the enemy rush is noticed immediately, then there will be time to regroup and correctly position all forces. T1 can also be sent to capture a base in order to divert the attention of enemies, and while they are turning around to break the capture, the allies can safely come aft of them and decide the outcome of the battle. Never underestimate T1! Always try to recruit a full squad.

Possible technique

Possible technique
