Olga is cool express. Igor Krutoy: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo

Igor Krutoy and his wife Olga shared the peculiarities of family life in two countries, talked about the upbringing of 14-year-old Sasha and told what their older children Vika and Nikolai are doing.

« We met Olya and got married not at the age of 17, but having gone through our first families and gained life experience, in some ways it was difficult to step on ourselves, but somehow we got used to it and got accustomed", the composer shared.

Krutoy has a home in Monaco and New York, but he feels at home in Moscow. " We have been living in this house for ten years, but I still love, when I wake up every day, to be glad that I am in this apartment, in this city.", notes the composer. But his wife Olga is comfortable everywhere. " I come here and manage to miss Moscow, my eldest daughter Vika, she lives here now, I return to New York to Sasha and am also happy. And in Monaco, our residence is more for relaxation, like a summer house, we go there mainly in the summer"Olga admits.

When his wife is in Moscow, Krutoy rearranges his schedule a little so that there is an opportunity to go together to the cinema, to a restaurant, to visit, but he is still quite busy - meetings, filming, recordings.

« I always have a lot to do everywhere, it seems like I have no time for rest at all. I am a very active person. I do a lot of sports, I’m interested in painting, I have my own business related to perfumes (perfume brand Okki), I always resolve issues by phone, I help Igor. When family is at a distance, everything needs to be tied together, I'm such a home manager", says Krutaya.

In New York, Olga devotes a lot of time to taking care of her daughter. Sasha now requires special attention: school questions, hometasks. Olga discusses them with her and is always aware of what is happening with her. Krutoy’s calendar is tied primarily to Sasha, she is completely dependent on her: on her activities, vacations, holidays.

« Wherever I am, I try to run and play sports in the morning if possible. Previously, Olya insisted on this, now she sometimes resists, saying: “Enough already, you’re already pale, why are you mocking yourself? Remember that you are not 18?” But I want to be in shape. On the one hand - children, on the other - a young wife, on the third - I go on stage, act on television, I can’t afford to let myself go, grow a belly", explains the composer.

Olga has been involved in sports all her life, rides alpine skiing, definitely goes to the resort once a year. " When we met, I wanted Igor to attract more attention to himself. And then he had no time for external gloss, he was quite relaxed about the way he looked and dressed, took the first thing he came across, put it on and went. In this sense, I’m a completely different person, I’ve always been a fashionista, I didn’t understand it, I decided: this is how I should do it. Gradually, it became important to Igor how he looked. And now his wardrobe is full of jackets. He says: I need this, this. I'm already stopping him"Krutaya says.

Krutoy and Olga have been together for 22 years; they met at a conscious age, and Igor listened to her in many ways: what lifestyle to lead, how to eat, dress, her views on certain things. " Even if she didn’t focus attention, he automatically perceived it. Her opinion is still important to me. Family life- this is a movement towards each other", says the composer.

Olga herself believes that a person can correct external things, grow spiritually, but essentially remains the same. If there is a core in it, then its essence will not change.
The composer's wife considers herself a non-conflict person; she may be offended and not talk, but she will never make a scandal. " We need to discuss and find out the reason for the disagreement. And I close myself off and step aside", Olga clarifies.

Igor, Olga, Sasha Krutaya and Vika Krutaya with their husband

« Sasha said: “My adolescence will affect everyone except you.” For me, the word “no” does not exist for her. This is our relationship. It feels like my umbilical cord is with her. Maybe this is also because Sasha appeared when I was 49 years old. This is a completely different perception of a child. I have the same with her great connection "Krutoy says. They can’t be close all the time, but they have to see each other and talk every day via FaceTime.

Olga keeps track of who Sasha communicates with; this is very important to her. She asks her daughter in detail about each one, asking what kind of family they have. According to Olga, she and Sasha are very close, they have a trusting relationship. " In the evening we’re already going to our rooms, suddenly the door opens and Sasha comes in and says: I can’t sleep. He sits next to me, although he’s already taller than me, and tells me his news"Olga admits.

Krutoy’s eldest son, 36-year-old Nikolai, works in a large oil company in a serious position, at the same time engaged in business, the desire to earn money awoke in him. Igor helped him with investments at the first stage, now he is calm about Kolya.

Igor and Sasha Krutoe

14-year-old Sasha likes rap, she likes to write essays, read serious books, plays basketball, and draws well. The eldest Vika loves the stage, she has a gorgeous voice. She received a good education, graduating from the Stella Adler Drama School in New York. Vika has been in America since she was five years old (she is now 32 years old), speaks without an accent, sings, and dances. Olga told her that while there is an opportunity, you need to try everything, so as not to regret it later. But now she is all about motherhood. Vika also has a company, she deals with flowers, but this is a business, not creativity. She is the owner, more in charge.

It is extremely rare for the Cool to get together with the whole family. All in different countries, cities, but Igor constantly receives photographs of his granddaughters from his children. He has three of them, Vicky has Demi, she is 2.5 years old, his son has Christina and Margaritka, in July the eldest is eight, the youngest will turn two years old. All are scattered around the world: Monaco, Moscow, America. In New York - Sasha. " We'll see you in June and we'll be together all summer. I love this time of year, the sun, the sea, especially when Sasha is nearby", quotes Krutoy "Antenna".

Igor is a creative person and at home he relaxes, rests and writes music. There are pieces of paper with a musical staff scattered throughout the apartment. Olga keeps them and doesn’t throw them away, although Krutoy wonders why.

Olga Krutaya was born on November 11, 1963 in St. Petersburg. Her father was a major party functionary and unquestioned authority in the family, and her mother was raising her daughter and son. Despite the fact that Olya is still in Soviet times she could show off in branded dresses that were unattainable for her peers, there was a strict ban on trousers, and she had to return home no later than seven in the evening. Upon completion high school, in full accordance with her father’s wishes, Olga became a student at the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute.

However, the power of parents is not unlimited, and in 1982 Olga shocked her family with the news of her marriage to Vladimir Bukhover, a man much older than her. In 1985, their daughter Victoria was born. The second shock for the father was the emigration of his daughter and her husband to the USA. However, being in a foreign country, difficulties with work, and, as Olga herself admitted, a lack of wisdom and patience in family relationships led to a break between the spouses in 1989.

Igor Yakovlevich Krutoy was experiencing separation from his wife when he met Olga. At that time she lived in America and was married. They met at a banquet after the concert. Concert featuring Russian celebrities took place in Atlantic City. Olga came to the banquet with friends, where she met Igor Yakovlevich. The acquaintance was so fleeting that Olga did not even know who he was. Igor didn’t come to the banquet alone either, they just ended up at neighboring tables. The beauty of the neighbor at the table struck Igor Yakovlevich. Krutoy did not forget Olga and called her a month later, once again finding himself in America. A romance began between them, ending with a wedding two years later.

Despite the fact that Olga was unable to leave her business in the USA, and Igor did not stop his creative and production activities in Russia, the relationship between the spouses was extremely harmonious. Olga convinced her husband to lead healthy image life and regularly visit the gym, became his image maker, and most importantly, his inspiration. Such songs of Krutoy as the undisputed wedding hit “I Love You to Tears”, the romantic “Palma de Mallorca” and many other timeless compositions were dedicated to her. Igor managed to establish a warm relationship with Olga’s daughter Victoria; over time, he adopted the girl, and she began to bear his last name.

Olga Krutaya prefers not to brag about her achievements. Her latest business project was the development of an original line of perfumes, the formulas of which she created in collaboration with French perfumer Nezhla Barbir. This Russian brand, which is produced in France, is called "OKKIi", made up of the initials of a married couple, and is already on sale at TSUM and Douglas Rivoli. The brand's line includes four original fragrances - one for men, Opus pour Homme, and three for women of different ages.

When Igor and Olga Krutoy appear at social events, they always attract attention. The past years have not affected Olga's appearance - she does not change her hair color or hairstyle, she is still slim and beautiful, she knows how to choose and wear clothes from expensive brands effectively. As for family relations Olga and Igor, then, by their mutual admission, over the past twenty years they have only become stronger.

Igor Yakovlevich Krutoy. Born on July 29, 1954 in Gayvoron, Kirovograd region (Ukrainian SSR). Soviet and Russian composer, producer, businessman. National artist RF (1996). People's Artist of Ukraine (2011). Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1992).

Father - Yakov Aleksandrovich Krutoy (1927-1980), worked as a forwarder at the Radiodetal plant in the city of Gaivoron,

Mother - Svetlana Semyonovna Krutaya (born 1934), was a laboratory assistant at the sanitary and epidemiological station.

Sister - Alla Yakovlevna Krutaya (born 1959) - American and Ukrainian TV presenter, in 1992 she married an American of Italian origin, took his last name Baratta and left for the USA, began working on TV in 1997 in Philadelphia, then on a satellite Russian-language channel RTVi, hosted the Sunday program “Vis-vis” for 13 years, her program was attended by: Mstislav Rostropovich, Ernst Neizvestny, Evgeny Yevtushenko, Alexey Yagudin, Oleg Kalugin, Rudy Giuliani, Alla Pugacheva and others. Hosted the program “Welcome” on the TV channel “Ukraine” ”, also dedicated to meetings with celebrities. Has a daughter Natalya and a grandson Yakov.

Igor Krutoy As a child, he independently learned to play the button accordion and performed with the school ensemble.

After studying at a music school, he entered the theoretical department of the Kirovograd Music College, from which he graduated with honors in 1974.

He entered the Kyiv Conservatory, but was unsuccessful. Then he taught music at a rural school for a year.

In 1979 he graduated from the conducting and choral department of the music and pedagogical faculty of the Nikolaev State Pedagogical Institute named after. V. G. Belinsky. Along with his studies, he worked part-time in a restaurant, where he met Alexander Serov, for whom he soon began writing songs. Later, Igor Yakovlevich enters Saratov Conservatory and, having studied there for more than a year, leaves the educational institution.

In 1981, Igor Krutoy was invited to work first as a pianist and then as a leader of the ensemble. During this period, he collaborates a lot and tours with the actor.

The first great success came to Igor Krutoy in 1987, when he wrote the song “Madonna” based on poetry famous poetess Rimma Kazakova, and it was performed by I. Krutoy’s longtime friend from his work in Ukraine, Alexander Serov. The song became a laureate of the “Song of the Year” television festival. Further, the composer wrote such famous songs as “Wedding Music”, “How to Be”, “Do You Love Me”, also based on poems by Rimma Kazakova.

In 1986 and 1987, Alexander Serov won international competitions with Igor Krutoy’s songs “Inspiration” and “Spite of Fate.”

In 1988, Igor Krutoy became a laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize.

Since 1989 except creative activity Igor Yakovlevich also begins to actively engage in production activities. He heads the ARS company (original name Youth Center ARS) first as director - artistic director, and then, since 1998, as president. Over the 11 years of its existence, the ARS company, under his leadership, has become one of the largest concert and production organizations in Russia.

For several years now, since 1994, the ARS company has been holding creative evenings of the composer and People's Artist of Russia Igor Krutoy with the participation of stars Russian stage. Krutoy's first creative evenings were presented for the composer's fortieth anniversary at the Moscow Operetta Theater (1994).

After the success of the first concerts, creative evenings by composer Igor Krutoy became traditional and were subsequently held at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall. In addition to Russia and the CIS countries, they were also held abroad - in the USA, Germany and Israel. Every year, pop stars delight viewers with new hits from Igor Krutoy. The songs of one author are heard from the stage, but every year a completely new unusual show program is presented to the audience.

Songs of Igor Krutoy in different time performed (or are performed) by the following singers and groups: Anzhelika Agurbash, Leonid Agutin, Vadim Azarkh, Alexa, Anatoly Alyoshin, Irina Allegrova, Lala Allegrova, Alsou, Vladimir Asimov, Inna Afanasyeva, Samir Bagirov, Nadezhda Babkina, Vadim Baykov, Vladimir Balakhon, Nikolay Baskov, Galina Besedina, Dima Bilan, Alexander Bon, Igor Borisov, Alexander Buinov, Laima Vaikule, Valeria, Angelika Varum, Mikhail Veselov, Anne Veski, Natalya Vetlitskaya, Leri Winn, Einar Vitols, Oleg Gazmanov, Ksenia Georgiadi, Alexey Glyzin, Evgeniy Gor, Alexander Gradsky, Diana Gurtskaya, Dominic Joker, Larisa Dolina, Irina Dubtsova, Sergei Zhukov, Evgenia Zamchalova, Igor Ivanov, Alexander Kalyanov, Philip Kirkorov, Joseph Kobzon, Karina Koks, Olga Kormukhina, Anastasia Kochetkova, Sergei Lazarev, Ksenia Larina , Valery Leontyev, Marina Lepa, Grigory Leps, Lev Leshchenko, Lolita, Ani Lorak, Muslim Magomaev, Sergey Mazaev, Yana Melikaeva, Murat Nasyrov, Nikita, Igor Nikolaev, Kristina Orbakaite, Irina Otieva, Yuri Okhochinsky, Soso Pavliashvili, Alexander Panayotov, Taisiya Povaliy, Vladimir Presnyakov, Alla Pugacheva, Masha Rasputina, Anna Reznikova, Alexander Rosenbaum, Sofia Rotaru, Abraham Russo, Rosa Rymbaeva, Verka Serduchka, Alexander Serov, Vlad Stashevsky, Emin Agalarov, Anastasia Stotskaya, Igor Talkov, Timati , Yuri Titov, Vladimir Tkachenko, Valentina Tolkunova, Lara Fabian, Khatuna, Marina Khlebnikova, Prokhor Shalyapin, Batyrkhan Shukenov, Mikhail Shufutinsky, group "A'Studio", group "Disco Accident", group "Republic", VIA "Blue Bird" , VIA "Slivki", participants in the international competition "New Wave", Igor Krutoy's children's choir "New Wave", as well as outstanding opera singers Cho Sumi, Andrea Bocelli, Aida Garifullina, Dmitry Hvorostovsky, Maria Maksakova and others.

Igor Krutoy in the program "Secret to a Million"

Height of Igor Krutoy: 176 centimeters.

Personal life of Igor Krutoy:

The first wife is Elena Krutaya, originally from Leningrad. Married since 1979.

The couple had a son, Nikolai Krutoy, in 1981. Granddaughter - Christina (born 2010).

Igor Krutoy with his first wife Elena and son

Songs performed by Igor Krutoy:

The Lost Coast (Art. K. Arsenev)
Chestnut branch (Art. E. Muravyov)
Crystal glass (Art. T. Nazarov)
Moscow does not believe in tears (Art. I. Nikolaev)
My friend (Art. I. Nikolaev)
Third of September (Art. I. Nikolaev)
Forever (Art. I. Sedov)
Small cafe (Art. L. Fadeev)
May you dream of Palma de Mallorca (Art. L. Fadeev)
Steamboats go to sea (Art. I. Shaferan)

Songs of Igor Krutoy:

My finances sing romances (Art. V. Pelenyagre)

Frankly (Art. I. Nikolaev)

Lara Fabian:

Love of tired swans (Art. M. Gutseriev)
My mother (lyrics by L. Fabian)
Always (lyrics by L. Fabian)
Angel pass away (lyrics by L. Fabian)
Carma / Je t'aime encore (lyrics by L. Fabian)
Demain n'existe pas (lyrics by L. Fabian)
Desperate Housewife (lyrics by L. Fabian)
Ever-ever land (lyrics by L. Fabian)
Furious (lyrics by L. Fabian)
Llora (lyrics by L. Fabian)
Lou (lyrics by L. Fabian)
Mademoiselle Hyde (lyrics by L. Fabian)
Mr. President (lyrics by L. Fabian)
Running (lyrics by L. Fabian)
Russian fairy tale (lyrics by L. Fabian)
Sons and Daughters (lyrics by L. Fabian)
Toccami (lyrics by L. Fabian)
Tomorrow is a lie (lyrics by L. Fabian)
Trouver la vie, l'amour, le sens (lyrics by L. Fabian)
Vocalise (Ascolta La voce) (leitmotif "Mademoiselle Zhivago") (lyrics by L. Fabian)

Lara Fabian and Dmitry Hvorostovsky:

Sempre (lyrics by L. Fabian)

Lara Fabian, Dmitry Hvorostovsky and Sumi Jo:

Demain n'existe pas (lyrics by L. Fabian)
La Melodie (lyrics by L. Fabian)

Sumi Jo and Igor Krutoy:

L'amour à la Russe (lyrics by L. Fabian)
Fire in my heart (Art. L. Vinogradova)

Anzhelika Agurbash and Lev Leshchenko:

World of Dreams (Art. L. Fadeev)

Vadim Azarkh:

IN last time(Art. I. Nikolaev)

Vadim Azarkh and Natalya Vetlitskaya:

Lanterns (Art. I. Nikolaev)


Moon trail (Art. K. Arsenev)
Where are you (Art. I. Sekacheva)
I live by you (Art. I. Sekacheva)

Alexa's duets:

Alexa, Polina Gagarina and Irina DubtsovaContrasts (art. folk)
Alexa, Irina Dubtsova and Ksenia LarinaContrasts (art. folk)
Alexa, Irina Dubtsova and Anastasia KochetkovaContrasts (art. folk)

Anatoly Aleshin:

Crystal and champagne (Art. I. Nikolaev)
I have been in love with you for a long time (Art. M. Ryabinin)
It’s not your fault (Art. L. Fadeev)

Irina Allegrova:

A girl named I want (Art. Arkady Arkanov)
Spring in Paradise (Art. Konstantin Arsenev)
Two (Art. Konstantin Arsenev)
Lullaby (Art. Konstantin Arsenev)
Tenderness (Art. Konstantin Arsenev)
Lord of pleasures (Art. Konstantin Arsenev)
Don't be late (Art. Konstantin Arsenev)
Callous name days (Art. Nikolai Zinoviev)
Waiting (Art. Nikolai Zinoviev)
I love men (Art. Yulia Kadysheva)
Unrequited love (Art. Rimma Kazakova)
I need you (Art. Rimma Kazakova)
Palms (Art. Evgeniy Kemerovo)
Honeymoon (Art. Igor Kokhanovsky)
Tropikanka (Art. Evgeniy Muravyov)
Her Highness (Art. Evgeniy Muravyov)
The right of the last night (Art. Evgeniy Muravyov)
I will go to Sylvester Stallone (Art. Evgeny Muravyov)
Island of a Thousand Kisses (Art. Tatyana Nazarova)
Yesterday (Art. Igor Nikolaev)
Gold of love (Art. Igor Nikolaev)
Loves or not (Art. Igor Nikolaev)
The Catcher in the Rye (Art. Igor Nikolaev)
Well, let it be (Art. Igor Nikolaev)
Wedding flowers (Art. Igor Nikolaev)
Women-bitches (Art. Simon Osiashvili)
I will smile at you through my tears (Art. Simon Osiashvili)
In the gold of nights (Art. Victor Pelenyagre)
Captain (Sr. Victor Pelenyagre)
Monologue (Art. Victor Pelenyagre)
At the pier of Montevideo (station Victor Pelenyagra)
Night lilies (Art. Victor Pelenyagre)
By belated flowers (Art. Victor Pelenyagre)
Titanic (Art. Victor Pelenyagre)
Hooligan (Art. Victor Pelenyagre)
Curtain (Art. Ilya Reznik)
Sir (Art. Ilya Reznik)
I will part the clouds with my hands (Art. Ilya Reznik)
Dad's smile (Art. Sergei Romanov)
You will be responsible for the market (Art. Larisa Rubalskaya)
Confession (Art. Yuri Rybchinsky)
Mistress (Art. Yuri Rybchinsky)
Kiss me (Art. Tatyana Tutova)
I will win you back (Art. Marina Tsvetaeva)

Irina Allegrova and Lala Allegrova:

Dialogue (We cannot refuse love) (Art. M. Eremina)


It’s all the same (music by I. Krutoy and A. Shevchenko, Art. A. Shevchenko)

When love comes to me (Art. K. Arsenev)

Sun and Moon (Art. K. Arsenev)
Love is like a dream (Art. V. Gorbachev)
You are my happiness (Art. M. Gutseriev)
I didn’t invent you (Art. L. Fadeev)

Alsou and Nikolai Baskov:

Birthday of love (Art. K. Arsenev)

Arkady Arkanov:

Big hello (Art. A. Arkanov)
Waltz (Art. A. Arkanov)
God bless you (Art. A. Arkanov)
Hole in the head (Song about the Motherland) (Art. A. Arkanov)
Affectionate Maya (Art. A. Arkanov)
Madame (Art. A. Arkanov)
Mur-mur-mur (Art. A. Arkanov)
There is grass in the yard (Art. A. Arkanov)
We need to be closer friends with animals (Art. A. Arkanov)
My thoughts (Art. A. Arkanov)
Tango (Art. A. Arkanov)
Titicaca (Art. A. Arkanov)
Tulip (Art. A. Arkanov)
The priest had a dog (Art. A. Arkanov)
Youth is leaving (Art. A. Arkanov)

Duets by Arkady Arkanov:

Arkady Arkanov and Laima Vaikule - Honduras (Art. A. Arkanov)
Arkady Arkanov and Lolita - Honduras (art. A. Arkanov)

Vladimir Asimov:

Snow is falling (Art. S. Osiashvili)

Group "A'Studio":

Dad, mom (Art. R. Dzhanibekov)

Inna Afanasyeva:

It’s not your fault (Art. L. Fadeev)
Take me with you, darling (Art. R. Kazakova)
Four brothers (Art. L. Fadeev)

Nadezhda Babkina:

Rechenka (Art. K. Arsenev)

Nadezhda Babkina and Evgeny Gor:

Do you love me (Art. R. Kazakova)

Samir Bagirov:

Respond (Art. N. Denisov)

Vadim Baykov:

Be it your way (Art. K. Arsenev)
Birthday of love (Art. K. Arsenev)
Moon trail (Art. K. Arsenev)
Give me a kiss (Art. K. Arsenev)
Under the constellation of love (Art. K. Arsenev)
Train to nowhere (Art. K. Arsenev)
Queen of my dreams (Art. V. Baikov)
Goldfish (Art. N. Plyatskovskaya)
On Ordynka (st. L. Fadeev)
Accidental separation (Art. S. Beschastny)
Lonely without you (Art. S. Volkov)
Early hour (Art. K. Kuliev)

Nikolay Baskov:

Castle in the Air (Art. K. Arsenev)
Birthday of love (Art. K. Arsenev)
Love does not know the word “no” (Art. K. Arsenev)
Cherry love (Art. M. Gutseriev)
Love is not words (Art. M. Gutseriev)
Prayer (Art. A. Dementyev)
Waltz (Art. R. Kazakova)
You are my light (Art. T. Nazarova)
Sharmanka (Art. V. Pelenyagre)
All flowers (Art. S. Osiashvili)
Russian evening (Art. A. Shaganov)

Nikolai Baskov and Kristina Orbakaite:

When you say goodbye to a fairy tale (Art. K. Arsenev)

Nikolay Baskov and Taisiya Povaliy:

Prayer (Art. A. Dementyev)
Wedding flowers (Art. I. Nikolaev)

Galina Besedina:

I'm leaving (Art. L. Vorontsova)

Dima Bilan:

June rain (Art. A. Shaganov)

Igor Borisov:

Airmail (Art. D. Usmanov)

Andrea Bocelli:

Vocal parts

Alexander Buynov:

Song about the Motherland (Art. A. Arkanov)
For you (Art. K. Arsenev)
Sealed envelope (Art. K. Arsenev)
Fashion model (Art. S. Beschastny)
In the wrong carriage (Art. S. Beschastny)
Meeting at a restaurant (Art. L. Vorontsova)
Don't go (Art. B. Dubrovin)
I love you (Art. B. Dubrovin)
Honeymoon trip (Art. N. Zinoviev)
Someone else's woman (Art. I. Lazarevsky)
Gallery broken hearts(Art. E. Muravyov)
Mirrors (Art. E. Muravyov)
Othello (Art. E. Muravyov)
Old mirror (Art. V. Pelenyagre)
Hotel "Razgulnaya" (st. I. Nikolaev)
Crystal and champagne (Art. I. Nikolaev)
In the city N (V. Pelenyagre station)
Lady Lorigan (Art. V. Pelenyagre)
My finances sing romances (Art. V. Pelenyagre)
Negroes (Art. V. Pelenyagre)
Ocean (Art. V. Pelenyagre)
Olechka (Art. V. Pelenyagre)
Oh, Maggie (v. V. Pelenyagre)
Paris (Art. V. Pelenyagre)
Roses scattered (Art. V. Pelenyagre)
There you think about me (Art. V. Pelenyagre)
“I’m across the field” (Art. L. Rubalskaya)
White butterfly of the day (Art. L. Fadeev)
“Islands of Love” (Art. L. Fadeev)
Train in the mountains (Art. L. Fadeev)

Laima Vaikule:

“Street of Love” (Art. K. Arsenev)
“I miss you” (Art. K. Arsenev)
Remember me (Art. B. Dubrovin)
I'm leaving (Art. E. Muravyov)
"Acapulco" (Art. V. Pelenyagre)
In the stagecoach of my dreams (Art. V. Pelenyagre)
Wind (Art. V. Pelenyagre)
For what? (Art. V. Pelenyagre)
Golden Foxtrot (Art. V. Pelenyagre)
Carmen (Art. V. Pelenyagra)
“Latin Quarter” (Art. V. Pelenyagre)
Magnolias of Monaco (Art. V. Pelenyagre)
The brides closed the shutters (Art. V. Pelenyagre)

On the golden sand of Miami (Art. L. Fadeev)

Laima Vaikule and Igor Krutoy:

“Chestnut branch” (Art. E. Muravyov)

Laima Vaikule, Igor Krutoy and Raymond Pauls:

What is the pianist playing about (music by I. Krutoy and R. Pauls, Art. V. Pelenyagre)

Laima Vaikule and Valery Leontyev:

Shark from Honolulu (Art. V. Pelenyagre)

Laima Vaikule, Lev Leshchenko and Vladimir Vinokur:

Trio (Art. V. Dozortsev)

Laima Vaikule and the duet “Tea for Two”:

I want to see you (Art. N. Zinoviev)


I let you go (Art. R. Kazakova)
Let me go (Art. L. Stuef)
Distorting Mirror (Art. L. Stuf)

Angelika Varum:

Where are you? (Art. I. Sekacheva)

Mikhail Veselov:

Don't forget (Art. L. D'Elia)
Flower (Art. S. Zhukov)

Anna Veski:

Take me with you, darling (Art. R. Kazakova)
Lullaby to the world (Art. K. Kuliev)

Natalya Vetlitskaya:

Lanterns (Art. I. Nikolaev)

Vladimir Vinokur:

Eat (Art. E. Muravyov)
Mom (Art. E. Muravyov)
I love opera (Art. E. Muravyov)
Women of Odessa (Art. I. Mukhin)
Father (Art. S. Osiashvili)
Tsytsa-Maritsa (Art. V. Pelenyagre)

Einar Vitols:

Steamboats go to sea (Art. I. Shaferan)

Aida Garifullina:

White bird (Art. L. Vinogradov)

Ksenia Georgiadi:

Waiting for you (Art. R. Kazakova)

Khibla Gerzmava:

Olympic Waltz (Art. I. Nikolaev)

Alexey Glyzin:

Love is trouble (Art. R. Kazakova)
Prayer (Art. R. Kazakova)
Letters from afar (Art. I. Nikolaev)

Alexander Gradsky:

Towards (Art. L. Vinogradov)

Diana Gurtskaya:

You know, mom (Art. E. Muravyov)

Dominic Joker:

Diskoteka Avaria:

I will love (Art. S. Alikhanov and A. Zhigarev)
Song of the Robbers (music by I. Krutoy and A. Ryzhov, lyrics by A. Ryzhov)

Larisa Dolina:

Rainy evening (Art. L. Kalyuzhnaya)
Four Brothers (Art. A. Kosarev) - song from the film “Souvenir for the Prosecutor”
Music (art. K. Kuliev)
Bridges (st. I. Nikolaev)
Airmail (Art. D. Usmanov)

Irina Dubtsova:

“Unrequited love” (Art. R. Kazakova)
I will win you back (Art. M. Tsvetaeva)

Sergey Zhukov and Mikhail Veselov:

Separation (Art. S. Zhukov)

Zaitsev sisters:

Flood meadows (st. I. Nikolaev)
Where does such tenderness come from (Art. M. Tsvetaeva)

Evgenia Zamchalova:

Tenderness (Art. O. Kulanina)
Night Express (st. O. Kulanina)
I'm flying to you (Art. O. Kulanina)

Igor Ivanov:

Recognition (Art. S. Alikhanov and A. Zhigarev)
You read on the go (Art. S. Alikhanov and A. Zhigarev)

Alina Kabaeva and participants of the Children's Festival rhythmic gymnastics"Alina":

The very best (Art. Lyubasha)

Alexander Kalyanov:

How is it in Russia? (Art. I. Nikolaev)
Beyond the cordon (Art. S. Romanov)

Philip Kirkorov:

Love is like a dream (Art. V. Gorbachev)
Respond (Art. N. Denisov)
Queen of Heat (Art. R. Kazakova and A. Morsin)
My joy (Art. I. Nikolaev)
A thousand years (Art. I. Nikolaev)
Only once (Art. V. Pelenyagre)
It’s not your fault (Art. L. Fadeev)
We parted so absurdly (Art. K. Filippova)

Philip Kirkorov and Masha Rasputina:

Wedding flowers (Art. I. Nikolaev)

Joseph Kobzon:

Moscow does not believe in tears (Art. I. Nikolaev)
Come (Art. G. Emin)

Olga Kormukhina:

My first day without you (Art. R. Kazakova)
There (Art. O. Kormukhin)

Anastasia Kochetkova:

I love you to tears (Art. I. Nikolaev)

Composer and producer Igor Krutoy has gained fame in Russian show business circles as a stubborn, tough and stern man. They say that only in front of one person does Igor lose all his hardness and become white and fluffy. This is his wife, Olga Krutaya. She, in turn, is surprised: “Yes, but it seems to me that he listens to anyone, just not me.”

A wayward girl from a good family

Olga Krutaya was born on November 11, 1963 in Leningrad, in the family of a party functionary and a housewife. She received a very strict upbringing, she was home at seven o'clock, while others her age stayed out until nine. She won the right to wear jeans only at the age of seventeen. After school, Olga entered the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute, graduating with success.

At the age of 19, completely unexpectedly for her parents, she got married and gave birth to a daughter, Victoria.. The marriage, for reasons that Olga refuses to divulge, was unsuccessful, and Olga was left alone with a little girl in her arms.

Meanwhile, great changes were taking place in the country, iron curtain, the borders have opened. The girl, who had lived in a privileged position since childhood, expressed a desire to go abroad to visit a friend. It was 1991.

She did not return from the trip. She simply called her parents and said that she was staying in the USA. Six months later, she took her daughter with her. In America, Olga worked a little as a model, without much enthusiasm.

By her own admission, the decision to stay in the United States was dictated by the desire to create Better conditions for his child, because in his homeland at that time it was turbulent.

She married a wealthy American of Russian origin, but does not like to remember this marriage. This can be unpleasant for the husband, she explains. In general, Olga categorically does not advertise her entire personal life. It was as if she had no personal life. As if Igor was her first man.

Fateful meeting

Igor himself is cool and considers his wife the same way main woman in life. In his first marriage, in which the master had a son, the producer was not happy. The wife could not endure the financial difficulties that inevitably await most people in the creative profession at the beginning of their journey. As a result, she found someone else and the family broke up.

After that, Igor was single for 15 years. He saw Olga by chance in 1994 in Atlantic City where he came from big company Russian artists: Alla Pugacheva, Valery Leontyev, Laima Vaikule, Irina Allegrova, Lev Leshchenko... Igor Krutoy recalls: “My head turned 180 degrees, and stayed that way.”

He was amazed by the beauty of Olga, who was married at that time. The acquaintance did not continue, as it was fleeting, and Olga did not know at all what kind of person he was. By the way, recognition and real fame came to Krutoy just in the first years of his marriage to Olga.

On his next visit to America, Krutoy found a beauty who captured his imagination. And on the third date he proposed. When you live on different continents, there is no time for long romantic games. Olga immediately agreed, as her feelings were very strong.

Interesting notes:

Informal Honeymoon(at that time Olga was still officially married) spent in Miami.

The song “I love you to tears” was written by Krutoy during a period of intense love, and was originally called “Olenka”. First general public Olga appeared in the “Palma de Mallorca” video, and many viewers remembered the exquisite beauty, not yet knowing that she was the wife of the author of the song.

Love across the ocean

After the wedding, little changed - Olga remained to live in the USA, and Krutoy worked in Moscow, where his work suddenly became incredibly in demand. Krutoy provided for his beloved wife and stepdaughter, and a little later, my own daughter Alexandra has a very comfortable life.

His beloved girls live either in Miami, or in Spain, or in Monaco, and do not need anything. In Miami, for example, in the Fisher Island area, the Cool have a magnificent apartment. The island itself is famous for its unique security: “Try to lose your wallet - they will bring it to you in half an hour,” says Olga.

There are dozens of tennis courts, golf courses, pink flamingos and other attributes of a luxurious life. In this area you can meet stars of the first magnitude without any security; Olga even once ran into Bill Clinton on the street.

Olga’s eldest daughter, Vika, has been involved in music since childhood and tried herself as a singer. Now she is married and has already given birth to a daughter, a granddaughter for her beloved mother.

Alexandra also shows interest in music. Olga herself has been involved in the perfume business since 2011. Her goal is to create the first Russian perfume brand, but entirely produced in France. Everything – the bottle, technology, raw materials, production – must be “Made in Franse”.

Igor Yakovlevich Krutoy is a Soviet and Russian composer, producer, singer, People's Artist of Russia (1996) and Ukraine (2011). On top of that, Krutoy is the owner of several Russian popular radio stations. Igor Krutoy’s songs were performed by almost all Russian pop stars and not only - from Angelika Varum to Alexander Bon, from Lara Fabian to Muslim Magomayev.

Childhood and adolescence

Igor Krutoy was born on the outskirts of the small town of Gayvoron, picturesquely located on the banks of the Southern Bug in Ukraine. His father, Yakov Mikhailovich, worked as a freight forwarder at a radio factory, and his mother, Svetlana Semyonovna, was a laboratory assistant at the local sanitary and epidemiological station. The composer has a sister, Alla, who married an Italian, moved to the USA and now works on television.

Igor grew up as an ordinary boy, played football with friends and at first was no different from his peers. In the Krutys’ house they kept an old trophy accordion, which my father sometimes picked up during family gatherings. Igor also liked to finger the keys of the dilapidated instrument, and he himself did not notice how he learned to play it.

This activity fascinated the teenager so much that he began performing at local discos, masterfully performing compositions from the repertoire of the legendary Beatles on the button accordion. Seeing her son's obvious abilities in music, his mother insisted that after the eighth grade he enter a music school. To do this, it was necessary to master the piano, so, despite the difficult financial situation in the family, Igor was bought a used piano.

Carier start

Having excellently graduated from the Kirovograd Music College, the young man tried to enter the Kyiv Conservatory, but did not pass the competition. After working for a year as a music teacher in a rural school, he entered the Nikolaev Pedagogical Institute in the conducting and choral department. While studying, Igor worked part-time at a local restaurant, where he met Alexander Serov, who became his true friend and a companion for many years.

Even then, Krutoy began to write his own songs, which were successfully performed by artists of the Nikolaev Philharmonic, but he was unable to break through further. In those days, young artists had to overcome difficult barriers from various artistic council auditions, which only the most talented and stubborn managed to pass.


In 1979, Krutoy received an offer from the capital's Panorama orchestra and moved to Moscow. Two years later, he got a job as a pianist in Valentina Tolkunova’s ensemble and established himself well among the capital’s musicians. But this was not enough for the ambitious provincial; he wanted to make a name for himself as a composer. Soon Igor lured Alexander Serov to Moscow and began promoting his songs performed by him.

Thanks to Tolkunova’s patronage, in 1988 Serov managed to get to the international musical competition in Budapest with Krutoy’s song “Madonna” and become the winner there. Half the job was done, now all that was left was to get on television. For the first time, the song “Madonna” was heard on the air of the program “Before and After Midnight”; by the morning the whole country was already singing it.

Igor Krutoy’s song “Madonna” performed by Alexander Krutoy

Overnight, Serov became a megastar, and Krutoy became one of the most sought-after composers on the Russian stage. But the real burden of fame fell on Igor Krutoy’s head after his duet with Irina Allegrova in the video “ Unfinished novel».

Krutoy’s songs have taken their rightful place in the repertoire of such stars of the pop scene as Irina Allegrova (more than 40 songs, including “I will part the clouds with my hands”), Valery Leontyev (more than 20), Laima Vaikule (including “ Chestnut Branch,” which they sang as a duet), Alexander Buinov (more than 30) and Alla Pugacheva (“Love Like a Dream,” “Ah, Lieutenant,” etc.).

In 1989, Igor Yakovlevich created the ARS production center, within the framework of which he organized grandiose musical projects on a global scale. Creative evenings the composer invariably aroused great interest, and his music festivals in Jurmala and Sochi are to this day one of the most significant events in domestic show business.

Igor Krutoy also became the producer of the fourth “Star Factory”, successfully collaborated with Lara Fabian, wrote music for films and theatrical productions.

Igor Krutoy and Lara Fabian - “Fallen Leaves”

The popular composer has released more than one disc with recordings of his songs. So, one of the first was an album called “Songs of the composer Igor Krutoy” (parts 1–6), in 1997 a collection performed by Alexander Buinov “Islands of Love” was released, two years later “My Finances Sing Romances”, in 2002 followed by the album “Songs of a Composer - Star Series,” and Irina Allegrova recorded an album with Krutoy’s songs “I’ll part the clouds with my hands” and “An Unfinished Romance.”

Igor Krutoy writes a lot of instrumental music. Thus, in 2000, he released the album “Without Words”, and at the beginning of his career he wrote music for three feature films: “Thirst for Passion”, “Hostages of the Devil” and “Souvenir for the Prosecutor”.
