Easter superstitions, signs, customs and conspiracies. Signs for Easter

Easter is one of the most significant holidays in Christianity. They prepare for this celebration for a whole week, which is popularly called Holy Week.

Since ancient times, people have carefully observed the events taking place these days, collecting all the patterns and retelling them from generation to generation. Thus, now there are many Easter signs that can help predict the future.

Easter signs for marriage and for unmarried girls pregnant to give birth

Directly on Easter day, young girls go to the church bell tower early in the morning. The ringing of bells on this day has magical power. Girls who want to find a wonderful groom who can provide them with a decent, financially independent life, ring the bell, pronouncing their desire.

During the Easter service, unmarried girls say quietly: “The Resurrection of Christ! Send the single groom!”

Easter signs for children, health, money, home, spouses

In order for the baby to grow strong and healthy, early on Sunday morning he needs to be taken out into the yard and placed with his feet on an ax. At the same time, you need to ask God to give the baby strength and health.

It is believed that children born on the day Happy Easter, will be very happy and famous people in the future. Those born on Easter week will have good health. I will avoid the illnesses of such people.

In order for the marriage to be successful, it is best to send matchmakers during Easter week. In order for there to always be understanding and respect between spouses, lovers should call each other only by name and patronymic these days.

To ensure that the house is always cozy and family-like, all women living in it need to wash all the thresholds and windows together on Maundy Thursday.

Easter signs and customs for attracting money, so that money flows

If a family wants money to be kept in the house, then it is better to go to church in full force, and after the festive service they need to hurry home. Upon arrival, the housewife must quickly feed all household members.

In order to attract money to the house, you need to feed the birds crumbs from the blessed bread that remain after the morning meal.

Signs for Easter to ring the bells, in Russia and Ukraine, on leap years, on Friday and Maundy Thursday

In both Russia and Ukraine, men go to the bell tower on Easter morning to hear the bells ringing. At this time, health, wealth, and future harvests come to the owner of the house, accompanied by magical sounds emanating from the bell tower.

If in leap year If the family is expecting the birth of a baby, then his mother must treat the neighboring children with Easter eggs, Easter cakes and sweets. This is how she buys health and happiness for her child. After all, according to popular belief, people born in a leap year have a difficult fate.

Signs and beliefs for Easter and Easter, Holy Week

There is a belief that you must watch the sunrise on Easter morning so that all troubles will bypass your home throughout the year.

People born on Easter Sunday at exactly noon may become big figures in the future, capable of influencing the course of history.

If a girl hears the singing of a cuckoo on Holy Week, this predicts an imminent marriage and continuation of the family.

Easter signs by day of the week

On the Monday before Easter, you need to clean the yard and, if necessary, repair the gate or fence. This is done in order to keep out the evil spirits who are in a hurry to hide somewhere before the Resurrection of Christ.

Watch for wind on Tuesday. If it blows on a house from the south, it means success in family affairs; if it blows from the east, it means an increase in the family; if it blows from the north, it means illness; and if it blows from the west, you can expect bad news.

On Wednesday and Maundy Thursday definitely a must do general cleaning throughout the house, because anyone who doesn’t have time to clean up by Friday will live in the dirt all year.

Children born on Easter Friday were not predicted to have very good omens. happy life, with many diseases. The mothers of such children necessarily take them to healers and witches in order to reprimand them and beg for their health and well-being.

If you don’t go to bed on the Saturday before Easter, you can bring happiness to your family. It’s better to be in church for a service that night.

Signs for Easter for the weather and according to the weather

If the weather is clear and warm on Monday, then the year will definitely be fruitful.

If it rains, the winter will be harsh, with severe frosts. To preserve the harvest, you need to collect rainwater on this day and water the garden bed with it on a dry day.

Easter signs and superstitions, traditions, what not to do and what can and should be done

According to Easter superstitions, a cracked Easter cake these days predicts a whole year of misfortune for the family. To avoid this, you need to take red candles and Easter eggs to church, and in return bring home church crackers.

During the entire Easter week, it is strictly forbidden to get drunk, since during these days the spirit of Christ walks the earth, and all evil spirits hide in Hell. Also, you should not speak very loudly these days, as this can bring trouble to the whole family.

You cannot get married on Easter and Holy Week, since it is forbidden to be distracted by worldly events on these days.

Signs for Easter with money, towel

Everyone knows that on Maundy Thursday you definitely need to wash yourself. The towel used on this day should be given to needy people on Holy Sunday. If it does unmarried girl, then she can expect marriage this year.

The article contains only the best interpretations of dreams that can be a prediction for wedding celebration. Dream preparation for your wedding Various...

Without signs there is no way... says popular wisdom.

In this material we have collected folk signs about water and such natural phenomena closely related to it as rain, snow, thunderstorm, fog, rainbow... Most of those given in this article folk superstitions about the weather, But not all.

Signs expand our perception of the world around us. Folk signs These are observations of many generations of our ancestors; they allow us to establish cause-and-effect relationships between seemingly completely various items and phenomena. We have already addressed folk wisdom in two other articles on our blog - and we hope that this material will be interesting and useful for you.

If we try to check the truth of folk superstitions about the weather, we will most likely notice that there will be some errors and inaccuracies in the forecasts. This is also related to global changes climate on our planet. It is obvious that some signs lose their relevance, however, they do not lose their importance and value for us as an example of folk wisdom and observation.

So, read, analyze and check.

Folk signs about the weather - signs for Easter

  • If it is cloudy or snowing on Easter night, expect a good harvest this year, but the milk yield of the cattle will be far from the best.
  • If it rains on the first day of Easter, expect a rainy spring.
  • If it rains on Easter, expect rye.
  • Good sunny weather at Easter foreshadowed a hot summer.
  • If there are clouds in the sky, expect a cold and dry summer.
  • Expect a good harvest if all the snow has already melted by Easter.
  • Good harvests are also predicted by rain during Easter week.
  • It will be a late and dry autumn if Easter week there will be thunder.
  • A colorful sunset on Easter promised great luck.

Signs for the Annunciation - April 7

  • There are many signs about the weather associated with this day. Cold weather at Annunciation means there will be another forty morning frosts. If there is snow on the roofs before this day, it will remain in the fields for another month.
  • If there is fog, wind and frost on this day, then the summer will be fruitful. Rain on Annunciation - for mushroom summer. If there is a thunderstorm, then the summer is expected to be dry, with forest fires.
  • If it’s warm on Annunciation Day, then they watch where the first mushrooms appear. If they grow in a hollow, then the summer will be dry, and if on a hill, it will be rainy.
  • If it rains on the Annunciation, it means that the rye harvest promises to be rich; If there is a thunderstorm, the nuts will grow well, and the summer will be warm.

Signs for the Presentation of the Lord - February 15

  • At Candlemas, spring meets winter. A quiet and cloudy day portends a good harvest of fruits.
  • If you look through the clouds before sunset, you've passed last frosts, if the sun doesn’t show up at all, expect severe Vlasievo frosts.
  • If snow falls, spring will be long and rainy, if the thaw is early and warm.
  • The drops foretell the wheat harvest, and the wind the fruit harvest.
  • Snowstorm on Candlemas - autumn will be late.
  • You should not go on a long journey on Candlemas.

Autumn signs - September, October, November

  • If mushrooms appear again in the fall, don’t expect snow soon.
  • Geese are flying away - expect snowy weather soon.
  • An abundance of berries foreshadows a cold winter.
  • If you hear thunder in September, autumn will be warm.
  • If there is a large harvest of rowan in the forest, it means a rainy autumn is ahead.
  • If the first snow falls while the ground is wet, it will stay there. If placed on dry ground, it will soon melt.
  • If chickens clean their feathers - pluck, wait for precipitation - rain or snow.
  • A long rain begins in the afternoon.
  • If the stars in the sky are not bright at night, expect rain or snow.
  • Low clouds mean cold.
  • If small clouds have gathered into one big one, there is rain ahead.
  • If the sun is haloed, expect wind and rain.
  • Expect real winter 40 days after the first snow.

Winter signs - December, January, February

  • The first snow of the day does not lie, the first reliable snow falls at night.
  • If a dog is lying in the snow, expect snowfall.
  • If in winter it gets brighter than usual, it means snow.
  • If the first snow is dry, it means a good summer.
  • Winter without snow is summer without bread.
  • If the first snow falls on wet ground, it will remain, and if it falls on dry ground, it will soon disappear.
  • Sunset in the clouds - expect snowfall.
  • Thunder in winter means strong winds.
  • Smoke in a column means frost or a bucket.
  • Long icicles - for a long spring.
  • In winter there are a lot of icicles - expect a good harvest of vegetables.
  • Early snow means early spring.
  • The forest is crackling, expect frost, and if it rustles, there will be a thaw.
  • A winter with little snow promises a dry summer, and the more snow in winter, the rainier the summer.
  • If the snow lies evenly, then in the spring you need to sow thicker, but if the snow falls in ridges and swells, then you need to sow less often.
  • A foggy circle around the sun means snow.

Signs of spring - March, April, May

  • If a dry March is followed by a rainy April, expect a good harvest.
  • Thunder in March is a sign of harvest.
  • Frequent fogs in March foreshadow a rainy summer.
  • If a person washes himself with water in which he has soaked Easter Egg, he will become more beautiful and healthy.
  • Frequent fogs in March foreshadow a rainy summer.
  • If March is dry - fertility, rainy - crop failure.
  • If a person wants to remove freckles, he needs to wash himself with March snow.
  • In April, morning fog foreshadows clear and warm weather during the day.
  • It was believed that bread should be purchased from those owners whose barn remained covered in snow in the spring.
  • In March, stronger winds at night foretell warming temperatures and heavy precipitation.
  • If the April rain begins in large drops, it will not last long.
  • Blue clouds in April mean warmth and rain.
  • If a lot of sap flows from a birch tree, a rainy summer is ahead.
  • Wet Annunciation - mushroom summer.
  • If the snow melts quickly in spring and the water runs smoothly, expect a wet summer.
  • If it rains in May, there will be rye.
  • No one can take away the spring water - the water will find a way.
  • April with water - May with grass.
  • If the first days of April are windy, there will be heavy rains in June.
  • If in the spring at sunset there is a dark cloud hanging on the southern side of the horizon, expect warm weather; if the cloud hangs in the north, the weather will be cold.

Summer signs - June, July, August

  • If the continuous fog does not disappear after sunrise, wait for a change in the weather.
  • A rainy and damp summer means a frosty and snowy winter.
  • There is no dew on the plants on a summer morning - wait for a cloudy and rainy day.
  • Rain on Elijah's day foreshadows a rich harvest of bread.
  • If on the morning of June 24 the aroma of the grass is stronger than usual, you can expect rain during the day. The water also speaks about this, if on June 24 it is clearer than ever.
  • If on a clear day you vomit pansies, then it will rain soon.
  • First two June days"to the accompaniment" heavy rain They promise a dry month.
  • If on a summer day distant objects are visible poorly and blurry, as if through a haze, it means it will rain soon.
  • The first fog of summer is a sure sign of mushrooms.
  • If July is hot, December will be frosty.
  • If there is a lot of sorrel in the summer, then the winter will be warm.
  • August dew means excellent weather.

Folk signs about the weather - Rainbow

  • Where the rainbow begins, you can find a treasure.
  • A rainbow in the evening is a sign of good weather, and in the morning a sign of rainy weather.
  • If the rainbow soon disappears after the rain, there will be good weather, if it lasts for a long time, it means bad weather.
  • Seeing a rainbow is a very good omen, foreshadowing happiness.
  • A shallow rainbow, low above the ground, means that rainy weather will set in.
  • A tall and steeply curved rainbow is a harbinger of drought.
  • Rainbow in the morning - for rain.
  • If there is more red in the rainbow - towards the wind.
  • If, after a short rain, a rainbow appears crossing the sky from north to south, and the red color in it is brighter, there will be bad weather.

Signs - Rain

  • If it rains on Friday, it will clear on Sunday.
  • If the sun's rays darken at noon, expect a thunderstorm.
  • If the flowers of the Bindweed close, rain is close; if they bloom in cloudy weather, it means good sunny days.
  • If, during the first thunder, you support your back against a tree or a wooden wall, then your back will not hurt all year.
  • If behind the first spring thunder run out of the house, you will certainly get rich this year.
  • Cumulus clouds do not disappear before evening - expect worsening weather and precipitation.
  • If the ash tree turns green before the oak tree, it will pour like buckets. The oak turns green before the ash - it will splash like a watering can.
  • If swallows and swifts fly high, the weather will be good; if they fly low, there will be rain.
  • If sparrows bathe in dust or sand, it means it will rain.
  • Large rain bubbles mean bad weather and increased rain.
  • Gadflies and horse flies are especially angry before rain.
  • If a rainbow shines in the sky during a summer rain, the rain will end quickly.
  • Two or three rainbows foretell prolonged warm rain.
  • If clouds appeared before the sun rose, it means it will rain that day.
  • If cirrus clouds bend in a long strip, expect rain with wind and storm.
  • Rain during a wedding is very good omen: living together young people will not only have a long life, but also be happy and rich.
  • If in the morning there are drops of dew hanging on the tips of leaves and grass, it means it will rain.
  • There's lightning in the west, expect rain.
  • If it rains during someone's funeral, this means that the deceased will find peace in the next world.
  • When the ants become very excited and scatter in different directions, climbing trees, crawling along them, up and down, and then move to new places, there will be a strong flood.
  • If at the same time it's raining and the sun is shining - someone must drown.
  • Honeysuckle produces a strong odor and produces a lot of nectar 15-20 hours before rain.
  • If milk left on the windowsill begins to foam, you can expect heavy rain.
  • A quiet, bright night without dew - expect rain the next day.
  • If it starts to rain and there are small bubbles in the puddles, this portends its imminent end.
  • The morning rooster crow, which was heard before the appointed hour, announces the upcoming rain.
  • If the marigolds do not open before seven o'clock in the morning, there will be rain or thunderstorm.
  • Frogs jump along the shore toward the rain.
  • Dull thunder thunders before quiet rain, ringing thunder before a downpour.
  • If you hear thunder for a long time during a thunderstorm, expect prolonged bad weather.
  • If fish catch midges above the water, wait for rain.
  • The fewer drops of rain, the longer it will fall.
  • You can hear thunder in the morning, expect rain in the evening, especially if it thunders continuously. Dull thunder - for quiet rain, ringing thunder - for downpour.
  • Night dew does not dry out - there will be a thunderstorm.
  • If the sun is bright red at sunrise and soon hides in the clouds, expect rain.
  • Rain in the morning - good weather in the afternoon.
  • Ants close the entrances in the middle of the day - it will rain.
  • I've already crawled out onto the road - wait for the rain.

Folk omens about the weather - in general and in particular...

  • The weather may deteriorate slightly if cumulus clouds do not disappear in the evening, remaining in the sky into the night.
  • In the morning, fog spreads across the water to indicate good weather, and rises upward to indicate bad weather.
  • Evening dew - to the bucket.
  • You hang up the laundry and it starts to rain - to tears.
  • If soot falls from the chimney, the weather will worsen.
  • If the days are dry, then an empty jug is placed in the yard so that God will give rain.
  • In the evening, a scarlet dawn - wait for the wind, a dim dawn - wait for rainy weather.
  • If a urticaria butterfly hides in a quiet place in clear, quiet weather and flies into the house, expect rain or a thunderstorm in 2-3 hours.
  • If during the full moon the month is clear and bright, expect good weather; the month has turned pale and darkened - it means rainy weather.
  • Sparrow bathes in a puddle in front of warm weather, and a crow in front of cold and rainy weather.
  • Sparrows are floundering in the dust and chirping - expect rainy weather.
  • Sparrows hide their heads in their tails - to a blizzard and frosty weather.
  • Heavy dew - to fertility, and frequent fogs - to the harvest of mushrooms.
  • If in the morning the bees do not fly to the field, but sit in the hives and buzz, wait for the rain.
  • Before a drought, bees become angrier and sting.
  • The sky overcast with clouds means warming,
  • If reddish rings are visible around the moon, expect frost.
  • If a spider leaves the nest and makes a new web, it’s due to the weather.
  • If in the morning Lily barely rises above the water, and even then with a delay, it will rain in the afternoon.
  • If fog spreads across the water in the morning, the weather will be good.
  • If the fog quickly dissipates in the rays of the sun, good weather has established itself for a long time.
  • Steamy fog over the forest - go mushroom picking.
  • Frogs stay close to the water - this means dry weather, and crawling onto land or croaking very loudly - this means bad weather and bad weather.

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It was believed that the ringing of bells on the day of Christ's resurrection was truly endowed magical powers - By ringing the bell, believers asked for a good harvest, peace and harmony in the family, and the girls for a handsome and rich groom. If a person said his request from the bottom of his heart, then it would definitely come true.

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In Rus', every year on the day of this great holiday, jugs of honey, called kanunchiki, were placed near the icons in every house. The owners lit candles in them and remembered their relatives and friends who had departed from this world, so that they too could rejoice that Christ had risen. After the holiday, on Easter week, these jugs were taken to the cemetery and left on the graves of the dead. They also took three red Easter eggs with them to the cemetery and, saying “Christ is risen” at the grave, crumbled the colors for the birds.



As soon as the bells began to ring on Easter Sunday, people crossed themselves and said three times: “Christ has risen, and my family has health, my house has wealth, my field has a harvest. Amen".

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It’s good to go on a swing on Easter (and throughout Easter week). This is a ritual of fanning. They say it blows away all sins.

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If you scoop up water from a spring or river on Easter night , then, by popular belief, she will have special power.

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So, the one who will be the first to see the sunrise on Easter, he will not know troubles all year.

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Girls to get married, During the church service on Easter, you should say to yourself: “The Resurrection of Christ! Send me a single groom!”

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If the child was born on Easter Sunday, then he will become famous, famous person. Anyone born on Easter week will have good health. Great people, who can even change the course of history, are born not just on Easter Sunday, but also at noon and with a shirt on.



Death on Easter is a special sign. A person who died on this day is marked by God. His soul will immediately rush to heaven, to the holy saints. The deceased is buried with a red testicle in his right hand.

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After the morning service, you need to get home as quickly as possible and start the festive meal: The faster you do this, the more successful things will go.

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And so that the baby grows strong and strong, on the morning of Easter Sunday, he must be placed with his feet on an ax and said: “As steel is strong, so be you strong and healthy. Amen.

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If your baby is developing slowly, On Easter, walk him barefoot on a wooden floor. And his teeth will erupt faster, he will walk on his own legs sooner, and he will speak sooner.

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The willow brought during Palm Week was fanned children's room, thereby driving out misfortunes and illnesses.

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It's a good sign for Easter to hear the cuckoo - this portends an addition to the family, and for young girls - an imminent marriage.



Our great-grandfathers always crumbled a piece of blessed Easter cake for the birds , thus invoking good luck and wealth.

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It is considered a bad omen if a candle goes out during the Easter service in church, but if it burned down before the end of the service and the person put it out himself, then this is good.

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On Easter and throughout the week following it, the church did not marry newlyweds. - being distracted by worldly holidays was considered a great sin.

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On Great Thursday, or as it is also called, Clean Thursday Every housewife did a thorough cleaning of the house and washed all the dirt clean. People say that holidays do not come to a dirty house.

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If you are constantly experiencing money difficulties , on Easter, be sure to give a coin to a beggar - you will not know the need for the whole year.

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The girls made themselves beautiful that day - the blessed red Easter egg was placed in water, and then they washed themselves with this water.

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Couples in love were sensitive to kisses on Easter. It was considered a bad omen to kiss on the threshold - it promised separation. Also, if you hear the croaking of a raven during a kiss, then the lovers could soon separate. But if the kiss took place under a tree, then this promised a joyful life.

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Mothers protected their children in the following ways: - starting from Easter and throughout Easter week, the babies were first given a piece of blessed Easter cake on an empty stomach, and then only fed the rest of the food.

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And so that there is peace and harmony in the family and no one quarrels with each other , the Easter meal must begin with the whole family and everyone must first of all eat a piece of Easter cake and an egg that was blessed in the church.

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A woman who can't get pregnant , on Easter, you should put an extra plate next to you, put a piece of Easter on it with the words: “Kulich for the kids!” After the meal, this piece was crumbled to the birds.



At Easter, as well as at the Annunciation, birds were released into the wild as a sign of spring freedom. . When releasing it, they made a wish - it was believed that the bird was a heavenly creature, and she would pass it on to the Almighty.

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Candles bought for Easter were kept in the church all year - they blessed the young, placed them near the seriously ill, and drove them out with their help evil spirits from houses.

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Elderly people throughout Easter week, combing their hair, said the following words: “Send me, Lord, as many grandchildren as there are hairs on a comb.”

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The remaining wax from Easter candles was stored until next Easter - according to popular belief, this served as a talisman for the house against fire, and for the family against curses.

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A husband and wife should hit each other's colored eggs at breakfast on Easter Sunday. The one whose testicle has not broken will be the “head” of the family all year.



If your child is capricious and whiny , on Easter, parents must definitely go to church to atone for their sins.

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So that the harvest does not suffer from hail, drought or heavy rain, peasants buried Easter egg shells in the ground on Easter.

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It was considered a bad omen to oversleep the morning service on Easter. - this prophesied failure.

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If during Easter week you saw a deceased relative in a dream this means that next year no one in the family will become seriously ill or die;

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If someone in the house is dying, then in church on Easter Sunday you had to try to take the Easter egg from the hands of the priest. When leaving the church, you need to go up to the icon of the Mother of God and call her with you: “Mother Mother of God, come with me to my home. Spend the night with us, heal the slave (name of the patient). At home, it was necessary to feed at least part of the egg brought to the patient. Then, according to popular belief, he will not die this year.



And, of course, people paid attention and noticed the weather on this bright holiday.


Good weather on Easter was considered a harbinger of a hot summer, cloudy weather meant a cold, dry summer;


If many stars were visible in the sky, this meant that there would still be frost;


According to popular belief, if all the snow has already melted on Easter, then the harvest will be rich this season.


Heavy rains during Easter week also foreshadowed a prosperous year.


A thunderstorm during Easter week was considered a sign of late and dry autumn;


Seeing a colorful sunset on Easter was considered an excellent omen and promised great luck.

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Signs and spells for Easter


Associated with the holiday of Easter a large number of will accept conspiracies.

  • If you wash your face with water in which a colored egg has been dipped, the person will be healthy and handsome.
  • Staying awake the night before Easter protects against illness, ensures successful and happy marriage, rich harvest and hunting success.
  • If you give seven gifts or do seven good deeds on Easter, then the Lord will protect you throughout the whole year.
  • On Easter, a husband and wife do not cross Christ in front of everyone - this leads to separation. Parents and children can kiss three times.
  • If on Easter you give eggs and Easter cake to someone who is sick in the house with your left hand and barefoot, the sick person will recover faster.
  • If, at the first strike of the church bell, you cross yourself and say: “Christ is risen, and good health to the servant (name),” even a seriously ill person will recover.
  • To live richly, change money three times in a row on Easter. When you exchange them for the last, third time, throw the change into the corner with the words: “Roll the silver into the red corner, For our wealth and goodness. Amen."
  • On Easter Eve, place a colored egg and money in each corner of your house, saying: “Like an Easter egg and a ruble will not come out of this corner, so that money will never leave my house. Christ has risen, and to my words Amen.” The eggs are eaten the next day, but the money cannot be spent until Easter week has passed.

From the time of ancient Rus' Easter was considered one of the key church holidays. It takes its roots from pagan times, when people welcomed the coming spring and planned things for next year. Easter celebrations, depending on the year, fall between April 4 and May 8. Before her, it is customary to observe a strict forty-day fast. A considerable number of ancient signs have accumulated over many centuries, which are still relevant today. They are mainly associated with everyday life, family, luck and prosperity.

Traditionally, it was considered lucky to get to the bell tower on Easter Day. The one who struck the bell could ask for a good harvest, health for his family, and the girl for a groom. If the request was from the heart, then within a year it would certainly be fulfilled.

Wedding Easter signs

It’s not for nothing that Easter week was considered a good time for matchmaking. These days it is customary for matchmakers to visit each other, and for the groom to visit the bride (she had to be called only by her first name and patronymic). Young girls, wanting to quickly find a groom, said during the Easter church service: “Bright Sunday of Christ, give me a single groom!” The future couple was not allowed to kiss on the threshold - this is a sure sign of separation, but a kiss under a tree was considered a good omen that preserved the union. There were no weddings in church on Easter week, it was considered bad omen, sin, distraction from the bright holiday to worldly affairs.

For unmarried girls it was bad omen to see a kiss in a dream during Easter week, such a vision promised imminent trouble. And if your lips suddenly start to itch, the young lady will soon walk down the aisle. Lucky sign for future brides - to hear the cuckoo singing, it means matchmaking is coming soon. If a woman heard a cuckoo while she was married, expect an addition to the family. Here are some other signs that indicate an imminent marriage:

  • If a girl hits her elbow on Easter Sunday, her loved one remembers her.
  • A guy or girl suddenly has an itchy eyebrow during Easter week - matchmaking is just around the corner.
  • IN Easter dish If a fly hits you, it means early marriage.
  • You shouldn't get married young this year. If the weather is bad on Easter.
  • A girl who accidentally tries 12 Easter cakes from different housewives will definitely get married this year.
  • The girl who washes herself with water from a red egg, yes with wedding ring, will become enviable bride for all the grooms in the area.
  • Those who wanted to quickly find their soul mate hung wet towels on the fence after washing on Maundy Thursday.

On Easter, a husband and wife had to break each other's painted eggs - whoever was left intact would be the head of the family next year.

Signs for Easter related to children and pregnancy

It was considered great luck if a child was born on Easter. The sign says that on such days talented and great people with excellent health are born. Children born wearing a shirt will grow up to be lucky on Sunday. But even here there were some nuances - for children born in Good Friday, an unhappy fate full of troubles and hardships threatened. To prevent this from happening, birth mother she took the child to a healer or witch, and she “made” him a new destiny. On these bright days, it was customary to give dark red eggs to children; they were considered a talisman against the evil eye and fear. There are also several signs with childbirth and babies:

  • Parents who atone for their sins during Easter week contributed to the child’s recovery. It was especially good to do this if the child was capricious and constantly crying.
  • To protect the child from the evil eye, they rolled an Easter egg, which was then buried in the ground.
  • If the baby was developing slowly, he was placed with his feet on the oak floor to “walk around.”
  • Protective maternal rituals and signs are also directly related to the Easter holidays. Throughout the week, it was customary to give the children a piece of blessed Easter cake every day before meals, on an empty stomach.

If a woman could not get pregnant, she would fight the paint with the child - she too would conceive this year. Those who wanted to quickly have offspring bet on family festive table an extra plate with a piece of blessed Easter cake and said: “Kulich for the kids!” Grandmothers also asked for the birth of grandchildren - while combing their hair, they said: “How many hairs are on the comb - God will send me as many grandchildren!”

Signs for the weather on Easter

Based on the weather during Easter week, our ancestors could predict the yield and weather for the entire next year:

  • On Easter day a storm broke out - autumn will be dry and late.
  • Precipitation on Easter is a sign of a rainy spring.
  • If the weather is gloomy during Easter week, then the whole summer will be gloomy.
  • Frost on Easter is a good sign good harvest and dry summer.
  • Is it clear on Tuesday after Easter? Summer will be rainy. But warm and sunny weather on Sunday promises a hot summer and a bountiful harvest.
  • A clear starry Easter night is a sure sign of imminent frost.
  • A bright, colorful sunset promised good luck to those who saw it.
  • It was considered a positive sign if the sun “danced.” This is the name given to the phenomenon when the sun shimmered at sunrise different colors and seemed to hide behind the horizon, and then appear again.

And such signs are really worth believing, because their truthfulness has been observed among the people for centuries!

Money signs for Easter

Today, after the morning service on Christ's Sunday, people are in a hurry to get home quickly. And this is connected with an old sign. The one who arrives at the house after a church service before all the neighbors will not need anything all year.

Those without money and debtors could improve their affairs on Easter:

  • Anyone who gave a coin to a beggar gained monetary luck for a year. This belief is often used in combination with money conspiracies and prayers.
  • After you have finished fasting, if you go out into the street and notice the first business that catches your eye, this year you can make good money from it.
  • A woman who wanted prosperity in her family and wealth washed herself with holy water silver coins and paint.

Signs at the Easter table, in the family and in everyday life

After the service, the eldest man in the house invited the whole family to the table. It was considered a good omen if before this the husband and wife had a small bite together, secretly from prying eyes. It was a good sign to put a lamb baked from dough and jelly on the table, but abusing alcohol was a bad omen - a person would walk around sleepy all year.

After the meal, it was customary to tell fortunes, and here weather signs associated with birds, insects or surrounding people came into force:

  • Hearing a woodpecker after an Easter feast means a new home will soon be available.
  • It was at the Annunciation good sign release the bird by making a wish. People believed that in this way she would hand it over to God, and it would certainly come true.
  • The housewives watched the cattle in the morning: those that were lying peacefully would bear offspring and be healthy, but they tried to quickly sell the restless cattle; they were “not suitable for the yard.”
  • If the owner overtakes other people's horses on his own, he will be the best at work all year.
  • Dogs barking during Easter prayer, were considered bad news: barking to the west - unfortunately to the courtyard, barking to the east - to the fire.
  • A housewife who weaves a wreath of fresh flowers for Easter will use it to protect her home and family.
  • The whole family is dressed in new clothes- He will wear the new one all year.
  • During Easter, you should not shout or swear in the house - the baked goods will be tasteless and bad.
  • If an Easter egg suddenly went rotten, a sorcerer or a person with evil thoughts entered the house. Such an egg was thrown out of the countryside, away from residential buildings.
  • Balances from Easter table, including eggshells, never thrown away. They were buried in the field, after which the ground was sprinkled with blessed water. The belief was that such an action would lead to a rich harvest and save it from damage and disease.
  • Broken dishes during Easter week were a bad omen.
  • To a serious illness of one of the family members if the Easter cake does not rise.

It was impossible to work on Easter day, that’s why Holy Week that you need to finish all your work before the holiday.

Easter signs for health

Since Easter is traditionally considered a time of cleansing and getting rid of sins, there are also many signs associated with health here. Even swinging on a swing these days was called fanning. It was believed that such a simple event would “blow away” a person’s sins. Here are a few more time-tested signs related to health:

  • Drinking on Easter from a spring or other natural source will be healthy all year.
  • Standing on an ax on Easter Sunday will help you gain iron health. They also put the kids on the ax so that they would go faster.
  • Palm branches placed next to the cradle or in the nursery drove away illnesses from children and evil spirits.
  • If a girl washed her face on Easter with water painted egg and gold jewelry - she will be the first beauty.

Any good deed performed during the holy week was considered not only an atonement for sins, but also a powerful talisman for health. Good deeds associated with helping the disadvantaged, holy fools or the sick had special power.

Easter omens in a church, cemetery or related to the deceased

They were wary of those people who could not defend the morning service, but went out into the street to breathe. This superstition has its roots; it was believed that during Easter the evil spirits are especially active, so you should not leave the church again. It was a bad sign if someone poked a finger in the back or side while morning prayer. Not everyone came to church with pure thoughts; witches and sorcerers thus got rid of illnesses or transferred it from another person.

Very bad sign it was considered a candle that suddenly went out during prayer, or if a person accidentally blew it out himself. Candles purchased on Easter holiday were given miraculous power- they used them to drive evil spirits out of the house and light them next to the sick all year long. They even kept the melts; they were considered an effective amulet against fire. Those who slept through the morning service on Easter were doomed to a bad year.

The belief was that if you turn around sharply during the morning service on any Easter day, you can see sorcerers and witches - they will stand with their backs to the altar. Here are a few signs associated with the deceased:

  • Although it was considered a blessing from God for the sick and old to die on Easter, death on these days could take several more lives with it. Therefore, if a misfortune did happen, it was necessary to put a red egg in the hand of the deceased, and take out the others and distribute them to passers-by.
  • Seeing a deceased relative in a dream was considered a good sign, which means that this year no one in the family will die or be seriously ill.
  • It was possible to prolong the life of a seriously ill person if you treated him to an egg taken from the hands of the priest.

Great importance was attached to light Christ's Resurrection commemoration of the dead. At home, jugs (eves) with honey were displayed, in which candles were placed. It was believed that in this way relatives in the next world could rejoice at the Resurrection of the Savior. Later, the eves were taken to the cemetery, where they also made a memorial - leaving colored eggs, Easter cakes and other delicacies on the grave. A good omen was breaking paints (eggs) with friends, neighbors, and relatives. At the same time they said: “Christ is Risen!” Such a simple ritual, according to legend, brought good luck and endowed a person with health.

Unusual signs

Easter holidays were considered sacred by literally the entire population, young and old. Interesting signs were characteristic not only of ordinary peasants:

  • Even the representatives underworld They had their own Easter signs - whoever stole any item during the morning service would never be caught. But the main thing was not to get caught doing something like this.
  • A nickel under the heel of the boot of an avid gambler who defended the morning game promised him luck for everything gambling. Particularly fearless people could utter forbidden words during the service and luck would immediately appear in the cards. True until the player repents.
  • It was bad luck for hunters and fishermen to shed blood during Easter week. It was believed that every creature of God celebrated these days together with people the Resurrection of Christ.
  • Treasure hunters also used the blessed colored egg. There was a sign that the devils, seeing him, would leave the treasure unattended and it could be easily found.

Of course, it is quite difficult to observe all the signs and traditions, but it is worth applying the wisdom of your ancestors in practice. Today, skeptics doubt their veracity, but you just have to look closely to notice an amazing pattern in the signs and consequences that occur on Easter.

Since ancient times, our ancestors carefully monitored weather conditions on various religious holidays in order to have a clearer idea of ​​what was to come. Their special attention area was weather signs on Easter and Easter week, since this is the largest Orthodox holiday marked the awakening of nature from hibernation. First of all, they were interested in weather forecasts, since the well-being of people depended on it.

Centuries of observations have made it possible to identify a certain fairly stable relationship between how weather conditions at Easter affect the harvest in each particular year. For example, it was believed that if Easter was early, then spring would come into its own earlier, and with late Easter, spring was in no hurry to win back positions from winter. Knowing this, grain growers could plan the coming sowing season in the best way for them even in winter.

For modern life this knowledge is already quite outdated, and only summer residents listen to it now. But it would still be a good idea to pay attention to the weather signs for Easter. For example, to know in advance whether this year’s vacation in the lap of nature in your native land will be successful or whether it’s better to save up some money and get away from the rains to the south for a week or two.

In our huge country, the celebration of Easter can be accompanied by completely different weather conditions due to climatic zones. But in most of Russia at the beginning of spring, which always falls on Easter Sunday, as a rule, the weather is not often pleasant with sunny, warm days. What, according to the beliefs of our ancestors, does a cold Easter promise?

According to signs, if frost suddenly hits on a holiday, then in the fall it will be possible to reap a rich harvest. In particular, folk superstitions especially focused on flax seedlings. However, this is explained by the fact that flax was a very important crop that brought considerable wealth to people. Since the time of Peter I, flax accounted for the majority of exports abroad of the empire, and at the beginning of the twentieth century, Russia accounted for about 80% of the world's flax crops. Therefore, it is not surprising that special attention was paid to this culture in weather signs associated with Easter. But if on the second day Holy Week(week following Easter) remains cold weather, this indicates that the coming summer will be rainy.

If you are lucky enough to celebrate Easter with warm and dry weather, allowing you to go outdoors to celebrate, then this promises less favorable weather conditions in the future from the point of view of gardeners. Folk wisdom says that good sunny weather on Easter Sunday will turn into a hot and dry summer. Pleasant warmth and clear skies also foretell that there will be plenty of such days until the very beginning of autumn. In addition, sunny Easter instilled confidence in our ancestors that the weather would be similar on the next great Orthodox holiday - Trinity.

There is also a belief regarding the sunny sky on the second day of Bright Week. This is believed to indicate a future rainy summer.

The ground was covered with a blanket of snow

In general, the bad weather observed during the celebration of Easter, judging by folk signs, brought our ancestors more joy than despondency. Especially in this sense, snowfall on Easter was valued, which, according to signs, was divided into several types:

  • snow;
  • snow with rain;
  • snow with wind.

While many modern people are upset about snowfall on this day, their great-grandparents were absolutely delighted with the snow on Easter. It turns out that frosty weather with snow means that you will have to endure a long spring with rain, which will then bring a very rich harvest. True, it is separately noted that such a natural phenomenon also means future insufficient milk yield from domestic cattle.

This was due to the fact that due to the constant slush and rain throughout the spring and early summer, animals would not be able to graze normally on pastures, which would ultimately result in a milk shortage. Therefore, after a snowy Easter, knowledgeable owners began to stock up on additional feed for their livestock, understanding exactly what to expect from nature. But the snow and rain that fell on the holiday signaled that light frosts would soon hit. Therefore, it is better not to put away warm clothes. Interestingly, the full moon can also warn of impending frost if it falls on the night from Saturday to Easter Sunday.

Particular importance was also attached to whether the snow had melted at the time of the celebration of the great holiday. That is, it did not fall on Easter itself, but continues to lie since winter. This sign could have annoyed our ancestors, since it means that the year as a whole will not bring much prosperity, but rather will even turn out to be poor.

If by Easter all the snow, or almost all of it, had melted, this was regarded as a sure sign that the coming harvest would be very good.

Some weather signs relate to winds. For example, it was believed that if it snows on Easter, but it is accompanied by strong gusts wind, it will be cold all summer. At the same time, it was separately clarified that this factor would not harm the yield in any way. But just a strong wind without atmospheric precipitation indicates that the whole year, until next Easter, will also be windy.

There is no bad weather

If we talk about precipitation, then it rains more often than snow on Easter. In this case, folk wisdom advises turning Special attention for weather events such as:

  • thunder;
  • lightning;
  • rainbow in the sky;
  • cloudy

The most common belief regarding rainy weather is that similar weather conditions will continue until the beginning of summer. A gloomy sky that only threatens rain promises a cloudy and cold summer, and even a dry one. At the same time, if on Easter the clouds do sprinkle the earth with the so-called mushroom rain, then this is regarded as a positive sign indicating that the summer will be rainy, but warm.

The future harvest concerns such an indicator as cloudiness on the night from Saturday to Sunday on the eve of Easter. When you go to the all-night service in church, pay attention to the sky. If the moon and stars are hidden from view behind dense clouds, this is a sure sign that the summer will turn into a crop failure. At the same time, if the night celestial bodies illuminate your path, then you don’t need to worry about the future harvest.

A heavy rainfall on Easter was regarded by people as a sign that quite a lot of grass would grow, but it would not be possible to store enough hay. In general, rain on Easter Sunday indicates that grain crops will be damaged, especially wheat and rye. And this is also a good omen for lovers " quiet hunt", since the rain will bring a large number of mushrooms and forest berries. In addition, Easter rain indicates that the next seven Sundays will also be rainy.

Take a close look at weather conditions on the days before and after Easter.

The late arrival of autumn and the absence of excessive precipitation is also evidenced by the thunderstorm that broke out directly on Easter. And thunder on this day will warn you that there is a rich harvest to be harvested. Popular wisdom divides the influence of a thunderstorm on future weather depending on when it was first noticed. If on Easter week its “premiere” took place, so to speak, then autumn, on the contrary, will be early and with bad weather. But if it was already noticed before Easter, then the sign of late and dry autumn comes into force.

Most of all, people in the past cared about a rich harvest and other economic matters related to their daily bread. Therefore, almost all ancient weather signs for Easter relate precisely to these topics that are vitally important to our ancestors.

It is with great trepidation that people always observe such a rare weather phenomenon like a rainbow. It is not surprising that seeing this beauty on Easter is considered one of the most favorable signs. Our rather superstitious ancestors regarded the rainbow as visual evidence of the victory of good forces over evil. Modern people Of course, it’s not easy to look at this superstition without a smile, but a rainbow on Easter doesn’t make it any less of a stunning event. It is believed that all the people who managed to see this bright light in the sky during the holiday will be happy and rich throughout coming year. And for gardeners, a rainbow is a sign that the field season will be extremely favorable for growing any fruits and vegetables, as well as grain crops. The balance between sunny and rainy days will be best maintained in summer.

Charge yourself with positive emotions

There are also a number of signs that are associated both with the person himself and with natural phenomena. For example, it used to be that on Easter it was necessary to go on a swing. It was believed that the artificially caused wind, which blows across a person in this way, takes away all his sins.

It's also great to get caught up on Easter heavy rain, because, according to signs, this will protect the wet person from failures and misfortunes for the entire next year. If you’re lucky and a thunderstorm does break out on a holiday, and you don’t want to get wet in the downpour, then at least just listen to the thunder, and, if you’re not afraid, admire the lightning. It is believed that this will charge a person with success in all endeavors, and will also contribute to his prosperity in material terms.

Because a rainbow is pretty a rare event in itself, and on Easter it is even less common, you can admire the beautiful sunset. Bright colors sunsets, picturesquely reflected in the sky on Easter, are also regarded as a sign of great luck for a person.
