Secrets of ancient Taoist techniques: rejuvenating facial massage. Centuries-old Taoist massage technique - Your path to energy and health

Taoist massage is a group of individual massages that normalize the functioning of the entire body. It is part of the famous teachings of Tao, the ideology of which is based on ridding a person of existing obstacles that do not allow energy to move normally. All this allows you to achieve inner harmony and improve your emotional and physical well-being.

Chinese teachings indicate that a person ages due to the loss of internal energy, but this process can be restored. A course of massages will help get rid of insomnia, fatigue, stress, and you can also restore strength and slow down the aging process.

If you do special movements correctly, you can improve blood circulation and metabolism, saturate tissues and cells with oxygen, strengthen the immune system and make the skin elastic.

Taoist breast massage

The procedures can be performed on both women and men. So, place your hands on your chest and slowly move in a circle, make 9 turns. You should move from the shoulder to the center of the body. Do not make sudden movements under any circumstances, as this may stretch the skin. Then place your palm on your chest so that its center is on the nipple. Do 10 light pressures.

You can make it located between the ribs. Such manipulations will help open and activate the thymus glands, which are responsible for the rejuvenation of the soul and body.

You should start from the top and work your way down. Walk around this area in a circular motion, Special attention pay attention to the pain points. Do everything index finger. After the manipulations, the sternum may hurt for 2 hours.

Taoist facial massage

With regular massage you can rejuvenate your skin. It is recommended to do a complete skin diagnosis before a course of procedures. Even in ancient times, people believed that each section on it was responsible for the work of a specific organ.

If you want to carry out the procedures yourself, it is recommended that you study this information. By activating certain points on the face, you can start the rejuvenation process and cleanse tissues and cells. Thanks to massage it increases muscle tone, blood movement, the walls of the circuit are strengthened, harmful substances and toxins are removed.

Such manipulations can get rid of headaches. For a woman, Taoist massage is an excellent opportunity to preserve the youth and beauty of her face.

Exercise No. 1. It will help strengthen muscles, reduce the risk of wrinkles, increase elasticity and improve complexion. Rub your palms to concentrate the flow of energy into them. Bring them to your face and move them in a circle (about 24 times), first moving up, then to the sides and down.

The right hand should move according to this pattern: up, right, down, and the left hand should move like this: up, left and down. Touches should be gentle.

Exercise No. 2. This will help improve the condition of the skin around the eyes. For women, this place is one of the most problematic. Cover your eyes slightly, and place your palms folded in a “boat” so that the eyes and the center of the palm are at the same level.

Feel the energy moving from your hands to your eyes. Make eye movements to the sides and in a circle in different directions. After this, lower your hands to your face and make 12 pressing movements.

Exercises No. 3. It is used to, as well as reduce the risk of their occurrence. This energy massage will help get rid of insomnia and migraines. Place two fingers of both hands on different sides of the nose, near the wings and move up to the bridge of the nose.

Having reached it above the eyebrows, spread your arms to the sides. Then repeat the same, but go even higher and do everything until you reach the hair.

Taoist massage for men

It is reliably known that representatives of the stronger sex have the most energy points on the penis, and they are responsible for different organs and systems.

The points that are on the upper part of the shaft of the penis affect the stomach and spleen. Active centers in the middle part of the trunk affect small intestine and liver. The points located at the base of the penis are related to the kidneys, intestines and bladder. The testicles are related to all glands.

The Taoist massage technique for men is as follows:

  • You should start by kneading your feet, which will allow you to relax and activate your sexual center. After this, gradually move up your legs;
  • Using light spiral movements, knead the testicles. Do approximately 36 repetitions. Thanks to this, male testosterone, which is responsible for potency, will begin to be released. The force of pressure depends on the man’s sensations;
  • Move to the head. Pinch it with two fingers and light movements knead. Gently pat the head to improve blood flow. Pulling back foreskin, make spiral movements in both directions (36 times);
  • Now rub your penis along the entire length with your hands. Do everything in the following directions: along the central and two side lines;
  • Feel the depression between the prostate and the anus, and massage it with spiral movements in both directions.

Other energy Taoist massage options for men

It is difficult to find representatives of the stronger sex who do not like massage; many even compare the pleasure they receive to an orgasm. It is recommended to massage all significant parts bodies.

Head. Important points are located on the back of the head. Walk through them in a circular motion, gradually shifting to the middle of the collar zone.

Shoulder blades. Warming up this part of the body will allow you to relax. Various oils can be used. Using circular movements, massage your shoulder blades, applying gentle pressure.

Spine. You should start with the collar area, and move around each vertebra in a circular motion. When you reach the end of your back, repeat in the opposite direction. After this, lightly move along the spine, applying light pressure. Thanks to these manipulations, you can get rid of pain and relieve tension.

Buttocks and feet. Make circular movements with light pressure and pinching. This will allow you to relax even more. You should massage your thighs with both hands. Grab both sides of the body and start whisking.

Moving to your knees, do the same movements in a circle with light stroking and periodic pats. Move to the foot and massage the toes and the spaces between them. Thumbs massage the center of the foot and move to the heel.

Taoist massage to restore vision

Ancient healers knew how to do massage, which helped restore vision. Many techniques have survived to this day. Let's look at a couple of exercises.

Palming. Rub your hands so that they become warm, but if the exercise is done in the heat, then you need to put them in the cold. Close your eyes and cup your hands over them so that the inside of your hands touches the bottom of your nose.

The palms should not touch the eyes and it is important that no light comes through. The neck should be straight, rest your hands on the table so that your fingers are relaxed. The goal is to completely relax, that is, there should be no white spots before your eyes, only blackness.

It will be difficult to give a clear and unambiguous definition of what Taoist massage is, since there are many descriptions of such a phenomenon as Tao as a whole. Taoism does not have a clear, precise and unambiguous concept, since in China there are many schools of Tao, and their goals can vary greatly, although the main thing for all these schools is health, longevity and following the path of Tao.

The main value of Taoism is longevity; in addition, there is an amazing super goal, that is, the immortality of the body, which you can achieve by leading the correct Taoist lifestyle. The Taoists have long been very successful in regard to human health, literally creating a science whose goal is health and a long life span.

Today this school is considered one of the best and oldest in the world, so there are definitely no analogues in the world; in general, this massage belongs to Qigong, since here work in progress with human energy. It is precisely this kind of work with energy that can simply lead to miraculous results that even Western medicine cannot explain.

Human vision

Most modern citizens regularly experience the negative impact of television and home computers on their vision. It has long been proven that even ordinary electric home lighting can change and greatly deteriorate a person’s visual system.

According to studies and tests, it became known that within a year after giving up artificial ordinary light, vision and quality of perception improve, as well as the ability to see and general physical condition. Civilization today has a strong impact on the human body and, especially on vision, so Tao massage for the general restoration of vision will always be relevant.

Tao system

To heal your eyesight, it is best to use Taoist ancient healing techniques, which will definitely heal you very quickly and easily. The wonderful old Taoist recovery program is truly healing and can help you very quickly. A unique Tao massage removes fatigue and stress, relieves overwork, and also corrects health.

Need to contact a good specialist, who will tell you about the basic exercises so that you can do Taoist massage for yourself. This massage is done only with the hands, there is touching and light pressure with the fingers and palms of the hands in the eye area, and also massage of the arches and forehead, Taoist practices for restoring vision are really very good and will definitely help a person.

About Taoist massage

To restore vision faster and more efficiently, this technique uses acupuncture and general massage, as well as various exercises. In addition, Taoist masters developed special eye movements; all these effects can restore visual acuity to a person and cure various ophthalmic diseases. This system has been developing for a long time; many attending physicians say that to improve vision it is necessary to regularly do Taoist massage.

Today it is The best way restoration of vision, besides, this ancient method is quite simple, and the massage itself can be easily done for yourself without the help of another person. In addition to eye massage, the Taoist system concentrates your gaze on dynamic pictures, which affects the neurons of the human brain, this is very good technique improved vision.

Exercise 1.

This simple exercise can strengthen the eye muscles and reduce the risk of various wrinkles; in addition, the exercise increases skin elasticity and makes your complexion healthy. First, you should rub your palms, thanks to which you can concentrate your attention on your hands, and also increase the flow of Chi energy in your palms.

Now bring your hands with your palms to your face and move them in a circle 24 times, you need to gradually move up, then move down and to the sides. And then yours right hand should move across the face according to this pattern, that is, up and to the right, and now down, then the palm of the left hand goes up, left and down. Only such touches must be gentle and very light.

Exercise 2.

Exercise will definitely help improve general state your skin around the eyes, this is especially important for women, since this is the most problematic area for them and quickly fades. You need to slightly open your eyes, now place your palms folded into a boat so that their center and eyes are located at the same level.

Feel at the same time how the energy goes from your hands to your eyes, move your eyes in a circle and to the sides in different directions, now that you have reached your eyebrows, spread your arms to the sides. Then lower your hands to your face and do exactly 12 pressures, only they should be very light and gentle.

Exercise 3.

This method is used to improve the quality of vision, smooth out wrinkles and reduce the risk of various eye diseases. An energetic, excellent massage will relieve you of migraines and even insomnia; you need to place two fingers of both hands on both sides of the nose near the wings, move them up the bridge of the nose, and when you reach the place above the eyebrows, spread your arms to the sides. Then repeat the same movements and do them until you reach your hair, repeat the exercise 3-5 times daily.

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As regular readers of this magazine will remember, in the fall of 2015 I had an extremely difficult period when my mother broke her femur, and then followed complex operation and long-term rehabilitation. So, for the second process, for everyone who wants to improve their health, I can now sincerely recommend an excellent specialist - Vladimir Pak. A series of massages according to the Taoist system of massage (D.S.M.) - 15 sessions, starting from the third month after the operation, allowed her not only to gradually get back on her feet, to begin walking, first with a walker, and then to walk hand in hand; but also significantly improved my overall psychological state. That is, we tested the complex effect of these procedures on ourselves. The result from what was at the start of rehabilitation is simply excellent.

A couple of notes from myself: 1) the massage is somewhat painful at some points, and sometimes you need to be patient, 2) it is performed in light clothing, i.e. You don’t have to undress for him.

Below is a little more specific information from Ruslan Lee for those interested in rehabilitation, treatment or prevention of problems of the musculoskeletal system, neuralgic disorders and a number of internal organs.

D.S.M. considers the human body during treatment as a single system that must be treated as a whole to eliminate the cause of the disease, and not just its symptoms. In D.S.M. combines many types of massage, which are carried out in accordance with lunar calendar, time of year and many other factors affecting a person. In D.S.M. moxotherapy, reflexology, and physical therapy complex are also used.

– What is the essence of this system?

– The essence of the Taoist massage system is to bring the patient’s body into a harmonious state so that all body systems function correctly. First of all, it is necessary to establish the flow of signals and impulses to the internal organs and limbs - so first the spine is put in order.
The second most important effect of DSM is that it allows the body to deslag. From the very birth of a person, his body is polluted - through food, water, but most importantly - through the air, because we breathe constantly. If a person is poisoned by food, it is immediately visible, but through the air, poisoning occurs constantly and unnoticeably. And slagging occurs at the level of muscles and ligaments. Toxins settle in the hair, in bone tissue. The Taoist massage system allows you to remove toxins and waste, bring the skin and lymphatic system back to normal. The body’s self-regulation mechanisms return to normal, and the process of deslagging occurs.

– But it seems that all health systems are built on this?

– JSM considers the human body as a single whole. If a person has pain in his leg or just his toe, then an imbalance occurs throughout the body, the condition of all muscles, ligaments, and internal organs is deregulated. And DSM allows you to gradually remove this imbalance and improve the health of the entire body.

There is also an informational and spiritual component. Any psycho-emotional state of a person leaves its mark at certain points and zones on the human body. Negative information manifests itself not only in the tension or relaxation of certain muscles, but is also deposited in the form of some substances - toxins or even poisons. Positive emotions also good in moderation. Excessive joy leaves its biochemical traces in the body.

Our body is a kind of biochemical plant that produces a lot of substances, good and bad. With a long-term depressive state, constant stress, including positive stress, harmful and toxic substances, which are not excreted, but settle in certain tissues. Scientists have isolated such substances in people under certain conditions. stressful situations and administered them to experimental rats, they died within four days. At the same time, the cardiovascular system was affected, gallbladder, pancreas. During DSM, such biochemical deposits are released, deslagged and removed.

With “classical” massage, the body is worked superficially, shallowly, but with DSM, certain technical techniques allow not only to work out muscles and ligaments, but also to influence bone tissue. Even bone tissue is cleansed.

* * *
Vladimir Pak is a certified specialist in medical massage and the Taoist system of massage and healing (DSM), a student of Ruslan Lee - who, in turn, adopted this art of healing from a man who was engaged in massage and healing at court last emperor China.

Below are the symptoms with which people come to him [incomplete list].
And if a diagnosis has already been made, then below is also the main list of diagnoses with which it works.

What are the symptoms?

Sharp and aching back pain
- Headache
- Dizziness
- Unsteadiness when walking
- Joint pain
- Numbness in the arms or legs
- Developmental delays, decreased academic performance in children

What are the diagnoses?

- Radiculitis
- Intervertebral hernia
- Spondyloarthrosis, spondylosis
- Arthrosis, arthritis
- Intercostal neuralgia
- Sciatica
- Cerebrovascular accident
- Condition after stroke
- Vegetative-vascular dystonia
- Hypertonic disease
- Acute and chronic bronchitis
- cerebral palsy
- (as well as) cleansing the body of metabolic products - waste, toxins

Moreover, how clinical psychologist(member of the Association of Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy), Vladimir Pak deals with a wide range of psychological problems. Specializes in diseases such as depression, fears, anxieties, phobias (agoraphobia, social phobia), panic attacks and other disorders.

How can I contact him?

1) Contact phone: +8 981 912 03 12 (call from 9 to 18 on weekdays)
2) Email: [email protected]

Currently, despite the active development of medicine, treatment and recovery methods that have come to us from time immemorial are especially popular.

Taoist breast massage is one of the components based on the teachings of Tao. The Taoist system of massage and healing is aimed at restoring the circulation of internal energy, which allows one to achieve harmony between the physical and energetic states.

From a physiological point of view, massage improves blood supply and oxygen saturation of tissues, relieves muscle tension, stabilize the nervous and cardiovascular systems. In addition, Taoist massage for women has a positive effect on the functioning of the hormonal system.

What is Taoist breast massage, and what is its secret?

The structure of a woman's mammary gland has a number of features. The glandular structures are surrounded by a huge number of capillaries, which ensures good blood supply to this area. The abundance of lymphatic vessels allows for cleansing of the body. Lymph nodes represent an immune barrier, performing a protective function.

Taoist breast massage allows you to improve blood supply and blood supply to tissues, eliminate venous congestion and lymphostasis, normalize skin condition, increase breast elasticity, activate immune defense, and improve hormonal levels.

It should be understood that these practices can be used as a preventive measure for breast diseases such as cysts and mastopathy; however, they are not a recommended method of treating these diseases.

In terms of energy, massage movements stimulate biologically active points, allowing you to optimize and normalize their activity.

Indications for massage

Regular use of breast massage allows women over 30 to maintain their firmness and shape. It has become especially widespread among young mothers who have stopped breastfeeding.

In consultation with a doctor, for therapeutic or preventive purposes, massage can be indicated for women with mastopathy, cysts and different sizes of mammary glands. In rare cases, it may be recommended for persons with benign tumors who are under the constant supervision and supervision of a doctor.

Hello. Is it true that Taoist massage is very painful?

Massage technique

  • Before starting the procedure, you should warm your hands. To do this, rub your palms in a circular motion against each other so that a feeling of warmth arises.
  • Hands should be placed on the chest, creating a kind of “boat”, so that the nipples touch the middle of the palm.
  • Massage gently in a circular motion from the shoulder to the center; changing direction is not recommended.
  • The number of movements must be a multiple of 36, but not exceed 360.
  • While performing the technique, you should clear your mind if possible and try to imagine how warm and soft energy penetrates your chest.
  • After completing the first stage of the massage, take a 30-second break, and then proceed to the second stage.
  • The position of the hands is unchanged. Slightly lifting your chest, you need to apply 10 light pressures on it.

Before you begin the massage, you should carefully examine your breasts. Changes in shape, size (a noticeable increase or decrease in one relative to the other), color of the skin, the appearance of painful or painless lumps in the thickness of the mammary gland, rashes are a contraindication to the procedure.

Taoist breast massage can also be performed by a male partner. It is believed that this helps to form a special emotional connection, as well as deeper relaxation. However, in this case, the woman must control the intensity of the exercise, warning in advance of discomfort and pain. The technique of this massage can be combined with a complex special exercises for the chest and a contrast shower.

Remember, sudden movements contribute to stretching and injury to the structures and tissues of the mammary gland, so all manipulations are performed easily. The appearance of pain and discomfort during a massage indicates that it was performed incorrectly. If the pain does not subside, or any changes in the mammary gland are visually noted, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The Taoist healing system is aimed at maintaining and restoring energy balance by achieving harmony on both the physical and psychological levels, thanks to the maximum possible relaxation of the whole body.

The use of aroma oils and massage oils is recommended in cases where there is no allergic reactions on their components. To test the sensitivity of the skin to a particular oil, apply a small amount to the inner surface of the wrist and leave for 15 minutes. If there is no swelling, rashes, or redness of the skin in this area, you can safely use it.

Contraindications for massage

Despite a fairly gentle recovery technique, Taoist breast massage is contraindicated in the following cases:

  1. In case of inflammatory skin diseases, pustular rashes, it is not recommended due to the possibility of infection spreading in the body or damage to deeper tissues and structures of the mammary gland.
  2. In case of allergic rashes, massage should be postponed until the body is completely restored and healed.
  3. In case of malignant neoplasms, the use of techniques is strictly prohibited, since improving the blood supply in this area leads to the progression of the oncological process and increases the risk of metastasis to other organs and tissues.
  4. For benign tumors, performing the Taoist technique can lead to tumor growth, so you must first consult with your doctor and conduct a series of examinations to determine the stage of the disease.
  5. Viral diseases (colds) are a relative contraindication to the implementation of this system; according to the recommendations, the massage course can be continued only after complete recovery.
  6. If the lymph nodes are enlarged, it is prohibited to carry out a course of restorative techniques, as this can lead to serious problems.
  7. If capillaries are fragile, the blood coagulation system is impaired, or there is a tendency to easily form hematomas, massage is strictly contraindicated, since the significant benefit is much lower than the risk of serious complications.
  8. In case of pulmonary heart failure, the use of the complex is impossible, as this can be life-threatening.
  9. During pregnancy, the technique is not recommended due to changes in hormonal levels as a result of stimulation of the mammary gland, which can cause premature birth.
  10. performing massage movements can aggravate the condition.

Smoking and alcohol are not a contraindication to the use of Taoist massage techniques, but you should avoid bad habits or reduce their use, as they significantly affect the restoration of energy balance and physical health.

How can you tell if Taoist breast massage is effective?

There are the following criteria for the effectiveness of Taoist breast massage:

  1. Feeling of peace and relaxation. Many women note a decrease in stress and anxiety levels already on the third day of performing the technique. This fact can be explained by two reasons: an increase in the content of the hormone oxytocin, which occurs as a result of stimulation of the mammary gland and partial relief from obsessive thoughts during a massage.
  2. Breast augmentation. By improving blood supply, breast volume and firmness increase.
  3. Increasing the body's resistance to colds. Due to the provision of lymphatic drainage and an indirect effect on the function of the lymph nodes.
  4. Reduction of breast swelling, achieved through active circulation, blood supply and lymphatic drainage from this area.

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