Socio-economic education - who to work with. Profile education at school: pros and cons

Academic subjects
I. Federal component
Basic academic subjects
Russian language
Foreign language
Computer Science and ICT
Natural science
Physical Culture
Profile subjects
Social science
II. Regional (national-regional) component
At the discretion of the subject Russian Federation
III. Educational Institution Component
Elective subjects, educational practices, projects, research activities


Academic subjects Number of weekly teaching hours for two years of study
1. Federal component
Basic subjects
Russian language
Foreign language
Social studies (including Economics and Law)
Natural science
Physical Culture
Profile subjects
Computer Science and ICT
P. Regional (national-regional) component
At the discretion of the subject of the Russian Federation
111. Educational institution component
Elective subjects, educational practices, projects, research activities


Secondary (full) program general education in science 1

A basic level of


According to Concepts of domestic education in the new curricula for humanitarian and technological profiles of high school, a place is given to the course of school natural science basic academic discipline, designed to replace traditional natural science school subjects. This replacement allows us to synthesize qualitatively new ones on the basis of modern natural science knowledge. systems approaches to knowledge of Nature, so necessary for the modern scientific vision of the world.

Knowledge of the world in its unity will require students systems thinking. In addition, the integrative course of school natural science should be filled with humanistic content, leading to correspondence between humanitarian and natural science values modern civilization, and thereby form harmoniously developed personality.

The program is designed to study the subject Natural science V educational institutions. The program provides for the study of theoretical and applied foundations of physics, chemistry and general biology. It reflects the tasks currently facing humanity, the solution of which is aimed at developing a harmoniously developed, competent personality, preserving surrounding nature and human health.

Course Study Natural science is based on the knowledge acquired by students when studying natural sciences in primary school, as well as acquired in history, physical and economic geography lessons. The subject itself is basic for a number of special disciplines.

To increase the level and use of acquired knowledge, as well as to acquire practical skills, the program provides for a number of laboratory works, which are carried out after detailed instructions and familiarization of students with established safety rules; Some laboratory work is proposed to be carried out in the format of a computer workshop.

As a result of studying natural science, students should


features of physical, chemical and biological forms existence of matter;

the role of physical and chemical processes in living systems of various hierarchical levels of organization; fundamental concepts in the field natural sciences; the essence of processes occurring in inanimate and living nature;

the main theories that determine the development of natural sciences at the present time;

Be able to

Use knowledge of general scientific laws to explain from a materialistic perspective the issues of the origin and development of life on Earth, as well as various groups of plants, animals, including humans;

Give a reasoned assessment new information in the field of natural sciences;

Work with educational and popular scientific literature, draw up a plan, outline, abstract;

Master the language of the subject.

X class

(3 hours per week, 1 hour reserve, 105 hours)


Topic name Number of hours
Earth and Universe
Symmetry and understanding of nature
Matter, its structure and properties
Structure and properties of matter
Levels of organization and properties of living systems
Self-organization of natural systems
Order and disorder in nature
Ways of knowledge
Total: 104 hours

Introduction (2 hours)

Natural science as a complex of sciences about nature. Interrelations of natural sciences. Nature laws. Cognitive and practical value of science.

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Page creation date: 2016-04-15

What is the socio-economic profile, what professions belong to it? In order to make the right and informed choice, you need to have an idea of ​​what areas of the economy exist and their distinctive features.

The importance of economics

In a broad sense, economics can be considered as the basis of modern public life. Without a material basis, the world will cease to exist. Therefore, professions with a socio-economic profile will always be relevant and in demand. What specific areas of this field are of interest to modern graduates? There are quite a lot of such areas, because specialists with an economic education can work in specialized industries.

Types of professions

Let's look at some specialties by profile. The profession of a cashier corresponds to the socio-economic direction. This concept implies a large-scale circle of specialists, including cashiers of supermarkets and banks. Many of them don't have higher education, doing your job responsibilities. In banks, this position is called cashier-operator and currency cashier. The task of the first is to carry out various banking operations, and the second carries out the sale and purchase of foreign currency.

A bank employee is a specialist with an economic education who is an employee of this institution. Basically, everyone has their own job responsibilities, specialization is determined during employment.

The socio-economic profile implies and records all business transactions of the company, timely payment of taxes, and contacts with government agencies and organs.

Every organization has its own accountant, regardless of its size. The concept " professional accountant“implies several types of economic professions at once.

The socio-economic profile includes such specialties as economist and auditor.

Modern auditors

The activities of auditors are aimed at checking the accuracy of reporting documentation at enterprises, conducting specialized consultations on accounting. In addition to higher education, an auditor also requires extensive professional experience, so immediately after graduation financial institution this specialty is not available. After receiving a special certificate, the auditor continues to improve his professional qualifications.

The socio-economic profile is directly related to obtaining Economists work in the field of study, planning, preparation, implementation of financial and economic activity. The profession of a financier is also included in the list of such professions.

His professional field of activity is precisely material resources. These include traders and investors. For example, it is possible to combine the duties of an accountant, financier, and economist. There are also economic professions that are closely related to the market valuable papers. Brokers are intermediaries between buyers and sellers. Dealers conduct on their own behalf various operations With in cash and securities.

Among the new professions related to this area, we note “ economic security" Despite her " young age“It is considered one of the most popular in the economic profile.

In addition, it is necessary to name such specialization options related to the economic profile as marketers, commercial directors, credit consultants, estimators, collectors, logisticians, and stockbrokers.


How to apply for a socio-economic profile? Subjects for which examinations are held, regardless of the type of economic educational institution, practically do not differ from each other. It is necessary to pass the Unified State Examination specialized mathematics, Russian language, social studies. In addition to the specialties listed above, with an economics education you can work as an insurance agent, a freight forwarder, or a commodity expert. Having an economics diploma in hand, you will always find a job.

primary goal- creation of a practice-oriented educational environment aimed at:

To prepare schoolchildren for admission and subsequent studies at universities in socio-economic specialties;

To obtain the socio-economic competencies necessary for the successful socialization of schoolchildren in adult life and realizing life potential.

Objectives of specialized training:

1. Ensure that all students achieve Russian requirements educational standards By educational fields basic curriculum.

2. To develop students’ socio-economic culture: knowledge in the field of socio-economic disciplines, practical skills and abilities economic activity, experience of economic behavior and deontological culture.

3. Provide psychological and pedagogical assistance in the formation of personal and business qualities of a modern person.

4. To develop students’ skills of professional self-determination, the right choice future profession

5. Develop motivation and develop research skills.

6. Make students competitive in terms of admission to the universities of their choice.

Teaching methods:

Lecture, seminar, practical classes;

Interactive learning technologies (brainstorming, critical thinking technology (“Clusters”, “Denotation graph”. “Hats”, etc., role-playing and business games, design technologies, analysis of specific economic situations (Case-study), excursions, debates, case technologies, trainings, etc.);

Conducting individual classes by specialists (entrepreneurs, lawyers, etc.)

Formed competencies:

- subject competence(“learn to be”) - systemic knowledge that forms the basis of social sciences; mastery of elements of the methodology of social cognition; ability to navigate modern information flows and adapt to dynamically changing phenomena and processes modern world; the ability to assess the socio-economic conditions of human life;

- methodological competence(“learn to do”) - the ability to analyze and act in the socio-economic sphere, the ability to apply acquired knowledge for effective interaction with the social environment; flexibility and mobility in different conditions related to professional activities;

- communicative competence(“learn to live together”) - the ability to clearly and clearly express one’s thoughts, present and justify one’s opinion in the process business communication; ability to read and understand informational texts with socio-economic content; ability and readiness to participate in discussions on current socio-economic issues, to defend and argue one’s position, and to oppose other opinions.

- social competence(“learn to be responsible”) - feeling social responsibility, ability to cooperate, ability to solve problems in various life situations; possess skills of mutual understanding, mobility in different social conditions;

- cognitive competence(“learn to know”) - readiness to constantly improve one’s educational level, the need to update and realize one’s personal potential, the ability to independently acquire new knowledge and skills, the flexibility of using them in conditions of rapid change, the desire for self-education, and the constant enrichment of one’s professional competence.

Within the framework of the profile, students’ activities are organized in the “Financial Literacy” project.

The applied nature of mathematical knowledge is reflected not only in project work with the school’s engineering classes in solving technical problems, but also to a large extent in working with a class of socio-economic profile. Much attention is paid to improving the financial literacy of high school students in order to develop the skills of responsible behavior in the world of finance. Underway project work in small groups and individually to study various examples of economic relations in the pair “client - bank” and “citizen - state”. The children of our school take an active part in various specialized Olympiads and competitions, defend projects, attend business trainings organized by universities, developing entrepreneurial abilities. The results of their work are victories in business competitions and prizes in financial literacy olympiads “ Highest quality» NUST HSE and "Mathematics in family budget» under the patronage of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

  • Risk profile and procedure for developing draft risk profiles by customs officials.
  • Let's consider the structure of the school textbook “Law” by L.N. Bogolyubov for 10-11 grades. (Profile level of training).
  • Modern natural science (profile course) Test-training 0004.02.06;T-T.01;2
  • Socio-economic and state structure of Hittite society
  • Training courses for two years of study
    Russian language and literature
    Foreign language
    Natural science
    Physical Culture
    Economic and social geography
    Total 12

    Humanitarian profile

    Training courses Number of weekly teaching hours for two years of study
    I. Basic general education subjects
    Natural science
    Physical Culture
    II. Profile general education subjects
    Russian language and literature (basic general education and specialized courses)
    History (basic general education and specialized courses)
    Social studies (basic general education and specialized courses)
    III. Elective courses (3 courses to choose from)
    5-6 courses offered by the school Total 12
    Teaching practices, projects, research activities At least 70 teaching hours over 2 years of study

    Technological profile(specialization - information Technology)

    Training courses Number of weekly teaching hours for two years of study
    I. Basic general education subjects
    Russian language and literature
    History and social science
    Natural science
    Physical Culture
    II. Profile general education subjects
    Computer Science and ICT
    Mathematics (basic general education and specialized courses)
    Foreign language (basic general education and specialized courses)
    III. Elective courses (3rd course to choose from)
    5-6 courses offered by the school 24 total
    Educational practices, projects, research activities At least 140 teaching hours over 2 years of study

    Sample curriculum for universal education (non-core schools and classes)

    No. 13. Advanced elective courses.

    The implementation of the idea of ​​a major at the senior level confronts the graduate with the need to make a responsible choice - preliminary self-determination in relation to profiling direction own activities.

    A necessary condition for creating an educational space that promotes self-determination of basic-level students is the introduction of pre-profile training through the organization of elective courses.

    For these purposes it is necessary:

    Increase the hours of the variable (school) component of the Basic curriculum in the graduating class of the main stage of general education;

    When organizing compulsory elective classes, introduce class divisions into the required number of groups;

    Educational institutions should use the hours of the variable component, primarily for organizing pre-profile training.


    Socio-economic profile. What professions can be called by this name? These, as you might guess from the name, are professions related to society and the economy, as well as economics in society.

    The core subjects for their study are mathematics, social studies, economics, law, and geography. As you can see, this is exact sciences in combination with public ones. Many professions can be classified in this area. The most popular are - economist in different areas production and economic activity, accountant, manager, programmer, sociologist, auditor, businessman-entrepreneur, banking specialist, financier, insurance specialist, computer operator, statistician, secretary.

    Professions of socio-economic profile

    All these professions have something in common, some features:

    • Professions of a socio-economic profile certainly have an impact on a person;
    • Professions of a socio-economic profile correspond to the type of professions “person-sign system”. A little more detail on what this type means. This is a variety of professions aimed at creating documents and their design, working with text (for example, telecom operator, stenographer, proofreader, secretary-typist, editor, librarian, translator, notary). These are professions that work with numbers and figures (calculator, programmer, PC operator, estimator, accountant, cashier, economist, statistician). These are professions that deal with conventional signs, diagrams, drawings (designer, draftsman, cartographer, surveyor, topographer);
    • Professions of a socio-economic profile imply the ability to process, take into account, check information, and work with numbers;
    • A person who has a profession with a socio-economic profile must be able to think abstractly and unconventionally;
    • Also, he must be able to concentrate and be assiduous.

    The socio-economic professions, the list of which was given above, demonstrate the approximate direction in which you need to choose a profession if you are interested in this particular direction. The field of application of knowledge is quite wide and the areas in which you can work are quite diverse.

    You can also divide this type of profession into two blocks - social and economic, and there will also be an area where these two blocks intersect.

    Take, for example, the profession of sociologist, as a bright representative this profile. A specialist in sociology is engaged in conducting sociological research in various fields of human activity. A sociologist develops research objectives, collects and analyzes information.

    Such activities are in demand both in government organizations, and in the private sector of the economy. In the field of marketing, such specialists are indispensable, since all marketing is based on socio-economic research and statistics.

    Also, socio-economic professions include Social worker, documentologist and archivist.

    Economist - this specialty also represents a socio-economic direction. In the financial sector, the choice of professions is very large, including an auditor, an accountant, a calculator, and even a financial director.

    Training in socio-economic professions

    Those who are preparing to enter universities according to their socio-economic profile should pay attention to Special attention to gain knowledge and good scores in the subjects: social studies, mathematics, economics and law. The most popular universities for admission to socio-economic specialties: Moscow Russian State social university, Moscow State University management, Russian Academy civil services under the President of the Russian Federation, Capital Financial and Humanitarian Academy.

    A university graduate with a degree in Socio-Economic Education also has sufficient qualifications to work as a teacher in various educational institutions; he can engage in research activities, organizational, educational and teaching work, work in correctional institutions, and conduct cultural and educational work.

    Also, the socio-economic profile requires an in-depth study of history and law, therefore, legal professions can also be attributed to this profile.

    Management, management, entrepreneurship, jurisprudence - these are the areas where sociological and economic knowledge are useful. A person who has chosen such a profession communicates a lot with society and must navigate it well.

    What is the result? Professions socially economic profile- these are all professions related to social sphere, finance and economics, with information processing, this is working with people and signs. Education in the socio-economic sphere is currently very popular and diverse, and this suitable choice for many young people.
