Sports and environmental entertainment for the senior group in kindergarten with a presentation. Lesson outline (preparatory group) on the topic: environmental entertainment

Tasks: to form children's ideas about what Live nature needs help and protection; secure features alive and inanimate objects, practice the ability to distinguish plant seeds; develop the ability to interact with peers; the ability to negotiate, cultivate a caring and kind attitude towards nature and each other.

Materials: multimedia installation, pictures with images different plants, plant seeds, artificial flowers, hoops for games.

Educator (V.). Guys, I have good news for you: we were invited to visit the owner of our ecological trail Wise Owl. Are you ready to go to her? Then follow me!

You need to walk along this path, then jump over the flowers, run between the bushes, crawl under this snag and cross the bridge over the stream. Here we are. Make yourself more comfortable. But why is no one meeting us? Where is the Wise Owl, what do you guys think? (Children's answers) How can we find her?

IN. I think I have an idea. Let's tell poems about nature. The Wise Owl will hear us and appear. Children read poetry:

We love nature and take care of it. We don’t let anyone offend her.

So that nature is happy, we need to protect it.

Let’s not allow living things to be destroyed... Animals and plants should not be prevented from growing.

The Wise Owl appears on the screen.

IN. Wise Owl, we are very glad to meet you and want to play with you. Guys, now we will remember the objects of our ecological trail. If you name them correctly, the Wise Owl will show them to us on the screen. But you need to not just name the object, but answer my questions.

Which tree gives us sweet sap? (Birch).

Which tree means "tree loved by bees" in Greek? (Linden).

This plant has flowers collected in lush clusters of white, lilac color. (Lilac).

The seeds of this tree are called lionfish. (Maple).

The fluff of which tree seems to cover the ground and trees with snow and flies into open windows? (Poplar).

These trees saturate the air with oxygen, phytoncides and other elements beneficial to humans. (Pines).

These little plants are blooming different colors spring, summer and even autumn (Flowers).

What plants are called “green pharmacy”? (Medicinal plants). Name them.

This is an evergreen shrub. (Juniper).

IN. Well done guys, all the plants on our ecological trail were named correctly. Do you know why plants are needed? (Children's answers) There is a knock on the door. Dunno enters.

Dunno. Hello guys. I heard what you say about plants here, that they are useful and purify the air. So I brought you flowers so that your home would be more beautiful and the air would be fresh.

IN. Dunno, where did you get such beautiful artificial flowers?

Dunno. Why are they artificial? They are alive, real. Look how green the branches are, the green leaves, the red flowers.

IN. Guys, help me figure out how real flowers differ from artificial ones? (A living flower grows, it has a root, it breathes, feeds, changes, it has new leaves, buds, flowers, seeds, it can die, flowers need light, heat, water, air to grow).

IN. Now, Dunno, do you understand the difference between artificial plants and living ones?

Dunno. Now I understand, but I don’t know how to grow a real living flower, I don’t know how.

IN. We will definitely teach you, but a little later. And now I propose to play. The guys said that plants need light and warmth to grow. And the sun gives us light and warmth.

That's what our game is called « Sun»

Everyone gather in a circle!

Come play with me, buddy!

Let's play together -

One two three four five.

The game is being played

Sunshine, sunshine,

Take a walk by the river.

Sunshine, sunshine,

Scatter the rings!

We'll collect the rings

Let's take the gilded ones

Let's ride, let's play

And we'll give it back to you.

The players form a circle. In the center of the circle, the child is the “sun”, holding yellow hoops in his hands. On lines 1-4, everyone goes to the right in a circle, the “sun” moves to the left, laying the hoops on the floor, closer to the players. On lines 5-7, children standing next to the hoop take it and form a small circle (there are four such circles in total). On the last line, the players place the hoop on the floor and line up in a common circle. At the signal, everyone scatters, at the next signal, everyone gathers at their hoop. Those who do it faster win. The game is played 2-3 times.

Dunno. Had a great game! Well, now teach me how to plant plants,

IN. Wait, Dunno, don’t rush. You know that every plant has its own seeds. Today the Wise Owl has prepared seeds of various plants for us. Now the guys will help you figure out what plants these seeds come from.

A game« Guess the plant by its seeds»

Children are asked to match seeds to pictures of plants.

IN. Now, Dunno, we will give you flower seeds and tell you what to do with them. (Children tell how to plant a flower and how to care for it).

Dunno. Thank you, I’ll go and plant a flower right now, and then I’ll be sure to show you what I’ve grown. Goodbye.

IN. Guys, the owner of our ecological trail has prepared a lot different games and tasks. Here's another one of them.

A game« Who will collect the cones into a hoop faster?».

Children are divided into two teams. Opposite the teams are scattered cones (spruce and pine). One team needs to choose fir cones, the other is pine and collect them in your hoop. Each child takes only one cone. The team that collects it the fastest wins.

IN. And now I suggest you do short trip to the past. Wise Owl tells me interesting legend about lilacs. Do you want me to tell you?

It was a long time ago. One day ancient greek god forests, fields and meadows Pan met in the forest beautiful girl, Siringa - the messenger of the morning dawn. Pan was bewitched by her magical beauty and wanted to talk to the girl, but she was scared of Pan and ran away. After all, the whole body of this god was covered with thick wool, and on his head there were big horns. Although Pan frightened everyone he met with his appearance, his character was cheerful and kind.

Pan wanted to calm Syringa and ran after her. But the girl, seeing that the terrible horned monster was pursuing her, turned into a fragrant lilac bush. Pan found this bush by its wonderful smell, hugged it and cried. From that time on, the sad god Pan wandered through forest edges and clearings and looked for lilac bushes everywhere. He wove beautiful wreaths from its branches and wore them on his head in memory of the girl Siringa.

There are many legends, fairy tales, poems, songs and riddles about plants. After all, they bring great benefits, and people have long appreciated and loved them. How many of you know proverbs and sayings about plants?

Cut down the bushes - goodbye to the birds.

Groves and forests - the beauty of the native forest.

A tree is planted soon, but not soon its fruits are eaten.

Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with pies.

An apple does not grow on a Christmas tree, and a pear does not grow on a willow tree.

IN. Well done boys. We completed all the tasks. So you can still play.

« Relay game»

Children stand in two teams, sharing pairs and holding hands; on the other side of the hall there are pictures different trees. Children complete tasks:

— Run around a birch tree (linden, poplar, etc.)

— Run around two trees,

Do not run around the tree, but touch it with your hand;

IN. Let's thank the Wise Owl and promise that we will take care of our plants and all the surrounding nature.

The children say goodbye and return to kindergarten.

Goal: to expand children’s ideas about their native nature.



  • expand knowledge about the inhabitants of the Earth
  • establish rules of behavior in nature
  • promote awareness that nature needs to be protected.


  • develop speech, attention, ability to analyze questions and tasks
  • develop the ability to interact with peers, the ability to negotiate during games, compete in subgroups
  • develop artistry.


  • cultivate a caring, caring attitude towards nature
  • bring up cognitive interest, aesthetic taste.

Characters: Birch, Aspen, Spruce, Rowan, 2 boys (bullies)

Equipment: interactive whiteboard, presentation on riddles about the forest and its inhabitants; puzzles; attributes for outdoor games (hoop, 2 baskets); flower meadow.

Educational areas:

Preliminary work: guessing natural history riddles; looking at pictures "Rules of behavior in nature" ; conversations on the topic "forest" , "birds" , "animals" . Outdoor games; learning poems; reading ecological tales; reading stories by V. Bianchi, M. Prishvin.

Used literature: L.Yu. Pavlova. Collection didactic games to get to know the outside world.

Progress of entertainment:

Image on the interactive whiteboard globe. Children's drawings are placed on the side wall "Earth is our home" .

Children enter the hall to the music and take turns reading poetry.

1-child. Every person in the world
Gotta think about the planet
We must protect the earth
From bad unnecessary meetings.

2-child. The earth is like a home to us
But sometimes we don’t appreciate
Rivers, blue skies,
Fields, forests behind the mountain

You won't find one like this anywhere.

3-child. At my native land
We will ask for forgiveness
So that the Earth forgives us
Our bad deeds.

4-child. Garbage, dirt, forest fire
Cars are a nightmare.
There is muddy water in the river,
The fish have one problem there.

5-child. The sky pipes smoked
People cough from dust
We don't want this anymore
Treat it somehow

To our big house,

We need to do it differently.

6-child. Don't litter, don't burn fires
Don't dig unnecessary ditches.
Don't throw trash into the river
The river is our dear mother.

7-child. Do not break branches in the park,
We should know all this
And protect nature!

Children perform a song "All the people on big planet should always be friends" . Words by M. Plyatskovsky, music by Y. Chichkov.

Leading. - Guys, the Earth is ours common Home for all those who live on it. Everyone needs it: plants, insects, animals and of course people. Our home, our Russia, is huge and beautiful. For her to always be so beautiful, we must love, protect and take care of her.

Today we will go on an exciting journey through our native nature. Let's imagine that we are in the forest. Guess my riddles (riddles appear on the interactive board).

Leading. Not only adults, but also children should take care of nature, friends.

Child. We will be adults
Help with everything.
Native nature
Love, protect.

We will always remember

That nature is our home.

Leading. Let's stand together in "Big round dance" (words by B. Savelyev)

Child. On earth we live with you,
No more beautiful than the Earth native.
So let's take care and love,
And let's not destroy nature.

A girl dressed as Berezka enters the hall. (Sad, crying).

Leading. Hello, Berezka, what happened to you, why are you crying?

Birch. At the edge of the forest
Once upon a time there lived four girlfriends.
Birch, aspen, spruce and mountain ash.
We lived, we did not grieve,

The round dances were merry and friendly.
The hooligans came running
They began to break branches,
To offend me and my friends.

I ran away from the forest
And I lost my girlfriends.

The birch tree shows the children a broken twig.

Leading. Don’t be sad Berezka, guys, they will help you, because our guys are nature conservationists.

Children pick up a twig and tie it with a bandage.

Leading. Don't be sad, Berezka
Round dance with the children of the creek.
- Guys, let’s invite Berezka to a round dance together.
Zaklikka. We will approach Berezka

We'll start a round dance.

You Birch, don’t be sad, don’t be sad

It’s better to dance with us, dance.

Sounds “There was a birch tree in the field” (Russian folk melody). Children dance in a round dance.

Leading. So our Birch began to smile. Birch, play with the guys.

A game. "Find a Pair" . The presenter hands out one piece of paper to the children and says: “The wind blew, the leaves flew” . Children run on command: “One, two, three - find a pair!” Children should stand next to someone who has the same piece of paper in their hands.

A game. "Assemble the puzzle tree" . Children are divided into 4 teams. You need to put together a puzzle from the pictures and name the tree. In the end it worked out (birch, spruce, rowan, aspen). Children dressed in costumes appear in the hall.

Leading. Berezka, here are your girlfriends.

Birch. Guys, do you know poems about me and my girlfriends?

1-child. Ate at the edge of the forest -
To the top of your head.
They listen, they are silent,
They look at their grandchildren.

And the grandchildren - Christmas trees -
Thin needles -
At the forest gate
They lead a round dance.

2-child. The aspen tree is chilling,
Trembling in the wind.
Gets cold in the sun
Freezes in the heat.

Give it to the aspen
Coat and boots-
Need to warm up
Poor aspen.

3-child. A little red berry
Rowan gave it to me.
I thought it was sweet
And she is like a hina.

Toli this berry
I'm just not ripe
Rowan is cunning
Did you want to make a joke?

4-child. If you gave a birch tree a comb
The birch tree would change its hairstyle!
Looking into the river, like into a mirror,
I would comb my curly strands,

And it would become a habit for her
Braid your hair in the morning! (I. Tokmakova)

Leading. Birch invites everyone into a circle. A game "Carousels" (ribbons are tied to the hoop). Children take up and walk first in one direction, and then, changing hands, in the other. (The presenter holds the hoop). After the game, Berezka and her friends say goodbye and leave.

There is a noise, two hooligans appear (they trample flowers, scatter candy wrappers).

Leading. Hello.

Hooligans. Hello.

Leading. Guys, what are you doing, is it possible to litter and trample flowers? Breaking trees? Don't you know what to love and protect native nature? Wasn’t it you who accidentally offended Berezka and broke her twig?

Hooligans (scared). Not we.

Leading. Now, guys, they will tell you how to behave in the forest.

Child. If you go to the woods
Keep clean.
Don't throw trash everywhere
Take care of beauty!

Don't trample the grass too much
And you don’t pick flowers
Do not pollute the fontanel,
Don't hurt the ant.

Don't light a fire
And don't scare the animals.
Everyone should know this
And protect nature!

Leading. We hope you will improve and behave yourself.

Hooligans. We will try.

Relay game. "Collect trash" . Two teams of 5 people line up in a column one behind the other (they also invite one hooligan to each team). On opposite side there is a trash can. Paper, bags, and candy wrappers are scattered around the hall. On command, the participant runs, collects garbage and puts it in a bucket, runs back and passes the baton to another participant. The team that collects the most garbage wins.

Leading. Look, guys, is everything in order now? (Yes) Guys, I hope you will love and protect your native nature. And when you grow up, one of you will want to choose a profession for yourself - an ecologist.

Child. Ecologist is such a profession
Very famous all over the world!
Ecologist - protects nature
And it protects the earth from dirt!

Leading. And here's another game “Allowed and prohibited” . The rules are very simple. I say a sentence, and you add whether it is allowed or prohibited. Be careful!

Light a fire in the forest...
Catch a squirrel and a fox...
Breathe fresh air...
Leave any trash...

Collect berries, mushrooms...
Aw, scream...
Breaking branches and bushes...
Destroy the anthill...

Run away from mom and dad...
Trample flowers...
Throwing bottles into a pond...
Leave treats on the tree stump for the animals...

Leading. Well done guys, you know all the rules, and our guests today (bully boys) We hope you learned a lot!

Children perform a song "At my Russia" author of music and composer G. Struve, lyrics by Nina Solovyova.

Leading. Now let's give each other smiles and return to the group. Our journey into nature is over.

Nazarova Oksana Yurievna, teacher-speech therapist.

Sports and ecological entertainment “Eared Animals”

Description: I bring to your attention a summary of sports and environmental entertainment for seniors preschool age using ICT on the topic: “These eared animals.” The material will be useful not only for physical education instructors, but also for educators and teachers. additional education By environmental education. This summary will help to easily and naturally give children basic ideas about animals, alternating them with outdoor games and relay races.
Target: formation elementary ideas about the role of the hearing organs in the life of animals and insects; birds.
1. Expand your understanding of the animal world of our planet.
2. Develop curiosity.
3. Foster a sense of admiration for the world of the Earth and the diverse animal world.
Equipment: multimedia, presentation with images of animals - elephant, white hare and hare, long-eared hedgehog, butterfly, pike, crow; 2 large balls, image on large sheet a rabbit with an open mouth, 2 carrots, butterflies on a cord, 2 sticks attached at both ends of a rope, in the middle of which a pike is tied, an audio recording of the voices of birds.
Leading.(Slide 1)
Hello guys! I received an interesting letter. The best-eared animals sent us their portraits. Would you like to see? But to see them, you need to solve riddles. Ready? (Children's answers).
Guess who he is
Very strong and big.
He has a very long nose
And a short thin tail.
The fangs are called tusks,
The ears are very wide. (Elephant) (slide 2)
(Slide 3) Image on the screen African elephant. The elephant's ears are very large, reaching a length of one and a half meters. Elephants also help people a lot. They transport various loads over long distances. Now you and I will play the role of elephants.
Relay "Who is faster"
2 teams of 5 people each participate. The first players have a big ball. At the signal, the children get down on all fours and move, pushing the ball with their foreheads to the landmark, then run back, passing the baton to the next participant.
Host: listen to the next riddle. (slide 4)
Gray Column stood in the forest.
Afraid of wolves and foxes.
He plays hide and seek with them -
Running without looking back (Hare)
(Slide 5). Look at the screen - these are portraits of two birds with one stone, two friends. One is a hare, the other is a hare. Look carefully and tell me how they differ from each other? Of course with the ears. If you bend the ears of a hare forward, they will be longer than the nose. And the white hare can’t even reach his nose.

Relay race "Who jumps faster"
Children are divided into two teams - hare and hare. Children take turns jumping on two legs to the chair and back. The team that jumps the fastest wins.
Host: Another riddle, listen. (slide 6)
He loves to eat carrots
And cabbage for skill,
And Tolik is watching the cage,
There lives a fluffy (Rabbit)
Presenter: (Slide 7) Do you know the difference between rabbits and hares? (Children's answers). Rabbits are social animals, that is, wildlife they live in groups, and hares are more inclined to be alone.
Game "Feed the rabbit"
The child is blindfolded and placed at some distance from the portrait of the rabbit. The participant must try to “feed the rabbit” - get the carrot into his mouth.
Slide (8)
Runs between the trees
Living ball with needles
Suddenly, a wolf appeared
The ball stopped instantly. (Hedgehog)
Leading: (Slide 9). Look how big-eared the hedgehog is. The long-eared hedgehog is different from the ordinary one big ears(3-5 cm). But not only. Long-eared hedgehogs also run faster than an ordinary hedgehog and, when in danger, reluctantly curl up into a ball, and more often try to run away from danger, while hissing and jumping. And he's an excellent hunter.
Game "Hedgehog and Mouse"
Children stand in a circle, holding hands. There is a mouse in the circle, a hedgehog behind the circle. Children walk in a circle and sing:
“Hey, cheerful people!
Join the round dance!
Let's play fun
Help our mouse."
Children raise their clasped hands up, forming a gate through which a mouse runs and a hedgehog trying to catch it. You can't miss a single goal.
Leading:(Slide 10) So, we looked at pictures of animals whose external ears, or, as they are called, auricles, are unusual. Now let's look at the image of an insect that wears eardrums between its chest and abdomen. This is a mystery about him.
The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up -
I didn't want to sleep anymore.
He moved, he started,
He soared up and flew away.
(Butterfly) (Slide 11)
Relay "Catch a Butterfly"
Children are divided into two teams. On the opposite side there is a rope stretched on which butterflies are attached. Participants take turns running up, doing one jump and trying to get the butterfly. They return to the team and pass the baton to the next one. The team that catches the most butterflies wins.
Presenter: (Slide 12)
She is the most dangerous in the river,
Cunning, gluttonous, strong,
Besides, she’s so mean!
Of course, this is... (Pike) (Slide 13)
Pisces keep their hearing organ in their stomach. Sensitive cells on their side serve as their outer ear, and their swim bladder serves as their eardrum.
Competition "Who can catch a pike the fastest"
Two contestants wind a string around a stick, trying to quickly catch a fish with a fishing rod that is tied to the string.
Leading:(Slide 14) Now we have reached the last portrait. This is a portrait of a bird. But guess what kind of bird it is? (Slide 15) But for some reason I don’t see her ears. And by the way, everyone hears very well. The role of the outer ear is played by feathers, which are located in a special way.
The black bird is not afraid of me,
He blinks in surprise and croaks. (Crow)
Game "Voronushka"
The players are placed in small subgroups in the four corners of the hall. The leader is in the middle. First, he goes to one of the corners and, taking the hands of the game participants, forms a circle. The last one in the circle becomes a funnel and stands in the middle of the circle.
Straight yarn in the morning,
I'll go to the river.
On a dry pine tree
I will weave a nest for a bluebird.
With the repetition of the poem, the leader, heading to another subgroup of children, “builds a nest.” The last line is now pronounced: “I will weave a nest for the nightingale.” The nightingale also stands in the middle. In the third corner a nest is formed for the starling, and in the fourth corner for the owl. To the sound of music, the playing birds scatter throughout the hall and stop when the sound stops. At the signal, all players must quickly gather around their bird. The subgroup that did it first wins.
These are the wonderful eared animals we have.
Summarizing. (Slide 16)

Presentation on the topic: Sports and environmental entertainment “Eared Animals”

Forest Fairy: Guys, who can tell me what a forest is?

Forest Fairy: That's right, remember what else grows in our forests?

Forest Fairy: That's right, guys, well done! Why do they always say that the forest needs to be protected? What does the forest give to humans, animals and birds?

Forest Fairy: Exactly right, guys. Did you know that forests are called the lungs of the country? And the more forests grow than more trees in our cities and courtyards, the cleaner the air in them.

This means that you grow healthy and strong because you breathe. clean air. That is why it is very important to protect our forests from fires and not pollute them.

No wonder people came up with this proverb:

Don’t destroy a lot of forest,

There are few forests - take care,

If there is no forest, plant it.

Forest Fairy: Do you guys know proverbs about the forest?

Forest Fairy: You guys are great, how many good proverbs you know about the forest! Now let's play a game called

"Dress up the tree."

On the carpet lie silhouettes of trees cut out of colored cardboard, with paper tree leaves scattered around them. different breeds(birch, maple, oak, one leaf is glued to each tree as a sample.

Game description: In front of you are three trees with only one leaf left. Your task: collect leaves and decorate the trees correctly. To do this you need to split into three teams. Each team decorates its tree.

Children play the game “Dress Up the Tree” to the accompaniment of music.

Forest Fairy: Here are our trees dressed in foliage.

Now I’ll check if you completed the task?

Forest Fairy: (addresses the children of the first team) What is the name of the tree that you decorated?

Forest Fairy: What is the name of the forest where there are a lot of maples?

Forest Fairy: (addresses the children of the second team) What is the name of the tree that you decorated?

Forest Fairy: What is the name of the forest in which birches grow?

Forest Fairy: What is the name of the tree you decorated?

Forest Fairy: What is the name of a forest where there are many oak trees?

Forest Fairy: That's right, guys, you completed the task.

All the trees dressed in their foliage and became very elegant.

Take your seats.

Guys, of course, you know that forests are also home to many animals and birds, and when people cut down forests unnecessarily and start fires, our smaller brothers suffer from this - forest birds and animals.

Let's remember what animals live in our forests?

Forest Fairy: That's how many animals you named.

Now I’ll tell you riddles about animals and see if you can guess them.

Lives in a hollow, jumps and flies through the trees,

But not a bird. (Squirrel) .

There are lumberjacks in silver-brown fur coats on the rivers,

Strong dams are built from trees, branches, and clay. (Beavers).

Flames flashed quickly behind the trees and bushes.

It flashed and ran - there was no smoke or fire. (Fox) .

Who carries a forest on his head? (Deer) .

I live in the forest and in the meadow, I spoil the garden beds,

And I run away without looking back. (Hare) .

Gray, scary and toothy

Caused a commotion.

All the animals ran away.

Scared those animals. (Wolf)

Brown, clubfooted

Walking through the forest.

He likes to "borrow"

Forest bees have honey. (Bear)

There was a pillow with needles lying under the Christmas trees.

She lay there and lay there and suddenly ran. (Hedgehog).

Forest Fairy: Well done, guys, you solved the riddles.

And now we will play the game “Wolves and Hares”. The rules of the game are very simple: now we will divide into two teams. The "wolves" must catch all the "hares". It is enough for the “wolf” to touch the “hare” with his hand. The caught “hares” sit on their chairs.

Children play the game “Wolves and Hares” to the accompaniment of music.

Forest Fairy: What good fellows the “wolves” are, they caught all the “hares”! Guys, you and I know that in addition to animals, there are also animals living in the forests. different birds. Therefore, I have one more task for you: I will show you photographs of birds, and you all have to name them for me together, agreed?

Demonstration of a slide presentation of photographs of birds living in forests middle zone Russia: hawk, owl, rook, tit, woodpecker, heron, magpie, sparrow, etc.

Forest Fairy: Guys, you coped with this task perfectly.

It is immediately obvious that this is an older group. You know a lot. Now let's play a game with you

"Occupy your house."

Game description: There are several hoops laid out on the carpet, which serve as a bird house. You will be birds. While the music is playing, you will fly like birds, and as soon as the music subsides, you must take your house. Whoever is left without a house is eliminated from the game and sits down.

Children play the game “Occupy Your House” to the accompaniment of music.

Forest Fairy: We flew a little, and now let's rest. Guys, today we talked a lot about careful attitude to the forest. Do you know the rules of behavior in the forest? I suggest you play a game called“It’s possible - it’s not possible.”

I will ask you a question, and you will answer in unison whether this can be done or not.

Breaking trees and branches, picking off leaves? (It is forbidden)

Planting trees in the forest? (Can)

Walk and trample grass in the clearings? (It is forbidden)

Walk along the paths? (Can)

Tearing large bouquets of flowers? (It is forbidden)

Admire flowers? (Can)

Leaving trash in the forest? (It is forbidden)

Lighting a fire in the forest? (It is forbidden)

Protect the forest from fire? (Can)

Destroying birds' nests (Prohibited)

Forest Fairy: Well done, guys! And in this task all questions were answered correctly. Listen to what a wonderful poem I have prepared for you:

“Tales of the Russian Forest” by O. Trushkina.

We all know: Russian forest

Full of wonderful fairy tales

About the bear and the fox,

About the hedgehog and the dragonfly,

About deer and beaver...

There is a lot of good in fairy tales!

If we don't take care of the forest,

Tear, saw, break and burn,

Then something bad will happen to him:

The water in the streams will dry up,

And the cuckoo on the bitch

He won’t sing his “Peek-a-boo.”

Hedgehog, squirrels and bunnies

They'll get bored without a lawn,

And the bear, fox and wolves

They will be sad in winter without a Christmas tree.

Bluebell and chamomile

Only in the forest they live and sing,

They grow and bloom.

Our kids should know

From stories and books:

We are the forests of our country

Must always be protected!

So that the food becomes green,

The bumblebees were ringing on the flowers,

In the thicket the lilies of the valley were blooming,

And mushrooms grew in the pine forests!

And believe me, then

Fairy tales will always live!

The kids will be able to do it for a long time

Listen to them in the silence of the forest.

The forest is not just for fun,

He is the wealth of the entire country.

All the trees and grass in it

Raised for our benefit.
